View Full Version : Silver Spirals and Moonlight Green Glows (Invite)
Razielle Alastor
Jan 1st, 2008, 10:38:15 PM
She'd found this spot a long time ago. In fact. she'd all but forgotten most of the details of her first trip to Iziz.
She'd only been a child then. She'd been evading her 'keepers'. She'd been running, then suddenly laughing as she rode the banister down spirals of stairs. Through one room, out the next. Hiding and giggling, causing everyone, including Adraudia who's bedroom she'd snuck out of, a world of trouble. When she'd finally lost them, she'd arrived at this exact spot.
There was a statue, with no marker, artfully displayed before a trio of enormous windows. The moonlight shining in through the windows cast it's visage in a green glow. She'd been enchanted. At the base of the statue there was a silver spiral in the tiles of the floor. It trailed off, vine-like down the hall, leading somewhere!
She had still been following it when they had finally caught up with her...
She had been escorted back to bed, dutifullly waiting until all was once more silent, before springing to action. She rolled over, poked Adraudia in the shoulder, waking her. She told her about the statue, but couldn't remember exactly how she'd gotten there, or where it had been. Princess Razielle was not one to make up stories, not to Adraudia at least, and she was incredibly animated about this one. So at the risk of getting into further trouble, they went out again to find the statue..
And here it was..
Razielle leaned against the wall, opposite the figure from her memory. Her ankles were crossed, her arms folded over her chest, as she stared. Had it just been a trick of the light, something more childhood fancy than memory? Or something more? The problem was.. she couldn't remember what happened next? Has they ever found it? Did they follow the path down the hall? Why couldn't she see it now?
Adraudia Basillie
Jan 4th, 2008, 09:53:10 AM
It was half past 10 o'clock and the Queen was ready to turn in for the night. The day was rather pleasant considering the Hapans and her people had remained civil to one another. In other words, everyone was staying sober and not fighting in a drunken stupor. Not that her people were allowing themselves to walk on Cannok egg shells, but given that the Queen was opening further trade with them, they were being more cautious.
As per protocol, Adraudia took a different route back to her chambers and found someone much to her delight. She saw the Princess laying against a wall by either studying the statue very intently or in deep thought. She wasn't sure which.
She waved her guards off and joined her sister. "What is on your mind tonight, Razielle?"
Adraudia felt no need to announce her presence. Both shared a common bond in the Force and Razielle would sense her aura immediately.
Razielle Alastor
Jan 7th, 2008, 10:28:11 AM
She waited until Adraudia had stopped just next to her before answering quietly, and with a hint of ill humor. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. And that, Majesty, is something."
Princess Razielle straightened, her expression immediately softening into the tranquil lines of her public personality. She faced the Queen and smiled, glad for the company, but not quite certain she wanted to bring up a silly childhood memory that Adraudia may not even recall. It was all a bit too ridiculous.
The Queen had much on her mind lately. Aside from the normal affairs of state, there was the Hapan presence to remain aware of. The still tender treaty with the Mandalorians. Small rumors of disquiet with the government itself, that were always crushed silent, shortly after starting.
Oh, and that devlish space captain who seemed to have willingly marooned himself for the present time.
Razielle grinned, reminding herself when the opportunity arose to pounce on that very topic with the Queen, but not now..
"Did you know, madame.. that this statue has no placard? I may be just the foreign relation, but I do not recall this fellow..."
Adraudia Basillie
Jan 9th, 2008, 09:41:09 PM
"Ah ..." Adraudia smiled as she walked up to the statue. "This is King Oron Kira. He was known as the 'Beast Prince', becoming Onderon's king after the Beast Wars were over. He is my direct descendant and lived over 4000 years ago."
The Queen ran her hand along the empty space where the placard used to be. "The statue has been here for as long as this palace has stood. It was damaged during one of our uprisings and it was restored ..."
She pointed out the cracks where Oron had 'lost' his head and arm, "... but the reason as to why the placard was never replaced was never known. So we keep it as such."
Razielle Alastor
Jan 12th, 2008, 10:03:54 AM
"Hmmm..", Was all Razielle could manage while they took a closer look at the likeness. The area where the placard, that had born the ancient King's identity had once been, was now a slightly different color than the rest of the piece. It did not look as though it had been damage, or forceably removed. It was just.. gone. Also, that very spot was where the trail of illuminated spirals had left the statue, begining their travels up the hall.
She would just have to do a bit more research on this particular sovreign and see what she could learn.
Not wanting to have Adraudia thinking that she'd lost her mind, Razielle made light of the situation. She switched easily from irritated interest, to jovial vixen.
"I do see the resemblance..", she said with a straight face, indicating the forbidding looking man. Then promptly let out a little laugh and hooked her arm through the Queen's.
"Forget it. I was merely interested. So where were you headed?"
Adraudia Basillie
Jan 13th, 2008, 05:38:23 PM
She smirked at the resemblance comment and walked down the hallway with her friend, the guard tailing close behind. "Heading to my chambers for rest. And what about you?"
Adraudia glanced at the Princess with her smirk growing. "And you? Or were you just simply catching up on my planet's history?"
Razielle Alastor
Jan 14th, 2008, 10:46:08 AM
"Let's just say I was chasing some ghosts of our childhood and they brought me here.."
Razielle had not expected company, but it seemed fated that the Queen had taken this route back to her own quarters tonight. Maybe, she could open the subject without sounding like a raving fool, after all.
"I don't recall much of my first visit here, all those years ago. I remember when we met that you and I were hesitant to run off and play together, like our Fathers wanted us to, for all of about five minutes. After that we were rarely seen apart." She smiled, recalling how afraid she had been that the slightly older Royal Miss might think she was dumb and not like her.
"The details are a trifle hazy.. Did we come here?" She gestured back toward the statue.
Adraudia Basillie
Jan 14th, 2008, 06:11:27 PM
Adraudia smiled fondly. "Yes. I recall those times well, but as far as I can remember, not a single meter of this Palace was left untouched by us."
She gazed the hallway they walked arm and arm in and laughed. "I think it was this hall that we hid amongst the armor and made them creak to scare the poor servants!"
Quite a few of them had fled down the stairs, practically toppling into her Father, claiming to have heard ghosts! It was all too much fun.
Razielle Alastor
Jan 24th, 2008, 10:25:48 PM
"Ahh.. yes. Now that, I do recall." She grinned. They had been quite the duo, even then.
Razielle had the distinct impression, as they headed further down the hall, that they were going in the opposite direction that they should be, to discover whatever secrets the ancient King held in his marble gaze. Her instincts had yet to fail her, and she resolved to return again, and begin her search anew.
Bidding Adraudia a good night, she sought her own bed and feel asleep with thoughts of the past..
The following day found Princess Shadana on a quest. Her search began not in hallowed halls of past royalty, but ensconced within the Iziz Royal library. The knowledge kept there ranged from the more recent, and more modern addition of datatapes and computerized cards to sub-levels that contained the original artifacts, tomes, scrolls and slates from heathen times.
She had begun her search first thing in the morning, sitting before a holovid history of the Basillie line, tracing back to the Queen's ancestors. It did not reveal as much as she would have hoped, but she did take note of names, dates and other leads to reference later.
When she did not arrive for lunch, Lira came looking for her bearing a small tray with fruit and cheese. Purely to give the stubborn Princess some sort of fuel to keep her going. She found the lady in question, slumped over a book depicting the sucession of Oron Kira's bloodline. Small glasses were perched, just-so on the end of her nose. Lira had never seen the Princess wear glasses before and strongly suspected that they were purely for the quaint effect. She didn't wish to wake Razielle in the middle of her great effort to hold down the dusty old book, so she set the tray down and quietly left her mistress to her..
Adraudia Basillie
Jan 26th, 2008, 10:45:10 AM
Adraudia had a few hours before the delegation from Hapes were to meet with her again. Then she had another meeting with Mandalore to discuss punishment arrangements for two men that had started a fist fight at the Thirsty Boma. It was one of her citizens and a Mandalorian. Who started it didn't matter, they were both drunk and throwing insults at one another.
But what caught her attention was Lira, Razielle's aide, walking down the hallway.
"Lira?" She called out.
The girl stopped and curtsied. "Yes your Majesty?"
"Where has the Princess been all morning? She usually meets me for breakfast and her presence was missed."
"Her Highness is in the library."
"The library?" She queried, wondering what on Onderon she could be doing in there. Lira merely nodded. "Thank you, Lira. Carry on. I'll pop in and see what our Princess is up to."
Victer Dejan
Jan 27th, 2008, 11:23:14 PM
Victer was spending an hour a day in Onderon's Royal Library, learning about the history of the world and it's laws. It was a rather expansive room, occupying two floors and nearly 8000 tightly packed square meters. Victer went to return a history of Onderon's early laws.
Razielle was face down in front of a book. One hand slipped to a blaster as he approached, but when she groaned quietly, he knew there was no foul play. The Princess had fallen asleep.
"Princess Razielle." Victer said, quietly. She did not respond. The woman was exhausted. Victer discretely tapped the table near her head. It was subtle, but effective.
"Nummhhuuh?" Her eyes were winced shut and then opened. Her pale face was framed with black hair, her eyes blue, nearly indigo. Not his preference, but stunning, nonetheless. She looked shocked, for an instant, but calmed.
Victer smiled. The Princess collected herself quickly.
"Might I suggest her Highness try and get more sleep?" He said quietly, politely.
Razielle Alastor
Jan 28th, 2008, 12:33:00 PM
"You may suggest it, but it's doubtful I'll listen..", she covered up a yawn, with the back of her hand, then grinned up at Captain Dejan.
She had liked Victer from the first day he'd arrived, and had decided that propriety be damned, he was going to be her friend. Nevermind the fact that subtle changes had come over Adraudia the longer Victer remained. She knew the signs well, seeing them in herself everytime she looked in the mirror.
That was the term commonly used, she grinned to herself. They could keep it on the sly all they wanted, but Razielle was not fooled.
"I've been doing a little research..", she nodded to the pile of books and tapes beside her on the table, only just then noticing the little plate of food.
"Bless you, Lira..", she muttered, picking up a slice of fruit and sitting up, effecting a more dignified posture.
Victer Dejan
Feb 7th, 2008, 07:12:23 PM
Victer and Razielle hadn't really talked beyond passing hellos in hallways. Victer knew, however, that she always had eyes for Salem. He answered her grin with a raised eyebrow.
He watched Razielle satiate some of her appetite, and she motioned for him to sit. Victer theoretically had many other things he should be doing. However, it was not often that Razielle made any time for strangers, and that was what they essentially were. He sat.
"May I ask the Princess what she is looking for?" He inquired. He did not see her down in the library often. It was likely important.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 7th, 2008, 08:54:12 PM
"Well.. it started out as a little research on this fellow."
Razielle raised up in the seat a bit and slid the book around so that it faced Victer. There was a likeness on the page, an artists rendering of the statue that was giving her so much trouble, not a portrait of the man himself. The statue in the picture still had the name plate, but the book was hundreds of years old so it was hardly usefull in securing the missing piece today.
"King Oron Kira.. He was a most interesting distant relative of our Queen's.."
Victer Dejan
Feb 7th, 2008, 09:23:23 PM
"I read about him briefly in one of the histories. Settled the Beast Wars. Rather remarkable, considering how long the two sides were at each other's throats. A lynchpin in this world's history." Victer said as he studied the picture.
"So what about the statue interests you?"
Razielle Alastor
Feb 7th, 2008, 09:41:58 PM
'I once saw it light up like a neon sign, bright green and there was a ghostly trail of silver leaves twining off from it's base down the hall to some unknown treasure!'
The thought rang in her brain with a sarcastic tone.. Seriously.. What could she possibly say that would not make her sound crazy. If she couldn't get the words out to the Queen, who'd been there, how would she explain the event to Victer?
"It's missing the name plate. No one seems to know where it went, or why.. Or when, or how it was removed. I know that doesn't seem like that major of a disturbance, considering the age of the statue.. but!", she fumbled around with some other books, until she found the one she was seeking and plopped it on top of the first.
"He was supposed to have had some singular items in his possesion. They were believed to have been part of the inheritance of his heiress, Queen Talia."
Victer Dejan
Feb 7th, 2008, 11:29:58 PM
Singular items? Victer rubbed his chin in thought. She was not only interested in those special items. There was more to this than Razielle was letting on. The Princess did not visit the Royal Library very often. It's stocks were mostly historical, and the Princess' focus tended to be much more modern. Something must have caught Razielle's fancy to an extreme.
"Well, have you ever seen the statue with the name plate intact? That would narrow the date down quite a bit."
Razielle Alastor
Feb 8th, 2008, 02:29:29 PM
"Honestly.. I can't remember.", she looked around as if making sure they had relative privacy.
"I've asked Adraudia about it, but she doesn't seem to know when it went missing either. When I was done here I was going to ask around with some of the staff, the ones who have been on hand for many years, if they could recall anything specific about it's dissapearance."
She was leaving some details out, details about what exactly she speculated might be missing. That information was the Queen's birthright, if indeed it still exhisted at all, by right of succession. No trinkets, no hidden chest of jewels..
No, what Razielle was so excited about was something far more valuable..
Victer Dejan
Feb 9th, 2008, 11:13:53 AM
Victer thought about it for a second.
"Are the library's contents indexed? We could go through anything with illustrations and mentions of Oron Kira, say, within the last hundred years." It felt rather last ditch. He suspected the thread they would be following would be thinner than that.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 9th, 2008, 01:12:18 PM
"Indexed... hmmm...", she hopped up from the chair, walking around the table, to inspect a long carved wooden box that seemed to match some of the more aged of the books sprawled around.
"Well, this is supposed to be a record of these books..", she opened it and ran the pads of her fingers over the hundreds of little hand-written cards sealed within.
"I didn't find much in the holo-archives, to be quite honest. The last I saw that these were used was by the Queen's father, years ago.."
Razielle stopped suddenly, in thought. Years ago? Right around the time that she'd seen the statue's mysterious glow... She got a patch of goosebumps on her skin. Where was the Queen?! Surely Adraudia must recall something..
Adraudia Basillie
Feb 10th, 2008, 02:16:53 PM
"What about my father?" Adraudia asked quizzically and stole a piece of fruit off of Razielle's plate.
"Ah," she bit off a piece and chewed, nodding in a little more understanding. "Old research of my father's. And I see you've drawn Victer into your scholastic interests."
Her Majesty smiled briefly at her Advisor. "She told you of what we found?"
Victer Dejan
Feb 10th, 2008, 06:02:17 PM
"My Queen." Victer bowed politely. Adraudia had to keep from rolling her eyes and sighing. With a nod of her head, he straightened.
"Not so much. Razielle is holding her cards rather close. She said something about an object of interest, but did not elaborate." Victer said and smiled. Adraudia gave him the right sort of goosebumps. Razielle feigned innocence.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 10th, 2008, 08:33:35 PM
"Objects..", Razielle clarified with a slight smirk.
She could hardly expect Victer to share her enthusiasm, but the Queen was another matter. The nature of what she thought they might be on the verge of discovering was an allure that students, such as themselves, would be hard pressed to not be entranced by.
To add to the relish of the moment, it was begining to look like a fair bit of legwork may have already been done for them, by the former King. Things long forgotten whispered from the back of her mind, buried deep under the passage of time. She felt like she should know the next logical step to take, but didn't know why, or what that step was.
"Your Father, Majesty.. was onto something." She ran her fingertips over the lid of the index box again and the carved image on it's surface, frustrated but determined..
Adraudia Basillie
Feb 12th, 2008, 06:09:03 PM
Adraudia's father whispered secrets about their ancestors, it was Salem who enlightened her Majesty further when he set foot upon Onderon so many years ago as Adviser. Unfortunately, her father never told her of any family secrets or objects that had been bequeathed down the Royal line.
"My Father was not one to share his secrets to me." Her reply was somber. She felt ashamed that it was not she who was doing this research. The Queen had merely put off Razielle's interest at the statue as mere reminiscence and curiosity. She was obviously quite wrong.
Victer Dejan
Feb 12th, 2008, 08:06:13 PM
That was unfortunate, since Adraudia would have potentially had valuable family information.
"Any ideas where to start looking? Who to ask? Any notes that your Father may have kept?" In some cases it was easier to beg for forgiveness than ask permission, but he suspected it was already greenlighted. Victer, for all his research otherwise (mostly into trade law) was not well versed with Onderon's history and it's intracacies and rumors.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 12th, 2008, 08:42:17 PM
Razielle was very much tuned in to the sudden disruption of Adraudia's emotions. The Queen was almost.. closed down.. from some internal regret or pain, she wasn't sure which. Had they been alone Razielle would have been a bit more dramatic about the whole thing. Perhaps jumped up and down, pointing at the picture of the statue, yelling 'I told you it was glowing!' in her squeaky voice from childhood..
As it happened, a bit more decorum was called for and the truth be told.. Razielle felt a tad out of her element. Yes, she had come across something grand, but this was not her legacy. The glory to be found at the end of the trail of crumbs was not her own. It belonged to Adraudia, but she would do whatever she could to help her claim it.
"Well to be perfectly honest, I've hit a dead end myself. I thought for sure I would find something else here, but I can't seem to go any further. Well.. that and I've been at it since before breakfast..", she admitted with a blush, recalling the state Victer had found her in.
"Perhaps a fresh pair of eyes would be the very thing! Besides, I need a break, and I need to go and speak with.. Salem.", her embarassed little smile turned slightly wicked, but she slid Adraudia a glance that clearly spoke volumes.
Their Master needed to be apprised of the situation, he may even know something they were missing. It would also give the Queen time with Victer..
Win - win situation for sure..
Adraudia Basillie
Feb 16th, 2008, 10:54:37 AM
"Very well ..." She said dryly and sat down, looking amongst the materials spread out unsure of where to start. "Perhaps my good Adviser can offer me a place to begin since he has been present since well before I arrived."
Adraudia was determined now. If her ancestors had left objects hidden within Iziz, she would find them. Not only would it honor her Father, but it would give her more power to wield against Onderon's enemies and carve out more of the galaxy for her people.
Victer Dejan
Feb 16th, 2008, 12:13:48 PM
Victer's face twisted a little. Sadly, Razielle knew the most right now.
"Well, your Majesty, I was going to check the index from the past 100 years for pictures of statue until I found a difference in pictures where the plaque was missing. It would at least give us a starting date."
Adraudia Basillie
Feb 19th, 2008, 03:40:02 PM
"That would be kind of you, Captain." The usual joking and alluring tone that Victer had become accustomed to when alone together was no where to be found. The Queen was tense and focused on research that her Father had looked over years prior.
Salem Ave
Feb 19th, 2008, 06:54:05 PM
There was a knock upon the door of the Prime Minister's study. Salem looked up from the paperwork spread across his desk, his expression still a picture of concentration.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 19th, 2008, 07:52:33 PM
Stepping into the room and closing the doors behind her, Razielle covered a yawn and approached. Walking around behind the desk, she leaned a hip against the heavy piece of furniture and folded her arms over her chest. She looked both tired and vexed, but for a long time she didn't say anything, still not really sure how to go about explaining the whole thing.
"What do you know about Oron Kira...?" She finally asked..
Salem Ave
Feb 20th, 2008, 08:08:20 AM
That the Princess did not seem gleeful at the prospect of spending a private moment with her Prime Minister spoke volumes about her visit. Razielle was there to talk business, and rather intriguing business at that.
“Oron Kira? He was the son of the Beast Lord, and the last great King of Onderon – though that is more a matter of personal opinion than historical fact. Needless to say, he served as the catalyst for a great deal of change on this planet...”
Salem's head canted to one side as he studied his apprentice. “Why?”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 20th, 2008, 09:33:53 AM
Razielle sat in silent deliberation for a long time. She had recently arrived at the first time in her life that she was comfortable on all levels. Something like content. She didn't keep anything from Salem. So trying to rationalize a reason now for keeping silent on the topic of what had started this whole scavenger hunt, would only leave her talking in circles later.
It was just.. so long ago and so, admittedly, hard to believe. "When I was younger..", she started quietly.
In the end she figured that stating the facts from the begining was her best option. She told him about how she had come upon the statue, caught in the moonlight and glowing green. She mentioned in detail the way the way the silver-white twirls of ivy seemed to illuminate the hall and lead to somewhere.. She told him, what she could recall, of trying to find the statue again with the Queen, but not recalling what had happened then..
"I thought it was just a dream. Until I happened upon the statue again. It compelled me to start some... research, I suppose you could call it.. It seems that Oron Kira was the last to inherrit some rather interesting items of old.. from Ommin's time, actually. His successor, Queen Talia, has no record of these items ever coming in her possesion. So, as it stands, at some point they went missing. I don't know if they were simply stolen, lost, or somehow otherwise concealed."
Salem Ave
Feb 21st, 2008, 06:14:59 PM
Salem considered the information for a moment. Queen Talia's reign had been one plagued by turmoil, almost over-thrown by military coup. Those many years ago, there had been Jedi and Sith alike on Onderon, both vying to win influence and favor from the crown, knowing full-well that the royal family were direct descendants of the Dark Lord Freedon Nadd. There were many rumors about the dark secrets that the palace held, the skeletons in the royal closet... Ave touched two fingertips to his chin in thought.
“Items? Do you know what these items were – are, even?”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 21st, 2008, 07:19:06 PM
A mischievious grin danced on her lips.. "Of course I do.."
From beneath the lace covered sleeve of her dress, she pulled out a torn sheaf of parchment, little more than half a page, charred along one side. It was a pictoral documentary of items that had been sealed away, separate from the royal treasury, but not a clue as to where. There were two depictions of swords. One was straight-bladed, decorated with script that brought to mind chains of lightning. The other was a curved scimitar, the runes across it's surface unknown to her, but she knew them to be associated with the time of Ommin's rule. The last corner of the page held the likeness of jeweled amulet. Beside it, the figure of person covering their ears, as if to block out sound. The page was written over with a warning, in a much more modern, but still obsolete form of Onderonian.
That much she could decipher: Dark Magic.
"I think this may only be part of what has gone missing."
Salem Ave
Feb 21st, 2008, 08:03:27 PM
It was not in Salem's nature to jump to conclusions – that would be far too rash – but part of him could not help but wonder whether the swords and amulets depicted were more than bejeweled trinkets. It was possible, however unlikely, that they were heirlooms of the Force, taken or hidden because of their power. The Prime Minister allowed himself a moment longer to indulge the boyish fancy before righting himself, laying down the scrap of paper on the desk before him.
“Fascinating... but how will you ever find them?”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 21st, 2008, 10:31:13 PM
She pushed away from the desk. "We will find them, because we will not be the first to try and do so. I've just come from the library. All morning I've been at this, starting with nothing more than dates, but then things began to fit togther. I realized, I was not the first one to compile that information.."
As Razielle went on excitedly, she had walked over to the side of the room and appeared to be counting off paces along the wall, as if in measurement of something.. She paused in her estimations to glance back over at Salem. "The Queen's father was already seeking it."
Salem Ave
Feb 23rd, 2008, 11:06:11 AM
“Was he,” Salem said, his words a musing statement rather than a question.
His eyes followed Razielle as she moved about the room, apparently restless from excitement.
“I take it he was no more successful than you have already been.”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 23rd, 2008, 01:14:33 PM
"I'm not certain yet. I'd only just come to that conclusion." She didn't seem to be concerned with the fact at all. Razielle stopped several feet away, visualizing some as yet unseen detail, nodding..
Then she returned her attention to the Prime Minister. "The Queen has picked it up where I left off, trying to work from what her father had already put together. I'm certain she knows his methods better than I do. We're to meet later on and see if anything else of note is turned up."
She returned to her original position, leaning against the desk, arms folded.. "So you think we won't find anything..?"
Salem Ave
Feb 23rd, 2008, 02:36:12 PM
Salem folded his hands together and regarded Razielle for a moment, silent and austere. When he spoke, his words were slow and tempered.
“I don't believe I expressed such an opinion.”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 23rd, 2008, 03:40:17 PM
"Right. True enough.."
Salem not intrigued, or Salem intrigued but being reserved..? Hmmm..
It didn't matter really. She would continue to put her spare time into the research. Anything further that she did come across, she would report to him anyway, and he knew that. She glanced at her delicate, silver wrist-chrono, sighing impatiently as if time were against her.
Obviously pondering some great matter, she tapped her lip, then smiled. Razielle, having great care this time for the much abused items across Salem's desk, simply slid away anything that could be in peril and perched herself right in front of him, getting cozy.
"There is something about that statue though.."
Salem Ave
Feb 23rd, 2008, 07:37:54 PM
“I must confess, it never caught my attention.” Salem smiled, as if to say 'good work', impressed that Razielle had discovered something he had overlooked. “I have always suspected that there would be... hidden treasures here, somewhere. I imagine finding them will simply be a matter of persistence.”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 23rd, 2008, 08:48:29 PM
"Persistence..?" Razielle couldn't help but smile a bit at that.
She leaned forward slowly, as if imparting a grand secret, her breath teasing the side of his neck. "Why, Prime Minister.. didn't you know? Persistence is one of my more lauded virtues."
Salem Ave
Feb 24th, 2008, 07:09:20 PM
“How could I fail to notice,” Salem touched one hand to Razielle's cheek in gentle caress, drawing her nearer.
“Your determination is... commendable.”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 24th, 2008, 09:57:53 PM
"Thank you..", she whispered, before hungrily nibbling at the Prime Minister's lips.
Her scandalous carress was halted, by another summons, from beyond the study doors. Razielle leaned back slowly from the embrace and grinned in a naughty manner.
"I got you a present.", she announced. Knowing full well who was on the opposite side of the door. It was her doing. She sauntered back over to a more seemly side of the desk, taking a seat.
Salem Ave
Feb 26th, 2008, 07:45:39 PM
A present... a surprise. The Prime Minster did not like surprises. Salem cleared his throat, and called out for whoever outside to enter.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 26th, 2008, 11:06:19 PM
The floor steward entered, somewhat cautiously. Razielle glanced over askance at the poor fellow, almost pitying him what she had put him up to. "Pardon me, Prime Minister...", he started, making a very formal nod, and looking extremely official..
She gave him a look of encouragement, and her most winnning smile.
"We've recently received new shipments of imported furniture to replace some of the pieces in several rooms, as part of the preparations for the most important delegation." He seemed to be running on rather long, Razielle gave him an arch look.
"Her Highness..", he made a little devoted nod to her, .."was kind enough to point out that it would be remiss if we did not discuss the possibility that you might desire addtional provisions for your own study.."
Salem Ave
Feb 28th, 2008, 06:50:21 PM
“That will not be necessary,” Salem stated plainly, but even as the worlds were spoken, more attendants arrived – this time with the very additions that the steward had spoken of.
Razielle Alastor
Feb 28th, 2008, 08:18:20 PM
"Absolutely unnecessary." Razielle agreed with a nod. Her hands gripped the chair, as she sat staring at an attendant who was carrying a large black vase.
She rose quickly, starting toward the hapless attendant. "You, sir.. Where did this lot come from? I only requested the one piece."
"From the docks, Your Highness." He shifted the vase, trying to make a bow, but nearly dropped it in his efforts. "It's a matched set, my lady."
"Right." She tapped her chin. "Well it's all got to go. Everything except what I specifically requested."
She pivoted, rounding on the Prime Minister again with an angelic smile. "Did you know, that in matters of interpersonal relations ( nothing says; 'I am the master and this is my lair..', " she gestured around the room, at large.
"....quite like Corellian leather." She stopped, folded her hands before her and muttered. "Very charming, black.. Corellian leather.." and then she was quiet. Razielle wasn't seriously going to tangle with his intricate web, she was merely.. poking at it a bit.
Yes, that was it, just like wanton prey. She hid a wicked grin.
Salem Ave
Feb 29th, 2008, 06:33:35 AM
Specifically requested? Salem looked at Razielle with one eyebrow arched. Two men entered, carrying a luxurious Corellian leather divan. They stood awkwardly for a moment, their arms tense from the weight. The Prime Minister frowned faintly, then looked down to his desk, calling to hand some item of business.
“Very well,” he said, distractedly. “Put it... somewhere.”
Razielle Alastor
Feb 29th, 2008, 08:22:47 AM
After making a little nod of pleased compliance, Razielle turned and directed the men to the exact spot she'd had in mind. If it were up to her she might have kept one of the rugs, another chair and a sidetable.. but she wasn't going to press her luck. Really, this was the only piece she'd been interested in. Lasciviously so..
When it had been arranged, and they were alone again she returned to the desk, to assess the damage. Offhand, she would say, it could have been worse. After all, it would have required nothing more than a look, a dismissive wave and a 'No...', from Salem for the matter to have been concluded, not in her favor.
Her desire to return to exactly where they had left off, and her fear of being in trouble for her actions combined pleasantly. Not really detering her, but she was ever so slightly more submissive.
Salem Ave
Mar 1st, 2008, 01:27:20 PM
“It is no wonder,” Salem began, without looking up, “that you have been unable to locate the palace's lost treasures... if you are spending your free time fussing over furniture.”
Razielle Alastor
Mar 2nd, 2008, 01:24:41 AM
"Mmmm, that? No.." She came around behind his chair and folded her arms across the back, resting her chin on them and bending slightly at the waist.
"That wasn't fussing over furniture.. That was the very fruitful rewards of an initial foray, into the subtle art of using suggestion and charm, as a means of attaining a specific end. Complete selfishness on my part, but inspired with the most expedient and thoughtful reasoning in mind."
Razielle leaned forward, stealing a peek. "Fruitful only because you didn't protest much..."
Victer Dejan
Mar 2nd, 2008, 02:46:31 PM
Victer nodded, and headed for one of the index terminals. With only ten hits in the last hundred years, his search was straightforward, so long as it yeilded something. He noted the catalog numbers and went to work. The first hit yeilded nothing of use. The statue was in the background and it was not possible to see if the plate was there or not. Things were better from there on out. Each hit, progressively newer, continued to show that the statue's nameplate was present.
The newest was 30 years ago, a picture of the former King and Queen, hands embraced before their ancestors. The plate was present. Victer returned the art tome to it's shelf. So it's dissapearance was recent.
Salem Ave
Mar 6th, 2008, 08:18:21 PM
“I'm beginning to think that any protest would be a waste of breath... I'm not sure you know the meaning of the word 'no'.”
Salem paused for a moment – allowing the words to settle – before turning his head, slightly. There was a hint of a smile on his lips.
Razielle Alastor
Mar 7th, 2008, 11:56:02 AM
"I do.. I just prefer to ignore it from most people, in favor of determination and persistence." Because she so beguiled by Salem's every little genuine smile, Razielle leaned over again, pressing a soft kiss, to the corner of his lips.
"While you are being so benevolent...", she whispered..
"Would you care to join me later, to see if Adraudia found anything suggesting that we should continue with our efforts?" Razielle just knew that they would find something new and it seemed important that Salem should be involved..
Salem Ave
Mar 7th, 2008, 05:54:11 PM
Benevolent... the world made his smile grow.
“Certainly. Perhaps we should return to the library now.”
Razielle Alastor
Mar 15th, 2008, 08:54:55 PM
Razielle froze in thought.. She'd only just left the library and although she did not doubt her Queen's ability to uncover some new intriguing bits of information, she had no desire to return to find them out, not just yet.
Never mind the fact that she was quite certain that Adraudia and Victer could find more than one way to spend a few stolen moments.. She grinned wickedly, then slid into the Prime Minister's lap, wrapping her slender arms around him as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her to do so.
"Oh no.. we mustn't! The Queen has.. things to do.. before we can grill her for more information."
Salem Ave
Mar 29th, 2008, 12:26:37 PM
“Does she.”
Salem arched an eyebrow, drawing Razielle in closer with an arm at her waist.
“I get the distinct impression that you intend on keeping me here for other, less academic purposes.”
Razielle Alastor
Mar 29th, 2008, 06:21:38 PM
Academic! She grinned at the thoughts the word inspired.
"We could be very academic. I'm nothing if not your rapt, attentive student.." Snuggling closer, she had the thought that she could sit and exchange banter with Salem until they were both covered in layers of dust..
Unfortunately because she was such a very good student, she had to give him her insight when called for, this was one of those times..
"Actually, I was just thinking to give her some time with Victer..." , she attempted some delicacy..
Salem Ave
Mar 29th, 2008, 08:01:27 PM
The Prime Minister began to tilt his head to the side very slowly.
Razielle Alastor
Mar 30th, 2008, 12:30:23 PM
"Well.. she hasn't come right out and confided anything to me." Razielle looked positively put out over that fact..
"I just get the feeling there is more between the Queen and her newest advisor than cost effective shipping routes.."
She didn't want to be a talebearer, not when it came to Adraudia, but Victer's presence would raise questions, especially considering what it was they were looking for, and Razielle was not about to start keeping things from Salem. She wasn't that stupid..
Salem Ave
Apr 2nd, 2008, 12:28:03 PM
“You get the feeling?” Salem repeated, his eyes fixing hard with Razielle's.
Razielle Alastor
Apr 2nd, 2008, 08:21:25 PM
She had a sudden desire to squirm under the scrutiny in Salem's white-eyed gaze.
"I can not tell you more than that. Can not, not will not. It's just a feeling I get when I see them together. Something unspoken, but still there.. I just thought you should know."
It was up to Adraudia to decide to inform their master of her attachment to the captain turned advisor, or not. Then again, Razielle could just be seeing her own happiness and desire projected onto her Queen..
..but she doubted it.
Salem Ave
Apr 2nd, 2008, 08:36:25 PM
Salem appeared to consider this for a moment. He was a man who, whilst secretive himself, did not appreciate the reticence of others. Victer Dejan was a variable essentially beyond his control and influence. To think he was, in some way, infiltrating the meticulous design which Salem had inscribed upon Onderon did not please the Prime Minister in the least. The Princess was the Queen's closest confidant, and if she did not know what was going on...
“I will have to discuss... this with Adraudia another time, then,” he said, at last, his eyes returning to Razielle.
“Now, our academic pursuits...”
Razielle Alastor
Apr 2nd, 2008, 08:57:33 PM
Her smiled returned, instantly. Razielle's fingers curled around Salem's nape, as she leaned closer still, to purr her assent against his neck, eager student of the academics that she was..
"Yes.. what shall be my lesson today, Master..?"
Salem Ave
Apr 10th, 2008, 05:56:05 AM
“I had thought we might try a different approach today,” he mused, smiling to himself. “And see what you have left to teach me.”
Razielle Alastor
Apr 10th, 2008, 09:34:40 AM
Her smile deepened against his skin, one finger slid into the immaculately arranged tie around his neck, loosening it by measures until it was untied and slid free in her grasp. She draped it around her own shoulders for safe keeping and resumed her crusade to remove Salem's clothing a piece at a time..
"Well.. I don't have much experience, teaching..." One by one buttons were popping open..
"I could just tell you what I want, instead..", her lips moved from his throat to the bare skin revealed by the quickly opening shirt..
Salem Ave
Apr 15th, 2008, 05:15:10 AM
Salem rolled his head back a little, the ghost of a smile still on his lips.
“Go on...”
Razielle Alastor
Apr 16th, 2008, 06:00:14 AM
Oblivious to any wrinkles she might be causing, Razielle grabbed the collars of Salem's shirt and pulled the sleeves down as far as his elbows, playfully trapping his arms for a moment and pulling him forward to her. After nipping his bare shoulder with her little white teeth she continued on with her day's list of perverse demands..
"Take me over there..", she nodded to the newly arrived couch.. "and..." Her provacative words were growled against his ear.. suggestive and hot, but for him alone, not even the office was treated to the twist of her mind..
"Until we both..." Squirming a bit more urgently against him she made a path for the other much neglected side of him and gave it the same attention, whispering her desires, while her hands left the shirt and started wandering lower..
"Now.", she concluded....
Adraudia Basillie
May 17th, 2008, 07:42:40 AM
Back in the Library ...
Adraudia poured over the pages of literature that Razielle had pulled from the shelves. All were of a delicate nature, their bindings on them beginning to fray but the Princess had been kind enough to dust them off already. Still, now and again as her Majesty turned the pages, a cloud of dust would puff out and force her to sneeze.
Her work was barely productive, managing only to conclude that her Father had checked this out decades prior to now as the Princess stated. The statue continued to remain a mystery, and it was disheartening.
"Beggin' yer pardon, yer Majesty. Might I have a word with ye?" The voice was an old woman's voice that still carried a jubilant tone despite her age.
Adraudia looked up with a polite smile, "I am rather busy Gayle. Perhaps another time?"
Gayle was the oldest living Librarian of the Palace. She was just a teenager when her Father, King Kelrune, was running around Iziz as a young child. Although wrinkles scarred her face heavily, the warmth received by those twinkling blue eyes spoke of great wisdom, patience and compassion for all those blessed in speaking to her. She was the adopted grandmother of everyone in the Palace.
"Well, yer Majesty. That's what I want ta talk ta you about. What yer researching." She huddle closer to whisper. "If ye follow me, we can talk more."
Gayle slowly turned around and began to walk towards her office slowly with assistance from her cane. She was already at the door when she turned around to see a stunned Queen still sitting at the table with piles of books like a teenager caught speaking out of turn at school.
"Come now," she beckoned with urgency, and the Queen was a mixture of confusion and curiosity as she followed.
Victer Dejan
May 20th, 2008, 08:45:10 PM
Victer caught a glance of Adraudia as she rounded the corner, out of sight.
"My Queen." Victer said, catching up to her. "The plaque's dissapearance is recent."
The old librarian turned and regarded Victer for a moment. She had aquainted him with the law and history sections of the library. They hadn't talked much, but when they had Victer found Gayle's input invaluable. He also knew she got out more than she let on, and subtly solicited her advice on several occasions.
"Oh, come along you two."
Adraudia Basillie
May 23rd, 2008, 04:28:39 PM
Her Majesty and the Captain humbly stepped inside as Gayle closed the door behind them. As soon as she locked the door, the old Librarian shook a gnarled finger at Victer. "Of course it's recent!"
That declaration stunned the Queen and stared at her old friend with unblinking eyes for more information.
"Sit. Sit so I can explain." Gayle hobbled across the floor and took a moment's pause to pet the snake like tail of Rebert, her imported Fynock. The exotic bird chirp and hissed at his master in greeting, curling it's long leathery tail around her wrist.
Adraudia was besides herself with impatience, but managed to keep that to herself. It is a time honored skill one develops as they are groomed to be Queen. Finally Gayle sat down slowly into her chair and sighed with relief. "Me old bones can't take too much walking around and such. Now ..."
She locked eyes with Victer and pointed her cane at him from across the desk. "Don't mistake me fer not knowing what is afoot. If'n I get one word of ye acting out o'line with my Adraudia here, there'll be hell ta pay."
The Queen stifled a chuckle.
Victer Dejan
May 28th, 2008, 06:07:52 PM
Victer paled a little. He knew Gayle was well informed, but apparently Razielle's and Adraudia's handmaidens were keeping her up-to-date on more intimate details.
Victer cleared his throat. "Of course."
"Please, continue." Adraudia beamed. It wasn't very often she saw Gayle get to bare her claws, or see Victer taken aback. He hid it well, but the Queen knew him well enough to know that the shot across the bow had been noted.
"Your Father," Gayle began, "went on the same treasure hunt your Princess caught wind of. Actually got her in here, can't say I'm displeased." Adraudia restrainted herself from fidgeting in anticipation.
"You'll 'ave to indulge an old woman a little..." Gayle smiled.
"Yes. Of course, do go on." Adruadia.
"Yer Father passed along that knowledge t'me, t'make sure what his notes and his father's notes didn' have to be wrung out of some secret compartment four generations down, buildin' on yer notes." Gayle petted the Fynock as she spoke.
"Yes?" Adraudia could no longer contain herself, and had started to play with her dress.
"So we 'id the plaque."
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 2nd, 2008, 06:50:42 PM
"What?" Adraudia was completely taken aback by this news. Her father had consorted with Gayle in hiding it! "But why?" That was meant to be more of a thought then anything. She hadn't realized that it had been blurted out.
"Come on now, deary." Rebert squawked happily and then started to clean his wing. "Ye've git t'know th' reason why."
Gayle turned around with a cheeky grin. "It's not tha' 'ard ta figure out."
Her Majesty narrowed her eyes and took pause and almost immediately bursted out with mirth. "I am a fool. To find you of course. Since you know exactly what we're looking for."
"Hmm. Nae quite." She shook a finger at Adraudia with amusement. "Yer close tho. Ah honestly 'aven't ah clue as t'what yer father found. Bu' ah kin give ye wha' ye need t'find it. 'ere."
Gayle hobbled over to the other side of her office towards a very old oil painting of Queen Galia, one of Adraudia's direct ancestors. There she sat upon her throne all alone and ever watchful. Her beauty was captured quite vividly by the artist. Her long hugged at her shoulders until it was hidden behind her back. The red and orange dress brought out the texture in her eyes.
"Victer dear. Kin ye be so kind and 'elp an' old woman remove this please?" Gayle pet the finely polished wood that served as a frame. "Wha' ah need t'git ye is behind 'ere."
Victer Dejan
Jun 7th, 2008, 06:24:47 PM
Victer rose from his chair. He gingerly removed the painting and set it aside. He noted how similiar this portrait's eyes were to Adraudia's.
The painting had hid a safe. It was secured by a very heavy duty padlock. Victer found this a little confusing, but the fact of the matter is that if someone managed to find it, they would probably remove the safe from the wall and crack it anyway.
Gayleremoved a key from her desk. She held the key for a moment and shuffled to the safe.
"Don'tcha want ta see, dearest?" She asked Adraudia.
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 10th, 2008, 07:17:37 AM
Her Majesty rose from her chair and with uncharacteristic timidity, walked towards the safe. Gayle was pleased by this and started to undo the lock.
"There nae much inside. Some possessions o'mine tha' are family heirlooms. Priceless t'me, bu' may fetch ah pretty price in th' market. However, wha' ye wan' is this."
Gnarled hands pulled out a beautiful silver ladened key. There was a tiny emerald placed in the center at the handle, which almost looked as if it were in the shape of a crown, and small amounts of gold were woven throughout the rest of it.
"This will git ye wha' ye need, deary." Gayle placed the key in Adraudia's hand and closed it, patting it softly. "Th' vault. Ye be findin' wha' ye need in t'vault."
Her eyes widened in surprise. The vault that Gayle spoke of was where the deceased Kings and Queens possessions were safely stored. Only the heir to the throne has access to the vault, but it was apparent that a special box or safe was within to which this key belonged to.
Could it be so easy? Had her Father's plan worked so perfectly that his daughter could easily find the treasures of her ancestors long since buried?
Salem Ave
Jun 14th, 2008, 01:24:52 PM
It was sometime later when they emerged from The Prime Ministers office. Pausing in the corridor just beyond the threshold, Razielle reached up to straighten Salem's tie, smoothing out a kink in his collar. He smiled, tight-lipped, and they were on their way.
The plan was to meet with Adraudia and, lamentably, Victer to discuss what further revelations had been inspired by their time in the library. They walked side by side, though not hand in hand, and upon arriving found that they were somewhat early. Salem removed his jacket, folding it over the back of one chair. He glanced towards Razielle and for a moment an enticing little come-hither smile worked onto his lips – though the expression vanished almost instantly, at the sound of a door opening behind him.
Razielle Alastor
Jun 14th, 2008, 05:52:53 PM
Razielle shrugged a shoulder, further pursuits would have to wait until later. There was just no more time for privacy. Aside from that fact, she could just feel it, this was no fools chase for the promise of treasure. This venture would yeild results..
She was devoting her whole attention to the next encounter with the Queen and Victer. Later she would give it back to her master, she thought with a wicked smile.
Also, she would have to see how things were going to progress with them all, as a group. She sincerely hoped that Creas spoke to their master about her relationship with Victer soon..
Sinking into a chair, she leveled a besotted gaze on Salem, heedless of the opinion of whoever waked through the door...
Victer Dejan
Jun 15th, 2008, 12:25:03 PM
Victer stared at the key, a little dumbfounded. So everything had been present. The clues, fairly obvious for someone in the Royal family or closely involved. Victer knew better than to take a mynock on a power cable for something ominious.
"Shoo shoo, youth. Yer crowdin' an old woman's private space." She said and nudged Victer with her cane.
"Thank you, Gayle." He said.
"Go away, you two." She said, harumphing. "Not a word from you, Adraudia. G' find out what's in tha' vault." She herded the pair out of her office. The door thumped closed behind them.
"Here. Put it in your pocket." Adraudia ordered and handed Victer the key.
Victer's eyes narrowed for a moment, but walking around with something like that would be conspicious. The less questions the better.
"We should go tell Razielle." Victer suggested.
"Come on!" Adraudia grabbed his hand, and led him into the library proper. She sounded more like an excited teenage girl than the head of state, although she had the sense to let go before they had any chance of being seen.
One thing that Victer had noticed was that the Princess and Queen had an uncanny knack for finding each other quickly and easily. They were friends, and perhaps after years of companionship, they knew each other's subconcious patterns to a second. Perhaps there was a "simpler" explanation.
Salem and Razielle sat, with the violet eyed Princess casting the most lusty of glances at the Prime Minister. She hadn't merely undressed Salem with her eyes, but was bedding him with a gaze. Victer had little doubt of what Razielle and Salem had been up to.
Salem, on the other hand, was purely business now, although when the Prime Minister's eyes met Victer's, Victer sensed... menace, and some dark, terrible shadow that loomed behind them. Victer was now fearful of Salem. When he broke eye contact, it lessened, but he could not shake the distant dread now.
"Razielle, we found the key." Adraudia beamed.
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 15th, 2008, 12:42:58 PM
She quickly sat on the arm of Razielle's chair and scooped a hand within hers. "Gayle, charming Gayle! Her and my Father plotted since the beginning for one of us to find it!"
Adraudia's smiled manage to grew even further when she looked at Salem. "She removed the plate off the statue! And all this time she had the key safely locked away in her study! We were all oblivious that our wizened old friend was so good at keeping secrets, Salem."
The Queen pearly whites flashed towards Victer, but her mood soured seeing his expression. He look positively full of fright as if he ate a bug. "Are you all right Captain?"
Salem Ave
Jun 15th, 2008, 05:00:12 PM
At the arrival of their accomplices, Salem inclined his head faintly in greeting. He was remained displeased at Victer's presence, but it seemed that it would be impossible to remove him from the situation now, particularly if Adraudia had taken a fondness to him.
“Your majesty... Captain Dejan. I am pleased to hear that your afternoon has been fruitful.”
Razielle Alastor
Jun 15th, 2008, 09:28:33 PM
Her lascivious smile turned into sisterly affection at the arrival of the Queen. With a fond chuckle at her apparent excitement, Razielle gave the Queen's hand a squeeze.
"Your Majesty, I am positively tickled to hear this...", she laughed "..but what are you going on about? What key?"
Clearly she had missed much after leaving the library. Razielle was beyond pleased that Adraudia and Victer had made some discoveries. She'd been at it for so long that morning that the history of the Iziz monarchy was seared onto the inside of her skull, and all run together..
She gave Salem an arch look, maybe now he would begin to get as intrigued as she was..
Victer Dejan
Jun 18th, 2008, 10:23:36 PM
"This key." Victer said, pulling the ornate lock defeater from his pocket. As far as modern keys went, it was substantial in size and complexity. The teeth were fine grained. Ornate etching defied the key's age. Whatever it was made out of, it did not tarnish.
Razielle's hands were not to be denied. Her fingers gingerly plied it from Victer's hand. She squealed, but her excitement did not hide Minister Ave's displeasure. Victer gave Salem a questioning look. Why would he be put out?
Victer and Salem's relationship, up until this very moment, had been entirely business, and largely positive. He noticed, however, the more involved with Adraudia he had become the more... dark Salem Ave seemed to be.
One thing Victer did not have any idea about was the contents of the vault.
"So, Razielle, what spurred our treasure hunt?"
Razielle Alastor
Jun 19th, 2008, 10:06:17 AM
"The statue...", she confided quietly, still intent upon the key.
Razielle looked up slowly. She had managed to get the tale out to Salem without feeling silly, perhaps it was time to spill the rest of it to her fellow scavengers.
Turning slightly to Adraudia, Razielle set the key back on the table to take the Queen's hand again. "When we were young, I got us in trouble one night trapsing about the palace after we'd been put to bed.", she began..
"Alright! So it was on more than one night! The point is, on this particular night I came to that statue. The way the moonlight shone on it.. Adraudia it was positively glowing with a pale green light. What's more.. from the base of the statue where the missing placard should have been there was a trail of delicate silver vines which led down the hall.."
She felt silly anyways. "I told you this then! I think I made you go looking for it with me, and we got into even more trouble... I had forgotten about it, until I came to it last night.."
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 19th, 2008, 05:29:29 PM
Adraudia nodded. "... and now we're on the correct path in unlocking this mystery."
Her grip around the key tightened in glorious wonder, but there was one part of this journey that conjured up sadness. "I will have to visit father's tomb and search for the lock that this key opens. I must do this alone."
No one was allowed in the vault after the funeral unless they were of the royal blood line. It was out of tradition and respect of the great lineage that Onderon's Royal family possessed.
Salem Ave
Jun 24th, 2008, 12:28:35 PM
Whether Adraudia went accompanied or alone was of little consequence to Salem. She would divulge to him whatever she found within the tomb, within due time.
“Of course, your majesty.”
Victer Dejan
Jun 25th, 2008, 07:00:28 PM
Victer nodded. He straightend his shirt and bowed.
"Your Majesty, Princess."
"Minister Ave." He said with a nod. Not wanting to keep Adraudia from her bussiness, he exited the room. While it had been an interesting distraction, there were other things that he could be doing.
Razielle Alastor
Jun 26th, 2008, 05:04:37 PM
Seeing a shiny opportunity to make her own graceful exit, Razielle rose discreetly. The Queen and Prime Minister had.. things to discuss.
Honestly she felt a twinge of guilt that she had set Salem onto Adraudia's possible, no.. probable.. no, certain attachment to Victer. It would only have been a matter of time before he found out, and she consoled herself with the fact that perhaps the Queen had intended all along to tell him the truth..
She hoped so... Without a word to either, fully expecting to hear from them both in due time, Razielle retreated..
Salem Ave
Jun 26th, 2008, 07:41:57 PM
Salem watched in silence as first Victer, and then Razielle, departed. When only the two of them remained, his eyes shifted towards Adraudia. Though he didn't speak, his jaw was tightly set, and his lips pursed together.
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 30th, 2008, 07:05:22 PM
She nodded to Callidus out of respect. "Master."
As Creas stood up to sit properly across from him, she honestly couldn't recall the last time she had called him as such. Her training had lapse since all of this Hapan nonsense. "It's been a long time since we had a chance to talk to one another since Razielle came back from Hapan space."
Salem Ave
Jun 30th, 2008, 07:10:13 PM
Salem allowed the word to linger in the air for a moment, his eyes holding hers, before continuing.
“No doubt you have much to tell me.”
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 30th, 2008, 07:18:51 PM
"Indeed," she retorted, mimicking his own response previously. "There are only a few of points to remark upon that you need to be made aware of. I know you've been receiving my reports? Mandalore's men have decreased their hostilities within the city over the last few weeks where it's in acceptable limits, and Captain Dejan has done wonders with opening trade negotiations with the Hapans themselves. We'll actually be profiting from it over time."
Adraudia took a cleansing breath after her report. It was trivial, all of it. Salem knew all of this, but it was a decent segue into discussing Victer. "But it was our good Captain that I wanted to discuss with you. Finally."
Her eyes narrowed, making sure that her Master realized that she did not mean to keep these secrets from him for this long. "The Captain and I have been spending much time together because of our trade discussions. During the course of our conversations, I've learned he's Force Sensitive."
Salem Ave
Jun 30th, 2008, 07:21:39 PM
“Mandalore is under my thrall now, you need not worry over her,” Salem replied, dismissing the Mandalorian threat in a careless breath.
The next matter, however, was not quite so easily dealt with. Razielle had hinted to him that there was something of a connection between Adraudia and her Captain, but Salem had not sensed that Dejan had an affinity with the Force.
“Is he... and how exactly did that come up in conversation?”
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 30th, 2008, 07:27:54 PM
It took all of her willpower to not become flustered with an answer. All of the time they had spent together, becoming close, falling in love - it had forged a connection between them that when the Queen's emotions had become strong, Victer had read her mind.
"We were talking about the Hapans. I was thinking that we needed a Navy and he picked up on that without realizing it."
Salem Ave
Jun 30th, 2008, 07:36:10 PM
There was a long pause. Salem studied the Queen, though his expression did not change from one of detached and indifferent observation.
“...You love him.”
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 30th, 2008, 09:49:04 PM
It didn't come as a surprise to her that Callidus had picked up on that. Her emotions were tumultuous - flickering between stoicism and desire as Creas spoke.
"Yes," was all she said with head held high. Adraudia could not lie to him. With Victer being so close to the Queen, it meant that he was a possible wrench in the plans they all had for Onderon. Or he was a possible ally. That reason alone was why she had to be honest with him, but they held each other in deep respect and he deserved nothing but the truth regardless.
Salem Ave
Jul 1st, 2008, 09:24:34 AM
They had known one-another for too long now, in both personal and professional capacities, for dishonesty to go unnoticed. Salem was pleased that Adraudia continued to support this believe.
“How much trust have you invested in him? How much does he know?”
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 1st, 2008, 03:29:16 PM
"All he knows is that we are alike. That we both can use the Force. Victer understands the reason for secrecy because of the stigma it possesses. He knows nothing more."
Salem Ave
Jul 1st, 2008, 03:33:17 PM
“I see.”
Salem glanced down and pinched his brow between thumb and forefinger. Looking at some indefinite point, he spent a moment in thought. The future is always in motion, he reminded himself; all one could do was ensure that adequate preparations were made for any possible eventualities.
“Has he expressed any interest in developing his abilities?”
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 1st, 2008, 03:47:04 PM
"Not as of yet, but I didn't sense any fear or hesitancy from him." Adraudia had surmised easily enough that Victer had been using his abilities subconsciously, much like she had before Salem had made her wiser. The good Captain had been able to secure deals with nearby systems quite easily because of his ability to be quite persuasive and politicking.
Salem Ave
Jul 1st, 2008, 09:33:49 PM
“No... you wouldn't.” His hand fell away from his brow and Salem lifted his head.
“I mean no disrespect, of course, but without Victer having knowledge of who and what we truly are, his reactions to this revelation are meaningless.” With a frown, more in thought than annoyance, he added, “Do want him to know more?”
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 2nd, 2008, 01:47:55 PM
With her affections towards Victer increasing, she had often asked herself that very same question. To bring him within the inner circle would provide them with another asset in securing Onderon's future. Victer had capable of doing that on his own without knowing the entire picture. The possibilities only increased if he knew everything. But then there was the other side of this where Victer could become fearful of their goals and turn against them. In that instance, he would have to be killed in order to protect themselves and Onderon's future. If that came to pass, Adraudia knew it would be by her hand that he died, whether it was by an official order or taking his life with her own weapon, she would have to assume responsibility since she agreed to bring him in the fold.
It was difficult to separate logic and her love for Victer, but if their relationship were to continue, he had to know. Victer was shrewd and already knew there was more going on then he let on. He was also dreadfully fearful of Salem. She had sensed that fear immediately when he and Salem locked eyes. It would only get worse as time went on without explanation. Fear would lead the Captain into reckless actions, and Victer would consistently be close to Adraudia and to ensure a positive outcome with all the deceit surrounding them was to tell him everything.
"Yes." Adraudia pursed her lips and shook her head in thought. "For good or ill, he has to know. He's too intuitive to hide this. I'm certain he'll continue to figure things out on his own. I rather we be in control of the information then Victer speculating."
Salem Ave
Jul 2nd, 2008, 03:00:16 PM
It was a difficult decision to make. When he had taken his first steps on the path he now walked, the dark road of deception that would one day lead to glory, Salem had known he would always have to choose his alliances carefully. Where Razielle was concerned, he had known from day one that she was a thing of shadow just like him, unerring in her devotion, but Adraudia had been a more delicate project.
As the Advisor to the Queen, he had faced the meddling of the General Desang, alongside the suspicion of the Onderonian courtiers, who doubted his noble intentions for their home. In the end, after many months of preparation and hushed words, the Queen had come to understand him and the ways in which they could benefit one another. Lilaena was another extreme all together, railing against him so violently until the moment of her final submission, exhausted and bitter. Each of his apprentices was so different at their core, and each had required a different tactical approach.
Into which category did Victer Dejan, if any at all? Would he have seen their plots as the mad power-plays of the delusional, or as a cunning means to a very lucrative end? It was fortunate that love had already begun to colour the captain's judgement, but that alone did not ensure a desirable outcome.
“His life is in your hands now, Creas,” he said at last, his voice full of portent.
“Hold it with care... I won't let him destroy what we've worked so hard to build.”
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 2nd, 2008, 05:43:15 PM
Creas' inflexible stare told her Master that she understood the possible outcome. "Neither will I. Onderon always comes before me. What we're doing will ensure its legacy and that takes priority over everything else."
She inhaled a cleansing breath and narrowed her eyes, speaking in remarkable calm. "Including Victer."
Her entire life revolved around what was good for her people. Salem, Razielle and Adraudia have been working diligently to make the overlooked planet of Onderon something to be feared. The plans to expand their forces throughout the system required careful planning and maneuvering and anything not under their control would jeopardize years of work.
Salem Ave
Jul 3rd, 2008, 07:34:29 AM
A small smile worked onto Salem's lips. Adraudia had always placed her people before herself; it was her dedication that had warmed her to his suggestions in the first place. It was reassuring to see that she remained so devoted.
“What will you tell him?” he asked.
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 4th, 2008, 02:04:31 PM
"I'm not sure yet. There is so much to tell. Since we're close, I'll discuss myself first. My lineage and training ..." She set her jaw in thought with a slight shake of her head. "He's afraid of you and doesn't know why, but I'm sure he'll be able to figure out your part in this quite easily. Then he'll understand where his fear stems from."
Salem Ave
Jul 4th, 2008, 02:25:38 PM
The smile that Salem wore took on an almost serpentine quality now. Victer was right to fear him. There were many dangerous things on Onderon, but none quite so lethal as Salem Ave.
“Very well. Keep me informed of any further discussions and developments.”
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 11th, 2008, 12:37:02 PM
Creas knew that look all too well. Her Master always wore that when things were progressing according to plan, or when something he heard had satisfied him greatly. She knew it was the later and hoped that Victer would not have to feel the wrath of Callidus, because that grin was directed towards him.
"Of course, Master. Is there anything else?"
Salem Ave
Jul 11th, 2008, 05:04:51 PM
The brief moment of satisfaction faded from Salem's features, as they became relatively placid once more, smoothed over with the calm confidence so typical of Arkanian's.
“I have nothing further to discussion with you at this moment im time... unless there is something else you wish to say.”
Adraudia Basillie
Aug 7th, 2008, 02:50:54 PM
"No. That is all." Adraudia rose from her chair and nodded with great respect to Salem. "I'll contact you once I've spoken to Victer."
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