View Full Version : Hearts Over Hawaii
Alex Peyton
May 22nd, 2007, 06:51:27 PM
"It's going to be a very clear day. For those heavy travelers, expect no delays, however anyone on the lower coast, expect long lines due to cancellations. Hurricane-"
Alex raised her eyebrows as she turned around to see the young woman behind the cash register at the coffee shop in the airport who was apparently not in the mood for the morning forecast, which Alex found highly inappropriate considering people wanted to know if there were going to be any sort of delay when flying. It was hurricane season in the south and it was very concerning for Alex, Captain of today's flight to Honolulu, Hawaii, carrying over 98 passengers. The layover allowed her a moment to breathe, four hours to Chicago wasn't something she was looking forward to, so when she remembered she'd have an hour to relax she was all for it before heading back to her seat.
She sighed out, trying to cool off her mouth from the incredibly hot coffee. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a dollar for her coffee and sat it on the marble counter of the coffee shop and turned around, grabbing her hat and fixing it on her head, annoyed that her hair had fallen slightly, causing the cap to be too tight. Alex was tired, no more than usual, morning flights were not really her thing, but she adapted, however being tossed back an hour annoyed her.
Sighing out again simply because she could, she smiled at a rushing family trying to make their way to a flight that had just been given the last call. Without much else, Alex knew that she should head aboard and get everything together before preparing to fly out of O' Hare International Airport.
"Ready?" Captain Gerard looked over at her as she stopped by his side as she looked up at one of the many television screens hanging on a column for passnegers to watch the weather. He looked down at her with a look of annoyance. The two never were truly simpatico with each other, he was a very straight edge kind of guy whereas she was more relaxed and tried to enjoy her job, sadly he made work just that.
"Always. I was wondering where you were! We are late to get on the plane. Come on." She bit her lower lip in response and gave him a curt nod, following close behind before flashing their plastic tags with their identification before moving through the gate and towards their plane. If things kept going they way they were for Alex, she'd be ready to crash it by the end of the day.
A small grin crossed her face as she thought of that. How horrible! She looked around at the people sitting anxiously in the chairs at the gate, some were preoccupied with their iPods, newspapers, cell phones, none of them looked like they wanted to be there. But she figured she'd give anyone who looked her way a bright happy grin.
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 07:04:27 PM
Kylie was one of those who was fiddling with his iPod. Video iPods weren't all they were cracked up to be and he was now hankering for the Nano he had left at home. He watched as their pilots got on board. That meant passangers wouldn't be far behind. Their flight had been delayed due to work on the tarmac. The work had ended about twenty minutes before, and soon enough the passangers would be called to get on.
He had been staring at and Asain on the seat across from him for nearly a half hour, watching him play with his blackberry, talk on his bluetooth, fiddle with his computer case, tighten his tie. Kylie was about tired of looking at his face, but there wasn't anything else more interesting to look at. The other passangers that were waiting there were all chattering to the people they knew or were with, about the clothes they had brought, or the many suitcases they would have to get once at their destination. There had even been an uproar with a teenage girl and her mother about the girl's cell phone being left at the house.
Kylie hate flying. In fact, it was the top fear on his list of things to fear. But because of the fact that he was co-owner of The Blue Light club there in New York, and his partner was in Maine for this week, Kylie was being forced to fly to Hawaii to look at the building they were planning on buying to start a Blue Light in Hawaii. Kylie had all the paperwork in his satchel that he was carrying onto the plane, but at the moment he was much too tired to look at it.
He watched as the pilots disappeared down the hall, and fifteen to twenty minutes later, their flight was called. There was a mass of people that shifted, getting up out of their seats, moving their carry-on luggage, chattering, saying goodbye to family. The man across from Kylie gathered up his computer, blackberry, and suit jacket and fell in-step behind Kylie as they formed some semblance of a line to get onto the plane.
Thank God. The sooner this was over the better.
Bunny Caldwell
May 22nd, 2007, 07:18:03 PM
The sound of a young spunky woman calling for the second class, Bunny was on her feet, almost dancing all the way to the gate entrance as she listened to her cheap wal-mart bought mp3 player, ignoring the man with the mac daddy of all mp3 players to her left. She was jealous, of course who wouldn't be when flaunting a sexy machine like that around, but she was content with her small, simple, cheapo spin off that she could afford. She sighed as she handed the young lady with the plastic face her ticket and then walking down the enclosure to the plane where she was greeted by a flight attendant with all teeth and whose hair was pulled back so tight she wondered if it was her perpetual face lift. Either way, she was pleasant and quick to escort her to her seat, sadly it wasn't window like she had prayed.
"Thank you so much!" Bunny said with a smile as she stuffed her small bag into the overhead storage, falling into her seat and sighing out, ready to get this sucker going so she could get the crap out of Chicago and to Hawaii. Oh how she couldn't wait to see those blue waters and white shores. The pictures she had seen, the stories she had heard, all of them were about to happen to her and she was more than ready to go to a place she had never been unless in her dreams!
She looked around at the small grouping of people huddling down the very small aisle, she bit her lower lip as she looked out the window at the tarmac and she let out a small squee of happiness. She was so excited to be on a plane! To be on her way to Hawaii! She wished she could teleport herself there because it would give her an extra day to lounge on the beach in her bathing suit, sadly she wasn't going to be able to much of that except get a tan standing outside with a picket sign at a national peace rally. She sighed out as she moved back into her seat, looking down at her mp3 player, skipping to a song by a ukelele player from Hawaii, a complicated name she wasn't about to try and speak of herself outloud. She smiled to herself as she got the warm and fuzzies as she looked up to see more people walking into the couch area.
"Lets go! Lets go!" She said lowly as she boucned slightly in her seat. People were going to think she was really incredibly nuts.
Laurent Flinn
May 22nd, 2007, 07:31:22 PM
Laurent was far too old for this kind of thing. This was what young people did. Got in their bikinis, and trunks, got their cell phones and iPods, and went to Hawaii. An old fart like him wasn't in any kind of shape to be going to such a place. But...his hospital required that he take advantage of the week long surgeon's clinic going on. Which, actually, he was looking forward to. But spending a week in a place where all he would be able to do would be to look out his window at the young people running around and wish he was still in his teens, he was not looking forward to that.
Tha plane seemed cramped once everyone got seated. He was next to a woman he--obviously--didn't know, and he felt like his space was being invaded. He tried to not look at her as she fussed around with her things. He watched the other passengers get on and was bumped by a young Asain boy who apologized and seated himself in the aisle seat on the other side of the aisle from Laurent.
He was watching people like a hawk--people-watching was one of his favorite pasttimes--trying to guess what they were going to hawaii for. So far he had counted ten vacationers, seven business people, two honeymooners, and a peppered number of others that he couldn't decide what they were there for.
He turned his attention back down to his lap, where he pulled out the brochure for the clinic he was going to participate in...he hoped it was worth all this hassle.
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 07:43:02 PM
She was counting down the moments until she was at the clinic, at the center where her life was to start anew. She was so tired already. Over a week at the facility in Chicago to allow her to go through detox was not very fun. She was exhausted, but she was ready to get to Hawaii to finish what she had never really started in her prior events of rehab. She wasn't suffering from cravings, yet, but she knew that they were a vital part of her recovery and she was told that she'd start feeling the effects after a week or so. She was just hoping it would not happen on the plane because she didn't want to cause any trouble and have the plane land in California or somewhere else.
So far she was having good luck and, despite being a bit tired, she was ready for everything and she was almost halfway excited to be going if not for herself but for the view. She had looked over her pamphlets of the center over a million times, it was like a spa and retreat, yet at teh same time a place she'd seek the help she needed. But hse was very cautious of looking at them in public, she didn't want people to know what she was. She even kept her sleeves folded below her elbows so peopel could not see her track marks, for they had no quite gone away.
She bit her lower lip as she looked for her seat, checking out the sides of the chairs until she saw her row, a man's long legs in her way. She looked up to find a black man leaning his head back, eyes closed, apparently listening to some music, she wondered what it was. She looked up at the overhead and quickly opened it, wanting to get her clunky bag out of the way and to see if the man will "sense" her, but once it was put away and the storage closed, the man was still in his zone. She looked around at the people finding their seats, luckily she wasn't in need of moving, yet. She didn't want to disturb him, but she had to. Slowly, cautiously, she tapped the man on the shoulder.
"Excuse me. Psst!" She leaned up, hoping a smalll shove did the trick.
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 07:57:46 PM
Kylie jumped a little when someone poked him. He glanced up, seeing a pretty blonde woman, looking anxiously at him. He leaned up, reaching up and pulling his white earbuds out of his ears so he could hear her. He realized belatedly that his legs were all kinds of in her way. He jumped up quickly.
"Sorry, ma'am," he said, his British accent sounding thick after hearing so many Americans around him all day. He squeezed himself back, making room for her. He felt a little embarrassed that he had been in the zone and she had been trying to get by him. Ah well, it was an airplane, he'd never see her again after this flight. He waited for her to squeeze by before sliding back down in his seat, adjusting his glasses on his face and peering down at his iPod. His urge to listen to music had suddenly gone away, but he had nothing else to do...
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 08:03:25 PM
"Sorry!" She said with a warm smile as she squeezed by him, looking down at him as she did, her butt brushing against the seat behind her. She didn't want to have his face smack her butt as she passed, so she figured it would be more curteous to give him the crotch, although both, in her eyes, were incredibly embarassing and humiliating.
"I saw you listening to music, didn't want to really bug you, but you know!" She smiled and sat down and sighed out, looking out the window with a glee of happiness. "I love flying, don't you?"
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 08:08:20 PM
Kylie smiled up at her, discreetly looking away from her crotch as he knew it was embarrassing for her, and just as much so for him. When she sat, he looked over and out the window a moment before shaking his head.
"Naw. I'm not much of a flyer..." he said. He didn't expound anymore, as his people skills were not that wonderful. The last time he'd flown had been from London to New York, a long time ago, and he hadn't ever done it since. It scared him a ridiculous amount, which was why he had his music. It was the only thing that would take off the edge of knowing that one was 30,000 feet in the air. He watched the woman for a moment as she settled into her seat next to him. He figured if he was going to be on this flight with her, he might as well try to be nice.
"You're on vacation, yeh?"
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 08:13:38 PM
She looked over at him, he was an attractive man, but her mind was too focused on keeping her sleeves down, her urges away, and her anxiousness at bay.
"Oh," She said lowly, nodding a moment, watching a young man walk by their seat. "I suppose I understand." She smiled at him, trying to reassure him. Sadly, being in rehab many times it gave her a sense of being able to share life experiences and give him advice or make him feel better, but this man was a stranger and she was hoping he wouldn't be too harsh on her openess.
"You aren't in control so, you don't know what is going to happen. I completely understand your fear. It'll be okay. I can close the window for you, if you'd like me to?"
Leo Chang
May 22nd, 2007, 08:19:51 PM
Leo was already comfy in his seat, his bottle of water in his hand, his legs crossed comfortably, his foot bouncing up and down in anticipation. He loved flying, he thought it was relaxing. Plus he did it so much, the skies were like his second home now.
He had barely been able to hang up the phone with his assisstant, who was a nervous wreck without him there, but his blue tooth was still stuck in his ear. He knew he would need to take it out, but...not right this moment. He was watching as people filed into their seats. All kinds of people. Businessmen and women, fact most of the plane was taken up with vacationers. Of course, if given his choice, Leo would have been going to Hawaii for vacation too. Unfortunately, his work never seemed to stop. He was sure he had about a year of built up vacation time, but every day seemed so jampacked with work that he never found time to take off.
The seat next to him was still empty. With his luck he'd get a pregnant woman, a teenager with their music blared enough to deafen them, or a chatty older man or woman, who's fear of flying manifested in chattiness. Not that Leo was a non-chatty person. But he wanted to get some valuable sleeping time in during this trip if he could...
Tayshaun Payne
May 22nd, 2007, 08:29:52 PM
Tayshaun Payne was not very happy with things at this moment, so far he has lost his luggage, he had a headache from hell, and he was incredibly tired. He hated flying, not because he was stuck in a small cabin with people he didn't know, annoyed at everything, the food, the air, the noise, everything, he just wanted to relax andrecline in his seat trying to keep his mind busy with thinking of new compositions. He sighed out as she walked into the airplane, shocked to find it wasn't as full as he was expecting. Actually, for a huge plane it wasn't even nearly filled.
He looked around, raising an eyebrow as she moved between the ailse, slightly nodding at a few people, trying to find his seat quickly. He wanted to sit, sleep, drink, anything to keep his mind off of the hell week he was going to endure at the benefit for music, a fundraiser that was filled with nothing but boring people and even more boring speakers. He wanted some fun, but these people were all old and halfway out the door, unfortunately he had to represent one of the biggest musical schools in the US, he was the only representitive. He had been twice and he knew that this year was going to be just as horrible as the last.
"Excuse me," He touched a flight attendant shoulder, "Can you help me find my seat?" The young lady snatched his ticket out of his hand and immediately pointed. He saw a young Asian with a bluetooth instrument sticking out of his ear. He couldn't express how ridiculous he looked, it was like a growth! Sadly, he had one, sadly he was as attached to it as it was him. He nodded at the woman and walked to the seat.
"Afternoon." He said to the man as he stopped by his seat. "Mind if I climb over you?"
Leo Chang
May 22nd, 2007, 08:36:48 PM
Leo glanced up, fluttering his eyes slightly as his mind registered the words. He stood up immediately, sucking it in--even though...he really didn't have much to suck in--and smiled, waving at him.
"Climb away," he said cordially. He did hate having to be in such close quarters with other people, as much for their sake as for his. He was sure no one wanted to sit next to the businessman with all sorts of gadgets hanging off of him. Oh well, planes were just that way.
He stretched his arm up to touch the cieling and give the man a little more room. He waited for a moment after the man got by him before sitting back down, shifting in his seat and resuming his position, crossing his legs, and bouncing his water bottle against his leg. He gave the man a sidelong glance as he situated, wondering breifly what he did--he looked too casual to be on a business trip, but too formal to be on vacation. Honeymoon maybe? But he hadn't seen a woman attached to him, or sucking his face off before he sat down...
Leo stilled his preoccupied mind, and shifted a little away to allow the man more elbow room.
Tayshaun Payne
May 22nd, 2007, 08:42:12 PM
"I hate planes," He said in a gruntled sigh as he leaned forward, putting a small satchel under his chair, not really caring for putting his stuff in a storage bin above his head that anyone could take if he fell asleep. He looked over at the man as he situated his bag till he was happy with where it lay.
"I take it you are on business?" Tay wasn't one for having the most tactful way of asking questions, but he enjoyed talking, helped ease his mind considering he wasn't partial to liking hour long plane rides that scared the bejesus out of him. Not only were planes feeding off of his deeply embedded phobia of being in small places, it was also feeding on his fear of heights and flying. Nice. Triple whammy! God hated him today.
"You don't peg me for the type of man who travels with all your...accessories for pleasure, unless of course you just really enjoy technology?" He smiled as she sat up, putting on his seatbelt too familiar with the instructions that were actually going on as they spoke, well he spoke to the man. He prayed he spoke english, how bad would it look if he was carrying on a one sided conversation?
Leo Chang
May 22nd, 2007, 08:46:38 PM
Leo smiled, glancing around at the things he had around him. He did look rather foolish with his computer, blackberry, bluetooth, and various other gadgets laying around. He buckled his seatbelt and shrugged a little, looking back over.
"Business it is," he said with an enthusiastic nod. He was glad he at least got a pleasant seatmate, or else the trip might have been miserable. "Contracting..." he paused. "Yourself? You don't look much like a businessman," he said with a smile. And if anyone knew another businessman, he was sure it would be him. He worked around them so much it made him ill to think he was one himself.
Tayshaun Payne
May 22nd, 2007, 08:52:05 PM
He nodded in response to his question.
"Not exactly business. I am a composer and teacher for Juilliard in New York City. I uh," He looked around out of sheer curiosity and out of seeing if he saw anyone he knew who happened to be going to this crap benefit this year. "Heading to Hawaii for a music benefit. Rather boring." He sat back in his chair and sighed out, trying to get comfortable at the air blowing on his face from the small vent of air above him.
"I don't mean to make it sound like I hate helping schools getting music equipment. Sorry." He sighed. "But I am sure you go to benefits and gatherings and come across rich, pompous people who think nothing but themselves. These people I am going to be with...yeah they hope that the more money they donate, they'll get some award." He shook his head, looking out the window for a moment, his mnd taking a moment to register they'd be off in no time flat.
"You heading to Hawaii for.....?"
Leo Chang
May 22nd, 2007, 08:57:46 PM
Leo listened intently. He was so odd for the fact that he loved listening to people talk. It was a weakness. It was why he always listened to talk radio before he went to sleep at night. So he was interested in what the man was saying because it was another human being talking. He nodded after a moment, before shrugging and chuckling a little.
"Yeah, benefits..." he shook his head. "Not my thing. I leave that to my partner," he said with a smile. After a moment he nodded. "I'm heading there for a meeting with these big company owners that want to contract their businesses with us. They won't settle till they get us..." he paused. "I'll trade you trips." He smiled, leaning his head back against the seat and swallowing, allowing the words of the past few moments to settle into his brain before leaning back up and looking over, his brow furrowed.
"You said you teach at Juilliard?" he said interestedly. He smiled. "You must be some guy, teacher and composer."
Tayshaun Payne
May 22nd, 2007, 09:08:23 PM
Tayshaun laughed at his offer. He liked this guy, glad to have someone worth talking to and who talked back it was something he rarely got anymore, seemed people were no longer as friendly as they used to be.
"IIIIIII think I'll stay with what I am doing!" He laughed lightly as he became more relaxed as the attendants continued their mandaroty speech, he barely paying any mind to them, did anyone? "If you want you are more than welcome to come with me! I could use someone to talk to at these things! You are a lot more interesting than those wet rags who are more worried about their image."
He sighed out as she watched the young attendants point to all the exits. He laughed lightly. Who actually needed exits on a plane? They were just to ease people's minds. If the plane went was gonna go down without any survivors, in his opinion. He looked back at the man, he didn't need to think about that kind of thing right now before take-off.
"Uh, I do, I do teach at Juilliard, but I promise you it is just like any other college except no general education classes, just music. All the time." He laughed. "But your business is good, too, you are professional, sharp suits, cool gadgets. Women are probably lining out your door wanting to get a date." He laughed lightly.
Leo Chang
May 22nd, 2007, 09:17:31 PM
Leo laughed lightly. At first he didn't take the remark seriously, but then he remembered that not everyone in the world was a super-closeted homosexual as he was. He shrugged a little.
"They line," he said simply. He pushed that subject from his mind quickly, instead returning back to the music thing. Although never any good with writing it, Leo appreciated music, loved symphonies, and any music really, in any form. He paused a moment before he said anything else, giving all parties a moment to regroup.
"So you said you compose?" he asked. "Might I ask what sort of music? I don't know much about it myself," he said with a smile.
Tayshaun Payne
May 22nd, 2007, 09:21:02 PM
He looked over at the man, taking in more than his gadgets hanging from here and there, he was an attractive man, he'd date him, but it was apparently he was not the kind of man who was gay, unlike himself. Apparently, he had hit it right on the money, the do line, if he played his team, he'd definitely fight to be the first one.
"I compose anything and everything. I have subjects, so from one chapter to another I teach the class to compose. I have...rock music, symphonies, latin, dance...anything. Now, me, personally, I love piano pieces and quartets. Anything that comes to mind." He smiled. Boy, he loved talking music, life, jobs, it was a great thing he realized in his moment of happiness and his freedom of a brewing headache. This is why he enjoyed flying amidst it's horrors. The people you met, unmatched by all means.
"Everyone knows music, just some don't know how to make it!"
Leo Chang
May 22nd, 2007, 09:30:28 PM
Leo couldn't help but smile as he watched the man talk about music. It was obviously something he was very passionate about. Leo listened as he talked about the different things he composed. Leo wished he had the talent to write music. It would be the one gift that God had failed to give to him. Ah well.
"So it just comes to you?" he asked, very interested now. He found himself unconsciously finding the man very attractive. He had to keep it in check, but he figured if he wouldn't ever see him again, he might as well look. He shook his head a little. He didn't get how someone could just be sitting there and how music could just attack their brain. He imagined it was much like him sitting there considering a math problem and the solution just coming to him. He smiled.
"The symphony is my first music love. I admire you for being able to just write something like that."
Tayshaun Payne
May 22nd, 2007, 09:36:09 PM
Tayshaun looked around, shaking his leg, ready to take off. Nerves were starting to get through his moment of distraction. The man was a good one to have, he kept talking, he was good looking, probably rich, which was always nice considering it helped him with his fantasies when he slept at night. He looked at the man and smiled.
"It does. I am constantly thinking of things to write in my head. Sometimes it works, some times it doesn't, most times it doesn't." He let out a little laugh, smiling brightly at the man. New acquaintance. "I suppose it is much like a random thought someone has, except it is music, notes that I suddenly consider." He shrugged. "It is very hard to concentrate sometimes because of it." He looked out the window as he watched the luggage cart being driven away. Again, his nerves.
"Well, I admire you for being so tech savvy. I don't see how you can manage to stay connected to everyone all the time. It must be hectic."
Alex Peyton
May 22nd, 2007, 09:44:36 PM
Alex sighed out as she flipped millions of switches at once, preparing for lift off as she adjusted her headset and her controls, much like that of an astronaut preparing for lift off. She had a little bit more harder task at hand considering she had to actually drive the thing instead of being shot like a rocket.
"This is Captain Peyton, to base, making sure we have connection." She waited a moment before she heard the voice of the watchtower respond, telling her it was time to depart to Hawaii. She looked around her area and flipped on her intercom switch, allowing the passengers to hear her.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain Alex Peyton speaking," She paused briefly hoping everyone understood her through her incredibly hard english accent. "Connecting from New York City, to Honolulu, Hawaii. I ask you to please turn off all cellular phones, computer laptops, and any other electronic device on board until further notice. It can disrupt our system." She looked at her co-captain and nodded at him to prepare to turn the plane around.
"I ask you to remain seated and seatbelts fastened until the light on your above console is off, or until we are stable, and lastly there is absolutely no smoking on board. Thank you so much for flying with us today, we are expecting low turbulence. If you need anything please ask a flight attendant for service. Thank you. We are now preparing to leave." She cut off communications and flipped on the seatbelt signs and quickly grabbed her gears and turned left in unison with her pilot.
Alex gave a small quick prayer and was then in the mode of nothing but getting this big sucker off the ground.
Takuya Bou
May 22nd, 2007, 09:51:45 PM
Takuya listened closely to the pilot on the intercom, but after a moment, he ignored it. All he cared about was getting comfortable and getting back into the pile of mangas he had ordered from Osaka several months ago. All in Japanese, they would be a good escape from the hectic morning he had had, and the flight they were about to embark on. He could look across the aisle to where a black man and a blonde woman were seated, and just in front of them, a black man and another Asian man. Chinese though, Bou could tell from his eyes.
Bou glanced around him, excited to get off the ground and on his way to Hawaii. He hadn't been in ages, not since he had been thirteen and a little too young to realy live it up there. Sure, he was there to see family, but he knew he would be attacking the ocean, and taking down the night life single handedly. He was way too excited to sit around with his grandparents all day for two weeks. He knew he'd be taking off with his cousin, Mai, and they'd be tearing it up.
He couldn't wait.
He could feel the plane beginning to move. This was the worst part of flying. After this was over, it was literally, smooth sailing.
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 10:00:14 PM
Chastity looked out the window at the ground moving under them, excitement filled her beyond comparison. She loved flying, but in the back of her mind she had a severe concern for needing that last hit, that hit that would be the one thingto make it all better, but her morale was high and she was excited for all parties involved in her getting well. She looked over at her plane ride partner, whom she was calling considering she had no idea what his name was.
She felt the plane's speed increase and suddenly she got a bit scared, like her stomach just jumped in her throat, but she wasn't fearful of flying. She suddenly realized she was feeling referred fear by the man sitting next to her. She glanced over at the man to find him sitting as far back in the seat as humanly possible without his entire human existence somehow converting over into government styrofoam. She swore that this would be the moment she needed to close the plastic blind over the rounded rectangular window.
She bit her lower lip, gave out a sigh of sadness that she wasn't going to see the awesomeness of the whole leaving the ground kinda thing, but she knew it was out of common courtesy. She slid the shade down and looked back at the man who was about to turn a vastly different shade of pale. She leaned over and grabbed his hand that was like the jaws of life on the metal arm and tried to be nice and gentle as one human could be to another.
"I'm Chastity Collins. What's your name?" She asked him. "Are you married? Single? Have any children?"
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 10:06:51 PM
Yes, Kylie hated flying. If there was something someone could name that he hated more than flying he would eat his hat. He never flew, never needed to fly, and had never wanted to fly again after going to the US in the first place. And now, here he was, a grown man, and still just about to kill himself to get rid of the fear.
He felt the vague warmth of another human's hand on his, and he barely looked over, seeing the woman looking gently at him. She was asking him questions, probably to distract him from the fear. He would do his best to be distracted.
"I'm uh...Kylie. Kylie Galway," he answered, leaning his head forward a little, trying to relax. But the plane's shaking was making that so difficult. He shook his head a little. "No, I'm...I'm single. No kids..." he glanced over. "What about, family? Anything?"
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 10:14:21 PM
So far, she thought to herself out of pure joy, so good. This man, although probably not the most receptive to conversation at this moment in his life, she figured it was worth a try. She had done this many times and she was someone who was quite favorable to the idea of flying and the amounts of consoling she did to her friends who flew with her just made it seem like second nature, so of course she wanted to at least try in soothing this man's soul, even if it was to no avail.
"I am not married," She responded quickly as she focused on the man who had very pretty eyes and a very nice accent. She didn't know why, but she loved different races other than her own, may it be asian, latino, african, she loved it. To her own surprise she was very partial to liking the minority groupings other than her own, blacks mostly. She couldn't help but realize how incredibly racist that could have sounded, but she couldn't help it! She liked his skin color. She always had liked his racial grouping.
"I have a little girl! Name's Attica. Wanted it to be Atticus, but when it was a girl, had to change it. Ever read 'To Kill a Mockingbird', Kylie?"
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 10:32:16 PM
Kylie had read that book, actually. Come to think of it, he had read it not that long ago due to someone reccommending it to him. But for the life of him he couldn't remember what it was about. He shook his head in the affirmitive, but couldn't make out any words as the plane sped up and began to shiver a little bit.
Yeah. If God had meant for human beings to fly, Kylie was of the strong opinion that the good Lord, in his infinite wisdom, would have given man wings. As it was however, human beings flun huge bits of metal into the sky and expected them to stay up. There was something morally wrong with that. At least in Kylie's opinion there was.
"Yes, love, I've read it..." he said weakly.
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 10:37:46 PM
Chastity smiled, happy that he had! She had never read a book in her life except that one. She really enjoyed it and it almost made her go ahead and read books other than Dr. Suess, unoforuntaley she had other things on her mind than books. Luckily, she thought to herslef, she had brought it along since it was the only thing that had kept her sane during her moments of peace and tranquility.
"Great." She said to him almost as if she were singing, something she didn't mean to do, but it was a reaction she was used to doing when her child did something she had asked her to do or made a good grade at school. "It is a great book, isn't it?" She leaned a little closer to him, trying to keep his attention on her not the plane that suddenly started shaking.
"You have a very beautiful voice, Kylie. I don't think I've ever met a man from England, or had an english accent, quite exciting for me. You coming from England? You live there?"
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 10:41:29 PM
Kylie was slowly beginning to relax, even though the big hunk of metal was still shivering slightly. But he could tell they were a minute or two from actually leaving the ground and his body was beginning to get used to the idea of being a mile or so in the air. He smiled a little leaning forward and looking over at her to keep his mind on their conversation instead of on the shaking plane.
"Sadly, no," he answered. "I, uh...grew up there...went to school in America..." he paused a moment gritting his teeth as the plane jolted. He chuckled nervously. "I live in the Bronx..."
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 10:49:19 PM
"Oh!" Her eyes widened and she let out a small laugh. "The Bronx, I heard that place was a bit rough." She looked around at the people, none of them look at all as exciting as the man she was sitting with. Forced first impressions she liked this guy and he was very interesting to boot. Anyone with an accent as cool as his, definitely was great in her book.
"I have never been to New York. I heard it is a neat place, though. I haven't been much of anywhere except where I live and Texas." She swallowed and nodded. "Yeah, I am a bit of a hick." She laughed lightly.
She could feel the plane starting to level and she was a bit saddened, wondering if he would continue to talk with her like he was now, but then agian he couldn't just ignore her! These two just made a connection, or so she thought, then again she thought anyone who paid attention to her was now connected with her in some way or another, it was bit of her old personality of being the spunky cheerleader who the world revolved around coming back with a vengence for a moment. Luckily, self control kept her in line.
"What are you doing going to Hawaii?" She urged the conversation as they hit the worst turbulence, usually before everything finally gained to the sensation of floating, which she loved most about the plane.
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 10:54:41 PM
When they finally leveled out, Kylie let out a sigh, rubbing his forehead for a long moment before remembering that he was still carrying on a conversation. He paused a moment to regain himself, before turning to look at her. He felt the blood returning to his fingers and face. He sighed a little. He realized how kind she had been to distract him during the worst of it.
"Oh," he said, smiling a little. To him, all Yanks were hicks, but that was just because of their accents. He shook his head. "The Bronx can be rough, but only in certain places..." he said, his strained voice returning to its usual soft quality. He paused a moment, glanced around.
"Me? I'm headed to Hawaii for business...we are going to open a new club there," he laughed a little.
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 10:59:00 PM
She let go of his hand, thinking it was now inappropriate now that they were leveled out and in the clear. She sat back, she had been sweating herself as if his entire life was in her hands, but it was the least she could do to at least try and make this man live through a little turbulence and take-off.
"Cool." She said with a nod. "New club." She retorted. "You own one I take it?" She frowned. Did they have this conversation before? When they first met? She recalled him saying something about Blue Light? Or was she going mental? "You said something earlier about it."
Kylie Galway
May 22nd, 2007, 11:02:39 PM
Kylie glanced over. He furrowed his brow.
"Did I?" he asked. He honestly couldn't remember if he had mentioned his club or not. Maybe she had and he just hadn't remembered that he had been talking to this woman. Either way, he didn't remember it, but she obviously did. He nodded a little. "Yes. I co-own and DJ for a club in New York..." he paused a moment. "What about you, Miss Collins?" he smiled a little. "You said you had a daughter? What do you do for a living?"
He was interested in learning about her now that she knew practically all there was to know about him except sexual orientation and middle name.
Chastity Collins
May 22nd, 2007, 11:17:42 PM
DJ. That was something. She might have lived in a big city, but living just outside of the loop she didn't really know much of anything or met anyone worth remembering. Being a drug addicted mother who almost lost her only child to social services she didn't know much except her drug buddies and the police.
She laughed lightly, his question wasn't funny, she just wanted to laugh at the thought of being a single mother without a job, he was going to think she was incredibly irresponsible. She looked over at him as she situated herself in a way to look at him better. Hopefully, she thought to herself, this man wasn't very judgemental. If he was, she hoped her kindness had exuded well over the whole first impression, hopefully he liked her well enough.
"I...I don't do anything." She laughed nervously. "I've had a minor setback in goals." She smiled. "I guess having a child at 17 will do that to anyone I suppose." Again she let out another nervous laugh and looked away from him a moment to play with her hair out of shyness. It was only then did she realize the close proximity of the two and that she made it blatantly clear she found him attractive, his eyes she said, but it was flirting still. The point, she was sure, got across.
"I was," She went on. "A waitress at a small cafe in Chicago. But...I didn't stay there long."
Kylie Galway
May 23rd, 2007, 10:48:52 AM
Kylie listened closely, his fear slowly ebbing away as he listened to her talk. A child at seventeen? Yeah, that would throw a monkey wrench into even the tightest of plans. Kylie should know, his best friend made the mistake of getting a girl pregnant...and when she had taken off, he had gotten the kid. Of course, his friend had no greater joy than his little girl, but he certainly wasn't doing what he had always planned on doing.
Even though she had said she hadn't had a job, it hadn't really gotten through to him. He didn't judge people on their looks or their occupations. Hell, if he did that, he'd be judging himself ninety-eight percent of the time. So he knew that even if she wasn't employed, she still seemed a good person.
And...was that...was she flirting with him? Kylie did not flirt well. Neither did he take flirting well. He hadn't been flirted with since ninth grade, and that was because someone had put her up to it. His defense mechanism was shyness. Of course, it wasn't that much different from how he usually was...
"I see," he said, glancing over a stewardess came through. "How old is your daughter, Miss Collins?"
Chastity Collins
May 23rd, 2007, 01:29:22 PM
Chastity still felt the burn on her cheeks of embarassment for herself, although she'd never see this person again in her life she still was self conscious and fearful of what others thought of her, although she had been told and taught to not really care. She breathed in as she tried to shake the feeling of being judged, although this man didn't strike her as the type, it was still something that urked her in the back of her mind.
"My daughter is five, about to turn six at the end of the year." She laughed. "They grow up rather quickly." She looked over at him, giving him the once over before smiling yet agian. "You'll find that out for yourself if you ever have children someday." Her eyes trailed off to a young woman getting a glass of water and then to the flight attendant who walked ahead with her cart before looking back at her new friend.
"Please," She said lowly and with a soft grin. "Call me Chastity, no need for formalities."
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 02:10:26 PM
Now that they were in the air, Bou was feeling more happy. The sooner they got going the better. He had unbuckled his seat belt and was glancing around at the people he was flying with. He smiled, digging through his bag to grab his Video iPod. Now that they were flying, it should hurt to have it out. He wanted to watch a movie on it, but he couldn't decide what, so he just put his ear buds in and started scrolling through his music.
He hadn't yet thought to chat up the person he was sitting next to, as...the man didn't seem that he wanted to be spoken too. He was dressed nicely, in a suit and pants, but his pale skin stuck out sorely among the people here who--being on their way to Hawaii--had been laying in the tanning bed for weeks straight.
Bou leaned back and listened to his music, ignoring the man next to him, who was too busy fiddling with a cell phone to even notice Bou sitting there.
Francois Roux
May 25th, 2007, 02:20:10 PM
Being among these was like swimming in a bog. They were all there for the same thing. The sun of Hawaii. The joys to be found there. To partake in the debauchery only sub-human animals partook in.
The human race had sickened Francois. He was tired of dealing with people and their ignorance. Even coming to America barely speaking the language, he was more intelligent than half of the people he had met in his life. He couldn't believe that the grestest country in the world bred such degenerates. He didn't understand how, even with all their technogoly, how they still had their vehicles, and their airplanes, and their motorcycles, their plants, their waste going out into the environment to destroy it.
It confused Francois. Confused and infuriated him.
But he was ready to end it. He had been planning this for far too long for it to go wrong. It couldn't go wrong. He had had the best consultants, and the best contacts who knew about planes, and he knew exactly what he needed to do to bring this bird out of the sky.
It was just to wait now.
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 02:36:23 PM
Alex sat back, sighing out as she looked at the small meter on her console seeing the coordinates needed to be taken ahead. She was so sleepy, she wanted a power nap, unfortunately there really wasn't much one could do who was in control of a massive airplane with over 98 people inside it, lives that she had to protect on their way to whatever destination it may be. She looked at her co-pilot, his eyes glued to a page in a book, something she didn't care to figure out what it was. She watched their gears move slightly from being on automatic pilot, she slid her seat back, not caring that her unfriendly coworker glanced at her with confusion and toying with the idea of whether or not he was going to ask what she was doing. She didn't need to report to him anyway.
Alex stretched, they had been in the air for a little over an hour, they had a few more to go and she didn't have that much time left to relax or take a break before they were over the pacific ocean, dealing with turbulence from the winds swooping in from all over the place. She walked to the small metal door and unlocked it, pushing it to the side as she walked out into the small kitchen area where she saw three attendants talking, making something in the kitchen. They looked up at her with smiles and said hello.
"Got any coffee?" She questioned to them.
"We are making some now. We can bring it to you if you'd like?" The young blonde girl looked at the pot that was apparently brewing and Alex simply shook her head and waved a hand.
"Thank you, but I will get some when it is ready. I need to use the loo." She smiled and walked to the black curtain that partitioned the flight crew from the passengers. She pushed it open and loooked up to see a sporadic crowd of people, some talking, some reading, napping, but something she mainly saw were a lot of people with iPod's. She hadn't ever gotten herself one, but she figured she'd eventually break down and purchase one soon.
"Hello." She said to a young girl that looked up at her. She smiled back at her as Alex slowly made her way down the aisle, glancing at people from time to time. She laughed lightly when a flight attendant hauled down the aisle in a rush, apparently she had something to give to someone and was in a hurry from taking too long a break apparently. Alex moved aside, apologizing to her before walking on, her knee cracking against another, boney at that, sharp too. She hissed lightly and looked down at the knee she ran into and quickly apologized to the passenger as fast as she could, expressing her apologies loudly and gathering some attention from people who were awake.
The man shook his head and apologized, too. Alex looked up at the people behind the man to meet a bare of astonishing blue eyes who was, like a few others, looking to see what had happened. Alex smiled shyly at the passenger and quickly moved on after one more apology.
Laurent Flinn
May 25th, 2007, 02:46:10 PM
Unfortunately, it hadn't been Laurent's knee she had fallen all over. It had, sadly, been his seat mate, who, in all his touristy glory, had grinned and apologized and gone on reading. Laurent sighed. Even though he was probably twice the woman's age, he wasn't completely stupid when he saw a beautiful woman.
Laurent huffed slightly, glancing over at an Asian and a Black man who were chatting a seat or tow in front of he and his touristy seat mate. Not that they were being loud, but Laurent had a problem with eavesdropping, and they were the closest passengers that were actually speaking to one another.
Laurent pulled out the book he had brought along and cracked it open, pulling the torn sheet of paper from the pages where it had been marking his place. They had been in the air...almost an hour now, if he was a betting man--thank God he wasn't, he was the most unlucky man he knew. He knew that comparatively speaking, their flight wasn't long--say if they'd been flying from London to Hawaii. But there were still several hours left, and he was sure that by the time they sat down in the airport, his back and hip would be screaming for redemption. He would have to perform sugery on himself to relieve the pressure.
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 02:54:57 PM
Alex had never been the kind of person to let faces get to her, and though she was flesh and blood she couldn't help but feel that her face was glowing a bright red from just meeting a pair of eyes that were so sharp that the knee was just a little pinch compared to what she felt elsewhere. Had it been his knee she had crunched with, she would never have been the same. She probably would have flubbered all over him, touching him, trying to make him feel better, she wasn't sure why but she did that whenever she found someone attractive, even more when they actually spoke to her and recognized that she existed. Needless to say she wasn't very kind to her judgement of her own appearance. Low on the self-esteem charts.
Alex knew it had nothing to do with anything, her mind was just enjoying the new thought of finding someone attractive, a passenger, whom she would never speak to or ever know his name. Sad, she thought, of all the good looking people she had seen on these journeys and not once was she bound to find her everlasting love. Pity.
Shesighed out as she realized her mind was overanalyzing a simple accident, followed by a passing glance that probably looked more like a gawk to the man. She couldn't help it, she liked his eyeballs! Was that a crime? Certainly not. Alex flushed the commode and washed her hands briskly, not wanting to dilly dally in fear that her co-pilot might try to have a mutiny go down, he pegged her as that kind of man.
She opened the door and sighed, brushing her jacket from any wrinkles it sustained and made her way down the aisle, her mind really teling her to look normal instead of like a person wanting to continue to glare at a man's face.
She walked fast, perhaps faster than a normal person down an itty bitty aisle, but when her mind overworked things, everything messed up. She sighed when she was behind the curtain away from prying eyes, she flet like the village idiot suddenly. Thankfully, the coffee was done.
Laurent Flinn
May 25th, 2007, 03:12:04 PM
She moved...quickly. How odd. She acted nervous, oh God help them all, if the plane was about to go down. That would be something that happened to Laurent while on a plane. He watched her walk back up to the cockpit and disappear. He eyed the door for a moment, before clearing his throat and going back to his book.
He would of course have the luck of finding an attractive woman on a flight where he would never get a chance to speak to her, or even ever see her again after the plane landed. He was destined to be single for...ever. Anyway, a Doctor and Pilot would never work, they were both away too often for them to ever have any time together. And besides--
Laurent shook his head. He was thinking about this like he and the woman were actually together. He smirked, chuckled, and then went back to reading his book. If he could just make it to Hawaii in one peice he would be happy.
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 03:19:29 PM
Bunny growled to herself as she hit her small blue mp3 player, wondering what in god's name was wrong with it and why it suddenly quit working. She sighed out as she played with buttons, switched it on and then off, then on again, then off. She had been easily frustrated with the cheap little thing, but it was her only freedom of boredom, her seat was empty and she knew it was against policy to move seats in case something were to happen. She sighed out, beyond annoyed. She looked around and then to the boy across the aisle. He looked at his iPod ear buds, all the way down to his fancy iPod itself. What? Was she the only human on earth who didn't feel like paying for her sould to own one? She sighed out as she looked back at his face seeing the emotions of whatever song he was listening to appear on his own. She laughed lightly, amused suddenly with his actions, although they weren't really that obvious, just to her since she was staring at him.
Bunny sighed out and leaned over, tapping him on the arm. Perhaps he could fix her mp3 player?
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 03:24:20 PM
Takuya jumped a little when he felt someone poke him. He looked up, seeing a young woman peering at him. He looked at her with big eyes for a moment before realizing that she was trying to get his attention. He laughed a little, reaching up and jerking the ear buds out of his ears, dropping the black video iPod into his lap along with the buds.
"Sorry!" he said. "I get into the music, I don't hear anything else!" he grinned at her, then turned a little in his seat to see her better.
"What did you need?"
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 03:28:15 PM
Bunny giggled as lowly as she could, her mouth being far too loud for enclosed spaces. She looked around, as if this conversation were top secret, and leaned in a bit more.
"I don't know if you can help me, but..." She trailed off and grabbed her small player and held it out. "You seem to be pretty tech sauve with your big 'ol iPod. I was wondering if, maybe, you could figure out what is wrong with my diddly one? I mean, I don't know if it is fixable, but I just thought it was worth a shot?" She contorted her face as to apologize and to be fearful at the same time.
"I have nothing else to do if it is dead except stare at the back of this guys seat, and I don't really wanna do that." She laughed, louder than expected, then again nobody expected what flew out of her mouth half the time.
"If you can't, that is all right! No pressure! Really, I seemed like the kind of person...did I say that already?" She laughed again and rolled her eyes. "Yeah, okay...would you mind taking a peek?"
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 03:34:26 PM
Bou couldn't help but laugh at her. She was so excited! He loved it. He loved people who got happy like he did. He happily took the mp3 player and peered down at it. He actually knew this brand, his cousin back in Japan had one just like this. He looked at it long and hard, turning it on and off. It kept saying it was playing a song, but it wasn't and the screen was stuck, he couldn't go forward or backward. He furrowed his brow, laughed, and cocked his head.
"What did you do to it!" he exclaimed goof naturedly, grinning at her, before looking back down at it. He found the button combination to reset the player and waited while the screen darkened and then came back on. He paused and flipped through the buttons. It seemed to be working now. He handed it over.
"There you go! I think it's working now!"
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 03:44:09 PM
She frowned and watched him with intensity, this guy, oh he had pretty hands! She looked at his face and watched his own intensity as he played around with it. The moment he asked her what she did to it she burst out into laughter that was not of normal pitch or range for someone in such a tiny space. She quickly covered her mouth in slight embarrassment, but lowered it down to an "inside voice" and giggled into her palm, watching him with wide eyes that were watering with excitement for no apparent reason. No wonder her parents never wanted her to be taught in a classroom setting, they knew she'd disrupt everyone's good feeling!
She looked at him as she played with it again, the screen shutting off then coming back to life as he looked back at her, player in hand and the words she was excited to hear. She sat up and gasped like a child getting a surprise, she looked at him and grabbed his hands.
"Thank you so much!" She took the player and sat it on her lap, shruggin a shoulder. "I don't know what I did! One minute I was enjoying my music and then, pfft! It died!" She looked over at him, animated face and hands going everywhere as she talked to him. The man in front of her turned around to give her "the look" that was silent for "shut the heck up or else!" She slightly sat back in her chair, face suddenly falling to an empathetic look before the disgruntled passenger turned around. She looked over at the man who fixed her player and she made a face of mockery, followed by mouthing the words 'thank you' to him as to not upset anyone nearby.
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 03:50:58 PM
Bou had to cover his mouth before he laughed too loudly. He loved this girl! He wished he'd gotten the empty seat right next to her instead of next to the borning guy he'd gotten to sit next to. He stuck his ear buds back into his ears. He sighed and flipped through his music. He'd listened to all the Japanese music he could stand, and English music was getting on his nerves.
He flipped through his Chinese, Korean, and Indian music--nothing there. French, Russian, Mexican, British...he finally found something in his Egyptian music section that would satisfy him, but if the whole trip he was going to be repulsed by his own music, he would kill himself.
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 03:57:41 PM
Bunny sighed out as she put her buds back into her ears, a bit sad now that she no longer had anyone to communicate with. That little spurt of conversation, if she could call it that, was too exciting for her to just stop abruptly. She hadn't talked in more than two hours and she was dying! She wasn't one to keep her mouth shut, so having someone who actually seemed to share the same of enthusiasm she did was rather refreshing to her. She was going nuts sitting there by herself listening to music that she had heard over a million times. Of course there was that song that suddenly caught her off guard and she would suddenly become obsessed with, but after about ten plays it got old and repetitive. Duh.
She looekd over at the guy, man, boy, cutie. She didn't even get his name. She frowned and looked back at the seat in front of her and bit her lower lip in annoyance. This sucked. She didn't want to just sit there like a...something on a log! She looked back at the guy, then to her player, then to the seat, back to her player, to the empty seat, then to the guy again. She bent down and grabbed her small bag by her feet, her small satchel that she kept her personals in such as her chapstick, cell phone, pen, amongst other things. She dug around after a moment, enjoying the song that blared in her ears at the moment.
She fidgeted in her seat and grabbed a pen and scavenged around in her small stachel, finding nothing of the paper substance. She sighed and looked around and then simply wrote it on her hand. She leaned over and pushed the mans arm with the butt of the pen and opened her palm to him.
378-958-3285. Lets text!
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 06:07:28 PM
Having a photographic memory came in handy sometimes. When the woman pushed his arm, he looked at the little messege and then looked up at her. He grinned wide and nodded, leaning back in his seat and looking back down at his iPod. He fiddled with it for a moment, waiting for the woman to lean back so he could consider what his text was gonna be.
He pulled out his cell phone--a phone he had bought in Japan, and coded for America--and flipped it open, the Daemon cell phone charm jingling against his hand. He opened up a new text and typed in her number. He thought for a moment nefore he began to type. He felt like he was in high school again, talking to a girl who was just a seat over. But it was fun.
i'm takuya bou. call me bou. whts ur name? ^^
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 07:34:24 PM
Bunny heard the chime of her cell phone and immediately she squealed. She lookd around and slapped herself in annoyance that she wasn't really taking into consideration that there were people near her, very near her that could smack her upside the head if need be. She grabbed her entirely too girly pink rzr phone with a bunny charm hanging from the little insert on her phone and flipped it open, seeing she got a new message. She read it quickly and suddenly she giggled.
Wasn't this something teenagers did? She wasn't exactly sure sheh ahd never really gone to a school with other kids her age, but she remembered texting her friensd she made from the various camps she and her familytook up at while traveling around to conventions for peace. The meetins they had were awful and she'd sit and text like mad!
hiiiiiiiii! She texted quickly. i am so happy to meet you takuya! :] my name is bunny. go ahead and laugh!
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 07:56:20 PM
Bou's phone buzzed in his lap and he looked down at it. The little Japanese characters were running across the screen, telling him that he had a new text. He picked up the white phone and flipped it open, clicking through his inbox and reading the messege. He grinned and his fingers moved over the buttons, set to type in English.
lol i might bother that creep in front of you...bunny? ive nvr hrd that name b4. ur from arnd NY?
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 08:01:37 PM
Her phone chimed after a moment and she smiled widely. This was bringing her joy. To connect with someone so easily was really a great thing for her. It was all about being friends in her life.
do it, i will pay you a nickel. She looked over at Takuya and smiled, looking back down at her phone to continue the conversation. i live in nyc with my sisters. u?
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 08:06:03 PM
Bou laughed when his phone vibrated against his leg, tickling him. He grabbed the phone and flipped it open. He grinned. He was way too happy about this. He grinned and opened a new text page. He thought for a minute before answering.
my parents live in cali now. we mvd from tokyo wen i wz 11 yrs old. i go to NYU, live in manhattan. lol
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 08:09:23 PM
Her eyes traced the phone quickly. This was almost as exciting as getting kissed for the first time. Her hands were shaking with excitement and her heart was racing. She wasn't sure if it was because of her over excitement or if she was nervous for talking to Takuya. Either way, she was incredibly excited.
woot! how come we never met b4 @ nyu?
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 08:12:49 PM
Bou jumped this time when the phone buzzed. He was overly excited! He reminded himself of a teenager who was talking to his crush for the first time, even after his friends had said she liked him back. He needed to calm down. He considered his answer for a moment before typing.
u no? idk. lol what do u do? do u work?
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 08:18:12 PM
She laughed loudly when she saw him jump. Again, people turned to stare, mainly the man in front of her. She looked at him with a small grin and she looked away, fearful of the wrath she could see in his eyes. She was highly disturbing him apparently. She cleared her throat and looked lazily over to Takuya who was texting away, quicker than she thought she could and she always considered herself to be a pro at it. Her phone buzzed and she smiled, opening up the phone.
She read it and smiled even wider, her face was killing her from smiling so much, but she didn't care, this was way too fun and she was definitely loving her new friend.
lol. wat crawled up that guys butt and died? i work at a small store w/ my sis. i make clothes. u?
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 08:22:27 PM
The phone buzzled in the cup holder and someone glanced over at him, but only smiled. He grabbed the phone and opened it. When he read the messege, he laughed out loud, stifling it with a hand. He shook his head, glancing over at Bunny for a moment before answering.
i guess he thinks planes are supposed to be quiet just 4 him. lol i wrk at starbucks near NYU. dnt thnk ive evr seen u in there.
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 08:25:36 PM
Her phone chimed. For a moment, Bunny could see the annoyance of a buzz followed by a high pitched chime, but then again what else were people supposed to do? Sit in quite? This wasn't time out! She smiled and laughed, but as soon as she did she heard a loud huff from the seat in front of her. For a moment she stopped pushing her buttons, holding her breath in fear of something, but after a moment she went back to texting.
plz, if i knew i wouldn't get smacked i'd laugh right by his head. i might! dare me?lol. i kno. i go to s-bucks all the time!
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 08:29:09 PM
Bou wanted to lean over and guffaw right by the guy too. Instead, he leaned out in the aisle a little, and nodded at Bunny, mouthing "I dare you" at her, before laughing and leaning back into his seat. He swtiched the buttons out of Japanese and began typing, shaking his head. He was so glad he had made a friend! When they got off of the plane, he was wanting to offer her to come hang out, if they were going to two way different places. He was sure they would have fun together, going out and doing stuff. But he was sure she probably had a boyfriend or something waiting for her.
srsly, i dare u...rly? u go 2 strbks all the time?? u must go wen im not there. id remember u!
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 08:33:37 PM
Bunny looked at him and laughed, unable to contain it. The look on his face was priceless and when he mouthed her to do it, her brain was actually ready to. She looked at her phone and smiled, reading quickly, not near as fast as she had wanted either.
She laughed lively at what it said, he was actually wanting her to do it! She texted back moving in her seat and kicking the man's seat in front of her by accident. She heard a gruntled sigh then suddenly the man stood up, all in his vastness, large belly, red face, beady eyes. Bunny could do nothing but sit in her chair like a little meek mouse while he appeared to be the big bad wolf.
She opened her mouth to apologize for brushing his chair, but his mouth was going a mile a minute, literally yelling at her for being a brat and not being considerate of others.
"You need to sit down and shut up! Be considerate of others! I gave you two warnings to shut up! You too, chinky!" Bunny looked at Takuya with wide god fearing eyes. What had they done?
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 08:39:32 PM
Takuya was out of his seat even more quickly, jumping over his things to stand up in front of Bunny. He pointed at the man.
"You need to mind you own business, sir!" he said sternly, pointing down at Bunny. "She isn't your responsibility, all she's doing is laughing at a conversation she is having with a friend," he leaned back and crossed his arms. "And if I were Chinese, you're comment might have bothered me."
The man's face was getting more red and purple. Bou felt a hand take hold of his forearm, and he looked back to see an older Asian man looking sternly down at him.
"Why don't you both sit down," he said. Bou furrowed his brow.
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 08:44:18 PM
Bunny, for some apparent reason got highly upset to see Takuya being man-handled suddenly, despite race differences here.
"Hey!" She said to the man, frowning at him as she slid in between the overbearing man and the new asian into this story. She smacked the flesh of his hand that grabbed a hold of Bou.
"Don't you touch him." She turned her attention to the tall man, yelling that they were ruining his trip and she was quick to shrink back to the small size she was before almost melting into Bou from fear.
"You all are rude! What kind of race of man are you! Damn chinks, gooks, japs, whatever the hell you are!"
Tayshaun Payne
May 25th, 2007, 08:50:00 PM
Tayshaun heard the commotion, felt his friendly acquaintance move, and suddenly he felt a fight coming on. Tay, always one for peace, stood up and accompanied his fellow passenger in trying to get them to sit, but it was apparent Brutus of a man wasn't budging, he was yelling loudly over the three of them, profanities, racial slurs, and simple demeaning senetences that ticked him off. He was a minority here too, and to have a fellow mate being pushed around and being yelled at, of course he was going to stand his ground and fight back.
"Hey, why don't we all act like civilized grown ups here." Tayshaun mediated as he stood beside Leo. People around them began to talk, the man's wife was tugging his shirt, screaming at him to sit down, but he only yelled at her to shut up. "I see you treat everyone like crap or is today just..a special day?" The man looked at Tay and almost looked like he was about to swing. Whoa, if punches were to be thrown...
"What is this? A damn racial colony? Damn ninny, sit down and mind your own business!"
Leo Chang
May 25th, 2007, 08:55:24 PM
Leo hated fighting, but this guy was making him angry. He glanced over at Tayshaun and gave him a greatful smile before moving around the young teenager. If anyone was gonna get hit, it wasn't going to be the kids. They hadn't done anything wrong. He took a hold of the seat.
"No, sir, it's an airplane, and you are part of it, so why don't you stop throwing around the language and sit down for a minute and cool off," Goddamn racist bastard, Leo wanted badly to say out loud, but he didn't. He didn't mind to be called names, but he didn't like seeing other people upset by it. He shifted his weight a little away when the man pointed a big, fat, sausage finger in his face, and accidentally hit Tayshaun when he moved. He didn't exactly want to get nailed by that guy who was twice his size, but better he than Tayshaun, or either the Asian boy, or the little girl in her seat, who looked terrified.
Kylie Galway
May 25th, 2007, 08:59:23 PM
Kylie had watched for a moment from behind the girl who was being hollered at--she wasn't being loud at all--before he got up to move the Asian boy back away, and slide into the seat next to the girl. He leaned over to ask her if she was okay, and watched the hackles on the back of the Asian man's neck stand up as the big guy hollered racial slurs at his Black friend.
Kylie wasn't much of a fighter, but he was certainly there in case something happened. He glanced back at Chastity from his place, making sure she stayed there. He stood up after minute and leaned into the big guy's face.
"Really, mate, this is getting ridiculous. If you'll sit for a minute, my good friend here--" he clapped the other Black man on the back, because he was closest, "--will go get some stewards and we'll settle this out, a'right?"
Francois Roux
May 25th, 2007, 09:05:13 PM
Well, if this wasn't opportunity enough, Francois would never know what opportunity was. Francois sneered a little, and slid out of his seat to go back into the bathroom for a moment. He had to have a space where he could pull things together without prying eyes.
He dug through his satchel, listening to the commotion outside from inside the bathroom stall. Francois grabbed his three gadgets from inside and took a seat on the toilet. It didn't take him long to get them together and in working order. He had had some of his contacts that worked for the airline plant the bomb in the belly of the plane so that the plane would fly apart until it actually hit the ground.
He carefully keyed in the code and hit enter. He stuffed the keypad back into his bag. There was now a half hour before the bomb went off and this bird made it's exit from the sky.
He emerged from the bathroom to see the tangle of people still up and in the aisle, trying to calm down the fat man in his awful clothing. Francois smiled as he tried to move through them. What they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.
Tayshaun Payne
May 25th, 2007, 09:10:23 PM
Tayshaun had never been so happy to see another black man in all his life, although not frmo the same country, it was a fair enough fight if you asked him. The more people that fought against this guy, the merrier, unfortunately the worst had yet to be seen.
The moment the young mans kind words escaped his mouth, the large white man stood back and then launched a fat fist right at his face. Tay let out a gasp of shock as he fell back into the small circle of people. Luckily they were there to break his fall and stop him from lanuching a retaliation. Peopel stood up in their seats, yelling, arguing with one another, it was suddenly chaos. Tay looked at man, the victim of a hit he didn't deserve, watching blood pour out of his nose. Tay stood up tall and faced the man.
"You just made a mistake!" Tay pushed the man, wanting to fight now more than ever. No man ever hit another brother! Never.
Chastity Collins
May 25th, 2007, 09:13:46 PM
What pleasantries she had experienced with Kylie, were now long gone out the window. She stood up on edge watching the massive group grow as more people butted in the argument and became unruly and loud, over something so simple and silly! But it lurked on the dangerous side for more than fivem inutes, the fear and the tension was so thick it could have been cut with a knife, and it finally was when Kylie was punched.
Chastity, feelign as she herself had been hit, gasped and wanted to go to his rescue, after all she had before and she felt more attachedto him than anyone! She made her way out of the seat, but was pushed back by the rowdy group who were trying to break up the fight that had broken out. Chastity, not knowing what else to do, slide to the other aisle and ran towards the front and walked through the curtain, two flight attendants making out came to a complete halt when they realized someone had walked into the kitchen area.
"You can't be back here!" The blonde girl stated, while her boyfriend wiped his mouth.
"There is a fight out there!" She ignored them and began to hit the captaion's door. "Help! We have a fight!"
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 09:22:18 PM
"I wasn't saying that I didn't rust your judgement, Gerard! I do, it's just that I don't think you are correct on those coordinants!" The small bickering between Alex and her co-pilot were halted when there was a loud knock at the door. She jumped and turned to see the door fling open and two attendants holding a young woman back.
"Captain, we have a situation with a few passengers!" Alex jumped up immediately, barking an order at Gerard to take over controls as she handled this. She walked out in front of them to find a small crowd of people fighting.
"Hey, hey!" Alex, not liking a fight on her plane, took charge and immediately pushed people out of the way. "Hey! Stop it! Sit down, now!" She looked at the tall white man with the enlarged belly prepare to hit a young black man, Alex immediately tackled him first. "I will have you escorted off this plane if you do not sit down!" She pushed the man with all her might. He toppled back and into his seat, but she knew that this fight wasn't all pinned on him. She pointed at the man as she leaned close.
"You stay put. You move, I will throw you off this plane without even stopping, understood!?" She screamed. She turned her attention back to the group of people.
"All of you go this way, now!" She began to push the crowd, first a young black man, then another one who was bleeding, followed by two asian's and a blonde. A brunette girl stood up to follow, but Alex pushed her on her chest.
"Ma'am, sit down."
"No, I am going with my friend." Alex sighed and nodded, not in the mood for a fight or anything to damage this trip. She pushed her back and looked up at the aisle and saw a blonde man emmerging from the bathrooms. She walked back and grabbed him.
"You need to go up front with them. Don't ask questions or else I'll throw you off of here too!" She pushed him, unhappy at the new developements. She looked at everyone on the plane as the others disappeared into the front. "I need everyone to remain seated! Nobody get up. This flight is still going to Hawaii! Don't make me think twice!" Alex stormed to the front of the plane where people were talking loudly. An older Asian man grabbed her arm and told her that a man was bleeding and injured, busted cheek.
"Damn. All right, hang on." Alex turned to the partition and slid it open. "Does anyone happen to be a nurse or a doctor?" Alex viewed the large man who apparently caused it all sit sheepishly quiet. "Anyone at all?"
Laurent Flinn
May 25th, 2007, 09:32:26 PM
Oh for Christ's sake. Laurent had managed to stay out of the fray when the two men in front of him had launched into the fight, and the black man had gotten hit, then the other black guy decided it was his fight too, the older Asian had tried to hold back the uninjured black man, and the younger Asian hung back. A blonde, a brunette, the two Asians, the two Black men were all escorted to the front. And then the blonde albino-looking bathroom goer had been pulled into the fray.
And then, of course, the pilot called for a doctor or nurse. Time to do his civil duty. He sighed and stood, stepping over his seat mate, waving a hand.
"Right here," he said, making his way up the aisle towards the woman. He reached her and didn't bother making note of her prettiness. He just moved on through, finding the cluster of peple in a middle section between the cockpit and the rest of the seats. Everyone was sitting around guiltily, like they might have looked when they had been in the principal's office. He sighed as he spotted the black man, who's lip was broke open, his nose was bleeding, and there was a good gash on the side of his face. Laurent puffed out his cheeks.
"Now children," he said as he took the proferred First Aid kit handed to him and stumped through the others to push a seat next to the man. He slid his hand behind the man's head. "Now. Lean your head back...there, just like that."
He pulled out the appropriate cleansers and did the best he could, but after a moment, he shook his head and looked at the pilot.
"This gash is going to need stitches when we get to Hawaii..."
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 09:37:52 PM
Alex sighed as she stood to watch the scene of people, all clinging to their new "friends" or whomever they claimed to know, if anyone knew anyone at all! She shook her head with annoyance that not only was there a fight on her plane, but the only doctor in the house was the man she had found dumbfoundedly attractive.
"Can someone explain to me how it happens that we are all adults and we get into a fight like this is a school playground? Hmm?" She raised an eyebrow as she leaned down to stare at the gash in the man's face. She let out a groan of agitation as she leaned up androlled her eyes. Of course this had to be on her plane.
"I'm terribly sorry," She said to the doctor. "To drag you into this."
Laurent Flinn
May 25th, 2007, 09:44:15 PM
Laurent didn't answer for a moment, he was instructing the man to hold the pad he had given him against it until it stopped bleeding. Finally he looked over and shrugged a little.
"No bit," he paused for a moment before glancing around at the people who looked embarrassed beyond all reason. Laurent shifted a little, furrowing his brow and raising his hand.
"If I may?" he said, but didn't wait to be given permission to speak. "As an onlooker to the whole ordeal, the big fat guy out there got annoyed that, uh, Little Miss Sunshine--" he paused, smiling at the brunette, "--and Mister Sunshine--" he waved at the younger of the two Asians, "--were texting and chuckling and stood to give them a peice of his mind. The others were only trying to help, and then he popped Englishman here a good one," he explained, putting things simply as he had seen them. He didn't so much see why all of these people were in here, and that big horse was still sitting out there.
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 09:48:41 PM
Alex sighed out, annoyed now.
"Damn." She said loudly, rubbing the bridge of her nose. What was this world coming to? Two teenage love birds couldn't text one another without getting yelled at, that was a sad sight. She looked at everyone, they all seemed to know each other in one way or another, except for the pale blonde who sat away from the all. What was he looking so cross for? Alex didn't think twice about it, she looked at the doctor and sighed.
"All right." She nodded. "I'm going to have to report this in...uh...please don't move, don't fight, don't go back in there...just...stay." She sighed and looked at the doctor before she went into the cockpit and shut the door. "Gerard call our tower, tell them we have had a slight situation and we will need police assitance."
She smiled and walked back out into the small area and looked at the two flight attendants. She pointed at them, then the curtain, instructing them silently to go check on everyone while she figured this all out.
Leo Chang
May 25th, 2007, 09:54:31 PM
Great. Police assistance. Just what everyone in the room needed. He sighed, leaning his head back. He was sitting in between Tayshaun, on his right, and the injured black man, on his left. The others seemed to know each other somehow, the little Asian boy and the brunette seemed to be boyfriend and girlfriend. He and Tayshaun were only seat acquaintances, the blonde and the black man seemed stuck together like glue.
Not only was this entire situation ignorant, it wasn't even any of their faults. He supposed he had started it by getting up to help the Asian boy. But he couldn't let the kid get hurt. He sighed again, leaning his head up. There were others peering at him, and everyone else. Everyone was looking at everybody else, like they might know what she meant by police assistance.
Everyone except...that blonde guy. Odd looking guy. He wasn't looking at fact...he didn't even look to really be all there in that room. He was staring at the wall across from where he was sitting, which was away from everyone else. He didn't seem to want to be part of any of this. Leo couldn't remember seeing him even get on the plane, and certainly couldn't remember him being involved in this issue. Had he been behind him somewhere?
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 09:59:15 PM
This was a mess and it was all her fault. She wanted to cry, to be quite honest, but she somehow didn't. She bit her lower lip, watching everyone in the small room trying to mend some sort of wound they might have received. She looked from one black man to another, her heart breaking at the sight of the man's busted face. She bit back a small cry and she stood.
"It's my fault! I did it! I bugged the man to the point where anyone in his situation would stand up and get into a fight!" She walked over to the captain with a little bit of tears in her eyes, fearful that these people would get into trouble.
"This isn't to be blamed on anyone except me. I did it, I provoked the man. It's my fault. None of these people need to be in trouble, I accept full responsibilities!" She turned and looked at the black man who was bleeding. "I am terribly sorry! I didn't mean to cause any trouble!" Bunny looked back to the Captain.
"Please, my fault. These people are just innocent bystanders. Arrest me, not them."
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 10:07:30 PM
Takuya's heart broke when she got up and confessed that way. He stood up soon after her and shook his head, walking over to where she was standing. He put his hand in the small of her back.
"It's my fault too," he said. "I was being stupid and encouraging her. These guys were just trying to help..." he said quietly. He felt like he was being scolded for having a cookie before dinner. He felt awful, like he had punched the guy in the face himself. He didn't even know any of these people's names and yet he still felt bad for doing this. He sighed.
"They really shouldn't be in trouble."
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 10:10:45 PM
Bunny looked over at Takuya she smiled at him brightly, how sweet! He was standing up with her, too, that was so admirable. She looked over at the Captain and then at everyone apologetically.
"We are really sorry. We didn't think he'd get mad at us for just talking." She bit her lower lip and looked at Takuya. "I'm sorry, Takuya." She felt so sad, like she had just sealed his fate and her own. Prison! How wonderful that would be. She'd be dead within a hour of going into their facilities. "I really didn't mean to get you into trouble."
Francois Roux
May 25th, 2007, 10:18:31 PM
While all of this was going down, Francois was glancing at his watch. Fifteen minutes had already gone by. Another fifteen minutes and none of this ignorance would matter to them. He watched as the Asian boy shook his head and gave the little brunette the biggest hug and told her not to apologize. Francois had never seen so much crap in all his life.
He was tired of hanging around here. He was ready to get this show on the road. If he was gonna die with all these people, he wanted it to just happen. He watched them all closely, the worry of their current situation obvious on their faces.
Francois got some strange pleasure out of knowing what was about to happen. It was his God complex talking. He loved knowing things before other people, loved being able to control people, take advantage of people. It was what made him the best of all at what he did. None of the others in his branch cared as little about their lives as he did. He was ready and about to give his up for the cause. That's what their cause really need. More like him.
After more chatter, Francois felt the plane jerk and he was able to smile before the bomb exploded beneath their feet in the center of the plane, the sound of metal screaming against metal as a panel from the bottom flew off. Now was when things got interesting.
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 10:25:24 PM
"Nobody is going to jail, it's just procedure-" Before anything else was said the plane jerked violently, so violent that anyone standing was now on the ground. Blaring noises escaped the cockpit and Alex somehow go to her feet, screams escaped the passenger area as more small explosions occurred.
Alex, admist the violent jerkeing, noises, explosions, whirlwind, oxygen masks, fell into the pit area, where buttons and lights were flashing. What happened? What was going on? Before she voiced this she heard peopel screaming from second class, someone screaming the plane was falling apart. Another violent jerk and she heard such a noise she never wanted to hear again in her life, the sound of the plane literally ripping apart.
"What is going on?" She screamed to her co-pilot who was trying to take control of the plane that would jerk one way then another. Alex, trying to hold her footing was slammed against the cockpit door, her head coming into contact with the hard solid matter, probably cracking her skull in the meanwhile.
"We've had an explosion, I repeat, an explosion! We are going down! We are going down!" Alex didn't need much more than the words Gerard was screaming to the nearest airport before she turned to the small group of people holding on to whatever they could from the hard suction.
"We are going down!" Alex managed to scream. "Hold onto something!" She turned, without much else and sat in her seat, grabbing controls trying to get control, but it was too late, the plane jerked and all she heard was metal scratching against metal, things tearing apart, the switches flickering as the electrical wires were pulled apart. Before she knew it they were lowering into the pacific ocean. She felt the air circulating, things flying all around her. She was going to die, she knew it. They were all going to die!
Leo Chang
May 25th, 2007, 10:36:30 PM
Anyone sitting in the seats had been thrown into the floor with the force of the huge hunk of metal flying around the sky like a dead fly being swatted about by cats. He'd hit the floor first he had thought, and there were a couple people on top of him. Not that he could tell.
The sound of the metal body being ripped off the frame was like the scream of a banshee's battle cry. It was so loud, Leo couldn't hear the screams of the people in behind them. The plane was ripping apart, an explosion in the belly, smack in the middle, tearing it to shreds.
Then, there was the feeling of weightlessness. As the huge half of the plane soared downwards, without control, without power. The scream of metal pulling from metal was no longer bursting through. Now was the sheer force of the wind tearing past their half of the plane. They were going so fast, for what felt like a long time, they were weightless, floating almost, gravity cancelled out by the terminal velocity of the quickly disintigrating airplane.
And then, Leo heard the screaming in his ears. Some was the from the women laying alongside him, some were his own, some belonged to the other men. They were all wedged into the tiny space they had been occupying, jammed under seats, the only part of the plane intact. He couldn't begin to wonder where the rest of the plane was.
He was holding onto someone, and others were holding onto him. Everyone was holding onto everyone else, trying to feel body heat, warmth, a human element as they plunged farther and farther down...down...
The plane half hit the water with force enough to create a crater, but they weren't landing on solid ground, although the impact was easily like it. Leo didn't lose consciousness, didn't die, was able to take a deep breath before sea water rushed in on them, the force of the water pulling off the already barely hanging on top of the plane, above them, leaving a huge hole above them, the water rushing in faster and faster.
He didn't know who else was alive, but he did know that they had to swim out or else the plane would pull them down as it sank. But he couldn't get unlodged. Their bodies were pushed together and in a moment or two, he would pass out. The salt water was rushing in on top of them, his eyes stug, his lungs burned.
They had to be dead.
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 10:43:27 PM
She didn't remember much, just that one minute she was standing, the next screaming for dear lif eas the plane went down. Then, after a long moment of silence, she realized she was underwater and all she saw was black. She screamed, feeling the air escape her lungs and bubble, before being able to breathe in she felt someone pull on her leg and then she was above water. She felt her hair stick to her face as she broke the surface, gasping loudly for air as she flared her arms, slapping them against the water, before going under again. She opened her eyes and swam to the top, feeling the ripples of the plane. She cought violently, deeply from within her chest. She looked around and saw nothing but small bits of blue from in between her hair, she pushed it away, screaming taht she was was alive. She looked around and saw nothing but the front of the plane slowly sinking into the water, flames everywhere, floating bodies, luggage, everything. She swam in circles, calling out for the only person she knew.
"Takuya!" She yelled, looking around, pushing through the waves that were high and violent from the crash. She wasn't far, maybe twenty feet or so, she had been thrown, apparently, and was confused as to whether or not she was the only survivor. She swam to a piece of foam from a seat, charred slightly, but bouyant for her to hold onto, she never was the greatest swimmer.
"Takuya! Takuya!!" She screamed, coughed from the water, and chocked on her tears. What if there were no survivors?
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 10:49:00 PM
Bou broke the water coughing salt water out of his lungs, seeing blood spilling from a large cut across his face. He was crying, he didn't know why. A body floated to the surface next to him, and wit ha scream he lurched away and back down into the water. He came back up, coughing from his chets, hearing someone yelling his name. He didn't know who it was, but, among the wreckage, he knew that it was another survivor.
There were bodies everywhere, blood, luggage, body parts, peices of the plane, cups, paper, pencils, coffee packets, he felt like he was hyperventilating as he searched for the voice. He turned circles finally seeing a bobbing figure to his right.
"Bunny!" he screamed, his voice hoarse and thick. "Bunny! God!" he screamed, swimming towards her, unsure still how he was still alive. His ankle hurt so badly he would be surpsrised if it wasn't broken.
He reached the seat that Bunny had attached to and he grabbed it, reaching out to take her face in his palm. He choked on water and grabbed the seat, trying to see through the burning of his eyes.
"Are you...alright!?"
Bunny Caldwell
May 25th, 2007, 10:53:02 PM
She couldn't breathe, the smoke from the crash, the water in her lungs, the tears she cried. Her entire body hurt and the moment she saw that familiar face she cried even harder. She saw him swim to her and all she did was kick her legs like there were no tomorrow to get closer to him. When he got close enough she grabbed his arm that touch her face and literally drug him to her. She put her arms around his neck, who cares if she was choking him, she was dying from it anyhow.
"I am so glad you are alive!" She might not have known him three hours ago, but right now he was her best friend in the entire world. Out of sheer joy, pain, whatever, she grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. When she pulled back she pushed her forehead against his own, trying to regain breath that had been lost.
Takuya Bou
May 25th, 2007, 10:57:34 PM
Bou laughed and cried at the same time, hugging, kissing, hell whatever! He was just glad to see her. He tried to breathe, stroking her face just toe make sure she was real. He gasped for breath, clearing his eyes of the tears. He gasped a breath and motioned to her.
"Come on, we should at least try to swim to shore--" he glanced behind him at the shore that wasn't too far away. He knew that, if they were around Hawaii, if there was blood in the water, the sharks wouldn't be too far away. "And...maybe there are others. If we survived."
As if on cue, he heard splashing and spluttering from somewhere nearby, and saw the two black men who had been with them in the small part of the plane, they weren't together, but they were within yards of each other. Never before had Bou thought he'd been so happy to see other human beings in his life.
"Oh, God...thank you..."
Tayshaun Payne
May 25th, 2007, 11:02:32 PM
Tayshaun broke the water screaming, pain he had never felt before all over. He opened his eyes to feel the sun beaming on his face, for a moment he was blurred, confused, but when he saw people bobbing up and down in the water, he knew what had happened. Suddenly, survival mode kicked in. Without much else he found the young black man who had been beaten by the unruly passenger and grabbed his collar, kicking with all his might to get the hell out of the water. He was following the two yuong kids who were together, at least they were together and had found each other and land! That was all he wanted. He looked around, panting at the man to help him kick to shore.
"Come on! Kick!" He screamed, seeing out of his peripheral vision the young woman the man had been sitting with, hair in her face, her voice carrying a scream for help. Sadly, Tayshaun couldn't go after her at that moment, he wanted to get the injured out of the water. Sharks, he knew, were gonna be coming. He had seen Jaws, he knew how those thigns worked.
"Come on!" He yelled to anyone. Land wasn't far off, at least there they could figure out who was alive and who wasn't.
Leo Chang
May 25th, 2007, 11:06:42 PM
Leo broke water in complete silence. He was gasping for breath, trying to see, trying to make sure he was still intact. He hurt so badly he didn't know if he was alive or dead. But he wasn't screaming, even though he remembered screaming when he had gone down. He looked around, seeing people moving around, swimming. He saw the black man, Tayshaun, that he had been sitting with. And without hesitation, he began to follow.
The doctor had sirfaced near him and was spluttering. Leo grabbed his wrist.
"Come on! We have to get out of the water," he said. He didn't know how he knew that, he just did. He saw someone else, but he couldn't go after, he and the doctor were weak enough.
"Come on!" he called to anyone else who was still floating around. "We have to get to shore!"
Chastity Collins
May 25th, 2007, 11:11:18 PM
"Wait..." She said lowly as she tired herself out from swimming so hard. No matter how closer she got she felt like she was just getting farther and farther. She kicked, splashed her arms, all those swimming lessons when she was little coming to no use. She was scared, tired, hurting, ready to just give up as the people she was on the plane with seemed to get further away. She panted as she tried to take a moment, but the rolling water pushed her farther back. She heard a shreik come from over her shoulder and without much thinking she turned to see a shark grabbing another human passenger, that was alive.
Chastity, for a moment, floated in tire, watching as the woman get torn to shreds, blood pooling out into the blue water that was stained red and black from the plane. When it hit her that sharks were already there feasting on the dead bodies, she screamed with fear and quickly began to swim as fast as she could, inhaling water as she tried to breathe. She didn't care, she'd take a pound of salt water and a little sickness than a missing appendage! She was surprised she had all of hers.
"Help me!" She yelled in fear, sharks were close, she knew it! They were behind her! They were going to eat her. "Help me!" Again she cried, hearing the waves crashing onto the shore. She was close, closer than imagined. "Sharks are in the water."
Francois Roux
May 25th, 2007, 11:16:14 PM
Francois didn't know why he was alive. He didn't care at this point. Maybe he was meant for something else. But even he, as stone as he had made himself, even he had a survival instinct. And it was going at an alarming rate, as he swam through the water, blood pooling behind him from a wound he'd sustained. But he was moving fast enough for himself.
The blonde woman was just ahead of him, but he was swimming much faster than she was. And without thinking about it, he grabbed her roughly by the neck and shoulder, jerking her along. For no reason at all, he was about to save someone he had just tried to kill.
He pushed the thought out of his mind and just swam, pulling her harshly along, catching up slowly to the two black men. They were all swimming like desperate animals. The Asian boy and the brunette were already to shore, and the rest of them weren't far behind.
Alex Peyton
May 25th, 2007, 11:22:32 PM
Alex heard the cracks of the plane as she slowly regained consciousness. Her head hurt so bad and she was a bit dazed and confused, but the hissing of the control panel made her realize she was still in the cockpit. She frowned, trying to move, but the steering device was crushed against her thigh. She grunted as she tried to pull it off, but it was to no avail, again she tried.
"Gerard, help." She sighed out and looked over at her co-pilot, seeing if he might help get the gear shift moved, but when she saw he had no upper half she screamed in horror. She cussed quickly as she screamed, pushing the gear off of her with all her might, despite the pains she felt here and there, especially her legs and head she moved ou7t of her seat and fell on her bottom and slid down the floor, hitting the wall before realizing the plane's nose was up in the air and slowly sinking. She cursed again and moved the door and slipped into the blue water, swimming towards the light she saw despite feeling her body getting tanlged with this and that. She popped up out of the water and swam towards shore where she saw people beaching, dragging bodies and other thigns with them, some embracing in hugs and such.
"Damn it." She said to herself as she looked around in awe, the massive crash was spread all over the blue horizon. What had happened? What in God's name? Alex swam for a while, until she felt the ocean floor beneath her feet. She had grabbed a few floating bags on her way to keep her afloat and just because. She saw almost everyone that was up front with her before the plane had crashed, but nobody else. The only thing she kept wondering was if they were all right and what had happened.
Laurent Flinn
May 25th, 2007, 11:28:18 PM
When Laurent got to shore, he used all his strength to get up and go to each person see if anyone was going to bleed to death. Everyone was sitting with the person they knew, or with whomever they felt comfortable. The Asian and the brunette seemed fine, the cut on the boy's face wasn't deep enough to worry about. The black guy who'd gotten beat up beforehand was still in pretty good shape all things considered.
The black guy with him looked alright, if not dazed. Everyone seemed in relatively good condition, considering they had just crashed in a plane. Everyone was in pain, everyone had injuries, but no one looked in danger.
Laurent glanced back as he heard splashing in the water and he saw the pilot coming up from the water, dreched and dirty, blood on her. He panicked a little and ran down into the water, grabbing her around the waist to support her.
"Are you alright? What's going on? Anything serious, legs, arms, head? You know your name and where we are, right?" he asked quickly and with no time for her to answer. He just needed to assess her as quickly as possible so that he could count the issues that needed to be handled first.
Alex Peyton
May 26th, 2007, 03:22:45 PM
Alex had answered his questions that had been spit out quickly with simple head shakes or nods. She had told him to not worry about her, she was fine and that he needed to see everyone else, she just wanted to see if she could find any other survivors. It might have been brisk or rude, but she didn't think she was top priortiy, it was her plane that went down, it could have been her fault and at that moment she was just wanting to deal with that.
And she had been, for what seemed like an eternity as she had found solice alone away from the small group of survivors who were breaking off into their own alliances. Apparently their seat mates were now their only friend. Alex couldn't blame them honestly, they had all connected with one another prior to the fight, prior to the crash, it was only human nature to stick with what you knew.
In the meantime, she sat in the sand, watching them all intently with great interest, her mind putting together 'what ifs' to explain the entire situation. The one thing, though, was the more she tried to focus on the people that were alive and on that crappy beach slowly moved to the doctor.
Alex watched the man who had probably seen better times in his life. She wasn't exactly sure why, but he, more than anyone else that had survived, piqued her interest most. She had been studying his face like she would have studied for an exam, she had nothing better to look at at the moment anyhow, aside from the beach, although she wasn't wanting to see the smoke billowing from the sea. He above all other things going on at the moment held her attention and intrigued her.
His eyes were what had captured her attention and held it for more than two heartbeats. They were so blue, electric, metal cold, not even the deepest of sea could ever compare or contrast those pearlescent orbs that were more mysterious than dark matter. Alex had to admit she was biased towards the elder male persuasion, but that had really not been it. She wasn't exactly sure, she knew she should probably wandering about trying to scavenge whatever washed ashore, but she was tired, the sun was too bright, it was too hot, plus he was more interesting, surveying people for injuries. He had yet to pass her way after rushing up to her to breifly see if she was okay, but she wasn't sure if she would be able to put together a coherent sentence whenever he did. She was too enthralled.
She wanted to walk over to him and survey his face. He had a different face, very long, oval, harsh lines that seemed to either suit him one moment or look bad another. His hair, what once must've been a beautiful mass of brown, was now covered with patches of sporadic grey's, as was his beard, if she could call it that. It was more like a growth that a man abused to shave after three days. It was well groomed, so he must've wanted to keep it short as it was, it suited him to say the least. There was a fold on the bridge of his nose from aging. His whole face looked aged, weathered by hard times, perhaps good. But it was suitable for him, it complimented him. He looked rough, to be quite honest, but to Alex knew that if she were to touch it would be soft, kind of like an illussion.As odd as she thought it was in her mind, she wanted to lift all the folds and wrinkles with her hands to see what he might have looked like in his younger years. He was a magnificent being to look at, she was positive that the younger version would have been swoonworthy.
Alex sighed out, squinting was beginning to hurt her face, but the garish sun was rude and impossible to ignore. She had glanced over at the line of forest, but felt more safe in an open area rather than a clustered wooded area where who knew what kind of wildlife roamed. Then again, she considered, she could at least sit under a tree in the shade where the only thing she would have to fear were falling coconuts. Alex sighed out once more, happy with the decision and stood, brushing off the butt of her pants by reflex and slowly made her way over to the shaded tree that would look near perfect with a hammock. If they lived through the night she might begin to find some way to make herself one.
Strange, she thought to herself, why wasn't she freaking out? Why wasn't she worrying? Why wasn't she panicked? Why was she content and not even wondering if she would live? She shuddered, perhaps it was because she handled things wrong. Anything she wasn't used to she wouldn't know how to react until she fully analyzed it and realized 'oh, I should cry now'. It was something she had always been called out on.
Alex looked over at the people then out to the sea. Were they ever going be found?
Laurent Flinn
May 26th, 2007, 07:06:24 PM
Laurent had been going around to everyone, noting their wounds, telling them the best way to keep them clean in a place like this. Without anything to fix them with, Laurent had no way of treating the cuts, the injuries. Laurent couldn't think of how they had all survived with such minimal damage.
He finished with Bunny and Takuya--he had been sure to learn everyone's name as he had spoken to them--and then glanced over to the pilot, who was sitting under a tree, closer to the forest. For a moment, he just looked at her. After a moment, he moved towards her, making his way up the beach until he reached her tree. He smiled, crouching down next to her. He gave her the once over to see if anything looked broken, but he didn't see anything.
"Hello," he said quietly. "My name's Doctor Laurent Flinn. How do you feel?" it was a line he had said millions of times in his life to patients in his office. But now the words seemed silly, as they were stuck on this island, without anything but eachother, and the wreckage out in the water.
Alex Peyton
May 26th, 2007, 07:20:31 PM
Alex had sensed it, felt him, saw him out the side of her eye, but she didn't really want to pay attention since she had been staring at him for Lord knew how long. When he spoke and squatted, she knew she couldn't ignore the man, but she knew she had to at least not seem like she were avoiding everyone.
"About as good as a pilot can feel when a plane crashes." She let out a laugh of exasperation, she was still in shock, it still hadn't gotten to her yet despite the floating bodies and wreckage in the water. She looked over at him, giving him half a smile, as best as she could manage.
"Thank you." She slit her eyes as a cool breeze flew into her eyes, the shade feeling incredibly good after being baked by the sun. "Might not be the consolation you deserve for trying to help people after a wreckage, but, thank you anyway." She breathed in and sighed out after a long pause. "Are you aware of what is going on?" She frowned looking out into the water to see miles away pieces of her airplane slowly sinking into the pacific, out of sight.
"I can't...feel anything. Is that wrong?" Alex looked over at the kind doctor. Was she making any sense? He was probably gonna deam her as cuckoo and leave her alone. "I can't cry!" She shook her head as she situated herself on the sand. "I thought after a horrible accident that is all I'd be doing," She rubbed her head, how it hurt. She sighed out after another long pause, she didn't want to say anything else really that pertained to her feelings or how she thought he was drop dead gorgeous and how she actually thought of that right after seeing him on the beach coming towards her. Priorities were all out of line!
"My head hurts." She stated, at least giving him some decent answer.
Laurent Flinn
May 26th, 2007, 07:31:03 PM
Laurent watched her rub her head. He understood. It was common for people, who had been through something like this, to not feel anything towards it until much after it had happened. In fact, the only two survivors so far who seemed to be really upset were Bunny and Takuya, both of whom were crying. The others were also in shock.
Laurent sat down in the sand, his old knees not able to crouch for too long. He looked over her body again before sighing. He shook his head.
"You aren't wrong for not feeling anything. Most of us haven't gotten it through yet, but it'll sink in," he paused a moment, reaching up and taking her wrist. "Better not rub your head, it'll probably make your headache worse." He stopped before pulling himself to his feet.
"I'm going to go see what I can't salvage from the water. We might need something. You sit tight."
Alex Peyton
May 26th, 2007, 07:35:05 PM
Alex looked at him, curious as to his age. He didn't look old, but she knew he was pushing 50. She didn't know why it mattered, all she needed to be worrying about was those who had survived and his idea to go salvage whatever he could didn't seem like too bad of an idea. Alex would have been all for it herself, but her head was killing her. What if she hit her head wrong and her brain was bleeding? What if she had a concussion? Dear God, she need to relax.
"Alex Peyton." She said to him before he was too far away. "My name."
Laurent Flinn
May 26th, 2007, 07:39:01 PM
Laurent paused in his steps, his brow furrowing. He turned slightly to look at her. He smiled. It was such a nice name, he couldn't help but think that it was a perfect name for her. Strong but feminine. Which she had to be if she was a pilot. He paused before saying anything. He tipped an imaginary hat.
"It suits you, Alex Peyton."
He turned back away and headed back down the beach, pulling off his suit jacket and rolling up his dress shirt sleeves. The wind was quickly drying his wet body. He sighed and he waded back into the warm water.
Alex Peyton
May 26th, 2007, 07:41:02 PM
Alex smiled to herself, sighign out praying for some relief. If she could get their mega first aid kit from the cockpit, or what was left of it, she'd have some medication, lots of bandages, although wet, they could be dried. She reached her hand up to touch her head, but the Doctor's rough voice scolded her in her mind. She smiled and looked up at him. He was nice. Nicer than most doctors she knew.
Leo Chang
May 26th, 2007, 07:52:27 PM
Leo was sitting on the beach, sort of next to everyone, although they were all slightly spread out. He had his head resting on his arms and knees. He was burning up, the sun was beating down on them all, but he was too preoccupied with what had just happened. His body hurt so bad, he didn't want to ever move again.
He had cuts and bruises, only on big gash across his temple and cheek. The rest of him was fine, except for a jammed wrist, and aching bones, he didn't think there was anything seriously wrong with him. And it seemed that was the case for everyone. No one seemed to have anything seriously wrong, which seemed odd to him. He had been trying to reason it out since he had landed here.
He leaned his head up a little, his hair sticking to the water and blood on his forehead. Leo saw the doctor wading into the water to salvage anything useful from the plane. He figured in a moment or two, when he got the strength back up, he would go help. He figured the more the merrier. And he needed something to keep his mind off everything.
Leo looked to his right. The blonde woman was sitting with the silent blonde guy he remembered looking strange on the plane. Then to his left. Tayshaun was sitting in the sand along with the other black man. And the young Asian and brunette were sitting close together, just down the beach from Tayshaun and the other man. Leo sighed. He figured he should get used to the faces, know them by heart. They were all in this together.
Leo turned a little, to peer up into the forest, spotting the pilot as he did. Where were they? If there was life here, why weren't there people already down here on the beach to see what had happened? Why didn't he see hotels, and beach houses? If this place was inhabited by civilized people, he was sure there would be some mark of human beings. But there wasn't anything. Nothing that even looked like humans, except for the burning plane rubble in the ocean, the floating bodies, and the other eight people along with him. The only life he could see for miles of white beach right and left.
Even though there were his eight plane mates near him, Leo had never felt so alone in all his life. Would anyone ever come this way to find them?
Tayshaun Payne
May 26th, 2007, 08:05:04 PM
Tayshaun huffed out, his jaw was broken, he didn't give a flying crap about what the doctor said, he knew when somethign was amuck with his body and there were so many thigns going on he knew something had to have been broken. Aside from cuts and soon to be huge massive bruises, nothing had been missing or limp, so that was always a plus when surviving a horrific plane crash, although he was soon going to wish he hadn't because by the looks of it they were all going to die a slow and painful death here on this crappy little island.
Tay was pissed, although he knew he shouldn't be, he was simply because he was tired, hungry, burning alive, hurting, and wondering if anyone even knew that they were there. He had the mind to go over and ask the pilot what the hell happened, but by thelooks of it shedidn't want any trouble, distancing herself from everyone was a wise decision, he was actually wanting to blame her. She was supposed to take him somewhere, alive and in one piece without this sort of thing happening. He clenched his jaw, only to hiss with pain when he recalled it was broken, or so he figured.
He slowly moved away from the black man who wasn't very chatty, then again Tay wasn't chatty either, his jaw hurt and plus he didn't have anything to say. He limped over to the man he had sat beside, he looked roughed up, bleeding from somewhere, then again wasn't everyone? If he was going to talk to anyone, it'd be him.
"Hey, you." He said lowly, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt that was now dry from the heat and the sun. He had shed his jacket a while ago when it was too hot, but now he was just about to go play in the water to get cooled off. He was almsot toying with the idea to take off his shoes and try to relax a little, get his composure, but he wanted to tread the land soon to find help, if help was even there.
"Hell." He grunted, sprained ankle adding insult to injury. He fell down next to Leo and clapped his shoulder lightly as he looked at him. "You all right?"
Leo Chang
May 26th, 2007, 08:13:50 PM
Leo glanced up as his seat mate came over and plopped down next to him. He gave a weak smile and nodded a little, turning his head to peer out over the ocean. He had always loved the ocean. He could remember visiting Guangzhou as a little boy, and taking trips with his uncles to the shores of China, playing in the water, enjoying his life.
And now? They were at the mercy of it. They were at the mercy of nature. He sighed out, watching the sun glinting off the horizon of water, the white caps crashing not far from them, the heat of the sun, the sound of the air through the trees. Finally, after a long moment, he looked over at Tayshaun, and then furrowed his brow, starting to reach over and touch the huge blueish-black bruise blooming on Tayshaun's jaw. He stopped halfway there, and motioned for it.
"Something nailed you good..." he said quietly, slightly hoarsely, his throat slightly constricted and scratchy. He dropped his hand after a moment. "How are you feeling?"
Tayshaun Payne
May 26th, 2007, 08:20:37 PM
Tayshaun let out a small laugh, trying not to move his mouth or jaw too much cause it hurt like the dickens.
"I don't know what. I suppose I'll live." He touched it, hissing lightly before glanicng out at the ocean, the doctor wading in the water. He frowned. "Good idea, I guess." He stated as he drew his legs up and put his arsm on his knees, trying his best to not want to go swim. How ironic that they were to crash on an island when he would want to swim and relax at any other time.
"I want to know what the hell happened. What was all of that up there?" He frowned and looked away from the water the litereally called for him to come play in, setting his sights on something as pleasant. "I'm not the kind of guy who is good when it comes to nature. I don't know how long I will make it without a hotel or a steak dinner." He shook his head. "Think we should go look for other people?"
Leo Chang
May 26th, 2007, 08:27:53 PM
Leo was looking out at the ocean too, his body feeling empty, as the ocean was as empty. No boats, no planes, nothing coming over or around. He shook his head a little, running his hand through his short hair, the water flicking off in different directions, shimmering in the sunlight as they eploded away from his fingers and hair, like crystals separating.
He watched the docotr for a long moment before looking back over at Tayshaun. Leo smiled a little at his comment. He waved his hand a little, indicating the beach.
"I'm afraid it might be a moot point," he said. "No reason not to look...but if anyone was close, they would already be here to see what had happened..." he paused, leaning back on the heel of his hand, his fingers sinking into the sand a little. He thought for a moment before looking back over at Tayshaun, his brow furrowed deeply in thought.
"I don't think that explosion was related to the plane, you know?" he asked. He shook his head, leaning back forward on his knees. "Maybe I'm crazy, but could an internal error really tear the plane apart like that?" he asked. It was a rhetorical question, but then again, he didn't know anything about planes. It was very much possible, he thought. He just didn't know that something going wrong on the inside could pull the plane in half the way it had.
Tayshaun Payne
May 27th, 2007, 10:24:33 AM
The man, Tay thought, had a good point about the entire plane ripping into shreds. He stared out at the ocean that was incredibly huge compared to the small shards of what remained of the plane. Things were floating all over the place, smoke was billowing from many places, fires that had yet to be put out by the waves or water. He couldn't see anything else, really, except the shining silver of the front of the plane as it was slowly sinking into the depths of the unknown. He looked back to the doctor wading farther out into the water, grabbing things here and there. That old man shouldn't be out there trying to pick things up, he'd probably hurt himself, tugging on luggage that was heavy then getting knocked over by a wave. For a moment, the image of him slipping a disc made him grin, but he felt evil afterwards and quickly wiped the smirk off his face, focusing his attention of something floating in the water.
"I suppose it is plausible." He said with a frown, trying to think of the last time he heard about a plane just being ripped into and dropped in the sea with survivors. Yeah, that wasn't likely, but it was plausible for they were there living the nightmare. Suddenly, he had a thought.
"Maybe," He started, holding his left wrist in his hand as he hugged his legs. He glanced at Leo and frowned. maybe this happens all the time and we just don't hear about it because, well, those survivors are never found." He raised an eyebrow as he looked at Leo. He had to admit that his words had some bit of truth to them.
Leo Chang
May 27th, 2007, 04:36:35 PM
Leo watched the blue water. It was an unreal blue. He let Tayshaun's words hang between them, clinging to his soul like and over-exuberant lover. Leo hadn't actually thought about it. He had been trying to pretend like it wasn't possible. But after Tayshaun had said made things real for Leo. Even after all those years in school, after the pains of running a business, keeping his deep secrets...nothing seemed to matter now. If they were never found...their problems wouldn't need their thought anymore.
The beach breeze ruffled Leo's now dry hair across his forehead. He watched the white caps crashing over the sand, rushing up the beach and then doubling back on itself to suck back into the huge body of water. The ocean suddenly seemed like a huge living creature, surging and undulating, eating the huge half of the plane slowly, painfully, sucking down the bodies of the dead, their luggage, until, eventually, there would be no trace of them at all. No one would ever find them.
Leo took a deep breath of the salty air and turned his gaze back over to Tayshaun, who was watching him inquisitively. Leo shared his gaze for a moment before shaking his head.
"It's possible..." he said quietly. Then he looked back over. "But...we can't be that far off from Hawaii. Someone had to have seen the plane go down..." he said, but it was more like he was trying to convince himself of it, than that he knew it was true. He sighed, pulling himself out of the sand and standing up, groaning as his bones screamed at the movement. Leo leaned down and brushed sand off of his legs and butt. He rolled up his sleeves and pulled off his tie, that had somehow managed to hang on. He tossed it away, and it got pulled away and down the beach by the wind. He watched it flutter down the beach for a long moment before looking back down at Tayshaun. He squeezed the young man's shoulder.
"Sit tight. I'm gonna go help the doc," he said. He glanced over his shoulder before heading down into the water and wading in. He had to do something to get his mind off of everything. He prayed to any god that might be out there that someone had seen the plane go down...that they wouldn't be lost for good.
Bunny Caldwell
May 27th, 2007, 09:38:12 PM
Bunny was slightly leaning into Bou's shoulder as they sat incredibly close watchign everything going on on the beach, although there wasn't much good to look at without realizing that they were on a deserted island, probably all facing certain death without rescue. The normally happy chipper girl who found the good in all things, this wasn't something she normally felt. Dread, guilt, fear, and lost hope. The only thing keeping her sane, although it was probably not returned, was Bou and his friendship. A half an hour or so with him on a plane wouldn't normally cause her to consider him a good friend, but after such horrific events she wasn't surprised that he was the only person she wanted to be with. If she could, she'd glue herself to him the entire time they were there. If, by some great chance, they were to escape this dreaded island, she wouldn't be surprised if he'd want her to go her own way.
She hadn't left his side since they beached together, any affections she showed to him were probably over done, especially after sucking his face off the moment she met up with him in the water. She was surprised he wasn't thinking she was a stalker. But, she figured he didn't mind since he hadn't left her side either. She sniffed as she looked around, she was forcing herself to stop crying, trying to reserve her bodies natural fluid in case there wasn't any kind of natural water around. Her mind was skipping from thing to thing, from her newfoud attachment with a stranger, to food, to wondering about how and where they were to sleep. What about fire? She could care less how this happened, she was just trying to focus on staying alive as best and long as she could while on this beach.
Certainly someone will come, they weren't too far from Hawaii, right? Someone will see the wreckage, the fuel leaking into the blue water, the fires that were still burning? Someone! Anyone? She sighed out, rubbing her eyes that were raw from her rubbing away tears, burning from all the crying, and hurting from the sun and the salt water that had irritated them. She watched the people around them, two of which were now wading in the water. She wondered if she could go help, she wasn't injured really, she had a few sprains, the doctor had said, and quite the gash on her upper arm, but other than that all she had was a few minor bruises and cuts.
"Should we do something?"
Takuya Bou
May 27th, 2007, 09:49:12 PM
Takuya was in shock. He had never been speechless before in his life. And now? There were no words that could ever describe what he was feeling. He was terrified, still shaking slightly from the crash and the adrenaline. He was worried that they would never get off. He was already thinking of the worst possible scenerios. His mind was working nonstop, and for the first time, he wished he could just be totally blank in the brain.
He was glad that Bunny was still with him. Otherwise, he figured he would have already had a nervous breakdown. He was glad for her friendship, although barely any time to get to know each other, he was sure if they got out of this, she wouldn't want to see his face again.
She had her head resting on his bony shoulder, but he didn't mind. If he could be a comfort to her, then he would sit there all day. He didn't answer her for a long moment, watching as the Asian man patted the older man on the shoulder and they exchanged a few words and then began to pull things out of the water together. Bou looked over at Bunny.
"No. You should stay here and rest," he said. But he knew he ought to go over and help. He was alright, except for a twisted wrist and gashed out knee. But for the timebeing, he figured he could hang back with Bunny until he was sure she was alright.
Bunny Caldwell
May 27th, 2007, 10:00:03 PM
Bunny breathed in, slitting her eyes as she watched people move about, others taking cue that finding things would be a good idea. They'd at least have clothes, maybe their own luggage could be found and allow some comfort, but she would take Bou over her luggage anyday, besides all she had in there was a few pairs of clothes, a pillow, and a small blanket. She figured it'd be good to have in case the night was incredibly cold, but she wasn't in any mood to move, plus she wasn't even sure if her luggage escaped without any kind of damage.
"Sure." She responded after he told her to rest. She wanted to cry at how nice it was of him to just let her lean there like she were his girlfriend, which she was fine by that considering she was now possessive of him. If anyone wanted to be in her place, she'd kill them. He was hers. She grinned, that was a bit overdone. He was just being kind to her, but still, he was her savior, everyone else had their own.
"I wonder if anyone else is alive floating in the ether somewhere." She didn't know why, but she was concerned for the man who had fought with everyone. Although he had been incredibly rude, her mind traveled to the plane ride and was suddenly curious if they were the only ones alive. She didn't think she could handle thinking someone was alive, floating around with bleeding wounds to be eaten by a shark, which were circling the wrekage having a feast. She would see a few fight over something here and there and her heart would skip beats. She was fearful of sharks, although she had never seen one up close and in person, the though of being attacked urked her.
"I hope not."
Takuya Bou
May 27th, 2007, 10:11:20 PM
Bou didn't want to think of that. He was glad that they were all alive. He could only hope the best for anyone who had dropped in another location. He wanted to know what had happened to the other half of the plane? Had it simply fallen into the ocean and any survivors were waiting out there? Or had it gone down in flames, leaving no survivors? Bou shivered at the thought. At least he had Bunny, and the others. Anyone left out there was alone to face the ocean and everything that entailed.
He sighed a little.
"You think anyone on the other half of the plane survived?" he asked, looking down at Bunny. "I mean...if we all survived...surely someone had to right?"
But he didn't get time to answer before he felt a boot in the small of his back. He jumped and glanced back. The deahtly blonde man was standing over them, peering down at him with disdain. Bou automatically knew the man was his enemy. He furrowed his brow.
"We survived because we were packed too tightly in an already armored area of the plane..." the man muttered in a thick French accent. "Get up and help them boy." He pushed his boot harder into Bou's back. He cringed a little, glancing over at Bunny, he smiled encouragingly at her and got up to obey. He would have anyway, this guy's presence just made it come quicker. He looked down at Bunny.
"I am gonna go help them out...if you need me, yell?" he smiled, and turned to wade down into the water.
Bunny Caldwell
May 27th, 2007, 10:14:54 PM
Bunny frowned, watching Takuya stand and go towards the water, she looked up, annoyed that someone made the white man king of the island. She gave him a look that was meant to set them apart from being friends. She didn't want anyone touching Bou like that, or anyone for that matter. Who did he think he was? She watched him walk by, slowly, eerily, he looked at her with eyes that were cold, frightening, and psychotic. She swallowed the lump in her throat, not but a few seconds on interaction with that human being an already, she didn't like him.
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 10:21:42 PM
She saw what the man did, she didn't like it one bit, but that was none of her business at the moment, she was too busy trying to keep away from the man. She had sat besde him momentarily, but she got the distinct feeling that he was not very grateful for being alive, or around the group of people. She wasn't sure about everyone, but in her eyes she couldn't have been any happier that she was close to these people, although not best friends, she soon figured they would be depending on the circumstances, unless they were like that man who gave a swift order to the young asian boy, Takuya she recalled Bunny saying loudly.
She looked around, hunger pangs setting in and an unnatural craving for something. She frowned, scratching her arm where she used to stick needles in and inject herself with heroin. She did that when she needed a fix, when she got nervous, whenever something didn't go her way and she needed to escape, but this time it was due to all that and the fact that the marks were trying to heal. Chastity looked around at everyone, it seemed all the men were collectively going into the water to help drag things up. She had the mind to do it, but not the urge nor desire, she was enjoying sitting there in all her shock and need for another hit. She figured this was where the problems were going to start. She wanted it, bad.
Chastity stood up. In order to remain sane she figured she had to do something. She wandered on over to Kylie, who was mending his wounds for the moment. She had fear in her belly, afraid that he was in pain and wasn't feeling well.
"Want to come with me to help look for some things?" She questioned, looking down at him with a faint hint of a smile. She didn't know why she asked, perhaps she liked him well enough to spend some time with him, get to know him a tad better while keeping their minds occupied with a task and conversation.
"Give us something to do?" She bit her lower lip, he probably didn't want to, he looked beaten to a pulp both from the angered passenger, may he rest in peace, and by the plane crash.
Kylie Galway
May 27th, 2007, 10:33:35 PM
Kylie glanced up at her. He had been wallowing for much longer than he needed to. When she came over, he smiled weakly and nodded, getting to his feet and stretching a little. All things being considered, they weren't as bad off as they could have been. It could have been nuclear holocaust and they were the last humans alive. Without anything else living, that really would have been a grim situation.
However, there were still millions of people out there, someone had to have seen them. As close as they were to Hawaii, there was no way someone hadn't. But then again, there was that niggling bit of Kylie that told him they would never be found. But he needed to push that out of his mind. So, he looked up at Chastity and smiled at her as they began down towards the water.
"How are you?"
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 10:39:36 PM
"I've had better days." She smiled at him as they walked side by side down to the water. Chastity paused for a moment to pull off her sequine decorated flip flops and tossed them behind her, followed by taking off her white button up shirt, glad to feel the sun on her naked shoulders as she adjusted her white tank top.
"I am sorry about what happened on the plane." She continued, jogging slightly as she caught up with the long strides of Kylie. "I hope you are feelng okay." She looked at him with a genuine smile. He was cute and those cuts made him look like a tough guy. "That was really nice of you to go and try to stop the whole mess, you are a strong person." She souded like a therapist! What kind of thing was that to say to someone? She rolled her eyes and looked out at the water, biting her lip as the water washed onto her feet, it was not really cold but rather warm and very nice.
"In any other circumstance I would say this place was awesome." She laughed as she pushed a piece of her blonde hair behind her ears, wading into the water to go play around and see if there was anything floating in the water to salvage.
Kylie Galway
May 27th, 2007, 10:49:02 PM
Kylie watched her. Being who he was, he preferred to watch people rather than talk to them. He couldn't help but smile. Even in such a bad situation, he had to see how pretty she was. When she pulled her over shirt off, the sun shone on her tan shoulders, all the way down her arms. Kylie noted the healing track marks on her arms. So she had been a druggie. But as far along as they were in the healing process, she had been clean for awhile. It was commendable.
"It wasn't your fault," he said quietly, in response to her apologies. He would have said that the guy was being a bastard, but he wanted to keep the language down to a minimum around her. He sighed a little, looking down as they waded a little deeper into the water. "I've never actually been to the beach," he said, with a smile. "Flown over the big pond, but...never been on a beach..." He paused a moment, laughing grimly.
"Rather bad way to have a first visit, yeh?"
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 10:55:01 PM
She felt his eyes hit her arms, everyone saw that first, then agian when you had blue and black veins appearing along side with holes it was apparent that something was amuck. But she was used to it, although incredibly embarrassed, she knew that there wasn't much she could do about it, she had made her bed and she was to lie in it, but at least it was turning a slight shade of green to show that it was healing and that she was clean.
"At least you can say you've been in the ocean now!" She laughed lightly, swinging her arms slightly as waves crashed against her legs and beckoned that she be thrown down. She laughed lightly. Despite the horrors, she had to at least enjoy something. She was with others, they weren't far from Hawaii, the pilot had made a call, surely they would be found. She hoped. She frowned as she looked around, it was good to see people working together to find supplies, whatever that might be, made her feel more like a group effort of trying to survive.
"This is insane." She stated as she went waist high in water, looking back at Kylie whose dark skin was even more apparent in teh sun light and against the crystal clear waters and white beach. She liked it. She sighed as she slowly waded towards a floating carry one that had been slightly burned. She reached for it and grabbed it, biting her lower lip as she tried to remain steady and upright from the heavy rolls in the water. She slowly pulled the case towards her and she moved back towards Kylie and back to thigh high waters.
"Should I take it back? Open it?" She asked Kylie, before looking at the others to see what they were doing.
Kylie Galway
May 27th, 2007, 11:02:27 PM
Kylie watched her, he raised his eyebrows, before shaking his head.
"I'd open it...see if theres anything of use," He said. He reached down and unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it back to where the sand was. He moved farther into the water, until his shoulders were submerged. After a moment he began to swim out to where he saw a cluster of bags, luggage, handbags, purses, floating together on the soft waves.
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 11:07:56 PM
Chastity followed his advice, slowly trying to keep it from floating away as she tried to unzip it, but momentarily being distracted by the sex that exuded from Kylie who was now shirtless. For a girl who had just survived a plane crash one wouldn't know it by the way she stared, almost drooled at the wet body. Sheer sex. Chastity scolded herself mentally, that was highly inappropriate to be thinking about but she figured it was God's gift to her, aside from life, for kicking the habit, or so she definitely enjoyed thinking. Holding back a smile she pushed open the suitcase top and frowned. She saw men's clothes, underwear, a small travel bag containing a toothbrush and razor, amongst other things. She figured she'd keep the entire bag since clothes were always needed, as well as hygeine products. She could care less if it was someone elses, she'd use it. She looked around, wondering if it belonged to anyone on the beach, but figured they could pick and choose things later. She moved the clotehs around and suddenly she gasped, letting out a small roll of laughter at the sight she saw inside, well hidden under the mound of clothes.
"Well, well..." She looked up at Kylie. "It looks like someone was on their way to a 'fun party'!" She didn't want to touch it, hell no she wasn't going to touch it, but she figured Kylie had to see it. A huge, lime green dildo.
Kylie Galway
May 27th, 2007, 11:17:57 PM
Kylie glanced back at her words and cocked his head. He swam back over to her standing on the sand and rising up out of the water. He turned around next to her and peered down. You couldn't tell it well, but his cheeks went slightly pink as he looked down into the bag. He was embarrassed for whoever the man was who had hoped to keep that a secret. He paused a moment before he couldn't help but laugh. He stifled it in his hand.
"Perhaps he was hoping to surprise his lady..." he said grabbing some of the clothes and pushing them over top of it. He nudged Chastity playfully. "It might come in handy later, yeh?" he teased, laughing and pulling the suitcase shut and zipping it. He glanced over his shoulder and saw the younger Asian boy wading in after them, looking much too frightened to be in there. Kylie waved his hand a little.
"Hey!" he exclaimed. He gave the suitcase a nice shove to get it caught in the waves heading towards the younger boy. The asian looked up. "Would you mind pushing that to shore?" The boy smiled and nodded, standing and waiting for the suitcase to come to him.
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 11:24:01 PM
Chastity let out a laugh that she definitely needed to let out, she looked at Kylie and wanted to smack him for being funny. She looked up at the boy wading around taking the suitcase once it floated over to him. She gave him a smile, he was so cute, too, he and his girlfriend both. She was glad that they made it out all right and were together. She glanced up at Kylie after a moment. She let out a laugh and shook her head.
"Who ever said that it would have been for a lady?" She laughed at that thought, that would be something else that is for sure. She definitely wasn't going ot touch it now.
"Lime green." She stated after a moment as she grabbed a few floating purses, one of which had been completely shredded and was of no use. "Why that color? Seriously, i'd much rather be more discreet!" Her face grew warm. "Not saying I'd ever purchase one!"
Kylie Galway
May 27th, 2007, 11:35:35 PM
Kylie laughed out loud, he couldn't help it. He shook his head a little as he waded out towards a big suitcase floating just out of his reach. He glanced back at Chastity.
" a man's eyes...if you got it, flaunt it..." he said, shrugging a little. "He probably would have gloated to his friends later..." he said, grabbing the suitcase he'd been after and opening it. It was all teenagers clothes, most of them had stayed relatively dry. There were a couple iPods in bags, a blue and a green. He sighed, turning and setting it in the waves towards the boy.
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 11:41:11 PM
Chastity laughed lively at him. This was going better than expected, she thought she'd start opening bags and bawling because she might never be able to go shopping again, or worse, see her daughter or do any normal activities such as packing a suitcase. So far, so good.
She reached around her and grabbed a duffle bag and she let out a squee.
"It's my bag!" She looked over at Kylie and laughed. "I cannot believe it!" In all her excitement she picked it up and unzipped it, looking around seeing everything was wet, but she didn't care. She tossed out a few items, clothes mainly, she had enough for she and two other people, she just wanted to get her picture of her daughter, but sadly she recalled that it wasn't with her, she had left it at home. She let out a curse a moment later in her realization and sighed, taking out a book and wading over to Kylie and the asian.
"Please, take this too?" Poor thing would end up being the luggage carrier before this day way over. She smiled at him and then touched Kylie's arm. "Here." She held out a weathered book that was wet, if she sat it out in the sun it should dry and then she could read it. "We can read it." It was her favorite book, 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. "What do you say? Entertainment!" She smiled. Well she was being rather bold today.
Francois Roux
May 27th, 2007, 11:49:33 PM
Francois wanted to kill himself. If there was anything he hated more than ignorance, it was love. Love hadn't loved him since the day he was born. His parents love had soured, and even the lover he had left behind in America...even he could love Francois like Francois needed. So watching the two love birds flirting relentlessly made him want to attack them as he waded near them in the water.
He was about to pull the coon under the water and smack the woman upside the head until she stopped and learned her place. He gave her a dirty look as he passed the black guy to get a bag that resembled a bag he had thrown onto the plane for looks.
Chastity Collins
May 27th, 2007, 11:52:46 PM
Chastity's smile was immediately replaced with nothingness as she looked at the man walking by. Again, her good feeling was gone and she no longer wanted to eveb look at the man. She frowned and moved a bit closer to Kylie, as if he were going to be her protector. That man, for some reason, frightened her beyond all reason. She'd take a plane crash any day if it meant she'd never receive the look he just gave her. She swallowed.
"Is there a problem?" She asked boldly. THere was no need for him to give her such looks.
Francois Roux
May 27th, 2007, 11:59:02 PM
Francois laughed a little, moving around the man who was glancing around to see who she was talking to. Francois flashed him a look before looking down at the woman.
"You're getting on my nerves," he stated simply, and immediately felt the black man grab his arm. Francois looked over, smiling at the look on the man's face. He didn't even know the guys name and they wanted to pick a fight with him. Without thinking, he jerked the man's arm and pushed him backwards with enough force to knock the guy off balance. He fell back into the water, losing his footing in the deepness. Francois looked back at the woman. He raised his hand like he might hit her. But he didn't.
"Shall I remind you of your place?" he asked smoothly. "Or is this hint enough?"
Chastity Collins
May 28th, 2007, 12:01:58 AM
For a moment she tossed the book into the water, wanting to grab Kylie from the sudden thrust into the water, but when she witnessed the man's closeness and the closed fist, she jerked back at his fake move to hit her. She frowned, watching him with fearful eyes. What was wrong with this man?
"My place?" She didn't want to seem like a frail an weak being, but she wasn't much of a fighter, but still she knew there wasn't always going to be a time when someone will stand up for her, so she had to do it herself. "Please, if there is anyone who needs to be put in their place it is you. In a psych ward! Don't you dare try to act like you are going to hit me!"
Francois Roux
May 28th, 2007, 12:08:52 AM
Francois had to smile. And he didn't pause before bringing the back of his hand down across her face, hard enough to get his point across but he was sure it hadn't left more than a little bruise. Then he grabbed her arm, he heard the black man struggling to move through the shoulder deep water. He jerked the woman to him.
"I don't have to act, ma chérie," he purred. "Now learn your place."
Chastity Collins
May 28th, 2007, 12:11:19 AM
Chastity felt a sting in her eyes and a sting on her face, apparently she spoke too soon. She held her face where the slap occurred, shocked, surprised, a bit humiliated that she had just been smacked. His graps was rough and suddenly she realized she made a mistake trying to defend herself, but still the fight in her had not quite left.
She spit in his face, ticked that he had the nerve to even touch her like that.
"Go to hell."
Francois Roux
May 28th, 2007, 12:15:20 AM
Francois turned his head, spitting into the water after she had spit on him. He grabbed her other arm with his hand and with the force in his body, he pushed her down into the water, holding her there for only a few moments, before pulling her up and smacking her again, this time with more force, the water making the sting worse.
"Hell, oui?" He jerked her hard and put his mouth next to her ear. "You'll be there first my dear, if you keep provoking me."
The black man grabbed him by the arm and pulled her off of him. Without hesitation, Francois let her go and turned his attentions to the man, wrestling against him. In no time, it would be an all out brawl here in the water.
Tayshaun Payne
May 28th, 2007, 12:22:37 AM
So far, nothing. He had found a lot of bags without anything of great importance, although there were clothes, he wasn't feeling like saving those at the moment, he was looking for phones, food, blankets, anything to at least allow them some sort of hope or shelter. He sighed out, really annoyed that he hadn't been looking at things in the water for a few moments before rapid coughing, followed by loud angered voices caught his attention as he lingered around in the water, not really looking for anything.
He frowned when he saw his fellow black friend being pushed around, a young woman being knocked back after trying to stop the fight. Without any hesitation, and immense anger rising inside of him after witnessing a very easy hit to the woman's face, he was in a full out run towards the three people. He reached the group, wedging himself in between the Briton and the albino freak.
"Damn it, hey! Let him go, let him go!" He pushed the white man away, watching him slightly topple back. Tay pushed on Kylie's chest telling him to calm down. He looked over at the man and pointed. "Hey! What the hell's the matter with you man? You get off on causing trouble? Hitting women? Huh? Does it make you feel like a big tough guy? Huh?" He wanted to punch him in teh face for hitting the girl like that, but he refrained, it wasn't his fight to pick, but if he did anything else he could garauntee this man was dead.
Tay grabbed the girl's arm, pulling her up from the water, pushing her behind him and against Kylie.
"Don't be hitting on any woman, you understand?"
Francois Roux
May 28th, 2007, 12:29:18 AM
Francois watched as the--gay--coon helped the woman up and scolded him like a child. Francois was fired up now, ready to fight. This guy was just as good as anyone else. While he was distracted, Francois grabbed his collar, pulling him towards him, and backing up with him in his grasp, getting them out of the deepest of the water, until it was somwhere around his hips.
"Fight me then," he muttered, holding the man's collar tight, getting into his face. He let go with one hand, stroking the man's cheek like an overly affectionate lover, then pushed him away, stumbling back a little himself. "Combattez moi alors!"
Tayshaun Payne
May 28th, 2007, 12:35:04 AM
Tay didn't like people getting in his face like that, in fact he hated it, it caused him to just lose control of his emotions and this man was definitely wanting that. For am oment he considered taking the high road, turning around and leaving with the other two people, but he didn't think he'd get much satisfaction.
He gathered his footing and smiled, raising his hands.
"All right, all right! I got ya." He nodded, shaking his head as he turned around to look at the two people, but without saying anything he turned around and gave the man a right hook in the jaw. He watched him stumble into the water and he quickly grabbed the man's collar getting right in his face.
"You mother---don't tempt me to know you the hell out!" He raised his arm back to give him another hit, but didn't. "Don't you hit her, don't look at her, don't talk to her. For the record, don't you ever think you are better than me. You will never be better than me." He pushed him back looking down at him.
"Albino freak."
Francois Roux
May 28th, 2007, 10:18:57 AM
Francois looked up at the man with a kind of glee he always felt when he made someone so mad. It was the man's mistake not to hit hit again. He hooked his knee around the man's legs, jerking his leg foreward, knocking the man back into the water. Francois wrapped his knees around the man's thighs and laid into him with his left fist, pushing him into the water slightly. Francois jerked him back up, purring into the man's face.
"You don't even know her..." he muttered. "Why should you care?" he threw the man back into the water and backed off, putting a hand on his hip. "Do you get into fights just so you can get close to another man?" he asked, cocking his head as if he were really interested. He laughed shaking his head.
"I'll bet this turns you on, doesn't it?"
Leo Chang
May 28th, 2007, 10:25:37 AM
It was an all-out war now. Tayshaun had done the right thing by standing up for the woman, if Leo hadn't been shirtless and chest deep in seaweed, he would have helped also. But as he worked himself free and got onto steady sand under the water, he noted that Tayshaun decided it was a good idea to provoke the albino man...or whatever the hell he was.
Leo glanced at the doctor who had paused in his work to watch for a moment. Laurent looked back at him, then gave him a shrug.
"God's blessing of testosterone," he said matter-of-factly before turning back to his work. Leo rolled his eyes and moved to shallower water. He watched Tayshaun punch the guy in the jaw--nice and hard. And then, naturally, the man had to come back with another punch--to the injured side of Tayshaun's face. Leo didn't know why he felt a sting of anger watching the white guy hit Tayshaun like that.
He moved through the water closer, and was splashed a little by their scuffling.
"Oh for Christ's sake," he muttered to himself, skirting them to get to the woman and the other black man. He took the woman's arm. "Are you alright?"
Everyone was watching the two fighting men like it was some sort of dog fight. Leo couldn't think there was anyone but the pale blonde that wanted the pale blonde to win. Of course, if things got heavy enough, he would step in, and the others looked to be waiting for that moment too. Why couldn't they just act like adults? Why did Tayshaun want to pick a fight with the guy? Defend the girl yes, but beat him up? Leo thought they had left that behind in high school.
"Come on," he muttered to the woman. He and the other black man--Kylie, he soon learned--helped Chastity to the shore and sat her down, Kylie inspecting her to make sure she was alright while the others watched as Tayshaun and the other man fought it out in the water like a couple of angry snakes.
Alex Peyton
Jun 1st, 2007, 02:47:07 PM
Alex wasn't relaxing in the shade like she wished she could have been, matter of fact she felt like a ball of nerves twisted and knotted together inabling her to move about freely without pain or without discomfort. The only thing taking her mind off of anything was the screams echoing throughout the vast land, followed by splashing water. She was watching the two men fighting like school girls, pushing, shoving, dunking their heads underwater, throwing slaps, punches, whatever they could. For a moment she was actually anxious to watch such a fight, but after a moment she realized everyone was probably on edge and simple things would set them off. Repressed anger that was embedded in the back of their minds because they were there on that island and the only thing they can take it out on was each other, or the pilot, thankfully the latter came first.
Alex sighed as she stood, walking towards the water, shedding her pilot jacket, planning on using it for a blanket tonight as she strategically laid it on the sand and under the sun. She pushed back a strand of sandy and wet hair and looked up at the sun, then the forest she had been sitting near. She wondered if there was any food back there, surely there was fish in the ocean, fruits in the tree, but what about nutrients, fresh water as well. She heard a yelp and she looked over at the fight to see the black man being pushed under the water, suddenly the fight had gone from a simple anger exchange to what looked like full fledge violence by the way they were trying to kill each other. She raised her eyebrows in fear when she watched the black man go under and stay under for quite some time. Without much effort by anyone else, Alex figured she should at least help, despite the bitterness she might receive. Who cares, she had an odd feeling about the pale man since she met him in the aisle.
She jogged into the water and over to the black man, bending into the water for a brief moment to grab a rather large conk shell. She drew her hand back and aimed as well as one could and tossed it in the direction of the albino, as she simply called him in her mind due to the fact she had no clue who he was. She watched it smack against his temple and he falling back with shock of such a blunt instrument hitting him. He fell into the water and from that moment on Alex ran to the aid of the black man, pulling him up out of the water. He coughed and kicked the man while he was down before giving a final derogatory comment of calling him a honkey.
Tayshaun Payne
Jun 1st, 2007, 02:53:21 PM
He wasn't sure if it had been him, or someone else, but either way he was glad for the break and the need for air. He felt a hand grab his arm and he was helped up to his feet, which he was thankful beyond all reason because if he were in that water any longer he'd probably be a dead man.
He stood and saw that it was the pilot of the plane who was helping her, before it registered that she was the last person he expected to help in any way he was back to the fight.
"Stay off me you stupid honkey piece of white trash." He spit at the water, gave the man a kick in the side, before turning to walk away. He looked over at the pilot who stood there. What wa sshe waiting for? What?
"I could have handled things myself." He brushed by her as he sighed out, wiping water from his eyes, glancing over his shoulder to see the woman following behind. He was certain that tonight he would find the largest peice of tree and keep it by him. Not for his protection, but in case he got the sudden urge to go beat the hell out of that man. Needless to say, those two were never going to be friends.
Francois Roux
Jun 1st, 2007, 04:49:26 PM
Francois splashed back through the water, glancing back at the older Asian man grabbed the black man by the arm and muttered something into his ear. Francois shook out his hair as he made his way onto shore. He walked down the beach, away from the group of people, reaching back under his shirt to check that his tracker was still attached to his belt.
As long as his distress call kept working and he kept moving, his boat would be here in a week or so. Until then, he needed to just keep away from the coons and their friends. No way woul he associate with them anymore.
He was beginning to wish he had just been blown up with the plane. But the plan had gone all wrong...and that was what the tracker was for. He wasn't worried about being here for awhile. Once he got to another area of the island, his caretaker would come and get him, and they could be on their way, leaving these people to their own deaths...he kind of hoped they turned on each other...that would be a real dog fight he'd like to see.
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