View Full Version : Man to Man (Kazaar)

Old Man Russard
Jul 23rd, 2007, 09:03:13 PM
The old man struggled, but his present company pretended not to notice.

Lissel, the Twi'lek nurse squashed the impulse to step forward and provide a steadying hand, even though her charge's efforts were almost painful to watch.

In the hearth, the fire blazed giving off an excessive amount of heat. Perhaps that was the reason for the stifling feeling. The tension in the large study was palpable and no one could kid themselves that the closeness was from the fire.

Jason the Elder kept his feet, however, determined to show the inner steel that had made him one of the most influential and feared men in the city. His wheelchair was tucked into a corner, while the elder Russard supported his withered frame propped up on two ornately carved sticks.

"And this was Inquisitor Valten's suggestion?" the old man asked, unimpressed.

His son flicked a short look to the Bounty Hunter, slightly embarressed at his father's tone.

"And you decided it was a good idea...?" the old man continued. It was not hard to conclude what the old man thought of that.

Russard turned to pin Kazaar with cold blue eyes, the shifting of body weight making his forearms shake slightly.

Lissel bit her lip anxiously.

"Is that the way of it?"

Jason Russard
Jul 23rd, 2007, 09:11:57 PM
"I think we should be grateful that Mr. Kazaar has agreed to take the position, Father"

Jason's reply was stiff. They had all been under alot of strain the past few days and the last thing he needed was the goading disapproval of his father.

"Karl Valten did suggest it, yes. But it was not a thought that had not crossed my mind. Kazaar did, after all, save Estelle when no one else could."

Jason bristled, he was always defending himself against the old man these days.

"I had thought you would agree it was a good solution."

Old Man Russard
Jul 23rd, 2007, 09:16:02 PM
"The day you do my thinking for me, Jason, is the day they put me in the ground" the old man barked.

"Well...?" he adressed Kazaar, "You got a tongue have you, son? Lissel! Stop standing there hovering uselessly, bring some whiskey."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 24th, 2007, 11:51:38 AM
Aurelias Kazaar was leaning against th'wall during the exchange between father and son, a cigar clenched between his teeth. Jason Russard (the Younger) had protested to the former bounty hunter having it, but the Elder had shot such a fierce look that his son had shut his mouth before uttering a word. It was pretty evident 'The Old Man' was still in control of his study, even if he couldn't control his body.

Lissa handed him a small glass of whiskey before he could reply t'Jason the Elder's questions. Thank the gods it didn't have any ice innit, like Jason the Younger's did. The Oldest Russard took it straight like Kazaar did.

He gulped the liquor down his throat, the flavor burning his throat and it trickled down. It was a pretty frackin' good vintage. The nurse refilled his glass and Kazaar poured th'liquid down his thoat again.

"Look Russard, whatta ya want me t'say? I ain't gonna dote over 'The Kid' like some kinda Endor chicken. I don't frackin' do that stuff."

Even if there was one person in this family who was sure as hell gonna try t'do it forra while.

Jason Russard
Jul 24th, 2007, 05:59:35 PM
"Mr Kazaar will be Estelle's body guard. We will set him up in apartments close to her own; he will take her to her classes. In short, he will be at her disposal" he deferred to Kazaar momentarily, "forgive the expression" then turned back to his father, "She will be not be left vunerable as she was before."

Jason swirled his glass making the ice clink. He felt foolish explaining himself, but he would be damned if he was going to back down on the issue. The old man was just being contrary. Probably his gout was acting up.

"Your insinuation that Kazaar is Valten's man is paranoid, father. After all, I do believe it was through your good friend Gorgja the Hutt that we even connected with Kazaar in the first place."

Old Man Russard
Jul 24th, 2007, 06:02:31 PM
"Yes" the old man narrowed his gaze, holding off on his whiskey for the moment, "Why dont you tell us about that, Kazaar. You got a bit of history there with our fat associate, it seems."

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 24th, 2007, 09:12:03 PM
The question kinda threw Kazaar forra loop. What th'hell was he supposed t'say about his relationship with Gorgja? That he saved Gorgja on more than one occasion? That the Hutt got him outta prison for killing (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showpost.php?p=233626&postcount=3) three stormtroopers?

Or that Gorgja partnered him up with the perfect partner before Kazaar and 'The Kid' started workin' together?

The former bounty hunter took a couple puffs of his cigar while he considered his response.

"Gorgja's pretty good, forra Hutt. Took care o'me after my parents died. Pays me well."

Another pause, "We aren't best of pals, but we never hated each other.He knew what missions t'give me.

"That answer ya question?"

Old Man Russard
Jul 24th, 2007, 09:37:47 PM
"Kept you out of the goodness of his heart, eh?"

The old man finally broke a grin, "Aint that just like a Hutt"

He downed the whiskey and passed the glass off to Lissel. The Twi'lek saw the slight nod the old man gave her, and she hastened to bring the wheelchair over.

The old man seated himself into it.

"Well, you proved yourself smart enough to get the girl back and stay a step ahead of the Imperial fleet -- that alone says to me you aint all priss and pretense"

That, more than anything softened the old man toward Kazaar. He liked a guy who could think on the fly.

"Might be you'll do Mr. Kazard"

Jason the Younger stiffled a sigh at his father's deliberate mispronounciation of Kazaar's name. It was an old trick from an old dog to make the new guy know he didn't really rate yet.

"Lissel" the old man groused, "my glass"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 24th, 2007, 10:03:17 PM
Kazaar gave a snort. Coulda been a worse mispronunciation.

He'd once hadda Rodian call him 'Kazaa' before pulling a blaster on 'im. It was later, after the Rebel Spy had put out both the Rodian's eyes and one of his ears, he found out the Rodian had done it t'impress a local crime lord on Nar Shaddaa. Kazaar'd sent the would-be assassin's remains inna box and never heard from th'guy again.

'Least 'Jason the Elder' hadn't done that yet. But then old guys could be pretty wily when they wanted to.

"Thanks Russard," Kazaar pronounced it as 'RUSS-erd', then smirked at the look he got from both Russards. Both Kazaar and the elder Russard locked steely gazes as the latter's glass was refilled.

"When do ya plan on lettin' 'The Kid' go back t'school?"

Jason Russard
Jul 28th, 2007, 02:14:04 PM
Jason had decided when he first met Kazaar that he liked the bounty hunter alot.

Kazaar was a man who was used to getting the job done. He did not need any hand holding or micro-managing. He was dependable. And tough. Jason admired that.

The Younger Russard was tough too, in his own understated way. He did not have the hard, ruthless edge that his father, and Kazaar, had and this was often perceived by other tough men as a failing. Or at the least, a weakness. Jason feared it was how his father felt Inquisitor Valten viewed him, and therefore, it made him vunerable. It was no doubt true. Some of the Inquisitors disdainful looks were not lost on Jason, as hard as Valten tried to disguise them. They were different, these three men. Very much so. But Jason understood himself enough to know that there was a place for all of them. And a purpose that each one, and only each one, cold accomplish.

"Estelle will return to University when she feels able. I dont think my daughter will submit to being a 'patient' any longer than absolutely needful"

The Old Man agreed with this assessment and nodded into his whiskey glass.

"Of course, we will expect you to watch for any relapse in poor health Kazaar. And for any...um...."
Jason found it difficult to find a tactful way to say watch for any emotional collapse. His daughter had been through a terrible ordeal, something that was not healed in a week.

"Dont worry Russard, I'll tell ya if t'kid crashes'n'burns" Kazaar tossed in helpfully.

"Yes, um, Thankyou, Kazaar. We will appreciate that"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 28th, 2007, 04:02:19 PM
"I wouldn't worry 'bout it Russard," Kazaar pronounced th'name correctly this time, "The Kid seemed pretty tough t'me."

There were various ways t'heal, all of these the Rebel spy knew pretty well. F'him, healing normally meant beating th'everliving crap outta some Imperial, slaver; then going off t'some bar and getting so drunk he barely remembered th'next day. Or vice versa. Normally someone ended up gettin' hurt. Someone who deserved it.

'Course that was his way of handling things and it prolly wasn't best in this 'civilized' day. Naw...best thing t'do then was go prey on someone who was weaker and couldn't defend themselves. That's how most people coped. Frackin' bastiches.

"Ya got nothing t'worry about. Ya gotta be tough t'handle Timandar's group."

Old Man Russard
Jul 28th, 2007, 04:41:01 PM
"Lucky for us you have another arm" The Old Man remarked dryly.

Kazaar had returned from dealing his own justice against Timandar, but the bounty hunter had not gotten away without injury. His slung arm was not being overlooked by Jason the Elder.

In an abrupt switching of topic, the old man hoped to take Kazaar off balance and get some real answers to the man's background.

"What do you know of the Albino?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 28th, 2007, 08:29:37 PM
"He's a frackin' bastard!" Kazaar swore violently, "A scum-suckin' sonofabitch who doesn't deserve t'live in th'palace he lives in."

The former bounty hunter's black eyes narrowed sharply, "Don't work with 'em. He'll try t'take ya business right under ya. Plus he ain't honest either.

"Hell, he was on Mastala when I got there. And helped Timandar get away. If I coulda gotten t'em I woulda. But 'The Kid' was more important. Getting 'er out was my job, not end th'life of a miserable farquehead like the 'Velvet Fracking Crimelord'."

Old Man Russard
Jul 29th, 2007, 08:34:57 PM
The two Russard's exchanged a look. The Albino's assisting of Timandar was news to them.

"You sum Crei up quite accurately Mr. Kazaar" the old man conceded.

"You seem to come into things with your eyes open. That's good. I have had dealings with Kimiki in the past and know very well he can be dangerous. But one thing keeps him in check when dealing with him - payment. He is a slave to his own greed. A good tip to remember for future reference, maybe"

Jason Russard
Jul 29th, 2007, 08:37:24 PM
"You have our considerable assets at your disposal in order for you to be most effective in your new position Mr. Kazaar" Jason said. "Is there anything you need from us at the moment?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 29th, 2007, 09:29:41 PM
Kazaar puffed on his cigar. He'd spent 'nough time in Rebel Intel t'know what t'ask. And he was gonna get it too.

"Just lemme do my damn job. Ya want me to protect 'The Kid', then lemme protect 'er my own way."

The bodyguard directed his gaze towards Jason the Elder, "Don't forget this, Old Man. Crei might be pretty fracking greedy, but he's pretty frackin' ambitious. Keep that in ya mind."

Old Man Russard
Aug 5th, 2007, 03:06:23 PM
Jason looked carefully at Kazaar, but what thoughts were behind those penetrating blue eyes, the old man kept to himself.

It was a tense few moments. Jason the Younger watched as the two men squared off in the heavy silence.

It was the old man who spoke first.

"You appreciate a good smoke do you, boy?"

Lissel, unbidden, moved quickly to her charge's desk and brought out a carved wooden box. "Got these from a friend of mind in the Corellian Sector - a Drall from Sacorria, you'll excuse me if I dont name names."

The Twi'lek stepped forward, box lid up so the rich aroma of the Sacorrian Cigars wafted pungently into the room, and tempted the bounty hunter.

"Take one for later"

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 5th, 2007, 03:36:50 PM
Kazaar's smirk somehow grew larger. Wasn't often that someone offered 'im a Sacorrian Cigar, let alone one of th'long Churchills. Those were pretty frackin' rare, 'specially from the dictatorial regime of 'The Triad'.

The bodyguard selected one of th'cigars near the end of the row, then stuck it in his cigar holder. Cigar etiquette said ya didn't bother t'smell the thing until ya were alone, and that was prolly the one bit of advice Kazaar followed.

He only gave a nod in thanks to the Eldest Russard, but it was all that needed t'be given.

"Anything else?"

Jason Russard
Aug 12th, 2007, 04:18:10 PM
"We are done here, for now, Mr. Kazaar" Jason replied. "If you will come with me, I will show you where you can stay while Estelle recovers her strength. Of course, you are welcome to move about the grounds freely and conduct your business as may be necessary.
For my part, I have business in the city center in the morning, and so probably wont see you for a few days"

Russard the Younger had a meeting with Imperial advisors in order to review and reinforce his company's security systems. Tomorrow promised to be another very long day.

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 13th, 2007, 04:11:50 AM
Kazaar gave a nod towards Jason the Elder, then fell in stride with the younger. It was an odd pair, Kazaar walking step for step with the businessman, as if th'two were equals and not (technically) employer/employee.

It was something Kazaar had always done, walked in stride with those in command. With a rye smirk, he remembered the Bossman's first reaction when the Rebel spy went step-for-step with the commander.

Kazaar took a puff from his cigar, "Ya know the Kid's gonna want t'get 'er own place soon. What're ya gonna do then?"

Jason Russard
Aug 15th, 2007, 06:59:17 PM
"I raised my daughter to be independant, and she has not disappointed" Jason replied as they negotiated the hallway. "If I fear she will make wrong choices, then that is a failing of mine, not hers. Besides" he added with some satisfaction, "what purpose would you serve if she was tucked up under my wing for the rest of her life?"

They descended a flight of ornately carved stairs to the ground level of the house and continued down another hallway.

"You and I will communicate quite regularly and I expect to hear of anything remotely suspicous, ah, here we are." They stopped outside a heavy rosewood door and Russard opened it for the bounty hunter, allowing him to step into the room ahead of him.

"There can never be a repeat of this past situation, Mr. Kazaar" Jason continued from the doorway while Aurelias prowled around his accommodations. "We are agreed on this point, correct?"

Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 15th, 2007, 08:57:09 PM
"Anything bad happens, it'll be t'me not her," Kazaar replied gruffly, as a way t'show how far he'd go t'keep 'The Kid' alive.

He let his eyes wander 'round the room. It was pretty frackin' lavish, helluva lot better than The Dutchman. There was a large had t'be queen-sized bed in th'middle, with a large window looking out over Coruscant. Prolly a full-sized refresher too.

"I ain't gonna let 'The Kid' die on my watch. When I'm done with her...those schutta scum like Timandar are gonna hafta worry 'bout their own hides bein' roasted.

"If ya know what I mean," Kazaar gave Jason the Younger a wolfish smirk.

Jason Russard
Aug 19th, 2007, 12:31:22 AM
"Yes. Well." Jason didn't really quite know what to say to that. "Very good then"

The scary thing about having men like Kazaar working for you was that you never quite knew what you were getting in to. However, Estelle was what mattered here, and if anything was certain, it was that Kazaar had her best interest at heart.

"I"ll say goodnight then Mr. Kazaar. We'll talk again soon"

Old Man Russard
Aug 25th, 2007, 06:27:48 PM
The old man was at the end of the hallway when his son exited Kazaar's room. The two men swapped candid looks before Jason the Younger turned toward the stairs, back the way he'd come. His father watched him go.

The fool's in way over his head the old man thought grimly. This last turn of events had cemented in his own mind that the Inquisitoriate held much too much sway over his too-trusting son.

Karl Valten was going to be a problem, the old man knew it instinctively.

At least with the new pitbull his son had brought home, and who even now was probably enjoying one of his best Sacorrians, some hope remained. Perhaps his son had finally learnt something from the old man after all.

<i>You play in the big boys' sandbox long enough, you have no choice but to dirty up your hands.</i>