View Full Version : Star Wars fans hate Star Wars

Cat X
Jan 7th, 2008, 06:24:21 PM

I think I broke somethign laughing. And more impressively, because it's all true!

Especially loved this part -

The final main elixir of Star Wars folklore is the ever-growing library of Star Wars books. These have managed to make a complex main character our of practically every background alien seen in the movies, and expanded the universe into a colossal, self-contradictory maze. Star Wars fans hate this. We hate how trite and tired the books were getting before the New Jedi Order series, and we hate the New Jedi Order series for being so radically different, and not nearly trite or tired enough. Star Wars fans hate it when previously-deceased characters are brought back to life, but we also hate Timothy Zahn for not bringing his characters back to life. Star Wars fans did not hate Grand Admiral Thrawn, but we do now, because he is always dead. The Star Wars movies also contradict and completely ignore droves of information within the Star Wars books. Star Wars fans now know that George Lucas has no idea who Jaster Mareel is, and it makes us very angry. Star Wars fans hate Star Wars books.

Jan 7th, 2008, 06:35:46 PM
That article was friggin' brilliant!

Tri'ahna Zylary
Jan 7th, 2008, 06:54:41 PM
That is..... soooooooooooo true. And brilliant. I hate it that he managed to say it all so well.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:04:46 PM
I don't actually totally agree. I still really like the OT and anyone who disagrees can get banned. :mad

Ilias Nytrau
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:07:58 PM
I don't actually totally agree. I still really like the OT and anyone who disagrees can get banned. :mad

The tone of your message is unforgiving and cold, Morg. All ban and no cake make Jack a boy with no choices.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:15:01 PM
In some respects, I have to agree. I watched the entire 'saga' with my girlfriend recently, and I found myself wondering why I even like Star Wars. Some of the movies are awful - the dialogue is cringeworthy, the acting is wooden... but in spite of it all, I just can't fight the lure of the lightsaber.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:34:34 PM
Yeah, for the "New" movies I agree, they're largely awful. I thought the OT had some great moments though, and Empire is just a good movie :p

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:35:00 PM
No one better hate on my Original Trilogy. :mad

Kelly Perris
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:54:51 PM
My OT is my childhood. Don't destroy THAT too. |I

Kaast Dulli
Jan 7th, 2008, 07:58:51 PM
i love star wars. i love the fact that after i watch TESB i have to watch ROTJ. why, i am not sure, but i just do.

yes the newer movies have there flaws, but so did the ot. i love the vidoegames and the novels. granted some of the novels are a little stiff and repetative, but they are still good.

but the thing i like most is he faqct that 31 years later we all still have things to talk about. like who is cooler lando or han? like who would win in a fight dath maul of luke? there are so many wonderful things, i love all of it. (well, most of it. not TPM, no one likes that)

Darth Binky
Jan 8th, 2008, 12:57:09 AM
To be honest I hate every single thing about Star Wars and I've been saying it for years. When I was little the OT was rereleased in Theaters. I hated it, I thought it was boring and ridiculous and didn't make much sense. In short, the entire plot was deus ex machina in almost every movie. I found them insufferabley boring, and I only liked the fight scenes. When those scenes ended, I got angry because they ended stupidly.
I was 8.

New Trilogy came out, and I hated them all too, I had no interest in most of the plot because it made the few things in the OT less cool than they were. Fight scenes were a lot cooler, but still disappointing. I'd have to say that the movies were all terrible except for the clones shooting stuff.

I've never read the books. I tried reading one, and its as if someone took fanfiction off of LiveJournal and published it. I got maybe 20 pages in befoe I stopped caring and lost the book in a trash can. I also got he free comic book of Jango Fett in the NY Post, and thought that sucked too. Video games were ok, but I can honestly say I've only played a small handful.

So, why am I here, RPing on a SWs board? I'm a forum junkie and I like to write. Star Wars is a reasonabley well constructed universe, so its easier to RP in that most things, and its interesting what people do most often. It also forces me to write and excercise that part of creative muscle.

Mu Satach
Jan 11th, 2008, 11:52:49 AM
I just can't fight the lure of the lightsaber.

BINGO! And there we have it, if it wasn't for the wickedly coolio wha wha wha of the glow sticks that can slice you in half, would it have the same lure???

I find myself watching them once in a while mostly for the saber battles and the fighter dog fights... without those elements Star Wars would be regulated to that section of my brain that enjoys the campy mad hat horror that is <b>FLASH! AAAAHHHHHHH.....</b>