View Full Version : Episode I - A Day Of Remembrance

Itala Marzullo
Jun 3rd, 2007, 10:17:38 PM
Nothing seemed more mysterious than the truth behind the growth of the largest force-wielding family in the universe. Records only show the one known as Itala to be the recruited child from a couple of common Jedi.

Sentenced to execution after the discovery of their true nature, the couple screamed "Long live our blood!" before death. Very few things have been found on their ancestors. When the Coruscant investigation forces tried to do research in the biggest source of knowledge; the Coruscant library, they found absolutely nothing.

Not only that, but the sources had been wiped out from the mainframe, they had been stolen, never to be recovered by "impure" hands.

Its location and remoteness was perfect. Itala's empire; The Blood Empire stretched across fifteen solar systems of which all planets were being absorbed for the sole purpose of mining.

Before Itala and his blood band could taste victory however, others sought to steal their glory. Half breds schemed to overthrow the purity of the clan, traitors were busy bees in the shadows, planning their next move.

It was the time for Itala to find a spot in the temple of Sol and pray for safety. It was the time to tell them all the story of the man who had started it all and how he came to realize that family is the strongest weapon in the universe. The pure blood of a warrior would finaly be tasted.

"Family, come to the temple of Sol for I have to reveal to you something very important about our founding father, our most important ancestor."

Itala coughs as the dust on the thick paper whitens his face. Perhaps the oldest book ever discovered of Sol's journeys. Itala would record this with the latest technology as he told the tale of the great man.

Athena Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 01:09:41 PM
Ever one of the busiest of the clan, Athena Marzullo looked away from the punching bag she had been toying with for the past hour. She wiped away some of the perspiration from her forehead and lowered her fists, allowing the punching bag to lower from her grip on it with the force. It fell with a loud bang, due to the heavy contents of fifty pounds of sand.

Itala's force message surprised Athena, since she thought that everything there was to know was told to them as children by their fathers, and their fathers before them and so on. What was there that had yet to be revealed?

But with a second thought, Athena realized that not every tale could be told in such a young lifetime. Sol had lived a strong and long life with many adventures and triumphs that could not possibly be told in just the thirty-so years of her life. Maybe even Itala had found something that they had not known before.

With all these questions forming in her mind, she turned and left the training arena with curiousity pounding against her chest.

She soon arrived to the grand Sol Temple, the ornate statues of Lady Marzullo and her powerful husband scattered along each and every hallway, along each entrance and exit. Even the steps had the enormous busts of Sol's powerful looking face plastered at each side of the large staircase just outside.

After climbing this particular staircase, Athena arrived within the library portion of the worshipping chambers, her face indifferent although her mind still kept racing with excitement. Finally, something more to know about how Sol lived his life.

Auriga Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 01:27:48 PM
Startled, Auriga jumped slightly as she was forced back to reality by Itala's message. She had been browsing a list sent to her by a trader who dealt in stolen artifacts, old books and relics, etc. So far there wasn't anything that had caught her fancy so she shoved her chair back and stood with a disappointed sigh. She always looked forward to the monthly list the trader sent of his recent finds. "A pity," she thought to herself, "but maybe what Itala has to say will prove more interesting." With a yawn and a stretch Auriga made her way over to the Temple of Sol.

Pushing the temple door open just enough for her to slide through she glanced around for Itala, shivering slightly as the cold of the temple surrounded her. Spotting him coughing over a large old book she smiled faintly. "Looking at relics without me Itala? I'm hurt. ...I don't believe I've seen that book before..." Filled with curiosity Auriga goes to stand by Itala to hear what he had to say.

Argos Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 01:41:18 PM
Darkness had become his friend.

Silence was now music to his ears.

He had been by himself for a long time now -- stuck down in the dungeon, in a cell. Of course they had that wretched beast down there too, to keep his force powers under control, but he didn't blame them. He had been a disgrace to the family and deserved this. All in all, it was best for all of them, including Argos.

But now, a day which Argos knew would come, is happening. A guard has entered Argos' realm, shedding light into the once pitch black room and flooding Argos' ears with sound. He kept his eyes closed, so that the light would not irritate them, and gritted his teeth, trying to cope with the loud noises.

"Argos ..your presence is requested in the Temple of Sol. By Lord Itala, of course."

Argos simply nods to the last part. Who else would be summoning him? And with that, he was helped to his feet, unbound and given a new cloak to wear. He could have changed out of his old clothes and into the cloak, but instead, he simply donned the cloak over his entire attire.

Eyes closed, still, he was guided out of the dungeon, and onto the grounds of the Marzullo world. It had been a long time since he'd been outside, but he did not miss it.

He'd never be left alone. There was always to be a guard to follow him as long as Itala viewed him as a disgrace to the name. It made perfect sense to Argos, but that doesn't mean he had to like it.

Guard on his heels, Argos now was escorted to the Temple of Sol, where once there, was isolated. Not too far from the other family members, but far enough to allow the guard full control of Argos if need be.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 03:49:58 PM
Nadia sat in her and Matthias' room. Her desk was cluttered with papers and books her gathered from the archive. Nadia's newest mission was to learn everything there was to know about Sol and the Marzullo family history. She wanted her and Matthias' children to be strong as they possibly could for the family.

Nadia glanced over to the craddle where her precious children slept. Beautiful children that would grow up to be powerful in the Marzullo family. She turned back to her book and continued her reading.

Several moments later she felt the force message from Itala. She got up and closed her book, within moments after that Matthias entered the den where Nadia and the children were. He nodded to her and without words picked up one of their children. Nadia nodded in return and did the same. They didn't need words to know what the other was thinking.

Nadia and Matthias had gotten close during Nadia's short time with the Marzullo family and they had only gotten closer with the birth of their children. Silently, they made their way to the Temple of Sol with their sleeping children. Matthias entered first and Nadia followed. They sat amongst their other family members and waited for whatever was to come.

Malycia Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 03:53:20 PM
Malycia had been in the training grounds doing a bit of exercise, the twins goofing off somewhere, when she got Itala's call.

She picks up Colin and Colette and makes her way back to the Taurus Temple. She changes her clothes, and twins clothes and diapers. She grabbed a stuffed toy and a blanket for each of them, should they fall alseep during the story. She grabbed extra diapers to take with her, and since they were fed earlier, they should be fine now until dinner.

Twins in hand, she makes her way to Sol's Temple. Upon entering, she nods to all present and sits down with the twins, rocking the to sleep, waiting for others to arrive as well.

She thinks back a bit in the past to when she returned here. So much has happened while she was away, and now she was all caught up. Colin and Colette had grown up nicely, and she was back home. Now, she wondered, would she have more kids, or continue to get closer to everyone else and the twins until she did.

Either way, it was still for the good of Marzullo Family, if not her own little family.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 04:05:10 PM
Busy adding the final touches to his newest work of art, Geminus jumped a bit, startled by the message Itala had sent out. Thankfully he had pulled the brush away from the painting, instead of smearing his artwork. He stood and walked to his closet to get himself better dressed and finished it off with his black cloak. With one last glance at his easel, Gem walked out of the Scorpio Temple and headed for Sol's.

As he walked up the steps he noticed the beautiful statues that lined the stairs. He hoped that his art would one day be that grand. Nearing the door he took a deep breath and got rather excited at the chance to learn more about the greatest warrior of the family. Opening the door just enough to get through, Gem walked in and took a seat near the other family members.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 04:06:28 PM
As the room fills with more members of the powerful Marzullo clan, Itala continues to read through the ending pages. Awe, pride and sorrow filled his heart, it was an akward yet welcome mixture of fillings for the battle-hardened leader.

Itala slams the book shot, nodding to the direction of the arriving members of the family.

"Is that all? I shall not say what I have to say until I see at least ten of the adults..."

Slightly impatient, Itala crosses his arms and sits back, hopeful that he would not have to wait much longer.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 06:20:24 PM
The days seem to have grown shorter and shorter, the sun setting earlier and earlier. Soon, the grounds will be covered in a pristine blanket of snow and the cold will settle over the lands.

Though Chandra seems to be something of a recluse, tucked away in the underground intelligence buildings concocting new ways to annihilate anything that is not human, she favors the cold of the winter months.

A sign of restlessness, Chandra chews thoughtfully at her lower lip while examining a new virus that has just been born in her labratory. A smile slowly begins to curve the edges of her lips - perfection magnified over ten thousand times by the microscope.

"Excuse me, Miss Marzullo? The others are gathering in the Temple and I believe your presence is required."

A meek voice, belonging to one of the research assistants that has been with Chandra since the facility was created, Darien McMasters shifts his body weight from one side to the other; apparently nervous in Chandra's presence.

"Don't you have work to do?"

Her tone of voice, cold and commanding, sends her assistant scampering quickly from the biology lab like a squirrel fleeing the talons of a predatory hawk swooping in for the kill.

Rising, she rubs at the small of her back while arching it deeply, the sound of several vertebrae cracking echoes in the enclosed lab.

"This had better be good ..."

From the biology lab, through the sterile corridors and up the lift, Chandra heads out of the intelligence area of the Marzullo compound and across the open expanse of the lands. Perfectionists to a fault, the grounds are finely manicured and sport the finest and some of the most rare in greenery and fauna; which Chandra admires as the cold winds sweep across the yards.

Once at the Temple, she pays her respects and finds a few of the other family members already gathered. Down the aisle and into a comfortable spot, Chandra crosses her legs and waits patiently and quietly...

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 09:49:55 PM
Fiera had been sitting in a potted palm position, her ankles tucked closely to her body as her hands calmly rested on her knees. The meditaion had been disrupted by Itala's voice ringing in her head. A slender brow lofted as the woman's eyes drew to a fluid open. Directing her attention to her right side, Fiera lightly nudged her daughter.

"Meditation for the day is over, Zoe, we need to be somewhere else right now."

That was all she was going to give her child as she hoisted her body from the knoll. Something didn't seem right to her or maybe she had been lost in thought for too long. The look on her eldest child's face suggested that she was just as confused as her mother was.

"If I'm requested to go, then so are you young lady."

For a moment, she sounded like Greya which made an uneasy feeling sink her in stomach. Fi shook away the notion, taking her hand into her daughter's and led them from the enbankment, the Marz Temples coming into view.

As the duo approached the Temple Of Sol, Fiera closed her eyes and inhaled deeply as she cleared her head of any thoughts. The female sauntered forth through the doors, taking in a moment of awe as she entered the main area. There was a melodic form of solace Fi found in the presence of Sol's statue, it gave her a much clearer sense of purpose.

Fiera nodded with a cheerful smile to those already gathered near Itala, she taking a cross legged seat next to Auriga, pulling Zoe into her lap.

Dante Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 09:52:08 PM
Dante Marzullo, son of Itala and heir to the throne of The Blood Empire hears his father's call for a gathering and shudders in disgust. Could it be another one of his boring meetings and useless speeches? Not this time.

Deep inside his heart, Dante could feel that his father's call was unique in the fact that he sensed fear. It was the first time that he felt legitimate, pure fear from his imperfect yet brave father and the very thought sent a chill down his spine.

Dante doesn't bother with Lucius or Ares and lets them sleep peacefuly. Perhaps he thought that it was best for them to die in their sleep without the horrors of war.

Sharing a quick glance with his father, Dante makes his way in the temple of Sol and sits next to him. For the first time in his young life, he pays attention and cares for what his father has to say.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 09:55:13 PM
Itala gives away a smile of gratitude to the few that had shown, amazed that they had arrived at all given the circumstances. Most of the Marz had fled Ziost hastily, but then who wouldn't when the planet is being bombarded and assassins lurk the palace's every corner?

His smile is mostly fake as most of what he feels is fear, hate and disappointment. The vast Marzullo fleet has won a few victories in the eastern borders, but massive reinforcements from Delia Marzullo's empire were already heading their way.

"Our future is doomed..." he thought, knowing full well that every single relative in that room could hear him clearly.
"But it's not lost!!" yells Itala as he gets up, piercing into the hearts and minds of his brethren.

"Family, hear me out and hear me well for tonight you learn and live the life of Sol, our mighty God and brother who tonight will give us all the power of his very being!"

Itala begins humming what sounded like a requiem filled with hope, a true contradiction of his feelings. On his arms rested the oldest known book in the history of the Marzullo family. A very long history at that. he gently opens the first page and turns to his son:
"I'll ask you some questions, if you can't answer them, you'll wish you hadn't come to this gathering..."

All said and done, Itala turns to the rest and takes a seat as he begins narrating what would be the greatest story ever told....

"Sol Marz; husband, father, hero, God..."

He takes a deep breath, signaling the rest to take a seat as well, for this would take a very long time to finish, but in the eve of their doom, there wasn't a better time to get such a task done indeed...

"It was dawn on the fifth day of the first season that I returned home................."

Sol Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 09:59:17 PM


Millions of people scream a hearty welcome to the returning hero! Pedals rain all over the magnificent city of Demenor. Loud music infects the hearts of all with joy and hope. The sky had never been a more beautiful blue and the partying could never be more intense. It was truly a time of renewed hope and perhaps....


Deafening cheers shook the very foundation of the city as they hear Sol's first word. He takes the stand on the sacred platform of their capital city where ancient heroes had once stood before, joyous and victorious.


An even more powerful wave of cheers and applause floods the beautiful city, giving the man enough time to take a good breath for he clearly had more say to his people. A few figures stood out from the rest in his field of vision, in particular an elderly couple and a gorgeous woman standing next to them.


The next wave of cheers and joy was the very zenith of the gathering that day, it was so loud and deafening that some birds could be spotted hitting the walls in confusion. Sol held in his hand a document which he lifts for all to see.


"We lived to see the day, didn't we my dear?" asked the elderly man to his wife, smiling like a child. At this point, Sol had grown tired of screaming and grabs the nearest microphone. Even without screaming his voice was imposing and intimidating to the common folk.

"This war has only brought death and destruction to all three continents. Brothers, this mere piece of paper will bring life and prosperity to all! The leaders of Narcoria and Gara Huss have agreed that we must help each other in order to prosper, not fight."

Sol sounded ashamed in the last part of his speech. Sure, he boasted responsability for something previously thought impossible. " Peace between the humans and the monstrous aliens? These creatures had been tearing each other and all of us apart for as far as anyone can remember, as far as the oldest book could tell, but why?"

The humans had developed a weapon that mines energy from the atom, bringing catastrophic results to whoever would have a taste of its power. They had used this weapon against their foes countless times, bringing worse deformities and pain to a race already scared by technology.

One of the big questions that the powers that be refused to answer was: "Why is it that a planet that has never allowed foreigners in for thousands of years have three extremely different races? Isn't the entire concept a bit contradictory and absurd?"

Nevermind that now, peace had been achieved and everyone enjoyed the best mood that had ever blessed them, these indeed were times of peace.

Sol waves away the enormous crowd as he walks down the flight of stairs leading to the folks whom his line of vision had singled out the whole time....

"Father, mother!" he calls, using his powerful frame to gently hug the elderly couple. His father, like his father before him and so on had fought the Narcs and the Huss, bearing scars of the past, a past all hoped would go away in time.

"My beloved Integra...."



Integra Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:55:26 AM
Her blue eyes squinted in the light of the sun that shown its fragile rays, down upon the image of her beloved husband, the war hero. The rays of the sun was not the only thing that made her eyes so teary, they shown like aquamarine gems. His well toned out stretched arms gave her an invitation she gladly excepted. She savored the embrace for a moment then stepped back and smiled.

"Welcome Home, my husband. It is good to see your face again." she said beaming. He replied with a bright smile upon his hardened lips.

"I knew that only you could lead our people in achieving peace, However I don't quite know if I trust those creatures. I wonder if they will keep their part of the bargain. I suppose we will find out." A strong wind blew past her blowing her white silk dress which swayed in the breeze like a bird taking wing. She then smoothed the wrinkles upon it, patted her neatly braided blond hair.

"My, the wind seems to be picking up," she called then caught the uneasy look of the maiden at her side. She cursed herself for forgetting about her in her excitement.

"Oh yes, this young woman is Stratus' new wife, Astrid. Stratus and Hadrian wanted to be here but they had to take care of some things in Lana, but they should be returning later on. I am sure they can't wait to see you. I am so sorry you had to Stratus and Astrid's wedding, it was a lovely ceremony. Well I leave her to tell you the details, I will meet you at the house."

Astrid Shardae
Jun 5th, 2007, 01:05:32 AM
Her eyes slid over the throngs of citizens who had poured out into the streets to greet their war hero. She smiled slightly at the festive mood that had reigned in the city ever since the news of peace had arrived. Old men and women were dancing in the streets, children were running wild, unchecked by their rejoicing parents, confetti filled the air and earlier people had hastily pulled out various patriotic decorations from their storage boxes to decorate the streets in anticipation of Sol’s arrival.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Sol…<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> The thought of her new father-in-law caused a tightening in her stomach. She would be meeting him for the first time and despite reassurances from both Integra and Stratus himself she had been worrying herself with thoughts and scenarios of what their meeting would be like. Would he take an instant dislike to her? Throw her out of the house and disown his son for marrying such a wench? Embrace her and treat her like a long lost daughter?

The number of negative scenarios far outweighed the positive and she had almost managed to convince herself that she was about to be shipped off to a mining colony of some sort or exiled to one of the two other continents on the planet Treja when Sol himself began to address the masses.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> She studied the man unobtrusively from Integra’s side and what she saw did little to ease her nerves. He was an imposing man, only made more so by the passionate speech he was now delivering and a briefly she considered coming down with a sudden headache to put off their meeting for at least a little while. Now don’t be stupid, when its over you’ll be laughing at yourself for overreacting so. He’s just another man like any other when it comes down to it… isn’t he…? <!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

He was making his way towards them now and she took a deep steadying breath as Integra greeted him. She wished then that Stratus was there with her, to whisper reassurances and hug her comfortingly, but he wasn’t. She was alone. Nevertheless she would make him proud.

Astrid curtsied respectfully to Demenor’s hero, her father-in-law, outwardly confident and smiling politely as she was introduced. “M’lord Marzullo,” She greeted him, a slight lilt in her tone revealed her northern origins even though she was careful to style her speech after the more aristocratic and formal inflections that were native to Demenor’s upper classes.

“I would be most happy to relate the details of the event, though I’m not so sure that M’lord wishes to listen to the gushing of a new bride. They could easily become tedious to one who has recently returned home and wishes only to relax after so long a time away.” Faint amusement was evident in her smile as she spoke, the words coming easily now she was actually placed in the situation she had been dreading.

Helena Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 01:09:23 AM
Helena watched the ceremony from her window. All the celebration, for what? Nothing. Sol brought home news of peace. Peace for who? Not her.

Turning away from the window, she walked toward her mirror. Her long dark hair and dress flowed behind her. She glared at herself with disgust. With her piercing brown eyes, she looked herself over. Helena looked like every other woman on the court. A long white silky dress and a gorgeous headpiece. Why did she have to be like everyone else? Why did she have to follow everyone else's rule? She ripped the headpiece from her head and angrily threw it to the ground. She hated this place. This was not where Helena wanted to be. This was not the life for Helena.

Helena had to get away. Being pent up like a caged bird was not for her. She had to think. How could she get away? How could she leave without being noticed?

Forgetting her plans for now, she went back to the window and watched as the people went along with their cheering and rejoycing. She rolled her eyes. They acted like nothing else mattered. What about the market and trade? All that came to a hault just because the mighty Sol came home. Why did they all follow him like he was their sheppard? Sheep, she thought with a scoff.

Being one of Sol's followers was not what she wanted. She wanted her own life, one she could rule over. She began to think about her plans for leaving again. It would have to be soon. She could not take much more of this. But, where would she go? How would she support herself? Where would she live?

All these questions filled her mind as she left the window and paced around her room. She knew all the answers would come in time. All she had to do was wait for the opportune moment.

Daisela Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 01:13:45 AM
"So, this is who Hadrian spoke so highly of."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Uncaptivated by the eminent occassion, a shilouette ambled towards Astrid and the accoladed Sol. Variant from the other maiden, Daisela was not as flustered over the greetings with her father in-law. On the contrary, she was eager to make his aquaintance.

Like a barren wasteland, a subdued glare dousted her oceanic stare. There was no need to divulge her heighten intrigue in being honored at Sol's introduction. It wasn't only for the sake that the esteemed male was Hadrian's father, but his wartime maneuvers and stylistic manor were enough to pique her inquisitive nature.

Waving from one side to the next, azure material upon Daisela's maiden form floated out slightly with every step she waltzed. Contrary to molding herself to the customary fashion of this region, the audacity in the woman favored the vogue of her own homeland. Daisela's ample, blonde curls were loosely pinned at the sides; they often cascading down her porceline resembled cheeks. A multitude of incidences, Daisela was considered doll-like in appearence.

Wrenching at the corner of her moistened lips, a merriment arose to her dull grin. Stiffling back the mirth that was subsiding, Daisela's hands cupped against the nook of her spine as she was soon graced in the presence of Sol and Astrid.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Good eve, Lord Marz. It's a splendor to hear of your achievement and to see your safe arrival."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Daisela's brow lofted in a nervous twitch, feeling a momentary awe in Sol's presence. A humbleness seemed to drip from her being, her eyes searching over her friend from the side.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Hadrian has spoken highly of you, Sir. I'm indeed honored to finally make your aquaintance."

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 5th, 2007, 10:40:18 AM
A general in Sol's military, Alysha Wintermoon achieved a rank that is usually reserved for men. The feats in which she accomplished this aren't all that important. At least - not yet. Suffice it to say, she is perhaps one of the most cunning and conniving female to grace the continents. Her skills of manipulation and deceit are just a couple of the traits which helped to advance her through the ranks at a fairly rapid rate.

Amongst the family, close friends, and fellow worshippers of Sol, Alysha had taken to remaining aloof in the shadows; just a few paces behind and to the right of Sol himself. Soulful eyes continually scanned the crowds, buildings and adjacent rooftops, and even the shadows; ever vigilant in keeping a sharp eagle's eye out for potential danger.

Sol had done his best to assure the young, vivacious woman that there was no need to fret when amongst the clan upon their own sacred grounds. However, certain habits cannot simply be turned off or broken no matter how much reassurance is given.

As Sol held up the peace treaty, Alysha couldn't help but to scowl. Peace treaties never really last for long, after all. It made no sense in her mind to fill the peoples heads with false hopes. Even the deafening cheers couldn't turn the scowl into a smile.

When his speech was over, and the crowd began to gather around their heros, the femme fatal kept a watchful eye on Sol as he melded into the crowd and met with his immediate family. She noted his parents, his father in particular. The man gave the impression of harboring much pride in his son and also bore the telltale signs of having seen much battle during his younger days.

His mother looked to be quite kind, especially around the eyes. Even the crow's feet leaving their mark upon her still relatively smooth skin couldn't diminish the youthful exuberance that radiated from within. She, too, must have survived much and could probably share a good number of intriguing stories with the others.

A blond woman, whom received a protective yet tender embrace from the man Alysha serves. 'Must be his wife.', she surmized silently as she looked the woman over from head to toe once. Something about the woman's face didn't settle right with Alysha. At first, the general couldn't put a finger on just what it was, then it hit her. A small smile did finally twitch the corners of her pouty lips. 'She'd be a formidable advesary.' This was an admirable trait in Alysha's eyes.

A light touch to the back of her elbow caught her attention. Apprehensively, Alysha looked away from Sol and the crowds to speak in hushed tones with one of the other generals.

Darius Tempest
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:53:15 PM
Coincidentaly enough, Alysha had turned to stare in the direction of perhaps her closest rival, General Darius Tempest. He wastes no time to approach her with his two bodyguards as celebrations ensue, he stands about a foot above the small frame of the female general.

"You look at our leader in ways that make me...uncomfortable.." he claims, quite bluntly. the man was pure genius in battle, one of those men that could not be replaced for dozens of generations. His confidence and arrogance were clear signs of this, not your typical stupidity.

"Don't you have business to attend to, woman? Like perhaps shine my boots?" he insults with a deep chuckle, his lietenants laugh along like puppets being pulled by strings. The history between Sol and Darius goes back a very long way. There was a brotherhood between Sol's five generals and this small woman with supposed skill was disrupting everything.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 5th, 2007, 03:54:17 PM
Alysha's chin lofted gently as she looked up into Darius' eyes. How she truly dispised the man. Being anywhere near him just made her skin crawl! Purposely, she ignored his two slimey bodyguards. Though, she did find it quite amusing that a man of Darius' stature and supposed skills has need of bodyguards.

"You look at our leader in ways that make me...uncomfortable.."

A sly smile curved her lips and a sparkle lit up in her right eye.

"Why General .. you sound jealous."

Alysha knew that would 'get his goat', so to speak. Darius had always made it a point to try to belittle the small-framed General from day one. And Alsyha had always made it a point to get under his nails every chance she got.

"Don't you have business to attend to, woman? Like perhaps shine my boots?", he shot at her; then proceeded to bellow like a loon, along with his puppets.

"I could have sworn that's what your henchmen were for.", she retorted while casting an uninterested eye to one of the men flanked to Darius' right.

Inwardly, she vowed to slit the man's throat one night as he slept. She prays that the time would come sooner as opposed to later.

Darius Tempest
Jun 5th, 2007, 04:24:07 PM
A slight grin is born from the lips of a very serious man, that's all he would give her as a compliment. His bodyguards would not see it that way, to the benefit of the female general.

"How DARE you insult the great Tempest in front of all these important people?!" yells Crath Dengar. The man was not the general's bodyguard per say, but he accompanied the man to the point they'd become inseparable.

Darius holds his long arm in front of the dark haired soldier, returning a serious gaze back to Alysha the bold.

"When you least expect it, child. When you least expect it." he whispers with a sickeningly friendly tone. He looks all around and spots Sol, returning to his company as the two other soldiers chuckle.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 5th, 2007, 10:05:05 PM
The slight grin caught the slender femme fatal offguard, but she made sure to show no signs of the fact. So many things could be read - or misread - from that grin. Though, a woman's heart never lies and what hers interpreted the meaning of the grin to be ...

Well ... it made Darius all the more dangerous.

As one of Darius' gorilla's flared in anger and outrage, she simply rolled her eyes and feined examining her fingernails. This action also tore her own gaze from Darius' as she paid the outraged, over-inflated-egotistical henchman no heed at all.

"When you least expect it, child. When you least expect it."

A thin, trimmed brow lofted slightly as she returned her full attention to Darius. Soft, lightly glossened lips part - almost as if she were going to step up on tip-toe and kiss him. Those lips began to spread into a grin that mimicked his own.

"What. You'll slip into my bed and seduce me when I least expect it?"

This was retorted as Darius turned his attention to keep tabs on Sol. The two goons flanking Darius immediately quit chuckling, staring slack-jawed at the bold young woman who dares to go toe-to-toe with Darius.

Surely her words would snap his attention around real quick.

Alkimius Govan
Jun 5th, 2007, 10:55:01 PM
A tall, bearded man leans against a pillar as he hears the entire duel of words. It's none other than Alkimius Govan, Sol's second in command and most trusted man, perhaps second only to Sol's own brother. Lacking his armor for a more festive event, he brushes off the debri of joy falling from the tallest buildings.

"General Wintermoon, what was that about?" he gently asks, his loud and deep footsteps echo on the lavish marble floor as he approaches the lady. He stood about six inches above the woman. Clearly the title of the tallest brute was claimed by General Tempest.

"We owe all our victories to the remarkable allegiance between each other."

He crosses his arms respectfuly, here stood a man who would make sure the civilized approach would always be taken into account first. He valued peace and respect above all other things, but his greatest strength was his pure, disciplined loyalty.

"We cannot breach that fine balance or there will be no children to tell the story afterwards..."

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:00:00 AM
General Wintermoon, what was that about?"

Alkimius. Now there was a man that Alysha both respected and admired nearly as much as Sol himself. He wasn't the cocky, arrogant bastard that Darius was and she had learned much from the soft-voiced General.

"I think that was Darius' version of foreplay.", she replied while finally tearing her gaze off of the one who seemed to constantly attempt to get her riled up. A small smile was given to Alkimius, perhaps as a way to say thanks for coming over. Any more and things might have started to turn ugly.

"Allegiances between each other?". A slender brow arched deeply as she rhetorically questioned this. "Darius holds no allegiance to me. The others? Yes, he does. But not to me. That man dispises me."

As she stated that man, she lifted her chin towards Darius, to indicate whom she was speaking of; as if it weren't already abundantly clear.

The moment Alkimius mentioned children, Alysha's attention snapped directly to him and the corner of her mouth twitched in annoyance.

"Children? They are smelly. They are messy. I have no need of children nor do I want any. The others can procreate like rabbits for all I care.

"As for breeching a balance? Darius walks a dangerously thin line with me.", she informed Alkimius in a wistful tone while folding her arms.

"I'm assuming we are expected to join in the rest of the festivities?"

Alkimius Govan
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:34:04 AM
Alkimius shakes his head in indignation, the thought of such a fine general ending her legacy so abruptly disturbed him. He did not care for children himself, but knew the only way to immortality was a legacy of descendants.

"Perhaps you don't care about children, but I do. I shall act against anything or anyone that endangers them."

A quick turn allowed him to scout for any disturbances in an otherwise peaceful reception for the heroes, Sol was being mobbed by citizens and political figures alike. Perhaps it was true peace at last, perhaps not. Alkimius opted for the latter, his vast experience advised him carefully.

"Let's go then, we don't want Sol to think we don't support this peace."

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:49:59 AM
She sighed. "I didn't mean nor say that I didn't care about children, Alkimius. I'd defend them fiercely. I just said that they aren't for me, that's all. I'd be a terrible mother and with the way I grew up? No way. I'd never bring a child into the world."

Her words were stated quietly as many do not know the story of Alysha's upbringing, including those she serves on the battlefield with. Sol knows her background, though. In fact, he's about the only one who could say that he knows Alysha almost better than she even knows her own self at times.

Alysha accompanied Alkimius and headed towards the others, always keeping one eye on Sol and the other perusing the crowds for possible dangers.

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:52:07 AM
Before Sol can respond to the numerous relatives speaking to him, he's distracted by his second in command, Alkimius Govan; who gives another rousing speech to the people who can't seem to get enough of it. How couldn't they? Peace was a new concept to them, a race of people that flourished in civilization yet never got along with others.

"Do not address me as royalty young Astrid" asked Sol of the lovely woman who looked to him as beautiful as a magnificent victory in the greatest battle.

"I am merely a pauper..." he claims, recalling his farming roots. One would think the man would be filled with arrogance after such vast popularity. To him, defending his continent and his people was his responsibility and his duty as a father, not merely a popularity contest.

"However, I am very exhausted from killing. For once I want to sleep and dream of the great things that the future beholds."

Sol smiles for a second, but this time the smile is not real. Deep inside he could feel that this peace wasn't going to last forever. One could only hope that it lasted long enough for the next war not be as horrible and destructive. Very discretely, he lightly bows to his generals and relatives, heading to his palace where a very long rest awaited.

"I will finish this conversation later, lovely Astrid and Daisela. Right now I am about to collapse but don't be afraid, we can talk about all the people I have killed and all the death and destruction I have caused and stopped. We can talk about all these issues at dinner so please, follow me..."

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:53:46 AM
Alysha began to wander away from Alkimius as they merged into the crowd making its way to the hall to enjoy food, drink and storytelling. She had been given a certain look by Sol; a signal, so to speak. Diverting from the others, she began a cursory patrol of the stone wall as the changing of the guards took place. This took a little longer than usual.

Near one of the arched entries, the General paused. She scanned the region for as far as her eyes could see, noting nothing unusual. Just as she had been thinking to herself that all was too eerily quiet, she was taken gently but firmly by the back of the arm from behind.

She whirled around, sliding a small hand-held dagger from its sheath strapped around her forearm and pressed the cold steel tip of the dagger firmly against the side of the man's neck. His face had been consumed by the shadows, but when she recognized whom it is, she lowered the weapon and released the breath that was held.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"You're expected at dinner."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Alysha nodded.

Though she is a General, she's the lowest ranking of the five, having been newly appointed during the course of the last battle. However, she planned to remedy that in due time. For now, she submissed to the man and eased her arm from his grasp.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Lead the way."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, she stated, rolling her wrist a few times as she bowed lightly from the waist. He eyed her with lust before turning sharply on his heels and leading her to the grand hall where the feast was to be served.

<!--EZCODE FONT START--> The Grand Hall was filled with people - royalty, military, and common folk alike. The air was ripe with varied aromas - fresh smoked meats, tobaccos, meades, and more. Alkimius spots Alysha and walks over, taking her by the arm. "I understand this is your first formal meal in the company of Sol. I will show you to your seat."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> She smiled to Alkimius, grateful that he'd be near to coax her through anything she wasn't sure of. Like the seating arrangements. Proper seating was dictated and she, the last of the Generals, is the last to be seated to the right of Sol.

Alysha glanced to Sol as Alkimius pushed her chair in for her. Their gazes locked, holding for a moment or two longer than they should have. Sultry lips part gently and the tip of her tongue glides smoothly along the underside of her upperlip; hinting of things to come in the future. Her attention then shifted to his wife. The right corner of Alysha's mouth began to curve, just a hint, then slowly faded; her expression returned to coldness.

For now she remained quiet. She had nothing to say or to add to the stories that had already begun to make their way around the tables, but there was plenty to observe.

And there would be many things to begin planning.

As the room began to fill with ooh's, ahhs, cheers, and laughter, Alysha retreated into a world of her own. Robotically, she nibbled at the food. Soulful eyes stared through the crowd as opposed to the faces of those gathered.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Parisia - Eight Years Ago

The sky shone bright with the orange-red brilliance of bonfires set ablaze. These would burn for the next twenty-four hours, to celebrate a successful harvest. Parisia had been plagued for the past ten years by a disease in the soil, killing whatever crops were planted before they even had a chance to sprout roots.

However, the Gods and Goddesses of Treja had shone brightly upon Parisia during the past season by blessing the lands. Alysha, and others, would finally be able to eat more than wildberries, wild onions and asparagus, and whatever rancid meat they could get their hands on. Hence the reason for the festivities.

A large gathering of locals scattered in the open, singing their songs in praise of the Gods and Goddesses. None of the field-workers noticed. So immersed in the last harvest of the autum swatting their sickles and scythes through the tall wheatgrass, before the temperatures fall and blanket the lands with colder than normal winds ... they do not sense the other reapers sliding out of the forest.

Nark-warriors, quiet as sunlight yet black as the dark of the moon, each one tattooed, scalp to sole, in blue indigo dragoncoils and thunderclouds, rushed upon the workers with shrieking battle cries. The Nark-warriors do not eat grain grown on squared ground, believing it is poisoned by straight-line magic. For several of the field hands, the ax-wielding raiders are mere shadows in the white flash of pain that ends their lives. Others have time to swing their harvest blades once or twice before the howling men ax through wood, flesh, and bone.

Knives flicker in the waning light of the day, slicing off ears and hanks of hair, which will later ornament their war-lances. The war shrieks to a stop when the last of the workers, rushing with all her might through the golden depths of the field, falls under the flying weight of a warrior, who breaks her neck. Then the only sound is the sizzling wind in the wheat and the scrape of metal on bone.

As the fields burn, smoke wafting towards the massive trees towering overhead, it carries the acrid stench of charred flesh and death as it drifts lazily over the land as a triumphant war cry is unleashed.

Alysha escaped a deadly fate by sheer luck alone. She had been in one of the fields at the time of the invasion; however, she was pinned to the ground by one of the lifeless bodies that had fallen upon her. Luckily, the Nark warriors only had one thing in mind - to kill all that lived. Once everyone was dead, they moved on to their next target.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Snapped back to the present by a nudging at her elbow, Alsyha blinked a few times then looked at Alkimius. Her face had grown pale, as if she had seen the spectors of a thousand ghosts. When his facial expression shifted to concern, she quickly forced a smile and nodded to him; saying she was alright.

Integra Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:56:31 AM
Walking slowly the elegant, golden haired Integra placed a few stains of her hair back into place. She was following behind her husband hoping to catch him and to ask him what he thought of their son's new bride, when she got side tracked. She paused and gave a small smile over all the elegant foods that lied upon the long table.

Her eyes stopped upon a golden dish embedded with silk flowers that contained a assortment of fruits from the southern west Continent.
"Ah Parisia my home," she thought," My city, I do miss it." Even though it did not hold for her many good memories, always alone....always lonely.

Still it was the only thing she had close to a childhood and it was there. There were so many different kinds there, since the city was known to welcome refugees from all three continents.

Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she saw something, an image that interrupted her thoughts. She turned quickly. The young female general had made a certain gesture that made her heart jump. That gesture was directed toward her love.

Integra forced herself to be calm. She tightened her fists and then relaxed them. " I cannot do anything now, " she told herself," Just remain calm. She will pay for this outrage at a later date."

She took a seat, the opposite one from the young general. She didnt look at her. She sat and began to listen to the others talk. She remained quiet.

Daisela Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:58:20 AM
Imitating Integra, Daisela ambled along neighboring with the assembly, being wary of her company. Being chary over the suare of sorts, she lounged in an adjacent chair, being heedful of the others. Often times, Daisela kept to herself, observing her company. Not to fit in, but to know who are those not to be trusted. It had been a self-defense mechanisim she had been taught earlier in her childhood. Though the endearing words spoken to her from Hadrian of his parental unit, Daisela opted to meagerly stray until things were adjudicated herself.

Perceiving the clinched and suddenly relaxed hands of Integra, Daisela's eye thinned in question. Instead of making a spectacle, she omitted what she had seen as she derived her efforts to Sol, still being charmed over the efforts of war. Cleaving her lips was a facetious grin as her meek voice articulated over the crowd.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Lord Marzullo, if I may be so bold as to request...what strategies did you take in moving your front forth in victory?"

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:01:48 AM
"Daisela, let's forget politics until a better moment arrives, for now we celebrate this precious peace we've been given."

The great gathering in Sol's dining hall turned into a large festival as soon as his joyful brother Jurgen arrived, bringing in exotic dancers and bands that attracted the vast majority of the rich and ellite. Laughing was heard everywhere, the folk music hypnotized the bodies of the men and women who had finaly witnessed the end of the war.

"Brother, you are late!" yells Sol in a mockingly serious tone as he found himself drunk with his heavy arm around his wife Integra's shoulders. His relatives separated at the moment, falling asleep on the sea of pillows that decorated Sol's hall along with the rest of the guests. That same night, his two sons were on an errand in Lana but he expected to see them tomorrow and tell them incredible stories as it was heavily traditional. Suddenly, Sol feels a familiar heavy hand on his unoccupied shoulder, turning to the face of his brother.

"Brother, I need to speak with you." urges Jurgen; his joyful face had been replaced by one of skepticism and perhaps fear. "Jurgen The Joyous" they called him, enjoying bloody battles more than the average man would, laughing for every dead enemy he stroke down.

"Do you believe in this peace, brother?" he utters, the bright moon gives him a shade of blue that eerily displays his emotions. "I know you, my dear big brother and I know you do not believe in this false hope we call Peace just because papers were signed. Ink means nothing! Holocrons mean nothing! Only blood speaks and for hundreds of years it has screamed in agony!"


"You are drunk, Jurgen, rest here for a few days. We need to clear a few things before I attempt to respond." That said, Sol leaves Jurgen alone in the corner were they gathered and returns to the celebration. This was the first time that his joyous brother had spoken to him with such tone, with such fear. He was forced to consider his words carefuly that night and make a decision. One thing that caught Sol's attention was Hrothgar King of Pangea who along with his family had joined the celebration. Whatever worked for everyone, the king was merely there to look good for his citizens, he had done nothing for the war but sit in the throne and eat rotten fruit. Instead; Sol and his brave men shed and spilt blood for their land.

"As always, excellent work Sol, not only have you defeated our enemies again, but you have achieved peace for good."


Sol bows and accepts the complement begrudgely, it was clear to him that the King knew nothing of the situation or could care less. "Integra, where are you?" yells Sol, wanting to reunite with her for he wishes to fall asleep next to her, or under her if possible. "Integra?"

Outside of the city, people were still celebrating without becoming tired. Why wouldn't they? Celebrations like these sometimes would last days. The poor fellows that formed the backbone of the army had to go back to the army city of Lana. With peace anew they had to formaly return their weapons and gear, but gladly. Their families awaited in Demenor as they partied on. The scenery focuses on a young boy playing with tin cans and his wooden sword, wishing he could play with a lightsaber but they were prohibited in Treja.

"Wham! Die!! Ahhh!" screams the boy, attacking his mother's legs while she spoke to a friend. Suddenly, a cilindrical can with a trail of smoke lands a few meters from him, catching his attention. "Mother! Lookit!" yelled the boy in glee but failed to get her attention. He coughed slightly, nearing his face to get a good look. The cilindrical object then becomes a beast of fire, engulfing the boy as quickly as it engulfs his mother and her friend, every living being within one hundred square meters.

"What in the name of....?" thinks Alkimius Govan, Sol's right hand and second in command; his most succesful and skilled general. Some said the only man who could defeat him in battle would be Sol himself. The light tremor had awaken him after a couple of hours of heavy, drunken sleep on the floor on Sol's floor.


A terrible tremor shakes the entire palace, waking up every single soul in the dining hall. "It can't be....!" thought General Govan, hoping that he would soon wake up to what seemed like a very powerful bomb blast. To confirm his worst fears with the most terrifying proof, a ball of fire penetrates a window deeper in the hall as it ignites the curtains and reduces the wall to rubble. He didn't need further reason to react. With speed not natural he kicks his subordinates, sending them to the spot on fire, they had to put it out quickly before it burned through the King's guest room.

"We are being fire bombed!" he screams to everyone with clear desperation. "To the tunnels!!! Quickly!"

"Rudo, better make haste and lead the people safely to the underground shelters, I have to see this myself! he urges the other general, rushing to the palace's main entrance. As the doors open a million swords rip every single string of tissue on his body, the agonizing pain nearly makes him collapse on the spot, knocking the air clear out of him. The city that he called home and had raised him to a fine general had turned into a hellacious spectacle of boiling blood and hellacious murder.

Charred bodies that hit the floor were rare as they flew like dead leaves along the next explosions of flames. They looked like ghosts screaming in agony and suffering as buildings collapsed one after the other. Alkimius releases tears of anger and pain as he rolls his eyes to the direction of the moon, watching the countless ships that spat on his face the suspicions everyone had all along. There would be no peace for their time.

Inside the halls, Sol locked hands with his wife, determined that he would not lose her in this vicious attack, but he had to let her go as all the civilians were being lead to the shelters. "I will see you again!" he tells her, rushing out with the rest of the few soldiers that had joined him that night. He found his best friend and second in command kneeling in tears, himself astounded at the sight.

"Why this soon?!" he screams, completely unprepared for the harrowing event that befell upon them. "Why a civilian city?!" he asks to himself and the rest. It hit him the same way as Govan as he leans against the frame of the entrance. All they could do was watch in horror, the fire would kill them instantly if they stepped forward.

Helena Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:10:07 AM
Celebration, drunkenness. Foolishness. Helena joined the festivities for a bit. She was expected to make an appearance. She did not want to be there, by any means. She replaced her headpiece and plastered a smile on her face. She first went and bowed to the royal and the war "heros." She quickly glanced at her brother and returned her eyes to the floor. Next, she walked to the soldiers and mingled. Several made passes at her. Many man wish they had her in their bed that night, many men kept wishing.

As the night grew later and later, Helena grew more tired. She took a seat away from the crowd and slowly drifted off into an uneasy sleep. Dreams of leaving this place filled her unconscious mind.

Helena walked along a beach somewhere and with a handsome man. He wasn't a soldier, he wasn't a fighter. He was a lover. Their fingers were intertwined as the moonlight shone on the crashing waves. They noise was peaceful. Very relaxing. As the man gazed into her eyes he whispered "We are being fire bombed!" Helena shook her head at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?" She questioned, as her dreamed faded and the reality of the event around her became clear.

Helena jumped up and rubbed her eyes, the screams, the horror. The fire was close, too close for comfort. She ran back and continued to watch. Something about the fire intrigued her. It was fast moving and destroyed everything in its path. It was destroying the place she hated the most. That's probably what made her attracted to it.

After a few more moments of watching, someone grabbed her arm and almost pulled her to the ground. She stumbled over and glared at them. Why was she disturbing her? She urged her to follow and Helena did, reluctantly. It was one of her handmaids. Everyone was running to the tunnels, to the underground. She would be safe there, but trapped again.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:10:44 AM
Re: The Bombing Of Demenor<hr size="1"> Not one for using much in the way of formal manners since she never had to exercise properness on the battlefield, Alysha ate as if she hadn't eaten in months. Huge bites were ripped from the meat. She chewed with her mouth open and took a little longer at swiping the back of her hand across her chin to remove the drippings. Besides, it helped to keep her mind from reflecting on the past. There would be time for that on another day.

The glares from Integra, the woman seated directly across from her, did nothing to instill any sort of fear or uncomfortableness in the young woman. After spending most of the past seven or eight years of her life on the battlefields, she had become rather hardened to something so trivial as emotion. She had stared death in the eye and never blinked - several times. There was nothing anyone could do to her that would intimidate her in the very least.

Save for one thing.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Alysha stared right back at the woman, her gaze never wavered. The corner of her mouth begin to curve upwards, as if taunting the woman with one of those I have a secret<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> looks radiating from her dark, mysterious eyes. To push the woman's buttons even more, Alysha would shift a seductive glance in Sol's direction.

When she grew tired of playing with the woman, she jumped in the conversation with the other Generals, retelling feats of the war and even sharing in a few good, hearty laughs.

She minds the liquor, though. Something had been tickling at the back of her mind, something didn't feel right and hadn't since they arrived. Something she didn't bother to voice outloud, but she felt it all the same. Just couldn't pinpoint it.

As the festivities began to die down, Alysha excused herself and thanked her hosts, ignoring Integra purposefully, then departed from the grand banquet to stroll toward the front entrance for a while before turning in for a decent nights sleep.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> The sensation that something was very wrong prickled the tiny hairs at the nape her neck. She glanced over her shoulder ... wondering if perhaps one of her comrades decided to follow suit. No one was there. What's going on? Why does it feel so wrong here?<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->..., she wondered.

A distant sound, like a gently rolling thunder beginning far off on the horizon drew her attention to the skies. For what seemed like half an eternity, all she noticed were bright twinkling stars against a black velvet background, a few thickening clouds mushrooming into violent thunderheads.

From out of nowhere, a huge fiery object whirled past, striking the far corner of the building. Alysha crouched low, shielding her head with a crooked arm raised above it, to no avail. Alysha was thrown violently like a ragdoll from the explosive impact, slamming into one of the stone walls a few hundred feet back. Shaking off the dizziness and refusing to passout, she struggled to get to her feet.

Screams began to slowly rise in intensity, shrieks made out of shock became shrieks of horror as more fireballs came crashing down upon the unsuspecting families and citizens. Alysha managed to right herself. Her first steps were staggered as she willed the strength through her body, forcing herself to move. Finally, she began rushing back toward the grand banquet hall, scattering rubble and kicking up dust plumes in her wake.

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"To the tunnels!"<!--EZCODE BOLD END--><!--EZCODE FONT END-->, a booming voice shouted, only she didn't hear it. The explosion had temporarily deafened her. Alysha blinked away the watery tears welling up in her eyes from the thick, roiling dust; squinting to see who was ahead of her. She made out the forms of her comrades and staggered over.

To let them know that she was there and relatively okay, she brushed the back of one of the arms of the Generals who glanced back to see she was there. Alysha leaned back against the wall, watching the skies from over the shoulder of General Govan.

Daisela Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:12:06 AM
Goaded as though she were a mere member of some sheepish flock, Daisela had been caught in the enevidable current of rampant chaos from the fire bombings. Destruction had been an ally of death to her, nights of endless struggling had swept through her life. She couldn't tolerate being a victim.

As the assemblage swayed in an oscillatory fashion from one end to the next harboring towards the tunnels, Daisela liberated herself from the herd.

"False hope. False peace."

Grinding her teeth together in revolt, the intuition guided female, averted away from any confrontation that might arise. Especially with her darling friend, Astrid. Had the young maiden known of Daisela's dismal feeling of following the others, Astrid would throw caution to the wind and tag after her. Too many times Daisela had jeopardized her friend with her antics. She wouldn't do it again.

"Alone. I'm...alone."

Scampering off like a lost child, the impulsive female came upon an outlet to the outside. If she stayed with the gathering, she'd smother herself in guilt and fury. Panic began to scour through her, leaving Daisela lost but not full of dreadful fear.

Again the blarring of rubble toppling, cries of anguish, the blasting. Daisela's ears rang with discord from the flurry out in the open. With a new found peace, begot a new found hope, leading to widespread disgust. Not everyone wanted peace, for there was no peace under the wicked.

Daisela collapsed to her knees, her hands resting gingerly upon her thighs. There was no room to error, no room for pity. She needed to rise above the art of natural selection; she wanted to make it all end.

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:16:08 AM
"Sir!!!" yells General Klamus Danove, fourth in command of Sol's Pangean Army. A look of horror on his face would soon reveal what nobody in that entrance wanted to hear or even think about. "Sir!!"

Sol turns slightly, looking straight into Alsyha's eyes for a split second as he continues to turn, sharing his line of sight with the general. "Did you find father and mother, Klamus?" mutters Sol as the burning winds of the dead city fly through his long hair. The city is rank with death and destruction, piles of charred corpses everywhere.


"I...I..." Klamus stutters in fear. Sol had been his friend for eons by now, but his presence alone intimidates him. Moments like these defined who leads and who follows. "All available men have looked everywhere in our surroundings, Sol. They are not here."

Immediately, the giant of a man that was Sol collapsed on his knees, violently punching the tile floor that now meant nothing to him. He knows deep in his heart that his parents were burnt to death and that there was absolutely nothing he could do to bring them back. Countless images of despair and for the first time; hate had caused a flood of bitterness in his heart and mind that he never experienced before. His generals didn't dare utter a single word, it would take some time for the mighty chief of the army to recover from such a loss.

"We must gather the council immediately." yells Alkimius as he stands up from his previous grieving position, turning his back to the fire that was now going away, leaving a stench of the worst kind as a souvenir from their "brothers". Looking outside to the distant skies, Alkimius sees that the Huss raid ships were flying back home. It was obvious to him that this had been planned for sometime now and that treachery was afoot.

"We must gather the Western army which thank the Gods was away in Lana. We must gather the council and make a decision before the morrow. For every hour, every minute we lose it will cost us countless lives."

"Alkimius, I give the orders here..." softly says Sol, recovering himself from the horrible feeling that invaded him moments ago. "...but you are right, we must call King Hrothgar and the leaders of all nine cities of Pangea to form the finest army this world has ever seen. "

"What about Visigodia...?" Rudo is about to ask, but a very agressive look in the eyes from Sol makes him completely quiet. "You shall never mention that name while I'm alive, General Dreitner, NEVER. We don't need their help and we never have, our nine united cities will suffice."

A defeated silence from the rest glooms the atmosphere. Nevertheless, they follow the admirable Sol to the King's fortress, higher up the hills of Demenor, it's city now in ruins." The tunnels lead inside the fortress, we should meet our loved ones there."

Integra Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:17:38 AM
Integra squints her eyes through the dim light, tyring to keep up with the lighted moving tourch. The echoes of wisphers and sobbing flood through her ears, but she does not hear them. She keeps going forward, sliently and clam.
"I will be fine." she thinks," These lucky people will be fine for we are almost there."

The flickering light gives birth to a brust of rays so bright that her eyes are force to close for a moment. They all follow up a large flight of stairs reeking with the smell of dampness. Some small children trip and fall upon the soild stone and their cries, she hears them from behind her.She does not watch her feet, only moves quickly and gracefully forward. Soon they arrive at a large hall filled with scurrying soldiers, their calls and frantic heavy breathing do not help to calm the shaken cillvians. She smirks at the sight. A guard calls to them to follow him into a safe room, she follows the crowd. They are led to a large central room, enclosed in stone all except for the two large wooden doors, sturdy and thick complete with rod iron locks and barricades.

"This place," she thinks," A prison. Perhaps a prison is a sanctuary in times of war... He should have known this would happen. I told him peace would not last."

Her thoughts are interupted by the guards closing the large door. The loud sounds hurt the childerens ears. Then it is done. There is no way out. They have to sit and wait.

Integra sits on the stone floor, deep in her thoughts. She is then startled by a loud cry from behind her followed by a a tug on her dress.

"Help me waaaah ma ma shes gone." She turns and looks at the scawny black haired child in surprise. Then she turns and she removes the childs grasp from her dress. She opens her mouth to say something to comfort the child but no sound comes. He then thursts himself into her arms and she gently pulls her arms around him.

Daisela Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:24:39 AM
Ascending from her hope ridden kneel, Daisela clinched her hands into fists, her knucles turning a shade whiter than her normal porceline hue. War excited her, but bother her all the same. There never was peace and a company was only as strong as its weakest link.

Averting in the direction the troupe had sauned off to, the downtrod female harbored the trail. She didn't like being a bystander with countless people that would rather wet their pants and have someone else clean up the mess than live inside the fire.

Daisela could hear the moans and annoying groveling of the people a few meters ahead. If she had to deal for endless days with the noise, her lady visod would deteriorate. One could nly hear the self-pty of others for seldomn moments until a whirlwind of scolding would result.

"Why do they whine and not except the karma that is enevidable. There's no use in praddling on about how the wrold is ending. It's an undeniable reality."

A vision of Integra was not far from the distance, a lightening feel warming her soul as she watched the elder with the small child. Though brash and at times cyncial, Daisela's weakness lied within the life of a child.

Not speaking a word to anyone, Daisela searched the horde for her beloved friend. Shoveling through the masses, a low and incoherent grumble rise to her throat, it quickly dissapating.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Where is that girl?"

Jun 6th, 2007, 01:33:40 AM
Aliens from the east, heavy breeders and violent foul beasts; they were the Narks as the humans call them. For as long as everyone alive can remember, they have been at war with them and their allies the Huss. Nobody knew why the war started, but it had to be fought. Nobody knew why there were "aliens" in Troyus, particularly since ancient tradition among all continents despised foreigners from other planets and never allowed them entrance unless they were refugees.

There were nasty rumors floating about humankind. Some said that Narcoria was born due to some kind of abhorrent brood between the humans and a horrible species of scavengers from the endless network of caves deep within its mountains. Some said the consequences of using the power of the atom brought about their deformities, same theory applied to Gara Huss.

Running back to the main fortress where King Larcus Ode-Jarr sat proud, three Narcorian minions scurry inside his chambers, kneeling before him. They seemed nervous enough to bring unease to the rest of the room.

"It has been done, Larcus King."

The king grunts in curiosity, looking into the eyes of the middle Nark minion.

"What has been done, soldier?"

The minions look at each other in confusion, scratching their heads as they whisper to each other.

"Answer the king, scum!" yells the king's bodyguard, obviously aroused by curiosity as well.

"Demenor, we proceeded with the fire bombing......"

The atmosphere in the chambers suddenly changes as a very loud scream is heard, followed by a shout of anger that rivaled that of a hundred beasts in rage. One of the Narks flies out the window of the chamber, falling a good thousand meters into the abyss.

Capella Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:36:41 AM
There was a loud thump as a fist hit the wall. Capella Marz, daughter to Jurgen and Samara beat her hand furiously against the surface next to her window. With a grunt she pushed off and began pacing around the room like a rabid beast pinned in a cage. Her father had insisted she stay in the house while he was off lollygaging’ around the planet.

“It’s not fair!” she howled as she looked again out her window at the beautiful sunset that filled the ocean front horizon of Valmung. Ever since her younger years it had been against the house “rules” to fight or even have the capability of doing so. Her mother and father had so badly wanted a young lady who acted proper, but it hadn’t ever been in Capella’s interest to do so. More often than not she would sneak away and play around with her brother, honing skills with the whip, sword and hand to hand combat. She loved the adrenaline rush as she tried to outguess her opponent and get the upper hand but every time she got caught it was under house arrest for her. She wasn’t aloud to leave her parent’s sight for even a brief moment.

Finally, growing tired of dancing around the same path in her bedroom she flung herself on her bed and sighed. “One of these days…I’ll show them my skills will come in handy…”

Her head rolled to the side as she cast her honey gaze again towards the window. She longed to be out there scouring the galaxy for adventure.

…Little did she know adventure was about to hit home…

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:37:15 AM
King Hrothgar sits on the throne in his nearly impenetrable castle while advisors and stewards from all the cities except Collaria argue with each other. The stench of blood steam and cremated flesh create an anger that not even adrenaline could rival. The high ranking officials of Demenor hoped against hope that their greatest general and his men were alive or the guaranteed war that would ensue would have already been lost.

The large castle doors slam open as Sol enters in full armor, his most important generals and soldiers right behind him as he kneels in respect. Their expressions were the most serious anyone had ever seen.

"Sol, hurry and sit down, this atrocity needs to find its way back home."

Sol's expression does not change, but after a nod, he gets up and takes his place by the king's right side, placing his helmet on the table. The generals and soldiers do not follow suit and remain by the gates, eager to know what agreement their leader and the king would reach.

"Sol, we cannot invade them, there's too many of them.." lowly says the king as the stewards slowly nod. Sol takes a deep breath as he stares at the table.

"We have enough men and supplies to hang on for long.."

Sol slowly fixes his intimidating eyesight towards the king, gripping his sword handle with the rage of an orphan with a vengeance.

"Perhaps it's time to adapt to the newer, better technology the galaxy has to offer, my king."

King Hrothgar immediately rises from his throne, backhanding Sol to the complete shock of all the men in the room and the pathetic amusement of the heir apparent; Wigliff. Sol remains in place and continues to speak, almost as if nothing had happened at all.

"If we do not, we shall all perish."

The king receives the stares of the entire room as he thinks of what to respond, the political scene of Pangea had turned into a game of words, those who uttered the wrong words or orders would have no place in the throne.

"I would rather have my people wiped out than fall under the loss of our culture and religion. I will never allow filthy technology to stain our fine tradition, not as long as I'm alive!" yells Hrothgar, getting back to his throne.

Sol continues to stare at the table as he picks up his helmet and puts it back on, resuming his stare into the king's eyes with continued respect, even after the total disrespect payed to him in front of those he respects and fights for.

"What will you have your servant do, king?"

A cocky smile decorated the king's face as he pats Sol's shoulders. He knew he had the power to pull all the strings, but he did not know Sol's charisma and sheer strength, all the following moves would have to be executed perfectly.

"Rearm the western army and merge it with the central army, history has proven that they always invade from the western and southern coasts. Right now we must assume only the Huss are the aggresors."

Sol nods and gets up as a messenger boy busts through the large doors, falling to his knees right in front of Sol. He takes the envelope from the boy and reads it with undevoted attention but he drops it just as soon.

"Scouts have been spotted in North Noria...." says Sol, it could only mean that the army city of Lana was the big price and target, since destroying the encamping army there would totaly devastate the war effort.

Before the king can mutter more nonsense. Sol shows great haste as he walks outside the monarch's castle, getting by his followers as he hops on his steed and turns his head towards everyone else.

"Let's go, or the war will end before we can enjoy one more breath"

Integra Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:38:35 AM
Integra witnesses the entire conflict and feels ashamed that she couldn't stand up for the sheer amount of disrespect shown to the bravest general to ever grace their fine continent. Just as soon, the conversation ends and everyone begins to go where they have. She sees Sol stepping out of the castle to her general direction and steps closer to him to receive a kiss before he leaves, but he just walks by her without even noticing her.

"Will you leave your wife and go to battle before even giving her as much as a goodbye kiss?"

The loud words stop Sol as well as his generals, but they don't have a lasting effect as they begin climbing on their horses without any sign of slowing down. She narrows her eyes in obvious resentment and follows him outside.

"There's more important things than our marriage, my dear Integra, like the safety of our very people." she hears from Sol, not being able to object. She runs her right hand up Sol's leg, giving him her own version of a farewell. The hand that's not busy, however, is tightened with the rage of a thousand beasts in a fighting pit.

"It's because of that little tramp.." she thinks insidiously, letting ugly thoughts invade her typicaly calm mind, the horrible smoke of death continues to surround the fallen city. It might be the last time she ever sees Sol again. Before the army men can leave, Integra notices the king, the prince and his advisors go to the tallest tower in the castle, curious as to why since the king would go to Scanta for safety. The biggest army and the most remote location in Pangea always turned into the king's refuge in times of war.

Astrid Shardae
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:39:43 AM
A soft moan escaped from Astrid’s lips, her hands grasped at the debris covered ground and awareness fought to gain the upper hand against the blackness that had overcome her. An acute pain in her left wrist helped speed up the process considerably and Astrid’s eyes flickered open to be greeted by the empty stare of a corpse lying next to her. Uttering a horrified gasp Astrid pushed herself from the ground and flung herself away from the body jostling her wrist in her haste. Biting back tears of pain Astrid gazed out at the immediate area. A mix of despair and fear welled up inside as she took in the devastation that lay all around.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> What had happened? Everything had been going so well. Her new father-in-law had returned to the city, there had been a great feast to celebrate the peace that had been brought with him. She’d stepped out of the hall for a few moments, the wine had proved to be a little too potent for her and she had wanted to walk a little to clear her head. There had been only happiness and hope for the future as she had rambled along, then a deafening noise, unconsciousness and this<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->. This wasn’t supposed to have happened, she had been wed to Stratus, son of the great general Sol, where was her happy ending?

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Astrid almost chocked on angry tears and with a new found strength she pulled herself to her feet with the aid of a fallen piece of wall. How dare they? How dare<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> they do this? If they thought to destroy the contentment that she and those dear to her had finally found they were wrong. She would not let them!

A shout from somewhere to her right drew the blonde-haired women’s attention to a group of men that were slowly approaching through the rubble. It took her a few moments of watching the pointing and wild gesturing to realize they were shouting questions at her. Wordlessly she allowed the men to check her over for injuries, and the broken or strained wrist was quickly bound.

“It’s a miracle you’re alive my lady, we’ve found no other survivors in this area.”

Nodding mutely she gripped fiercely onto one of the rescue party for support as she was led through destruction, her anger was still in evidence. However concern for her friend had also taken a hold of Astrid.

“Can you tell me anything of my friend? Daisela is her name. She would have been at the feast…”

“All the women and children were rushed to the tunnels Lady, I imagine your friend would have been with them. I’ll ask about for you once we’ve gotten you seen by a medic, I’m worried you might have a concussion, what with that nasty cut on your head.”

Reaching up to her forehead Astrid’s fingertips came away flaked with dry blood, she hadn’t even noticed… Just then the newly-wed women caught sight of a small child that had been crushed underneath a falling piece of debris. All the adrenaline drained out of her in a moment and the kind man who had offered to help look for Daisela held back her hair from her face as she vomited.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:40:31 AM
The city still burned, providing a horrifyingly glorious display of colors one ever laid their eyes upon. Thick clouds of roiling black smoke billowed skyward, forming gigantic mushroom clouds that blotted out the glow from the full midnight moon. Vibrant colors of fiery orange mixed with violent swirls of crimson red from the raging flames made the late hour look and feel as if it were high noon.

Cries of agony could still be heard from those trapped beneath the fallen bricks and concrete of the buildings smashed effortlessly by the huge flaming balls of fire. Muffled shouts from the tunnels, were the loved ones wept and prayed for the victims, were carried on the winds which seemed to suddenly gust from the North.

There was nothing any of them could have done, not in that moment, at least. Those who held suspicions that the peace was only a front would not gloat. To do so now would be to bring shame and embarassment to themselves - as well as their fellow officers. Those who hoped - or dared to believe - that peace had come at last, would find themselves forever scarred by the nights events. Never again would they trust those who violated the treated with such a heinous act.

The Generals didn't react - they acted. Flanking Sol, they made their way to the King's castle. To see the heros storm through the massive doors had to be an awe-inspiring and fear-inducing sight amongst the commoners and courtiers. Taking their rightful places, the Generals stood stoically as Sol approached King Hrothgar.

Portions of the verbal exchange between the two men went unheard, voices kept low. Then suddenly, the King had practically launched himself from the throne and lashed out at Sol, backhanding him hard enough to have the sound echo throughout the throne room.

The action surprised many, even stunned a few, drawing sharp gasps and visible cringes from many in attendance. Always ready to defend, all five Generals immediately grasped the hilts of their swords, ready to draw in defense of their leader. Yes, even against the King - if it were warranted.

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->"I would rather have my people wiped out than fall under the loss of our culture and religion. I will never allow filthy technology to stain our fine tradition, not as long as I'm alive!"<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><!--EZCODE FONT END-->, the King shouted.

Those words lost the King any respect that at least one of the Generals might have held for him. Alysha's slender fingers flexed and uncurled from the hilt repeatedly; her jawline tensed and relaxed as she gritted her teeth, biting back the strong urge to .. well .. to get herself beheaded faster than one could imagine. Alkimius shook his head, so subtlely that the motion could not be perceived by anyone whom was not standing directly at his side. She let go of the hilt...reluctantly.

As it appeared that the heated exchange were over and Sol was about to leave, a lowly messenger boy raced in, panting heavily, out of breath. Something was given to Sol, whom perused it quickly, then let it fall to the floor.

<!--EZCODE FONT START--><!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->"Scouts have been spotted in North Noria...."<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--><!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Alkimius cast a glance down to Alysha from the corner of his eye, and she looked back up to him. They knew exactly what that meant and what would be involved. The two looked at each for another minute, then turned sharply and marched out of the throne room with Sol.

Hushed conversation was exchanged among a few while they mounted their horses. Even the animals were on nerve. Prancing nervously, gnawing at their bits, whinnying and snorting with irritation.

A blond woman suddenly made her presence felt, approaching Sol. Alysha watched the two as Integra tried to coax a tender kiss from her husband; he just snubbed her and put her in her rightful place. Inside, Alysha smirked, but her outward appearance remained aloof.

As each horse fell into line and began to leave, Alysha made sure to pause in her passing of Integra.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Perhaps you should honor your husband - as well as your status to your people - by tending to them."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, she said while staring down at the woman.

She said what she wanted to, rarely being the type to mind her tongue and in this case, it was definitely appropriate to say as such. These people had just been attacked, many were killed or lay trapped and dying amidst the rubble and all this stuck up woman could think about was whether or not she'd get a kiss from her husband!

The last thing Intergra saw was the ***-end of Alysha's horse as she rode away.

Helena Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:41:45 AM
The fire had died off already, but the tragedy wasn't any lesser. As the women and children were herded into the safe place, screams and cries could be heard. Woman in pain, children lost from their mothers. Helena sighed and leaned up against a wall. It was cold on her bareback. Cold, but refeshing. She closed her eyes and attempted to drown out the painful noise. She wanted to escape this place, even if she could only do that in her mind.

All in the sudden, a child ran to her and began to cry. Something about her mother. Helena looked at the young child with a bewildered expression on her face. What could this child want with her? She knelled down, eye level with the tiny girl.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> "What's wrong?" <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->She questioned not knowing how to act around children. Words were barely formed by this little one, let alone sentences. Helena was beginning to get annoyed and frusterated.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> "I can't help you if you can't talk to me. Now, calm down and speak slowly."

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"I want my mommy." The child spit out between cries and screams.<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Helena sighed again. Her mother was probably killed in the bombing, but how was Helena going to explain that to her. By this time the girl wrapped her arms around Helena. This threw Helena off and she just let the girl stay like that for a few moments. Helena's handmaiden, Jasmine, walked over to her to see if Helena was okay. She just shook her head and basically shoved the little girl into Jasmine's arms. Jasmine looked confused at first, but took the girl with ease and tried to calm her down.

She just walked off and let the girl to her handmaiden. She wandered around and looked at all the misery that was packed into the room. Helena didn't know how to take it. The place she hated was destroyed, but she was still trapped and now people were wounded and dead. It seems she would never get what she wanted. But there was nothing she could do about that now. She just found a corner of the room that was less crowded and took a seat. She looked at her dress with a half-smile, atleast one thing she hated was destroyed and no one was hurt over her torn and tatered dress.

Gara Huss
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:44:39 AM
It's a typical night for a pair of Trejan soldiers who were given the annoying task of doing the night watch, but it had to be done and it wasn't up to them to decide. The sky in the vast distance seems to be a particular tone of red, sometimes a bad premonition in most cultures. There was a lot of fog that morning and the ocean seemed hungry for solar light.

"Two more hours and we're back to the shelter, I hate it out here." remarks one of the guards, obviously aggravated.

"My feelings exactly, brother, only tw-"

The guard finds himself no longer being able to speak, a horrible feeling begins rushing his body as he feels around his neck, finding a thick arrow that had penetrated it. The other guard watches in horror as a blade's tip emerges from his throat as if it were trying to escape. The two guards fall and their bodies roll down the sandy beach, but are soon shoved aside by a landing ship.

The large ship's ramp lowers and hundreds of soldiers run out, each taking positions to assassinate all guards that hadn't taken notice, those that did suffered more cunning deaths. Two more of the large ships cut the sand and lower their ramps, releasing yet more soldiers with large equipment of war. Their intentions were clear.

Ten more ships land to the left of the first, but those wouldn't be the last, they would be the tip of the iceberg. Hundreds of additional ships make their mark soon after, beginning the largest invasion force the Huss ever had to offer. A poor woman in particular is captured and the leading Huss grabs her face, lifting her in front of the soldiers as a precious trophy.



"Sol broke our king's neck, now we break this woman's.."

Said that, the brutal Huss general snaps the innocent woman's neck effortlessly, dropping her body to roll down the beach as just one of thousands being slaughtered in Northern Noria, but that city was not the target. The great army city of Lana would be their best trophy yet, unprepared and lustful for peace.

Angus Peledriel
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:56:43 AM
The continent of Pangea is very well known for its uncompromising desire for peace, however it is also known for not being populated by sitting ducks. The archipelago fortress city of Collaria is a fine example of this, a string of islands surrounded by magnificent walls that have never been breached. All of Treja's civil wars have been fought on the foreign continents, but the bombing of Demenor had changed that.

The biggest island hosts the great castle of the stewards that is governed by an Angus Peledriel, a steward son of stewards. It was an easy job, just sitting around all day and supervising the various commercial activities. News of the bombing had just made their way along with word of the king's forbiddance of any action.

Angus Peledriel blinks slowly as the sunrise begins illuminating the eastern coast, Collaria along with it. His right hand brings him some shadow when he hears a messenger boy run to him as he sits on the throne of the steward.

"Sir steward, our scouts sent word of a massive army gathering a few miles by the Narcorian border!!"

Angus quickly gets up from his seat, stepping closer to the boy as he grips his shoulders, the news had taken him by ugly surprise. After deliberating for a few seconds, he inquires:

"How many?!"

The boy looks aside, thinking of the right thing to say. At this point it was obvious that the number was not small and that things would have to get moving fast. He looks back into the eyes of Angus, not believing himself by answering:


Angus drops him and sits back on the throne after a loud thud, he looks into his war table and nods in determination.

"We can handle two hundred thousand, these walls can handle twice the amount."

The boy's eyes widen as he has been misunderstood, but his duty forces him to step closer to Collaria's leader as Angus returns his focus upon the boy, wondering what he wanted to say now.

"Not two hundred thousand sir, two million."

Angus' eyes widen as well as he covers his mouth to stop himself from screaming like a coward, he kicks his war table out the window in frustration as he circles the throne, his fist being bitten almost to the point of wounding.

"That's the entire Nark army, boy, are you sure??" he asks with clear fear, his sanity was hanging by a thread, he never had embraced such responsability before.

"Every last one of them, lord Peledriel, even their king."

Angus walks over to the beacon that lets every soldier know that they must get ready but his orders stand, they must not make a single agressive move unless being attacked first. The first attack might prove to be too lethal to counter with any success however. In other times of war, the legion of Collarian catapults would make the first move and pummel the attackers before they could even breathe, but now King Hrothgar had explicitly ordered the catapults to be put away.

Angus looks out the window and prays to the gods that the king would change his mind, every other soldier in Collaria just wishes to run and never look back after hearing the news of the massive army approaching.


Stratus Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:05:25 AM
<!--EZCODE LINK START-->Tranquility. That is what Stratus felt this evening. All was moving forward according to the King's orders, thus fulfilling their side of their treaty with neighboring adversaries. While it was true that his majesty bought into the treaty wholeheartedly, King Hrothgar was naive and being guided by the blind hope that his people could live in peace for the rest of eternity. By royal proclamation, relayed half-heartedly by their father, Stratus and Hadrian had been overseeing the disarmament of the cliffside city of Lana.

<!--EZCODE LINK END--> Thus far, things were going according to plan, and the mood flowing through the city mirrored that success as those dwelling within the municipality rejoiced as they too bought into the naive beliefs of their ruler that this treaty would be upheld.

"I just don't understand...." Stratus uttered, as he rested on the rail of an upper level balcony. "These people just don't get it." He then rose to his feet and turned to walk back inside, where his brother was going over the logistics of what they had completed so far. On paper, their job was nearly complete, but something just didn't feel right. "King Hrothgar has never fought against these armies. He has never stared them in the eye with his life on the line. Never had to watch as an innocent was slain. What makes him think he can trust a piece of paper?" With voice kept low, as many would consider his rant blasphemous, he continued toward Hadrian. "What do you think brother?" he inquired of his elder sibling.

With a resounding series of thumps on the solid wooden door, both captains made their way to the door, silently plotting the demise of whomever dared disturb them at this hour. Upon reaching the other side of the room, a set of hinges groaned in protest as a cowering young male appeared before them, lowered onto one knee. "I'm sorry my lords, but I have urgent news..." the unmistakable quiver of fear heard in the teen's tone as he feared for his life. It was well known that those who delivered ill-fated news rarely lived to see the dawn of a new day.

"Do not dare hold your tongue, what is it boy?" Stratus commanded.

"Sirs, across the way, an army is building. They plan to lay siege to this great city!" The show of panic on the boy's face suggested there was still more that he was not sharing. It was well known, even amongst the common folk who could not read nor write, that there had never been a successful attack made on Lana. Knowing this, the young Marz pressed the messenger further. "The rest of it. You and I know the history of this grand city, what is it that has you so terrified?"

"Sirs, the size of the army is greater than I have ever seen or heard of." With a grief sticken mask over his face, the boy looked up to face the captains, "Sirs, it's over a million."

Dorian Xelan
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:14:27 AM

A few hundred Visigodian archers, perhaps the best in all of Pangea show calm and brave faces as their blue war paint begins to smear them. The hard rain makes matters worse for them, but it wasn't the time to hesitate.

"Here they come...wait for my order!"

Thousands of women and children run past the frontline archers as riding warriors hop over with their <!--EZCODE LINK START-->tarnath<!--EZCODE LINK END-->; beasts of war, bird-like repitilians that could jump meters high. The dark clouds seem to be running along the fleeing citizens as the general spots the first few hundred enemy foot soldiers.


A rain of nearly perfectly aimed arrows completely wipe out the first row of Huss soldiers, halting the advance for a few seconds while the archers reload. Just as they are about to fire again, enemy arrows filter through the front row of enemies, bringing about the instant use of the women's shields. One arrow managed to tear away an archer's ear next to General Dorian Xelan and as the blood begins to soak the ground below her, she makes no sound or move.


The second defensive rain of arrows once again kills the entire Huss frontline, accurately sending them to the afterlife with an arrow to the forehead to each of the invaders. The Visigodians had many other means of defense, but they were still under repair from the last war and they had been taken by complete surprise.

"They keep coming! Our arrows won't be enough...!" yells the male general, there were very few males in the amazon-like city. The next wave of enemy arrows makes landfall, this time killing a few of the brave women out of mere chance.

Dorian is about to order the next attack, but then is horrified by the large wave of Huss fire bombers approaching in the distance.

"Huss fire bombers all the way here? Retreat immediately! To the caves!"

Fully disciplined, the women put away their vows and hastily begin the retreat, it would have been a complete waste of veteran warriors if they had stayed any longer. The city had been safely evacuated. The brave general is the last to begin the retreat as wave after wave of ships tear through the sand in the Visigodian coast.

"Didn't Pangea just form a blasted pact with these creatures?!" yells Dorian to himself as he turns his head to witness the humongous invasion force, he had never seen anything like it.

<!--EZCODE CENTER START--><!--EZCODE IMAGE START-->http://www.hyperjump.net/julian39/b4yaaa.jpg

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:36:55 AM

After a few hours of riding, Sol's horse begins showing signs of fatigue. They had made it halfway along the northern sea coast between Demenor and Lana as the sun rises with a particular shade of red. Not a good sign of things to come. Sol's armored horse comes to a complete halt before they can go through some bushes, backing away slowly. A puzzled Sol jumps off the horse and gently runs his hand up and down the horses' face.

"What's wrong lady? Tired already?"

Sol gives his generals and other volunteer soldiers a glance as he looks about the area and smells something uncommon of the lands, but very familiar.

"...or is something harassing your nostrils?"

Sol immediately ducks, the arrow slips past and hits a volunteer in the throat as he grips the arrow and gags in surprise and pain. A big group of Huss assassins emerge from the bushes and quickly go for the kill but their targets were no defenseless merchants. After ducking, Sol pulls his sword out and swings it downward an incoming Huss, splitting its forehead in half from the top as its darker blood sprays his armor and the horse's side.

Without having much of a chance to scream for any alerts, Sol turns to the opposite angle, catching another assassin by the neck, then quickly knees it and as the creature falls to its knees, Sol places both of his strong palms and twists the head, breaking it viciously. The amount was overwhelming but not impossible, Sol had dealt with much larger forces in the past. A sledgehammer lands on the back of his helmet however, throwing the brave commander forward as he tries to regain his focus. The brute attack had left him blind for a few seconds.

"No! Not now!!"

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:38:58 AM
Re: Ride To Lana And Fight For Your Destiny!<hr size="1"> Plumes of vapor spewed forth from the flared nostrils of Alysha's war horse, Aeris, as the rising sun worked hard to raise the temperatures of the midnight low that had dipped into the lower double digits. A thick, wet, heavy snow began to fall shortly before the midnight hour and continued through the night; blanketing the grounds, making it nearly impossible to see the trail ahead. Ice-crystals formed on the thick, long hairs that had grown to cover the lower ankle and hooves of Aeris; as well as on his mane and the ends of his full, bushy tail.

Silence. So much so that it was very unnerving. It felt as if a heavy, invisible cloak had just fallen over the dozen or so heading to Lana; smothering any noise or screams that could possibly be made, including the crunching made by the heavy hooves of the horses with each step into the frozen snow.

Gloved hands released the loose hold they had on the reins and lowered a deeply cowled hood from the rider's head with a light shake to rid the material of sparkling crystalized flakes of snow. Alysha looked around. Though she could not see anything, she sure sensed something. Aeris must have, as well for when Sol's own horse came to a sudden and complete stop, the rest seemed to follow in unison. Aeris began to prance in place nervously, gnawing away at his bit; enough to force a thick foam of saliva around his sharp jaw.

The General leaned forward, rubbing her gloved hand alongside of the war horse's neck, shushing softly into his ear. Aeris grew more nervous and whinnied his protest. It was very obvious the horse was not going to take another step further no matter how hard his mount might spur his side.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Aeris was a fine beast. Taut muscles, rigidly toned, and had seen plenty of wars. Though he was a fine stallion, he was quite ornary and had been growing restless. The horse seemed to want greener pastures to spend the rest of his days in where there would be nothing but peace. There were those who said that the beast had gone mad, literally, and strongly suggested he be shot.

It was when she thought none were looking that Alysha and Aeris first met. He was riled up, ready to charge and tromple the next person who dared to venture near. Until he heard her voice. To this day no one knows exactly what Alysha said to the magnificent animal, but whatever it was had settled him down considerably. She came to within three feet of Aeris, whom stood there staring her down while pawing the ground with one hooved foot; as if readying to rush at the petite woman and end her life in one fell swoop.

Alysha didn't move. Instead, she lowered her head as if bowing in respect and waited for Aeris to approach her. Had she known that others had suddenly grown very quiet and still; and had been watching in earnest, things may have turned out quite differently. Minutes passed - human and beast just standing there, unmoving. Aeris moved first, taking a step, and then another toward Alysha. It wasn't until he nudged her cheek with his velvety soft muzzle that she looked up and came eye to eye with the horse. ..<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> Taking a cue from Aeris' actions, Alysha unclasped the cloak and let it fall from her shoulders, then reached for the hilt of her sword. Aeris' ears twitched, and he whinnied again, just as Alysha caught a whistling sound. <!--EZCODE BOLD START-->'Incoming arrow!'<!--EZCODE BOLD END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, she immediately thought but didn't have enough time to shout out a warning. Luckily, Sol ducked just in time.

Immediately, she snapped the reins with one hand while brandishing her sword with the other. Aeris raced ahead as soon as the Huss emerged from the bushes. The Huss had their targets chosen before that first arrow was loosed, coming from what seemed like all directions at once and began to try closing a circle around the General and her horse. Aeris was smart for a beast. He reared up and used his mighty hooves to trample the Huss that was rushing toward them from the front as Alysha arched her sword from left to right and brought the blade down diagonally across the chest of another who advanced from the right. Blood spewed in all directions as her blade met its mark. The Huss fell, dropping his weapon as he looked up to the woman in utter shock and disdain.

A jerk of the reins spun Aeris around, his *** end knocking the third Huss off balance and sent it sprawling into the snow. A quick kick to the hindquarters and a snap of the reins sent the horse onward, allowing Alysha to adjust the grip upon the hilt and send the tip of the blade deep into the Huss' chest as they stormed past.


The noise snapped her attention to the direction it came from. She knew it was metal upon metal and immediately searched out the meleeing group to see whom had hit what. Her eyes had found Sol, just in time, as he went forward from a sharp blow to the back of his helmet.


Tufts of snow kicked up as Aeris shot off and charged straight through the melee, miraculously avoiding getting hit by anyone or anything. Things were pretty chaotic so it's not likely that anyone truly noticed a sword-wielding woman upon a racing horse driving its way through the battle.

The Huss who had slammed his weapon into the back of Sol's helmet took notice, though. He unleashed a wicked laugh and shifted his stance. Alysha, seeing this, whispered something into Aeris' ear. As the Huss lifted his mighty sledgehammer and readied to knock Alysha from her mount, she jumped off to the right and Aeris immediately stopped; rearing up with an angry whinny. The Huss never expected the action, and the pawing horse kept him busy. As he backed up a step and started to lift his weapon over his head a sword impaled itself into the Huss' chest. The sledgehammer teetered over the Huss' head before falling to the ground behind its owner.

Stunned, the Huss lowered its gaze to the woman on bent knee. He'd never seen her roll, then reverse direction to place herself perfectly to strike. Blood and spittle drooled from the corner of his mouth. With one good upward shove, the tip of her blade finally pierced the Huss' heart completely. It's eyes widened and he grunted from the pain; then he just sank to his knees and held Alysha's gaze until the life left his eyes.

Kiera Pandora
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:51:38 AM
Kiera, a warrior through and through, watches the Huss invaders from the back of her tarnath. Her woad, marking her face and body in tribal patterns, starts to smear in the rain. Grey eyes watched the Huss and the front line of her army… her and her sister’s army, to be more precise. She reached up to push her jeweled crown up, shoving some of her black hair out of her eyes as she did so.

Kiera Pandora was a queen. She and her elder sister, Valda, had decided to rule Visigodia jointly when their parents died, as neither girl could figure out who would rule best. They were near-opposites in personality, demeanor, and attributes, which is why it was difficult for them to choose between themselves. Somehow, their parents had figured they’d rule well together and, due to that, didn’t name an heir. And indeed, the Pandora Sisters did rule well together, balancing each other to perfection.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->"They keep coming! Our arrows won't be enough...!"<!--EZCODE ITALIC END--> Dorian’s voice came to her clearly over the sounds of coming battle. Grey eyes narrowed coldly. Her blood burned with the lust for battle, her ears ached for the screams of Huss as they were ripped to shreds by the talons and teeth of her tarnath, her eyes longed for the sight of blood and death. She started to turn her tarnath forward, but was stopped by one of her closest friends.

“My lady… you are queen. You should not be in the front lines.”

“I am but one queen of two, Lydia. I’m a tarnath rider… I’ve ridden tarnath longer than I’ve been queen,” she says, rubbing her tarnath’s neck.

“I know that. We’ve been friends since birth, Kiera. Trust me… Dorian needs you where you are. Please, my lady, stay.” Kiera looked warily at the smaller, blonde-haired Visigodian woman next to her, then nodded.

“I heed your wisdom.”

Shortly after Kiera spoke, the call for retreat came. Kiera wheeled her tarnath around and started riding towards the caves. She purposely kept her mount slow, however, as she tried to hang back and let Dorian catch up to her. She needed to talk strategy with her homeland’s general, as they would be defending the caves. She too had seen the size of the invading force.

Darius Tempest
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:53:39 AM
Not a few meters away from the ruckus, General Tempest deals with Huss on his own. His left arm's chain bow; an invention of his own, shoots multiple arrows at incoming enemies, taking down a sizeable amount while he tramples others with his white steed. It is at the crucial moment of Sol's own battle that he notices his fall, he would have saved him immediately had it not been for the female meddler.

"Blast that woman!" he yells within his mind, trampling more Huss as he rides to the scene and slices a few more before clearing the area, even Alysha's horse does not seem to like him. At this point, the heat of dawn and battle had near completely melted the snow away. Darius retrieves a medical kit as he quickly removes Sol's helmet and inspects for damage, but Sol's strong hand slaps the general's arm away.


Darius does not know what to make of his leader's rejection, but he sure finds a culprit in the eyes of the female. His eyes slowly narrow as he shoots a spiteful glare in her general direction. At this point the Huss assassins had been nearly wiped out and a few manage to escape, bringing the brief conflict to an abrupt end.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:54:55 AM
Re: Ride To Lana And Fight For Your Destiny!<hr size="1"> Typical of an end-of-battle scene, those left standing either remained where they were amongst the spilt blood or remounted their horses and formed a defensive perimeter around the immediate area. Their leader and General had nearly lost his life and needed a few minutes to shake the stars from his eyes and the dizziness from his head.

Alysha knew this. She also knew Sol well enough to realize that he is a very proud man, proud to the point of being self-centered and extremely arrogant; hence why she didn't dare approach the man whilst he was upon his knees. To do so would degrade the man and that is the very last thing in the world she would ever do to the man.

The femme fatal cast a sideglance toward Sol as she rose from bent knee and placed a booted foot against the chest of the Huss she had slain moments before he could steal Sol from this world. With a sick wet noise, she freed her blade and turned her attention from Sol to Darius, who seemed to be practically breaking his neck to get to Sol.

As she saw Darius dismount his horse and rush to aid the temporarily fallen General, Alysha took a step forward, as if she were going to signal Darius and halt him in his tracks. It wouldn't have done any good. Darius loathes her and would only see it in a negative way. So when Darius tried to help Sol, Alysha cast her eyes to her blade and began swiping the steel against the grass and snow, ridding the weapon of as much of the Huss blood as she possibly could.

She still managed to see Sol slap away Darius' arm and inwardly, Alysha cringed. Now she did look away, to scan the perimeter and note where the other Generals had taken up their positions at. When she turned back around, she did it just in time to catch the spiteful glare thrown to her by Darius' cold eyes.

This was too good to pass up, but she had to be careful. Quickly, Alysha took another look around to be sure that the other Generals weren't paying attention. Thankfully, they weren't. They all had their backs toward the trio and were busy watching the lines in case more of the enemy were lurking in the bushes, planning to ambush. Her eyes reverted back to meet Darius'. Slowly, a soft smirky smile parted her lips; which only seemed to anger Darius more. Alysha sheathed her weapon and walked over, maintaining eye contact with Darius the entire time. She even made it seem as if she were going to come nose to nose with Darius, then immediately strut past him and approached Sol.

Sure, later on when none were looking or paying attention, Sol may chastize the woman for the action she was so boldly about to take, but she could handle that if and when the time came. Though Sol could be and has been harsh toward her in the past, he always ended it with a gentle stroke to her cheek or a passionate kiss. His way of letting her know that he was only doing his job as both a man and a leader.

Gently, she placed a hand upon Sol's left shoulder and gave a very light squeeze. Then she leaned over and whispered into his ear, gently intoning that they must press on and inquiring if he was able to get to his feet. However, only Sol heard her murmured words. Darius, however, saw the female General lovingly tending to the leader - all the while maintaining a locked gaze with Darius. She even managed to hold a come hither smile, as if daring Darius to act on his feelings.

The look granted to her by Sol made her step back, though Darius wouldn't have seen it. Alysha was good at what she did - in all aspects of what she did - so the step away from Sol looked perfectly natural. She turned to face Darius and actually blew a kiss in his direction before returning to Aeris.

Alysha and Aeris proudly trotted past Darius as she returned to take up a defensive position to the right of Alkimius.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"They know we're coming."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, was all she said to the man. She had a feeling that this would not be the last of the ambushes before they reached Lana.

Helena Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:55:25 AM
While sitting on the floor, inspecting her dress with an amused look, Helena's mind began to wander again. She began to think of fleeing this awful place. Freedom. Helena whispered the word. It felt sweet on her lips. Sweet and reachable. It was a new feeling for Helena. She never thought that she could actually pull it off, but with the bombing and everybody running around, no one would even miss her. She was sure of that. This disaster was a blessing for her. The chaos would be her shield.

Quickly, a plan started formulating in her head. Her hand maiden’s would help her. She stood up and looked around for Constance, her must trusted servant. She spotted her near some of the other servants. Helena called her over and she came without question.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Quickly, Constance. Trade dresses with me." <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->She nodded and undressed, Helena did the same. She smiled with approval. This was going to work, she thought.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Listen to me." <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->She said pulling Constance close to mouth. She whispered her escape plan and how Constance would be her decoy. She nodded and without another word, Helena slipped through the crowd, unnoticed. As she was walking, she found an abandoned robe on the floor. She picked it up and threw it over her shoulders. She pulled the hood up over her head and continued to sneak through the sobbing, scared crowd. She reached the entrance and a solider stopped her.

She kept the hood covering her eyes.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"I'm sorry, ma'am. No one is allowed to leave until the city has been proclaimed safe."

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Helena just shook her head and pushed past him. He grabbed her arm and pulled her back. At that instance, Helena reached out her hand and slapped him across the face. She removed her hood and glared at the gaurd.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"No one speak to me like that. Don't you recognize me?!' <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->She demaned. The solider took a step back and bowed his head. "S-sorry, m'lady." He stammered. She smiled triumphantly and slid past him. Sometimes her fame came in handy.

Freedom at last, she thought as she made her way to the stables. She found a horse and jumped on his back like a true rider.

At this moment, she was truly happy that her brother taught her how to ride when she was younger. She remember sneaking out at night to fight and train with her brother. It was practice for him and a nice break from the 'lady training' for her. Night after night, she would use the weaponary with Sol and he would teach her how to ride. Good practice for both of them.

She rode off into the woods with her mind set on Cypra. For the moment, that would be her sanctuary.

Alkimius Govan
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:57:58 AM
Nearing the end of the intense battle, Alkimius rides up the hill between some trees as he executes a few remaining Huss with his fine blade. A few seconds later, he reaches the top and watches a few fleeing by using some type of giant reptilian bird, but could they be what he thought they'd be? It seemed irrational at the time. After he makes sure the grounds are safe, he turns his gaze to Sol and the other generals.

"They flee!"


He doesn't waste another second riding his steed towards his leader of so many glorious years, but thoughts of his family in Demenor invade his mind. He never even had the time to check wether they had survived the inferno, he simply followed Sol's actions like a true disciplined warrior.

During the few seconds he had to figure things out, he convinces himself that what he saw was real, that he never made mistakes when judging appearances. He was in formidable shape and during times of war, he always remained sharp.

"They fled and disappeared in the distance my lord, but if my eyes have fooled me, they used their Gormon birds..."

Speaking of birds, a messenger hawk lands on Alkimius' arm with a message, he unfolds the tiny scroll with haste, but not a moment passes without his complete horror being clearly displayed in his face. He's looked upon by the generals with sheer curiosity, and he bears the burden of having to pass on very bad news.

"Collaria is under siege, the Narks are attacking us as well....their army....!"

Integra Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 02:59:28 AM
Back in Demenor where destruction still smeared the moral of the survivors, Integra continued to sulk about the humiliating experience suffered. At this point she seriously considered violence on the female general while the king disappears with his son in the high tower. Such thoughts weren't appropiate for a lady of her caliber she thought.

A woman of Integra's stature would have no problem getting by the king's bodyguards since she would be the last person on the planet who would try to bring him any harm. Dead serious and decisive, she enters Hrothgar's high tower and begins walking up the steps but brings herself to a sudden halt when a conversation can be heard from the top:

"Sol means to destroy us all by destroying our religion, father."

That was the king's son, definately. His arrogant tone of voice was unmistakable. The words were bitter and manipulative and they interested her. Snitching was one of her favorite hobbies.

"He has fought and won so many battles for our lands, son. How can this be true?"

That didn't sound like the king, at least not from what she heard in the streets. Word had it that the king was irrational and overzealous during the brief emergency meeting between Sol and himself.

"He should be arrested as soon as possible, father. He's a threat to us all. I should be the commander of our military, I am your son!"

Integra's eyes widen in surprise and in pain, a sudden pain that had fallen upon her. It seems that during the raid she did not escape completely unscathed, her right arm had burnt a little, but her skin turned a strange green and scaly. It was freakish, she had to get this sudden defect fixed.


Jun 6th, 2007, 03:01:10 AM
In the dark world of Narcoria, king Larcus opens his eyes and notices a female Nark slacking off on her duties, not nearly scrubbing his body as fast as she could. He slaps her sponge away and a different female takes her place. The Nark king is being cleaned before wearing the sacred armor of Narcoria.

"Good enough, leave me alone now."

Larcus steps off the tub in the nude, making his way to the highest balcony in the entire kingdom. A brute wind flaps his long ears as deafening sound follows. The last army to leave the kingdom -the last of the males in the entire continent- cheer for their king proudly and fearlessly. They were thirsty for war after the humiliating treaty that saw the death of the Huss king, who they considered their brother.

Larcus slowly raises his arms and the huge army comes to a complete halt. A storm creates thunder far in the south, giving the moment more atmosphere.

"This war is not wise, my brethren!" he loudly declares, stunning the entire crowd. The front armies were about to launch the siege that would definately see them as the ultimate victors in the war to end all wars and the king bursts into a lecture of peace?!

"We will all..."

Larcus drops to his knees and places his hand on his forehead as he mutters gibberish and some drools makes its way out. His bodyguards immediately rush to his aid and see that no harm had fallen upon him, but something was piercing his mind at the moment. A mere headache? The king returns to his previous stance and blows the horn of war that pumps adrenaline into every last soldier. Now things made more sense to the confused, now the king was playing the right tune.

"Let's leave not a single human alive!!!" he screams, winning the complete approval and devotion of the army. The ground rumbles and trees rattle, the army begins its march towards Collaria, towards the destruction of the Pangeans. Once and for all.

Gara Huss
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:03:13 AM
While the flames of war consume the devastated Pangean city of Northern Noria, a Huss soldier makes his way towards the commander. His halt has him stand on the head of a dead child with an innocent gaze. It was total war. Every man, woman and child would be quickly executed. The goal wasn't even to win the war, but to exterminate every last human on the planet.

"We've executed the last of the humans in the city, commander."

The commander of the Huss war effort smiles as his narrow eyes scout the horizon. Just over the imposing mountains of Lana, it's invincible fortress posed the greatest challenge he'd ever face.

"What about the fleet in Visigodia?"

The soldier makes a child-like expression, feeling like a complete idiot after forgetting such an important detail. It was around this time that the last supply ships were unloading their fierce cargo; cannons. Not distant yet forbidden technology in Huss culture.

"The forces have already sent the Visigodians running, my lord. The city is being overrun as we speak."

The commander shoves the runt out of the way as he picks up his walking speed slightly, just over the small sand hill on the blood-stained beach where he headed to lied a horizon-tearing army that would be too much for any eye. His imposing growl earns the attention of every high-ranking Huss and runt alike as it echoes throughout the shores.


Horns are blown that excite every soldier, the moment had arrived. Their king would be avenged! The lush lands of Pangea would feed them to bursting! Lana would face her greatest challenge yet. A million Huss with artillery to boot, more advanced ways of killing. The commander would not walk with mere grunts however, he makes his way towards his ship and the crew arranges quick sailing. He would witness the most glorious day in their history in the front of the army. Whatever buildings still standing collapse, bodies twitch artificialy, blood splashes as the giant army begins heading to the north: to the army city of Lana

Angus Peledriel
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:05:01 AM
The formidable fortress archipelago of Collaria trembles in absurd ways. A general aura of confusion and despair surrounds every man with common sense in the main island. The man in charge does nothing but sit on the steward's throne with a gaze that gave him away to a five year old child. This man was stressed, sick and worried, his job is to protect Collaria but he had been ordered to follow something that totaly went against it.


Just outside of the fortress, not a mile away by sea, the most massive army of Narks is assembling for an obvious siege. Angus had been there for his city before, but mere raids were easy and forgetable all the same. This was an invasion, an army assembled to rid him and the rest of his kind of their existence. He waited for the chance. the turn of events that would bring sense and reason to the situation. Sweat runs down his face as his desire to protect his land gripped his heart like a cry for help.

"Any news from the king?" he asks, losing hope with every second wasted. Outside of the steward's tower, the force of fifty thousand for the main island alone run to the gates and begin barricading. Archers run up the multiple stairs as they take their assigned positions. They catapults were put away and with that about half of their defensive capabilities.

"I received an envelope just now, Peledriel Steward, and king Hrothgar forbids you from attacking the Narks at all, even if they keep attacking us. He believes the peace treaty can still be saved..."

Before Angus can say anything, a giant rock tears through the tower, taking the messenger and a few servants with it as rock falls and smoke rises. Angus slowly opens his eyes in surprise that his life hadn't left him. The tower had no roof now and he could see the army from his fallen position. The infantry was making way for ....machines? Steel monsters that were pulled by renodonts. Huge beasts with unwordly horns that rivaled the height of most towers in Collaria.

"Hrothgar, what have you done...?!"

The beasts of war were so massive that catapults could be used from their backs, the same catapults that had struck moments ago. The machines pulled by the renodonts looked like giant blocks with gears that seemed to allow them to unfold. Their wooden wheels could barely support the weight.

"They will use those to charge directly? They have never done this before.."

Angus rushes down the tower with the remnants of his servitude, he would wear his armor of war and decide wether following the king's orders was the safest option for the people he has to protect.

Daisela Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:06:00 AM
Grime clustered upon porcelain skin doust by soot and pooling sweat uproaring Daisela's nostril in crinkled disgust. Swine. Useless, tainted, fearful. Had she been reduced as such or was it her own cynical being that twisted reality into some monstrous form. Clinched teeth grated sharply together as azure eyes beheld the tears of the women and children who displayed all intentions of giving up, to lay and rot with the maggots. Daisela would never do as such.

Traipsing a soiled hand through her golden mane, rabid thoughts of an escape frantically danced around. Neither choice posed to be advantageous, a dismal refrain echoed in the wake. Nails cleaved into tender skin as Daisela balled dainty hands into fists, her knuckles turning a ghostly shade. Rippling swells of red liquid waved over her soft skin, staining the peach tincture with crimson.

Rancor emotion tarnished the demure and gentle ladiness of Daisela - it turned volatile, unwavering. Dismissing the queer stares from the other maidens and their babes, the young woman unfurled her fingers which allowed the blood to flush without restraint. Narrowed in determination were her now serious eyes, a wave of heat raped through her body as she felt as though something had gone terribly wrong. Something amiss, something other than the tragic downfall of the beloved Demenor. Astrid. She had to find her adored friend.

Hastily charging through the hoards of the citizens, Daisela ignored the raving of those she carelessly clumped her body into. Feeling a grasp onto her arm, a ball of saliva chocked up into her throat as she searched desperately for her voice to scream out. Doe-eyed, Daisela searched to her captor and sneered in blatant revolt.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"I'm sorry Miss, but I can't allow you to travel back. It's too dangerous...you must stay here," <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> words sounded out as though it were some becon from a siren - the voice belonging to a burly man. Someone not of great importantce...atleast not to the maiden.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"I don't know what your trauma is, Sir, but I suggest you release me at once before you regret it," <!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->as meek and soothing as her voice had been showered with -even during times of distress and rage- oceanic eyes fueled with a fire of ferocious intent.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Shoving out a gust of agravated breath, the man released his clutch upon the woman and unapprovingly shrugged off her decision. Blasting beyond him, Daisela scampered down the tunnels without a second notion to look across her shoulder to the safety she left behind.

Dorian Xelan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:07:17 AM
An unstoppable hell begins raining upon the isolated city of Visigodia, bringing down its beautiful architecture and dense jungle flora with horrible precision as the hundreds of thousands of Huss continue their merciless advance. They slaughter each and any stragglers that were unfortunate enough to not make it to the shelters. A dagger flies through the warzone, bursting a Huss' eye as the Visigodian general continues to rear the retreat. He unties his hair and wipes the war paint off his face, since the rain had smeared it to the point of annoyance.

"They are gaining on us! Archers! Head start maneuver!"

The archers running ahead of Dorian immediately turn around, quickly forming a few lines and release a storm of arrows that slaughters the front lines of the advancing Huss army once more as an accidental fire bomb incinerates some lines behind the fallen invaders. Just as quickly, the continue the retreat as the general catches up to queen Kiera Pandora and reports the situation.

"Milady, it doesn't look good. Take the tarnath and yourself to safety as I buy us some more time!"


While all this is being said and done, the retreat had not stopped, the last of the Visigodian warriors were only a few yards away from the cave gates but the swarm of Huss kept advancing and to safely barricade the gates would take a few minutes in the least.

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:08:25 AM
As the dust settles and the stream of blood begins weakening, Sol slowly regains his composure as his eyes open once again. To his annoyance and surprise, he realizes that his armor had been wiped clean and that his sword had been seathed; it was probably that pestering Tempest. Sol stands once again, but continues to feel a strange dizziness as he leans against his horse. His blurry gaze manages to scan Alysha and the aforementioned man as he mutters:


"I can take care of myself...but you have my gratitude."

Sol hears general Govan's message and is not surprised, after all, that's what he would have done if he had been a Nark. However, Alkimius wasn't done, meaning that there was a worse untold part in that message. The big oak tree begins casting its shadow upon the men as the sun continues to rise, perhaps symbolizing what was to come.

"Finish the message, Alkimius."

General Govan clears his throat as his horrified expression had not faded. It would be very bad news indeed if such a seasoned man can be frightened, but the news had to be told, there was no stopping destiny.


"The Narks have unleashed their entire army upon Collaria, commander. Two million of them, possibly even their king."

Sol closes his eyes and takes it like a man, he had fought enough wars and had seen enough dead to aknowledge the danger, but he would not let any grief, any threat lower his morale. The scope of the war would mean the end for whoever falls. If it had to be the end for Sol's people, they would go out like true warriors.

"It is obvious that we are being watched, that we have an infiltrator upon us." claims Sol, and his words echo Alysha's. The type of information needed about Sol and his caravan could only come from someone with influence, not the average mercenary scum. One of their own people. He would not reveal his thoughts as he could possibly be wrong, as the traitor might be but a meter from him.

"Alysha, ride to Collaria and hold the city at all costs. It pains me to have to send one of my finest generals away but we both have duties to fulfill now."

Sol turns his determined gaze upon the rest of the generals and captains. General Wintermoon was strong and resourceful, but he couldn't bring himself to send her alone.

"I'll need a volunteer to accompany Alysha."

That's all Sol needed to say on the subject and before Sol could even begin to imagine about the cowardice of his men, a red-headed Rudo Dreitner steps forth.


"I will go with her, commander."

Sol gives General Dreitner a rare proud smile, it was the best thing to give such a friend and fellow veteran from so many battles. It was perhaps because it would be the last time that he'd see his friend.

It was perhaps the last dawn of Pangea.

Kiera Pandora
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:09:44 AM
"Were the numbers fewer, Dorian, I would suggest that the tarnath riders attack," Kiera says. "How do you suggest we buy our people some time? Shoot a few more firebombers?"

The woman's clear grey eyes hold obvious worry. She's not the sort of woman to hide while her warriors fight, however. She'd much prefer to be leading from the front, leading her warriors to victory.

"I dislike these odds. Something about this entire thing sets me on edge. Why are they attacking our nation?"

As she speaks, she reins in her tarnath just inside the cave gates.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:11:04 AM
Then there were two<hr size="1"> When given a command, one must follow; no matter how absurd or senseless the command may be. It rattled the young woman's nerves to hear that Sol was now breaking up what little party he had with him in this deadly endeavor, but his order was obeyed.

Mounted upon Aeris as Sol asked for a volunteer to join Alysha in what could very well have been their own ride to greeting the reaper, she wasn't surprised when Darius turned away. He never would have volunteered for such a thing. His ire had been risen to the point of nearly exploding when Alysha stole his thunderous glory of rescuing Sol from certain death. His ire should have erupted like a bubbling volcano when Sol allowed the vivacious young woman near him when he himself was pushed aside. Darius controlled his emotions, though, and this was a good thing. Mentally, she bets her life that had it been she whom was about to knock upon death's cold, black door ... Darius would not have risen his blade to save her life.

Rudo stepped forward with no hesitation. He, along with the remaining Generals, had developed a deep and profound respect for the young lady. She'd proven herself time and time again in their eyes. Alysha granted the red-haired pale-faced man a very subtle nod, then cast a final glance to Sol.

After the horses had their fill from the nearby river, the two militants raced off through the forest, retracing the path they had just spent the past twenty-four hours travelling. It was safe, after all. They knew that the Huss had not been able to flank their small war party, but that didn't mean Rudo or Alysha let their guard down. In fact ... their senses seemed to be heightened moreso now since their recent squirmish with the Huss ambush.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Alysha."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, Rudo called to his travelling companion. She didn't hear. Or, if she did, no response was returned. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Alysha!"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> That seemed to draw the dark haired woman back from distant memories that apparently crept from the depths of her mind to keep her occupied.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"What is it?"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Alysha pulled Aeris to a slow gait and looked across the open expanse of land they would soon have to traverse in order to reach the mountain pass. It was nearing the noon hour by now and they still had another three or four hours of hard riding ahead of them.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"First. Slow down. Don't exert the horses just yet. They'll need their energy to get over the pass. Second ... have you been working out a plan?"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Tyr, Rudo's magnificent stallion, gnawed against the bit in its mouth and snorted a few deep breaths through flared nostrils.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Of course I have! What kind of a question is that to ask of me, Rudo? You know me far better than that."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Alsyha's response was stated in a tone of offense. Rudo just sat there, high upon his horse, hiding an amused smirk. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Just making sure. Seems like you were somewhere else for the past hour."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

General Wintermoon just looked at the man. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"We'd better get moving. The war won't wait for us and you heard Alkimius. Collaria's in trouble."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Just as Alysha was about to nudge Aeris into motion, Rudo reached over and took a hold of the reins. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Whoa! You also heard the King. You cannot disregard his order, General."<!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--> Alysha's head snapped around and dangerously narrowed eyes collided with Rudo's, forcing the man to immediately drop the reins of her horse and raise his hands to ward off the verbal lashing he was sure to receive. "Screw the King! The man is mad to think that the people are just going to sit around and allow themselves to be slaughtered like stupid cattle!"<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Rudo never had a chance to respond. Aeris took off like a bullet shot from a gun and began racing across the open expanse of Demenor and heading toward the trecherous mountain pass they'd have to cross in order to reach the edge of the Collaria Sea.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Damn! That blasted woman is going to be the death of me."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, Rudo angrily muttered as he kicked Tyr into high gear and raced after his companion.

Integra Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:11:59 AM
The pile of the dead had only gotten bigger after the first night. Integra continues to stand at the tower's entrance. As soon as the conversation between prince Wigliff and king Hrothgar ends, she begins making her way up the tower, her loud food steps an announcement to her presence. When she makes it to the top, she finds the king and his heir placing pieces on a board map, seemingly having plans of their own.

"Greetings my prince, my king."

A slight nod from both men is given, intrigued by her presence.

"My entire family is gone from my sight, I am alone and if his majesty allows it, I may keep him company."

The king chuckles softly, then pats his son's back as he nods in return and exits the room, minding different matters.

"Of course you can stay by my side, lady Integra. My dead wife can't keep me company anymore, with her rotting under the ground and all."

Integra fakes a laugh immediately, apprently disgusted by the remark. It didn't take her long to wonder wether Sol would be the same way after she passes away. She takes a seat with elegance, crossing her legs as she looks out the window, the stench of the dead had not quit its horrid campaign yet.

"Can we win this war, my king?" she inquires, perhaps by getting in the king's mind, she could help her husband with the war effort.

"There will be no war, Integra. I will save the peace." claims the king, Integra was confident that he was the only human to think so.

Darius Tempest
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:13:15 AM
The horses are put to the test once more. Dirt, rocks, water, nothing seemed to stop the brave stallions as Sol and his caravan continue to ride to Lana, to war. Seemingly bothered by the recent split, General Tempest can't bring his unease to an end, staring at Sol's sword and hair as they continue to ride. It was a weird infatuation with the general, something few dared to comment about, given the man's size.

Darius hesitates for a moment, he felt the urgent need to speak to the commander, it was just then that they had left the forest, a couple of hours more and the cliffside army city would become visible. Finaly, Darius' horse runs parallel to Sol's, bluntly asking the question.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE BOLD START-->"Do you think it's a good idea to send those two alone? I don't trust Alysha."<!--EZCODE BOLD END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->The question isn't asked in a low tone, since they were riding. It takes the generals and captains by complete surprise as they look into each other's eyes. Even the horses seem surprised, whining about loudly. Two seconds pass, Darius' horse loses pace slightly, the man had received a glare that told him everything he needed to know.

Alkimius Govan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:15:27 AM
"That's enough, general Tempest. We have to use all our energy for--"

Alkimius' horse comes to a sudden halt, a nearby farming village burnt after what seemed like a random, vicious attack. In the last note received by Demenor, he was informed of these scattered massacres upon innocent farming villages. It seemed like their enemies truly wanted to wipe out each and every last one of them. Alkimius quickly steps down from his horse after witnessing a small child emerging from a heap of dead bodies. The boy was naked and screaming as he ran towards him.


"Boy! Who did this?!" screams Alkimius, the boy was apparently too shocked and traumatized to be rational and coherent. Alkimius proceeds to pick him up and wrap him in clothing as a captain takes him from his arms. They had to take the poor orphan with them.

"Sol, it's obvious that victory in Lana and Collaria is vital. Something has driven our enemies mad and they now solely seek to destroy us."

Sol begins to think of more ways to end the conflict quick, a long bloody war would devastate his lands. The morale had been lowered by the worst crisis he ever had to fight against.


"Let's pick up the pace then, at this rate my sons shall perish."

The riders resume their long journey, they had about two hours to arrive to Lana before the Huss reach the cliffside fortress and wreak havoc.

Jun 6th, 2007, 03:17:14 AM
The horns of war continue to pump adrenaline deep in the hearts of King Larcus' army of every single male in Narcorian civilization. Dust rises meters high, the earth itself shakes as if scared of the gigantic army. The frontline assault had already started and without Collaria's catapults to crush them, they would weaken their defenses in no time. Two million of his soldiers against a mere three hundred thousand Pangean soldiers would not shake their resolve, would not deter their destiny as future rulers of Treja.

The frontline by the sea, which could never truly spearhead the islands of Collaria witness the gigantic renodonts as they continue to pull their massive unfoldable steel bridges as they finaly reach the edge of the beach.

"Start!" yells a Nark general. The rhytmitic screams of the army would have sent any man running. the sheer scale of the army was illogical, perhaps suicidal. None of the men standing on the Collarian islands would ever see such a sight again.Only the females and the young children remained in Narcoria, just beyond the deadly Nark forest.


Almost as if a huge beast was calling for war, the metallic sound of the bridges pierces the ears of the men in the island chain. They scream in panic and horror as the first unfoldable bridge begins unfolding forward, shortening the gap between Narcoria and Collaria. Water splashes collosaly, sending waves one hundred feet high crashing against the fortresses and drowning the Narcorian frontlines immediately as they are swept back to the sea.

The Nark general's eyes widen in surprise, the tidal waves had been unexpected.

"Retreat slightly for the next unfold!"

Those who survived the wave join the subsequent lines behind, retreating just enough so that the next unfold would not drown them.

"It's the end for Pangea."

Valda Pandora
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:24:21 AM
Valda paced back and forth, her long, well-muscled legs taking her far in a small amount of time, so quickly that she had to turn and make her way back to where she started. As she pivoted to look around, those same muscles rippled beneath her skin, showing off the fruits of her training.

Growling, she scanned the area...here she was...war had begun...and those humans...those who shunned them and exiled them only because women weren't allowed to fight...they were again watching her people die. She wouldnt allow it to happen any longer.

As her ice blue eyes looked over her people, she released a low, feral growl, something like that of a tiger. The people were afraid, and she hated them to feel this way...like it would be the end. She would not allow them to die this day. If anyone was to die, it would be her for her people. She tried to calm them, but to no avail. What she needed was a good speech or something to create better morale, but at that particular moment, she could think of nothing. There were other things on Valda's mind.

She had already finished the preperations...everything was ready, and yet she was alone, while her sister and Dorian were not here yet...what in the hell did they think they were doing. Whatever it was they had better get their butts in soon, or else they wouldn't have to worry about the approaching enemy, but her instead.

Helena Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:25:51 AM
It wasn't until her horse wanted to stop, that Helena stopped riding. It seems like they rode for hours before their first break. Helena jumped off the horse and they found a clearing to rest in the shade. She tied the horse to a tree near a small stream and went exploring.

In her exploration she found another clearing near by that looked like it was a campsite. There was the remands of a fire pit, dead grass and a couple bags that were left behind. Helena glanced around to make sure no one was around before she took a look in the bags. She took a seat and pulled the first one over to her. Disappointment crossed her face as she only found clothes in the first bag. Helena threw that one aside and grabbed the other bag. This one contained more interesting things. She pulled out some cooking utensils, a recipe book, an old journal, some sketches and some drawing tools. First, she unrolled the sketches. They were beautiful. Some were of children, some of a family and others of landscaping and a small house. They were so beautiful. Whoever did them was really good at drawing and sketching. Helena gently placed those aside and picked up the journal.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE IMAGE START-->http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v206/Starryeyed3119/StarWars%20Stuff/oldbook.jpg<!--EZCODE IMAGE END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->She flipped it open and another sketch floated to the ground. It was a sketch of a man in uniform. Helena figured that he might be the keeper of the journal. She flipped through the pages and found much more than she wanted.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><!--EZCODE FONT START-->"He left again. He left for war. I have a feeling that he won't be coming back this time. I am tempted to start searching for another father for my children. A father who is not in the army. Someone who does not follow Sol on his missions. Damn Sol. Damn my husband and damn me for loving him."<!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Helena's eyes became enraged as she read the final journal entry.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><!--EZCODE FONT START-->"I was right. My children are now fatherless."<!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START-->Tears fell down her cheek. War had caused so many deaths. Her brother had caused so many deaths. Helena turned to the very first page and read the whole journal. There weren't very many entries, it seemed the woman only wrote when her husband was away for war. Helena searched the journal and all the belongings in the bags for a clue to who wrote this journal, but there was nothing. Wiping her tears away, Helena stood up. She gathered a few of the clothes, the sketches and the journal and placed them one of the bags. The placed it over her shoulder and went back to find her horse.

At that moment, Helena hated her brother. She detested him from the fact that he killed people and she loathed him for being related to her. Helena continued her ride to Cypra filled with disgust.

Gara Huss
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:27:22 AM
The mighty Huss army continues its massive advance to Lana as the battle ships continue to sail along the coast. The army found itself at least three hours away from the near invincible fortress city, the destroyers were two hours away. It would be a surprise attack upon the humans, something no weakling could survive, even the strongest of warriors would be tested to the limit. They expected the western army to be temporarily disarmed as agreement in the latest treaty and would use the most powerful strike in their history to wipe them all out. The dry earth dividing the fallen Northern Noria and Lana robbed the soldiers from their energy, but their resolve remained. The army seemed to go on and on, it would be a downpur of lives that not even courage could stand against.


"March! March! March!" screamed the captains and generals infiltrated deep in the ranks of the sea of soldiers. One general in particular receives a satisfying message from the southern war effort.

"My general, Visigodia has been destroyed, we will proceed to kill the survivors in the caves and proceed to march to Scanta and gather with the third army." said the note. Indeed. Three armies had split in the mighty landing. An army of a million Huss marched to Lana while half a million conquered Visigodia and the other half invaded Scanta from the west. Once Visigodia is destroyed and Scanta wiped out, Cypra would be ripe for the taking. The mindless Huss continue to march, seemingly driven by a powerful force and determination extremely uncommon of them.

Angus Peledriel
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:28:35 AM
The island chain city of Collaria continues to be pounded by neverending catapult projectiles, shaking the fortress to its very foundation. The steward tumbles to the side as a huge boulder crashes down upon an armory, spitting swords and human pieces as smoke invades the paths. Angus reaches the subterranean level and finds the few lieutenants in charge of the eastern army, planning a strategy already.

"Lord Peledriel, we figure that placing the catapults back in place will take us around two hours, then we can begin the defense and squash the beasts.."

Angus takes his seat as he covers his mouth in deep thought, another strong tremor brings some dirt on the soldiers' heads.


"I regret to inform you that the king has forbidden us from attacking the Narcorians at all."

The men are obviously stunned, their city was being pummeled by catapults and their extending metal bridges were closing in on their coast.

"Has the king finaly lost it, Angus?! We will all die!"

Angus continues to think of what to do, if he were to disobey the king, success or failure would bring him down instantly. If he disobeyed the king and repelled the massive Nark siege, he'd be a hero and forever remembered.

"How long can we hold out without violence?" he inquired, seeking the king's alternative at first. The lieutenants have no choice but to answer, they had to follow orders as well.

"Without doing a thing, my lord, only a day."

Angus explores other options in his head, he wanted to survive as much as the next man, but his easy life would be immediately stripped.

"What if we use our archers and fire?" he asks now, frightened to the bone as two strong tremors bring down various ornaments in the room.

"Around three or four days, my lord. How long do you need us to hold on for?"

Angus gets up from his seat and leans against the crumbling wall, tapping his sword gently as sweat runs down his face. He never thought the day would come for his worth to be tested.

"That will depend on your king, soldier."

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:29:27 AM
"Screw the King!"<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, came a heated shout as the doors to Angus' chambers where thrust open forcefully. In strode a slender woman, dirtied and haggard from what should have been a six hour ride across country and sea inlet that became more like eight hours; thanks to an ambush she and Rudo rushed into just before reaching the Pangea shores.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Your people are going to be slaughtered and all your King can say is don't retaliate?! Are you going to stand by and allow your people to be butchered!?"<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Alysha Wintermoon, General of Sol's army, had hit the point of having had enough when the peace treaty was broken upon their return to Demenor. Sol's family, his people, were brutally attacked before the ink could dry on the papers.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Because if you are going to do that, you might as well abdicate the throne and join the Narks in slitting the throats of your people."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Rudo stood behind Alysha, watching the fiery young lady pretty much spit on the Steward's shoes. The nostrils of her button nose flared with each deep exhalation of breath. The two were exhausted, literally, from their journey; but each was filled with a blazing passion that kept them sustained.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Get those catapults up and ready to defend, lieutenants."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, the General commanded of the Stewards men as her gaze remained fixated upon Angus. The man stared at her, aghast - and maybe a little impressed at her daring.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"I would ask you for forgiveness, M'lord, at my boldness. However, my fellow comrade and I have just been ambushed - twice! - not too mention seeing our children and families brutally killed."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Even as they stood there, seemingly staring each other down, the imposing sounds of impending doom could be heard as the Narks continued to make their way to Collaria.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"There is no more time, my lord. We need to prepare the defenses, move the woman and children, and organize the men."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->, she said, finally breaking the deathly silence choking the chamber.

Angus Peledriel
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:30:39 AM
Seemingly shaken, Angus is looked upon by the lieutenants to confirm his blessing -not that they would need it with high ranking generals in the room- but they seeked it nonetheless. With a slight nod by Angus, they rush and the bells begin alerting all the soldiers to take their positions. It's then that the steward slams the doors leading up the surface as he retakes his seat.

"You're here much sooner than I expected, did you fly here?" he jokes, but the ongoing matters were not humorous at all. His joking tone changes to a more serious one as he sighs in relief.

"I was hoping a high ranking officer would arrive, but you're much more than I hoped. With you here, I bear no responsibility for disobeying the king."

Angus grips the side of the table as the infamous metallic sounds of the bridges become louder. The soldiers outside look in awe as they pull the catapults to the higher levels. The mammoth extending bridges continue to come closer and cover more water, they were heavy enough so that the oncoming storm would not become a problem.

"That sounds like their new weapons. Someone has given the Narks more advanced, forbidden technology it seems. If they connect both the mainlands, their bigger counterparts will charge us along with their infantry. You better lead the best campaign of your lives, generals."

Dorian Xelan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:31:47 AM
A stray arrow cuts through the wind as it apparently aims for the side of General Xelan's head, but a quick swing of his sword cuts it in two, sending the two parts spinning through the myst.

"My queen, I will take a few warriors and displace the big boulders up the hill, they will roll down here and block the caves, that should buy us a few hours while we evacuate the people through the back exit."

As the rain falls, the seasoned female archers stare upon their queen without shame, but with pride. They would do whatever she said. In fact, they hoped she would go to the caves and be safe, they would rather die a thousand times over than watch their beloved monarchs fall. The ground tremors intensify as Hussian Renodonts, the hairy brethren of the Narcorian renodonts are unloaded on the distant ocean. Danger would embrace them soon, it was no time to play around for the Visigodians as fire continues to rain on the destroyed city, turning it into nothing more than a barren wasteland.

The unavoidable screams of the fools that stayed behind can be heard from miles away. Dorian stares at the wet dirt as he awaits Kiera's answer, but can't help to think of Valda's reaction. His pain mimics the suffering of the people as he turns his gaze upon his queen once more.


Daisela Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:32:31 AM
Blares from the wagering combat imitated into endless sounds throughout the tunnels that shook Daisela to the bone. Caked blood tarnished her balmy skin into a cranberry stain that had now been marred with the dirt that was batched there from before. Tears of fury streaked down her cheeks as she silently damned herself; Daisela had always sworn to protect Astrid, to be there for her. Now, she felt like a traitor. A liar.

Grinding her teeth into audible tones of rancid disenchantment, Daisela, though exhausted from running, she coerced her body to press on. Thoughts of her childhood with her adored friend pranced through her thoughts, momentarily breaking into swelled memories of her beloved husband, Hadrian. Hadrian. He promised her everything...promised her happiness. Until now, he had kept his word.

The tunnels were a labyrinth of deceit causing Daisela to trail back to where she had almost begun. Smoltering aromas of newly rotted corpses tainted her sense of smell, a nauseated feeling lurking within. The maiden choked on the reflex from such fragrences, but refused to entertain it further.

A recognizable form had developed, shaping into Astrid. For a moment the maiden paused, as if disbelief had crossed her mind. Sneaking a bit further along in utter silence, azure eyes widened with an exhilerated tone. Fueled by the discovery of her childhood friend, Daisela quickened her pace until she was by Astrid's side.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"Oh, Astrid. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" <!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> A maternal nature crept over Daisela as she looked over Astrid in sheer worry over her companion. Sapphire eyes looked to the other maiden in searching for forgiveness - had Daisela been there, maybe she would have been alright.<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

"I'm sorry...I...should have been here."

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:34:09 AM
Sol and his caravan of generals and captains continue to ride as fast as they can, tiring their horses more often than they should. The stormy sky seems to carry the sound of the marching enemy armies as myst consumes their vision. Just one more hour of riding and they would be there, they had defied time and hopelessness in the face of pure courage. At this point they would not bother to stop if they saw the corpses of slaughtered farmers, they had seen enough, the cowardly raids upon the innocent had been executed sometime prior to the bombing it seemed.

News of the massacres in Northern Noria and Visigodia has striken his heart. Even if the rest of Pangea did not get along with the southern exhiles, Sol viewed their military heart as invaluable. Now news of the Huss depletion perplexed him. If they sent a large enough army straight to Gara Huss before even repelling the invaders, they would not meet any resistance. Both enemy continents had sent every last warrior or so they were lead to believe that.

"Almost there..." thinks Sol, pushing himself to the limit, the soldiers had not slept but an hour or two before the surprise attack and before that Sol had battled his enemies to the point of pure exhaustion. He was tired of the killing, the blood, the stench of rotten corpses, the fire, the screams. All he wanted at this point was to farm, to feel the fertile earth, to watch his sons start families of their own and grow a proud grandfather.

Now he had to fight one last time in order to accomplish his dreams and go back to the life he desired. The very dreams he holds dear are his only source of energy and courage.

Epsilon Draukkar
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:38:06 AM
Sixteen Hours Ago...<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

He had taken his leave as soon as the peace treaty had been declared - glad to be finally rid of the torment of war. Like any soldier, he had earnt his respite following the many pitched battles that had nearly stripped him of his life on severl occasions.
Having no wife, no child, and no family -his parents had adamantly detested his choice to follow a career as a soldier, so they had drifted apart in the past 8 years- he wished to return to in the city of Demenor, Epsilon had chosen to flee to the Lake Ambrosia some 2 hours horse ride southeast of Demenor.

He'd not bothered to keep track of the days since he'd departed from Sol's forces. It could have been weeks ago since the young man had made taken his hard earned respite. But he cared not. He lay there, staring at the evening stars, relaxing, fighting off the demons that threatened to snatch away his humanity if he closed his eyes. The demons that invaded his dreams ever since he'd struck down his first foe.

Eventually, with time, the young man known as Epsilon Draukkar, succumbed to the sweet temptation of slumber, and drifted into a seductive dream of peace and serenity - two things he had not seen since the innocence of his childhood.

He lay by a large evergreen, some 50 yards from the western shore of the lake, and suddenly awoke in a cold sweat. The dream had not lasted long, and the demons turned it in to a nightmare - one all too real. Even the last explosion that rocked the dreamstate battlefield seemed almost too real.

"Still dark..." He muttered to himself, as he sat up slowly, rest his head in his hands.

Gathering his thoughts, Epsilon stood up and took in his surroundings. Everything seemed normal to him, the same as he had left before he drifted to sleep. His mount, a roan, grazed off to his right, the soft swishing of the tide against the shoreline offering a subtle harmony to the insects disturbing the otherwise calm night. But something had not quite set right, but he wasn't sure, still a little dazed by his sudden awakening.

Another thunderclap sounded in the distance. But it wasn't thunder, it sounded like... "NO!" He screamed, bolting to his feet as the realisation hit him, and he noticed that which sat out of place... The blood red sky above. A pair of tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, as he gazed beyond the single evergreen, toward the direction of Demenor, towards the inferno that he could see even from the distance he stood. The tears of frustration, "What has happened... Peace?" He asked himself stupidly, before his training kicked in, the confusion turning to anger, and then turning into an instinctive adrenaline rush as he found his focus.

He gathered his possessions, and dressed quickly. He threw on his undergarments and leather pants, then bound his studded leather armour to his body, followed by the twin short blades that had served him so well. He then pulled on his worn boots, tying them quickly.

He stood there, fully dressed, coming in just shy of six feet. Black hair fell loosely about his shoulders, just past shoulder length, and his handsome young looks showed him to be just past his 20th summer.

Gathering up his bedroll, and throwing his gear into his field pack, he ran to his startled mount, throwing the saddle over the roan's back, strapping it down. He then placed the bridle on gently, adjusting it propperly.

Swinging up in to the saddle, he urged his mount foward at a gollap. He headed northwest, towards his home - the home he could see was in danger.


As he crested a final hill, Epsilon's two brown eyes grew wide, and a primal roar escaped his throat. Demenor was in tatters, a shadow of its former self. Fires raged about everywhere, and still the sounds of the wounded and dying could be heard echoing on the winds that passed him.

He turned his mount in a rage, and drove his heels into the roan's flanks, the beast charging at full gallop east, toward Collaria.

The anticipation, the fear, and the anger clouded his perception of time as he approached the fortress, and beheld the army he stood to fight against.

Drawing in his breath sharply, Epsilon Draukkar cursed softly, and urged his mount towards the compound, being stopped only momentarily by the tower guards manning the gates.

"I must speak with whoever is in charge here. Bring me to them immediately!" He roared.

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:40:29 AM
Angus' jest went unnoticed. Neither Alysha nor Rudo found anything funny about the dire situation and their expressions remained as hard and cold as stone. Both Generals knew that the search for approval by the lieutenants from Angus was more out of respect than anything else and the way Alysha's gaze bore into the Steward's soul guaranteed no argument would be forth coming.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"I was hoping a high ranking officer would arrive, but you're much more than I hoped. With you here, I bear no responsibility for disobeying the king."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> said Angus; a gleam in his eye sparkled upon the realization that he now had a legitimate scapegoat for disobeying a direct order from the King.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"I'd be more worried of having the people under my rule and protection uprising in anger once they learned of my deceit in allowing them to be slaughtered than the pitiful punishment any King could have delivered."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> she said in response, her tone chilling, void of emotion.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"After all, they are the ones who insure that you live in luxury from their hard-earned tax money."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

As Angus grasped the edges of the table and listened to the Narks approach draw ever closer, Alysha slowly closed the distance until she was standing directly across from the Steward.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"That sounds like their new weapons. Someone has given the Narks more advanced, forbidden technology it seems. If they connect both the mainlands, their bigger counterparts will charge us and not only their infantry. You better lead the best campaign in your lives, generals."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Gee ... you think?"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> the volatile tempered young woman retorted as she mimicked his posture and leaned forward over the table to stare directly at him.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"And you had best scuttle your cowardly *** from these chambers and see to it that the women and children all reach safety. Now get out of here and tend to those who cannot defend themselves and leave the war efforts to General Dreitner, myself, and those worthy of their rank."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Angus, though generally good-hearted, lacked a conviction necessary to truly lead. He was already dead and just didn't realize it yet. Alysha figured the man would tuck tail and run at the first sign of immenant danger, leaving his people to fend for themselves against the Narks and sealing their fates. The Steward tried in vain to stare the femme fatal down and failed miserably. With a glance to Rudo, Angus left the throne room to do as the irascible woman ordered.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Bravo, bravo."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Rudo chimed in, clapping his hands thrice, slowly. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Such passion. Allow that passion to dictate your actions, as well as your blade, and Collaria just might win the battle."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Alysha remained poised at the table, her attention shifted to the arched stained glass window and the sound of the advancing army nearing Collaria's coast. Wondering if she had heard anything he said, Rudo took a step toward her but stopped once she lowered her head in what he assumed to be deep thought.

Clattering armor echoed in the corridors as a tower guard raced to the throne room, a man following in his wake. The guard came to abrupt halt as soon as he entered the throne room and saw Rudo ready to draw his weapon and Alysha bent over a table.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"State your business."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Rudo ordered of the man. The guard was given no chance to respond as Epsilon entered.

<!--EZCODE FONT START--> Alysha didn't hear them, focused solely on coming up with a strategy that would give the benefit of doubt to Collaria and help insure a victory. "Arrange the catapults to begin taking out the bridges."<!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--> she murmured under her breath. One of two of the runners whom remained behind when Angus left ran off to find one of the other officers to relay the order. "I want archers ready with fire arrows along the two tiers here..."<!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE FONT START--> she said as she moved her hands over the map recently unfurled and spread out on the table. The second runner hurried over to see the plan Alysha was already devising. ".. and here. Another deployment of archers are to be lined up in two columns, here and here; put the swordsmen behind them."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> She'd covered the most vulnerable and most likely areas of attack.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"And summon every able bodied man to serve. See to it they are armored and weaponed with steel, crossbows, bows, and anything else that will serve as a weapon."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

The runner rushed off, skirting around Epsilon and Rudo. Alysha turned from the table and finally took notice of the new arrival.

Angus Peledriel
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:42:50 AM
Speechless, shaken and ashamed by Alysha's words, Angus turns his gaze to her direction as he exits. He continued to hold on the door's frame as more projectiles shatter endless lives.

"Do not think me a coward, General Wintermoon, I want what you want, but sometimes we must fend for ourselves."

Having said that, Angus calls forth a lieutenant and orders him to begin the evacuation of all the innocent, the women and the children. Horns are blow as a huge sea of infants and women run in a panicky manner, stepping over each other like fleeing cattle as he watches a horrible sight. A projectile rock lands on a group of refugees and crushes them, bringing about their immediate deaths as he falls to his knees. The horrible sight and resolve of the enemy very nearly turned him insane in that moment, grabbing his head with both hands.

"I must continue...." he screams in his mind, he is picked up by some soldiers who easily recognize him as he is slapped back into reason. The catapults continued to emerge from the giant warehouse in the other end of the island, opposite from the end facing the Nark army. Many of the catapults had been set back in place as soldiers push and drag carts full of the pices that had fallen off shattered buildings.

"Watch out!!" screams the soldier next to him, shoving the steward out of the way, the savior is instantly killed by another projectile as a bloody stream emerges from the unearthly mess. Angus had been taught a lesson in life twice in less than half a day.

Jun 6th, 2007, 03:45:21 AM
"Forward!" screams the commander, it would not be much longer before the king arrived to witness the mighty battle. Disturbingly loud metal howls pierce the ears of the Nark army as well as the frightened Collarians. The metal bridge continues to extend toward the beach, it would only be a matter of moments before the entire army could cross the ocean. Trees collapse as more renodonts continue to pull two additional bridges, soldiers make way for the mammoth animals as a trail of steam covers those near enough. The Narks had used an incredible amount of metal which is supposed to be sacred under their tradition and forbidden from its use. Nothing seemed to make sense anymore.

"Narkites!" screams the same commander, bringing about the brutal outcasts of the Nark race. They were deformed, much larger Narcorians that seemed to only live for the worst hardships. They wear dark helmets that had tiny holes, barely enough for them to see through. their bodies were roughly five times larger than the average Narks.

"Narkites! You have never fought for your land before, but now you have the chance! Prove yourselves worthy and earn your freedom!"

The Narkite army was made of a few thousand of the huge beasts, but their furious behavior during war made them nearly invincible hand to hand. They all roar in unison as chains hold them back from crossing the ocean, it was not time yet, though not for much longer.

Kiera Pandora
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:47:49 AM
Kiera watches the arrow bits spin away, then reaches out to touch Dorian's hand.

"Dorian, my general... I trust your wisdom," she says softly. "Choose the warriors you will take with you. I will pray for your safety as I stay by my sister's right hand."

A strange look entered Kiera's eyes. Dorian knows how she feels for him. The whole of Visigodia knows how she feels. She leans over and kisses his cheek. "Try to come back safe, eh?" She turns to the warriors.

"Ladies. Those of you that go with General Xelan have my blessing, and my prayers. Those that stay will help my sister and myself evacuate your sisters from these cave systems. Let's get this done."

She gives Dorian a smile, then turns her tarnath around and rides over to the other tarnath riders. She'd like to follow him, to lead her people to victory, but she knew that matters of the heart had to take the backseat to matters of the nation.

Dorian Xelan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:48:39 AM
Dorian's expression of pain suddenly changes to one of determination. He nods and only has to look at a few warriors for them to follow him as he mounts his horse and begins the ride uphill where the giant boulders layed. Dorian quickly makes sure that the queen is safe as he signals the warriors to begin pushing with all their might.

"It's not working...!"

The general dismounts and tosses each warrior a log, sticking them under the boulders to ease up the pressure as they begin to budge. The Huss army arrives and take notice of the refugees fleeing to the caves, lining up their archers to execute as many as they can before charging in. A deep, wild rumble robs their attention as the boulders begin rolling, squishing whatever fools stood in the way as they crash against the cave entrance, one after another.

"We did it! Now take your people to safety, my queens."

Dorian's eyes widen as the dust settles, they had gained the attention of the massive army, the sky becomes covered by arrows as they cut through the warm winds. The arrows make landfall, killing every warrior on sight, they were simply too many to dodge even for the most skilled veterans.

"Fools, it won't take us long to remove the boulders and then we will massacre every man, woman and child." sneers the Huss leader as the repugnant creatures quickly begin to surround the boulders with thick rope. The stomps of the huss renodonts grow in strength as they approach just over the hills. The blood of the brave streams down the path that the giant boulders had just taken, filtering through the arrows that had dug in the earth and flesh moments ago.

Cronus Kosan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:51:55 AM
Embers reflected in the teenager’s eyes, a low glow of burning wood littered casually amongst rubble on the place where his home once stood. Crimson blood seeped from the cracks, life ebbing away silently into the warm and humid air as the boy leaned forward on his bow for support. Around him, the shattered remains of a village still flickered in sombre orange flames, swaying and wilting as if lamenting its loss. Beneath the coarse fragments of stone were his family, probably, but Cronus couldn’t bear to confirm his conclusion, maybe if he didn’t see them dead they’d tap him on the shoulder as he turned away. He tried it, death stared back.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--> For a moment, his legs wouldn’t move, paralyzed by the bitter reality of where he stood. Before him lay quiescent ruins and in front a charred countryside, he stood in the middle with nothing except his horse and bow. He hadn’t named the steed yet, having only recently acquired her, but he couldn’t focus on such a trivial matter at the moment, unfortunately. The breeze brought no fresh smells, no gentle relief; instead it wrought more signs of decay and suffering. The nameless horse was kneeling, strange behaviour for an animal he thought. Mounting reluctantly, the beast stood up hastily, taking him by surprise as he clasped for the rein. “Why mount? There’s no place to go, no final destination. I should be dead like everyone else I know…”<!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->, he whispered mournfully in it’s ear. He burrowed his head in the Mane to escape; he wanted to hide in the black hair until he was swept away by the sands of time…

<!--EZCODE LINK START--> A roof beam fell and splintered into the ground, echoing through the decrepit buildings that clung to inaction with fragmented rock. Startled and awaking quickly, Cronus had slept peacefully the whole night, much to his disgust. Dust still enveloped the air, burning the inside of his lungs as he coughed, trying to purge himself of the rancid substance without success. Blue streaks pierced the yellow lining of the sky above as he rode through the debris, looking for signs of life. All he found were white-faced spectres rotting in the sunlight, there was nothing still living here, even the flies hadn’t sought out this meal. A sinister aura had besieged the area, death had warped the force in this place and it had a profound effect on the ranger and seemingly the local wildlife. It felt like any happiness was warped from him and replaced with a hollow depression that writhed beneath the surface, but he couldn’t leave, for there was no where to go (http://www.deviantart.com/view/7339749/)<!--EZCODE LINK END-->...

Stratus Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:53:51 AM
The silence that still lingered in the room was uncommon for the warrior brothers, especially after such news of impending doom as was just delivered to their ears. Turning and ushering the boy out, Stratus closed the door, once again leaving the two generals alone. "What is it?" the younger sibling prodded of his elder half. "What is on your mind that has kept you from speaking?"

"It is not just our inevitable battle that is upcoming," Hadrian began, "But another unfortunate occurence that has not yet reached your young ears." With the most solemn of expression covering his face that Stratus had seen from his brother since the start of the horrid war, the elder Marz rose from his desk and moved before his sibling. With a slightly befuddled look masking Stratus' own features, Hadrian continued, "It is back home, where Father was celebrating..."

As the sudden realization struck him, Stratus stumbled forward and forced himself to lean upon the desk, "Nooo....they've attacked Demenor as well?" he gasped, the flooding waves of emotion flowing through him as he fought to maintain control. "Survivors?" was all he could bring himself to ask as he slowly began to regain his composure. He, afterall, was a captain, and should be used to keeping his composure during times and trials such as these. His father was a great man, and the grandest military man the universe had ever known. Surely he had survived and was still alive.....right?

Reaching out and resting a hand upon his brother's shoulder to comfort the younger man, Hadrian remained at Stratus' side. "There were many casualties, that much can go without saying for the moment. However, Father and the other generals are alright. In fact, I have received word that they are on their way to join us here in Lana. We are to re-activate the military presence we still maintain within this grand city and prepare for the General's arrival."

"I knew this treaty would not be upheld. We all KNEW this!" Stratus bellowed within the wooden confines of their room, his voice echoing louder than he had intended. "Why was King Hrothgar so naive to buy into anything those aliens promised?!" The voice of Captain Stratus was now more pleading than angry. "Why was he so naive? Why must more innocents be slain and coat this land in their blood before his majesty understands just who and what we are dealing with?"

With a firm pat upon the back, Hadrian, as the eldest, lead the way through the grand oak doors and from their room. "I know..." was all he could utter in response to his brother's words. "Now come, let us prepare the armies for the general's arrival. We both know he does not like to be disappointed..." The final statement was spoken with a light chuckle from Hadrian, quickly followed by one of the same from Stratus as the words reached his ears.

"Indeed he does not..." was the final reply as the two men stepped out and set foot into the streets of the city once more.

Alkimius Govan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:56:32 AM
Just over the hills, the very peak of the towers of Lana could be seen as Sol's caravan stumbles upon yet another destroyed village. This one however, had a survivor. The sun had been a bright red throughout the day, the very symbol of blood in their culture, it did not speak well of the future.

"Sol, let's stop for a minute, it seems there is survivor!"

Alkimius slowly approaches the mounted man with his own steed as he observes him closely, it seemed that the survivor soldier had just gone through some rough times. Against his own judgement, he places his right hand on the man's shoulder, shaking him back to sense.

"Soldier, do you need help? We're heading to Lana, these lands will be very unsafe very soon. You better come with us."

Cronus Kosan
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:57:58 AM
He had been staring at the same place for quite some time, as if someone would break through the rubble and tell him everything was going to be alright. He hadn’t cried, hadn’t felt anything in all that time, sat in emotional neutrality with just the wind and his horse to accompany him. Eventually, he heard the approach of a group behind him, foreign bodies to this place, his place. They didn’t interest him though, too content to sit in a melancholy state for eternity with the vividly white horse to sustain him, until a hand touched his shoulder.

<!--EZCODE ITALIC START--><!--EZCODE FONT START-->“Soldier, do you need help? We're heading to Lana, these lands will be very unsafe very soon. You better come with us.”<!--EZCODE FONT END--><!--EZCODE ITALIC END-->

Turning his head revealed the pale face of a deprived young man, looking barely a day over sixteen. His complexion was fair, contrasting to the abrasive effect his surroundings possessed and the rough bow on his back. With a half-interested look, he responded with a cold and dead tone.

“I’m no soldier, not yet.”

He paused, still wanting to cling to his homeland, wanting to turn the offer down and enter his seclusion, but he couldn’t. Through the frozen caverns of his heart still lay a pulse of reason, one that didn’t want to calmly die in a wasteland, it wanted to live again.

“But I’ll fight, lead the way.”

He turned his horse and made a polite bow to the rest of the caravan, feeling slightly outmatched in terms of armour, weaponry and stature. Being from such a small village meant he knew not who these people were, but looks told him enough for now.

Gara Huss
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:59:32 AM
March! March! March!

The massive, endless swarm of Huss soldiers continue their deadly march to Lana, a few thousand had been worked to death by pushing the modern, heavy artillery, simply collapsing on the sandy lands and left behind to rot after outliving their usefulness. A strange force continues to drive the relentless army until the towers of Lana could be seen. They had arrived.

"Commander, we have only lost two thousand men pushing the artillery." reports the grunt, he would soon find out about his idiotic choice of words as a large and battle hardened hand grips his throat.

"I'm not the commander, you little slug. I am your KING. My father is dead and I am his one and only heir! I am Becrum Molto (http://www.hyperjump.net/julian39/BecrumMolto1.jpg)!"

A loud snap is heard amongst the ranks as the army stops a few miles away from the nearest Lanan watch tower. The sea had become red thanks to the warning morning sun. The body of the grunt falls on the feet of the imposing Huss monarch.

Silence prevails as the Huss infantry gazes upon the direction of the mighty fortress of Lana. Never before had the city been conquered but no such army had tried the task before. A million veteran Huss were ready to lay waste to the pride of Pangea for the first and last time.

Becrum, king of Gara Huss stands a clear seven feet, five inches and weighed in at three hundred and fifty pounds. The massive specimen of a Huss takes a deep breath as his sword is raised, clearly standing out even in such a massive army. His breath is released as he screams:


The army... "Huss!!"









The war cries echo throughout the coast as even the citizens and soldier deep within the walls of Lana are able to feel the passion and blood lust that the invaders evoked.

Epsilon Draukkar
Jun 6th, 2007, 04:01:05 AM
He was quickly escorted toward what obviously seemed to be Collaria's throne room, and staging grounds for the defense of the city.

As he entered the room, a man piqued up and challenged the guard, hands on the hilt of his sword, "State your business."

Epsilon glanced the man up and down, his eyes shifting to the woman bent over a table.

"Stow your weapon if you want to keep your head." Epsilon growled ever so softly, misunderstanding the man's intentions, "I'm not here to cause a fight, ser."

The woman finally glanced up at him, and Epsilon recognized her immediately. Drawing himself to attention, he inclined his head respectfully, "General Wintermoon, I apologise for the interuption." He ignored the other man, and turned his attention to Alysha, kneeling, "My Lady, Corporal Epsilon Draukkar of the 15th Mounted Platoon, Eastern Army, returning from leave. Your orders?"

Alysha Wintermoon
Jun 6th, 2007, 10:35:57 AM
Re: Deadly March To Lana<hr size="1"> <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"My Lady, Corporal Epsilon Draukkar of the 15th Mounted Platoon, Eastern Army, returning from leave. Your orders?"<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

Alysha said nothing for the next few minutes. The fires raging in the young man's eyes gave the woman an idea that would give Collaria quite an advantage over the Narks.

At least, temporarily.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Welcome to Hell, Corporal. Follow me."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

A glance flickered to Rudo told him to follow along as well. The two Generals and the Corporal paraded from the throne room, down the spiraling stone steps and out into a courtyard.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Rudo, find Lieutenant Severius. Gather up some of the men and bring out all of the oil and tar you can find. Take it to the north and eastern coast. Trenches need to be dug and the oil and tar poured in."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Rudo's eyes went wide. Judging by the sounds of the approaching Nark army, there wasn't any time. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"But .."<!--EZCODE FONT END--> he started to stammer. <!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Just do it!"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Rudo lowered his eyes and bowed his head slightly, then spun on his heels and obeyed the order.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"Corporal, hunt down the Steward. Tell him there's been a change in plans and to get the elderly, the women and the children to the western shores. He needs to get them evacuated to Pangea. After you've done that, meet me in the south. Bring men with you."<!--EZCODE FONT END-->


Everyone worked until their muscles screamed in agony to get the trenches dug and the flamable liquids poured into place. Soldiers continued to try and slow down the advancing enemy with the catapults, knocking out some of the massive unfolding bridges as they were laid across the water. But it wasn't enough to stop the advance. Alysha knew it wouldn't be. A single area along the western shores was spared of the trenches, allowing Angus and his aids to evacuate as many as they could. The evacuations would continue as Alysha shot a flaming arrow into the air, signaling that the trenches were to be lit.

As the first few unfolding bridges struck the shores, the entire perimeter of the main island went up in flames. The sudden appearance of them forced many advancing Narks back, recoiling from the fiery defensive line. The flames shot ever skyward and thick black smoke billowed and roiled even higher. Within moments, the entire island appeared to be engulfed; steady winds helped to spread the disorienting smoke across the land. Word had been sent to the second largest island, as well. They were told what to do, how to evacuate, and to watch for the signal. Everything would take place simultaneously.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"ARCHERS!"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> Alysha shouted as she ran toward the castle stronghold. Seconds later, the whistling scream of flaming arrows was heard overhead as the archers released the first volley against the Narks. Alysha bound up and around the stairs of the outerwall and took a position facing the north. With bow in hand and a fire-arrow nocked, she targeted her victim and held steady.<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"ARCHERS!"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> she commanded again, sending the second volley into the enemy just as return fire from the Narks could be heard overhead.

Alysha watched her victim through brief breaks in the thick black smoke. She watched as the arrow embedded itself deep into the intendeds back and sent his body staggering forward. He tried to twist, to avoid the flaming trench, but it was in vain. She strained to hear above the roar of the flames and the cries from the battlefield, Alysha took calloused pleasure the agonized wail that seemed to come from the very heart of the burning trenches.


The war raged on. Many hours had passed as the fires began to lose their will to seek freedom in the skies. Smoke that was once thick and pitch black had dimmed to shades of gray. Narks began invading, swords started to clang as the Collarian army began the most stressful area of war. To stay alive and take down as many of the enemy as possible before their souls are claimed by the Gods.

Or the Devil.

Alysha held her ground at the outerwall as long as she was able to, even though many archers around her had fallen within the first few minutes of battle. She paused for a minute, gazing to the land below. Comrades engaged in heated battle, falling victim to the strong might of the Nark soliders, staining the once pristine land crimson red. No longer could the vibrant green grasses or yellow-gold tips of the wheat fields be seen. Bathed by the blood spilt; needlessly, senselessly. From above, the scene looked like a million maggots feasting pleasurably upon the rotting flesh of carion that had been long dead; each fighting for their share in the rancid meal.

Then and there she vowed to spend the rest of her life seeking out the fool who broke the peace treaty. Their head would be served to Sol upon a gleaming silver platter then stuffed and mounted upon the gates of Demenor for all to see.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT FOR YOUR LIVES!"<!--EZCODE FONT END--> she shouted as she emerged from the stronghold and entered the battlefield herself. With renewed passion, Alysha shot arrow after arrow into enemy advancing, seeking to taste the blood of a seasoned General. What a strike that would be against Collaria! To have the soldiers see a high ranking officer stricken down. The moral would be devestated, their will to live would dwindle, making it easier for the Narks to succeed in achieving their end goal of total annihiliation.

The time to draw sword and go head-to-head against the enemy had come. Her bow and quiver were thrown aside and a gleaming steel blade withdrawn. Just in time, too, as a Nark soldier rushed forth, hellbent on slaying Alysha where she stood. A step to the left, a spin upon her heel, and her blade spliced across the Narks upper abdomin. There was no time to stop. The motion was went with and she arched her blade up and over her head to swing it down and send the razorsharp tip into the heart of the next Nark.

Sol Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:51:13 AM
While Collaria witnessed its biggest battle in history, another battle of staggering proportions would soon begin in Collaria. A battle that would see hundreds of thousands of souls clash against each other, heroes would die, heroes would rise. A small caravan led by commander Sol Marz of the Pangean Army emerges from the forrest surrounding the impenetrable mountains of Lana.

Sol's younger brother; Jurgen, loudly laughs as he notices quite the image in the coast's horizon as the noon sun begins its work upon their war-torn skin. The beautiful ocean hundreds of feet below the coast cliff seemed calm enough that one would forget the world was witnessing yet another one of its wars.

"Isn't that quite the enormous mirage, Sol?" Jurgen points, wiping saliva off his chin as he finishes taking a sip from a bottle. Sol narrows his eyes to focus better south of Lana, where a big desert separates it from the destroyed Northern Noria.

"That's no mirage, Jurgen. That's the Huss army..."


Sol takes a deep breath as he watches the enormous army continue some type of rally, drums and horns went off as if they were being used to attacka target right at that moment. The very ground shakes from their exploits. Jurgen whistles as he becomes obviously impressed, turning his horse to face the narrow path leading to Lana's gate, the only entrance to the mighty fortress that protected the unconquered city.

"This means that the siege has not started yet, my sons will not have to suffer my absence during this battle."

Sol's caravan continues to ride as the gates open, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were already preparing for the invasion. Catapults were in place, the fire-proof metal shutters for the entire city were in place. The archers protect the lookouts in the towers outside the gates as huge spherical boulders are placed by the gates ready to be released on orders. Oil continues to boil on the top of the towers as men exit the armory, recovering their recently collected weapons.

Sol dismounts as captain Crixus Odo welcomes him to the city, followed by a platoon of seasoned veterans. It was no secret that the men in Lana would be as valueable to the war as Sol himself, since the very men based in the city are Pangea's finest, most experienced warriors.

"Captain Odo, my sons please."

Alkimius Govan
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:52:17 AM
General Alkimius Govan follows Sol as always, engrossed in deep thought as he stares into the ground. The Huss army was a good five miles away, but their rally could be felt vibrantly. He felt confident that they could win this war and end it for good, but that great sacrifices had to be made.

After Sol orders him and the two other generals to remain outside the gates, Alkimius flips a piece of connie meat that he had recently hunted in the woods, perhaps his first meal since the long voyage had begun. General Tempest and Danove converse not far from him as the Huss army continues its notorious rally.

"We shall win this war." he claims as the attention of the two other generals is earned. They slowly walk over to him and help themselves with the food he'd spent the last few moments fixing as Alkimius takes a sip from his cup.

"If the Huss attempt to invade Lana from the usual path, they won't stand a chance." he adds, ripping the flesh from the bone. He tosses the remains as various rodents start fighting over it, squirming away.

"Not to mention, our finest army and best generals are here."

Darius Tempest
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:53:22 AM
"Have they not been using different methods lately, Alkimius?"

General Tempest wipes the sweat off his forehead as he removes his helmet, the bright sun continues to work on an unwanted tan as he gulps on some water.

"Regardless, without that woman here to screw things up, we shall triumph."

An annoyed glance from general Govan and Danove is given to Tempest as he shakes his head and scoffs, he had enough of the other generals sticking up to her. He would never accept her or believe that she earned her position.

"Don't look at me that way, we all know what's going on between Sol and Alysha. Are we nothing but fools?"

Alkimius and Klamus look at each other and then to the ground, it seems that the illicit relationship between their fellow female general and their commander had become a taboo, not to be spoken about as long as it didn't affect the war effort.

But it did.

"She may be a skilled warrior, but she has not earned her rank. We have killed thousands during years to achieve our positions, we have all nearly died, we have triumphed in the face of suicidal missions."

Tempest stares to the horizon and puts his helmet back on. A nasty rain strom approaches the landscape as the Huss army does inexplicable rituals. Fire harmlessly burns atop their Hussian renodonts as spears and cannon round are shot out to sea. Something beyond explanation motivated the creatures, only time would tell who is pulling the strings.

Jun 6th, 2007, 11:54:19 AM
The first giant unfoldable bridge crashes on the shores of the main Collaria island as the general's sword sharply points ahead. A disturbing moment of silence invades the coasts as the human soldiers quickly open the gates and emerge by the thousands to greet their enemies with Collarian steel.

"Slay them all!" screams the Nark general from the home coast as thousands of soldiers run accross the ocean without much trouble. The design of the metal bridges was flawless, but is soon besieged by catapult projectiles as the bridge is temporarily leaned to the side, throwing countless Narks to the hungry oceans. Another catapult projectile lands on the first few thousand soldiers to make it past the bridge, crushing them instantly.

"Don't stop, attack the enemy or meet my blade!" screams the vicious veteran Nark as the army continues to pour an endless stream of soldiers. This time the infantry that manages to cross the ocean unharmed meets the awaiting Collarian soldiers as the two forces clash with tremendous force, arrows annihiliate countless more Narks as they just continue advancing as if not a single one of them had been killed.

The general falls on his **** as a giant flame engulfs the frontline warriors advancing as screams and shrieks of pain and horror can be heard miles away. Narks jump to the ocean on fire as catapults do double duty, mercifuly finishing off many more Narks on fire. The general gets back on his feet as he observes from his land's coast as the charge is halted by the humongous fire now surrounding Collaria.

"Concentrate catapult fire on the fire blocking our birdge."

Rounds of catapult fire begin landing and crushing the ground on fire, spitting dirt and molten rock all over as it helps extinguish part of it. The Nark general seems surprised by the cunning command but it would not diminish his morale, his life was at stake.

As the hours pass, the fire finaly is extinguished as the charge is renewed, swords clash between the defending humans and the invading Narks as the general holds a critical key, the one that would release the savage Narkites.

"Earn your freedom!" screams the general as the savage monsters take off in a fit of rage, shoving the regular soldiers out of their way as they fall into the ocean and quickly drown. The ferocious beasts proceed to slaughter the humans quickly, crushing them under their feet as they use the local palm trees to swipe them off their feet. The general smirks at the results as he begins work on his next move.

"Unleash the fleet."

Angus Peledriel
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:55:41 AM
The evacuation of the Collarian civilians is well underway. Countless fishing and military boats ferry the innocent from the shores of the main Collarian island back to continental Pangea as Angus sighs in relief. Perhaps losing the fortress would not be as devastating if the people were saved but thoughts of losing his statue begin haunting him.

His eyes grow wide in fear and surprise as Alysha's well coordinated fire blast comes alive, all this was going on in the opposite end of the island and the fires uprising could still be visible all the way from his position.

"I better return to the war." he thinks as he leaves a corporal in charge of the refugees. He had see enough deaths. Before making his way to the battle however, he begins putting his armor on. He had received some good noble training from noble warriors and he would finaly put it to good use.

"Glory, wait for me."

Crixus Odo
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:57:15 AM
“Sir, they are finishing up with some last minute planning and will be here within a matter of moments. I sent word as soon as your caravan came into sight. And might I add sir, what a marvelous sight it was.”

A small smile slowly creeps across the usual expressionless face of the captain. Many individuals who did not know of Crixus’ status would never have guessed it because of his physical appearance. Time and war had not been generous to the middle aged man’s body. Yet, the spirit of the man was another story. The fires of determination and dedication could be seen burning bright in Odo’s eyes.

"Sir, what news do you bring us of the on going war? As you can see, most of the preparations that you have asked for are almost complete."

Talks of war always gave Crixus a wonderful feeling. War was all that he had to live for. After the treaty was signed, he knew it would only be a matter of time until the love of his life came back to him. Fortunately for Crixus, it wasn't a long wait.

Dorian Xelan
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:58:08 AM
The Huss renodonts of massive size begin pulling the giant boulders off the cave's entrance, shaking the ground all the way to the sight of the fallen Visigodian warriors as Dorian gazes upon the ghastly sight as two bodies cover him. An arrow had entered his left shoulder, two more were dug in his left leg as blood streams from under the bodies.

It had been eons since he used it, but a different hidden entrance was located not far from him and a quick run might allow him to escape to safety. All plans seem impossible since he and his fallen warriors were surrounded by legions of Huss as they spread out trhoughout the mountain countryside, slaughtering hidden civilians as screams torture his frail mind.

"Kiera, Valda...make haste.." he pleads to them even though it was obvious that they could never hear him. He knew that Valda would go on on her own without problems or issues of wrong judgement. If he were in command, he would move the army and the people to the lands of Scanta but those warriors, those spearmen were assigned the duty of never allowing Visigodia to expand or even set foot. He wonders if their situation is equaled throughout the continent, thus giving them more of a chance to escape.

"I must get out of here." he continues to think, exploring all types of possibilities. It was no secret that Visigodians bent the sacred rules and would use advanced technology when in dire need, but their defense had already been compromised by their recent war, having fended off prior invasions and still recovering from them.

Very slowly, Doria retrieves a flair, tossing it downhill to the woods as it explodes, shooting bright colors of all varietes and smoke as a myst invades the side of the mountain. He emerges from the bodies that faked his apparent death, limping away as the Huss soldiers run to the flair in alarm and sheer curiosity. One Huss soldier notices him, but a dagger to the throat silences it forever. Dorian finds the entrance as he pulls a lever that looks like a branch, sliding part of the wall to reveal a very sophisticated entrance.

"We'll meet again."

Cronus Kosan
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:59:28 AM
The city of Lana and the impenetrable fortress lay in front, imposing itself on the country side that flowed up to this point. The boy had visited the place many times in his life, against his mother’s wishes as the journey took a day at least each way. She was no more successful at curbing his ambitions than the force that destroyed her, his thirst for knowledge would encircle the world, or he’d die trying. Maybe it was the same drive that wouldn’t let him fade away in the village, the thought that one day it’d all be worth it, fighting to find a reason to live.

For now, he was content to serve Sol and the people of Lana, feeling little obligation to either except a common enemy. Cronus had held his bow ever since they came near the town, the prospect of using it increasingly a sweet taste in his mouth that had only felt bitterness in recent days. Passing a critical eye over the defences gave him confidence; such a place couldn’t fall to the rabble that staggered casually over the lands. He had nothing to fear now, since he had nothing to lose, so the boy would do what he had always done, hunt and hunt well.

Passing the generals, the silent archer made his way towards Sol and Crixus, his vividly white horse glimmering in the deluge of bright light, contrasting much to the dark-leather clad boy with a simple bow at his side. In the distance a murky cloud rose, the feet of foreign invaders thrashing against the fragile earth. The trespass resonated through the iron fort, filtering through the soldier’s hearts, ebbing away courage. It found no respite in his though, already occupied by a resounding hatred that echoed through his icy veins.

“Where should I help?”

Gara Huss
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:00:25 PM
Gara! Huss! Gara! Huss! continues to be screamed by the million man army, sending a voice storm to the direction of the Lana fortress as the ground continues to rattle from their rallying. Hateful roars and screams from the invaders continues to pump adrenaline in their veins, they were all ready to exterminate the humans at once as the Huss king emerges from the giant mass, standing in the very front of the army.

"Commander Sol, I know you are here. If you are half the man that the lands whisper you to be, you are in Lana, waiting for my first move."

The giant of a beast slowly turns around, turning to face his army as his sword vibrates in anticipation. The wind is cut as Becrum raises his right arm and screams his innermost desires, his orders.

"Repeat after me....! Sol!" he commands the army, but confuses them immediately. They did not know what to make of the order or wether they should repeat it. What was the point? Why not just attack and stop wasting time?

"Sol!" screams the giant army, making the commander's name travel faster than any rays of light as it earns the attention of the near invincible city of Lana.

"Sol! Sol! Sol! Sol! Sol!" they continue to chant, banging their spears against the ground as birds flee the ruckus towards the high sun which in turn is covered by rain clouds. The storm winds carry Sol's name yet faster as it's continued to be screamed in unison by the Huss.

Alkimius Govan
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:01:39 PM
The gates of Lana allow the group of generals back inside as their horses stump on the soil with incredible haste. The loud and energetic chants of the Huss can be heard from outside the walls, but not clearly enough to decipher the message the generals have for Sol.

"Commander S-"

Alkimius interrupts himself as he notices the young archer next to Sol, surprised that he hadn't found a position on his own yet. Alkimius crosses eyesights with the young lad, extending his arm to the direction of the archer armory building.

"Young man, prepare yourself for war, we're going to need every last able bodied man in Lana if we're to win this battle!"

Alkimius motions his horse towards Sol as he whispers the news in his ear. Sol was being called, nay, invited by the Huss king. A truce perhaps?

Cronus Kosan
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:02:32 PM
“As long as they don’t breach, every man counts.”

Outside, the cry of blood spilled over the castle walls, trickling down into the troops that stood on its rough stone. Beneath the coarse metal armour that clung to their chests the hearts beat faster, fear pulsing through their fragile bodies. Only the fortress entombing them would keep the men standing, its stoic form etched on the surface of a towering cliff, rooted perpetually within the everlasting embrace of the rock below. Cronus was deaf to the sirens call beyond as anger tried to lull his reason, thrusting a hollow feeling instead, cold and calculating about how to best thrash the next Huss. He took an extra quiver and loaded them with arrows, hearing the gratifying noise of a shattering skull in his mind with each step to the walls.

In the distance, the hoard of scuttling freaks crawled ever closer toward the first tower. Swords and shields glistened in the sun, flaring the sparks of war that simmered eyes of the guard, clutching to their weapons for support. The boy just leant against the battlement, letting the smooth wooden bow slip idly through his fingers before catching it again, provoking tensions around him.

<!--EZCODE FONT START-->“How can you just stand there fiddling with your bloody bow!”<!--EZCODE FONT END-->

“Outside, there are a million of Huss, they ravage anything in their path and rape our country. We are in its way, alone in this fortress. On the eve of battle, what else is there to do but to prepare for war?”