View Full Version : And Then There Were Three... Four? (Lianna, Daria, Adia)
Serena Laran
Dec 29th, 2007, 07:32:05 PM
The conference room, for lack of a better term, was empty. Jedi Knight Serena Laran walked towards it, having called her fellow Knights on their commlinks and asked for a meeting.
There was much work to be done, if other Jedi were to be reached, and padawans discovered. The Enclave was growing, but they could not simply sit back and rely on their friendship with the Alliance to bring other Jedi to their attention. If there was anything Serena had learned from the Clone Wars it was that the Jedi needed to be as separate from government as possible. To lay the groundwork for involvement with the Rebels, however worthy their cause, was something that concerned her deeply.
Something that had to be discussed, as a group.
She had told Lianna Mal Pannis that Adia Issoris was invited to partake in the discussion at hand as well. The woman had been highly trained in the Jedi arts, and Serena felt that the former Emperor's Hand wished to join with the Enclave and fully forsake her dark path. Nothing had been verbally confirmed, but she left the invitation open to the other woman.
There were three of them now, perhaps four if Adia truly wanted to become a Jedi. Serena was no longer alone, and therefore no longer had the luxury of making decisions on her own. All their voices would be heard.
Daria Nytherciria
Dec 29th, 2007, 08:01:02 PM
After Serena, Daria was next to arrive. It was the first time she had heard of, let alone set foot inside, the conference room. When she entered, Daria felt a strange warmth on her skin - sunlight. Built at ground level, the chamber had a wide, shade-less window in its ceiling, through which the light of the mid-day sun poured. At the center of the room was a broad circular table, surrounded by a number of chairs. Each piece was unique and looked as if it had been cut and carved from the same stone that was shaped into walls around them.
Daria's fingertips trailed over the coarse grain of the tabletop, painting a picture in her mind of how the room appeared. For a moment she was sure she could hear echoes, of time indistinct, from within the stone... but as quickly as they had come, the voices faded. She lifted her head (eyes unmasked) and looked towards the radiant figure of Serena Laran, whose aura shimmered and shone with pure white light. Though she remained luminous, intuition told Daria that Serena was not entirely at ease.
“Master Laran... you seem troubled.”
Serena Laran
Dec 30th, 2007, 01:22:19 PM
She stood near the far end of the oblong table, one hand on the back of a chair, and nodded slowly as Daria Nytherciria spoke. The blinded Miraluka saw many things that others did not, and Serena had no interest in attempting to hide anything from her fellow Jedi.
"I am, Jedi Nytherciria," she answered. "The responsibility of our fledgling Order weighs heavy on me."
The doors opened again, and the other two women entered, Adia blinking in the sudden rush of natural sunlight. "Please, let us sit and talk as collegues in the Force."
Adia Issoris
Dec 30th, 2007, 02:50:28 PM
Unlike the rest of complex, the sunlight was not piped in via optical fiber, but rather through a large skylight of reinforced transparisteel. Adia had not seen this room before. She had kept her exploring of the complex and cave system mostly private since her arrival, and had not happened into this room yet. It was ringed by a simple bench that hugged the walls, with a oval table in the center. The chairs were metal and mesh affairs that were light but not uncomfortable. In the center of the table was a portable holoprojector. Unlike an Imperial unit, it simply sat in the center, with small, visible holes for the power and optional data lines. It was all ready to be moved at a moment's notice. She had been through abandonded Alliance bases before and was still impressed with the practical thinking that went behind the design and implimentation. All functionality, no fluff.
Even though she had found Morgan, she had been keeping to herself, excepting short conversations that were as much gesture and facial expressions as language with either Morgan or Lianna. After three weeks, she felt that she could actually talk again without sounding foolish, but had kept it to small conversations as there were still traces of the toxin.
While a touch shorter than Serena, Adia's figure was more imposing. She was noticably wider in both the shoulders and hips, but no wider in the waist. The former Hand was always armed, more out of habbit and perpetual paranoia than any genuine threat. Her blaster was off a low slung belt and her saber was strapped to her thigh. Her shirt and pants were a plain brown that hid dirt well and comfortably clung to her body, allowing a full range of movement. She looked a little confused and unsure.
Behind her was Lianna, who's slender figure contrasted sharply against Adia's dramatic hourglass. Her clothes were just as pratical, but were covered by a large brown cloak that nearly touched the floor. She looked very much the Jedi that she was.
Although without natural sight, the Miraluka Jedi's head turned to meet them before Serena could answer. Adia felt as though they were interupting.
"Um. Hello Daria and Serena."
Lianna Mal Pannis
Dec 30th, 2007, 03:00:43 PM
She didn't feel as much of an outsider since speaking with Knight Nytherciria in the mess hall yesterday. Their conversation was pleasant and informative, both of them understanding that this was a good change in the structure of the Jedi since their exile. It was the will of the Force, just as it was its will in bringing these four women together on Vortex.
Now it was time to take pause and listen to what was to come.
"Hello, Jedi Laran, Nytherciria." She bowed to them in respect before taking a seat next to Adia. She was still uncertain as to her place her and place a comforting hand on Adia's leg, patting it softly before looking to the elder Knight attentively.
Daria Nytherciria
Jan 1st, 2008, 03:29:23 PM
Daria sat down with the others, feeling no less certain than they did. Her eyes touched on Adia then Lianna, then fell to the table and her hands folded on top of it. Whether or not Serena had intended it, she felt there was a certain formality to the meeting. The gravity of what they were gathered to decide pressed down heavily on her shoulders.
“It seems we have a lot to discuss.”
Serena Laran
Jan 2nd, 2008, 03:32:03 PM
"Perhaps an understatement," Serena smiled briefly, her face remaining calm and relaxed as she spoke. "As the elder members of this fledgling Jedi Order, we have great responsibilities - not only to the padawans we have brought here to Vortex, but to any other Jedi who may come our way, the Force willing.
"But before we delve too deeply into matters of the Code and Force related matters, I believe our first priority is to determine the course of action we wish to take (or not to take) in regards to the Alliance." Serena folded her hands in her lap. "Certainly I support their position against the Galactic Empire that the Sith Lord Palpatine put into place, yet I would caution us against becoming too involved in the galactic arena. I have seen first hand what brought about the downfall of the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars, and however noble the cause I think the risk is too great for us to allow the Jedi to be drawn into such a conflict once more."
Adia Issoris
Jan 2nd, 2008, 07:30:37 PM
Adia shook her head. "I'm not sure." She took a deep breath.
"The Jedi of the Old Republic were good targets for three reasons. One: the code's uh, stiffness made them predict... easy to guess. Two: so much of their purpose had been changed into ceremony. The Order was in decline for a century, at least." A little of the softness had left Serena's face.
"Not enough field work. Eggs in a basket. Nearly everyone was either fighting the war or in the Temple."
"And three?" Daria asked.
"Palpatine had been spreading dis... disinformation regarding Force Users in pockets of the Outer Rim since before the Clone Wars. Especially to the criminal element. He stacked every card in the deck, um, against you."
"The Rebellion needs help, but we should keep it, sss small. Occasional." She added.
"We can't hide from the Galaxy too much. It comes looking and we won't know where to run."
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 3rd, 2008, 04:43:49 PM
Lianna deferred speaking for right now, allowing those older and wiser to speak of the past and present situation. She was young and inexperienced. Yes she was considered a Jedi Knight, but she had never lived amongst other Jedi like Serena and Daria. She knew of the old ways from Master's Drin's memories, but it was not the same as actually living through it.
It was true she was hunted and hated by the Empire as any other Jedi, but Lianna only knew what it was like living on the run. Jumping from planet to planet for safety and allowing for few friends.
The Jedi knew very little when compared to Adia's experience. The former Assassin fought in the clone wars and dedicated her life to serve the Empire. Her knowledge was invaluable.
She was just starting to understand who she really was and now here she was, sitting before these great people helping to decide the fate of this fledging order. It felt daunting.
Daria Nytherciria
Jan 3rd, 2008, 04:51:05 PM
The politics of the Galaxy were, by and large, unknown to Daria. As a child she had lived in seclusion from society, and as an adult she had lived as a fugitive – neither forms of existence lent themselves well to political study. Still, that was not to say that she had completely ignored the Galaxy's warring factions. It was impossible to avoid them, they were entangled in everything, but that didn't mean that she understood them. What Daria understood was the Force; she had little interest any anything else.
Serena Laran
Jan 4th, 2008, 05:35:59 PM
Serena took in Adia's words, nodding occasionally as the other woman spoke. The criticism of the Jedi Code made her a little uneasy, though she could not argue with the fact that the Jedi had strayed from a few of their basic tenents and turned much into ceremony that might have played a vital part in their day to day living.
The other two women at the table remained silent, and Serena turned to Daria. "And your opinion on what our involvement with the Alliance should be?"
Adia Issoris
Jan 4th, 2008, 06:07:07 PM
"Monthly basis. Send out one Master and umm..." Adia rubbed her fingers together, looking for the word.
"Padawan." Serena offered.
"Yes. Do something they're um, good at. The Alliance needs everything." Adia emphasized everything.
"We'd both have agree to the, ah, mission."
Daria Nytherciria
Jan 9th, 2008, 11:14:34 PM
Serena turned to Daria. "And your opinion on what our involvement with the Alliance should be?"
The idea of the Alliance as unseen and unsung heroes had been a fantasy that many children had grown up with. Having come face to face with the leaders of the secret rebellion, Daria found her enthusiasm lacking. In essence, they were terrorists, seeking to topple the existing government from power so that they could replace it with a system of their own. If history could offer any lesson, it was that the past had a habit of repeating itself – and so Daria could not help but think that for all their good intentions, the Alliance would fall prey to fault just as the Empire had before it.
“Minimal,” she said, at last. “Their concern is not with the Force.. their goals are not our own. Our paths may cross briefly, but they will inevitably diverge.”
Serena Laran
Jan 10th, 2008, 03:59:56 PM
Serena nodded at Daria's words. "I lean towards this way of thinking as well. However noble the overthrow of Palpatine's New Order is, and how worthy of our support it may be, the fact remains that right now our focus should only be the regrowth of the Jedi.
"I believe that at least some of the Alliance members are of this same mindset. They have been generous to us, but you are correct, their goals are not the same as ours. Perhaps they see a resurgence in Jedi as a way to strengthen their own position in the galaxy."
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 10th, 2008, 04:15:01 PM
Lianna had closed her eyes and searched the Force for some insight as the others talked back and forth. A calm washed over the Jedi and felt her thoughts being guided towards the same conclusion.
"I agree." She opened her eyes and looked towards the other Jedi. "We are still considered criminals and openly aligning ourselves with the Alliance will bring the wrath of the Empire upon us. We need to focus on rebuilding in secrecy. We can still help the alliance if their needs are dire, but we have to be cautious.
I suggest a meeting with the Alliance leaders to explain our position and clear up any misunderstandings."
Adia Issoris
Jan 10th, 2008, 08:26:54 PM
"That would be smart." Adia said.
"I understand why... why you want to stay separate. But do not stay just on Vortex. The Old Republic Jedi were, uh, not seeing the threat." Adia warned.
"I don't want to see the Jedi wiped out again."
Daria Nytherciria
Jan 11th, 2008, 10:33:49 AM
“Indeed... a meeting with the leadership of the Rebellion seems prudent.” Daria paused for thought and listened to the Force, trying to discern what the best course of action was. The future was clouded and uncertain, with a vague shadows looming in the distance.
“We should be cautious of spreading ourselves to thinly.”
Serena Laran
Jan 27th, 2008, 01:23:20 PM
Serena looked at Daria, "We are so few in these troubled times. I agree that we should not rush out from here - especially with our padawans just learning the ways of the Force.
"In time, Adia, the young ones will be proficient enough in the Force for our involvement with the Alliance to be justified in the way of joint missions. Perhaps sooner than I imagine. But for now, I believe hiding is exactly what we need to do.
"It is one thing to put ourselves into danger, it is another to threaten the rebirth of the Jedi."
She put out a hand, in an on the other hand gesture. "However, I agree that a meeting with the leadership of the Alliance is in order." Serena looked around the table at the other women. "Who should go to represent us?"
Lianna Mal Pannis
Jan 28th, 2008, 05:28:27 PM
"I'd offer, but ..." She hesitated with a despondent sigh, "... I fear the Rebellion still has insecurities about my presence. I remind them too much of the past and the pain that was caused by my family."
Adia Issoris
Jan 28th, 2008, 09:12:33 PM
Adia paused, collecting her words into something coherent.
"I don't think, um, that they trust me. I seem, uh, easy." She sighed, too. Not because it was true, but because her words would not come easily, and it made her head hurt.
"Sorry." Unable to hold her composure any further, Adia started for the door. Her head pounded. It would probably be another week before it was a dull ache.
Daria Nytherciria
Feb 10th, 2008, 07:46:23 PM
Daria felt as if the collective gaze of the room had shifted to her and cast about in her mind for precisely why she felt uneasy with the idea of being the Jedi ambassador to the Rebellion.
“Words have never been my strong point.”
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