View Full Version : Episode I - Small Error, Devastating Consequence
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 05:13:08 PM
In the depths of Itala Marzullo's cloning facilities by the Albion mountains, hundreds of clones are being manufactured for the grace of the Marzullo clan and their territorial commonwealth. Legions of huge, muscular men form straight to adulthood and are given the basic knowledge to adulthood with a simple shot during harvesting. One cloning tank in particular stands out, where a small female human floats as bubbles rise up.
Other things made her stand apart, besides her frame and gender. Her face was very similar to that of the famed Marzullo leader. Next to her tank, a computer streams countless data to her brain, most of which is the basic human knowledge for a female her age.
A pair of praetorians patrol the facility as the female human catches their attention. They look to her face in slight awe, her beauty and innocence were a great source of entertainment for the brutes. One of them sets his blaster down next to the information-feeding computer, tapping on the small tank as he chuckles.
"Aren't you the pretty one? Who exactly might you be? Another one of the slaves?"
A sudden tremor common of the regions throws the guard off balance, who by instinct grabs his blaster clumsily which causes him to fire on the computer next to the tank. He watches in horror as some sparkles fly and the computer's information database goes berserk, prompting the second patrol to get to fixing it immediately. He manages to make the blaster shot nearly invisible, wiping most of the burn away as he plays with the keyboard for a few moments. The insane scrolling of the data returns to its normal speed as the two guards quietly leave the scene, pretending that nothing had happened.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 06:11:49 PM
The small tremor that rattles the cloning facilities startles Itala during his favorite past time, researching and modifying cells. The sample under his microscope is spilled over, wetting his boot. The timer goes off soon after, letting him know that his project should be ready within a few minutes.
"Guard, clear the cloning facilities, sectors A and B, I must be alone for a few hours." he orders, the guard next to him immediately obeys as the large doors begin closing in, howling like the beasts he enjoys watching in the colloseum. A very controversial vanity of his would finaly bear fruits and would possibly consult Sol himself. Being his representative in the clan had its advantages.
After a few moments, Itala arrives to the site of the cloning tank, observing the young female with pure fascination, perhaps for the wrong reasons, depending on the different opinions of many in the family. Only a button needs to be pressed for the tank to begin draining as the small woman coughs, opening her eyes as she sees nothing but blur.
"Alas, welcome to existence."
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 7th, 2007, 01:22:34 AM
A very long dream of death, destruction and blood finaly comes to an end, a strong light welcomes the young woman to reality, using her wet hands to cover her face. She sits in a fetal position, nude, she can't see anything clearly.
The female screams in panic, banging at the glass with all her strength, but soon collapsed back to her knees, her body feels week and completely defenseless.
She rubs her eyes franticaly, believing that perhaps her vision could come about faster, but it would not work. She continues to bang on the glass as a shape stares at her from outside. Could this shape be her progenitor? Flashes of multiple men and women rush through her mind, many actions and events continue to crawl in her brain as she begins sobbing, curled up on the surface.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 7th, 2007, 01:27:43 AM
Itala takes a step closer, then whistles and two medics rush to the tank, removing it quickly as they wrap the young female in some fresh towels. Her wandering eyes tell the entire story as Itala speaks to her in an uncommonly soft voice.
"Your vision will come about in a few minutes, young lady."
Itala places a hand on her forehead, feeling a very strange warmth flow through his essence of the force, as a part of himself had been stolen and he had just recovered it. Much had to be revealed and he wastes no time calling a few of his relatives to display what could be his proudest creation yet.
"Everything that has been passed on will be settled in your mind around the same time frame as your vision."
The security doors are opened as the Marzullo leader takes it upon himself to pick the young one up, walking back to his temple with the usual audacity that he became well know for. Numerous researchers and medics surround him as he continues taking steps.
"You have nothing to fear." he whispers, the young female continues to sob as her arms hug Itala's neck with everything she had. To her, Itala was her sanctuary and world.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 8th, 2007, 06:57:49 AM
The comfort that befalls the young female plunges her into a deep sleep. He dreams is made of more faces. Men and women that she had never met flash in her mind, creatures, planets, duels. An army of foreign memories occupy her infant mind faster and faster, kicking her back to the reality world.
"Aaaah!!!!!" she screams with all her strength, sitting up as if a cadaver was returning from the dead. Fast, repeated blinking brings the world to her, the shape that protected her now appeared to be a grown man, staring straight into her eyes.
Suddenly, her eyes turn yellow as everything in Itala's chambers flies off, even tumbling forth his massive bookshelves, smashing his desks and shattering his temple's windows as she jumps on Itala and grips his neck with a rageful drive that seemed fit for such a creation.
"What have you done to me?!" she sneers, she looks around for anything that she could use to harm her prey, and glass flies to her hand with frightening, perhaps disproportinate ease. She begins stabbing away, cutting Itala's face in multiple areas as he continues to look at her completely shocked.
Nadia Marzullo
Jun 8th, 2007, 11:45:47 AM
Itala was known to call the family members together every so often, making this seem important..and yet not too special, simultaneously. Nadia, having practiced a mock spar on her own in training, had little to do now that she was finished with her work for the day. Why not see what was going on?
No doubt, the scream echoing through the air was a definite attraction once the young woman was in approach of the temple. The situation seemed strange to her.. And stranger yet was the odd presence that dwelt within the temple before her. It was familiar, yet different; powerful, while impotent. She couldn't place the feeling as her feet hit the steps leading upward, light brown eyes straining to see what was happening within as she ascended.
The scene inside was almost too much to comprehend. The strange presence flowed from the girl..the one that was attacking Itala. Nadia had no time to notice features or concentrate on the aura the girl sent out, but rushed ahead to assist her beloved Itala before the child did any more damage.
Her feet, the tapping of boots, lashed out in swift strides as she focused on the pieces of glass. One was tugged at suddenly with the Force, to rend it from the girl's hand. The other was restricted by physical force as Nadia reached Itala's side, bending over to grab the girl's arm and swing her light body up into the air, free hand catching hold of Ithella's opposite wrist. There was no way she could render any further help to Itala, but her voice came through quickly, abruptly, to check on his condition while she held the little savage in the air.
"Are you all right?"
Itala Marzullo
Jun 8th, 2007, 11:47:03 AM
Itala's blood streams down his seasoned face, still stunned by the young female's actions when Nadia interrupts the special moment. He continues to heavily draw breath as he rips a pillow apart, wrapping it around his face with only the eyes showing, the white cloth soon turns a gloomy red as he takes a seat next to the bed, staring straight into the child's eyes.
"Something is wrong, this reaction is not what I enginered. "
Itala's focus turns to Nadia, his hand is placed on hers as his gesture of gratitude as he stumbles to the floor, dizzy from the fast, sizeable loss of blood.
"Call my medics..."
Nadia Marzullo
Jun 8th, 2007, 11:48:18 AM
Nadia was numb for a moment, watching the injured Itala in a daze as if the struggling child hung limp in her grasp. Suddenly snapping from the surprise of the situation, she turned around and screamed through the temple.
Her boots were slamming into the stone flooring again, Ithella swinging in front of her as she bolted across the room in the hopes that her voice would carry better when she reached the other side of the room.
"Medic! Medic!"
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 9th, 2007, 12:14:12 PM
Chimera felt Itala's call through the force. Wondering what miraculous discovery or important plan he now had to share, she began the short trek to her cousin. Upon nearing the temple, she felt a flutter through the force. Something wasn't right. Reaching out, she could pick up on confusion and pain. Pulling out her dagger, she ran up the stairs and froze at the sight that lay before her. Nadia was holding on to a small girl while she thrashed about, trying to get to Itala. Her cousin on the other hand, looked at a loss for what had happened. She noticed the surprised and confused look in his eyes, for his eyes were all that she could see. The rest of his face was wrapped in a bloody cloth of some type.
Confused, Chimera turned to Itala. "Are you alright?" she asked. Before he could answer, two medics entered the room quickly, pushing her aside.
Chimera turned to Nadia and asked, "What happened here?"
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 9th, 2007, 09:51:10 PM
As Ithella is being held, she continues to breathe in and out in manners similar to a beast of war. While Itala lays there and does nothing, the thoughts and confusion prevail in her mind, driving her yet more ragefuly insane as she shoots a narrow glare in the direction of Nadia.
The room begins to shake once more, this time violently like an earthquake, shaking the very foundation of the mamoth structure like very few of the force could.
Her yellow eyes become so spiteful, the skin surrounding her eyes becomes nearly sucked in wrinkles as a fearful sphere of lightning surrounds her, exploding into a universal lightning strike, shooting everyone in the room and nearby area flying against their respectives sides of the wall. Her attention returns to Itala as she hovers over the ground, electricity continues to surround her as her hair flies in all directions.
"touch me."
Suddenly, the young female collapses on the floor, passing out right next to the stunned Itala as he stares into her static eyes that had turned back to their natural color. The power of the force was so staggering that her body could not handle it. Yet.
Mara Marzullo
Jun 10th, 2007, 01:40:23 AM
Mara came in, moving swiftly, but not running... she was too dignified for a run. Her turquoise eyes took in the scene and she blinked.
"It would seem your clone turned on you, Itala," she murmurs, moving to help her cousin. A medic comes racing in at that point, and Mara gives him what's been termed her death glare. She steps aside as the medic starts tending to Itala.
"What would you have me do with her, cousin?"
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 10th, 2007, 01:41:43 AM
The explosive power of the force staggered and surprised Chimera. Carefully, she pulled her self up from the wall, then rounded on Itala.
"What have you done?! What have you created?!" she ragged. The awesome power this small girl had displayed was near uncomprehendable. How could so much come from such a dainty thing?
Chimera checked to make sure the rest of her family was okay before turning once more to her cousin.
"Did you know? Did you know she would be able to do all this?" she asked in a disbelieving tone as Itala continued to stare at the now still form of the girl before him.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 10th, 2007, 01:43:18 AM
Itala was in perfect condition, cuts aside, yet he could not move from the utter shock. Nothing in the universe could have prepared him for what had just ensued. He slowly gets up as medics rush in, unwrapping the bandages off his head as electricity continues to just slightly crawl around his body.
"My design was flawless, what has happened here?"
Itala watches everyone else that had gathered as they get up, seeing no other choice but to rush his inevitable explanation of what Ithella was. Chimera's tone of voice more than settled any doubt in his mind about the right time to answer.
"In about a year or less, when this war is over between the New Republic and the Yuuzhan Vong, we will strike the weakened Jedi and rule the galaxy."
Itala takes a seat by the edge of his bed, closing his eyes as numerous medics continue to work on him. One medic is shocked in the arm slightly, jumping back as Itala continues.
"I know I'm not immortal and Dante remains too young to rule in me stead, thus I made a clone of myself."
Itala observes a praetorian bring in a ysalimir in its natural container, the new designs were much smaller now, but the anti force lizards continued to be a nuisance to carry around. Ithella is placed in a hovering prison with the ysalimir as medics check her body, making sure to heal any wounds in her.
"I forgot to add the gene that makes the clone a male, but I settled for the female. I desired to make her young so her training is easier to finish."
Itala takes another deep breath as the praetorians take the little one away, this time to the medical chambers and not the prison, somewhat surprising after what had just ensued.
"She is part of me and thus, no harm will be brought to her unless I give exclusive permission."
More slaves rush in Itala's quarters, beginning to clean the massive mess that the female child had created. The chamber looked like two very powerful Sith lords had just had a duel.
"I engineered my clone to have a midichlorian count as high as mine, even at her age. I also supplemented her with all of my knowledge, except a few vital facts. I expected her reaction to be violent, but not like this."
Feeling uncomfortable by telling his relatives this, Itala takes a sip from a glass of water that had been borught by the slaves, recovering some energy for his next words.
"What we just saw now was a force skill that not even five hundred years of training I could accomplish. "
Itala gets back on the ground, his wounds had been patched, it's at that moment that the grim task of cleaning Itala's own blood begins as he gives all the women a short glance each, passing the gates to his room.
"Someone has tampered with her and I will find out who."
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 11th, 2007, 03:47:53 PM
Chimera watched Itala.
"Some one has tampered with her, and I will find out who."
The threat lingered in the silence. Everyone was shocked by what Itala had just told them. Finally finding her voice, Chimera asked quietly, "And if she should turn on us? I have been taught all my life that blood is everything, that it calls to you, that you would know one of your own from first glance, and she is a Marzullo, she is you, but what if she hates you for what you have done? What if she decides that we all, as Marzullos, are to blame? You've seen and felt her power, she's dangerous."
Chimera looked at each of them in turn, wondering what they were thinking, wondering what they would say to this surprising explanation.
Nadia Marzullo
Jun 11th, 2007, 03:49:02 PM
Throughout the whole ordeal, Nadia was forced to release Ithella out of the necessity to protect herself as she fell to the ground from the little girl's attack. She had no explanation for what she'd seen thus far, and now she found herself lost even further.
Sitting up again and shaking her head slowly from side to side, glad to see the girl being rushed from the room, the young woman listened intently to Itala's explanation.. While it made sense, she found herself growing upset that he hadn't even mentioned his plans about this.
That thought was brushed aside, however, as she turned to reply to Chimera, who seemed to hold the same opinion as herself.
"I think it would be better to go back a step and figure out what went wrong.. Since we've already been told this wasn't expected. Itala's on the right track; we should discover what changed the end result before it's decided if more destruction will come out of this."
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 11th, 2007, 03:51:03 PM
Calming down, Chimera listened to Nadia. She was right. Turning to Itala, she appologized.
"I'm sorry to have snapped at you. You are right, someone has sabotaged this...but who? Who had access to her? Did anyone know of your plans?" she asked, in a calmer tone.
Chimera had a feeling Itala hadn't told anyone about his plot. It had definately come as a surprise to the ones gathered. She was worried...this meant someone wanted his plan to fail, or was hoping the young girl would do harm to the Marzullos in general. Treachery and scheming she could handle, could even revel in, but when it was directed at her family, it made her VERY angry.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 10:57:55 AM
Lucilla had just been on a walk with her son when she felt the great tremor in the Force. Striding quickly, she made her way to Itala's room, but does not go all the way in...there were already 3 others inside with him, and she did not wish to probe further.
She frowned, missing mostly everything, but her eyes scanned the room, everything was torn apart...and her cousin was bleeding...that was something that she definately hated to see. Tightening her right hand into a fist, her knuckles popped softly from squeezing just a little too hard. Her eyes stopped on the small child...she could feel it...the anger...or was it fear? Or perhaps both bottled into one. She knew that curiosity would get the better of her later, and she might venture in to see the child.
Looking between Itala and the girl, she noticed was almost too auburn brow rose as she continued to watch in silence...
Itala Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:01:39 AM
Apparently filled with anger, Itala walks accross the halls of the twelve Marzullo temples as servants take a detour to the infirmary with the unconscious child. It wouldn't be much longer before he arrived to the cloning facilities and requested a full report of all patrollers, including video footage.
"I want all media on my personal desk in facilities A and B immediately, head praetorian." he messages, multiple patches on his face showed superficial damage, but the tampering would not go unpunished.
"Analyze the female with a midichlorian count and brain capacity, I want to know what she knows."
He arrives to the facility, watching a platoon of praetorians taking aim at the two soldiers who had accidentaly messed with his creation, kneeling as they plead for their lives.
"You know what you have done and you know the consequences, or else you two would not be on your knees begging for your lives."
Itala ignites his lightsaber in one edge, placing it within inches of the first soldier as he asks.
"What happened with #35-D's tank?"
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:02:49 AM
In exactly the same manner, Ithella comes to like the rising dead, snapping away all the tubes and patches on her body with a mere flick of the force as she scans the area, spotting a few doctors holding some papers as result of the analysis done to her. Blood squirts from her wrists which makes her cringe, but her strong will of the force shuts her wounds, healing them a lot quicker than the best Marzullo healer; Gretchen.
"Doctors!" she yells, the small team turns around and gasps in unision, bumping against the blast door that had been shut with Ithella's powers of the force just before. The doctors scream in panic and pain, shaking on the floor as if a hundred men were twisting their every extremities and breaking each last bone. It is then, after the murders are commited that young Ithella resumes her rageful screaming, shattering all the windows in the halls that Itala had just passed. Her pain, confusion and rage made horrific use of her raw power.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:17:04 AM
Lucilla groaned and held her head. There was a harsh disturbance in the Force, she could feel was disturbing the Force itself!
"What is..?" Gasping, she turned to look to her right and left, she heard the groaning of the glass just before it had flown from the panes of the windows all around her. She quickly reached out for the Force and held out her hands on either side of her, "Halt!" she screamed it fiercely, commanding that the flying glass coming her way stop. Gently and carefully moving her hands back to her sides, she sighed softly, breaking her concentration and all peices of the glass fell lifelessly to the ground, tinkering softly on the floor all around her.
Shaking off the pain in her head, she turned tail and ran for the emergency room. Whatever it was had to be stopped, and quickly.
As she reached the doors, she frowned, "Tch..." They appeared to have been forced shut, probably by the Force itself. Could it have been that child? Closing her eyes, she began to concentrate, pulling the Force around her once more until she could feel it burning inside of her like a flame, protecting her.
Thrusting a hand out, she pried the doors to the emergency room open, a bit slowly, so that anything that may try to come at her could not escape. She would not use her saber, for she hoped that she would not need it.
Blinking, she looked around, surveying the damage in front of her before she had even set a foot into the room. She tried to hide the deep scowl on her face...what was her cousin thinking? He'd put himself in danger as well.
Stepping quickly inside, she erased all emotions from her face. This was a child...something precious...and it must be handled as such, she looked at the doctors, who were writhing and gasping for breath in the midst of their pain. Ignoring that for now, Lucilla focused all her attentions on the child before her, careful to keep her voice steady, and quiet, she finally spoke, "Let them go..." she could feel fear driving the anger in the child, and the only other words that came to her mind to speak, "It's alright..."
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:17:37 AM
Chimera felt the disturbance in the Force, no not disturbance...more like the Force was being twisted and manipulated...only one person could do that.
Chimera quickly turned around and ran the way she had come. Following the cooridor to the infirmary, she found Lucilla prying the door open. Carefully reaching out with the Force, she could sense many people writhing in pain. Amongst all the pain, she could pick out a strong feeling. The feeling was fear...fear mixed with confusion.
It was the child. The child she had been ordered not to harm. Carefully following Lucilla into the room, she listened as the other Marzullo carefully spoke to the frightened child. Her hand strayed to her saber, but she really had no intention of drawing it, only to protect herself.
The child seemed to be listening to Lucilla, but she wasn't sure if she believed her. Slowly Chimera crept to the nearest doctor...he was still alive, but was still caught in the child's grip. There was nothing she could do for him. It was up to the child to release her captives. She could only hope that Lucilla could reason with the young one.
Knowing there was nothing she could do here, Chimera slowly crept back out, then turned and sprinted down the cooridor. Reaching out with the Force, she located Itala. Sprinting with all her might, she took off in his direction.
It took only a moment to reach him. He had his lightsaber ignited and there were two guards kneeling at his feet.
"Itala!" she gasped through her tired lungs, "Something has happened. Your clone, she's awake, she's attacked the doctors. Lucilla is with her now, trying to calm her down."
Chimera took another deep breath, willing her hearbeat to return to normal.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:18:43 AM
Completely surprised, Itala turns his head and attention to the warning Chimera as she speaks, but the turn taken decapitates both guards before they can speak. Their cauterized heads roll inbtween his legs as he sighs, beginning a sprint back to the scene.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Let's hope that the doctors finished their analysis, or things might prove to be far too difficult."
It only takes Itala another quick moment to arrive thanks to his advanced force speed skill. Using the momentum generated by sheer velocity, he dashes in the room and tackles the young female, pinning her against the wall as she passes away once again. Itala then slowly gets up, staring at the dead ysalimir.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Ysalimir only work for half an hour on her, it's just mind boggling."
Itala looks around as guards quickly bring a few more of the lizards, placing them in reach of the female to keep her on a leash for as long as possible until the matter is solved. It is then than Itala spots the bloody documents, reading them immediately as his mouth drops in complete shock and amazement, perhaps fear.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Her midichlorian count is estimateb to be ten times higher than the old Jedi master Yoda."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->As he continues to read, Itala learns that the clone's mind was the same as Itala's and that her panic is atributed to her belief that she is Itala as well, and is enraged by the fact she has seen "herself". The computer was damaged and gene therapy as well as knowledge was extremely altered, making her perhaps the most powerful being in the universe.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Family, she has my skill times ten and knows how to use it, it's mere psychosis that has kept us all alive. This young girl believes that she is I, Itala and is in a prolonged state of shock."
Itala sits and rubs his chin for a few seconds, thinking of the right words to speak to the young female as she twitches, she would soon awaken once again.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:22:33 AM
Feeling her cousins quick arrival, Lucilla moves to the side, out of the way before she can be run over by Itala. Her eyes move with him, dispite his quick speed, she sighs and folds her arms over her chest, watching as he presses the tiny thing against the wall.
She listens to him speak silently, drinking in everything that he is saying. Biting her bottom lip hard, she supresses a growl, leaning against the wall and closing her eyes, thinking about the situation, and the best way to address it.
"Well...since it seems she is bothered by your presence the most, shouldn't one of us explain the situation to her? If she is anything like you, she will more than likely understand what is happening." Trying hard not to frown, she really wanted to scold Itala for doing such a thing, for endangering the family, though it was not really his doing at all, but a mistake by someone else. It did not matter, she certainly did not want to see anyone in her family in any sort of danger, and would do anything to prevent that.
Taking a deep breath, she watched the child, using the Force to send her some calm. She did wonder, however, since the child was Itala's clone then she would know who Lucilla was, would she not? Deciding to wait and see until the child was awake was probably the only way she was going to find out.
"It might help if you tell us her name..."
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 12:41:54 PM
Chimera followed Itala as he flew down the cooridor to the infirmary, but she could not match his speed. By the time she reached the infirmary doors, he had already charched in and pinned the young girl to the wall.
Breathing hard, she watched as Itala quietly read the blood-stained reports, all color draining from his face. She listened as he told them what he had discovered.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Higher than Jedi Master Yoda's?<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, she thought.
She continued to listen as he explained that the child thought she <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->was<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> Itala. And that she was confused at seeing herself.
Chimera had to agree with Lucilla. The young one would probably listen much better if Itala was <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->not<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> in the room when everything was explained. Surely if the child thought she was Itala, then she would know them and would not harm least she hoped that was the case.
"Lucilla is right," she told Itala. "It would help if we knew her name. And it might help if we knew how old she is suppose to be. She's so small..." Chimera gazed at the young girl...seeing Itala in her, but not quite. She was dainty, where Itala was not. She had a softness about her, which surely came with age. Asleep like she was, it was harder to see her cousin in the small girl.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 12:42:31 PM
Itala eyes the young female as servants clothe her properly and make sure the ysalimiri are alive and well. She is then secured and bound as two of the strongest praetorians stand next to her. After Chimera and Lucilla are done speaking, he turns to them.
"You two speak the truth and the wisest advice, but I must talk to her. She has been sedated and it is only I who can fix this."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Itala grabs a chair and places it in front of the clone's bed, sitting on it as he crosses his arms. He shivers as the force leaves him as well, being well in range of the lizards. It seemed that she was beginning to awaken yet again.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 12:43:10 PM
The young female's eyes open slowly, gripping the steel bards surrounding her as she sees Itala before anyone else. She begins crying once more, perhaps overwhelmed by her age and knowledge combined, making her severely unstable. It is with a whispers that she asks...
"Why am I in this cage? Why am I looking at myself?"
The sobbing girl notices the two other Marzullos and all the characteristics that make Itala unique, she had awakened wet and nude, much smaller. Her thoughts betray her, accepting the cold truth. The girl notices two small lumps on her chest, and a vital part missing between her legs.
"Female....? Why?"
The girl feels around her long hair as a slave hands her a mirror, taking the first glance. The clone ceases to believe that she is Itala, but is taken aback by the discoveries of facts, one after the other as she looks back, straight into Itala's eyes. Too much hatred had consumed her frail heart, bringuing a fatiguing sorow to her spirit.
"What's my name?"
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 12th, 2007, 03:15:15 PM
Lucilla watched in silence, Itala wanted to explain, so she would let him, standing by just in case something would happen.
As she listened to the child, she could feel it...the childs deep confusion and sorrow melding into one. For a brief moment, she also felt a pang at her heart, having a child of her own, she almost wanted to go forward and comfort this one, but she would wait.
Female...a female version of this would be something quite interesting to behold indeed. Especially if what Itala was saying was true...she would surpass him. This could mean trouble...more trouble than the girl was already.
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 13th, 2007, 02:11:37 PM
Chimera watched silently as Itala spoke to the child. She reached out and could sense much pain and confusion coming from her. Worried for her cousin, she kept a close eye on the girl, her hand lingering on the handle of her saber. She exchanged a look with Lucilla and knew she had sensed the same thing. The girl was not, however, attacking everyone in sight, which was a good sign. Perhaps not all hope was lost. Yet one question lingered in her mind. How would the girl react, having to live with the fact that she was not unique...just a copy of someone who already exists...but the girl was unique...for one, she was female, for another, more powerful than Itala by far...Chimera just didn't know what to think. For now she would follow Itala's lead.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 13th, 2007, 02:13:36 PM
Itala looks straight into Ithella's eyes as she asks her questions, somewhat feeling remorse yet pure fascination. The cuts in his face appear to be vibrant, alive and painful yet he seemed purely indifferent about it.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You're in a cage because you attacked me and members of the family. You are a clone, a part of me."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Itala notices that the girl finaly realizes her gender in shock and acceptance which was a good sign, showing that she was not psychotic. She had merely been shocked and suffered from a panic attack.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You are a female of thirteen years of age due to a slight mistake on my part, but that makes you unique."
Itala continues to look into her eyes as the little one asks the final question, knowing the answer quickly.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Simple, your name shall be Itala as well, for you and I are the same."
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 13th, 2007, 02:14:36 PM
The girl cringes as she hears her name. The same as Itala. She wondered about how unique she was if she was going to share a name with someone that she was made from and the tasteless absurdity of it all. Her face nears the bars as she grips them with her small hands.
"No, that's an insult. Name me something similar, but not the same. Something more feminine."
The female clone's brain works full speed, trying to find a name that would suit her. It only comes to her in half a second, just barely after she finished making her suggestion.
"Name me Ithella, for I come from you, yet we are not the same."
The young female briefly takes her glance to the other two women in the room, releasing a mysterious grin. Her focus quickly returns to Itala after she makes her suggestion.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 13th, 2007, 02:58:44 PM
Lucilla watched her, glad that the girl could accept all this, even though it was a lot to take in all at one time. Tapping a foot gently on the floor, she stood in silence and waited, not interfering in the conversation unless she would be asked to.
"Name me Ithella, for I come from you, yet we are not the same."<!--EZCODE BOLD END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Taken aback, Lucilla tried hard to hide the suprise from her face and had just managed to do as such when the little girl looked over at her and grinned. Hiding a smile, she had to look away for a moment...she knew that grin, all too well...She'd seen the same in Itala, and his sons. Shaking her head just slightly, she looked over at Itala, wondering what his answer would be.
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 15th, 2007, 03:54:34 PM
Ithella<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->.
Chimera cocked her head at the girl's suggestion. She watched the child smile at Lucilla, then turn her gaze back to Itala.
Ithella was waiting for Itala to respond. She was impatient. Chimera knew the look in her eyes, she had seen it many times when Itala was kept waiting...yet there were differences.
Chimera thought that Ithella brought daughter to mind before clone. Or maybe it was that the thought of <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->two<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> Itala's was too much.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 15th, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
Itala is taken aback at the suggestion. Not because it was something different but because of the remarkable speed to which she countered his own idea, perhaps a sign of things to come, perhaps she wasn't as tampered with as he thought initialy.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Ithella it is then."
Itala looks into her eyes with pure akwardness, the little lady was the opposite sex and vastly younger, yet it still seemed like he was staring into the future, into himself. <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You were brought to life to rule in my stead if I am to fall during the final assault on the New Republic, Ithella."
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 15th, 2007, 03:57:19 PM
Being smart enough to figure that out since she saw -herself- earlier, Ithella was not surprised by Itala's latest words, slowly nodding as he mysterious grin changes to a rather mature seriousness. She lets go of the bars as she sits against the back of it, staring at the ceiling.
"Can you kindly remove this cage? It's not comfortable."
Ithella notices the bandages around her hands, scoffing as she removes them and the cloth blood shows, but a few moments of concentration is all that's needed for the wounds to close, leaving no mark, no sign of violence or distortion.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 20th, 2007, 06:07:55 AM
"You were brought to life to rule in my stead if I am to fall during the final assault on the New Republic, Ithella."<!--EZCODE BOLD END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
Lucilla shoots Itala a look as he speaks these words, but only a select few stood out to her. She didn't hide the anger that she was now feeling, a soft frown marring her usual calm, emotionless features, she didnt want to interrupt, but before she could stop herself, she spat the words out of her mouth,
"Rediculous...I would never allow you to die..." Her gaze tearing away from his face to stare at a wall opposite, her fingernails drumming at her forearm rapidly.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 20th, 2007, 08:18:00 PM
A praetor soldier enters the room, handing Itala a strange black box as he quicky takes it and opens it. Inside the box was a thick bracelet with some type of liquid inside, a new creation from Lars.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"Just in time, put this on your wrist, Ithella."<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Itala hands the little one the bracelet which she promptly wears, it was her chance to be free of the cage as being a mere thirteen year old girl qouldn't give you a big chance in the universe<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->.
<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"Off with the cage, guards."<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
The cage is unlocked and raised, the ysalimiri bracelet had deprived her from the force for an unknown period. The hybrid creation was still a risk however, but one Itala was willing to take.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 20th, 2007, 08:18:47 PM
Inexplicably friendly, Ithella jumps off the bed and stands close to Itala, looking into his eyes with fascination and acceptance to what she is, she had gotten over it faster than any pessimist would have guessed. Slaves begin fitting the correct outfit on her, making sure she looks elegant and mystic enough to represent her emergency existence.
"So I am a clone? Do I know everything I need to know?"
Ithella smiles enigmaticaly once more, walking around and recognizing many of her surroundings from her unique point of view. The confusion of her "donor" had worn off, now learning seemed like the better choice.
"What is my place in the clan if things do not go as foreseen?"
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 21st, 2007, 01:31:29 AM
Lucilla watched the girl silently, no longer wary of her, as she felt the presence of confusion dissipating into nothingness. It was probably a good thing that Ithella got used to the idea quickly. There was a chance that she probably could have killed them all in the state that she was in.
Glancing over at Itala, she stifles a growl, catching it in her throat. She hated hearing this...about Itala possibly way...there was just no way. The thought...really, it terrified her sometimes. Taking a breath, she looked at anything else she could find, in silence, absorbing everything that was going on around her.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 21st, 2007, 07:56:13 PM
Before he answered Ithella's question, Itala turns his attention to Lucilla and gives her a brief grin, in his own way letting her know that there is nothing she should worry about. The best defense is always preparing for the worst. The thought of his premature death haunted him as well, but succesors existed of no appropiate skill, thus Ithella's existence.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You are more than a mere clone, but a piece of me. A carefuly created masterpiece."
Itala chose his words carefuly, trying to give the girl a sense of security, even fraternity to avoid future confrontations. Her next question proved more difficult but answerable like any other question.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"You will remain by my side, simple as that."
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 21st, 2007, 07:57:00 PM
Wearing the special bracelet that happens to bug her just slightly, Ithella grins when she sees the clothes chosen for her. For the first time since he rude awakening, she felt cared for and needed, and what a nice feeling it was. All the violence and insanity had gotten the best out of her. She begins walking out of the room under the watchful eye of the praetor guards, followed by Itala as she looks at both directions of the grand Albion palace halls.
"Where shall my room be? I would not expect to be given any less, since we share heir blood."
Arrogance had quickly taken hold of the young woman even without the presence of the force. The bracelet clipped on tight and supposedly would work for an entire year. Such technology could only come from Lars' labs. The information implanted in her mind by Itala's supercomputers had told her every last detail about every family member. Introductions would not be needed.
"So when is this war of yours supposed to happen?"
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 21st, 2007, 07:57:42 PM
Chimera laughed aloud at young Ithella's comment about heir blood. She expected nothing less than worship...a true Marzullo.
Chimera followed Itala and Ithella. Already, she could sense no confusion. Arrogance had taken its place. The girl held herself like a queen. Her head held high, a look of superiority in her eyes.
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Many of her doubts had faded. Already she felt bad for reacting like she did, for losing it with her cousin. Things had come out alright, and he had<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> done what he thought was best, who could fault him for that?
Chimera didn't want to think of Itala dying, but she had to admit, it was very wise to come up with such a plan in case he did indeed pass soon. With the war dawning ahead, having Ithella on their side could only prove an asset.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:49:57 AM
Catching Itala's brief grin, she merely nodded to him as she got the unspoken message. Unfortunately at that time, she could not bring herself to offer the same courtesy back.
She took in Itala's words, and Ithella's as well. A "masterpeice" he called her. Somehow, Lucilla could not see such a thing in this girl just yet. Yes, Ithella was part of Itala, but all the same, it was hard to tell whether or not the girl would have a breakdown as before.
Carefully guarding her thoughts, Lucilla stood away from the wall, and followed the other three, lagging behind just a little bit, more than ready to leave the scene if she was asked too, her mind was swirling, thinking about the possiblities of a future without Itala.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 09:00:40 AM
Itala walks side by side with his equal, yet far more powerful, opposite-gendered creation. He's pleased by her cunning way of thinking so early after awakening, he never had ot teach her to even speak, or write, everything was in her from the moment her eyes opened.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"There is an empty room next to my quarters, they will suit you nicely."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->They continue to walk in the halls of the elegant, lavish Marzullo sanctuary. Guard stand by each door. Ithella walked the way any higher up in their family would, everything seemed too perfect, except for the bracelet that she had to wear.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"The second that the imperials are defeated in a major battle, we strike."
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 10:09:04 AM
When they arrive to Itala's quarters, Ithella looks around and the sheer lavishness of it all pleased her profoundly, releasing a characteristic giggle for a female her age. She runs to her queen size bed and jumps on it, bouncing harmlessly about.
"This is great!"
Her amusing expression suddenly changes to the serious tone she embraced earlier, giving Itala some advice of her own.
"If I join you in the attack on the imperial leaders we can take them down in a matter of seconds."
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 10:10:21 AM
Chimera had followed Itala and Ithella as the left the infirmary. She noticed Lucilla following, but a few steps behind her. She understood the need to give the two Marzullos's time if needed, but she was very intrigued by the young girl, now that she was not trying to kill them.
When the four came to Itala's quarters, she gave pause. She was not one to casually walk into Itala's quarters with out an invitation. She stayed at the door while the young girl ran and jumped on the bed.
Turning to face Lucilla, she asked, "What do you think? She seems to have calmed rather quickly and excepted her fate. Do you think she will become overwhelmed again and destroy us all?" Chimera didn't see that in the girl at the moment, but they should all be on the egde for the unexpected.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 12:26:29 PM
As Chimera stopped, Lucilla nearly bumped into her, lost in her own thoughts. Stopping abruptly, Lucilla looked into Ithella's room and watched the girl bounce on the bed. It'd been so long since she'd done that...
Her eyes turning to Chimera, she shook her head, thinking on how to answer the question, "I'm not sure myself...I...I think if Itala trusts her, then we should do the same. They are nearly of one mind. She knows us, I dont think we should fear her."
Lucilla frowned slightly, it wasn't fear she felt towards the child, it was something else...Itala was her favorite cousin...perhaps now that the girl had come into play, she felt threatened by that. Things may never be the same again.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 12:54:34 PM
Itala takes a seat, slaves rush to place some padding under his feet, cleaning him about with much more dedication than was needed, but such necessities came about from arrogance and sheer vanity, something that Itala himself described as his only weaknesses. Her latest question makes him chuckle, rubbing his chin as he thinks of the possibilities.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"You are quite right, they would be no match for the two of us. The thing is, can I trust you after what happened earlier?"<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->
Itala locks a serious stare into the young female's eyes, getting straight to the point. Wether she will be destroyed or kept would ultimately be decided by her answer, she was a clone after all.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 12:56:13 PM
Ithella laughs softly as Itala answers, laying down on her bed spread eagle as she scratches around her wrist. The bracelet bothered her even though she fully understood its purpose. When Itala's last question comes, she turns her head to meet his stare, returning the same degree of seriousness.
"You can trust me as much as you can trust yourself."
She jumps off the bed, opening the balcony doors as wind blows in and the curtains rise, legions of soldiers stand as others board their ships. It seems that this invasion of the galaxy would not be far away, but not anytime soon either. Of course, there were rumors of the tainted ones and their excursions in the Marzullo realm.
"I know it's possible to summon the great Sol, I must speak with him."
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 12:56:52 PM
Cocking her head at Lucilla, Chimera takes a moment to reply. "I don't fear her...but I don't feel exactly easy around her either." She listened to Itala's question and Ithella's answer.
"So, he can trust her only as far as he trusts himself...perhaps that should give us some comfort," she quietly murmurs, watching the interchange between the two.
Chimera noticed that Lucilla was in her own world. She had never been exactly close to the woman standing across from her, but she thought she might could use a friend just now. "Are you okay, Lucilla?" she asked, unsure if she was intruding on something or not.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 12:59:25 PM
Lucilla did not hesitate to answer after watching the exchange, "Yes...I am" she was uneasy about the girl...but now that she had heard the answer, she felt a weight lift from her shoulders.
She didn't want to tell Chimera that she still did not like the thought of what Itala had said earlier, of him leaving them...her...
Biting her lip softly so as not to mar the skin, she looked around. Death was an everyday thing to her, to the family, but still, she didn't know how she would take it if Itala died on her. Taking in a deep breath, she pushed it to the back of her mind, not wishing to dwell on the thought any longer.
Looking back to Chimera again, she smiled, it was brief though, to let her cousin know that everything was going to be alright with her.
Raveena Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:00:39 PM
Raveena had been looking everwhere for her sister. She needed to go to Coruscant and wanted to borrow her sister's X-Wing for the trip.
Reaching out with the force, she sensed her sister's presence. Hurrying to Itala's cloning facility, she searched for her sister.
She could sense she was nearing Chimera and when she turned the corner, sure enough, there she was, talking to their cousin Lucilla. Immediately she could sense that something was wrong.
"Chimera, are you alright?" she asked hesitantly. Her sister could be a very quiet person, who didn't like to talk about things...a bit of a loner if you will. She glanced into the room both women were standing outside of. It looked remarkably like Itala's room and inside were two Marzullo's. She immediately recognized her cousin and leader, but was unsure of the young girl. She had never seen her before, but she was unmistakable a Marzullo. From her bearing to her physical appearence, she was every bit a Marzullo.
She glanced questionably at her sister and cousin. "What did I miss?" she asked.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:01:37 PM
"We would have to arrange a summoning tonight, midnight then."<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Itala agrees. After all, it had been too long since Sol's spirit had spoken to him. An official approval from the creator and very living essence of the family would do wonders for Ithella's credibility and Itala's reputation.
<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"It shall take place in Sol's temple."<!--EZCODE BOLD END--> <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->he adds, using the force to communicate the message to the entire family. A decent attendance record and experience to see the real Sol. Anyone who missed the opportunity would be frowned upon.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Itala notices Raveena arriving, telling the plans to the three Marzullo women so that themselves can be ready. There would be no excuses to miss an important family event this time.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:02:17 PM
"Sol.." she whispers to herself, thrilled at the chance of meeting him. Countless thoughts and possibilities stream through her mind, wondering if she'd be rejected or approved or perhaps even appoint her as new ruler. Would she be considered a real Marzullo or nothing but a genetic freak not worthy of the sacred family name? Only Sol would be able answer her intriguing questions.
"Midnight tonight at the temple of Sol then, I'm very much looking forward to this."
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:04:41 PM
As Raveena makes her way onto the scene, Lucilla inclines her head towards her cousin, not having spoken with her very much, and she didn't plan to start conversation now, there were important things at hand.
Lucilla listened carefully, nodding as Itala speaks to them. She was long overdue for a visit to the Temple, and now was a better time than any. Leaving a last glance to Ithella, she simply turned on her heels and left for meditation in silence...she had much to think about and prepare for.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:05:30 PM
Hours pass as night falls upon Albion, the home planet of the Marzullos. Itala wears his ceremonial robes, having not seen the spirit of the Marzullo god Sol in years. It was rare that he got to ask questions to the legend, but if Sol spoke what he wanted to hear, Itala's actions would drasticaly accelerate.
Druids perform musical chants as Itala leads them, holding the ancient grail of Sol, which is an entirely different story, waiting to be told. The group enters Sol's temple as Itala sits on the main chair, chanting a foreign language, thousands of years old, his aura glowing with the force.
"Sol..!" chant the druids in unison, calling upon the legend with a combination of spells and the force.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:06:14 PM
Little and lethal Ithella, still wearing the ysalimiri extract bracelet enters Sol's temple in custom-made ceremonial robes as well, her eyes are a trace-white color, sitting across the table from Itala as she begins chanting recently the same foreign words as Itala. She had his memories after all.
"I embrace your religion, oh you who gave life to me."
The temple shakes in part to the very presence of the worshipped Sol, only seconds separated him from his holiness.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:07:57 PM
Lucilla enters as well, dressed for the occasion, her long normally-unruly hair swept up into a golden haircomb, the rest of her curls tumbling down the back of her neck. Instead of wearing black, she wears a long pale dress, the shade of an early sunrise, quite uncommon for her. No sleeves, of course, as she wanted to have room to move, she already felt too constrained, and out of place.
A sash was placed around her waist, just a bit darker than the dress helping to compliment her figure. Underneath...however, she wore black combat boots, she didnt want to feel too far from herself, even if this was indeed a special and most wonderous occasion.
Golden bracelets and her Marzullo pendant (which she never took off) put a finishing touch on her small ensemble. Eyes searched the area, though she did not need to know where her cousins were at, she felt them...she could also feel the great power here, and was almost overwhelmed by it. Closing her eyes, she took in a deep, shuddering breath, wanting to lose herself in this power...but she knew she couldn't, there were more pressing matters at hand. Tonight...she hoped to see Sol.
Taking place with her cousins, she stood nearby, being used to standing instead of sitting, it was hard to keep her still, or in one place for a long period of time. She was like a flame, always shifting, moving, but she would never be extinguished. Listening to the chants, she closed her eyes taking everything in. She'd never chanted in this manner to Sol before, so she decided to wait for more people to gather before joining in.
Chimera Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:08:59 PM
Chimera's heart fluttered with anticipation at the thought of this evening's summoning. Her family would say she held no passion for the ways of the Temple, but that simply was not true. The thought of standing in Sol's pressence elicited a shiver from the normally reserved Chimera.
For this occasion she had donned a light, sleeveless ensemble. White fabric that flowed as she walked. Her younger sister had scoffed when she had appeared out of her room. She knew why. Raveena had rarely seen her in anything but trousers, combat boots and utility belt complete with blaster and lightsaber, always wearing the darkest of colors. Yet Chimera felt that this night was one of utmost piety. Her hair was lightly pulled back with a gauzy hairband. Light braceletts encircled her wrists. Her top dipped just low enough for a glimpse of collarbone, but not improper.
Chimera slowly made her way to the Temple. When she was within meters, she could make out chanting. Reaching out with the Force, she could feel the power radiating from the area. She gently massaged her goose-bump covered arms in the night chill. Taking a deep breath and letting the Force flow through her, she entered the Temple, quietly taking her place near the rest of her family, awaiting the ceremony.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:10:14 PM
The holy temple of Sol grew radiating with the force as more family members gathered. Itala's chanting became more intense in the old language as he begins calling forth the very man who had made their existence a reality, the very man who founded the great clan.
"Come forth and enlighten us, oh Sol our holiest of Gods."
Statues about the temple rattled as an overwhelming force concentrates in the center of the circle that the Marzullos had formed, only Sol's representative could summon him. Questions would be answered, mistakes might be redeemed.
Sol Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:11:03 PM
The rattling upon the temple reaches frightening proportions, but suddenly stops as the blue spirit of Sol emerges from the center of the circle of Marzullos, his eyes were closed and arms crossed. It seemed like holy wind got ahold of the presence's hair as it spoke:
"How shall I enlighten thee this time, Itala?" he speaks, loudly and echoing as if a different dimention had merged with reality.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:11:43 PM
Before Itala could speak, little Ithella interrupts with an audacity few had experienced in ages, at least when it came down to purely disrespecting the Marzullo clan leader's authority.
"What is my place in the clan until Itala joins you, father, oh mighty Sol?" she softly speaks, she received a shocked look from Itala just a few seconds before, but an appropiate question from her soothes his temporary unpleasantness.
"What is to become of me?"
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:12:28 PM
Itala's mouth hangs wide open, the little and dangerous clone was restrained from using her horrific powers yet she showed complete arrogance and eagerness uncharacteristic of someone in her situation, almost as if she believed she was in complete control.
"Sol, excuse this sudden outburst, I was about to ask the same thing. What should become of her?"
He hopes that he hears what would be most convenient for the family, perhaps for himself. The little one had dared miles farther than anyone ever before, something that signaled very bad things to come.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:12:53 PM
Having heard the request of Itala to gather at the Temple of Sol, Fiera's curiosity piqued at such a request. Any time the family had been requested to rendezvous at that specific temple, something was of some importance. Harboring within the building, the Marzullo quickly halted her stride next to Lucilla. As usual, she had been late for something important; not like it should have been some dramatic suprise. Azure orbs bore upon the apparition of Sol, her body being drained of all movement as though she were statue-like.
Sol Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:13:25 PM
Sol's sacred shape produces an unusual glare as his soul listens to Itala's question, which in turn confuses the man of a thousand tales, his words about to hit Itala like a wall of bricks. The building trembles slightly as the connection between the two worlds itensifies.
"I see but you, Itala and nobody else."
Sol had identified the others such as Chimera, Lucilla and Fiera, but no one else.
"Rephrase your question."
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:18:19 PM
Lucilla stood in silent, awed, reverence as she stared at Sol, but at the same time, a shiver of excitement ran through her. She was finally meeting Sol, something that she had been hoping to do for years, seemingly since her birth.
Her eyes turned to Itala, and then to Ithella, but still she did not speak, as it was not her meeting, nor was it her place. She knew that silence was the best route for now.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:22:49 PM
As Sol's words fade into memory, Itala quietly gasps. What Sol had just said made no sense, clearly Ithella sat close to Itala. Sure, their powers of the force were identical, but the individuals were not the same, other possibilities begin tormenting his mind.
"Sol, do you see the young female in the circle? "
A few tremors do not help his nerves as sweat begins to form on his agitated pores. Fear of Sol's answer perhaps, or fear of what the young clone might do after she finds out that there is more to her life than being a backup for Itala.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:27:42 PM
Turning her attention to Itala as Sol asks his question, she hides the concern she feels as she looks at Itala's shocked face. Shifting slightly on her feet, the only indication that she feels the sudden shock of her cousin, her gaze moves towards Ithella, hoping the child will not react in a bad manner. The tremors around here were almost enough to set Lucilla's nerves on end.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:29:31 PM
"I see myself, but I'm someone else, help me father." she gasps, narrowing her eyes in a sudden, deep burst of hatred. The only reason the temple kept its integrity were the ysalimir devices, and a shrude sense of curiosity beffaling the young clone.
"I need answers and obviously this old shape isn't helping anything."
Sol Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:30:17 PM
In sol's view, there was the life force of Itala and an identical, if not more powerful one not a blink from him. Once Ithela's crude words were uttered however, things took a new perspective.
"It isn't often that I physically manifest and help you, Itala, but here is a favor for the year."
Sol's spirit remained completely confused, Itala asked incoherent, illogical questions while making vulgar and crude remarks. All he could bring himself to do in such shape of hiatus was to aid at the sight of a simple request.
"Off they come, Itala, don't summon me unless you truly need me ever again!"
Nothing more than a blink, and Ithella's ysalimir restraints were shattered in pieces.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:30:48 PM
The temple's orchestra not far from the temple of Sol had begun their practice with a macabre requiem, almost befitting the dark moment that had been born out of a mistake that should have been foreseen.
In the microseconds dividing the boundaries of life and death, the very few moments Itala had to react, fear had engulfed him for the first time in ages, a fear that would finally teach his arrogant side a lesson to remember.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:31:28 PM
Lucilla gasped as the bracelets shattered, what in the world was going on? What was Sol thinking? Did this mean that he acknowledged Ithella instead of Itala?
Her eyes darted quickly to Itala, feeling his confusion, his...fear. It was enough to make her unsteady herself. Moving on shaking legs, she stepped forward quickly, whether it was to protect Itala, or restrain Ithella if need be, Lucilla had no clue.
Suddenly she could feel it, she'd been feeling slightly ill for a couple of days. Staggering slightly, she brought a hand up to her stomach, closing her eyes, she could feel the new life already growing inside of her.
Fabulous...what a time to discover being pregnant. Pregnant or no, she would still protect Itala.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:34:01 PM
Ithella's fragile body recovers her magnificent powers, her thirst for power and desire to finish some unfinished business. The sacred temple of Sol begins to release particles of dust, followed by bits of rock. She knew what she had to do, she was programmed to do it, only that her creator had simply and outright screwed up.
"What the hell am I doing in this body?"
All sound is captured in the room, not a chirp is heard, not a soul moaning or a sweat drop running down Itala's face.
"Answer me!"
A horrific explosion of the force is sent around the entire temple, bringing about the beginning of its collapse as Ithella effortlessly suspends herself in midair amidst the dust invading every cubic meter in the temple.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:34:39 PM
Itala's vision is terribly corrupted as he lays against a heap of rubble. Tasting some of the salty blood running down his face, he has no choice but to answer the prodigal child's shrewd questions.
"You and I are the same, yet two different people, little Ithella, come to grips with this answer."
Itala practices the most careful of cautions as he generates his thoughts, knowing full well that Ithella stared into his mind with the greatest of ease.
"Accept what you are and stand by my side, that's what's meant for you; only great things."
Some more blood is spat by Itala as he regains his balance, noticing Chimera passed out and calling others to asisst with the mess.
"We're not your enemies."
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:40:18 PM
Luckily for Lucilla, she just barely missed being hit by a large falling stone. Shielding her stomach with her arm, she moved forward, her eyes darting back and forth quickly. Chimera was within her sight, so was Itala, but where was Fiera?
Closing her eyes, she sent a Force message out to anyone who might be around to help out. One specially for Krishna, she would need to be ready once everyone got to the Infirmary.
Desperately looking around, she first walked to Itala, just to make sure that he was alright, she could see that he was bleeding and removed her sash quickly, mopping it gently against his face to wipe some of the blood away. She knew he'd not want her to fuss over him, but she could not help herself.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Cousin, I am going to look for Fiera. I've already tried to contact the others. Hopefully we will recieve some assistance soon."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Leaving the bloody sash with him, she looked around, occasionally moving debris with the Force, at the same time she was trying hard to keep an eye on Ithella just in case. If Ithella even tried to harm Itala directly, Lucilla would bring her down.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:41:48 PM
Ithella doesn't receive Itala's answers or lack there of with any anticipated fondness, her small frame makes contact back with the floor as larges pieces of the temple begin to collapse. Much work had been put into a suiting creation of the temple and the female didn't put any effort into destroying a structure that Itala had demanded be built to near indestructible standards. Someone was going to pay for this.
"I'm aware that I'm not you, but what genius idea of yours to put your thoughts and experiences into my head."
Ithella strips Fiera's robes to dress herself as she had found herself naked after the blast, looking rather small for the adult clothing.
"Imagine, I can remember your hideous sexual experiences like I performed the entire thing myself. That's not exactly a young woman's healthy routine!"
Another blast is released as the whole ceiling begins to fall, the pillars shatter and Ithella's powers continue to grow and adapt to unlimited proportions.
"I'm going to have to remodel this whole place."
Within a whim, Ithella uses the force to jump and fly out the huge hole in the roof, landing just outside the temple on the gardens.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:42:25 PM
Itala's body goes through the thick wall this time, becoming nearly unconscious and knowing full well that he was only alive because the youngster had decided against it. he lays on the dirty grass as he looks around to spot Ithella walking about as if nothing had gone on.
"The biggest mistake of my life in the worst place possible."
The ground rumbles as the rest of the temple continues to collapse, Itala moves his head as a small rock hits him on the forehead, nearly knocking him out. the entire situation was ridiculous and in a democratic government or entity, he would have been disposed of long ago.
Perhaps his entire approach was wrong, perhaps he was getting old he dares to ponder.
"Perhaps I should get up and fix this."
Moments of concentration begin to renew itala's life force, but it would take some time before he could stand a chance of battling the little freak of scientific technology.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:42:48 PM
Sputtering softly from the dust inside, Lucilla hurries from the Temple as fast as she can, supporting Chimera on one shoulder, and a very undressed Fiera on the other. Breathing rather heavily, she moves her cousins to a safer spot, away from any falling debris and lays them down gently.
Unfortunately, she did not have much extra to cover Fiera with, so she opted instead to leave her there, checking to make sure she still had some sign of life, before she moved towards Itala.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Do not over-exert yourself. I will help you, Itala."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Leaving him no room to protest, she closes her eyes and lays her hand on his forehead gently, in an attempt to re-energize him, and hopefully to slow the bleeding he has, though she is bleeding herself. Luckily for her, it was only minor cuts, and possibly some bruises.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"What should we do about the girl? Do you have any suggestions?"
KM 14
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:45:47 PM
"If I may" utters the bodyguard. "I suggest we take her down immediately." Every word out of the cyborg's mouth came out as calculating and generic, which is exactly what it was. "She has caused a mess, any guard as much as looks at her and their heads come off like nothing."
Kay Em brings out her medic kit, injecting Itala with a custom made serum that would have him feel great in a few moments. She looks at Lucilla, preparing a shot for herself as well.
"In absence of mistress Krishna, I must do for now."
Kay Em prepares an extra needle for Lucilla, explosions are heard in the distance along with the cries and screams of the guards suffering the little one's wrath.
"Have this, it will be good for your child, mistress Lucilla."
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:46:18 PM
"Guards are one thing we cannot afford to lose. I agree with you, she needs to be taken down. I will, of course, lend my assistance in this...she may go after family members as well, and that is one thing that I absolutely will not permit."
"Could you also see to Chimera and Fiera as well? Fiera does not have any attire, and I'm worried about her body temperature in this condition..."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Staring at the needle, Lucilla bit her lip just slightly. One thing she hated was needles, but she knew that she'd have to have the shot.
"Have this, it will be good for your child, mistress Lucilla."
Blinking, she looked at Kay Em, slightly shocked at her words, caught off guard for once, she can feel her cheeks turn slightly pink.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"H-how do you know? I never said anything to anyone about it...I just found out myself..."
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:52:29 PM
Itala begins to come to as he sits up and looks to Lucilla's belly. In such a moment, only such an announcement could make him smile.
"To create life."
Itala's lightsaber comes out the crumbling temple of Sol and is stuck to Itala's right hand as he stands proudly once more. The blood about his face boils and vanishes as his determination returns.
"To take life."
Itala extends his hand in assistance of his dear Lucilla, almost frowning for what he had to do.
"I'm not sure you want to come with me, not in your condition."
Gretchen Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:56:13 PM
A head rolls to Gretchen's feet, ruining what moments ago were brand new shoes custom made by the finest and craftiest hands in the galaxy. another guard is split in two from the middle as the terrible mess lands just by her side, missing her by an inch.
"What is going on here?!"
Her lightsaber comes to life as she feels a frightening tremor in the force, almost by reflex she begins to heal some wounded guards that she managed to spot while making sense of the massacre unfolding before her eyes.
"Reveal yourself, murderer!"
Perhaps the only "nice" Marzullo out there, nothing like her normal behavior while she feels threatened and ready to do her family duty.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:56:58 PM
Crafty Ithella rids herself of the rage that fuels her unlimited powers before she emerges from the darkness that the Albion night provides. Soaked in blood, only a portion of her right eye uncovered by the misery of soldiers.
An innocent look from a little girl who's treachery knows no bounds, or quite simple, a screw up from someone who believed himself to be a god.
"That huge tremor in the force."
Ithella resumes her beastly attack, releasing another deadly shockwave of the force towards more guards and the newly arrived Marzullo. The wave of the force she produced nearly created a tidal wave of dirt and grass that stops short from becoming some type of horrible, apocalyptic attack.
"That would be me."
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:57:51 PM
Taking Itala's hand, she stands, her spare hand gripping her own lightsaber tightly, she powers it on quickly.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"Condition or not, I'm coming with you. You didn't even need to say something like that, you know. Let's get this over with. You deal the final have to fix your own mistake. I'll be there to back you up..."
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Her eyes look to Kay Em, and she nods to her,<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->
"We're going...please look after the others. I will call you if we need you."
KM 14
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:59:23 PM
Once she's done with the injection, she nods in reply to Lucilla's orders, but not before answering her question:
"I'm a cyborg with a lot of tricks, mistress Lucilla, one of them is to detect things like these."
KM turns to the two fallen Marzullo women and begins to prepare more of her special serum to bring them back to life. So much power and strength had taken their toll.
"I'll guard them with my life, milady. "
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 01:59:55 PM
Another huge tremor in the force is felt as more screams of horror and agony decorate the vastness of the Marzullo gardens. Itala's biggest fear right now is the possible interference of more Marzullos. None, not even himself were match for the freak of nature, he still would have to figure out how to solve this conflict.
"Lucilla, your loyalty is a source of pride for me, but you're still insane!"
Lightsaber on and swinging about, Itala continues to run as he comes to a complete stop. Ithella's presence wasn't easy to miss, but a sudden pause in her powers took him completely by surprise.
"What is this about?" he wonders as a cloud of smoke engulfs him. He looks back and opens his plam in signal to Lucilla to slow down and stand behind him.
"Very, VERY careful Lucilla, she's here. Something's happened."
Gretchen Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:00:31 PM
Out of the smoke, Gretchen's bloody frame collapses upon Itala, nearly unconscious. Her head rests against his chest as she closes her eyes. The blood running down her cheeks made it seem like she is crying blood.
"Stop her..."
Gretchen begins to slip down and finally collapses to the floor. Somehow she had been able to survive the young girl's blast, but it had weakened her greatly. Such pain had never been experienced, such frightening power, more than any rationale could handle.
"I'll heal quickly, but you must give me a few minutes." she whispers, falling into a deep slumber. Were it not for her great healing powers, she wouldn't be alive to tell her surprised cousin and leader.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:01:07 PM
Gentle steps amidst the rubble and the exorcism of the massive clouds of dust from the gardens reveal the youngster's presence, with a sweet and ironic smile she begins to take steps towards Itala.
"I didn't think we'd see each other again so soon, itala."
Her smile grows bigger as one of the guard barracks collapses behind her like the work of professional demolition teams.
"Are you here to play some more?"
Ithella notices Lucilla and the fallen Gretchen without even having to look, without flynching but a speck of her force powers.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:04:47 PM
"Of course I am insane, Itala. Why else would I be following you?"
<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Armed and ready, she follows her cousin swiftly, but at the same time carefully so as not to endanger the life inside of her.
Slowing a little, she halts her running as Itala instructs her too. Gasping as Gretchen comes out of the smoke, but still she does not move, as she was not instructed to do so yet.
She can feel the Force within Ithella. Lucilla knows that the child knows she is here. Biting her lip, she represses the urge to growl, and also fights the urge to spring forward. Harming another family member was unforgiveable. So much so that Lucilla wanted to wring the childs neck herself, yet, at the same time, she also wanted to take the child into her arms. It must be the motherly instinct taking over. Surely Ithella must be afraid more than anything. She would be in a corner now, for doing the forbidden, and the possiblity of never being excepted into the family, as was originally intended.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:05:29 PM
Shock and fear engulf Itala once more, the nearly lifeless Gretchen was entirely his fault, he had designed and cloned Ithella to what he saw as perfection, but things don't always go as one intends. Ithella's taunting words create cracks upon the foundation of his very pride, fueling his force essence with rage.
"Ithella, you have gone too far, but..."
Itala lacks words, there isn't really much to say and might give the little one yet more anger and thus power.
" have gone too far."
Itala's left hand trembles slightly as sparks fly, releasing a powerful burst of lightning that would annihiliate any common enemy, followed by his rushing blade, activated from both sides as it swings towards the small frame of the insane child.
Lucilla Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:06:15 PM
Seeing this as her chance, Lucilla springs forward, following Itala, but suddenly she breaks off to the other side, hopefully to catch Ithella off her guard. If Itala went from the left, she would go for the right, if he happened to go to Ithella's front, Lucilla would attack from the rear.
Somewhat silent, Lucilla concentrates on her target, making sure to keep her guard up for anything that might come her way amidst the chaos. It was time to silence the child, if not forever, than at least temporarily. One thing was for sure, no further harm would come to her family.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:08:16 PM
Lightning strikes a few feet from the young, powerful woman which seems to feed her desire to survive and conquer, an odd combination at best. While Itala begins his lightning strike, she begins to take off from the ground by a couple of feet, shutting her eyes as some type of force shield absorbs the attack.
Itala's following lightsaber attack is repelled by the imminent force shock wave that makes even the force shield explode, adding the return of Itala's lightning strike as the very ground is nearly obliterated. Everything seems to succumb to the amazing powers of the genetic creation.
Itala Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:08:52 PM
Although not surprising, still very demoralizing, Itala extends both hands and attempts to create a force barrier of his own to deflect the horrific attack, but is only effective enough to send him flying towards the edge of the garden waterfall, nearly unconscious.
Itala begins to come about once again, but it would take him long enough for the diminutive threat to strike and finish the job, his life depended on Lucilla's next actions. Itala's face is buried in the mud after a weak attemtp to recover, hoping that mroe of the family could show up and join forces.
Mara Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:16:12 PM
Mara was readying herself for battle, having felt the tremors and Force spikes of the fight going on between Ithella and Itala. A deep scowl was etched on her aging face, her turquoise eyes blazing with fury.
"Who dares attack my-" she said, her body tensing as she felt her sister's pain in the Force. "Gretchen.... NO!"
Rage filled her slender form, and she grabbed her secondary sabre as well. Boots making no noise upon the marble floors of Cancer Temple, Mara raced to the scene of battle.
"GRETCHEN!" Mara shrieked, eyes wild with fury and pain. "Who dares hurt my baby sister?! You! Runt!" she yelled, addressing Ithella. "Be you the one whose blood my sabres crave? I sense great power in you... more than an -outsider- like you should have... Itala.... My blades are yours, as always, to command...." Mara knelt by her sister, touching Gretchen's shoulder, though her eyes never left Ithella's small form.
"I forbid you to die, Gretchen. Father would forbid it, too... were he here."
Gretchen Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:16:58 PM
Mara's rage and warmth were a strange but all too familiar combination to Gretchen, coming back to only because of her healing gift. She places her soft hand upon Mara's, smiling and shaking her head just slightly, shrugging off the horrific attack that should have easily killed her just moments earlier.
"You're here..."
Her eyes daze to the fight ensuing, not far away but perfectly close enough to shiver at the power of the powerful entities. One from the beloved and admired leader, and the other exactly the same, except deformed to the point of absurdity. Itala's tampering hasn't taken its toll yet.
"That child must be stopped, just look how easily she handles the strongest man in the entire family!"
Her lightsaber comes back to life as it returns to her right hand, its glow like the source of her determination. Somehow she sensed that Ithella's madness was marking the beginning of a new era in the family, for better or for worse.
"She is a far worse threat than Itala imagines!"
Mara Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:17:32 PM
"Gretchen... let's link up, like we always did sparring Father. Separate we are strong, but together?" A feral grin spread over Mara's face. "Together we can take on Itala. Come on."
Mara stood up, extending a callused hand to Gretchen, opening herself to her sister's Force presence. "The Sisters of Darkness shall fight again, shall we not?"
Ares Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:21:09 PM
"Will you hurry up, Dante!" yells young Ares. Barely a few years away from being recognized as a full warrior by his father, the exact same fate awaited his twin brother Dante.
"By Sol..." he whispers to himself as the full wrath of the clone engulfs his very essence. He had never absorbed that astounding an amount of force presence, will and rage at the same time.
Ares was criticized as being too emotional and soft by his own father, the very sight of the unconscious Itala on the floor almost brought him to tears.
"No...!" he thought, today he would prove his father and the whole family wrong. He smiled upon thinking of the praises he'd receive, the rewards and the stories dedicated to him, this was his once chance to prove he was indeed his father's son.
"I'll do this myself then, brother."
Gretchen Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:21:51 PM
"...and we will shake the pillars of the afterlife."
Gretchen takes her sister's hand, her eyes close as a great power surge engulfs the force within, around her and every living thing surrounding the pivotal moment in the family's history.
"...but this is different, Mara, don't rush into this..."
Gretchen falls to one knee once again, trying to keep up with what was being demanded from her, which seemed far too much. Ithella's attack had somewhat ripped every pore on her body, every bit of the force.
"Everyone else should be here with us....that's the only way we can stand any chance."
Mara Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:22:30 PM
"Lean on me, Little Sister. Remember how we fought in the sewers of Corellia.... How you let my strength flow through you."
Mara squeezes Gretchen's hand, concern now colouring her eyes as she lets some of her strength flow to her sister.
"We cannot wait much longer, Sister. Itala needs our strength, our power. Let me heal you some... we can <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->do<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> this.
Ithella Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:23:12 PM
For a fraction of a moment, Ithella begins to feel pity, if not remorse for her actions. Relentless, calculating and outright deranged, emotions as low as love and care for her artificial family were the last things that would stop her from conquest and survival.
However, these emotions were paralyzing her for long enough to delay her from performing what would be her lethal strike. Amazingly enough, the entire show she had displayed were but her standard attacks. She hovered closer to the fallen Itala with her wicked smile, closing her eyes and uniting her plams in a strange praying position.
What had been her usual force shockwave had begin to transform into a malevolent spinning wave of energy, circling the surroundings as the waterfall itself begins to contribute with water and energy. The trees and bushes around the area collapse and join the force tornado as they gained lethal speeds.
A horrible tremor begins to split the very ground as guards are swallowed, their screams decorating the hollowness of Ithella's very heart. It was clear at this moment, family or not that the man who considered himself to be above everything else had brought upon himself divine punishment.
All of that force is then gathered above Ithella in a sphere of lightning power, energy whose sound was literally a requiem for the master.
"Farewell, Itala!"
All of the rage and power is then released upon itala's direction, only a few seconds were about to change the destiny of the galaxy's oldest family.
Ares Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:23:52 PM
Ithella's build up matched Ares' rush, he knew what he had to do regardless of his ambitions. Within his mind, precious yet wicked memories, Ares remembered the time his eyes opened and his father looked upon his eyes for the first time.
Snatched in the middle of the night from Jen Katrina's very arms, by her most trusted bodyguard.
Sometimes the wish of a normal life with his mother and father made his purpose meanigless, his srengths diminished, but all of that had come to an end.
Ares uses the force to rush as fast as his body had ever achieved, knowing full well that his body would be no match for Ithella's full fledged attack. At least he would buy his father another chance to stop this madness.
It is then that Ares jumps in front of Ithella, expanding his arms to receive her full attack and save his beloved father.
Gretchen Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:24:47 PM
Just as the sisters were preparing for an impending attack, Ithella releases her full fledged attack, but Gretchen has other things in mind for her dear sister.
In the blink of an eye, Gretchen's lightsaber buries itself within the back of Mara's right knee, knowing that only a very painful move would stop her from her mission, her destiny.
Ares has begun his rush to save Itala, but Gretchen was no fool, she knew what he was up to, fear had abandoned her for the sake of family duty.
"Forgive me sister, our cousin will never admit it, but it's family love, not duty, we may never say it for the sake of the strong union that Sol created ages ago, but that's what it is, and that's what I'm going to show you."
These words seemed to take an eternity, but at this point Gretchen had made her way in front of Ares' body.
Ithella's apocalyptic attack was but an inch from her body, Ares' expression of surprise and horror would soon be soothed by a fit goodbye.
"You thought for a second that you'd rob me of my destiny, young Ares?"
A light engulfs the entire sanctuary as gretchen's body begins to be invaded by the destructive power of the clone.
"I wasn't here by mere coincidence, I wish I had realized this power ages ago and perhaps I could have stopped this."
There was no point in agony, in pain, gretchen had done the family what would be perhaps the greatest service in her generation.
"You are destined for great things sooner than you think, Ares."
The light continues to grow as every pore of gretchen's body begins to desintegrate, every limb begins to separate, every fingers begins to disappear.
"When we meet again, you shall be welcomed as king."
The death light engulfs gretchen's entire body, releasing a horrific explosion that swallows every fiber of her existence into oblivion. The entire place is filled with smoke and ashes as Gretchen's robes fly high in the sky, almost as if they were waving goodbye.
Mara Marzullo
Jun 22nd, 2007, 02:25:37 PM
Mara shrieked in pain when Gretchen's sabre entered her knee, a look of shock on her face and in her Force presence. She then saw precisely what Gretchen intended.
"GRETCHEN! NOOO!" she shrieked, reaching out towards her sister, agony and sorrow flooding her. A keening wail rose from her as her sister died so horribly.
"<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->GRETCHEN!<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->" Sobbing, Mara fell to the floor, her heart breaking. At the same time, though, hatred flowed through her, directed at both Itala and Ithella, and it was quite<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> tangible.
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