View Full Version : 40 K
Oct 12th, 2007, 10:05:05 PM
I figure I will move the 40 K discussion here. It is a game but with the price of most of the figures it is collecting.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 12th, 2007, 10:27:14 PM
How many figures do you have?
Also, any pictures of them?
Oct 12th, 2007, 11:13:37 PM
I need to get the camera up and going. then ill get some pics up.
Zem-El Vymes
Oct 13th, 2007, 12:35:47 AM
All of the nerds I know are incredibly into this so I'm shocked that I haven't done it.
Then again relieved, since I hear its stupidly expensive.
Karl Valten
Oct 13th, 2007, 01:31:12 AM
You mind throwing in fantasy and hordes/warmachine as well? I can dig up a couple of older photos, but I don't have a camera with a decent macro-lens here.
Some of my tomb kings stuff:
Karl Valten
Oct 14th, 2007, 07:52:46 PM
Hey Reshmar, I'm looking at building a nid army (probably 2000 total eventual), but I'll only be able to get it in 500-1000 point blocks (damn expensive). I need your opinion on the first half of the list I have here.
-Extended Carapace, Toxin Sacs, Feeder Tendrils
Genestealer retinue(6)
-Extended Carapace
210 pts
-Extended Carapace, Toxin Sacs, Enhanced Senses
-Venom Cannon, Deathspitter(2), Scything Talons(3)
118 pts
-same as above, but a Barbed Strangler and two devourers
109 pts
Gaunts( 14 )
70 pts
Gaunts( 14 )
70 pts
60 pts
Hormogants( 8 )
-Adrenal Glands (I)
88 pts
Hormogants( 8 ): same as above
88 pts
Heavy Support:
-Bonded Exoskeleton, Reinforced Chiton, Enhanced Senses
-Venom Cannon and a Barbed Strangler
183 pts
Total: 999 points
Peter McCoy
Oct 15th, 2007, 09:43:22 AM
I go through phases of 40K. I have the rulebook and the SPacemarine codex and peruse it occasionally, thinking of what to buy first. But I never buy anything because I just can't paint for toffee.
Perhaps one day I'll have the guts to actually buy a box of marines, some paint and just give it a go.
Oct 15th, 2007, 01:19:44 PM
I've never heard of this. It looks like an interesting hobby. I've done a little bit of army building with storm and clone troopers, but nothing on this scale.
Karl Valten
Oct 15th, 2007, 01:50:45 PM
Yeah, I love hobby gaming and especially wargaming. Still, it's crazy expensive, even the less well-known games (the civil war, WWI/WWII games for instance).
What are you looking for? Warhammer 40000 is a futuristic dystopia set in the year 40,000 (wow). The game is very squad based action, not quite full scale armies (the full-scale game is call Epic 40000). Unless of course you play the Imperial Guard, even if you take 3 or 4 tanks you've got at least another 3 or 4 (probably more) squads of infantry.
Warhammer is pretty much rank and file style of combat with a huge focus on large block movements and jousting for position before you smash your army into the opponent. Unless you play Wood Elves and just run around in circles shooting arrows or you play dwarves and just sit back and giggle while blast the crap out of the enemy as the have to cross the distance to your army...................only to find out that dwarves do not freaking die no matter what is thrown at them.
Sorry about the rants, had to be said.
Warmachine and Hordes I don't know all that much about. They are more skirmish games with Warmachine being steampunk-ish with magic and Hordes is more bestial/savage combat.
Oct 15th, 2007, 10:39:13 PM
ok first of get the Tyranid Battlebox Set. 90 bucks. 3 warriors, 8 Genestealers, 8 Termagants, 8 Hormagaunts, 1 Carnifex. with bells and whistles this is about 750 points or less. this is 90 bucks or less. it has everything you need to start. The 3 Warriors just use Death Spitters save the big guns for the fex's they can act as HQ so you dont need one right away. the genestealers should be an elite choice anyway but they arn't. They are a must if you fight marines. the Gants make good fodder I would just put Spinefists on them.. and the gaunts are basiclly fast attack in a troop chioce your the upgrade points here.and give then adrenal glands.. then get another one. another 90 bucks. this gives you the bulk of the nid army. 2 Carnifex's is the way to go. dont bother with the carapace and chiton if they are fitted out with venom cannons or barbed stranglers. if you are going to do this go all barbed Stranglers. 4 ordanance shots rocks. dont get carried away with upgrades the power of the nids is in its numbers. ok now get more gaunts. 2 boxes will work. this will give you 32 Gants, 32 Gaunts, and 16 Stealers. give one set of warriors Leaping or wings. they need to stay with the gaunts. the other set can stick with the gants. the Stealers do not need a hive mind they work independant.
Now you have the wrong HQ. Get the Tyrant. I know its expensive but its worth it. also get 2 tyrant guards. not only are they worth it they look cool. you put a tyrant, 2 guards, and 2 carnifex on a table people know you are seriuos.
I need the new Codex to know the costs I have last editions codex so the pt costs may be off.
but my recomendation is
Hive Tyrant (Scything Talons, Venom Cannon, Warp Blast, and Psychic Scream. enhanced Sense, Adrenal glands, Extended carapace. and toxic sacs). 197 Pts
2 x Tyrant Guards 90 pts
3 x Lictors 240 pts
6 x Warriors (Scything Talons,extended Carapace, enhanced senses.Adrenal Glands, and Deathspitters) 186 pts
3x Warriors (Scything Talons, Leaping, extended Carapace,Toxen sacs, Adrenal Glands, and Rending Claws) 160 pts
12 x Genestealers (toxic Sacs, Extended Carapace) 300 Pts
16 x Spinagants (spinefists) 80 Pts
16 Spinagants (Spinefists) 80 Pts
16 x Hormagaunts (Scything Talons, leaping, Adrenal Glands) 160 Pts
16 x Hormagaunts (Scything Talons, leaping, Adrenal Glands) 160 Pts
2 x Carnifex (2 Barbed Stranglers, enhanced Senses) 288 Pts
Travis North
Oct 15th, 2007, 10:47:29 PM
Well I've chosen my first army in 40K, and the Imperial that I am, I picked the Guard. Your standard human force with lots of guns and armour.
My first purchase for this army is the, newly released for Apocalypse, Hellhamer variant Baneblade. The largest tank in the 40K universe, costing 500 points to field, and $95 (Canadian) plus tax to purchase.
Was it worth it? Yes!
Now to build a military force around the giant treaded death machine.
Oct 15th, 2007, 11:15:22 PM
You doing Cadians?
Karl Valten
Oct 15th, 2007, 11:37:46 PM
You bought a freaking Super Heavy Tank as your first purchase?
Oct 16th, 2007, 12:35:35 PM
nice centerpiece. now you heed an HQ and 2 Troops.
Karl Valten
Oct 16th, 2007, 02:50:39 PM
Hive Tyrant (Scything Talons, Venom Cannon, Warp Blast, and Psychic Scream. enhanced Sense, Adrenal glands, Extended carapace. and toxic sacs). 197 Pts
2 x Tyrant Guards 90 pts
3 x Lictors 240 pts
6 x Warriors (Scything Talons,extended Carapace, enhanced senses.Adrenal Glands, and Deathspitters) 186 pts
3x Warriors (Scything Talons, Leaping, extended Carapace,Toxen sacs, Adrenal Glands, and Rending Claws) 160 pts
12 x Genestealers (toxic Sacs, Extended Carapace) 300 Pts
16 x Spinagants (spinefists) 80 Pts
16 Spinagants (Spinefists) 80 Pts
16 x Hormagaunts (Scything Talons, leaping, Adrenal Glands) 160 Pts
16 x Hormagaunts (Scything Talons, leaping, Adrenal Glands) 160 Pts
2 x Carnifex (2 Barbed Stranglers, enhanced Senses) 288 Pts
Oh I definitely am going with the Tyrant, but I'm going to pass on the guards and VC. He's getting wings and going to be a close combat god.
As for the Broodlord, I almost pass that bad boy up, the model looks sweet and his stats are amazing.
I like the warrior set-up there, probably going to do wings instead of leaping if points permit.
Not sure about 3 lictors, though. Seems like a bit of overkill points vs. effectiveness wise. Then again I've never played 'Nids.
That's probably what I'm going to end up with. Only thing is I'm figuring the McCragge set in so that's where the fleshborers came in. I'd also like the maybe shrink down the size of the stealer unit to around 8 or so because several are going to go with the Broodlord (or split the stealers into two groups of 8).
Two Carnifexes I like, but since I don't plan on having a VC on the Tyrant, I want at least one of them packing one of those. I also like loading them up with extra armor just because of the bullet-magnet effect (and to preserve that precious VC)
Karl Valten
Oct 16th, 2007, 03:10:39 PM
On a different note, here is a picture of an Apocalypse style Tyranid army. I actually think I will buy the endless horde set. 120 gaunts for 175$ is a pretty good deal actually.
(yes, that is a Hierophant, a trygon, 2 tyrants, 4 Carnifexs, 6 guards, and 4 zoanthropes)
Peter McCoy
Oct 16th, 2007, 05:44:05 PM
That is an awesome colour scheme in that tyranid image!
Oct 16th, 2007, 08:12:40 PM
I like the hierodule much better then the hierophant. and the tyrant and fexs are the old ones. you will need to look around if you want that type of tyrant. If you are set on the blood lord then do 2 broods of Genestealers. you could use that as a 500 point army if you need to. Their is no match for a genestealer one on one if it is set up right. at least not in a troop choice.
Karl Valten
Oct 16th, 2007, 08:26:31 PM
Even terminators go crunch under genestealers :cool:
Oct 16th, 2007, 08:43:08 PM
I did a Demonhunter scenerio where Genestealers were corupted. My storm troopers faired better then my Grey night terminators. My brother captain was down in the first round. Genestealers are no joke.
Karl Valten
Oct 16th, 2007, 08:51:10 PM
That and in the new edition they have fleet of claw, can deepstrike if they're with a broodlord, and have the option for extended carapace (4+ save heeeeeee, they get a save against bolters)
Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 17th, 2007, 12:25:41 AM
So, why's it called 40k ? I'm guessing this is played sort of like one of those card games (Magic/Pokemon) mixed with Stratego, am I right? :p
Karl Valten
Oct 17th, 2007, 06:56:48 AM
It's called 40k because it takes place in the year 40,000. :)
Nope, no cards involved really. Stats for each unit are given in their respective army's codex/army book (broken down into: movement, weapon-skill, ballistic-skill, strength, toughness, wounds, initiative, attacks, leadership, armor) . Gameplay is round based and is dictated by dice rolls. That's the short version anyway, there are so many rules and sub-rules for each army.
For instance, take Travis's Imperial Guard. Each army must have a minimum of on HQ choice and 2 troop choices. In the case of IG, one troop choice is a single platoon that can contain 2-6 squads (20-60 soldiers) and each squad is independent of the others. The HQ choice is an entire squad in itself and can have fire support squads tacked to it as well.
Say with the Tyranids, a single HQ choice is usually one model (possibly a smaaallll number of guards). But the model is larger, very hard to kill, and eats humans as snacks. A troop choice is a single unit of critters.
Karl Valten
Oct 17th, 2007, 03:08:22 PM
Full army list to have checked out right here. It's kind of a godzilla style army but not really:
Hive Tyrant (196 pts)
-2 Twin-linked devourers
-enhanced senses and toxin sacs
-Warp Field
Hive Tyrant + 2 Tyrant Guards (257)
-toxin sacs and enhanced senses
-barbed strangler and venom cannon
-Shadow in the Warp
Warriors x6 (246)
-toxin sacs and adrenal glands (don't know whether to go initiative or weapon skill)
-Deathspitters and Scything Talons
Genestealers x8 (192)
-extended carapace, toxins sacs, and feeder tendrils(needed to kill points)
Genestealers x8 (192)
-same as above
Hormogants x16 (176)
-adrenal glands (don't know whether Initiative or Weapon skill)
Hormogants x16 (176)
-same as above
Spinegaunts x16 (80)
Spinegaunts x16 (80)
-same as above
Carnifex x2 (296)
-enhanced senses
-barbed strangler and venom cannon
Zoanthrope x2 (110)
-Warp Blast
Total Points: 2001
Total Models: 94
Oct 19th, 2007, 07:23:01 PM
Hey I found you a 3rd ed. Hive tyrant. it looks alot better with wings then the 4th ed. has at least one. they also have the new 4ed ones too.
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