View Full Version : In Need of an Illustrator

Terran Starek
Jul 6th, 2007, 02:26:41 PM
I GM/DM various tabletop role-playing games (both with casual and serious roleplayers) throughout the school year, and my group and I usually take the summer off. This summer, I've been plugging away at creating a mult-chapter campaign for a Star Wars group to start in the early fall. Anyway, I've really grown attached to it - so much so, that I'd like to bring my chief characters (baddies, that is :D) to life.

Being the terrible artist that I am (search my posts in the gallery if you don't believe me), I'm looking for someone who would be interested in drawing some portraits/busts for these characters. These can be done in any format or style. I would prefer that they be colored and you could use any medium - colored pencil, marker, digital, whatever. I would also like a logo for this opposing faction, which is called The Blue Order. This campagin takes place in the Old Republic time frame, roughly 100 years before the clone wars.

I don't have very much money, but I'd be willing to contribute financially for the help. It would mean a whole lot to me to have it done by an artist that I know on fans, instead of going elsewhere where I don't know someone.

That's enough introduction. I'm going to post a description/bakground of each character and if you are interested in tackling any or all of the characters, feel free to post and we can talk. Thank you all so much for your creativity, your time, and your friendship!

The Blue Order (TBO)
TBO is a terrorist/criminal organization with operations throughout all rims of the galaxy. Secretive and very dangerous, TBO prefers to stay out of the media and political spotlight. From the small ammount of intelligence that has been gathered, TBO specifically targets Republic peace-keeping operations, with a special focus on Jedi activities.

The Master
The Master is the figurehead of TBO. Very little is known about him, and the few who have any sort of limited interaction with him prefer to keep it that way. Some say he is a ciminal mastemind, some say he is a cruel businessman, others say he is strangely powerful, like a wizard or a Dark Jedi. He is known for cruelty, a lack of tolerance for failure, and an extreme hermit lifestyle.

Character Info: The Master is a very high level Cerean Dark Jedi. He wears ornate clothing - all in black - and loose, flowing black robes when he travels. He is about 55 standard years old, normal height, normal build and has no exposed weaponry.

The Judicator
Second in command, The Judicator answers only to The Master. He is the personal hand of The Master and is a mysterious figure. He is feared for his talent in battle, and is presumably a Dark Jedi, weilding twin crimson lightsabers. He is also referred to as "Dark Lord."

Character Info: The Judicator is a high level Human Dark Jedi. He dresses in black clothing as well, a tunic and pants reminiscient of Jedi styling. He is tall and strong, and about 34 years of age.

Dweelo is one of the Five Captains of TBO. He is a fast-talking street thug in charge of low-level operations and recruiting. He is the weakest in battle of all the captains and the least trusted.

Character info: Dweelo is a low-level Rodian Scoundrel. He is short and of small build. He is a sneak and a cheat. He dresses in outrageous colors and carries a blaster pistol.

An imposting, hulking presence, the feared Z226 is the Weapons Speacialist and Combat Master of TBO. He is a custom-built droid, standing just over 2.7m tall and weighing in at nearly half a ton. He is a beast of a combatant, his chassy equiped with lots of hidden weaponry that "transforms" out of him when he needs it (much like transformers).

Character info: Z226 is big and nasty. He is a medium-high level combat droid. His chassy is steel grey, large and lean. Some of his weaponry: twin blaster cannons on his forearms, rocket launcher on his right shoulder, ion cannon on his left shoulder, twin vibroblades under his forearm, jet pack, and a thermal detonator laucher in his torso.

Ott Toonu
A Twi'lek economist, Ott is the accountant and Chief Diplomat of TBO. His pale skin and dark eyes lead most to distrust him. Still, The Master trusts him with TBO's finances and relies on him for council.

Character info: Ott is a weak combatant. He is a medium-low level Twi'lek noble, average build. He wears elegant noble clothing.

The small, quiet Zabrak Captain Zyke is less than 1.5 meters tall. His ebony skin and dark eyes yield no emotion. Though he bitterly opposes being called a "Jedi" - dark or not - he has been known to fight with a lightsaber. He also carries a heavy blaster pistol. He is in charge of trade and smuggling and he often serves as a body guard for Ott.

Character info: Zyke is a small, lithe Zabrak. He is medium-low level Jedi/Soldier character who has been trained roughly in the Force. He dresses in dark colors in soldier's gear. He would probably wear a utility belt and an ammo belt.

Dono the Hutt
Large, loud, and obnoxious: these Hutt stereotypes apply to Dono the Hutt. He is a large Hutt who spends most of his time in his living quarters. He is missing an arm - lost to a Jedi in a conflict. He decorates his stub ornately.

Character info: Dono is a meduim level Scoundrel/Crime Lord. He is a big fat Hutt - what else! He's missing an arm. He doesn't wear much for clothing, but he does decorate his arm stub and wear jewelry.