View Full Version : Dantooine: The search begins.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 11th, 2007, 03:27:26 PM
Dantooine. Once a respectable hub for Jedi knowledge, training, and culture: now it stood as just another planet for the Empire to control.
Wei was not sure how much of the Jedi information might be surviving on that planet. The Empire tended to be incredibly thorough in the eradication of its enemies. The odds were good that there was nothing left for him to find.
He didn't like the idea of going to the planet, but he couldn't think of anything better. Going to Coruscant to sift through the old Jedi Temple would be suicide.
Wei stepped down from the boarding ramp. Based on what he knew of the Jedi Temple, it wouldn't be too hard to get there. He just had to sprint across the plains until he reached the ruin.
The former Jedi let Zeke's wife know he was leaving and took off for the rubble he hoped would provide him with a clue.
Anbira Hicchoru
Oct 16th, 2007, 11:19:28 PM
Snake had an inclination that he wasn't alone, and turned west to face the open plain. His helmet-mounted optics swung into magnification, panning to the horizon, but seeing nothing.
With a grunt, he tossed a canteen to a nearby man, who was glistening with sweat from day labor in the Jedi ruins.
"Keep digging. We may have some unwanted company. I'll let you know when to lay low."
For a week now, Snake had led a group of three like-minded pilferers into the Jedi temple, eager to take what could be found. He'd promised the men their share of gold and jewels. All he wanted were the intangibles. The sort of thing he could sell to other people, he said.
Snake clutched his railgun at his side. Trouble was blowing in, and he'd have to sort it out, more than likely.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 18th, 2007, 06:01:36 PM
The only thing Wei didn't like about the plains was the fact that it was also mostly part of a shallow valley. Any Imperial troops would camp up on whatever high ground made itself hospitable; they'd be sure to spot him out long before he noticed them.
So far he had managed his Force Boosting like always. It came to him as naturally at that moment as it did when he was still a Padawan. Splitting his attention between the boosting process to view what the Force knew posed a bigger challenge.
If he focused on sensing his surroundings, he lost speed. When he stopped paying attention, he sped up. Unfortunately he couldn't go too fast without the Force to guide his feet. He nearly tripped over small rocks or smashed himself on a boulder from time to time.
By now Wei was pretty confident he was close to the old temple ruins. The plains here seemed remarkably clear of debris, trees, and rocks. The Jedi were supposed to have run large-scale classes on this field. Even so, something kept tapping him in the back of his mind. Something wasn't right.
Anbira Hicchoru
Oct 18th, 2007, 07:37:44 PM
It was a few minutes later, and Snake once again stopped his work.
He returned to his vantage, and could now spot what he had suspected earlier. There was a man, running across the plain and heading toward the ruins. The others paused their routine, and Snake jabbed a finger at them.
"Keep working!"
The masked man shouldered his rail gun, primed the accelerator, and tapped on the holographic weaponsight. A shot rang out, intended to fall a few meters shy of the intruder's feet.
Wei Wu Wei
Oct 19th, 2007, 09:04:57 PM
The poking in the back of his mind increased. It started at a low tone, but increased in tempo and pitch until his entire mind rang out, MOVE! THERE'S SOMETHING COMING AFTER YOU!
The blaster bolt hit the ground in front of him, kicking up dirt and rock. The lightsaber shook out of its place in his sleeve into his hand.
He was going to have to pay close attention. That shot was good. Whoever fired it could hit him if the attacker really worked on it.
Someone was keeping watch. And it was still a decently long dangerous time to get to the edge of the plain and through the tighter pass to the temple.
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