View Full Version : Uni courses

Karl Valten
Aug 2nd, 2007, 01:22:18 PM
Unfortunately since it's the end of the summer and second to last orientation. I get crap-hours for classes.

So far I have:

Phys for Sci and Engr I

IT Calc II

Monsters, Robots, Cyborgs (A weird, but interesting sounding class that encompasses many things but counts as a literature class :) )

Music Fundamentals (not what I want and VERY bad hours, trying to find a better class)

Monday is hell (3 classes + 2.5 hours of physics in a row from 5:45 - 8:25 at night)

Tues is light

Wednesday is packed

Thursday and friday I have one class each.

Please, I need advice on the best way to distribute hours. Physics and Calculus are set in stone, weird lit class is probably as well (meaning monday, tuesday, wednesday are tight.) I'm having a hard time finding thursday classes that don't interefere with monday morning calc.


Nathanial K'cansce
Aug 2nd, 2007, 03:29:34 PM
The best schedule I had while at Uni consisted of Mondays and Friday off, a 1 hour class on Wednesdays, and my Tuesdays and thursdays being full from 10-...6ish?

The most even spread that I really enjoyed had 3 - 1 hour classes on Monday and Wednesday, and 2 - 1.5 hour classes on Tuesday and Thursdays with a few random labs thrown in there on one of those days. Fridays off.

It really just depends on if you want a long weekend, like mornings or afternoons better, and enjoy night classes.

Ryan Pode
Aug 2nd, 2007, 04:06:13 PM
I've had everything from early morning packed, to spread out over the day, to afternoon-evening classes. The best thing is get classes that aren't too early and don't end too late.

My schedule for Fall '07:

BUSN 201

German 101

History 122

Musc 112 (Marching Band, not really a class)

ACCT 202

Religious Studies

That's probably the best schedule I've ever had, as far as balance goes.

Khendon Sevon
Aug 4th, 2007, 08:56:09 PM
Last semester was great. Two long nights and every other day was easy. One class on Thursdays and none on Fridays.

This semester I have classes every day.

Database Management Systems - All about programming databases and organizing information. R 2-3:15

Systems Programming - Operating systems oriented, all done in UNIX and C/C++, goes over a lot of material. MF 2-3:15

Concurrent Programming - All about writing for concurrency. W 6:15-8:45

Politics, Religion, & Science - Oh yeah, totally my type of class. I can't wait to argue everything. WF 11-12:15

Midi & Electronic Music - Why not? R 3:30-6

Self Defense - My gym class. Being taught by an instructor I'm friends with (my rock climbing mentor). W 3-4