Karl Valten
Aug 15th, 2007, 02:29:21 PM
I know a few other people are into that here so I figure it's about darn time we put up some of our stuff.
I've really gotten into miniature wargames (Warhammer and Warmachine for the most part) and with that comes a lot of hobby work. I'm currently working on getting my Tomb Kings army painted and field ready, big project right now is experimenting with my first Ushabti (very large Egyptian guardian statue thing)
I was going to put up how a paint this thing in stages, but I didn't have a camera on hand when I started so here we go. This thing was in one point in four pieces and has since been glued together and gaps filled with modelling putty. I also primed the whole thing with a flat white before getting to work. AT this point all of the basecoat colors are laid down and I've textured the loincloth sections and done some ink work on the metallic areas:
The other model is a Carion (undead vulture) and is probably my best one done to date. And of course the end is my very organized working space.
I've really gotten into miniature wargames (Warhammer and Warmachine for the most part) and with that comes a lot of hobby work. I'm currently working on getting my Tomb Kings army painted and field ready, big project right now is experimenting with my first Ushabti (very large Egyptian guardian statue thing)
I was going to put up how a paint this thing in stages, but I didn't have a camera on hand when I started so here we go. This thing was in one point in four pieces and has since been glued together and gaps filled with modelling putty. I also primed the whole thing with a flat white before getting to work. AT this point all of the basecoat colors are laid down and I've textured the loincloth sections and done some ink work on the metallic areas:
The other model is a Carion (undead vulture) and is probably my best one done to date. And of course the end is my very organized working space.