View Full Version : Shoot 'Em Up

Sep 16th, 2007, 07:44:37 PM
Go to Rotten Tomatoes and read what a number of articles claim, including this snippet from a review from The Times:

It is utter nonsense and completely reprehensible morally. But it’s an outrageous amount of fun.
And the BBC:

Bang, bang you're dead: Clive Owen romps his way through Shoot 'Em Up, an outrageously shoddy, audaciously choreographed exploitation flick that loves the smell of gunpowder in the morning.

And (usually reliable) Channel 4:

A film that would be odious were it not realised with such verve and gleeful, inventive 'Looney Tunes' audacity, and only a trim 86 minutes long.
Please, do yourself a favour and disregard every single opinion of this film which adheres to these perameters. Shoot 'Em Up in trailer format looked like a lot of fun when it is in fact an archaic, blunt, retrograde, offensive piece of nonsense which does nothing but reinforce my agreement with the perception that post-modernism means never having to say you're sorry.

This film is a testament to the idea that as long as a film is being ironic, it is perfectly acceptable to be tasteless, and chauvenistic, and sexist, not to mention mindless and stupid (perhaps I'm over-emphasising with words meaning the same thing but it needs to be done) while at the same time being completely devoid of style or effort. It is not. I've never seen a more appalling response to a film for as long as I've been going the cinema. People were walking out and crying out in frustration. It was such a painful experience.

The action is blatantly over-the-top but not remotely entertaining, I say this because if you have any taste whatsoever you will have already seen The Bourne Ultimatum and have therefore witnessed how real action should be delivered, and this bombardment of bullets, carrots, and blood has been done to death so much by film-makers not trying to parody the genre that it just doesn't even appear witty.

And it isn't. If this film is supposed to be dry, ironic, sharp, or portray any kind of wit at all it fails at every turn. This is Epic Movie with a budget and an older target audience thanks to it's 18 certificate. And in terms of bang for your buck, I walked away irate and offended that I'd spent money to watch this rubbish. Please, please, please, do not fund people who make this kind of tripe by going to see their films after being warned.

Every line, every scene, every shot, every bullet, every character trait is completely loaded with cliché and let them defend themselves all they want with the claim that is all ironic. No. It's not ironic, it is just vile, absolutely vile and without merit. Never before have I forced myself to sleep during a film, and given the lesson learned, I pray I will never have to do it again.

This is cinema at its lowest appealling to the lowest of the lowest common denominator. I'm warning you to save your wallet and your sanity. Go watch Bourne, go watch Knocked Up, watch Atonement or 3:10 to Yuma but please don't waste your well-earned money on this.
I am aware that this is a huge pile of negative waffle but it serves several purposes:

1. The need to share a woeful experience I had to endure.
2. The desire to warn others of this catastrophe.
3. To theraputically purge myself of its memory, by venting and raging.

Now, despite it being 2:40am, I'm going to go watch Children of Men to remind myself that Clive Owen does involve himself in great films despite this frightful lapse in judgement.

Dasquian Belargic
Sep 17th, 2007, 07:22:09 AM
I think I will spend my money on Superbad instead.

Itala Marzullo
Sep 17th, 2007, 07:51:01 AM
Ooooh, sounds like a blast, going to see it soon. :D

Parsideon Denix
Sep 17th, 2007, 08:03:29 AM
On one hand, I greatly admire and respect your views as a humanitarian and an intellectual.

On the other hand, you did pan Super Troopers.

I'll buy this whenever it comes to DVD and see whats up :)

Sep 17th, 2007, 01:56:46 PM
Being the gun aficionado you are, Charley, I will suprised if you last more than ten minutes into this film. It is offensive to anyone with more than two brain cells.

Having re-read what I wrote last night, I realised I didn't bring something significant to light, not only is this film all that I mentioned above, but it is also just plain boring. Despite all the noise, and the violence, and the absurdity of it all expanding exponentially throughout its 80-something minute duration, there is zero entertainment value, even for a popcorn flick. There were even lads sat at the back of the cinema who were no more than two generations away from their ape ancestors who were crying out in irritation, talking out of boredom, and just plain laughing at the debacle on screen.

I spoke to a couple of lads today who had enjoyed it. They tried to tell me I didn't get it, and that I'd taken it seriously. Whereupon I promptly corrected them that there was nothing to get. There's mindless cinema, which I can enjoy, and then there's this bilge, and I would much sooner watch a hundred Super Troopers than this once more. They're not even playing the same game, let alone in the same league.

Parsideon Denix
Sep 17th, 2007, 07:33:42 PM
You're probably right that I wouldn't like it. I've got a dim view of movies like Way of the Gun, Lucky Number Slevin, Crank, Transporter 1 & 2, Smokin Aces, etc. I haven't seen anything on this one in particular, but it sounds like it might fall into that category. I usually buy DVD's I'm passingly interested in though, so its up in the air if I'd snag it or not.

Darth Callidus
Jun 24th, 2008, 06:31:12 PM
I just watched this and found it hilarious. The whole thing was so ludicrous that it was hard not too laugh, and I have to suspect that the film-makers did all of his intentionally... given the creative use of carrots and such like :lol

Jun 26th, 2008, 06:51:51 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed this movie, although I can completely understand why some people found it nothing short of reprehensible. I looked at it as being like a live action anime movie, just outrageously over the top and hilarious. :)

Jun 26th, 2008, 08:00:30 AM
I think it does not need a rocket scientist to know what the script writer was thinking while creating this movie:
"What cool things can you do with guns? How many people can you kill with guns in one and a half hour? And how do you put this all together in one script? Is a carrot lethal? And how do you get away with such a script?"
In my eyes this movie is a parody of the whole John Woo inspired Action Genre. Over the top fire fights mixed with a lot of humor and cheesy one liners.
In the end the movie even has a message: Eat more vegetables! J/K It is making fun about the American gun laws all the time: The hero is buying guns for meal vouchers!!!
For a European ,that only knows 3 people who know how to use a gun and only one that actually has one for sports, this part is highly controversial :)

Jun 26th, 2008, 08:46:50 AM
I loved it as well. Personally anyone who takes this movie seriously is taking themselves way too seriously.

I mean using a gun to cut a babys' umbilical cord? Classic! :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 26th, 2008, 09:44:26 AM
Yeah, that was one of those "Oh, he isn't going to do it surely?! :lol" moments. Great fun.

Jun 26th, 2008, 02:40:30 PM
Personally anyone who takes this movie seriously is taking themselves way too seriously.

How you percieve a film has bugger all to do with how you percieve yourself, that's pseudopsychology at best. I still hate this film. It's about as entertaining as the company of drunken chavs.

Jun 27th, 2008, 01:04:06 AM
a little bit off topic but maybe someone read this story too:

OK people let's arm the mob!

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 27th, 2008, 11:12:51 PM
This movie is AWESOMELY stupid. And it's a pretty damn good parody to boot too.

Totally silly, lots of guns, lots of action and I'll never look at carrots the same way again