View Full Version : COPS was in our backyard

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 18th, 2007, 07:18:14 PM
Yes, this is how you know the neighborhood is a classy one - when you look into your backyard and see police being followed by a camera crew.

Apparently there was a hit and run on a nearby street and the fugitive ran through the sticker bushes in the 'field' behind our backyard and then into a neighbor's yard. Thankfully he didn't go into our house, as our sliding door was open!

But the cops got their guy (they even had a dog to hunt him down) and all ended well.


Dasquian Belargic
Aug 18th, 2007, 07:25:39 PM
... and thus your 15 minutes of fame is over.


Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 18th, 2007, 09:27:29 PM
I don't think I was even on camera, though I did do some of the necessary hanging outside on the front porch while my husband talked to the neighbors. :mneh

It was kinda funny, they pulled the guy out of the crappy 'meth house' (well, that's what we think anyway, pretty sure they're dealing something) on the corner and for a minute we thought the biggest blight on the neighborhood had gotten busted, but apparently he had nothing to do with the house, and was just hiding in their backyard. Well, that's kinda funny. I guess not really.

The police came by again later and asked if we thought the guy had come into our house and we said no.

Zem-El Vymes
Aug 18th, 2007, 09:35:45 PM
Was your husband wearing a wife beater at the time? You should've ran through the yard chasing him with a frying pan and gotten your TV spot. It's all good as long as he doesn't press charges :)

Dae Jinn
Aug 18th, 2007, 09:39:25 PM
We have pot dealers down the street one way, and crack dealers down the street the other, so I feel your pain :x It's cool though that your backyard was on COPS, lol.

Zem-El Vymes
Aug 18th, 2007, 10:03:22 PM
With all your meth heads and raccoons, does your hubby have a proper shooting iron?

Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 18th, 2007, 10:21:29 PM
We have pellet guns for the raccoons :) Speaking of, we had three try a flanking manuever on Ty the other night, trying to get at the house in the dark. :p

Once we fix our fence (on the list, after the house refinance in Januaryish and the HD big screen TV) we're going to get a big scary looking dog to take care of the meth heads.

Zem-El Vymes
Aug 18th, 2007, 10:39:28 PM
Get a real firearm and train in its use.

Aug 19th, 2007, 10:49:11 PM
Once we fix our fence .... we're going to get a big scary looking dog to take care of the meth heads.

In my experience the meth heads will have bigger, meaner dogs they forget to feed.

Aug 19th, 2007, 11:22:45 PM
Wow... nothing that cool ever happens in my neck of the woods. The only thing we encounter are four-by-four riding kids and the random rednecks with laser-sight assault rifles wandering the streets looking for the teenagers who trashed their mailboxes.

Seriously, my husband almost got shot one night when he was walking our old dog (Luke) because some deranged redneck neighbor thought he was one of those "youngins" who had smashed up his mailbox. He said he saw this red light in the distance and then realized there was a dot on his shirt when some old guy yelled out "Who are you?!"

Crazy old white guys.

Sanis Prent
Aug 20th, 2007, 12:21:53 AM
Was your husband on his property? FL defense laws are a bit fast and loose with the parameters of lethal self defense, and they take defense of property issues into effect. I don't particuarly agree with them (we have those rules of engagement as well) but it would determine whether or not the man's actions were legal or not.

Aug 20th, 2007, 11:05:45 AM
Charley --

Nope, he was actually walking right in front of our house, in the middle of the street. I'm not sure where the crazy man lives, but I'm pretty sure it's down at the end of our block (about 1/4 of a mile away). Shannon asked if I saw anything, but I wasn't staring out our front window at the time. He hauled butt back inside pretty quickly, though.

The crazy guy was just wandering the street at 9 pm brandishing a gun, muttering about the kids beating his mailbox up and throwing rocks at his house. I really do think he was insane, but he never bothered us after that.



Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 20th, 2007, 03:50:33 PM
Once we fix our fence .... we're going to get a big scary looking dog to take care of the meth heads.

In my experience the meth heads will have bigger, meaner dogs they forget to feed.

These ones don't have dogs, just an old rundown duplex with about ten people who go back and forth. I think, to be honest, its probably pot, not meth, but meth is a big problem in Oregon, so who knows. They're dealing something, because people will drive up, stop across the street, drop someone off, drive off then come back a minute or two later to pick the person up again. Or the people in the house will send someone out to a car that drives up, etc. :uhoh

Tam Jeneel
Aug 20th, 2007, 08:56:46 PM
Charley --

Nope, he was actually walking right in front of our house, in the middle of the street. I'm not sure where the crazy man lives, but I'm pretty sure it's down at the end of our block (about 1/4 of a mile away). Shannon asked if I saw anything, but I wasn't staring out our front window at the time. He hauled butt back inside pretty quickly, though.

The crazy guy was just wandering the street at 9 pm brandishing a gun, muttering about the kids beating his mailbox up and throwing rocks at his house. I really do think he was insane, but he never bothered us after that.



Should have gotten the police involved. There's being neighborly, and then there's having an AR-15 aimed at you from a block away. That kind of thing is intolerable.