View Full Version : Now Sketching

Jeseth Cloak
Dec 7th, 2007, 03:21:56 AM
If anyone wants me to draw something for them, let me know. I'm now open to requests. Just be aware that because of the time I put into my art, it may take me as many as three days to get back to you on a project.

Oh, and make sure you describe whatever it is you want me to draw in detail.

Dae Jinn
Dec 9th, 2007, 02:11:30 AM
Draw me a jellyfish XD

Dec 9th, 2007, 04:00:01 AM
Draw me a jellyfish XD

Opening a jar of peanut butter.

Ilias Nytrau
Dec 9th, 2007, 10:19:22 AM
Draw me a jellyfish XD

Opening a jar of peanut butter.

And that jellyfish has to be wearing bunny ears. Give him a mom tattoo, as well. And peanut butter jar needs an elephant on it.

Llewelyn Voss
Dec 9th, 2007, 04:59:50 PM
Draw me a jellyfish XD

Opening a jar of peanut butter.

And that jellyfish has to be wearing bunny ears. Give him a mom tattoo, as well. And peanut butter jar needs an elephant on it.

With a little plate of celery sticks floating nearby. Because where there's a jellyfish with peanut butter, there's bound to be celery sticks.

Slayn Cloak
Dec 9th, 2007, 09:44:58 PM
and no stick figures...

Kraehe Branwen
Dec 22nd, 2007, 12:30:46 PM
lol I didn't know you draw Jeseth. You never showed me your art.

I don't have time to draw myself anymore. Though I've painted a few things. I need to take a pic of my latest and post it. You'd like it.

Try drawing me a pic for a sig of Kraehe.