View Full Version : Character Biography: Kyapi-kyapi

Jun 19th, 2007, 09:30:23 PM
Hi there! I'm new here... obviously... I don't see any threads to have bios for new characters in, so I guess I'll just make a new one? Feel free to kick my butt if this is a bad thing to do :P

So, here goes:

Born Yasei Ookami, Shistavanen Kyapi-kyapi was abandoned as a pup shortly after birth on the desolate world of Tatooine. Having no one to raise her, Kyapi-kyapi found her inhabitance in a small back alley in the Mos Eisley Spaceport, protected from the sandstorms only by a small durasteel crate she managed to drag out of the Cantina's garbage. Having been abandoned too early in life to know her own name - much less those of her parents - Kyapi-kyapi lived anonymously for several years, surviving and clothing herself only from the garbage tossed out by the Cantina, which ranged from still hot half-eaten meals to bodies, still clothed and armed. She scraped by, pulling a living that many might even call better than some other creatures had. It was better than life under Palpatine, many would say.

By the age of 7, Kyapi-kyapi had become fairly well-known in Mos Eisley, often seen as the Cantina's local stray, and treated as such. Wuher, the bartender, often even went as far as to bring her out full meals - though this was only on rare and special occasions. With the high turn-out of corpses in the Mos Eisley area, Kyapi-kyapi also managed to collect a large supply of weapons - everything from vibroblades to blaster rifles. She took to practicing on local womp-rats, which she found to be easy targets.

Due to her hyper nature, combined with an uncanny luck, Kyapi-kyapi soon began to display a natural ability for combat. After stories began to get out of her skill with hitting womp-rats, Kyapi-kyapi soon became the "free alternative" to hiring a mercenary. Having neither need for nor understanding of the value of credits, Kyapi-kyapi took jobs for no pay. Unfortunately, along with her lack of understanding of money came a lack of understanding of her job. She treated hunting people like an escalated game of hide-and-seek, and once she found her "prey," would often spend hours talking, failing to even realize that she was being shot at by her fearful prey. Whether by sheer luck or natural skill, however, Kyapi-kyapi managed to avoid serious injury, and, more often than not, ended up killing her prey without even realizing she had done so - she merely took the body that "someone else" had left behind and returned it to whoever had ordered the kill, along with an apology over his untimely death.

As word continued to circulate, and more and more "successful" hunts were reported, the truth of the matter was quickly realized, though no one had any interest in ruining a potential success by saying as much. Orders placed through Kyapi-kyapi quickly shifted from "Go kill this man" to "Let's play hide and seek," and Kyapi-kyapi, with her own hyper nature, was always happy to oblige.

Kyapi-kyapi also had a very developed interest in electronics, often spending hours tinkering with droids and other equipment, only to find that her "fix" had made the equipment completely unusable. Rather than be discuraged by her complete and total failure as a mechanic, Kyapi-kyapi continued to do work on machines, but never once turned out a working product in the end. Given this interest, however, it isn't surprising that, at her first subjection to a starship at age 10, she took off - albeit by complete accident. Luckily for Kyapi-kyapi, her skill with starships was vastly greater than her skill in other mechanical areas.

After leaving Tatooine, Kyapi-kyapi's reputation began to spread further into the galaxy. She became known as an "accidental success," or the "hyper hunter," and, with her lack of price for her work, quickly became a popular go-to for under-the-table bounties. Unfortunately, Kyapi-kyapi's free hunting services came with their drawbacks - Kyapi-kyapi's attention span was extremely short, and the amount of time for successful delivery of prey was often significantly longer than with paid hunters. However, by no credit of her own, Kyapi-kyapi nearly always managed to deliver her prey in whatever manner she was asked to - dead or alive. In all reality, Kyapi-kyapi's success can be almost entirely credited to her incredible good luck - she is truly a rare case of being good by accident.

Now 12 years old, Kyapi-kyapi roams the galaxy aimlessly, constantly looking for someone to "play" with.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 19th, 2007, 09:47:48 PM
Welcome to SW-Fans!

Your bio looks good, but I have a question - what species is Kyapi-kyapi and how old is she?

Jun 19th, 2007, 09:50:17 PM
Oh, I can't believe I forgot about that! She's a 12-year-old Shistavanen.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 19th, 2007, 09:51:31 PM
A Shistavanen! A species we don't have any of yet. Awesome :D

Glad to have you on board, Kyapi. Out of curiosity, how did you find us? :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 19th, 2007, 09:51:42 PM
Ah ha! :D I figured she wasn't human, since you called her a cub. And is she Force sensitive? I am assuming she is, due to all this good luck she's got going for her. :)

Jun 19th, 2007, 10:01:23 PM
I don't know, if she is force sensitive I don't plan to have her develop it at all. She may be, though, I guess that would explain her luck. I haven't really given it that much thought, though.

I guess that would make sense. If you want to attribute her incredibly good dumb luck to the Force, then that route works for me. I guess it'd be more sensible than just saying she's that lucky naturally, but I don't expect her to ever do any force training to develop those talents, if that is actually the source of said dumb luck.

Her luck is extremely cartoony. She doesn't dodge a blaster bolt because she senses it coming, it's more like she just "happens" to bend down and pick up something shiny right as the blaster bolt passes over her head. Call it the Force, or just call it dumb luck, either one works for me.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 19th, 2007, 10:07:45 PM
Some people are just dumb lucky. My sister is sort of like that. You don't need to attribute it to the Force.

Jun 19th, 2007, 10:10:07 PM
Really, it doesn't matter to me. She'll never know it if it is the Force, so whether it is or not is sort of a moot point. I'd prefer to just call it dumb luck, though.


A Shistavanen! A species we don't have any of yet. Awesome :D

Glad to have you on board, Kyapi. Out of curiosity, how did you find us? :)

>.< I totally missed that post... I've been RPing for a long time in realtime, on MUDs, and a long long time ago in a galaxy far, far... I mean, in another forum-based RPG, and was just looking for a new place to RP. I happened across this place and decided it looked like a good one, so I joined up.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 19th, 2007, 10:28:34 PM
Dumb luck is perfectly fine, I was just curious as to if you were going to attribute it to some latent but untapped force ability or not. :)