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KM 14
Jul 4th, 2007, 10:16:32 AM
A trail of muddy footprints follows a pair of humanoids, one of the regular kind and the other of the robotic, synthetic kind through a rainy night in one of the countless forrests of Corellia. KM-14, Itala Marzullo's bodyguard and assistant, made from the dead Lordess Amber who herself had followed him through the Sith Council days, only to be executed in cold blood by the paranoid man, slices through some thick branches as a frightening lightning bolt illuminates the destroyed Sith Council headquarters, famed for harboring Itala's first adventure into universe domination.

"I believe we have found it, young sir."

KM14 can pass for a gorgeous woman anyday, with beautiful, long red hair and a pair of lips that can easily seduce any human male with a simple pucker. Such feelings were lost a very long time ago, however, and Itala's son Ares now owns her will. Now all that matters is the job, the order, her duty. She continues to make her way up the drenched hill with the greatest of ease, cutting away as more lightning continues to guide her.

Lucian Marzullo
Jul 4th, 2007, 10:41:04 AM
Lucian stepped softly behind KM-14, alert and ready, his eyes searching the surroundings, seemingly not perturbed by the lightning, the rain being hardly a problem since they were in the thickest of the forest, shielded mostly by trees and brush.

Steadying himself, he climbed up the slick hill after KM, looking towards the building ahead, he nods in confirmation. This would more than likely be the place, they had finally reached their destination, he couldn't wait to get inside and get started.

"Yes, KM-14, I think this would be the place we've been searching for."

He was glad he had KM to accompany him, he would need her help to complete this task. Certainly she was more adept at technology than he was, and it would take less time cleaning the place up, if it were a mess, if there were two people there instead of one.

His thoughts drifted briefly to his mother and sister, praying to Sol that they were well and safe. Pushing the uneasiness away, he concentrated on the mission Ares had given him, to make the building ready for the rest of the family that would eventually join them. He did hope to see them all soon.

KM 14
Jul 4th, 2007, 11:01:52 AM
The entire roof had been reduced to rubble, the mighty tower had almost completely collapsed with Itala's old bed chamber still visible, eaten away by years of foilage and weathering. The front gates slam against the cold floor as dust flies in all directions, revealing the slim shape of the elegant droid.

"Lord Ares has given me a detailed map of the building."

The cyborg begins scanning the abandoned first floor rooms, using her x-ray to locate the cellar. She takes exactly five steps forward and instead of continuing to make her way to the aforementioned room, she smashes the marble floor directly below her, revealing a bolted door with a numerical pad. She promptly enters the numbers 1, 9, 9, 9 and a releasing sound hums below the droid who quickly steps away as some type of elevator emerges, sliding its door out of the way.

"If you will, Master Lucian."

Lucian Marzullo
Jul 4th, 2007, 11:38:53 AM
Lucian couldn't help but groan as he looked at the state of the building upon closer inspection. He didn't expect it to be this bad, but it was quite old anyway, something like this was bound to happen.

"Lord Ares has given me a detailed map of the building."

Good thing they were well prepared, this would make things just a little easier. Watching KM, he blinked for a moment, and then suddenly sheilded his face as rubble scattered when she broke through the marble. As the dust cleared, he watched her input the numbers into the key pad.

"If you will, Master Lucian."

He nodded and went ahead of KM, stepping inside the elevator, using the Force to guide him forward, his hand resting lightly on his lightsaber, ready for anything.

KM 14
Jul 5th, 2007, 12:58:19 PM
The doors slide closed as the elevator immediately begins a longer than expected descent. Staring lifelessly, KM eyeballs the young man's lightsaber and detects his unease, retrieving a needle which she quickly fills with a certain blue liquid. She extends her arm with an open palm, expecting the young man to comply.

"This will calm you down."

Some of the weird liquid drips out of the syringe, making very weak splashing noises between their feet as the elevator continues to descend. Now the elevators appears to be see-through, revealing a vast network of temples with elegant and modern design all blended into one. Typical Marzullo artistry for the ages.

"I can guarantee that nobody has been here in more than a decade, there is no need for your weapon."

Lucian Marzullo
Jul 6th, 2007, 09:08:28 AM
Staring at the syringe, Lucian watches the strange colored liquid and raises an eyebrow, a habit he got from his mother. He wasn't going to just say no to KM, she knew best in most situations. Reaching over, he rests his arm in her palm, clipping his lightsaber to his belt with his free hand. He couldn't help but chuckle, remembering his mother's uneasiness when it came to needles.

"I can guarantee that nobody has been here in more than a decade, there is no need for your weapon."

"A decade?" He repeated her, "Has it really been that long?"

His eyes stared forward through the doors, awed, at the architecture. It was beautiful to him, reminding him of home, of his united family, the teachings of Sol, and his parents. Mostly it reminded him of his mother's smile. One that was special and only for him. He felt the corners of his mouth turn up just slightly.

This would be their home now. A haven for those that followed Sol's ways, and Lucian would protect them at the cost of his own life. That's why he was here, this was part of his path, and the only way was forward.

He waited in silence as the elevator continued it's decent, no longer showing any uneasiness, he stood tall, ready to do his duty, ready to make his family proud.

KM 14
Jul 6th, 2007, 09:43:03 AM
"Has it really been that long?"

The loyal cyborg droid nods, putting away the needle as the elevator finally reaches its destination. The doors slide open, triggering the entire network of lights to show the underground temple's majestic design. It is a near exact replica of the original temples of Ziost itself, combined with the newer art of the Albion chapter in their dramatic saga.

"Master Itala had returned to Corellia to retrieve a few items from the destroyed Sith Council headquarters, and ordered his clone soldiers to begin work on a hideout in case a disaster of epic proportions ever happened."

A small army of droids greet the two visitors, offering an assortment of food, tools, and anything they could or would want to use. KM only takes an energy bar, eating it like a human would eat a bar of chocolate.

"This temple took twenty years to complete, Master Lucian, and you can call it home now."

The view of the temples stretches back as far as a rare underground horizon, with countless beautiful pillars. Waterfalls made of the purest, cleanest water possible, even imported wild life scattering about artificially grown-tress, kept alive by the custom lights installed above them. Enormous greenhouses hosted countless types of organic foods, a single cloning facility stood ready for use, though it needed the blood of an old Marzullo clone trooper to work. Like some type of blood code.

"Master Itala always wanted the best for the family, and this is a proud example of it."

Lucian Marzullo
Jul 6th, 2007, 11:15:57 AM
"Master Itala had returned to Corellia to retrieve a few items from the destroyed Sith Council headquarters, and ordered his clone soldiers to begin work on a hideout in case a disaster of epic proportions ever happened."

Silently the young man listened to the cyborg, it was almost like having a history lesson. He always enjoyed learning things, and would absorb all lessons he had like a sponge.

Glancing around at all the droids, he couldn't help but smile a little, this made things a bit easier on them. Ready food, ready shelter, a comfortable place for his family to be. Taking a fruit from one of the trays, he bit into it and chewed thoughtfully.

"This temple took twenty years to complete, Master Lucian, and you can call it home now."

Home...yes, it would be nice to have a place to call home, as much as he missed his old home. His training lessons with both his mother and father, his schooling, where he learned much of Sol's ways...

Walking over to the waterfall, he ran his fingers through it, he stared at the aquatic creatures inside, following their progress through the water. He couldn't help but smile again, there was life here. It seemed that Uncle Itala had always been prepared for everything.

His eyes searched the layout of the cloning facility, not sure how much he likes that. Hopefully it would only be used for food and not for humans, his mind moving back to two years ago, and the incident with Ithella. That seemed to be the only thing Itala was not truly prepared for.

"Master Itala always wanted the best for the family, and this is a proud example of it."

"Mother always spoke very highly of Uncle Itala. It was almost as if they were siblings instead of cousins. I remember it used to make me jealous when I was a child. If there was an opportunity for mother to go anywhere with Uncle Itala, she would go, but I had father too, and it was understandable. Everything they did was for the benefit of the family." Looking around again, at all the preparations that had already been completed, his eyes stopped on KM. "I would like to go pray, before we get started, if you think that would be alright."

KM 14
Jul 9th, 2007, 05:17:10 AM
"I would like to go pray, before we get started, if you think that would be alright."

KM would have smiled and even chuckle if she weren't missing most of her old emotions, but only gives a blank stare as she responds accordingly:

"You don't need my permission to do as you see fit, master. I am your servant."

A blue holocronn in the shape of a hooded Ares appears uninvited on KM's palm, immediately gaining her attention.

"Give me an update."

KM doesn't even have to speak, and sends the Marzullo leader a recording of everything that had gone on during the last half hour, down to the last detail.

"If I don't return, you know what to do."

Ares disappears in thin air, as if the force had embraced him. KM remains cold, obedient and calculating, just like Ares liked her. Out of rare pity, she had been allowed to keep some emotion, just enough to be able to desire her master's appreciation.

"Never fear my resolve, master."

Along with the droids, KM proceeds to bring the whole temple live. the sheer design was amazing, with Lars himself having designed the energy to be harvested through the roots of the trees directly above the underground base. Perhaps, the Marzullo inventor may have defected because he would never come to see his design be unveiled. Such was the secrecy of the entire project.

Lucian Marzullo
Jul 16th, 2007, 08:07:48 AM
"You don't need my permission to do as you see fit, master. I am your servant."

Lucian nodded at KM's response but just as he was about to go find a place to pray, the holocron caught his attention and he stopped, a hooded figure? It was Ares!

Turning, he stared at the figure, hoping for more orders, for another chance to prove himself, though it probably was not necessary. In silence, he did not interrupt the conversation between his leader and KM.

"If I don't return, you know what to do."

Mulling this last sentence over, Lucian frowned just slightly, hoping he didn't have to take the words too seriously. Of course Ares would return...he was their leader...

As Ares' form disappeared he glanced at KM again and nodded, "I will be back in a while..." Turning, he set off once again to find somewhere to pray.

Ares Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2007, 10:13:29 AM
Ares' shuttle lands smoothly, bringing a light sigh from the reigning Marzullo. A nod is all he needs to give to Fieron as a gesture of appreciation for a job well done. They had made it to their new home planet, but not to the secret temples just yet.

"You will like what father built for us in case a tragedy happened."

Ares gets up and makes his way down the shuttle's ramp as he breathes in the natural oxygen of the lush planet, walking over to the edge of the bay, leaning against the wall as birds fly over his head. Ares had managed to keep his fascination with nature a secret, but anyone who would glance inside his room would quickly figure it out. Ares, the nature lover.

"We'll have to destroy these bays after we leave, and send the coordinates to any survivors that may exist out there."

It seems harsh that Ares has given up the rest as dead, including his dear aunt Lucilla, but he has to be strong for the family, a strong leader who could be as ruthless as Itala, since Dante would give no quarter to his own twin brother.

Chimera Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2007, 04:06:09 PM
Chimera entered the shuttlebay, a feeling of immense relief rushing through her at the sight of Itala's younger son.

"Ares. You made it. We were getting a little worried." Chimera turned her attention to the other Marzullo. "Fieron, it's good to see you again."

Wasting no time, Chimera launched into a quick briefing. "Alexia and the others made it safely and are already settling in. KM has everything in order and the new santuary is ready for you. Shall we?" she asks, gesturing toward the exit.

With that, she turns on her heels and heads for...home.

Fieron Marzullo
Jul 17th, 2007, 08:52:21 PM
"Fieron, it's good to see you again."

Fieron smiled and raised one strong hand in response when Chimera greeted him. When she began to talk again, he just hooked his thumbs into his trouser pockets and listened, shifting his eyes from her to Ares, and back again. His body relaxed slightly, but this was not the home in which the clan had hidden away so safely for all that time. As such, his guard did not drop completely. He had his bag in one hand, which he had grabbed en route out of the shuttle, and within that bag was his lightsaber, a most prized possession considering it was his most intricate work. Fieron had spent much time working the hilt to give it a gorgeous design and comfortable feel. It was something, he felt, that could do just as well in an art gallery.

Other items in his bag hanging from four fingers were various. Personal items, mostly.

"Alexia and the others made it safely and are already settling in. KM has everything in order and the new sanctuary is ready for you. Shall we?"

Fieron nodded, and with that, he followed.

Ares Marzullo
Jul 21st, 2007, 10:23:11 AM
Typical of Ares' soft and sometimes dreaded nature, he hugs Chimera and the rest of the loyal followers of Itala, the children of those who stood up for the old traditions even as most of the family perished before their very eyes.

"It's time we leave then, plant explosives and blow this hangar." he orders to the last three soldier clones created by Itala, obeying without hesitation. Set up by the main reactor, the xplosion would be messy, but it would quickly bury the whole place. Each of the three clones brings a speeder that would precisely fit the amount of Marzullos that had arrived, like they could predict who would survive or not.

"The charges have been set to ten minutes, let's leave immediately."

Quiet like she protests something, Ares' older sister Lana climbs on a different speeder. Trusting the rest to be mature enough to do the same quickly, his speeder takes off to the thick forrests of Corellia. Far enough from the main cities to stay in secrecy for a very long time. The destined location awaits with Lucian and his father's loyal droid, sent by Ares himself to get the place ready.

KM 14
Jul 30th, 2007, 06:56:47 AM
As Ares and the rest speed to her location, KM 14's shape appears on the holocron pad in Ares' speeder, bowing without the slightest hesitation as she begins her report.

"Everything has gone according to plan, master. We await for your arrival. I am sending the coordinates to the secret entrance."

Expecting them to arrive in ten minutes, KM activates the gates as they begin to absorb the brief sunlight that had managed to sneak through during the rainy day. A hangar had also been built for any friendly ships, and would be used for the first time in decades, removing plant and dust alike as the other side shows a well-disguised entrance ramp dug deep within the mountainside.

A holograph quickly imitates the trees, giving the illusion of more flora where the gate is ready to receive its awaited arrivals.

Marcus Marzullo
Aug 1st, 2007, 12:04:17 PM
Not long after the latest bloody confrontation between the twin factions, Marcus' ship jumps out of hyperspace by the Corellian orbit, its three ocupants tired and eager at the same time. Tired from all the bloody fighting and hate, and eager to return home with the rest of their dearest surviving relatives.

Marcus comes to life after a gentle tap on the shoulder, already knowing that it was Lucilla.

"Are we here already? Good."

The shuttle cuts through the planet's atmosphere as fire engulfs it briefly, it looked like Marcus, Lucilla, Alexander and Krishna had made it undetected after all, and secrecy would once again return to them without serious incoveniences.

"If the coordinates are correct, we are but a yawn away from seeing Ares and the rest. I'll see to it that all of your matters are looked at, Lucilla."

After the trouble in Coruscant had ceased to rattle the nerves of the imperials, Marcus had secure the purchase of a common shuttle by slaying its owner. The gamble had payed off, for they were safe and sound on their way home.

Lucilla Marzullo
Aug 1st, 2007, 12:31:15 PM
Running a hand through her hair, Lucilla stared out as they approached the planet her foot tapping anxiously on the floor. Soon she would see Lucian again, but what of Isabeau? Perhaps someone had found her after all? She felt both nervous and hopeful at the same time, her stomach fluttering madly inside.

"If the coordinates are correct, we are but a yawn away from seeing Ares and the rest. I'll see to it that all of your matters are looked at, Lucilla."

She didn't bother looking at Marcus, she wondered of what affairs he was speaking...was it her behavior on the trip? Or perhaps of her daughter whom she longed to see. Either way, she knew she would be seriously reprimanded for both.

She would explain to Ares why she helped to spare Dante's life. If anyone deserved to know that Dante could speak to Itala, it was Ares...If he didn't already know.

She made a glance over at Krishna and smiled just briefly, "We're almost...home..."

Alexia Marzullo
Aug 1st, 2007, 01:10:22 PM
The young girl jumped on her speeder and followed with the rest of the group. She glanced around at all her family and her mind could not help but wonder to her brother. She wondered when she would see him again. She knew he did not die, for she would have felt that, just as Matthias felt when her aunt Gretchen passed.

Alexia shook her head, now was not the time or place. She needed to concentrate, for they were speeding through the remote areas of Corellia and even though she was a decent driver, she did not know this area and who knew what could happen.

Genesis Marzullo
Aug 1st, 2007, 09:00:57 PM
I merely kept my distance and my hood pulled up as I jumped into one of the awaiting speeders. I felt somewhat anxious of where we were going, new places made me nervous, being that this was my first move by myself and without my parents guidance.

Just a short time ago, I had been fearless, and now I seemed to be beside myself wondering what the world would make of me. Anger swept through me as I cursed my parents silently for leaving me...alone. A single tear ran down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. My thoughts went back to my brother, my twin, my blood...my betrayer. Our once close bond had been severed and it wasn't fair that it had to end. We had our differences, but I had loved him to the end. Now, I didn't know who he was and he'd probably as soon kill me as look at me. Which didn't sound to bad at the moment, but I would keep that thought to myself.

I placed my bag beside me as the wind whipped through my hair and hugged my knees tight, not allowing anything to reach me. I would fade into the background and become the invisible girl...where no one could hurt me.

Krishna Marzullo
Aug 2nd, 2007, 12:38:13 AM
"We're almost...home..."

Upon hearing those words from her cousin Krishna gave a small smile of her own in return, before resumeing her own thoughts.

'Home, not sure I can even call it that yet. So many gone from the family and those who are left are split in two,' she thought to herself with a slight shake of her head while closing her eyes.

She kept her eyes shut for a little while before she shook her head a bit more forcfully, sending a bit of her hair flying over her shoulders, clearning her mind. 'No use distracting myself from what is at head,' she thought and she slowly opened her eyes and turning her head towards the front of the ship.

She knew they should be almost, if not already, directlly over head of where they where to met with the others, but all she could see was the bright greens of the tree tops below. She figured it to be some sort of cover so she didn't say anything about it. But at that time she didn't think she had much energy to say anything about it.

The fighting and every thing else was wearing her out. Exhustion well on its way of setting in. The only thing she truely looked forward to in the near, forseeable future, was a bed.

Ares Marzullo
Aug 3rd, 2007, 07:18:14 AM
Ares speeds through the thick flora of Corellia, dodging trees and hopping above collapsed branches that keep trying to sabotage his glory, or what little there is left of it. Followed by his family, all trained in the ways of the force and vehicle operations, trusting them not to get killed by a motionless long enough to reach home.

Ares' attention is caughty by a shuttle flying above his group, and feels relief when the Force indicates to him that four of the family are within. Great news indeed for one who has lost so much under his watch, perhaps even more so than his predecessor.

In that split second that he is distracted by the arrival, and not far from the secret base at all, Ares is rocked by a powerful stun gun as he flies off his speeder and slams against a thick tree, instantly cracking his spine as his body bounces off the tree and hits the dirt and grass.

Shocked, the younger members of the family realise that some type of thief gang has been waiting for them, releasing laser fire from both sides of the path in hopes of grabbing a nice bounty for the suspicious group, or at least stealing a fair amount of valuables.

With few seconds of consciousness left in him, Ares sees two feet covered in rags, passing out as he hears the laughter of a deep voice.

Alexia Marzullo
Aug 3rd, 2007, 01:44:42 PM
As one of the older cousins, Alexia felt it was her duty to help protect her younger cousins, even if they only varied a couple years in age. Her suspicions about the area proved true when they were attack by a gang of pirates. The fire was coming from both side of them, so Alexia, calling upon the force jumped from her speeder and landed in a roll. She positioned herself behind a tree, making sure no one was behind her, Alexia used her blaster to unleash a storm of fire among those stupid enough to attack the her family.

For Alexia and her family were trained in combat, anyone that was foolish enough to cross paths with a Marzullo would soon find the punishment for their actions was usually death.

One by one, their current enemies began to fall. Alexia and her cousins would not allow these band of fools to ruin their current mission.

Genesis Marzullo
Aug 6th, 2007, 08:30:21 PM
I came out of my quandry as the family was attacked. Without hesitation, I called upon the Force as my alliy and jumped. I landed with a roll and ducked behind a tree as I felt death around me...but, not of our side. Shots were coming from everywhere as I grabbed the small blaster from its holster at my boot and began firing back.

I felt my anger swelling as I fired shot after shot. I wanted to get even for the loss of my parents and my brother. The fury was pulsating from my inner core as I stood and shot, killing the enemy that was upon us.

I stepped forward from my hiding spot, not caring of the shots being fired all around me...I had a need. A need to kill.

I eased around the back way, through the brush and trees. My blood boiling with hatred as I neared one of our enemies posts. I moved like a hellcat in the night and as I came up behind this one pirate, I removed my sabre from its resting place at my side. He was too busy firing at my family to notice me.

With a quick flick of the switch, I buried the sabre all the way to the hilt through this man's torso, he never know what hit him.

Genesis! Noooo! I heard the voice in my head as I pulled my sabre back and the man fell over dead.

I looked around quickly as I snapped out of the state I'd been in and flicked off my sabre. "Mama!?!" I screamed before I realized what I'd yelled.

I was deeply distracted as I knew that voice and looked around franctically, only to realize...I'd been discovered.


No one had to tell me twice as I ran into the brush as shots fired all around me.

I had to get back to the safety of the speeders. How I'd ended up way over on the enemies side was beyond me. I was getting cut and scraped by throns and thistles as I ran trying to elude the enemy that was closely catching up. I ducked just as a shot whisked past me where my head had been.

Alexia! Alexia! I screamed through the Force as I fired a couple shots back. I felt a sudden relief as I came back to the clearing at which our speeders were. A second later, I felt a hot searing pain through my left shoulder.

I cried out in pain as my hand released my sabre and it went tumbling before me. I felt dizzy as everything seemed to go in slow motion and I felt myself tumbling to the ground.

I suddenly felt a heavy boot stepping into my wound, I grit my teeth and held in my cry as tear streamed down my cheeks. "You little wench, you killed my brother! Now, it's your turn!!"

This was it, I could feel my own death coming and now...I didn't want to die.

Alexia Marzullo
Aug 6th, 2007, 09:09:07 PM
”Alexia! Alexia!” The young girl heard her cousin’s call. She looked around frantically, she spotted her cousin as Genesis dashed into the clearing and Alexia watched her fall to the ground. She cursed to herself. Alexia would not let this common thief take the life of her beloved cousin Genesis.

Calling upon the force, Alexia pulled her small dagger from it’s spot in her boot and flung it at the scoundrel with ease. It nailed it’s intended target, in his right collar bone. The man stumbled backwards and looked up as Alexia was charging him with her light sabre drawn, his eyes were wide with surprise and the last thing he saw was the deadly beauty coming at him. With a quick flick of her wrist, his head fell backwards and his life was over.

Paying the scum no more attention, Alexia focused on her injured cousin. The rest of the family was dealing with the threat very nicely, for with each passing moment the fire attended for the Marzullos lessened. “Genesis?! Genesis?!” She questioned as she begins to drag her cousin to the safety and covering of the speeders. “Genesis, can you hear me?”

Chimera Marzullo
Aug 13th, 2007, 02:20:42 PM
Chimera had waited til all the other Marzullo's were safely on speeders heading for their hideout before taking the last one herself. She felt it was her responsibility to see all of them home safely, a bit of guilt for not helping in the war thus far and being one of the oldest Marzullo's left. Because of this, she didn't see the initial attack, but she felt it just the same. Pulling out her light saber and igniting it, she opened the throttle on her speeder, rushing to the aid of her family.

Marcus Marzullo
Aug 20th, 2007, 11:32:40 AM
"Something is wrong" he speaks, slowing down as the lambda shuttle quickly descends upon a clearing amidst the forrest. The experienced elder had felt the tremors in the force, the sudden rush of pain and anxiety. Ares is in danger and he would not stand by and do nothing.

The ramp lowers as Marcus runs out with his lightsaber already ignited, using the Force to guide him to the right location as he spots numerous trails of footprints. It's a vicious ambush, and it seems a little too well-organized to be simply a random robbery.

Marcus barely ducks a blast as the tree behind him takes the wrath of the deadly shot, igniting in flames as more shots come his way, this time using his lightsaber to deflect them back, hitting one of his enemies as the other is saved miraculously.

Marcus steps ahead as the surviving bandit tries to crawl away, but with his deadly grip of the force, the bandit is elevated like he's being lifted by the neck, levitating right in front of the powerful man as he edges his face closer to the bandit's.

"Who sent you?"

Lucilla Marzullo
Aug 27th, 2007, 03:49:12 PM
"Something is wrong"

Lucilla felt it a fraction of a second after Marcus, her hand reaching up to touch her forehead. Yet again there was more trouble, and all she wanted to do was go home. She did not have to ask though, she knew it was Ares, and she felt a knot tie in her stomach.

Closing her eyes, she reached out with the Force, trying to find Ares' presence, hoping that it was nearby. Feeling a slight twinge, she frowned in frustration, she needed more rest, and meditation, but there was nothing she could do about that right now.

Grabbing a spare lightsaber, she follows quickly after Marcus, not getting in his way, but keeping up behind him, her eyes darting from side to side, in case they were attacked from the sides, while at the same time, using the Force to detect movement from behind them.

As Marcus stops, Lucilla begins to slow behind him, suddenly skidding to a halt as he ducks blaster fire. Taking initiative, she covered Marcus from the rear, deflecting some stray blaster fire away, making sure to stay well out of his way as well.

Finally after the fire had ceased Lucilla glared at the survivor briefly before turning around, keeping an eye on the surrounding area as Marcus began to interrogate. What she really wanted to know, is where Ares was...but all questions would be answered in due time.

Genesis Marzullo
Aug 30th, 2007, 04:35:23 AM
I bearly heard her words as pain had forced me into a semi-darkness. I grit my teeth as I felt the burning sensation again in my shoulder, I felt as if someone had poured acid on me.

I could feel myself being drug around and slowly opened my eyes. For the briefest moment, I saw my mother over me and then her features faded and it was Alexia. It was then that I realized...she had not left me and it had been through the Force that she would always be with me.

"Am I dead?" I asked over all the commotion. Had I died and come back?

Alexia Marzullo
Aug 30th, 2007, 01:35:04 PM
Alexia could not help but smiling at her cousin. "No, you aren't dead. But, you might have been." Alexia knew what her cousin did was rash and completely unsafe, but now what not the time to condemn her for it.

She opened her side pack and pulled out a little bottle and some bandages. "This is going to sting a little." She said as she poured some of the contains of the bottle on Genesis' wound. It was only a solution to clean the infected area. She quickly bandaged it up. "Now, this won't heal it. But, it cleans the wound and keeps it from getting any worse." Hopefully, she thought, that once they reached their destination there would be something or someone to help heal the wound.

"Now, you stay here. I have to go find Ares." With that she left her cousin's side to go to the aid of another. Calling upon the force, Alexia reached out to Ares. She knew he had been struck down, but she did not know where or how bad he was. "Ares? Ares? She called out with the Force and she moved swiftly and gracefully through the underbrush of the forest, feeling his presence. Making her way towards their leader.

Krishna Marzullo
Oct 11th, 2007, 01:17:31 AM
Unable to stop her sigh, Krishna watches first Marcus then Lucilla exit the shuttle. She wasn't happy with Lucilla leaving but she knew that there was no stopping her cousin. WIth another sigh she quickly gathers up the cups and throws them back in to her bag. 'They can be cleaned later,' she thought and she closed up the bag, and heads out the shuttle.

Unsure as to which why they went she uses the Force to find them and quickly makes her way there. When she got there she was alived to see that they where not injured more, and then saw Marcus asking the one person she didn't reconize off hand questions, while Lucilla kept watch.

Taking Lucilla's lead she too starts to watch the surrounding area, all the while hoping that nothing more was going to happen.