View Full Version : My little sister kicked a robbers butt! (bragging thread)

Dae Jinn
Dec 10th, 2007, 12:22:15 AM
So, it's around 9:30 tonight, and my sister Jessica and I are driving home from shopping. My youngest sister, Ash, aka Ange Tot/Bounty Hunter Aki/Etc works at the Avondale (same store I work in, different location) across the street from our house.

Now, most of you know, I've been robbed at knifepoint a few years ago. I was a bit worried for my sister when she started working there, but I had worked there without any problems for 6 months. In 24 years, that store had never been held up -- it's on a busy corner, constantly has people around, etc.

We turn to drive home, and see 3 police SUVs parked in front of the store. I freaked out (inside), so we stopped to investigate. After about 30 mins, I was finally allowed into the store. While I was waiting, the one cop was saying how brave my sister was. She's shaken up, but otherwise is fine.

It turns out, a guy came in, bought rolling papers, then tried to grab money from the open till...Ash FOUGHT him off, punching and scratching him in the face, and he ran away. My little sister, who's like, 98 pounds and a twig, beat up a scumbag! :D

I'm very proud of her, and really wouldn't expect anything less from her. I'm really glad (and thank god) that the idiot didn't have a weapon, and that no-one except him got hurt. We now call her "the pitbull" :D

Zem-El Vymes
Dec 10th, 2007, 12:28:10 AM
I'm very glad your sister is safe. I cannot imagine how shaken up she must be :(

I really need to read up on what is Canuck-legal for you guys to have and use, and see about getting you taken care of. You guys get this kind of static far too often. Please be safe, all of you.

Wyl Staedtler
Dec 10th, 2007, 12:28:48 AM
Don't mess with Canadian girls. :smokin

Dae Jinn
Dec 10th, 2007, 12:42:21 AM
Charley -- we have a personal-sized pepper spray, bear spray and a personal alarm thingy (like that would help at all >_<) where I work. I've never had to use any of them, and I don't think I would if I was threatened with a weapon again. I don't know what kind of actions my sisters' manager will take, honestly. We don't really have many options, as far as I know.

I know a lot of people say two clerks should work at night, and that female clerks shouldn't be alone at night. It doesn't matter -- if someone wants to rob you, they will. :|

Zem-El Vymes
Dec 10th, 2007, 01:04:25 AM
Pepper spray is better than nothing. That stuff is awful. Wish you guys could get that lady taser you linked me.

Angelica Shin
Dec 10th, 2007, 01:08:52 AM
I don't know what kind of actions my sisters' manager will take, honestly. We don't really have many options, as far as I know.

The fact that Avondale has been making my boss cut down on hours means it's really unlikely he'll be able to put more bodies in the store. :\

Dae Jinn
Dec 10th, 2007, 01:11:20 AM
We had a can of bear spray go off at our old store. Cleared the place right out and almost made me throw up.

I wish we could have tasers or some kind of non-lethal but more effective means of protection. I don't trust the cops in our town at all, not after they taped OVER the security footage of my robbery. Luckily, Idiot wasn't wearing gloves, and touched LOADS of stuff inside the store. Lots of fingerprints to use to catch him with :)

Ilias Nytrau
Dec 10th, 2007, 02:29:41 AM
Your little sister sounds like she's got a mean little punkass inside of her. Good job!;)

Dec 10th, 2007, 09:11:14 AM
PEPPER SPRAY!? That sounds delicious![/Chowder]

But srsly, I'm glad you guys are safe.

Dae Jinn
Dec 13th, 2007, 12:51:53 AM
Our mum emailed the local paper, so guess who's going to be famous tomorrow?! XD