View Full Version : OOC: Personal Quests -aka- 2008 New Years Resolutions

Mu Satach
Dec 31st, 2007, 04:17:11 PM
<li><b>Spiritual</b> : <br> Don't pray enough, don't read enough, spend far too much time fretting about myself and not enough on what really matters. I don't think setting a prayer time goal, or # of prayers, or how many chapters a day sort of thing would please God. He's so much more fluid, organic than something that can be "charted" so this one I think I'm just going to start a daily journal and take it from there and see what happens.
<li>Reading Matthew & and some of Isaiah</li>
<li>Been journal writing again.</li>

<li><b>Mental</b> : <br>That degree I've been nibbling at for the past decade. It's time to finish it off and wash my plate.
<li>French 1010 - Pass with an A
<ol><li>Exam 1: 77%</li><li>Exam 2</li><li>Exam 3</li><li>Exam 4</li><li>Exam 5</li></ol></li>
<li>Film2200 - Pass with an A</li>
<li>Study Abroad Intensive language in Tours, France</li>
<li>French 2020 - Pass with an A</li>
<li>Ten Pin Alley - Premiere Spring Show April 25th</li>

<li><b>Physical</b> : <br>Loose about 100 lbs. This one I set every year and every year I fail. So this time going to go with monthly goals, weigh-ins, measurements, etc. and see what happens. Also, have added an slightly different incentive. If I don't loose about 100 lbs. (give or take 5 lbs.) <a href="http://nikeplus.nike.com/nikeplus/?l=runners,goals,1689894429,753847557">I will touch a snake. I hate snakes.</a> Update: I've pulled my sister in to make sure that will happen if I don't reach my goal. The funny thing is, I know she'll do it too... she worked all summer at the <a href="http://www.redbuttegarden.org/">gardens</a> up here and had to get trained on how to deal with the reptiles that live there. I found out through her, that the entire bench up here on the east side of the city is literally crawling with rattlesnakes. So, she's quite comfortable around the slithery bastards now. Also, I think the idea of forcing me to touch one would fill her with glee. So, I know she'll make me do it. One if I reach my goal, she'll be happy I've improved my health... if I don't reach my goal she'll get a kick out of watching me wig out. Win win for her. :) So now that is set, absolutely no getting out of this.
<li>Running:<br>11 out of 12 - average pace 17.26/mile<br><img src="http://home.utah.edu/~nrm26960/images/200801.jpg"></li>
<li>Weight: 248... I don't look it, but DAMN! >_< blurg... </li>
<li>Pantsize: 40X30 - Levi's - lost 2 inches around my waist and about 3/4 of an inch around my hips. I thought my pants were a bit looser.</li>
<li>Running: Goal 16 runs -> 7 so far totaling 11.43 miles</li>
<li>Weight: 245</li>
<li> December</li>
<li><b>Financial</b> : <br> My credit rating is good. My debt to income ratio is not bad. But there is so much more I could be doing with my money than just going paycheck to paycheck. So, overall goal is to put 10 - 15% of my income towards either my savings or my investments.</li>

And that wraps up my plans for 2008.

Feb 2nd, 2008, 01:54:47 PM
My big goal is to Recycle more. - In process, can do better tho.

And re-learn Italian - In process - B'jorno, come'sta?

And join a book club - Done - first meeting last Wed. It was fun! Im such a dork.

Speak more positively, be a better person. In process - this will be ever ongoing. I hope!

Mu - you dont look anywhere near that weight. Great goals btw.
I started running semi-routinely last year,once or twice a week (in the nicer weather). It is hard, but it is really really great when you see yourself improving. Ive done a couple "Run for the Cure" runs over the years (3 so far). That is a terrific incentive if you have a Run to work toward. AND have someone to do it with. All the girls from work do it.
With the weekly runs, I had a friend come with me. That helps alot. Once the snow and slippery sidewalks go, I plan to start back up again. I'll be your long distant running buddy if you like. We can inspire each other :) Wish you much luck with it!

Mu Satach
Feb 2nd, 2008, 07:16:45 PM
Sono benissimo. Come siete?
Je suis très bien. Comment allez-vous ?

I didn't quite make the Jan. goal. My nike sensor went kaput & can't buy a new one until next payday. Got a few more runs in that are not on the little graph, but I still fell just short of 12 runs. But the pants feel a bit looser. Kinda curious about what the scale will say tonight when I hit the gym.

I've been staying up too late to get homework done, so have not been going to the track in the morning like I had originally planned. There is time after my French class, but haven't really made it a habit yet. I'm also thinking I need to stop driving and take the train to work. Not only would that save money, add 4 15 min short walks to my weekdays, but also be apart of that "going green" thing I keep hearing so much about. ;)

I'm all game for being long distant running buddies. I should sign up for another 5K somewhere down the line. It's been about 3 going on 4 years since I was in one. I also can't wait for the snowy slippery sidewalks to go away. I live just a few blocks from a great park & there are so many neat running trails all over the east side of the city. Plus, that will be an excuse to invest in a new pair of trail shoes. :D

What book you all reading in your book club?

Feb 3rd, 2008, 02:23:08 PM
We just finished "Animal Dreams" by Barbara Kingsolver, funnily enough one of the themes in that book is the environment. She, apparently, is a huge environmentalist.

The book this month is "The Golden Spruce" by John Vaillant also along environmental lines in the forum of the logging industry in British Columbia. It is non-fiction and so far is really good. Just reading about chopping down some of these trees is quite heartbreaking.

Next month is Tale of Two Cities...a story which I love and have read oh, four times. I cant wait.

Mu Satach
Feb 19th, 2008, 08:32:08 PM
I need to read Tale of Two Citites. I have it, started it... >_>

My new nike sensor came today. I get to see my little charts again! Yay!