Will Serrot
Jan 5th, 2008, 12:55:39 PM
Name: Will Serrot
Call Sign: “Mookie”
Race: Human
Birth Planet: Dantooine
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 175lbs
Bio: Will is the offspring of Shea and Jose Serrot. Jose served as an assistant to the Senator from Dantooine in the Galactic Senate. Becausde of his father’s job Will spent most of his life on Coruscant. Will enjoyed the splendors of the capital planet attending the finest schools in the know universe. Will expressed an interest in a military career at a young age. Jose, an attentive and caring father enrolled his son at a prestigious military prep school. At the prep school Will excelled. He found structure and balance in the militaristic instruction.
After graduation from the prep school Will was excepted into the <st1><st1:placename w:st="on">Corulag</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Academy</st1:placetype></st1>, a very prestigious military college. Will was studying to become a TIE fighter pilot. He was an excellent pilot who excelled in dog fighting.
Like most college students, Will had a radical political view. He viewed the empire as an oppressive regime and joined a secret radical student union. The Academy discovered the union and its members expelled and jailed. En route to his court-martial Will and some of his union members escaped Corulag soon after the Battle of Yavin.
He has been on the run ever since
Call Sign: “Mookie”
Race: Human
Birth Planet: Dantooine
Height: 6 ft 1 in
Weight: 175lbs
Bio: Will is the offspring of Shea and Jose Serrot. Jose served as an assistant to the Senator from Dantooine in the Galactic Senate. Becausde of his father’s job Will spent most of his life on Coruscant. Will enjoyed the splendors of the capital planet attending the finest schools in the know universe. Will expressed an interest in a military career at a young age. Jose, an attentive and caring father enrolled his son at a prestigious military prep school. At the prep school Will excelled. He found structure and balance in the militaristic instruction.
After graduation from the prep school Will was excepted into the <st1><st1:placename w:st="on">Corulag</st1:placename> <st1:placetype w:st="on">Academy</st1:placetype></st1>, a very prestigious military college. Will was studying to become a TIE fighter pilot. He was an excellent pilot who excelled in dog fighting.
Like most college students, Will had a radical political view. He viewed the empire as an oppressive regime and joined a secret radical student union. The Academy discovered the union and its members expelled and jailed. En route to his court-martial Will and some of his union members escaped Corulag soon after the Battle of Yavin.
He has been on the run ever since