View Full Version : Needed: Negligent father

Jun 9th, 2007, 10:01:07 PM
I'm starting Kale on a quest of self-discovery. Kale is a fifteen-year-old Force-user who has spent the last five years as a street urchin and subsistence thief. Before that, he was raised in the Coruscant lower levels by his mother, Onika Zarinova, a former Jedi Padawan and survivor of the Jedi Purge.

It was always my plan that Onika had an affair with an Imperial officer or official on Coruscant about fifteen years (give or take nine months) ago - she was alone and desperate for support and possibly was also looking for intelligence she could use for the Rebellion. When she realized she was pregnant, she broke off the relationship and went into hiding. Kale has no idea who his father is.

So I was wondering if anyone out there has a character who could be Kale's father. The requirements are, in order of importance:

1. Male
2. Human
3. On Coruscant fifteen years ago
4. In some sort of position of power or otherwise affililated with the Empire.

Could be an Imperial officer, could be a politician, could be a Darksider on the Empire's payroll... I'm open for suggestions beyond that, too - bounty hunters, spies, etc. I think this could create some very interesting roleplaying angles; that's my primary concern.

If no one is able to fill the role, I'll just fall back on an NPC. One way or another, it'll probably be a little while before I'm able to bring this relationship into play. Anyone interested?

Bartleby Orem
Jun 10th, 2007, 12:13:13 AM
I'm interested in this. Right now, Orem works for ImpIntel as a fairly high ranking agent, but fifteen years ago it wouldn't surprise me if he was one to sow his wild oats.