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Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 1st, 2007, 02:07:28 AM
17 Years Before the Battle of Endor
Corellia- The City of Tyrena ( The Skids
The rain poured down in sheets, coating the durasteel streets in large puddles which were quickly becoming miniture rivers and streams. It wasn't known if the actual river, which split Tyrena into two parts, would actually overflow, but the 'vaunted weatherdroids' were sayin' it might. So who knows...might actually happen.
The cloaked woman slipped through the wide streets with relative ease, her high-heeled boots echoing on the pavement.
She crossed in front of one covered speeder, giving its occupant a look which would freeze even th'toughest of bastards. Smoke came from beneath her hood as she smoked a strong, flavored cigarette. She normally didn't use tobacco, her partner used it enough, but it helped give off a sense of exoticness. Plus...the thing did taste pretty good.
The woman stopped in front of a single story house. The roof was domed and the outline of a window reflected on the house next door. She pressed a hand on the stresscrete wall before knocking three times on the metal door. A moment later, a horned Devaronian answered, his teeth flashing in the house's light.
"Yoo arrssenttt by Yettum?" his Basic was heavily accented, but recognizable.
"Yes," her voice was husky and sensuous, "I am Ashai."
Another smile from the Devaronian, "Annnddd I...ammm...Lornis."
He ushered her into his home with a wave of his hand. The interior was as boring as the exterior, simply patterned and sparsely decorated. A high-backed, cushioned chair sat by a wooden table but there were no other decorations. The short, horned-alien obviously lived very spartan and travelled lightly.
Lornis' smile changed ever so slightly and the cloaked woman knew what his unspoken question was. She removed her cloak, revealing what hid underneath.
A gasp came from the Devaronian and his eyes oogled her body. Ashai's hair, a very pale blue, was freeflowing and tumbled down her back. Her skin was a deep mix of pink and purple. It appeared to almost glow in the lamp light.
She wore...hardly anything, not even jewelry. Her breasts were (barely) covered by a thin strand of some sort of metal which stretched behind her back. Her stomach was firm and bare. Her waist (and other areas) were covered by a metallic thatch bikini bottom, the front was hidden by a translucent bit of silk. The back...well...let's just say nothing was left to the imagination. On her feet were knee-high, heeled boots.
Ashai posed with a smile, which appeared to hide...something. As if she'd seen this reaction from many a person (of all species and genders) and enjoyed the attention. She walked around Lornis, her hand trailing from his teeth to his chest.
"Mmm," she purred as she circled him, "So strong and firm."
She pushed him into the wooden chair, draping her lithe body over his.
"I bet you give all the girls a thrill," she whispered and pulled from him, "Especially Risa Kuat of House Kuat..."
Her expression turned from that of a sultry prostitute to that of a hardened hunter.
"Especially after you murdered her and her husband before stealing 2000 credits from them."
The horned alien gasped again, this time in fear. The pink and purple skinned woman pulled a small holdout blaster from...somewhere (the gods only knew)...and pointed it at Lornis.
As the huntress started her aim, Lornis moved quickly. He struck her on the temple, then pushed her back towards the domicile's entrance. She tumbled on the ground and the Devaronian ran towards the back entrance.
Desperate thoughts raced through the murderer as he fled. He had to get off planet. Find a mudhole where no one would find him. Had to ge--
His thoughts were interupted as he slammed into something solid and fell backwards to the floor. Lornis stared up at the barrier, only to see the shadow of a man. He towered over the crumpled Devaronian, his arms at his side. The smirk on his face was ugly and cocky at the same time.
"Goin' somewhere?" his voice was guttural and low. He popped the knuckles in both hands in a challenge.
Lornis cowered on the floor, his eyes clenched in waiting for something.
"Get up," the voice rasped and Lornis quickly obeyed. He was almost to his feet, when one fist connected with his jaw with a powerful blow. The Devaronian fell to the floor, several gleaming teeth dislodging from his mouth. His temple connected with the duracrete and he lay silent.
The huntress raced into the backroom, blaster in hand. She pointed it towards the huntee, only to place it back somewhere on her body.
"Nice work," she stated simply, clearly annoyed Lornis had gotten the drop on her. A bruise was starting to form where she'd been struck in the face.
"Thanks," was the quick reply, as the bounty hunter started to secure the wanted man, "You all right, Ashley?"
Ashai/Ashley pressed a thin hand to the bruise on her face. When she pulled it back some of the body paint came from her face, "I'll be fine Aurelias. Let's just get this kaffer to the authorities and get our creds," she pulled off the wig, revealing her short, golden hair.
Aurelias Kazaar gave another smirk, "Best news I've heard all day."
The Flying Dutchman in Hyperspace
The comm made a *chirp*, waking both partners from their slumber. The Flying Dutchman had two bedrooms but there were certain times when the due shared the same bed. This was one of those times.
The Brentaalian-raised Alderaanian marvelled at Ashley's naked body as she rose from the bed. As she slid a dramassian silk robed over her back, Kazaar's sharp eyes spied the Cosmic Balance ( tattoo offset by the paleness of her skin. It was inked halfway up her spine and he never figured out why she had it or why it was vertical, instead of horizontal. 'Course Kazaar wasn't a big fan of religion anyway, so he never bothered t'ask.
The male hunter rose from the bed a minute later, pulling on a T-shirt and shorts before they walked towards the comm.
"I frackin' told 'Abe' t'take a message if someone called," Kazaar grumped as Ashley pressed the receive button. The two then saw why the R3-A8 droid didn't answer it, as the light blue image of their boss, Gorgja the Hutt appeared.
"Ah...Aurelias, Ashley," the fat slug was smiling, "I'm glad I wasn't disturbing you."
Dark thoughts shot through Kazaar's mind at the snipe, "Whatta ya want Gorgja? We've just spent th'last week tracking this chuffhead, don't we get a bit of a break?"
Gorgja's laugh was as boisterous as his appetite, "Ah Aurelias...It's the fact you're willing to work so much that the two of your are my #2 hunters."
Kazaar and Ashley shared 'a look'. They knew Fett would always be the Hutt's #1 source of hunting.
"I have a new job for you. A bit of a challenge for you two. I'm sending the information to you now. It's a Force-User. And a former Jedi."
Ashley pursed her lips and brushed a lock of hair from her face, "Who's looking for her?"
"Not the Imperials," their boss replied, noting their distaste for Imperial bounties, "This is a private contractor called Ulic Naigus Owen. He's a stockholder in Russard Industries."
Something 'caught' in Kazaar's head. The name was familiar but he couldn't place it. He knew it wasn't on the business wires, he didn't give a mynock's offal 'bout that crap. Nah...he knew it from somewhere else.
The bounty hunter pulled a medium colored cigar from a humidor nearby and lit it with a black butane lighter.
Gorgja continued to speak, "This one is not to be taken lightly and Aurelias, I know you have reservations about fighting women. But I needed someone with your skill involved in it.
"You're on your way to Cathar. Your target goes by the name, Loklorian s'Ilancy."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 2nd, 2007, 08:07:29 PM
The Lost Palace of Beasts, Cathar
In just over the year that she'd been here, s'Il had still not been able to explore the entirety of her new home. It had been so thoroughly entrenched into the mountains, weaving its' architectural tendrils deep, that she could only guess how much of the citadel still remained undiscovered. The library and the observatory had been her most frequented spots, and she'd claimed one of the elders' rooms as her own. The Lupine had left most if not all of the trappings in place; the high elevation and dry air had done a fair job of keeping things from rotting away. Of course there were a few of those that had been replaced, and Dan had helped her when they'd first come here.
Only a handful of times had she ventured outward, past what she'd quickly learned to be the obelisks. The great obsidian structures marked the line that no Cathar would cross stretched in either direction, and the Lupine had once found herself standing at the base of one of them, staring upward to its' tip. It was a simple thing, no writing of any kind upon it; just a glossy black surface that had reflected everything standing before it. She had stared for a long time at the reflection of her face the first time she'd come up to one. Not entirely transfixed, but lost in the thought that the scar she bore and the eye she'd lost had been but the beginnings of a downward spiral that ended in self-imposed exile. And Dan. How that'd happened she was still unsure, but the Lupine was glad for it none-the-less.
She had been only once to Joffa, when she'd first arrived on the planet. Her few trips took her to the holy city, Imram'Lien. She had been to Kyba twice, but preferred Imram'Lien due to its' position at the southern steps of the Vercor Mountains. It was far easier to approach without arousing suspicion about where she'd come from.
But, s'Il was adjusting well enough. Day after day was spent in the library, reading for hours upon hours. She wandered the catwalks and bridges that connected the citadel in various parts, sometimes stopping to look around her at the mountainscape and the stronghold that'd been built into it. Her people had built this; her House.
It was hers, and only hers.
It wasn't quite daybreak, and the last home of House Losstarot was quiet. No light illuminated its' interior, and it was just beginning to cast an almost ominous shadow over the surrounding crags in the early morning dawn.
In the eastern upper wing that s'Il had claimed as her living space, the windows were dark. A few of the mountain birds had made nests in whatever nooks they could find, and were just starting their morning chittering.
The darkness inside hung like a blanket, and buried in the cover of her bed, s'Il slept peacefully, unfettered by her nightmares. Thankfully those were fading, as the nights that she awoke in a cold sweat were becoming fewer. In the years since her fight with the Sith, Darth Decepis, she'd been plagued; reliving that moment when he scarred her. Marked her Dan had always been there to comfort her in those times, but now that she was more or less on her own, it seemed that in the walls of the citadel, Decepis' intangible hold on her subconscious waned. For that much she was eternally thankful.
And so the early morning crept onward, the Lupine slumbering quietly.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 3rd, 2007, 05:18:21 PM
They spent about an hour making general plans for the apprehension of s'Il, going over th'various equipment they'd need: concussion grenade, electro-net (, and one pair of binders. 'Course when ya deal with Force Users anything can, and prolly will, go wrong so the duo also made sure t'have a backup net (just in case). Gorgja hadn't said whether t'take her alive or dead, but Kazaar was pretty adamant 'bout leaving s'Ilancy alive (he'd killed a woman before ( and he sure as hell didn't want t'do it again). Ashley didn't care either way.
But something gnawed at the two hunters, plaguing their thoughts, 'bout this mission. It wasn't that it was a Force User (even if they'd never gone after one before), but it was how frackin' vague Gorgja had been 'bout it. In the past, he'd sent the buyers t'Ashley and Kazaar directly; allowing the two t'get to know 'em and make the choice as t'whether take the job or not. In this case, he'd just said, "Go do it." Hell, he hadn't even given 'em a reason why this 'Loklorien s'Ilancy' was being hunted.
"Something ain't right," Kazaar'd finally stated aloud after they'd gathered all their gear together.
Ashley scrunched her face up into a glare and nodded, "I agree. But we've taken the job. We have to see it through."
Her partner's face darkened, "Gimme a break Ash. We don't fracking hafta take this job. If Gorgja won't be honest with us, then he can take this job and shove it up his as-"
"Shut it Aurelias," even when she was angry Ashley's voice was husky and low. It contained a smokiness only off-set by her eyes, "Who would you work for? Jabba? Xizor? Crei? (at the mention of the 'Velvet Bounty Hunter who'd just started his criminal empire, Kazaar gave a loud *snort*)
"I've seen their 'palaces' and their so-called 'business dealings'. The rapes, the torture, the pimps, and the spice. It's hell, Aurelias. You never want to experience that..."
She shuddered at the memories and Kazaar placed his arms around her. He could smell her smell: light and angelic. Her hair tickled his chin and he could feel her fingers lightly trace the Ikas Adno tattoo ( on his left arm.
A moment later and she was fine.
Kazaar smirked inwardly. Girls...who the hell can figure 'em out?
"We'll start at the market, Joffa," Ashley said, pointing to a map ( Gorgja had given them, "If anyone has seen this Jedi, or heard rumors of her, it's probably there.
"You on board, Kazaar?"
The male hunter relit his cigar before answering, "Yeh, I'm on board," he gave a smirk, "We're 'bout a half-day out anyway. Let's find 'er.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 6th, 2007, 10:27:14 AM
With the rising sun came a dry heat that the Lupine was still not used to. It would take years before she could fully acclimate; of course it wasn't as if there really was a any sort of limitations. After all, she had no intentions of leaving Cathar.
Her father had never had a chance to tell her why he'd left, but now that she was here the Lupine made sure to scour through old records for any mention of him. It was a broken search, often interrupted by a wandering mind and boredom, and what little she had found was not enough to adequately tell her why or when. Or even if it was her grandfather instead of her father who'd left. All she had found were lists of names and the family tree. Perhaps she simply wasn't looking in the right books? She knew that they were there - Lupine practices dictated that much, and so she didn't doubt their presence somewhere within the citadel's walls.
As the morning grew longer and the shadows shorter, s'Il found herself padding barefoot through the stronghold's long corridors once more. She took in everything around her with a still fresh eye, the carvings and sculptures a sight that most would never appreciate if even given the chance to see them. Perhaps it was a tendency in the Lupine race, to immortalize those who came before? But then again, without the ones who carried on the Bloodline, where would they be?
She slowed to a stop then, standing before a stature that stood tall and proud. His lower body was draped with skirts and other decorative ornaments, yet his chest was bare save for the skeletal remains of a long dead child. Even the gaze in his stone eye reflected the mind of who the man used to be. Blinking, s'Il let her gaze travel down the length of his body to the base he stood upon and the engraved placard that held his name.
Kantür Losstarot
She knew of the Lupine, had heard stories of him from both her fathers and read of him in the books she had. The quintessential of them all, Kantür embodied the very way of Lupine life.
How appropriate then, she surmised, that he was also one of the most hated within the ranks of those that served them, the Leh'beni. One of the Drei Mörder he'd been. The three most reviled figures by the Leh'beni; the Guardians. The others, Marco Van-Derveld and Dietre Luthgarde, had all been just as villified and hated, but all three had been considered paragons of their culture by their own people. And she too, admired them. Even Luthgarde who was a Loveloxx.
With a blink and a light sigh, s'Il turned and continued onward.
This day she would spend once more in the confines of the library with nothing but the words of those who came before.
She would find out why the Losstarot had finally abandoned Cathar.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 7th, 2007, 03:31:42 PM
With a *thud* the ramp of The Flying Dutchman hit th'pavement of the Joffa Spaceport. Really wasn't much of a spaceport, t'be honest, just a couple large areas where off-worlders (the few there were) could set their ships down in (relative) obscurity.
Kazaar stepped offa the ramp, shielding his eyes a bit from the glare of the sun as it burned down on his black hair. He was clad in a light, long-sleeved linen shirt which would keep him just slightly cool in the heat. His feet were covered with thigh-high boots, which were covered by his dark pants. Kazaar's short vibrosword, 'Dagny', was strapped to his belt, and a blaster pistol hung low inna holster on his right leg.
Ashley followed him, looking much more comfortable than he did. 'Course if Kazaar were wearing a low-cut tank top of some light material, with a jacket placed over it. Her shapely legs were covered with tan pants and brown boots. Her golden hair was uncovered and shone in the sun. She was also armed with a small 22T4 hold-out blaster.
A smaller Cathar, obviously some sorta greeter, ran up to th'pair. He wore light robes which fell to his feet and smile as best as he could. He *sniffed* at the two before welcoming the bounty hunters and his expression froze.
"I greet you, Bakuran," his Basic was passable, as he addressed Ashley, "Your companion, though, has the stench of a Mandalorian. He is not welcome here."
The Brentaal-resident raised a dark eyebrow, "Don't know what you're talking 'bout pal. I was born on Alderaan. Whatta ya mean I have, 'the stench of a Mandalorian'?"
Now the Cathar's expression turned quizzical, "My apologies. But you smell like a Mandalorian. You may be from somewhere else, but our people know how our former conquerors smell. I urge you to be cautious if you go into the market."
Kazaar gave a snort and lit a cigar, "Yeah right. Let's get outta here, Ash. We got work t'do."
They left the greeter and traversed the space towards the open-air market. There was a bustle of people, all Cathar, selling various quantities of goods at various prices. They pressed up against the two humans, jostling them as they walked through the crowd. Some of them stared at the two, not used to seein' non-Cathar on their planet.
Kazaar smirked, "Guess they haven't seen humans inna while."
Ashley nodded and picked up a fruit of some kind. She haggled with the fruit dealer for a couple minutes, then gave him five credits. The woman took a bite of the fruit and smiled.
"The vendor says he's only seen a woman, like me, once. He didn't know where she was from."
Kazaar cursed, "Great."
"At least the fruit's good," Ashley's sultry voice was slightly muffled between bites.
Her partner snorted again and they continued their search.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 8th, 2007, 02:10:37 AM
Old Bron has taken my son with him, away from this place and its' empty halls. Perhaps it was out of kindness to a dying man; I'll never know. Eh'risi'lanci has passed, and I am soon to follow. Her last days were a hard affair. Her mind went quicker into the dark than I had expected, as she was only fifty-eight. The madness should never take one so young, it is cruel.
Engrossed in her reading, s'Il paused for a moment, going back over the words.
It sounded far too similar to her own last name for the Lupine to brush off. Had her father taken on a new name in honor of this woman who'd died? Was it his grandmother, or his mother even? The thought of having possibly found such a link was enough to make her almost devour the next paragraph.
And so here I sit, a broken old man. My wife has gone to the Gate of Souls, and I'll soon follow her. I've kept the records in order, made sure they were safe. I was born here and I shall die here, having never seen my own planet. Perhaps it is a last joke played upon us all by Pembry. Like my own father I have searched for the true reasons about why we can no longer have children, but it seems that I'll never find them. I am only thankful that I have been able to have a son of my own. I named him to honor my grandfather - Darkharon -
Her grandfather! This book had been penned by her own grandfather! Then... Eh'risi'lanci had been her grandmother.
And thank the Bloodline for Vikt'r's daughter, little Nekite -
Nekite; her mother.
Old Bron took them both, the last two children to be born to House Losstarot. He took them away from this place to live a life that they deserved; for they should not be condemned to these aging walls. Old Bron, my friend. The only one of your kind who has been here, to this; my home. I wish to you and all of your Shu'Yon brethren a long life, for you have given my son a new world in which to live.
The book was closed with a snap as s'Il surged out of her chair. If Old Bron was still alive, she would find him. He had to be alive.
Her bare feet took her from the library, out and down the corridors that lead back to her rooms. She would pack light, taking only what she absolutely had to. The Lupine had no ship though, and therefor depended on a dun-colored pakka mare as her transportation; She'd chosen it with Dan's help, and he had kindly bought her a saddle and other gear that she would most likely need for the animal.
And she knew exactly where she had to go. The Shu'Yon Outpost. If this Old Bron was still about, than he would have to be there.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 10th, 2007, 09:00:57 AM
They spent another couple hours in the market, asking questions of various Catharian merchants about where s'Ilancy might be (or if she was even on th'planet). So far, the answer'd been the same: No. No one'd seen her or thought they'd seen 'er. And it was starting to really hack Kazaar off. This 's'Ilancy' figured out a helluva way t'disappear.
But why Cathar? What weren't they bein' told? The young man couldn't wrap his head around it...and that was buggin' him even more. He could tell Ash was thinking along the same lines. Her face was scrunched up inna frustrated, yet thoughtful look.
Finally, she said what he was thinking, "This doesn't make sense. We're looking at this from the wrong angle," the female hunter started perusing through the information they'd been given by Gorgja.
"It says here we need to find a 'Lost Palace of the Beasts'."
There was a *huff* from somewhere behind the duo and they saw a Cathar merchant running from them towards a small alley. He'd been the last person they'd asked about a 'blonde-haired female Jedi' and he'd told 'em he hadn't seen 'er. So either he'd been lying (which was probable) or he sure as hell knew more than he was letting on (which, far as Kazaar was sure, was a definite).
"Why is it they always frackin' run?" the bounty hunter asked himself as he headed down the alley in pursuit. He still had a couple years before he'd add more muscle to his body, but Kazaar was still pretty strong and his strides helped him close the distance between he and his prey.
Ashley'd taken a different route, running down the main street which ran parallel to the alley. She was quicker than both Kazaar and the merchant, so when the latter tried t'head towards a different street, Ashley was waiting for 'im. She stuck a booted foot out and he tumbled to the ground, losing his money pouch as he did. It flew from his clawed hand and bounced offa the dusty ground.
Kazaar was on the merchant a moment later, pulling him up and back into the alley. 'Dagny' was his hand a moment later, the tip pressed into the Cathar's throat. The hunter felt something press against his stomach.
"Yeh, ya got claws. I don't givva damn pal," Kazaar's black eyes were narrowed in both anger and the blazing sun, "Ya want t'tell us why ya ran?"
The merchant bared his pointed teeth and said nothing. Both the claws and Kazaar's vibrosword dug deeper into the other's flesh.
"No one is going to hurt you," Ashley's low voice was placating and she held up the merchant's lost moneybag. "We want to know why you ran from us. Will you tell us?"
There was a growl from the Cathar, but Kazaar felt the claws retract. He did the same with his sword. Ashley was always pretty convincing at stuff like that. She was pretty patient too...but then she'd been doing this a lot longer than Kazaar had.
The merchant dusted his robes off and took the bag from the female hunter, "In the old days, after our subjugation by the Mandalorians (which you smell of one off-worlder), there were rumors of beast gods who lived in the moutains. They were hardly ever seen and were spoken of in hushed and fearful tones.
"Those who encountered them and survived, were not the same afterwards. They were raving lunatics, speaking of human-like figures and beasts doing unnatural things with each other. Our ancestors used to keep the beast gods away by sacrificing unwanted children..."
Kazaar's eyes narrowed at the mention of child sacrifices and Ashley shuddered inwardly.
Either the Cathar merchant didn't notice or care, "We gave up some of our children to be looked after. It was said they (our children)founded a city but that was destroyed ages ago."
"Where did these legendary beast gods live?" Ashley asked calmly, pressing 20 credits into his palm.
"Anyone who knows is either dead or doesn't remember," he replied, baring his teeth at the coin, "But I do have an old text which could help you..."
"Atta price right?" Kazaar interjected himself into th'discussion. They were gettin' answers, but he wasn't convinced by this, "C'mon Ash, this yazbo ain't telling us anything we can't learn elsewhere.
"Oh," the merchant quickly said, "One does not lie about these sorts of questions. That leads to death. But then one does not come here asking about gods, legend or not. Those type of questions can only lead to the askers own death and destruction."
Kazaar snorted. Yeah right.
"Where can we read this information?" Ashley asked kindly, "We'd like to know where we can find them."
The merchant smiled, "Come with me."
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jul 14th, 2007, 11:34:03 PM
The pakka kept a clipped pace, her jog neither rushed or casual. It suited s'Il perfectly fine as she didn't want to tire the animal out; the distance from the citadel to the Shu'Yon Outpost was considerable enough without having to be relegated to a walk.
With the sun in the middle of the sky, the heat steadily rose. As she had opted to take a direct southward trajectory through the mountains, she had little to worry about concealing herself; the crags and rocky outcroppings did well enough. They also provided enough shade from the sun that she had not yet used the burnoose that hung around her neck and draped over her shoulders. The tan traveling robe she wore was quick to pick up dust, but for once the Lupine didn't seem to be bothered by the thought of being dirty, as her mind was a hive of curiosity.
By the time she'd reached the lower stretches of the Vercor Mountains, the sun had just begun to set. By now she'd wrapped the burnoose around her face and head, and her robes had been thoroughly covered in dust. The mare was tired; it was easy enough to tell by the way her pace fluctuated, and s'Il knew that she would have to stop at some point. However, that would not be just yet.
As rocky surfaces slowly gave way to the softer earth of rolling hills, s'Il turned the pakka eastward, toward Imram'Lien. The Holy City was not a terribly long distance off, and the Lupine was determined to stop there for the night. Slowing her mount to a fast waalk, s'Il turned in her saddle, regarding the setting sun as it began kissing the tops of the mountains. With a free hand she reached up, pulling the covering she wore on her head loose and leaving it to drape over her shoulders once more. For a few brief moments she stared up at the sky, idly watching as stars began to show themselves. Faintly at first, but the further along the sundown persisted, they grew brighter. She thought of Dan then, wondering where he was.
Soon enought hough, the lights of Imram'Lien grew on the horizon, and the Lupine nudged her pakka once more into an easy lope.
Aurelias Kazaar
Jul 15th, 2007, 06:53:26 PM
The merchant's house was a pretty simple affair. One-story and made of solid, white brick; it hardly rose above the Cathar's furry head. But, thankfully, it was cooler inside and the trio took a moment in the entrance way t'shake the dust from their feet. Kazaar really didn't see why removing dust from his shoes was such a big thing, but Ash shot a look from her smoky eyes which said, "Do it, Kazaar."
So he did.
Kazaar heard the *whirring* of gears as an honest-t'God purple 2PO-type protocol droid (who had t'be 'least 50 years old) lurched its way towards the three.
"Hel*bzzz* am EA-2POD, human-cyborg relations," its vocabulator had been damaged at some point in it's life so it didn't sound great, "I am told you ar*bizzit*king for a book?"
The merchant, whose name was apparently Zokor, waved the droid away, telling it t'go grab him a drink. He wasn't unkind to EA-2PO but essentially treated him like a normal droid. Zokor lit several lamps in th'small den then led the bounty hunters towards a trapdoor.
"I keep my books down here," he gave a toothy smile, "The cool air keeps them from being damaged in any kind of storm. smoking down there either."
Kazaar gave a glare, but tossed his cigar out the window. He heard it land with a *plop* on the sand and shook his head almost mournfully. Ashley's lips quirked into a smile. Aurelias and his cigars...
"So what kinda book we looking for?" the Alderaanian hunter crossed his arms.
Another toothy smile from Zokor the merchant, "I don't know. I come across plenty of older texts in my business. From times past and long forgotten."
He led the two hunters down a wooden steps and into his 'library'. The musty scent of book paper filled the human's nostrils as they viewed the small room in front of them. Books upon books were stacked, some in order by volume, others in some sorta chaotic form. There were at least 50 books to go through.
"This is gonna take a while," Kazaar muttered t'his partner who brushed a lock of hair from her face.
"Look pal," Kazaar continued, taking a threatening step towards the merchant, "Ya told us ya might have a book that can help us. So where is it?"
The merchant didn't move, "I told you, I don't know. I only know it is here, but not what's in it. It was given to me by an old man who said it contained secrets he wanted forgotten. It wasn't until you came asking about 'beast gods' did I even bother to consider it again."
A growl escaped the mouth of the hunter and he started towards th'Cathar, "Stupid kaffer, I'll--"
A cool hand came into contact with his shoulder and Ashley stepped in front of him, "Very well," her sultry voice was annoyed but patient, "But we will need help. If you are willing, our R3 droid may be able to repair the damage to your protocol droid's vocabulator.
"In exchange, he will help us find the book we're looking for."
Kazaar's face twitched into a smirk. His golden-haired partner always had a way with words. A way t'keep him from tearing people t'bits (unless they deserved it of course). It was kinda nice...she really did know how t'calm him down.
Zokor gave a polite bow, stretching his hairy arms out, "Of course, madam hunter. I would be honored. My droid knows plenty of languages. He should be able to help you in your search. Oh...if you do leave the city, I suggest traveling by pakka. Most Cathars don't respond well to speeders."
A smile from Ashley, "Of course. Thank you."
She turned to Kazaar, who was still rather annoyed with the entire thing, "Go get Abe and bring him here. We'll spend the night going through the books, then go hunting tomorrow."
Her partner shook his black-haired head, "Why we doin' this Ash? This guy's playing us I know it."
"I don't think so Aurelias," Ashley's expression was kinda odd, "Something I feel saying otherwise."
Kazaar gave a snort, "Whatever ya say."
Then he climbed th'stairs and headed back to th'Dutchman.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Aug 13th, 2007, 06:40:28 PM
The next morning...
Imram'Lien was a quiet enough city; much quieter than Joffa and Delta City. Of course, when those who populated it were holymen and shamans coming from every aspect of Cathar's religious walk, it was not surprising.
s'Il had stayed the evening in a modest lodge-house, her mount placed in the stableboy's care for the night. A simple dinner had been taken in her room instead of the adjacent tavern, and it wasn't long before she had fallen into a peaceful slumber. And when day broke, she'd woken refreshed. A breakfast, just as simple as her dinner had been, was eaten in silence. Preserved meat strips were packed, as well as a few small loaves of bread.
The sun had not been up an hour before the walls of Imram'Lien were to her back, and urging the pakka into an easy lope, the Lupine prepared herself for a full day's ride. She would not reach the outpost for another few days, even at her current pace, and s'Il had packed accordingly. She didn't expect to see any others at least until the next day, even on this stretch of the trading route. The branch that broke from the main route and headed into Imram'Lien was often sparse of travelers, and she wouldn't begin to see caravans until she hit the main road. Which was well enough.
Aurelias Kazaar
Aug 18th, 2007, 09:51:12 PM
"Got something!" an almost triumphrant voice rouse Kazaar from his dozing. Wasn't always Ashley sounded that loud, but she prolly did it t'wake up her partner. Th'quirky smile on 'er face only confirmed Kazaar's belief.
The bounty hunter rose from th'chair he'd leaned back against the stone wall and strode towards Ashley. She was lookin' at the map ( Gorgja had given 'em, comparing it with a couple other texts in some language he didn't understand. 'Course, neither did Ash but 'least the droids had some kinda understanding of it.
"It says here," the golden-haired bounty hunter turned th'text around so Kazaar could stare at it, "The 'beast gods' used to roam the area northwest of here. I compared notes and the Cathar used to make sacrifices near an area here," she pointed an elegant finger towards a point on th'map where a line of obelisks stretched across at an angle, "It's rather remote...almost the perfect place for a 'Lost City'."
Kazaar smirked. Ashley'd always been good at research. He just preferred bustin' heads. Wasn't as clean as reading a book, but 'least it got his blood going.
"So let's go get 'er."
The duo strode from th'merchant's domicile, thanking him for his hospitality and his droid. They crossed dusty streets back into th'market, then towards a stable area, where a rather large Cathar housed his pakkas. Kazaar'd wanted t'take his ship, but Ashley overruled him. "You heard ships."
"Aww c'mon Ash...ain't like we're gonna come back," the Alderaanian groused in between puffs from his cigar.
"You don't know that Aurelias," her sultry voice admonished 'im as she dodged past a bald-headed human who passed them in the market. Kazaar did a double take...that guy looked pretty frackin' familiar. But his mind didn't process it so he moved on.
'Sides...lotta baldies looked alike.
The bald-headed man turned a corner, before heading towards the ship landing areas. Sweat poured down his shaved skull and dripped onto his rat-like mustache and soul patch. He hated the heat, but how often didja get to sleep with a priest's daughter? Those they knew how to have fun.
His thoughts were jarred when a strong arm clamped down on his shoulder and pulled him into a room.
"Hey man, I didn't do anything," his voice was of a higher timber and fit his face and thin body, "It was just some fun ya know...the girl asked for it...I don't prefer to do that kinda stuff."
"Shut up Haman," the man who spoke was large, towering at least over two meters. His sandy hair was pony-tailed and his face looked like it'd been kicked in one too many times. "Did you see them?"
Cyrus Haman's mind worked quickly, "Yeh...Yeh I did. Kazaar and that girl of his, Ashley. They passed me in the Market. Headed towards the stables. You oughta grab 'em now, Parbaker. They're gonna be on that trade route."
Parbaker's face twisted into an ugly smile and he released the smaller man, "No...Boss said to wait until they found the Jedi. That's what I'm gonna do."
Haman nodded and looked for a way out. It was bad enough the priests were prolly gonna be after him. Now if he pissed of Parbaker...yeah that wasn't good.
"Get out of here Haman, your work is done," the bounty hunter shuffled in his pocket for some credits, "This should give you enough to get off planet."
The rat grasped at the creds and smiled, "Thanks Parbaker, you're a real pal." He started heading towards the door, when he was called back.
"I don't want to see you here again, Haman," the ugly human smiled, before reaching into his jacket. He pulled out two Bryar Blaster Pistols.
"Or else. Got it?"
Haman nodded and ran out. First to get off planet, then head some place far from here...maybe even Alderaan. He knew a guy who knew a guy who said the Queen was pretty bored with her husband gone on Coruscant all the time.
Maybe he could show the queen a thing or two...
Kazaar and Ashley rented two pakkas, before heading out into the Great Dune Sea. It'd be a couple day journey along the Greater Shu'Yan Trading Route before they'd reach their own destination for resupply.
Next'Shu'Yan Outpost.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 14th, 2007, 10:17:41 PM
Much as she expected, s'Il met no others on the route leading into Imram'Lien. Her ride was a quiet one, with the sounds of claw-hooves beating the hard-packed sand in a steady rhythm. She enjoyed the peace that was offorded; in fact, in her time so far on Cathar the Lupine came to treasure her still newfound life. No more running, no one chased after her, and she had not to worry of the Empire. Cathar itself was far enough out that she knew she was safe. Only one person knew where she was, and that was Dan.
The man himself was busy enough though, and his visits, while constantly looked forward to, were far too irregular. It had gotten to be too much for her, as while he only had to worry of the Empire finding him, she had to be cautious of both the Empire and the Sith, Darth Decepis. Perhaps if only the Empire had been her sole adversary she would have stayed with Dan, but threat of Decepis was what drove her mad - the Sith hunted her relentlessly and seemed to always find her no matter where.
But thus far, on Cathar, she was safe. Nobody knew who she was on this planet, and she had no intentions of enlightening the natives.
It was a peace that she prayed every night would last till the end of her days.
The sun was setting, kissing the far off dunes and rocky crags of the horizon, and still she rode onward. Such a desire to find Old Bron burned within her that she was determined to ride on through the night.
And that is just what she did. The cooler night air felt fresh on her face, as she had loosened her burnoose as the sun disappeared. The moon was a brilliant orb, suspended in the black sky and illuminating the way before her.
She rode on, and by morning the next day had reached the intersection that brought the offshoot onto the main route. Slowing her pakka to a leisurely walk, s'Il settled herself a little more comfortably in her saddle and wrapped the burnoose once more around her face to shield her face from the sunlight.
The Greater Shu'Yon Trading Route stretched out before her and vanished onto the horizon. Yet still she rode onward.
Old Bron was waiting, whether he realized it or not.
Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 15th, 2007, 01:44:21 PM
Kazaar rose early and strode out of the tent t'stare at the sunrise. A medium-bodied cigar clenched between his teeth, the bounty hunter used his black butane lighter to make a fire, then set about breakfast. He was gettin' better as a cook, but still had a few years t'go before his food was more than passable.
Ashley emerged a few minutes later, shaking her golden curls, took a drink of caf, then wandered off for her meditation. She always told her partner it cleared her mind, which it did, but it also 'centered' herself to th'blackness of the universe 'round 'em. She rejoined him 'bout ten minutes later and the two sat 'round the fire and ate in silence. They didn't need t'say much, both knew what needed t'be done.
They set out an hour later, the sun beating down on their light-clothed bodies, turning their skin brown and their hair lighter. They encountered a small caravan 'bout halfway through the day, buying dried fruit and cheese for lunch.
It was quiet enough and their trek for the rest of the day would be uneventful.
When they stopped in the evening, Ashley again went off t'medidate. This puzzled Kazaar t'no abounds. He didn't mind his golden haired friend/partner's meditating, but he never could figure out why she did it. He'd asked her once 'bout this and was told it had t'do with the'Cosmic Balance' ( religion of hers. Inwardly, Kazaar yawned. Sure there was supposed to be some kind of balance, but the scales were always tilted towards 'The Dark' these days.
Maybe that's why Ash spent her mornings and nights (when they weren't working) meditating. Maybe she was his balance.
Kazaar shrugged and lit another cigar as his partner returned from her 'alone time'.
"Wanna keep travelling?" the male hunter asked, as he handed her a piece of fruit and some dried meat.
Ashley thought a moment, then nodded, "Let's get this mission over with."
They took an hour nap then started off again.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 22nd, 2007, 12:07:24 PM
Traveling until the sun reached its' zenith, s'Il stopped at an oasis to rest her mount and gather her own bearings. Both her and the animal needed to sleep in some form, and she laid out a meager encampment beside one of the rocky outshoots that rose from the sands. She was far enough away from the oasis proper to be allowed her own privacy, but close enough to hear the slight murmurs of those who also stopped to water and rest themselves.
Cathar milled about, though it was plain to see that they were there for only the same reasons as she; their destinations were forefront on their own minds, and thus talk and idle chatter was relatively subdued. This was a place of mutual desires, and thus none bothered a weary traveler looking to sleep.
It was sundown once more when she opened her eyes. A new group of Cathar could be seen, though there were a few she recognized when first coming to the oasis. It seemed that they too, had decided it preferable to rest during the day before setting off into the night.
Her waterskins refilled and her pakka well enough rested, the Lupine set out once more. As with the previous night, she urged her mount into a clipped lope. She still had at least a two day's ride before reaching the outpost, and that was if she did not stop to sleep as she had just done. Although, considering that this region of Cathar was coming into the hotter summer months, it would more than likely be beneficial to begin traveling by night and resting by day.
With the light of the moon and stars to see by, the Lupine kept on her path, determination hid within a deceptively passive gaze.
Aurelias Kazaar
Sep 23rd, 2007, 04:05:03 PM
They stopped again when one of the pakkas wouldn't move. Kazaar thought 'bout going down and trying t'urge it with water and food, but he had a feeling it wouldn't work. The damn thing was too tired t'travel any further. The bounty hunter wanted t'yell at it, but then he realized just how tired he was.
So he gritted his teeth and made camp.
The two hunters slept in different sleeping beds when 'on the job'. Just never made sense t'either of 'em. Why create a distraction when it could be used as a reward for a job well done? So they never bothered. Or really talked 'bout it either.
They set out the next morning before the sun mades its appearance over the Great Dune Sea. The rest had been perfect for the pakkas and they loped at an even greater rate of speed than before, as if they could sense their riders' urgency.
Kazaar and Ashley smoked in silence through part of the journey, content to let the windy morning, and the occasional *snort* from their rides, provide the only sound. Kazaar was rather surprised to see Ash light up, but he figured it was just something she wanted.
As he peered out over the Catharian horizon, he thought his eyes spied something. The bounty hunter fumbled in his pack for his macrobinoculars, then pulled 'em out.
"What is it?" his golden-haired partner asked. She'd seen it too.
"Dunno," Kazaar clicked on the magnifier as waited a moment, while the screen came into focus. "Looks like the trail of some kinda speeder. I thought the furballs frowned on that stuff?"
"They do," Ashley's sotto voice was flat.
Kazaar turned an eye towards 'er, "Could be an emergency of some kind."
Ashley shook her head, "I don't think so."
The two hunters were thinking the same thing.
Something was goin' on. And it prolly wasn't good.
Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 2nd, 2007, 12:52:17 PM
With the light of the moon to guide her, s'Il made favorable time. She passed by encampments of Shu'Yon traders who'd stopped for the night, their makeshift tents clustered together around firepits with glowing coals. She didn't stop though, instead pressing on. The moon rose high, and as it began to descend, the Lupine slowed her pakka into a walk. The beast gave a hruff at the slower gait.
When morning came, so did the heat. Still keeping the pakka at a walk, s'Il kept her eyes on the horizon for another oasis; or at least a group of fellow travellers who'd stopped for the day.
Aurelias Kazaar
Oct 2nd, 2007, 02:27:30 PM
The rest of the journey to the Shu'Yan Outpost was mundane and eventless. Ashley and Kazaar encountered a couple caravans on th'journey, trading for food and drink, but they never saw the speeder again.
During one rest, Ashley approached a Cathar caravan and asked about it.
"We...haven't...seen any speederrrrs," the merchant's voice growled, "But Zaigat may have...He should be herrrre in the next day orrrr so. You'll know who he is...everrrrryone knows who Zaigat is."
The female bounty hunter nodded and handed the merchant several credits. The merchant smiled and departed.
"Whatta ya got, Ash?" Kazaar took a swig from his canteen before tossing it to his partner. She caught it in the air without breaking her stride.
"Not much, maybe a line on our speeder companions," Ashley repeated the merchant's story.
Kazaar gave a snort, "Great. So more time sitting on our butts instead o'going and getting this job done. Gorgja better have a helluva reward waitin' for us when we get back."
Ashley actually smiled at the comment, then sat down next to her partner. A moment later, she was asleep.
"Of course I remember the speeder," the Cathar merchants named, Zaigat, answered. His mastery of Basic was much better than any Cathar Kazaar'd run into. "I will answer your question. But only if you give me one of your wonderful cigars."
The Brentaal-raised Alderaanian narrowed his black eyes at th'thought of losing one of his prized tobacco sticks. He'd only brought ten with 'im, and he'd smoked five of 'em all ready.
"Come on Aurelias," Ash nudged him with her elbow, a chiding look on 'er cute face. "Let him have one."
Kazaar cursed under his breath, before pulling out his cigar case. Zaigat pressed a manicured claw to his mouth while he inspected th'cigars. Then he chose a medium-length, light cigar.
"This will do. Here is what I know. A day ago, I was stopped by a human driving a speeder. He asked if I knew where Kyba was. I told him. The man was heavily armed, with hair the color of sand. He paid me and left."
"Anyone else with 'im?" the male bounty hunter was unimpressed with the story. Could be anyone.
"Not that I saw. But he was very interested in reaching Kyba," there was a pause, "He also seemed to be in a hurry."
The golden-haired huntress gave a smile and thanked the merchant.
"Plenty o'sandy-haired hunter out there. Could be anyone." Kazaar's face was pinched inna scowl. He didn't like losing one of his cigars.
"Very true," Ashley answered, pulling out the map. "Kyba is near where the beast-gods might have lived. I think there may be someone else looking for this s'Ilancy."
"Great," Kazaar smirked, "'Least there's a damn bounty hunter code. Let's get th'hell outta here on to Shu'Yan. Maybe there'll be a speeder there f'us t'rent."
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