View Full Version : Eddie Murphy is a scumbag
Itala Marzullo
Aug 2nd, 2007, 07:47:08 AM
I have lost all respect for this miserable excuse for a man. The DNA tests came out positive, just take some responsiblity! He's rich for crissake.
I can't stand men who take off on pregnant women, possibly the vilest garbage there is on the world after wife-beaters and rapists. Man enough to fornicate but not man enough to be a father.
Daria Nytherciria
Aug 2nd, 2007, 08:23:48 AM
I remember hearing that they had confirmed the paternity a little while ago. Shame on him for not manning up and accepting some responsibility. Tsk.
Knight Staedtler
Aug 2nd, 2007, 09:50:30 AM
Let's hope he wakes up and starts, for his daughter's sake. It'd be horrible for that little girl not to have her father be an active part of her life. :(
Lamar Starworth
Aug 2nd, 2007, 10:30:02 AM
I definately dont think it's right, but I can't hate the person for his action - I just despise the act. There is no room for people to be doing that the children. It just doesn't make sense, especially when he has been given the things to provide for more than just one kid...but millions.
The celebrity world is a jumbled mess of dookie. Lol, I dont know why anyone would want to be "celebrated" like these folk, they seem to have...very distant lives.
Travis North
Aug 2nd, 2007, 11:01:07 AM
*Celebrity Drama Alert*
Far worse things go on in the world.
I take it you did read the entire article and judged it from several viewpoints. Murphy already has five children to support from a past marriage. I haven't researched but I'd think that burns a deep hole into his pocket, celebrity or not. Another child to support just burns it even more, at least with this one he doesn't have a divorce order hanging over him.
Concenting to have a child four months into a relationship is dumb from my perspective, both parties were still drunk in love. That intoxication makes people do a lot of stupid things. Shame on both parties for falling to it.
Now, it is terrible to leave a child without a parent. But lets look at the facts here, both parents are celebrities. With this new Spice tour I bet Brown will be making enough to support both of her children, and herself. (Wonder how much she spends on herself in a year)
I don't think a rekindling of a relationship will even happen, so all those wanting Eddie to man up and be a father figure. Hah! Brown's not gonna allow him to come back and play the part if he wanted to. Once again on the Celebrity thing. Gee who doesn't predict new beaus for each in the future, and more drama. Little Angel will have a father figure soon enough, and many others I bet. Such is the way of the world of entertainment.
So before you go saying I dispise the man for not doing what he should. Remember he's in the limelight. His life is more complicated than yours, and unlike some out of the light, he's not a complete dead beat father who refutes the existance of a child.
Itala Marzullo
Aug 2nd, 2007, 11:41:39 AM
*Celebrity Drama Alert*
Far worse things go on in the world.
I take it you did read the entire article and judged it from several viewpoints. Murphy already has five children to support from a past marriage. I haven't researched but I'd think that burns a deep hole into his pocket, celebrity or not. Another child to support just burns it even more, at least with this one he doesn't have a divorce order hanging over him.
Concenting to have a child four months into a relationship is dumb from my perspective, both parties were still drunk in love. That intoxication makes people do a lot of stupid things. Shame on both parties for falling to it.
Now, it is terrible to leave a child without a parent. But lets look at the facts here, both parents are celebrities. With this new Spice tour I bet Brown will be making enough to support both of her children, and herself. (Wonder how much she spends on herself in a year)
I don't think a rekindling of a relationship will even happen, so all those wanting Eddie to man up and be a father figure. Hah! Brown's not gonna allow him to come back and play the part if he wanted to. Once again on the Celebrity thing. Gee who doesn't predict new beaus for each in the future, and more drama. Little Angel will have a father figure soon enough, and many others I bet. Such is the way of the world of entertainment.
So before you go saying I dispise the man for not doing what he should. Remember he's in the limelight. His life is more complicated than yours, and unlike some out of the light, he's not a complete dead beat father who refutes the existance of a child.
Don't you think that the fact he's a multimillionare makes his negligence even worse? He could already have twenty kids for all we know, doesn't make a bit difference to me if he's a celebrity or not.
My old manager got like 200 dollars out of 1000 every week and the rest went to child support and took it like a man.
Hell, it's not even about the money, but the whole moral aspect of it.
Figrin D'an
Aug 2nd, 2007, 11:46:58 AM
*Celebrity Drama Alert*
So before you go saying I dispise the man for not doing what he should. Remember he's in the limelight. His life is more complicated than yours, and unlike some out of the light, he's not a complete dead beat father who refutes the existance of a child.
His life is more complicated by his own volition. He embraced the celebrity that came with it when he was a huge star in the '80's, and has lived off of that fame ever since. While judging solely on this specific circumstance, and the complexities thereof, is probably not the best approach, to imply that the simple fact of being "in the limelight" provides him with some sort of even remotely viable reasoning for his less than stellar attitude and behavior towards this is dubious at best, and plain irresponsible at worst.
Travis North
Aug 2nd, 2007, 03:22:43 PM
Points taken, but from what I gather from this article, Murphy shouldn't be labelled so harshly.
Brown said she and Murphy dated for four months in 2006 before mutually deciding to conceive a child.
That point there is still a big factor in why I'm against labelling him. I'm not one to believe dating for four months immediately brings up 'Lets have a child.' But more along the lines of 'it's Business Time'. This can't have been a very serious relationship. If it were maybe they'd have hooked up like the relationship at the bottom of the article. OH SNAP!
[Murphy] got engaged last week to film producer Tracey Edmonds, according to Adris Debarge, Edmonds' executive assistant.
Believe it or not Scary got knocked up while dating Eddie Murphy. Dating is what it is, she could have very well been seeing other men. Which leads to this.
Murphy later said he was not sure he was the baby's father.
Now there's no doubt, since the DNA test confirms it, that Murphy is the father and will soon be legally shelling quite a share of cash from his multimillions in support to Miss Brown and their daughter Angel... Wait...
Brown will also seek sole custody and reasonable child support
Reasonable how much does that amount to, and sole custody. 'She's my daughter, mine, not his. No visiting, weekends or holidays.'
"I am here today for one reason and one reason only; her name is Angel," Brown said. "Angel is my baby and Eddie's. She will always know that she was planned and wanted by both of us."
The highlighted line contradicts the above statement and then there is the gem which I enjoyed. Yeah planned... More like. 'My career is gonna hit rock bottom soon. I'll bring Murphy and his money down with me.. Oh and have a child to guarantee it'
Murphy is not a scumbag. He just got played by a woman and had a daughter in the process. A daughter who will be well taken care of and will see and hear daddy in a bunch of movies, although probably without her knowledge.
This whole article has nothing do with the moral issues of Murphy, but of Miss Brown. We don't have Murphy's side of the story, so his morals are unseen. Whether he's wanting to support the child or not a court order must still be held. The negative context associated with the court is taken to far here.
I'm gonna borrow your quote Itala and change it slightly.
Male enough to fornicate.... But not man enough to be a father. Quite the opposite... He had a child. He will support the child. He will not interact with the child not by his own accord however, but by the Mother's. (Sole custody says a lot.)
Limelight still plays a bit of a factor as well. Not so much Murphy's but Miss Browns. Former Brit Popstar in the midst of a dwindling career, seeks to be back on top. Has child with hit movie star, drama ensues. Attempting to rocket back to top with a return to the music industry while surrounded by cameras from the drama. Dedicates new launch to support child, masses take that to heart. Piles of money... Multimillions, plus Murphy's, equals a happy family and a father who will not matter at all when the time comes.
Murphy cannot be considered a scumbag because this article says jack on his morals. It's all about money. Money which brings Scary Spice's morals into question. This article isn't about the child or Murphy but about Brown.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 2nd, 2007, 03:51:09 PM
. Former Brit Popstar in the midst of a dwindling career, seeks to be back on top. Has child with hit movie star, drama ensues. Attempting to rocket back to top with a return to the music industry while surrounded by cameras from the drama. Dedicates new launch to support child, masses take that to heart. Piles of money... Multimillions, plus Murphy's, equals a happy family and a father who will not matter at all when the time comes.
You're being very cynical about this :|
Aug 4th, 2007, 04:40:10 PM
Murphy's not discussing the situation right now from what I've read. All we have to go on that this was a planned pregnancy are Brown's statements. Murphy may very well have had legitimate questions about whether or not he was the baby's father. Now that the parentage has been confirmed I'm sure he'll own up and write the checks. That will probably be the extent of his involvement with the child considering his career and family situation. If he's a scumbag, then the same thing has to be said about Brown because it took two to make that baby. Frankly, they're BOTH idiots for not practicing safe sex four months into a relationship.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 5th, 2007, 03:01:20 AM
Just like Anna Nicole's paternity fiasco, the only one who is blameless in this situation is the baby. Poor thing.
Cat X
Aug 5th, 2007, 04:07:16 AM
. Former Brit Popstar in the midst of a dwindling career, seeks to be back on top. Has child with hit movie star, drama ensues. Attempting to rocket back to top with a return to the music industry while surrounded by cameras from the drama. Dedicates new launch to support child, masses take that to heart. Piles of money... Multimillions, plus Murphy's, equals a happy family and a father who will not matter at all when the time comes.
You're being very cynical about this :|
And why arent you? Dont you know that's all this nonsense is about?
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 5th, 2007, 08:53:19 AM
Because she is a woman who wants child-support from her childs biological father? Regardless of how the kid came into the world, Murphy should take some responsibility for it. It shouldn't make any difference whether or not he's a movie star, and as for the whole career thing... she hasn't done anything music-wise for years. It's not like she's just released an album and is using this to boost sales. I know the Spice Girls are planning some kind of reunion tour next year, but that can carry itself.
Cat X
Aug 6th, 2007, 07:36:56 AM
Because she is a woman who wants child-support from her childs biological father? Regardless of how the kid came into the world, Murphy should take some responsibility for it. It shouldn't make any difference whether or not he's a movie star, and as for the whole career thing... she hasn't done anything music-wise for years. It's not like she's just released an album and is using this to boost sales. I know the Spice Girls are planning some kind of reunion tour next year, but that can carry itself.
Oh really?
You need to get a lot more cynical. A LOT more. The naivity on how Hollywood and the publicity machines work is astounding in this thread. The fact this is even news at any level is just wrong and shows what's truly wrong here.
And actually he doesnt have to take any responsibilty over the child at all if it wasnt for the law forcing him otherwise. That's purely a moral issue and your own morals are what YOU make of them. I do things some here would find abhorrent. YOU do things I think stink and thence I really cant raise the slightest urge to condemn some comic who stuck his privates in some poision womb.
Dasquian Belargic
Aug 6th, 2007, 10:10:00 AM
To me, it's about taking responsibility for your actions. I might not be the best person in the world, but I have been raised to believe that is the right thing to do. Perhaps I'm jaded because of my own upbringing, divorce and neglectful father included. I suspect we are both jaded in our own ways.
Itala Marzullo
Aug 6th, 2007, 11:57:44 AM
Yeah, publicity or not there is nothing but condamnation going that man's way.
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 6th, 2007, 05:01:31 PM
And that's just because of Norbit!
Mu Satach
Aug 6th, 2007, 06:44:50 PM
*rim shot*
Lilaena De'Ville
Aug 7th, 2007, 02:52:01 PM
:D thanks!
Aug 7th, 2007, 04:17:40 PM
And that's just because of Norbit!
First of all, if it's his child, and it appears it is, he HAS to assume some level of responsibility for it. That's what a MAN is SUPPOSED to do. Now, I'll defend Eddie to a point for a couple of reasons. First, you have to find out if it really is your kid. An accusation is just that, an accusation. Chris Rock was recently sued for paternity by a woman claiming he was the father of her 13 year old child. He fought it, does that make him a scumbag? Hell no, and now that DNA results prove he's not the father of the child he was obviously right to fight the suit. You might have had a relationship with a woman, but there's always a chance you're not the father and she's coming after you for a paycheck. Sad, but true.
The second reason I'll stick up for Eddie is because well before Norbit, there was Beverly Hills Cop!
Itala Marzullo
Aug 7th, 2007, 10:43:01 PM
And that's just because of Norbit!
First of all, if it's his child, and it appears it is, he HAS to assume some level of responsibility for it. That's what a MAN is SUPPOSED to do. Now, I'll defend Eddie to a point for a couple of reasons. First, you have to find out if it really is your kid. An accusation is just that, an accusation. Chris Rock was recently sued for paternity by a woman claiming he was the father of her 13 year old child. He fought it, does that make him a scumbag? Hell no, and now that DNA results prove he's not the father of the child he was obviously right to fight the suit. You might have had a relationship with a woman, but there's always a chance you're not the father and she's coming after you for a paycheck. Sad, but true.
The second reason I'll stick up for Eddie is because well before Norbit, there was Beverly Hills Cop!
It helps to read the thread, JediEb, the first reason is bologna, dna tests already proved he's a father.
Aug 8th, 2007, 12:58:40 AM
I have read the thread and an article on the whole sad affair. As soon as the DNA results came in Murphy said he was willing to accept responsibility for the child and pay child support. But before those results came in he had every right to challenge her claim, even if they were in a relationship. That's what I was referring to. Once the DNA came in Murphy never said he wouldn't pay up.
"Mr. Murphy and Ms. Brown dated very briefly and never made any plans of ANY sort," the statement said. "He acknowledges paternity of the child Angel, and has paid child support to Ms. Brown as well as covering the expenses of her pregnancy."
He stepped up. But until those test results came in, he had every right to fight or doubt her claim. Especially when you consider how short their relationship was. Unless you're saying that fathering a child means you have no responsibility for that child I don't see what's bogus about my first reason.
Itala Marzullo
Aug 8th, 2007, 07:04:02 AM
Maybe I read it wrong but it came off like you didnt know the dna tests already came positive.
He can fight it, but can you iamgine if someone rigged that?
Aug 8th, 2007, 07:25:20 AM
I heard she's going to be on Larry King. Yet another reason to avoid watching Larry King. Whoever said that in some ways this is a publicity stunt is a friggin' genius. Exactly how does airing all this out on Larry King help precious little Angel? Spice girl is milking this for all it's worth now.
I know I've taken up for Eddie, but I still think he's basically behaving like a middle aged loser. He hit his mid 40's, dumped his wife of 5 kids and then started nailing women almost half his age. Guys like this really need to grow up.
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