View Full Version : The Krath
Jeseth Cloak
Dec 27th, 2007, 05:11:45 PM
This thread is intended primarily for prospective members of the new Dark Side group that has begun forming over the last few weeks, and is an open discussion about the concept of - and structure for - said group. From here onward, we'll refer to this group by the name "Rebirth[,]" since nothing has been officially decided upon as of yet. The current individual characters who are openly moving towards membership in-character are Jeseth Cloak, Cade Mercer, Denarr Sepphist, Tsumera Anukai and Kraehe Branwen (formerly Zatania Duvall).
Those of you who are following the formation of this group are probably aware that at the moment, the thread which will serve as a foundation for its development is not completed. That thread, for those of you whose curiosity if freshly peaked, can be found here. (
Rebirth is being founded in-character by Jeseth Cloak, in a bid to restore Jedi to their rightful place as the guardians of the Galactic Republic (which became the Galactic Empire long ago). With this in mind, it is with the Imperial Executor's blessing that this new group will be forming. Rebirth's relationship with the Galactic Empire will be no different than had been the Jedi Order's relationship to the Old Republic.
In other words, we will be providing the Empire with defense against renegade Jedi and ambitious Sith, as well as effective protection during diplomatic missions. Violent rebellion against the Galactic Empire will be looked upon - and dealt with - harshly, as it is a threat to galactic order.
Since my character experienced the failure of the archaic Jedi Order's pacifist code during the Purge, it has been completely disregarded. Rebirth does what it must, when it must, to preserve order in the galaxy. Its members are all effectively Dark Jedi, though they aren't likely to refer to themselves as anything other than "Jedi" in-character. The reason for that, is that they intend to change the galaxy's perception of what a Jedi is.
Members will usually wear traditional Jedi garb and be very difficult to distinguish from real Jedi when judging by appearances alone. Most of them will be armed with red lightsabers though, and that is a good indication of their alignment. Dark Jedi who are members of Rebirth will not dabble in Sith sorcery or embrace Sith teachings - at least not openly - and will be trained to shun such things.
Most of the minor details have already been smoothed out in my mind. The real dilemma lies in choosing a name for the group. In the past, I have founded or helped to found two Dark Side groups that do not exist post-reset. Those two groups were: The Black Hand and The Krath. "The Krath" is a name I still like, and would like to use again, although in EU SW history it was a group which dabbled in Sith magic, which this group will consider taboo. "The Black Hand" also sounds good, but I don't feel excited about resurrecting it, even if only in name.
I do intend to use the Iron Citadel - which is located in the city of Cinnagar, on Koros Major (a.k.a. Empress Teta) - as a center of operations for this group. Most of you have expressed that you also like the idea of using "The Krath" as a name. So, please express your opinions about it here and we'll move forward. Some more information regarding rules and hierarchy for Rebirth will follow in my next post.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 27th, 2007, 05:28:06 PM
IMO, the Krath is a good name, if only because the canon Krath ( from the EU really did exist in the Empress Teta system. From a historical point of view Jeseth (IC) might pick that name just because of the location he is choosing to settle his 'new' Jedi in.
The Krath also had a long history with Onderon and the darksiders and Jedi who were there in Freedon Nadd's time, if I recall correctly, so this could lead to future dealings with Kuklos Ataxia, which would be fun. :)
Of course, the fact that your group won't be dealing in Sith 'magics' like the first Krath did thousands of years ago, might make the name problematic. But, it doesn't have to.
Karl Valten
Dec 27th, 2007, 05:53:39 PM
Ok, I've already spoken with Jeseth about this, might as well put in my two cents worth.
My OOC opinion is hell yes, this seems very Imperial Knights style (from the Legacy series). I would like to see where this group is going to end up and I wish everyone involved good luck.
But IC from the Inquisitoriate's point of view (more specifically Karl's), this is an unsanctioned group. However since it is sponsored/supported by the Executor, it's existance will be accepted and viewed as a vigilante agency. The Inquisitoriate will not have any dealings with this group nor offer any support. Members will not be allowed in Inquisitorial facilities including both the Citadels on Imperial Centre and Prakith.
On the other hand the Inquisitoriate will also not interefer with any 'official' operations under the orders of the Office of the Executor. Agents will be monitering this group in order to safeguard the security of the Empire and prevent the spread of possible corruption. Violations of the Imperial Force Doctrine will be dealt with harshly.
Darth Lucid
Dec 27th, 2007, 05:55:27 PM
The Krath also had a long history with Onderon and the darksiders and Jedi who were there in Freedon Nadd's time, if I recall correctly, so this could lead to future dealings with Kuklos Ataxia, which would be fun.
Almost fully correct. Freedon Nadd started the Krath on Onderon. It was meant as some sort of protectorate of basically sith or Darksider knowledge and lore. It was meant to refer to those who protect that knowledge but over time after that order died out it came to refer to the knowledge (aka libarary of knowledge).
The sith regard the Krath as a hole grail of what they hold dear. Basically it contains there code, there techings, and everything that they found out about the darkside so long ago.
Freedon Nadd some consider a Dark jedi basically because he went to hiding when the major sith lord upheval took place and resulted in another civil war. Yet he managed to steal most of the sith knowledge and hide it away. He created the Krath to protect said knowledge. weather they moved it's location or not I'm not sure.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 27th, 2007, 06:03:36 PM
Actually you're not correct either, Lucid, but we're both close and mine was only meant to be a generalization anyway. The link I left in my first post explains the canon group completely.
edit: Freedon Nadd and his era on Onderon is something I have done a lot of research on. The Krath was not ever on Onderon, the two founders were there however when they encountered Freedon Nadd's spirit. His spirit trained them, then they went back to the Empress Teta system and founded the Krath.
Darth Lucid
Dec 27th, 2007, 06:09:37 PM
I'm tired sorry I miss read some what you posted LD.
Aleema Keto and her cousin Satal Keto I believe those are the name of the two that started the Krath. With the help of Nadd.
Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 27th, 2007, 06:13:22 PM
Its ok. Enough of this thread hijack anyway. :p What happened thousands of years ago is neither here nor there when it comes to Jeseth's group.
Jeseth Cloak
Dec 27th, 2007, 07:35:18 PM
Below is a rough outline of some of the rules for this group. I used "The Krath" to fill in the blanks for the name. These will probably change a little bit before being put to ink, so to speak:
Joining The Krath:
Membership to The Krath can be obtained in-character only, and is granted solely at the council’s discretion. There are a few things that prospective members should keep in mind when seeking admittance:
Non-Force users can not join The Krath.
Sith may join The Krath, but only if their true nature is kept hidden. We should emphasize that, if your character’s true nature is ever discovered, they will be exiled... at best.
Jedi may join The Krath, but only upon being turned to the Dark Side of the Force and renouncing the archaic Jedi code.
Training within The Krath is fundamentally different from any other group currently in existence, because you are solely responsible for your rise to the rank of Jedi Master. The following is a summary of our hierarchy:
Padawan: This rank is given to any character in training, regardless of their skill level.
Jedi Knight: A character must endure four trials and successfully construct their own lightsaber before being knighted before the council. After attaining the title of Jedi Knight, a character’s training is considered to be complete.*
Jedi Master: In order for a character to earn this title, they must take an apprentice and successfully guide them into knighthood. Then - and only then - will the council award the title of Jedi Master to any character.**
*The four trials will be a variation of the Trials of Knighthood, but much more in tune with the group’s Dark Side alignment.
**Transferring the rank of your character from another group might be an exception.
The Krath also had a long history with Onderon and the darksiders and Jedi who were there in Freedon Nadd's time, if I recall correctly, so this could lead to future dealings with Kuklos Ataxia, which would be fun. :)
I look forward to that. ;)
I would like to see where this group is going to end up and I wish everyone involved good luck.
Thank you!
Dasquian Belargic
Dec 28th, 2007, 08:37:45 AM
Sounds like a great idea. As LD said, this could lead to some interesting confrontations between the Kuklos and the Krath. You have my full support :)
Mu Satach
Dec 30th, 2007, 11:30:32 AM
Not to mention the possibility of saber battles with both Sith AND old school Jedi... nice idea.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 2nd, 2008, 12:09:27 AM
Yurza Magus (currently a Sith Knight) will be a new addition to the group, once our thread resolves. :)
Milivikal k'Vik
Jan 5th, 2008, 02:15:22 PM
Wait so this is groovy with the Inquisoriate?
I'm a Dark Jedi lets make special Dark Jedi we'll be the guardians of the Empire we hate Force users. This makes no sense to me :(
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2008, 02:22:06 PM
I'm confuzzled, considering the current RP storyline with the Inq and Khendon and his 'betrayals' why would the Inq be good with this?
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 5th, 2008, 02:25:24 PM
I'm confuzzled, considering the current RP storyline with the Inq and Khendon and his 'betrayals' why would the Inq be good with this?
As far as I came to understand when talking to Khendon and Karl OOC, Karl would not like it IC but would have no choice but to comply with Khendon's wishes. As far as I have read, there hasn't been any solid evidence implicating Khendon directly just yet.
Morgan Evanar
Jan 5th, 2008, 02:26:53 PM
That still doesn't make any sense. At all.
Why would some Jedi be ok but not others? The propaganda has been steadily anti-Force for 20+ years.
I could see is this causing a schism in the Empire and that pretty much everyone else would try and wipe you and the Inquisoriate out for being traitors.
I don't see why Karl has "no choice." I must be missing something as to why they didn't just perforate Jeseth on the spot.
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2008, 02:28:47 PM
Um actually yes there has been. Miranda gave the Inquisitors everything to prove that Khendon is behind the assassinations. Everything. Miranda was in on it but didn't like that Anar was part of the plan to reconstruct the Empire.
So the answer is a big yes. He is quite guilty and I thought that the Inq were going to try himl So again I am really confused by all of this O_o
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 5th, 2008, 02:39:26 PM
Um actually yes there has been. Miranda gave the Inquisitors everything to prove that Khendon is behind the assassinations. Everything. Miranda was in on it but didn't like that Anar was part of the plan to reconstruct the Empire.
So the answer is a big yes. He is quite guilty and I thought that the Inq were going to try himl So again I am really confused by all of this O_o
Well, that I wasn't aware of, and neither is Jeseth IC. He has no idea really about the current state of political relations in the Empire.
That still doesn't make any sense. At all.
Why would some Jedi be ok but not others? The propaganda has been steadily anti-Force for 20+ years.
I could see is this causing a schism in the Empire and that pretty much everyone else would try and wipe you and the Inquisoriate out for being traitors.
I don't see why Karl has "no choice." I must be missing something as to why they didn't just perforate Jeseth on the spot.
The propaganda under the Emperor, who has since died after leading the Empire into near collapse, disbanding the Imperial Senate, destroying Alderaan and making a general mess of things because of his ambitions for power. There was plenty of evidence that him and Lord Vader (who was widely known to be a practitioner of the Dark Side by most members of the Empire) were mercilessly slaughtering members of their own ranks, and yet nothing was really ever done about it.
As to why Karl has no choice but to go along with it IC, in his own words, "Khendon is still the Executor." I was very careful to talk to both him and Khendon about all of this. I kind of wish you had all voiced your thoughts sooner.
However, I think to say it would cause a schism in the Empire is a bit much. Lord Vader killing off his own commanding officers, or publicly displaying his ruthless use of the Force, should have easily done that if you go by that assumption.
Miranda Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2008, 03:27:49 PM
Jes and I are hammering things out so peeps know ^_^
Karl Valten
Jan 6th, 2008, 01:31:17 AM
Also trying to hammer things out here with those involved.
We need an AIM conference.
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 6th, 2008, 01:04:19 PM
Ok guys, the other members of the Krath and myself have come up with a solution that should be pleasing to all parties. I'm waiting to hear back from one more member before I make a public statement about it, but it should resolve everyone's problems. :)
Jeseth Cloak
Jan 6th, 2008, 07:29:00 PM
Okay, so the solution I spoke about recently is: the group has decided in majority to dissolve and change direction under a different name and collective mission, and remove the only two threads with any mention to it - both of which are currently incomplete anyway.
Though originally I was a little down about this, I realize now that it will be much fairer to all parties and actually be a great opportunity for a different kind of group. So stay tuned.
I hope this is a satisfactory resolution for everyone! :)
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