View Full Version : Alright, how do I do this....?

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 12:19:41 AM
I have been talking to someone from here about the possibility, if any, that after 7 years I could finally be unbanned and return to swfans, said person mentioned something about a ban amnesty but that he was not sure, said person suggested I tried to register and see, and well here I am.

I know that there can never be forgiveness for my past deeds, but believe me, I have grown up, the last seven years or so have been interesting in real life, I developed what most of us here would refer to as a "conscience" and well, the rest is history.

I really don't know how many times I can apologize, I'm not going to lie and say I have completely changed, I haven't lost my sense of humor, crude as it may be, or am going to allow anyone to step over me just because of the vulnerable state I find myself in, but you get the idea, I have learned control, mainly of just being outright mean or cruel for no reason.

I'm not sure about the roleplaying aspect of this (or if I'll be allowed to roleplay here again) but that's not something I'd turn down at all. All I'm asking for is that I'm allowed to roam freely once again, respecting the rules of course. Please don't think I'm lying, it would just be outright idiotic to pester you all this time with pleads of mercy to just get myself banned again after 7 years.

In short, I just want to rp and have fun, and maybe create new fun memories (without the ugly OOC stuff behind the scenes).

Thank you for your time and goodbye if this turns out to be my first and last post.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 25th, 2007, 12:55:31 AM
The very fact that you are posting indicates that you are indeed no longer banned.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 01:03:54 AM
The very fact that you are posting indicates that you are indeed no longer banned.

Heh, from my own experience, I succesfully registered and posted and then Wham! in a few other places, so you never know.

When was anybody going to tell me? :D

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 01:13:46 AM
Well, I woulda told you but you never asked me :p

As long as you want to write, be creative with us, and have a good time doing it, I certainly see no problems with that :)

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 01:22:13 AM
Sweet. :D

I think I may be able to bring half a dozen folks here at least, the poor bastards that stuck with me this whole time.

So, how much would it cost me to port the posts from my board here and have my own little section thingie like TSO and others do?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 01:28:46 AM
Personally, I think that would be fantastic. I was never around for the Marzullo Days, if that's what they're called, but I think it'd be pretty darn snazzy to have you all back :) I don't know enough about bringing over posts though; Morgan would know all that.

We'd just have to wait to see what the other mods and admins say. Too bad they're all being poo-butts and sleeping for some reason :p

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 01:34:59 AM
Yeah, I think I better go to sleep too.

If anybody has any fears of ruining your storyline canon, most of the stuff that Itala and co. have done has been pretty much in the edge of the galaxy, and behind the scenes, way far and enough for anyone to even bother to notice.

May 25th, 2007, 03:00:55 AM
What's with the riff-raff? :(

May 25th, 2007, 03:47:30 AM
I thought I'd never say this, but welcome back :)

Importing posts (and posters from Marzullo Clan) sounds like a good idea. If there is anything we do need here, it is more traffic.

May 25th, 2007, 05:59:28 AM
Sweet. :D

I think I may be able to bring half a dozen folks here at least, the poor bastards that stuck with me this whole time.

So, how much would it cost me to port the posts from my board here and have my own little section thingie like TSO and others do?Please provide detailed information regarding which posts and forums. Imports are possible with many types of existing forums, though they are risky.

Hosting for a Main Forum Index listed forum is $50 annually and is granted only in special cases. Having a subforum of one that is already listed on the Main Forum Index means the group splits the fee with the other subforums. These are also only granted in special cases.

Also: This is not my other board. There are rules here. Be familiar with them before commiting to anything.

Khendon Sevon
May 25th, 2007, 08:50:03 AM
I really never thought I'd see this day.

But, hey, worth giving them a chance :)

Nayala Palain
May 25th, 2007, 10:23:06 AM
I am going to wait and see before anything is said from me.

Xanatos Etanial
May 25th, 2007, 11:12:21 AM
*Pops up*

Hey Itala.

May 25th, 2007, 11:14:53 AM
Personally, I think that would be fantastic. I was never around for the Marzullo Days, if that's what they're called, but I think it'd be pretty darn snazzy to have you all back :) I don't know enough about bringing over posts though; Morgan would know all that.

We'd just have to wait to see what the other mods and admins say. Too bad they're all being poo-butts and sleeping for some reason :p

I came in close to the end of the whole Itala debacle... but since I was newer to the forums, I didn't really know what was going on.

I just remember the Marzullo name being persona nongrata for a long time :)... But since Yog is ok with you (lol), then I will welcome you back as well.


Ashe Sieris
May 25th, 2007, 11:16:10 AM
Well now... Thats a face I havnt seen in a Long time. Has it really been 7 years?

I think with your forum, you have to make sure that they follow the basic guidelines of the Rewind. Alot of the old characters from the previous forums are dead, nonexsistant, or recreated.

Morgan Evanar
May 25th, 2007, 11:57:20 AM
Everyone behaves, everything is cool. I know you tried to IM me, but sometimes I get up and forget about my computer machine. I was AFK at the time, and not ignoring you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 12:58:47 PM
Hey everyone, it's really been seven years, seven long, long years. Imagine Han Solo being frozen in carbonite that long, in the quiet vaccum of space....you get the idea.


Other people I don't recognize!

Sorry, you guys may have to be more specific.

Anyway, the board I'm referring to is http://p201.ezboard.com/bchatpalace34874

I guess due to the rules here I'd have to delete some threads, but that's no big deal. I can always compromise.

My messenger info is in my profile if anyone has questions relating to the possible transfer here, my AIM and MSN are always open.

I had another question, is there a limit to the names one can register here? I was in the middle of ending Itala's generation and death in a roleplay to start fresh and have to play many different people. (Naturally, not everyone stuck around, we're talking fifty something roleplayers here, one who died.)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 01:15:40 PM
To my knowledge there aren't any limitations on how many characters you have; I know that Rie had over thirty or so at one point, and Charley was absolutely no better :)

Ashe Sieris
May 25th, 2007, 01:23:58 PM
Still trying to figure out how you people manage over 5.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 01:33:19 PM
I know, when there's writer's block and you have a million characters, it doesn't help, but it usually works well if you dont commit to too much at the same time.

Definately good news about the unlimited characters, I play Jedi, wookies, sith, huths, all that besides Marzullos.

Zereth Lancer
May 25th, 2007, 01:42:42 PM
Oh, good. More sith. Finally. I was beginning to fear that the sith may die out completely.

I was not around when you roleplayed here, but welcome back all the same.

Morgan Evanar
May 25th, 2007, 02:08:17 PM
Sith suck Dark Jedi and Jedi 4 lyfe

Lucilla Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 02:10:51 PM
Uhm...*peeks in* Hello. I'm new here (obviously!) and I just wanted to pop in and say hi before Itala kicked me around. He prodded me to join...so...Hi!

Itala and I have been RPing for about 7 years...wow...what is up with the number seven? LOL, it's lucky, I guess, if you believe in that sort of thing..

Zanon O'hara
May 25th, 2007, 02:13:51 PM
Don't worry. We can do all the prodding and kicking without Itala. It comes complimentary with registration.

And be quite Morgan. Everyone knows sith are more awesome then Jedi and Dark jedi. What is a dark jedi but a lightsider in a muddy cloak.

Sith rule, Hutts drool (Literally!)

Ashe Sieris
May 25th, 2007, 02:17:11 PM
Join the Darkside... We have Cookies...

Unfortunetly the Lightside took the milk...

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 02:19:34 PM
We may be dark siders, but we don't join Sith or Jedi.

However, we can always pretend to. ;)

Oooh, i'm getting so many storyline ideas now...

Lucilla Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 02:20:53 PM
Noo...giving him ideas! LOL I'm never going to hear the end of this now.

And...I really dont want a butt kicking or prodding if I can avoid it, haha!

Looking forward to RPing with you all.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 02:21:14 PM
Peanut butter cookies? Cause I don't know if anything is better than those.

Morgan Evanar
May 25th, 2007, 02:29:49 PM
Join the Darkside... We have Cookies...

Unfortunetly the Lightside took the milk... Are they evil cookies?

Dasquian Belargic
May 25th, 2007, 02:32:56 PM
The cookies are not evil in themselves. Some simply choose to use them for evil purposes.

Oh, and hello to the new faces. :)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 02:34:04 PM
Are they evil cookies?

Haha, thank you Akrabbim :p

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 03:03:58 PM
Oh yes, one other thing.

I have another roleplay within TMC, which is more like Darth Turbogeek's Dark Fury except we roleplay it instead of just typing the whole thing like a book, called Path To Glory about itala's ancestors and their legacy.

It would be alright to continue writing this separately, I assume?

May 25th, 2007, 03:59:52 PM

Can someone help Lucilla get her signature image reduced to 30KB or so?

Erik Centter
May 25th, 2007, 04:21:03 PM
Thank you.

This would be my Jedi character.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 04:21:06 PM
Here you go :)

Lucilla Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 04:34:37 PM
Here you go :)

Thank you, I already got it fixed though ^_^

Everyone's so nice!

May 25th, 2007, 04:37:32 PM
Are they evil cookies?

Cookies? Cookies suck. Join the Apathetic Side and you get Tim Tams.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 04:41:05 PM
Don't be fooled Cassie...!

Just keep your eyes wide open.


Now I'm a supporter, and I did get a warm, fuzzy feeling!

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 04:43:16 PM
Naw, the only one you gotta watch out for is Turbogeek/Marcus. He slobbers. ALOT.

Ashe Sieris
May 25th, 2007, 04:43:58 PM
Tim Tams??

Zanon O'hara
May 25th, 2007, 04:46:02 PM
Don't worry about Turbogeek/Marcus. He's been in a bad mood since we had him depanned.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 25th, 2007, 05:17:14 PM
Itala, just keep in mind our timeline - everything should be explained in the Reset page of the wiki. You may need to do some backstory tweaking to make everything fit.

And continuing Path To Glory regardless of timeline etc is perfectly fine. Just put something at the top of the first post that says "This occurs outside of the regular Star Wars Rping timeline" and then if anyone gets confused its their own fault for not reading carefully. ;)

May 25th, 2007, 05:21:08 PM
Don't worry about Turbogeek/Marcus. He's been in a bad mood since we had him depanned.


* WHACK!!! *

oooooh weeee, I reckon I got about a weeks worth of hang time there. And..... OUCH.... being hit by that jumbo must of hurt and .... EWWWWW...... right through a helicopter blade. Well, glad I dont have to mop up that mess. Now excuse me, I need to go mince a puppy - my cats are hungry and being in a professional permanent Bad Mood doesnt feed them.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 05:42:47 PM
Nah, I wouldn't put this in the main roleplaying board, but within our own section, that wouldn't interfere at all now would it?

Morgan Evanar
May 25th, 2007, 05:52:10 PM
No, that would be ok, but you really should come and play with us :)

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 06:00:28 PM
The second my board is succesfully ported. :D

I'm not sure how to introduce Itala and co. again because of the rewind, by the time Endor finished, he was just turning to the dark side.

I guess I may have to modifiy that a LOT, and completely change a bunch of things, I was planning to have him killed in a separate roleplay.

Nothing wrong with having alternate universes within the confines of my own section right?

Dasquian Belargic
May 25th, 2007, 06:02:21 PM
Nothing at all wrong with that. After all, we RP alternate 'universes' (inspired by, for example, the X-Men comics among other things) in the form of our General RPing section.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 06:07:22 PM
Nothing at all wrong with that. After all, we RP alternate 'universes' (inspired by, for example, the X-Men comics among other things) in the form of our General RPing section.

Well well, that changes things I guess.

Not sure at all how-where to start, somebody give me the run down on who dominates what, where, and when?

Lilaena De'Ville
May 25th, 2007, 06:24:49 PM
http://www.sw-fans.net/wiki/index.php?title=Main_Page search around in here, should give you a pretty good idea on the layout of things now.

Jaime Tomahawk
May 25th, 2007, 06:52:38 PM
Tim Tams??

Chocolate orgasm disguised as a biscuit

Morgan Evanar
May 25th, 2007, 07:16:12 PM
Tim Tams are really awesome but I miss Hazelnut Snickers more than anything. I would become a hambeast given enough of those dark chocolate thermonuclear bombs of flavor.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 07:21:58 PM
Okay then, here's what I have in mind, tell me if it's satisfactory or not.

All of Itala's doings in a remote, uncharted planet in the edge of the galaxy (where pretty much everything went on really) and climax in a revolution between his twin sons, during this whole debacle he's brought to the attention of the powers that be in the galaxy (Jedi or Sith alike) and ends with the survival of the next generation. This would take Itala's own life along with the rest of his generation, with very few surviving.

Now, I would like to be able to first copy and paste these events (about 130 or so posts) in General Roleplaying and then opening it up to officially introduce him to the rest of the galaxy.

Now, I have a couple of questions..

Would it be outrageous, even in the far uncharted edges of the galaxy for a fleet to exist? It's pretty mighty, but in this story most of the ships will be destroyed anyway, basically by the time it climaxes, only a certain amount of stragglers will survive and flee wherever possible.

I think it would leave open a good angle to inspire good stuff, the whole (WTF!) factor alone could trigger a sweet continuation and open the thread to everyone with a bang.


Ryan Pode
May 25th, 2007, 07:52:57 PM
Oh lawd. There goes the neighborhood.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 07:58:05 PM
Oh lawd. There goes the neighborhood.

Hey! Do you still have Lord Death Vader's messenger info?

And would anybody here at all know Lady Mara Jade's messenger info? I would very much love to talk to her.

Ryan Pode
May 25th, 2007, 08:23:34 PM
Hey! Do you still have Lord Death Vader's messenger info?

And would anybody here at all know Lady Mara Jade's messenger info? I would very much love to talk to her.

Haven't spoken to him in ... 6 years?

May 25th, 2007, 08:26:39 PM
Yeah...I was confused enough already with the storyline on ezboard...

I can see I'm not going to have it much easier here. Too many generations of Marzullos!

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 08:27:51 PM
Yeah...I was confused enough already with the storyline on ezboard...

I can see I'm not going to have it much easier here. Too many generations of Marzullos!

You get a C for effort.

It will be much easier once we clean it up though.

May 25th, 2007, 08:38:23 PM

"C" if you get another sig out of me until you give me a better grade.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 08:40:57 PM

"C" if you get another sig out of me until you give me a better grade.

C for trying to read a little storyline every now and then...

May 25th, 2007, 08:49:07 PM
Oooooooh "C" for reading threads. I get it now!

....And it makes absolutly no difference to my previous statement. No Ares' siggie for you. Not only that but now you're going to have to give me chocolate as well.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 08:51:15 PM
*points and laughs*

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 08:54:15 PM
What if I introduce you to the one-legged male stripper named Abdul?

May 25th, 2007, 09:02:52 PM
*points and laughs*

Yes, Julian does have that affect on people...

I wouldn't want to deprive you Jules.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 09:08:16 PM
My own friends mentally abusing me in this forum, sigh.

May 25th, 2007, 09:22:36 PM
It's for your own good. Tough lo..yeeeeah nevermind about that last bit.

You wanted me to post. You have only yourself to blame. :-)

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 09:35:46 PM
Tough love! I'm loved! I knew it!

Just for that, I'll drink a screwdriver in your honor, Laurie!

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 09:46:33 PM
That's Laurie? Another artist to schmooze with :D

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 09:49:06 PM
That's Laurie? Another artist to schmooze with :D
Shhh, it's Laura but she really, really likes Laurie....and yes, she is l'emperatora di Sig Shop in tmc.

May 25th, 2007, 10:05:39 PM
Ah, taking our revenge are we Jules?

I hate being called Laurie and am likely to get violent if he refers to me by that name again. Don't worry I'll keep it in IM and won’t make too much of a mess.

I enjoy playing around with Photoshop, whether I'm actually good at it is a different matter. Heh.

Morgan Evanar
May 25th, 2007, 11:23:53 PM
Okay then, here's what I have in mind, tell me if it's satisfactory or not.

All of Itala's doings in a remote, uncharted planet in the edge of the galaxy (where pretty much everything went on really) and climax in a revolution between his twin sons, during this whole debacle he's brought to the attention of the powers that be in the galaxy (Jedi or Sith alike) and ends with the survival of the next generation. This would take Itala's own life along with the rest of his generation, with very few surviving.

Now, I would like to be able to first copy and paste these events (about 130 or so posts) in General Roleplaying and then opening it up to officially introduce him to the rest of the galaxy.

Now, I have a couple of questions..

Would it be outrageous, even in the far uncharted edges of the galaxy for a fleet to exist? It's pretty mighty, but in this story most of the ships will be destroyed anyway, basically by the time it climaxes, only a certain amount of stragglers will survive and flee wherever possible.

I think it would leave open a good angle to inspire good stuff, the whole (WTF!) factor alone could trigger a sweet continuation and open the thread to everyone with a bang.

Opinions?I am going to be a somewhat Negative Nancy and follow my gut to say that it doesn't really work with our current pattern. This does not reflect the opinion of the rest of the staff. If they make enough noise I might cave to them.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 11:30:07 PM
I am going to be a somewhat Negative Nancy and follow my gut to say that it doesn't really work with our current pattern. This does not reflect the opinion of the rest of the staff. If they make enough noise I might cave to them.

Like I said, this isn't a cheap attempt to make my character extremely powerful instantly or anything like that.

I had another idea, totally different that instead of us fighting each other, we'd launch some type of surprise attack upon the world, but of course losing and staying for kicks, like the Vong.

Either way, tell me what I should do to make it acceptable, I'm just trying to come up with a really cool way to start.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 25th, 2007, 11:43:55 PM
The original idea I don't see as being too much of a problem; as long as it's a certainty that most of the fleet is wiped out, leaving only those who were able to flee in whatever they could, it seems like it would work. From what I gathered of the brief summary, everything up until the refugees started making contact with other RPers would be an introductory RP and contained within the Marzullo family with a fixed storyline to set the stage and tone of where the survivors would be coming from and whatnot.

My apologies if I got the wrong impression, but that's what I interpreted it as.

Sanis Prent
May 25th, 2007, 11:44:29 PM
What about being an Imperial senator, but still having the monarchy in whatever corner of the galaxy you're from? That way you should be able to grab extra power in the post-Endor vacuum?

Corporate Sector would fit the bill I think.

Itala Marzullo
May 25th, 2007, 11:53:41 PM
That's actualy not a bad idea at all, but my plan was to have Itala killed and clean up the "empire" he has hidden in uncharted territory. Frankly, I am so ready to start something new but if you guys really want Itala to live, I can follow up with this idea.

May 26th, 2007, 12:16:15 AM
What if I introduce you to the one-legged male stripper named Abdul?

Dare you roleplay it.

Sanis Prent
May 26th, 2007, 12:18:30 AM
Well if I recall, the CSA had a good bit of autonomy to a point. I don't see why you couldn't have a Byzantine power play carry out in CSA territory, especially post-endor.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 26th, 2007, 06:09:47 AM
If you did copy threads over, they should go into the Star Wars Roleplaying forum, just label them closed. General RPing is for non-Star Wars Roleplays.

I agree with Loklorien. And Charley. Even if Itala was the former Senator for the planet (remember kids, the Emperor disbanded the Galactic Senate just before ANH) he could still be killed. The survivors should still be able to cash in on the power aspect of it.

If you wanted to RP that you guys were away from everything and not affected by the Empire, then I'd suggest the Outer Rim to Unknown Regions for your location. And the planet/system would have to be too insignificant to warrant the Empire's attention. Remember, this is right after Return of the Jedi... we're about a year after the movie right now in the Timeline... so the Empire is still all FORCE USERS BAD, and WE WANT ALL THE POWER KILL THE REBELS.

So any sovereign planet in sight with a huge base of Force Users would need a <strike>heck of</strike> a reason to exist. ;)

Edit: Just realized that "sovereign planet" with "Force Users" pretty much describes how we set up Onderon and Kuklos Ataxia. :o

They do not have a fleet, however, and are tiny. They do not warrant the Empire's attention, and are not a part of it. The Force users are secretive, of course, because if it was known that Force users were there the Empire would pay attention. ;)

Once you add in a huge fleet, or a small fleet, the military commanders of the Empire have to pay attention because you've been upgraded from "podunk planet #12" to "possible military threat to our assets in the sector." If that makes sense.

Onderon is a sovereign nation, but we are in process of allying with the Hapan Constortium for protection from pirates blocking up our trade corridors. The Hapans are also apart from the Empire and sovereign.

I believe Charley is onto something with the Corporate Sector Authority. I believe that would give you a lot more wiggle room.

Karl Valten
May 26th, 2007, 07:08:17 AM
Edit: Just realized that "sovereign planet" with "Force Users" pretty much describes how we set up Onderon and Kuklos Ataxia.

They do not have a fleet, however, and are tiny. They do not warrant the Empire's attention, and are not a part of it. The Force users are secretive, of course, because if it was known that Force users were there the Empire would pay attention.

Yet you still bring Mandos to our cities and shoot stuff up. :p

.....and try to kill me.

.....and try to blow up the chancellor.

.....and try to have Grimes kill me.

......and I'm pretty sure lots-o-other stuffs.

Blade Bacquin
May 26th, 2007, 07:31:55 AM
There is also a sith group starting to form on zoist. Well would be forming if I wasn't slow. They are starting off small as well to avoid imperial attention and also on a remote planet in the outer rim to avoid detection. I'm finding starting off small is your best beat in this timeline. KA for example is excelling at this starting off small and then growing until bamf they hit you when you least expect it. lol

Itala Marzullo
May 26th, 2007, 07:35:10 AM
Well Hollie, it looks like we can all reach commonground. As long as I keep whatever happened so damn far in the outer rims that the empire would laugh to think of even searching there, and as long as the TMC fleet is mostly obliterated, then I shall start the great copy and paste task, but I want to see what Morgan has to say first.

This should be a lot of fun.

Razielle Alastor
May 26th, 2007, 08:21:57 AM
Hey! Do you still have Lord Death Vader's messenger info?


Lord Death Vader, sadly, has left us for good. I would be extremely shocked if he ever turned up again. Extremely, meaning that I would be hospitalized from the sheer freak out his presence would inspire.

Itala Marzullo
May 26th, 2007, 08:55:16 AM

Lord Death Vader, sadly, has left us for good. I would be extremely shocked if he ever turned up again. Extremely, meaning that I would be hospitalized from the sheer freak out his presence would inspire.

Bah, I was trying to get Thrawn to come back too but he keeps sending me Britney Spears sound clips in reply.

Morgan Evanar
May 26th, 2007, 09:04:20 AM
Charley's idea has a lot of merrit. The CSA was essentially an autonomous entity that paid some share of credits to the Empire. It's known for it's abused native populations and overall rights abuses. With the right contacts, it's pretty much free reign to do whatever you please. You could even have a medium/small private army and no one would give a damn.

Itala Marzullo
May 26th, 2007, 09:06:05 AM
Sweet, I shall begin my antics as soon as possible, just let me know if any screw ups are posted while I copy and paste my intro thread and I will gladly edit. :)

Ryan Pode
May 26th, 2007, 09:31:30 AM
Bah, I was trying to get Thrawn to come back too but he keeps sending me Britney Spears sound clips in reply.

Thrawn is a pedo. He kept sending me links, so I stopped using msn.

Itala Marzullo
May 26th, 2007, 10:04:37 AM
He actually sent you underage porno? o_O

Aria Sihin
May 26th, 2007, 10:06:41 AM
Miranda here - can we get back on topic and drop the current subject :)

Morgan Evanar
May 26th, 2007, 10:07:56 AM
I realize topic ADD is fun but Miranda is correct - this is a serious bussiness topic and if we could stick to it we'd appreciate it.

Itala Marzullo
May 26th, 2007, 12:00:32 PM

Come on, everyone settle down.. :D

Hartus Kenobi
May 26th, 2007, 05:13:53 PM
Well, what was Itala's influence before he was banned in the first place? Haha, I know that question opens up another can of worms (since that was a huge point of contention back then too), but I see no reason why he would have to start from scratch if he's simply resuming his activities in this universe.

For example, I haven't rped in 6 or 7 years, but I established before I left that it was because I decided to live as a hermit in an isolated area of Naboo. So I see no reason to re-start as a Padawan-level now.

Although I'm starting to get the sense that the timeline isn't what it used to be... which will either screw up my character or make him much more interesting. Hart Kenobi spent the years between the Clone Wars and the establishment of the GJO frozen in carbonite. As long as the current timeline is before the Clone Wars or after the GJO time-line, I won't have to revise my character's history. But if it's pre-Clone Wars, then I don't yet have the medical condition requiring me to wear my armor.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 26th, 2007, 05:18:20 PM
In a nut-shell: everything here is completely different.


That page should explain everything, and make clear why it is necessary for Itala to re-think his approach. I'm not sure if it's mentioned in the article, but there is no need to re-earn ranks you once had. If you played a Jedi Knight pre-reset (whether that was 6 years or only 6 months before the reset took place), you are free to play a Jedi Knight again - though you will more than likely have to re-write the history surrounding your character, to fit in with the new timeline.

Hartus Kenobi
May 26th, 2007, 05:30:41 PM
In a nut-shell: everything here is completely different.


That page should explain everything, and make clear why it is necessary for Itala to re-think his approach. I'm not sure if it's mentioned in the article, but there is no need to re-earn ranks you once had. If you played a Jedi Knight pre-reset (whether that was 6 years or only 6 months before the reset took place), you are free to play a Jedi Knight again - though you will more than likely have to re-write the history surrounding your character, to fit in with the new timeline.
Thanks! Wow... that's some complicated stuff. But thankfully I don't have to change my character history much. Under this continuity, I'll just have Hartus freed from his carbonite at the current point in time, rather than hundreds of years in the future.

Vega Van-Derveld
May 26th, 2007, 05:36:04 PM
Minimal change, eh? That's good to know, then. :)

Hartus Kenobi
May 26th, 2007, 05:46:00 PM
Yup. Although I like to describe myself as a minimalist, I know it's because I'm just so darn lazy.

Kelly Perris
May 26th, 2007, 11:31:09 PM
There is much merit to procrastination/laziness. I know.

Here's ten reasons why I procrastinate:


....Hmm. There's something wrong here.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 26th, 2007, 11:36:40 PM
Don't worry. Just finish up your list tomorrow ;)

Itala Marzullo
May 28th, 2007, 02:40:05 PM
So, have we determined or agreed to anything yet? How's the whole board porting business?

Lilaena De'Ville
May 28th, 2007, 02:46:50 PM

We can give you guys hosting. :) For $30 we'll set you up group forums in the Dark Mosaic area, so you'll be listed with Kuklos Ataxia and Black Sun. Just need the forum paticulars, private forums you want, etc. PM me with all that at your convienience.

Next year the hosting cost of $50 will be split between the three groups, so you guys can fight with KA and BS (haha bs, sorry:lol) over who pays what. :p

OR for $50 we can give you a stand-alone forum, which would take the place of the TSO boards (which are being archived). Again, PM me about it. :)

Thread porting is up to Ogre/Sw-Fans.Net, so PM him about that.

Itala Marzullo
May 28th, 2007, 02:53:36 PM
Bah, Christin tricked me, she said the porting was already being worked on.

Anyway, splitting fifty dollars between three would end up being cheaper for everyone, so I would go for that, but would I be able to retain ADMIN rights in my section of the board?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 28th, 2007, 02:54:39 PM
I did? No I didn't o_O

Itala Marzullo
May 28th, 2007, 02:55:35 PM
I did? No I didn't o_O

You said it'd take a couple of days, I guess you meant something else.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 28th, 2007, 02:56:35 PM
Yeah; I was talking about the whole decision making process on how to get you set up and ready to go.

Silly Julian :p

Itala Marzullo
May 28th, 2007, 02:58:03 PM
Yeah; I was talking about the whole decision making process on how to get you set up and ready to go.

Silly Julian :p

Damn, my childlike naivete got the best of me again.:(

Lilaena De'Ville
May 28th, 2007, 03:03:04 PM
You'd have to go through us for major changes, like re-ordering forums or stuff like that.

You'd have your own moderators though, and be in charge of who has access to your private forums, etc. be able to delete posts in your forums, move them, etc.

And depending on the traffic to your group it would be $50 split three ways. If TMC vastly outweighs the other two in terms of posts (which I can see it doing easily) the cost may have to be adjusted slightly. This would be up to Ogre's discretion as he takes care of paying for our hosting, etc.

May 28th, 2007, 07:12:59 PM
As far as showing up in the CSA, the CSA is a large part of my character's background and also a focus for his future story. As it stands, I'm building up a thread where he returns to the CSA in order to retrieve a ship impounded by the CSA when he went renegade from their Security Division and stole a engineering genius from their R&D program. If you'd like, it seems as though it would make a perfect path to introduce your characters as coming from the CSA.


That is the thread so far. It's not much yet, but let me know if you're interested.

Itala Marzullo
May 29th, 2007, 11:15:27 AM
I have no problem forking out the cash, just let me know how much and where. I wouldn't mind making the cost as cheap as possible though.

Thanks for the info Blood, I'll look into it.

Kanada Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 12:58:06 AM
Hello. I am a Kanada and Julian/Itala forced me to come here.

Seriously, he said he wouldn't show me his pics of kittens unless I posted.


Krishna Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 01:25:31 AM
Ello all, I'm Krishna better known (and actually more likely to respond) as Sally. Jules asked me to join and basicly make myself known to you all. :)

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 01:27:25 AM

Krishna Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 01:36:51 AM
I wish you lots of luck with that Jules.

I think your best bet is to find one of us "beautiful women" to go and use are looks and charms to convince them to come and join.

No don't look at me, you are the only Marzullo I still talk to anymore.

Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2007, 05:46:27 AM
:wave Hello you two.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 30th, 2007, 07:15:31 AM
Hi new people! :dance

Miranda Tarkin
May 30th, 2007, 07:55:45 AM
Welcome! Just a reminder for the new people, siggies need to be no more then 30k! There are plenty of people here that can shrink it for you :)

Luna Eclypse
May 30th, 2007, 11:06:43 AM
Seriously, he said he wouldn't show me his pics of kittens unless I posted.


Ooh! I want pics of kittens!

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 11:49:37 AM
Ooh! I want pics of kittens!

Check my photo album in the main page.

Sweet signature btw, SC rocks.

Luna Eclypse
May 30th, 2007, 12:33:04 PM
Bah. I cannot see your pictures, likely because I'm not a Supporter. *Shakes fist at Supporters*

Oh, and thank you. I do so enjoy StarCraft. Where would we all be without a gaming foundation built with StarCraft? Well, we'd be stuck with Mario, not that Mario is a bad person, just not as innovative as he used to be.

Oh, and hi new peoples! :waves

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 12:53:40 PM
Wow, more respect to Mario, been playing Mario since the original NES.

If you can't see the kitties, hit my myspace, http://www.myspace.com/Giulliano81

Luna Eclypse
May 30th, 2007, 12:59:28 PM
Very cute. I want your kitties. Mostly so I can eat them, but that's another story for another time.

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 02:08:17 PM
Very cute. I want your kitties. Mostly so I can eat them, but that's another story for another time.

Wait, you didn't actually see the babies, they are in my ezboard OOC, link should be in my profile.

Sorry for the forum ADD, but I'm still waiting to see how the whole porting business is going to unfold, I PMed Morgan and he seems to be busy.

Zereth Lancer
May 30th, 2007, 02:14:41 PM
ADD is what we do best here at SWF.

Morgan Evanar
May 30th, 2007, 02:17:12 PM
I don't see a PM? If you IMed me I am not at home. You might be able to reach me at on AIM: Chris C Workin

Lucilla Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 06:34:47 PM
Kanada and Krishna!!! *squeals and glomps both* Good to see you two!

Cat X
May 30th, 2007, 06:52:46 PM
ADD is what we do best here at SWF.

And subtract and multiply and divide. In fact we are mathematical heros at SW-Fans, we even know quadratic and geometric proofs.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 30th, 2007, 07:15:26 PM
And subtract and multiply and divide. In fact we are mathematical heros at SW-Fans, we even know quadratic and geometric proofs.

Boy did I miss that train, then :(

Dasquian Belargic
May 30th, 2007, 07:16:38 PM
Don't worry, sIl. You can ride the short-bus with me.


Cat X
May 30th, 2007, 07:20:26 PM
Boy did I miss that train, then :(

You liar. You wrote out a proof of Eistein's theory of realativity and then did for an encore Fermet's Last Therom when I was there. Your a mathematical LORDESS.

May 30th, 2007, 08:06:45 PM
Bah. I cannot see your pictures, likely because I'm not a Supporter. *Shakes fist at Supporters*The Gallery is accessible to regular members, just not ALL of the Gallery. Itala's member gallery is here:


May 30th, 2007, 10:21:41 PM
Bah, Christin tricked me, she said the porting was already being worked on.

Anyway, splitting fifty dollars between three would end up being cheaper for everyone, so I would go for that, but would I be able to retain ADMIN rights in my section of the board?I would prefer to not directly import threads from ezboard here. Once the forums are setup for your group you are free to cross post topics from other forums as much as you like.

Before any of that can happen though we are going to need some specific information. From looking at the forums you linked earlier, they don't really mesh well with the style of forums we have here as far as making a group forum set for TMC, which makes coming up with a forum structure for your group a little difficult. Enough with the excuse for my inaction, and on to the details of the information required to set up a group forum in the Dark Mosaic section for you.
A Group name and description
Forum names and descriptions
Forums security levels - Your group will have two usergroups here at Fans which gives you three levels of security:

Public - open to all
Group - a publicly join-able group, which your elders get to approve/decline.
Elder - Open to those decided to be and promoted to Elder status (these promotions can only be carried out by SW-Fans.Net Forums Admimistrators.
Layout- The arrangement of your forums
Details regarding who will be 'Elders' for your group - These are the 'ADMINS'/mods of the group. They grant 'Group' membership to new members so that they have access to any private forums your group may have set for their security level. They are also your forums moderators.

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 11:10:52 PM
I sent the layout info to Morgan, and as far as mods for TMC go, they would be me (Dante Marzullo), tabris27 and Lucilla Marzullo.

Do I HAVE to use this "Elder" format?

May 30th, 2007, 11:15:15 PM
Do I HAVE to use this "Elder" format?Can you re-state your question again? I'm not quite sure what you are asking.

If you look at this page you can see how the user groups are setup:




'Elders' is used as a naming standard across all of the groups we have. The title is not considered RP material, just a board function.

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 11:46:33 PM
I asked (well, no I didn't :D) but what i mean is if I could just give you the names of the people who would be mods and be done with it, we won't have any closed forums so I don't see the use for security levels regarding that.

If this must be implemented as part of the forum layout, you can just use the standard settings. Right?

Lilaena De'Ville
May 30th, 2007, 11:50:35 PM
You do not have to have private forums and you don't need to have a mods/elders only forum. Ogre was just laying it out for you so that if you did need them you could tell us.

Private forum access is granted via user group, and the moderators/elders of a specific group are the ones in charge of granting access to the usergroup and therefore the private forums.

If TMC or whatever you're going to call it doesn't have any private forums you don't need this.

HOWEVER, if you want this to move forward you need to get that forum list to us ASAP.

Itala Marzullo
May 30th, 2007, 11:53:52 PM
Alright, that makes sense.

I sent the list to Morgan.

Krishna Marzullo
May 31st, 2007, 02:59:02 AM
*falls over do to glomping* Ello Lucilla!

May 31st, 2007, 08:29:18 AM
Basic setup complete.


May 31st, 2007, 08:40:15 AM
An advantage to mention regarding having private forums and usergroups: Private forums can be added to the swear filter whitelist, and thus not have language filtered. This feature is not available for public forums.

Itala Marzullo
May 31st, 2007, 09:52:59 AM
Basic setup complete.


Sweet, thanks.

Hartus Kenobi
May 31st, 2007, 10:21:40 AM
EDIT: sorry, wrong thread

Lucilla Marzullo
May 31st, 2007, 10:34:30 AM
It looks great! Thanks for all you are doing for us! ^_^

Jun 1st, 2007, 01:04:18 AM
You are all welcome.

I've finished mucking around with the colors and style for now, and am on to working on other things around here. If things look odd be sure to do a 'Shift - Refresh' to force a reload of all of the images.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 1st, 2007, 05:18:08 AM
The style looks very cool. :thumbup

Itala Marzullo
Jun 1st, 2007, 10:09:07 AM
Nothing but the best for TMC. :D

Zereth Lancer
Jun 1st, 2007, 10:59:31 AM
I must say, I really do like the hieroglyphics in the background. Makes it feel... mystic.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 1st, 2007, 12:08:49 PM
Yeah that wasn't my idea, I was hoping for more of a Greek-Roman type of background, but symbols and ancient writing are a great idea.

Hartus Kenobi
Jun 1st, 2007, 05:42:25 PM
yeah, I was wondering about the Egyptian theme to the forum... But I suppose it's tough to find wallpapers

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 1st, 2007, 05:52:12 PM
Tough to make them too. :)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 1st, 2007, 08:05:46 PM
I'm trying my hand at a greco-roman style right now.

Morgan Evanar
Jun 3rd, 2007, 08:14:18 PM
Julian, unfortunately we can't import any of your threads. We've been trying for the past 3 days but it is just not going to happen.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 3rd, 2007, 09:58:25 PM
Julian, unfortunately we can't import any of your threads. We've been trying for the past 3 days but it is just not going to happen.


Curse the maker...thanks for the effort anyway. Guess it's good old fashioned copy and paste time.

Malycia Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 07:36:54 PM
Hello, peeps. I am Lisa, aka Sith Lordess Emerald Jade Doment of TSO. I have played Malycia Marzullo on and off for almost 7-8 years, if I remember correctly. Jules, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

* :twak Jules on the head for dragging her back, but missed her time as a Marzullo*

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 07:46:05 PM
7 years is about right.

Good to have you here.

Malycia Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 07:54:06 PM
Thx, Jules. I really missed TMC most days. It feels good to be back.

Dante Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 08:09:04 PM
Yeah I missed TMC too between my disappearances but if I have to go for some time hopefully this lively board can keep you guys occupied, I don't think I'll leave again though.

Hartus Kenobi
Jun 4th, 2007, 08:13:18 PM
Hello, peeps. I am Lisa, aka Sith Lordess Emerald Jade Doment of TSO. I have played Malycia Marzullo on and off for almost 7-8 years, if I remember correctly. Jules, feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

* :twak Jules on the head for dragging her back, but missed her time as a Marzullo*

You're right :). I actually remember because Julian manipulated the two of us into deuling shortly after you became a Marzullo. I'm remember it as being pretty gory, but I wish I could find the thread. I'm pretty sure you kicked me between the legs a few times.

If you're the same Malycia, that is. Hard to tell when one of your Marzullos switch.

And hey, I even included you this old timeline I made :). My entry is about halfway down.

Malycia Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 08:17:45 PM
Me, too. But please understand I am going through alot of RL stuff right now, and can only post 1-2 times a week. Me and Ken are divorced now, we have a 6 month old son named Jordan Anthony who is currently in foster-care and soon to be adopted by his foster parents. I have visitations with EJ and Maggie and Jordan, I have my own apartment that I might have to move out of because of slumlord filed bankruptcy. Looking for work, my boyfriend's parents hate me, and my relationship with said boyfriend is so rocky, you can see the mountains.

*dances with siggy, after it took her 10 mins to get working*

Dante Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 08:33:38 PM
Yikes, I hope things get better for you, that's some rough stuff.

Fiera Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 11:15:05 PM
I'm here now buy me my pony! Oh, um... yeah. I'm here! *pounces around* I've been dubbed FiFi and um I have a gerbil launcher. :p

Itala Marzullo
Jun 4th, 2007, 11:21:54 PM
You should make a gerbil launcher that combines them with water, for splashing effect.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:06:07 AM
Gerbil launcher!? :eek

The horror. The horror!!

Mu Satach
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:12:15 AM
Good lord... Fifi lives.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:22:09 AM
Good lord... Fifi lives.

I remember Iris Marzullo with Trinity as her avatar, I miss her!!!!! :(:(:(:(

Mu Satach
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:27:00 AM
Yeah, Iris had her moments.

Krishna Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:41:52 AM
Yays! The gerbil launcher! :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 5th, 2007, 03:55:56 AM
So... who hasn't played a Marzullo at some time in the last however many years? :mneh

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 05:18:49 AM
I think a few TSE people have escaped this privilege.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:33:17 AM
I haven't :)

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:43:55 AM
I haven't :)

Then you aren't cool! :twak

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 5th, 2007, 07:26:18 AM
I haven't either. :mneh

Jun 5th, 2007, 07:27:03 AM
I haven't either. :mnehThe same as this.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 07:30:14 AM
I haven't either. :mneh

But you were under my command! So it counts! :twak

And Ogre, I don't think you would have even if we kidnapped all your loved ones and threatened to sell them to the Chinese black market. :D

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 5th, 2007, 08:23:35 AM
You are so violent, this morning :(

Lord Inquisitor Valten
Jun 5th, 2007, 08:36:06 AM
Kick him in the shins.

Fiera Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 09:36:18 AM
Of course I live! A goofball never dies!

Morgan Evanar
Jun 5th, 2007, 09:39:50 AM
So... who hasn't played a Marzullo at some time in the last however many years? :mnehI have done no such thing.

Kelly Perris
Jun 5th, 2007, 02:22:52 PM
So... who hasn't played a Marzullo at some time in the last however many years? :mneh

I confess!! I did... but it's been QUITE some time. And I don't think I did it any longer than half a year. But my memory really sucks.

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 5th, 2007, 04:35:26 PM
I have done no such thing.

I havent either, but I do pretend to be a human on the Internet. I am in fact a lawyer.

Face it, the Marzullos my be naughty, but it takes a lawyer to be truly evil.

Jun 5th, 2007, 04:45:49 PM
So... who hasn't played a Marzullo at some time in the last however many years? :mneh

I never really RPed much to begin with, but I was one of them for about two seconds forever ago. I don't even know which one now.

Heir Raktus
Jun 5th, 2007, 05:06:22 PM
I loved my wife too much, so I was evicted from the Marzullo's

Go figure

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:36:22 PM
I never really RPed much to begin with, but I was one of them for about two seconds forever ago. I don't even know which one now.

You aren't Crystal Mason aka Crystal Marzullo right?

And I never appreciated people just leaving without telling me they quit.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:37:06 PM
I loved my wife too much, so I was evicted from the Marzullo's

Go figure

LOL, you aren't supposed to have sex with someone in an open forum like this, the kiddies get scareded.

Jun 5th, 2007, 06:43:50 PM
You aren't Crystal Mason aka Crystal Marzullo right?

And I never appreciated people just leaving without telling me they quit.

No. I was/am Leeloo Mina. Crystal is my real name.

Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:51:25 PM
No. I was/am Leeloo Mina. Crystal is my real name.


Heir Raktus
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:54:42 PM
LOL, you aren't supposed to have sex with someone in an open forum like this, the kiddies get scareded.

I didn't, we shared a romantic dinner.... Didn't even finish the dinner before I was excused :twak


Itala Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 07:06:38 PM
Hmm I do suppose the rules were a bit more strict back then, TMC has gotten a lot more laid back after that.

Sorry about that dude.

I wonder what happened to the girl that played Evola, she was cool as hell.

Vonika Darrk
Jun 5th, 2007, 10:26:59 PM
I AM POSTING. Good. Vonika Darrk, Sith Apprentice to Radda Manthys.

Hi to everyone! I'm awesome cause I NEVER played a Marzullo, & managed to avoid doing so, though I watched them alot back in TC..yrs ago. Then started playing on Ezboard---uh..a little while ago. I lose track of time..SITH RULE!....bwahahahaha!! :p ....On that same note--I follow Jules around like a lost kitten (awww! Kittens ROCK!), & so finally came here after he promised to pet me :D

Dante Marzullo
Jun 5th, 2007, 10:31:06 PM
Welcome to Swfans Audrey, you will enjoy your stay, I assure you.

Vonika Darrk
Jun 5th, 2007, 10:33:44 PM
CREEP! lol...we'll see >:-) But thankee!

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 5th, 2007, 11:13:40 PM
CREEP! lol...we'll see >:-) But thankee!

Because you like kittens, you escape the welcome panning

Krishna Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 01:53:48 AM
Ello Audrey! ^_^ Yes the maddness continues once more...hehe

Jun 6th, 2007, 03:56:21 AM

I don't even know who you are.. but HEIR!! :)

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 6th, 2007, 05:46:55 AM
:wave Hello Audrey

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 6th, 2007, 07:37:26 AM
Crystal, he played Lord Gue in the past.

Dasquian Belargic
Jun 6th, 2007, 07:54:46 AM
How do you pronounce 'Gue'?

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 6th, 2007, 08:28:02 AM
How do you pronounce 'Gue'?

Sounds roughly like what nightclub carpet seems to be solely comprised of.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jun 6th, 2007, 09:00:27 AM
That's how I've always pronounced it, though I heard someone once say it was 'gyoo'. I have no idea, so someone set the record straight for me :p

Mu Satach
Jun 6th, 2007, 10:01:26 AM
I always thought "Goo" + "Eew"

Itala Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 11:23:56 AM
Like "Cue" probably.

Hartus Kenobi
Jun 6th, 2007, 12:56:57 PM
It's pronounced "Weer-Doe" ;)

Heir Raktus
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:18:58 PM
Mu was closer...


You hit on a person relentlessly for a year and they forget you in 5 |I

Mu Satach
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:31:31 PM
Mu was closer...


You hit on a person relentlessly for a year and they forget you in 5 |I

:dance :dance


was it Itala or Hart you hit on relentlessly???

Hartus Kenobi
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:33:31 PM
Not me. I wouldn't say I was "relentless"

Lilaena De'Ville
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:34:22 PM
I think he's talking about Leeloo :p

Mu Satach
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:38:54 PM
LD, you're ruining the joke. :p

Heir Raktus
Jun 6th, 2007, 03:40:38 PM
Leeloo, and I have to say she looked amazing

Itala Marzullo
Jun 6th, 2007, 04:47:15 PM
How do you pronounce your name now? Erectus?

Jun 7th, 2007, 12:36:01 AM
I'm terribly disfigured now because of an accident, so they'll be no need for any kind of flirting.

Heir Raktus
Jun 7th, 2007, 06:44:24 AM
But Im sure your still that beautiful girl deep inside :-)

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 7th, 2007, 07:47:48 AM
I'm terribly disfigured now because of an accident, so they'll be no need for any kind of flirting.

So you DONT look like my ex-wife anymore?

Then that's a GOOD thing!

Jun 7th, 2007, 08:11:25 AM
I only looked like her because of my Hello Kitty hoodie that you wanted to burn. :(

Jaime Tomahawk
Jun 7th, 2007, 04:25:26 PM
That's just a natural male response to Hello Kitty.

Fiera Marzullo
Jun 7th, 2007, 09:08:14 PM
I remember the chick who played Evola... she was cool... I miss her >.<

*hands Sally her own special gerbil launcher* :p