View Full Version : [Antar IV] The Eyes of the Mind: Sense (Tieru)
Terran Starek
Jul 22nd, 2007, 12:49:52 PM
The morning broke like any other morning, the sun peeking over the tops of the trees and bathing the temple courtyard in soft light. It had been three days since he and Tieru had escaped Imperial pursuit and found a safe haven here, in an abandoned Akarri Temple. They had spent the last couple of days talking with one another, sharing stories, but mostly - healing. Terran had taken the brunt of the injuries and today he felt like his old self.
He stood at the entrance to the temple, watching the sun rise and centering himself. It was a ritual he did every morning. His breathing was slow and controlled, deep breaths taking in everything they could. His ears perked the to the sounds of the wildlife surrounding the temple. He was looking forward to getting out and getting into the heart of the forest, feeling the life of Antarr IV pulsing in his heart.
Today was also the first day of training. Terran had just taken Tieru as his padawan, and it was past time that the two get started on training. Terran didn't know how much time they had. They could be hours or days away from discovery, and it was time that Tieru was equipped to handle the situation like a proper Jedi.
Today, they would begin with focus on Sense. Sense was Terran's strongest skill, his most gifted attribute in the Force. The Jedi Knight had a special connection to the Living Force, and he found sensing his surroundings and looking into the motives and minds of others to be much easier than, say, swinging a lightsaber. Although he could do that pretty well, mind you.
He was about to turn back inside to stir his padawan when he heard the door to the lover levels open. Tieru was awake, which was good. Terran wanted to get an early start.
"I see you're awake, my friend," The Jedi Knight spoke to the emerging Tieru, smiling softly to his padawan.
Tieru Ocarre
Jul 22nd, 2007, 08:12:04 PM
Everyday was...different. Although the seclusion had given the two necessary time to bond, there was a change him that simple isolation couldn't do. The very presence of Terran, a Jedi Knight, had excited memories that Tieru had forced himself forget. All the familiar senses tingling with remembrance, a memoir explored that his very soul animated. The memories were important. The Padawan loved the nostalgic times, and every moment...every second retold lost times.
All of it nice.
The morning was his time to contemplate. Terran always was up and about before him...or so it seemed. Tieru kept his open eyes hidden under the sheets as he listened to himself think. The changes came so fast, he was required to recollect, recalculate his steps and perfect his motions. Every day was a calling for growth...or regrowing in a way. Questions were raised in discussion that he hadn't even thought of, and it troubled him.
In the times before he was always prepared. Even the sudden and abrupt switches of topics with his former Masters didn't phase his adequate mind. Two decades had swiped far too much of his basics, and no matter how he attempted to change - it was worthless. Becoming a Jedi required assistance, that was what the Jedi Temple was based on. No one could accomplish such feats a lone, at least not with any ease. Stories of old came to mind about talented students that had taken hurdles in the dynamics of the Force that many required help in.
Tieru was never considered a true...genius - so he was prone to assistance like most of the Jedi Order's students. Not everybody walked in the shadow of Anakin Skywalker, given a blessing of skill sets almost...naturally. A legacy had been built around the old Jedi, almost a lore, that he didn't even need a Master to become such a great Padawan.
It was an interesting idea, but almost too fantastical for Tieru ever to believe.
"Hey, whats the plan today?"
Tieru stepped out the door, his jet black hair dangling over his eye as he peered up the steps at his new Master. Terran was always pretty polite, a true testament to the Jedi Code.
Terran Starek
Jul 23rd, 2007, 01:35:08 PM
"Today, we're taking a hiking trip." Even now, as the sun just loomed over the horizon, the forest moon of Antar IV was heating up. The sun's blistering rays began to saturate the land around them. It would be a nice, hot day. Terran was dressed in garb he hadn't worn for some time - his Jedi robes. They were wrinkled and dusty, having been packed away for many years. He wore only his pants, his boots, and his undertunic, as he knew the heat would be too much for all of his attire.
"I'd suggest dressing lightly. We've got a ways to go." Terran gestured toward a looming mountain that overlooked the temple. Though it was a small mountain, t's peak reached high into the sky, covered in trees and deep brush. Terran had planned that they would hike up it - at a brisk jog of course - and when they reached the top, they would relax in a small grove and center their focus and their minds.
It would be then that their true training would begin. It was vital that Tieru learned the power of the Living Force, and the strength that a connection to it would bring. Some Jedi referred to this training as "Sense." Terran preferred to call it life, as it had certainly saved his on many occassion. A Jedi well trained to feel his surroundings was a smart detective, an adept negotiator, and an unaturally quick and formidable opponent in combat.
"Are you ready to work out those legs?" He smiled again, seeing that Tieru was ready to go. The Jedi Knight turned and made his way toward the foot of the mountain, jogging up an ancient footpath forged many years ago.
Tieru Ocarre
Jul 23rd, 2007, 01:50:42 PM
"Always on the move..."
Packing wasn't necessary, that was clear. Mountains required only a few things, such as feet and some clothing. Antar IV had become home suddenly, and despite the unique climate he had become quite accustom to the weather. Dressed in his dark, button shirt and trousers, he laced on his Master's gift. Over the time away from Terran's presence he rushed into a few training drills that he could remember. The variations of techniques with a lightsaber were mind boggling, and although he had been long removed from the extra arm they had been reacquainted on easy terms.
Yet, he felt still a little distance.
The lightsaber wasn't his. Eventually he would have to remodel, or recreate his own - but presently he was slightly detached from the Jedi's symbol. Even though the very presence of the weapon demanded attention, he at times felt very timid with it in his hand. It wasn't was someone else's.
One topic the two didn't dwell on was the Master's former student. Although it had become clear that the weapon he held was from his previous underling, it wasn't a subject neither seemed interested in diving into - until now.
The two stepped through the trail, trotting up the elevations as Tieru played the rear. Follower was always an adequate title for him as a Padawan. Rarely did he find himself playing the lead in any situation involving the Jedi Order. No one saw leadership in his natural persona, and even his Masters overlooked pushing him to the head of any operation. It always aggravated him, but he ignored it.
"So, what happened," He started. A solid pause barred his words as he focused on another step up the mountain trail. "What happened with your...other Padawan?"
Terran Starek
Jul 23rd, 2007, 02:11:42 PM
"It's . . . a long story . . . really," Terran replied in between breaths. As they had started to scale the mountainside, the terrain had become steeper and harder to travel over. Rocks jutted this way and that, brush poked out of the train in less traveled places, and ancient tree roots had dug themselves out of the ground, looking to the surface for food and sunlight. Terran wasn't opposed to telling it, but he decided to give the short version for the sake of his breath and time.
"Her name was Oneri," he spoke as they jogged. "She was my first padawan - my only padawan, until you." He smiled. "We escaped the temple together when Vader and the others stormed it. It was . . . well, you know." The memory wasn't a pleasant one, but Terran had spent enough time morning it.
"Oneri and I, along with four other Jedi padawans, managed to escape in a battered cargo ship that was left in the hangar of the temple. It was scarred and fairly lifeless, but it got us of Coruscant."
"Sadly, we were pursued and fired upon in these skies," Terran looked up at the canopy of trees and light poking through them. "We lost control and crashed into these woods, not three or four kilometers from here. I was the only one who survived it." He looked at Tieru.
"The lightsaber at your belt belonged to Oneri. I built it for her. She was smart, strong willed and kind," Terran spoke. He gave his padawan a sideways glance. "But I wonder if you were faster than her!" At that, he picked up the pace, breathing heavily as they climbed the mountainside.
Tieru Ocarre
Jul 23rd, 2007, 02:29:48 PM
The youthful, and exhilarated Tieru of old would have expected such an act. The times as a studious boy of the Youngling Clans were too long ago for his mind to be keen, cunning and sharp enough to expect such brash notions. All the childish antics weren't forgotten, but restrain to remain a face amongst the crowd. Tieru's memories weren't of any worth until was sort of funny: a Master play of games brought back some fond memories.
Just about a second late, Tieru pushed his feet into a near gear. The muscles jolted into action as the signals shock through his frame. A shudder of surprise lifted his foot a long the soil, digging away with his opposite as he shaped his upper body into a dart. In a moment's time he unfolded his posture from a jog into a dash and parted his legs with expert precision. No step was too wide, or too small, as he tried his best to catch up to his teacher.
Below, his ankles unknowingly found a tree root. Amidst the explosion of joy and adrenaline, he had forgotten the world around him. In an abrupt trip the realization of the universe peeked in his mind with enough time to prevent a heavy fall. One hand extended, and the rest of his body hopeful for balance, he regained his composure in enough time to return to his chase.
The mountain top was the aim, so he avoided the immediate trail behind his Master. Competition raged through his mind, and vigor explored his being. The test had been set, or...more like a quiz in importance, but he wanted to win. No one considered him a leader, but he always wanted to be on one way or another.
In a handful of seconds he was running off to the side of his Master. A bit off the trail, he was setting himself up for a dangerous end. Before he could reenact his trip-to-run, he was banging against one of the mountain's trees. An embarrassed yelp floored his body before he hit the ground with laughter.
"Man...oh man."
Terran Starek
Jul 24th, 2007, 04:22:02 PM
The Jedi Knight was pleasantly surprised.
Tieru had caught up with him before his unfortunate trip. Terran smiled and laughed, doubled over and took several heavy breaths in. He was tired, and his feet shifted against the uneven ground. The run had blood pumping to his head and he was swallowing breath like water.
"Nice . . . work," Terran spoke, offering a hand to his padawan as they finished laughing. "You're fast - a lot faster than me. I'm impressed, my friend!" He smiled again and coughed. It was a good, deep cough, the pain reminding him that his lungs still worked.
"We're here," he said, pointing to a break in the trail at a small grove of trees. Several disembodies stumps protruded from the ground as though they were seats. He motioned towards them and made his way over, plopping down onto the top of one of the stumps and grabbing as much oxygen as he could. "Go ahead and have a seat."
Tieru Ocarre
Jul 24th, 2007, 08:47:15 PM
A glance found the stumps, leaving there no more room to avoid it. Tieru had grown interested since they parted for the walk. All of this wasn't just a walk for a sit on a stump. He wasn't about to get the talk .
Plus, he didn't like stumps. They look so...sad.
Pressed on top of one of the sad stumps, feet to the ground, and arms crossed, he glanced over at Terran. One question came to mind, and finally the time came for him to let it fly.
"Why are we here?"
Terran Starek
Jul 26th, 2007, 10:24:31 AM
"That's a good question," Terran replied, tucking his legs underneath him in a meditative position. He took a deep breath, his body finally recovering from the physical trauma of the hike and run. His breathing was regular now, and his demeanor was calm.
"I know you've has some training, and I'm not trying to insult your intelligence." The Jedi Knight spoke. He had practiced his lessons front ways and back since his time as an outcast. "But for the sake of understanding, we should start at the very beginning, to put our minds in the proper frame."
"So my question is this: What is the binding energy of the Force called?" The Jedi hoped that Tieru had reviewed the datapad he had given him. Of course, this was basic knowledge that all padawans were taught early on.
Tieru Ocarre
Jul 26th, 2007, 12:06:29 PM
A smile glided Tieru's lips, faint and reminiscent. The glare over his eyes glisten like a hidden memoir. On the back ends of his neck tickled the wind as he lost himself in the silence between question and answer. A world had formed and created a portal of entry. The past overwhelmed his mind, and as he sat still for seconds he found a forgotten land afar.
"What do you mean ya don't know!?"
"I don't know!"
The argument brew as the small crowd bustled through the hallways. A group of younglings had taken it upon themselves to delve into the Jedi Library for a quick read. No one seemed to notice, or care for that matter. Everyone was open to the information in the Library, although Librarians were keen on keeping certain topics shroud in mystery. Children weren't permitted on a number of subjects, but the bunch weren't intrigued by any of those matters anyway.
The objective here was to prepare themselves for that day soon. A flush of faces spread throughout the isles, eyes swinging about in search. Tieru stood off to the side with Zule Xiss, too deep in their bout to realize that someone had found the prized data-chip they had come to find.
"Well, I'll tell ya what binds us peko-brain..." the mix breed began. Tieru always was quite confident around his fellow younglings. He was one of the crowd, but never fell into the spot finely. He always wanted to be right, always wanted to be ahead of the pack.
"Tell me if ya so smart...."
"The Living Force."
Before a pause could give Terran the needed time for a response, his legs were crossed like his Masters and eyes closed. Tieru was ready for the training - he had done this before...but it had been so long ago., long ago.
Terran Starek
Jul 26th, 2007, 03:16:31 PM
"Your training serves you well, Padawan," Terran was pleased with Tieru's knowledge. He could sense that the boy was bright and cared about his training. That was good - he didn't need a cocky, lacksidasical student to waste his and the galaxy's time. Tieru wasn't either of those two things. Well, maybe he was a little cocky. Terran smiled.
"The Living Force binds each molecule in the galaxy together, an invisible and amazing thread that continues on forever." Terran rememebered his own training, his own Master, so intent that Terran should understand this "Living Force" that he left the Jedi in the wilderness alone for an entire night when he was only eleven years old. Strangely, it had worked.
"The closer a Jedi is to the ebb and flow of the Living Force, the stronger his perception becomes. Many practicioners of the Force believe that lightsaber combat is the most important; or perhaps control is the most important; or perhaps alter is most important." He remembered all of the times that he and Jaycen would argue about which was better.
"The fact is, no one aspect of a Jedi' training in the Force is any better or stronger than the other. However, it is important for a Jedi to be strongly grounded in his understanding of the world around him. This is why I wanted to begin our excercises in sense." Terran continued.
"I see you have your eyes closed. Good. Now, center yourself like you learned in youngling training. Let go of your physical senses and reach out into the Force for guidance. Let your mind wander throughout this grove around us. Tell me - what do you see?"
Tieru Ocarre
Jul 27th, 2007, 10:33:01 PM
The Force was an awkward, dynamic brethren. Tieru normally saw the invisible force as a flow through all beings. The motion sway about in his imagination and he flesh out the scenery in abstract hues. Colors always attracted the boy, even as an adventurous child back on Sluis Van, and he saw many things beyond his eyes in colors. Yet, time tested his beliefs and his attraction whither.
Darkness and light faded as his closed eyes were void for a solitary moment. Sight was a subject far too many sentients relied on. Those with eyes perceived the truth through their vision, not faith. Anything could be absent without the support of belief. Even those who saw woe spell before them, could be withdrawn with the negative counter of disbelief.
Jedi did not work within the planes of the faithless. All the mix-breeds senses dwindled and were rekindled in a world unknown to many. A majestic flow flourished through the beauty that blossom around him. From the light that shined within him, the fluid sweep over all beings could be scoped. He could hear, he could see...he knew.
"There is a bird giving it's young a feast on the other side of the mountain," he whispered. The focus necessary for such a hearing could not be painted by his serene features. Tieru hadn't lost all his skill, but it was only a few yards away; an expert, he was not.
He couldn't go much further than the birds chirping off a few steps away...but he tried.
Terran Starek
Aug 1st, 2007, 02:27:34 PM
"Good," Terran replied softly, so as not to disrupt his padawan's concentration. He could feel the Force surging through the boy. Tieru was more powerful than he knew, as was the case with most padawans. Still, he wanted to see more out of the boy. He knew that Tieru could reach farther. He just had to be coached.
"Do you feel the breeze? Can you see it in your mind?" Terran's own senses swarmed with crystal clear images, the result of years and years of rigorous practice. He saw every nook and cranny of the grove, from the treetops to underneath the rocks, the glowspiders in the old rotten log twenty meters from them to the tiny buds of the spinnetree to their left.
"Follow its traces. Let it take your senses with it." Terran silently opened one eye to see his padawan. The boy was straining hard, concentrating. Terran was proud to see such effort. It seemed as though progress was being made. He could see tiny beads of sweat forming on Tieru's brow as he concentrated.
"Let the Force decide how deep and how wide you can see - don't limit yourself." Terran coached a little more, trying to edge the boy closer to that deeper connection, the heart of the Living Force.
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 2nd, 2007, 10:45:29 AM
The young Jedi held firm. Tieru's arms were loose on top his crossed legs as the trickles of sweat sled down his face. The cool of sweat reminded him of his body, slighting his concentration for a moment. A flinch sent a trigger for forgetfulness as he refocused on the world abound. The Force was a troubling friend to meddle with at times.
It wasn't always cooperative and understanding, with little care to heed at initial request. A small incentive was always necessary to get the friend open for operation, but Tieru knew how to change all his buddies intentions.
He was good at those sort of things...
The walls were slowly let down as his clenched eyes wiggled with imagination. Beyond sight came the sweeping chill of the breeze that cause all his senses twinge in response. The beauty of the world massaged his mind as he relaxed and shoulders eased with growing understanding. In his third eye, he painted a portrait of the world in a dark blue hue, flowing with vanilla tint.
It was the breeze...
"I think, I see it," he whispered. "I think so..."
Terran Starek
Aug 3rd, 2007, 02:25:47 PM
The boy is stronger than he knows. It had taken the Jedi Knight years of training before he was able to attain this sort of ability. However, now was not the time to delay, and Terran was overjoyed that Tieru was catching on so quickly. He could feel his padawan gaining power, growing stronger, catching on to the power of the Force.
"The wind cannot lie," Terran continued his teaching. It resembled Master J'ona Quay-Quay's dissertation on the Living Force, called, Lifeblood. Terran had studied that datapad a hundred times and he'd grown to love it. "It will always openly share its secrets if you are willing to listen to it."
"Now that you've found it, focus on where it is taking you. What do you see beyond in this grove. Beyond this grove. Beyond this mountain. Beyond this valley. Where is it taking you, Tieru? How far?" Terran prodded - not to add stress, but to bring about more knowledge. The ability to sense the Force, like a muscle, had to be stretched to grow stronger.
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 4th, 2007, 10:53:26 AM
The young Jedi's mind and body worked in one force. In the midst of the confusion, his mind focused on the tranquility of life. The breeze carried his being along, surveying the scenery for a second. He tried, almost without effort, to hold onto the shifting breeze and become attuned with the smooth sequence. Tieru's heartbeat jumped as he yanked ah old and shiver with delight.
Then, in an abruptness, he shutter at the lost. The muscle he attempted to push, strained from his mind as a shock of pain, anguish and remembrance shut his fix down.
A gasp sent Tieru's eyes open as he realized the magnitude. All of it was coming so fast, so easy, but this new task...was a bit out of his league. Beads of sweat trickled down his face, finding it's drop at his chin as he glanced over at his Master. There was an utter power about the more skilled, experienced and disciplined Jedi that Tieru couldn't mirror so instinctively as he had done with the other practices.
Yet, he didn't want to hiccup the procedures. Before he could catch he breath, the Padawan had his eyes closed and legs crossed once more. Focus sent him back to the void he had began, traveling onward through the Force in hopes of reaching his spot.
"I dint know," he mused to himself. The doubt did not with drawl his mind far, as he sought the breeze shifting pass with all it's care and gracefulness. "I just don't know..."
Terran Starek
Aug 6th, 2007, 01:15:27 PM
Terran sensed a large mammal in the valley below. It was like a bantha, but it was a little different. More suited to the forest, it was shorter and more stout, like a wild hog. It was grazing on a bush of shockberries, the bright yellow juice of the berry staining its muzzle. The creature was at peace.
"You can do this, my padawan," Terran spoke words of encouragement. "Look down into the valley. Tell me what you see. Let the Force guide you." Terran's focus returned to the hog below. Hopefully, the creature's Force signature would be large enough for Tieru to pick up on. It was a fairly large animal.
"Focus. I know it's difficult, but I believe that you can do it. Keep your focus and let the Force show you where to go." Terran coached more trying to instill confidence in Tieru.
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 7th, 2007, 02:07:06 PM
The pressure and focus forced Tieru's eyes to twitch behind the blinds of his lids. The Padawan's mind wandered as he took his adventure through the breeze. For moments there was dead silence, a murmur of life coming from his heartbeat and eased breathing cycle. The lull provided all the equipment Tieru required as he set his body to flow about with the waving wind.
Immersed in the world about, he tracked his body sequence onto the continuous sweep of the breeze. He moved through the Force like a rider, jumping on as he peeked for something larger, something more solid to hold onto.
The being dangled in the bushes, his mind capturing it as the silence kept on. The young Jedi was calm as he listened in, the subtle rustle of the leaves disturbing the hush known around his physical. The bantha like creature was afar, down below, and he had felt right by it.
"What is that beast thing?" He asked himself, but his voice was too loud - Terran could hear him too.
Terran Starek
Aug 7th, 2007, 09:02:10 PM
"Honestly, I don't know," Terran replied happily. "The victory is, however, in the fact that you sensed it. I am very proud of you." Terran was proud of Tieru. He'd seen exactly what Terran hoped he would. It was evidence that the Jedi padawan was learning, coming along very well.
"It's time to shift gears," the Jedi Knight spoke again. This time he stood as Tieru opened his eyes. "Stay here, in the grove, and spend a minute emptying yourself. Meditate. Let go of your sense and let the Force guide you." Terran came around behind his padawan, drawing a woven band of cloth from his belt. He pulled the cloth firmly around Tieru's eyes, blindfolding his padawan.
"I am going to head up the path a few steps and into a small patch of woods. You will find me. Use your senses to find your target. There will be times when you will have no choice but to rely on the Force to guide you." With that, the Jedi Knight trotted off and up the path.
He turned abruptly east into a heavy patch of woods. There, he found a suitable stick to use as a "weapon." The stick was long and flexible, so it wouldn't easily break. Then, he stepped up on a boulder between two trees, crouching to get a good view. He was waiting now, waiting for Tieru to come find him.
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 9th, 2007, 02:15:58 PM
The seconds seemed to turn into decades as the young Padawan's mind emptied the limits. Every thought and neuron sent throughout his body was void of misunderstanding, and done in complete calculation. A thin, serious line formed between his lips as his blinded eyes could do no harm and his mind was the only world to roam within.
The Force is always a reliable friend, but like all friends - they can be a pest. Tieru grew troubled as he searched with the discomfort without sight. Dependence on tangible objects were far easier - but this was a matter of faith. A sigh sled from his depths as he slowed down his breathing, seeking a calm before his next move.
The rock below him lost his weight as he shifted his feet down onto the hard ground. A crunch echoed throughout his ears, his non-sight senses attuned to the details of the world abound. Danger loom in his jagged moves, his walk setting him from side to side as he searched for the signature smell. Tieru was resistant in relying completely on the Force, he just wasn't accustom to it yet.
A frown wrinkled his lips as he turned his head about, pointed off to the opposite direction of his Master. One step to the side put him to the ground as the unbalanced footing hit the hard rocks. The slam sent his body into a jolt as he spat in disgrace. He had failed already, but he had to get back up - he was going to get all dirty.
"Frell, where is he?"
Terran Starek
Aug 9th, 2007, 02:22:35 PM
Terran could see that Tieru was struggling. So far, he still hadn't let go of the physicality of his surroundings. The padawan was struggling to keep his feet sure, when instead, that was the Force's job. He needed to let go of the physical and let his mind take control.
"Tieru," the Jedi Knight spoke. His padawan's body jerked, trying to locate the source of the voice. He was about 30 meters away, heading directly into a prickleplant. Terran didn't want that. "Turn around. Stop. Now breathe." The other followed the commands.
"The power of the Force to guide us is limited by our fear of its failure." Terran put the stick behind his back. If Tieru got close enough to touch him, the Jedi had more planned. He remained still and ready, moving ghostly quietly as he talked. "Let go of your fear of falling, of failing. Remember - the power of the Force is incalculable. Let it take control. Give it the opportunity to work, and it will. Do you understand?"
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 9th, 2007, 07:23:30 PM
A gruff grunt stirred the neglectful Padawan; Tieru wasn't completely uncomfortable. The blindfold owned him, he couldn't help but feel subdued instead of empower by his void eyes. All the grumbling meant nothing, though, as he stood still and analyzed the situation. Clearly, he wasn't going anywhere with all the second-guessing. Doubt destroyed any chance of true belief, and dependence, so he eased himself as he breathed smoothly.
For a moment, he stood motionless. Tieru's arms dangled at his sides, feet bolted to the ground as the wind soothed his bruises with a passing. The frown that wrinkled his lips was stolen in the sweep of the breeze, his emotions falling under his palm. Every vice he could muster was calmed, and the disdain of failure stammered as it was hushed into silence.
Then, suddenly, his body danced according to the gust of wind. In a flash he jumped off the rocky mountain's head, his body graceful in a dance of controlled emotion as he flourished into an acrobatic heap. Back on the ground, he landed nearby Terran, his head pointed off beyond although his senses were attuned to his Master.
"Found ya, huh?" Tieru's master was crouched only a few steps away to the right.
Terran Starek
Aug 9th, 2007, 07:36:08 PM
"Good," Terran responded, fingering the stick his hand. "Very good." His padawan was doing an excellent job of learning and reacting. It was good to see Tieru learning. The Jedi Knight was impressed.
Terran raised the stick quietly and then, in a blur of motion, swung it towards Tieru's right arm. He wondered how quick his padawan would react. Would he sense the attack? Would he see it in his mind? Would he react?
Terran was interested to see what would happen.
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 11th, 2007, 04:20:16 PM
The pain jolted through his arm as he could hear his body shattering under the unexpected clash. Tieru mind had drifted for senses, but comfort relaxed his instincts and he became too heavily indulged in the Force's specific dynamics. All the flowing of the breeze became a focus of his mind, instead of the signature motions amidst.
In a painful swipe the Padawan falter to the ground. A slight stumble set his feet into a jumble before his face pressed into the ground, while impulse shocked his arm to hold the bruised tricep. He had been hurt, but he'd be okay - his ego was the thing feeling the most pain.
"Frag! Why'd ya do that?"
Terran Starek
Aug 13th, 2007, 11:39:42 AM
"You've got to learn to see without seeing," Terran returned, almost chuckling a slight bit from Tieru's nearly comical reaction. "You must let go of what you think you can or cannot do, and replace it with the power of the Force." Terran raised the stick again, this time aimed at Tieru's mid-section.
"This is one of the Jedi's greatest assets," the Jedi Knight continued. "It is our ability to see without being able to see; our ability to hear when we cannot hear." He swung the stick again towards Tieru's mid-section. The attack was light, but swift.
Tieru Ocarre
Aug 15th, 2007, 02:29:37 PM
Tieru grumbled as he stammer to a stand, listening to his Master preach. The words were clear, he had heard them before, but he had long forgot how to rely completely on the Force. Before, in the times of the Jedi Temple, it was instinctive and done with absolute nonchalance - there was no room for faulty faith in the Jedi Order's reign. The times were definately before, especially with the shroud of the New Order raging over the entire galaxy, destroying any sense of belief.
The very galaxy he had been told to protect turned upon the very idea of protection, and was digested by the darkness Jedi's stood against.
In the very moment the swing dropped down to his mid-section, he realized the magnitude of his next step in life. He was going to become a Jedi again, standing against the odds of the Empire like so few others. The Rebellion had a complete force, but all he had was...the Force.
...It was enough.
The stick hit the ground, and Tieru wasn't there to feel the blow. Instead of stick around for the painful bang, he stood off to the side, listening to the wind cut from the quick swing.
"With this training', your gunna make it hard on those bucketheads to smile those lil evil smiles at us anymore, ya know?"
Terran Starek
Aug 28th, 2007, 01:30:29 PM
"You got it," the Jedi Knight responded, smiling. He swung the stick again at Tieru, this time in across the padawan's neck - but Tieru deftly ducked the attack. This was exactly what the Jedi Knight wanted to see.
"Good." Terran thought it was time to go beyond sticks. He spotted the lightsaber he'd given Tieru hanging on his padawan's belt, and was happy he'd brought it along. Terran wasn't quite ready to move into lightsaber combat training, but it was time to put the padawan's senses under some real stress. He fingered his lightsaber hilt, drawing it from his belt.
The green blade of Halcyon shot to life, stretching it's length and coming to a rest. The idle hum of the blade was near deafening in the quiet woods. Terran dropped the lightsaber point downward, in a relaxed stance.
"It's one thing to sidestep a stick," Terran said. "It's another to block the blade of an enemy. Draw your lightsaber, Tieru."
Tieru Ocarre
Sep 1st, 2007, 02:49:07 AM
The young Jedi's mind was acute to his surroundings. A dependance had been placed on his partner, committing himself completely at every successful display. The miracelous ducks, weaves and evasive moves were completely reliant on the other senses. Attuned to the world abound, he listened to his Master with extra precision. Even the speech patterns were revealed to his unsuspecting mind, surprised at the amazing feats his friend retained.
A confident smile raised the ends of his lip as his hidden eyes were filled delight amidst the darkness. The blade dangling at his waist clicked against his thigh as he swung about, facing his Master as his mind broadened, sharpened and focused on the coming bout. An intensity of breath that kept him uneasy before was tranquilized, and kept to an abdomen breathing cycle for ease throughout the motions. One silent beacon to his friend, brought the lightsaber blade to his waiting palm, before activating in his calm hand.
The blade was alive, and without word he leaned into his stance.
"Im ready...Master."
Terran Starek
Sep 13th, 2007, 02:55:00 PM
With that, the Jedi Knight struck.
While not the best lightsaber duelist in the galaxy, Terran Starek was skilled with his blade. The Force flowed strong through the Jedi, and Terran could feel it guiding his every move. His feet danced lightly forward as his blade slashed across the abodmen of Tieru. The strike was several inches wide of the padawan's body (intentionally), but the point was for Tieru to sense the blade and block it. If it hit anything, it would be the outer edge of the other's tunic.
The green blurred flew across his opponent as Terran watched to see the padawan's technique. He would see how easily his friend found his way back to ease with a lightsaber in his hand.
Tieru Ocarre
Sep 17th, 2007, 07:02:14 PM
The lightsaber hilt settled in his palm, while the Force nestled in his belly. Echos of danger reared the shocked Padawan as his attuned mind opened to the world. In a rush of movement, his body glided backward in a jumbled dance. Little rhythm could be found in his juke back as the green blade flew pass. There was no time afterwards to feel secure, as his retort sent his blind attack forward.
Nostalgia built in the air as the old fighting style returned to his aged bones. A youthful boost of energy daggered his blade ahead with barley menacing grip. All had been played as a feint, establishing his opponents movements as he watched with the assistance of his Force guide.
A calm returned to his face as he lunged forward, feet planted on the rocky ground below. Practice had suddenly become fun amidst all exciting danger. All Tieru could do was smile.
Terran Starek
Sep 18th, 2007, 05:52:20 PM
Tieru reacted well, and Terran soon found the other's blade spiraling toward him. A quick sidestep ensured that he was out of the danger zone, as he spun Halcyon back towards his opponent's blade, striking downward in an attempt to send his padawan off balance. The strike was hard and strong and, if it hit just right, it would send the other stumbling.
Terran could feel Teiru coming back to life. He struggled a bit through the first of their lesson, but he had recovered well. He could see the life re-emerge in his stance and the skill come out of his strikes. Terran was proud of him.
Tieru Ocarre
Sep 19th, 2007, 10:04:10 PM
The weight was hard, and rushed. The blade in his hand, tightly gripped, was pushed down with the force of the slamming opponent, yanking Tieru along with the chaos. All too improvisational, he prepared his body for the change in weight, allowing himself to flow with the jamming traffic. Tilting to the ground in his fall, he placed his braced himself with a hand as he sent himself into a somersault over Terran's head.
One spring, push, and land settled his body on his Master's other side, laced with another stance in preperation. Analytical and encompass with the prowess of the Force, he felt bestowed with it, down to his instincts. Everything moved with little effort, and a bridge had been forged between his body and the bidding of something more divine.
It felt great.
Time was not to be wasted, and he sent his wrist into a twist. The blade's grip in his palm was loosened as the twirling blade swivel about in his palm in an awkward, slanted slash down onto on his staged enemy. Far more eloquence, and emphasis was placed on skill in this attack, seeking to confuse his opponent with his loose form. Although left unknown, and not as clearly seen with his calm exterior, he moved forcefully through the unpracticed style. The tricks of the trade returned to him easily, but the details were still so raw to his body. Experience would come back as soon as the good habits were re-formatted for his forgetful body.
Terran Starek
Oct 5th, 2007, 01:49:04 PM
The Jedi Knight found the boy to be parctularly agile.
With a well placed leap, Tieru shifted the duel to another angle. Terran adjusted, spinning his body around and shifting his own weight to compensate. Tieru was quick - there was little doubt about that. The question was - could he remained focused with the blindfold? It wasn't easy, and Terran wondered if the Padawan was close to losing his concertation.
It was time to through a wrench in the spokes.
As the Jedi Knight continued a moderate offense, his eyes darted around him, picking up on a loose pile of sticks - tree branches, old roots, brush, etc. He targeted in and called on the Force, lifting one of the branches out of the pile and hurling it towards his target: Tieru.
Tieru Ocarre
Oct 6th, 2007, 10:38:48 AM
Eyes hidden, face calm, and with a clear target, all was unsuspected. The mischevious attempt couldn't be seen, and was too silent for his baseline senses to capture. Reliant on the keeness of his five senses, and overwhelmed with the beauty of a fair duel, the flinging debris was so far from his mind that it seemed he wouldn't have a choice.
The raised blade remained stern before him as the whisper wheezed through his ear of the coming pain. Time was of the essence, as he desperately tried to flee, yet could not. A split second was allowed, leaving only a fearful shock painting his expression as he habitually glanced over. Bumped with the force applied by his master, he slammed against the ground with a painful thud.
Still tight with the hold of his lightsaber, the ignited blade went dead under the pressure. He was far from unconscious, but definately rattled. The blindfolds were finally becoming the nuisance they were meant to be, and he despised it.
Terran Starek
Mar 10th, 2008, 07:39:56 PM
"Tieru," the Jedi Knight spoke as he felt frustration emanate from his padawan. The bright green blade of Halcyon fell silent at his side. "Don't lose your focus. You are doing well - you must be confident. You must remain in control. This is the way of the Jedi Code."
"Take of your blindfold." Terran came towards his fallen padawan, watching his slowly stand up. "I think you've had enough for today. You've done well, you musn't believe otherwise. How do you feel? And how would you critique yourself?"
Tieru Ocarre
Apr 4th, 2008, 12:17:50 PM
A grumble settled in as Tieru rose to his feet. The young jedi had lost much over the years, but gained much back. Despite his evident advancement, he held a critical face. The shame in his eyes, and curl of his frown said it all before his words could. In an awkward silence that came in after his newly appointed Master's quetion he stood firmly, regaining his composure.
A single sigh release the tension as he ran a forearm over his snotty nose. All the weaving and moving rattled his senses, so he wasn't feeling so good.
"It was alright...I think I could do better," he said in a low voice. In deep thought, he brought his head down and stared. There was so much ahead of him....once again, it felt like he was a child once more.
"What now?"
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