View Full Version : A Simple State of Mind when wearing the Dead Man's Shirt

Mu Satach
Jul 17th, 2007, 07:29:39 PM
Note - I'm just throwing this in here because I'm too lazy to save the file to my jump drive and I'm dying to get out of my office. Work has been driving me crazy while trying to deal with several RL drama-rama-ding-dongs. >_<


There was a certain silken sadness she carried with her as she walked across the room. Inside a tornado raged, but it was caged within a corner of her mind. She could feel it, pulsating at the base of her neck. The only outward emotion was a visible quiet solemnity she needed to maintain her composure. A thin thread of sanity was all that held the damn from breaking.

It surged every once in a while.


Mu Satach
Jul 18th, 2007, 11:34:26 PM
Tonights bit - o - randomness is brought to you by

NARDS! The end all beat all candy game loved by everyone.

Now in DIRT flavor!


The pulsating green orb floated around the room, stopping only to examine bits of clothing here and there. The pink lace panties discarded carelessly, the high heeled shoes, the bath towel draped over the chair in front of the vanity table. As it approached the closet a thin pair of robotic arms extended from it's sides and started to lift up the edge of a black skirt.

The red orb floated around the kitchen scanning the pots and pans. It's arms reached out and opened cupboards so it could grab a reading of the contents in each one. When it was finished it floated up the staircase.

It rounded the corner and caught the green orb wearing a wide brimmed summer hat and holding up a black slinky dress in front of it's self as it modeled in front of a full length mirror.

The red orb quickly rushed the green orb and smacked it in the back knocking the hat off. A series of mechanical whirs and clicks was quickly exchanged between the two until finally the green orb dropped the dress on the floor.

At that moment a woman rolled over in her bed. The two orbs quickly flew out the window and disappeared in the night.
