View Full Version : A Dark Rebirth - Parting Ways (Setzer,Aria)

Blade Bacquin
May 3rd, 2007, 04:32:55 PM
Blade woke up in a cold sweet just a few minutes before his alarm was to go off. He looked around the metallic cage that had been his home for two days. Next to him in his bed laid Aria in a deep slumber.

He had that same dream for the second night in a row. The dream in itself didn't make much sense but blade knew what it meant. It was a vision of the past something he was trying to put behind him. Yet the dream was more then that it was so vivid it felt like it was real. In the dream he saw his brother in the force yet he had changed. Then he saw the face of the sith he had met on Coruscant not that long ago. Then an eerie voice one that Blade would never forget entered the dream telling him it was time for a rebirth.

Blade knew what the dream meant yet in his heart he didn't want to do it. He knew it would cause a rift between him and Aria. Then the Alarm went off as he sat in quietly in thought in the freezing cold room. The man of Ice turned and nudged Aria in the shoulder then.

"Time to get up bum we will be coming out of hyperspace soon and we will be at Bandomere
where we are going to have to jump ship."

Him and Aria hadn't said more then a few a words to each other in the last two days. Blade knew she was still upset with him at what had happened on Agamar. Yet to his surprise she hadn't shut him out totally she did after all still allow him to sleep with her. Just maybe her love for Blade was stronger then her dislike for his rebellious nature. It had been a long time since blade had felt this type of love for anyone himself.

Setzer Dayne
May 4th, 2007, 02:31:01 PM
The ramp of an old, beaten-up YT-2400 clattered down onto the floor Docking Bay 19 of the port of Bandomere. A pair of boots stepped out onto the bay, their owner an average height, dark haired man, dressed in a heavy, dirty brown trench coat, worn out trousers and a ragged shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Setzer Dayne, space pirate and jack of all trades.

"Well, it's no Naboo, but home is home" he said, as a few men and women exited the YT-2400.

"Aye cap'n. Anything ye need of us?" asked one of the crew members.

"Nothing I can think of. Go see your families, we've been sailing the spaceways for a good 2 months now. They'll have missed you. We meet back here in 3 days, I've got something special lined up for you all."

"Aye sir!" they all said in unison, before each went off their own way.

Checking the holster at his left hip, Setzer turned to push close the ramp manually.

"I should really get this fixed" he reminded himself, grunting a little as the fixed the metal ramp in place. In fact, there were a great deal of things that the old 2400 could do with, but she still flew, and Setzer could get the best out of her.

Turning on his heel, Setzer head off into the main town. He needed a drink.

Aria Sihin
May 11th, 2007, 08:21:25 PM
Her eyes were forced to open. She felt so groggy and worn down and for the life of her, Abilus could not fathom why. Perhaps the luxuries of a home had made her soft, but she also felt queasy. Space travel had never made her so nauseous before.

With a quick stretch of her arms, Abilus wiped the sleep from her eyes and regarded Lucid. His chaotic nature had led the Inquisitors right to their home on Agamar, almost had gotten them killed, and the entire galaxy was looking out for them both now with a Bounty on their heads.

She should have killed him. Should being the operative word, but her weakness of love stayed her hand. The damn fool that she was.

"Are we looking for a specific destination. It'll make things easier when we land." The last two stops were chosen by random will. Things had been too hot on Ithor and Bilbringi. Too many Imperials for their liking.

Blade Bacquin
May 25th, 2007, 06:31:24 AM
"We are going to plan B Aria."

Blade stood up then not facing her. He didn't want her to see the disappointment on his face. Plan B had been her idea on Blade didn't like it but he knew it had to be done. Aria and Blade would have to part ways for a time. Maybe even for good but Blade hoped it wouldn't come to that.

"Bandomere should be fairly safe from Imperials. It's odd a planet with the history it has and the inquiserate just leaves it alone. From there me and you will party ways for time."

He turned then to her tears where forming in his eye's letting Aria know that he didn't like this plan. Yet the both of them knew it had to be done.

"I will take this ship and you will get onto another one. You should go to the safest planet in the galaxy one the Imperials will never be able to find. As for me I will head in the opposite direction leading imps away from you. Above all your survival is more important then mine Aria."

Setzer Dayne
May 26th, 2007, 08:55:35 AM
Setzer strolled along through the streets of Bandomere, giving out friendly waves to women he knew...and avoiding eye contact with their husbands. He knew most of them through hiding in their homes, either hiding from vigilante pilots that had followed him down to the planet, or indeed from the husbands themselves after they'd come home unexpectedly early. More than a few times Setzer had fled from a cheated husband that was waving a vibroblade or firing a blaster.

"The Wild Joker" read the sign before Setzer now. An out-of-the-way tavern, and one of the best places to lie low on Bandomere. Imperials were a rare sighting on the planet, but many groups and gangs liked to dish out their own authority, and for those wishing to avoid it, the Joker was a good place to be.

Pushing through the doors, Setzer stood still for a moment, taking in the place he'd missed. Good food, great drinks, fantastic music, and even better women. If it wasn't for places like this, Setzer would never set foot on land. A few faces turned to see the pirate, before returning to their business.

He paced across the floorboards, taking a seat at the bar, only to be met by a familiar voice.

"What'll it be, boy?"

Madame Niamh, a rather large, aging woman who had founded the tavern years and years ago, before Setzer was born. If anyone tried any funny business in the Joker, they had Naiphe to deal with, and you didn't mess with her. Setzer had his arm broken in 3 places for trying to take advantage of one of her daughters in a drunken mess, and he was lucky it wasn't more. That was what stopped him trying anything with any of her 6 other daughters.

"The usual please darlin'."

Within a few moments, a bluey-brown liquid in a glass was set before him. A mix of Correllian ale and Johrian whiskey, which Setzer loved. Plucking a death stick from his inner pocket, he snapped it in half. Replacing one half in the his pocket, he crushed the other between his palms, before sprinkling the remains in his drink and mixing them in with his finger.
Taking a deep sniff of the drink, his lifted the glass to his lips, and took a deep gulp.

Aria Sihin
May 26th, 2007, 10:19:36 AM
She didn't know what to say. For once, Lucid was willing to listen to her and do what was necessary in order for the teachings to survive. The word of Bane was law, and in order to preserve that which was holy, they needed to separate.

Lucid's emotions were raging. His love for her always overrode common sense and the will of the Force, but he finally had come to his senses. Abilus knew that his dreams were filled with nightmares and visions of the future. Finally, he was willing to heed that which was required of him.

The Sith wiped away a tear that had just managed to break free and softly cupped his cheek. This moment above all others, Abilus loved him more then ever and then kissed him.

Attention all passengers! Attention all passengers! Will be landing on Bandomeer in 20 standards minutes. Please buckle in for safety as we begin our descent to Ioan. Ioan is a nice balmy 98 degrees with 100% humidity. As the day progresses, get ready for a toasty 120!

Blade Bacquin
Jun 10th, 2007, 08:31:39 AM
They pulled away from each other's embrace wishing they had just a few seconds more. They both went to there seats and buckled themselves in. Blade was quiet on the final approach lost in his own thoughts on the dreams he had been having.

It only seemed like mere minutes in real time for the ship to land. In Blade's thoughts it took to long. He didn't like to be lost in thought like this he much preferred running on instinct rather then reason. Before he snapped out of his thoughts him and Aria where already walking towards the unloading dock. When blade decided to talk to though he said nothing of his thoughts.

"Ah Bandomeer the Jedi’s long dead dirty secret. Aria did you ever learn of this place in your teachings? If not perhaps I have a little piece of history to teach you."

Blade said with a smile as they continued walking. The Jedi where not as pure as they believed themselves to be. The dead hero's of the galaxy had just as many dark secrets as the sith they villianized.

Setzer Dayne
Jun 11th, 2007, 10:37:21 AM
Setzer let a long breath out as he finished his drink. Behind him, there was a cheer from the crowd as a few of Niamh's girls came out on the stage across the tavern. It was that day of the week where a few of them came out to give a dancing show. The Joker thrived on these shows.

Waving Niamh over for another drink, it was prepared quickly and brought over.

"I take it these are going on your tab, boy?"

"I'll pay you back soon, I promise. I got a nice job coming up" he replied, plucking the half-death stick from his pocket and crushing it up exactly as he did before. Niamh rolled her eyes and turned away, heading off to serve another customer.

Sprinkling it in his drink, he span in his seat, facing towards the girls and they started the show. He had a funny feeling something odd was going to happen today.

Aria Sihin
Jun 11th, 2007, 08:41:03 PM
"To be honest," she said while surveying the area, "My knowledge about Bandomeer is limited."

Abilus was more concerned about finding a suitable place for food and loggings then a history lesson from her Apprentice.

Blade Bacquin
Jun 12th, 2007, 11:02:55 AM
"One must always be aware of there surroundings."

The too continued to walk off the ramps and into the dusty streets. Blade new exactly where they where going but he said nothing to Aria. He didn't for two reasons one being he didn't want to answer any questions about the dreams he had been having. Reason two he feared that his dreams where leading him on a path that could lead to his demise. Yet he had no choice he lived his life for the force it was his provider.

"The Jedi thought the sith barbaric in the way they treated there apprentices. If the apprentice was weak and no longer held the promise they once did we as sith killed that apprentice and moved on. We as sith eased the pain of that apprentice and let him die a noble death."

It was odd telling her this history as they walked. Especially when the conversation was leading down the road of death. Something Blade had seen in his dreams allot lately, death.

"The Jedi however did something different to there apprentices when there potential no longer held to there standards. The Jedi sold there own people into slavery. Stripping them of the dignity, there pride, and there freedom.

Bandomeer became a rich planet off of mining and there deals with the Jedi. The Jedi sold there weak to the Bandomeer mining guilds. So there weaker lived out the rest of there lives here as slaves. The Jedi reason's for doing this was to keep the apprentices safe. To keep them from falling to the wrong side of the force. I see the truth now the Jedi where afraid. Afraid of there future if the weaker where to die or fall. Now I know why they are extinct and we still thrive."

Blade stopped then in the streets and reached out his hand to point at cantina. A cantina called The Wild Joker.

"That’s where we are going Aria. In there is are fate, are you ready to face it?"

Blade spoke with a smile but a cryptic voice. His dream had brought him this far now. All he needed to do was step through the door and seal his fate. He took a deep breathe and waited for Aria to take the first steps, she made him stronger.

Setzer Dayne
Jun 13th, 2007, 06:38:45 AM
A strange feeling came over Setzer, an odd, tingling sensation. He looked around briefly, seeing nothing of interest. Maybe it was just the drink. It'd been a while since his last. Taking another swig, he turned his attention back to the stage, shifting in his seat a little to get more comfortable.

Aria Sihin
Jun 24th, 2007, 02:10:43 PM
Abilus' eyes narrowed at the tavern. She took a moment to gauge the Force and felt a tingle of awareness that the Dark Side was strong here. But it was unclear as to why.

Slowly she turned to her Apprentice and sighed. "Is this what you muttered about in your sleep?"

Lucid was delusional if he thought he could keep secrets from her. Perhaps she could not pinpoint exactly what he believed, but between his mutterings and shared connection through the Force, Abilus felt that Lucid believed himself part of a Holy Crusade.

Blade Bacquin
Jun 25th, 2007, 08:30:18 AM
"I don't know what have muttered in my sleep?"

He said honestly to Aria. The thing was he would explain it to Aria if he could but he didn't know how. He didn't understand it fully himself all he knew for sure was something important was going to happen. Also that for some reason he had been chosen to be apart of it. The force was never very straight with answers, all you could do was follow and hope it didn't lead to your early grave.

"If I knew the answer to why I know all this you would know. All I can say is the dream told me we would find this place and we did. In that tavern is part of the answer to what ever is going to happen."

It was confusing even to Blade who had been around for a long time. Never before had he ever in his long life been haunted by such dreams. So he just went with the flow and walked into the tavern with aria at his side.

"Once we get in we are looking for someone. They have untapped potential and they are to be my replacement if I do not return from where ever these dreams are leading me."

Aria Sihin
Jun 27th, 2007, 06:54:30 AM
His last words stung the Sith's ears, causing her heart to beat in panic and anger.

As newcomers, all eyes were directed towards them but Abilus could not afford a scene. There was not always honor amongst scoundrels ... For the right price, any of these low lifes would turn them into the Empire.

She gripped Lucid's wrist and twisted it to point out her displeasure before turning him around to face her wrath.

"Forget your dreams, Blade," she hissed quietly. "Our survival is more important."

What Abilus really wanted to tell him is that she didn't want anyone to replace him. But that would show only weakness through attachment.

Blade Bacquin
Jul 3rd, 2007, 10:20:07 AM
"Our survival is more important? Your survival is important not mine. You are the master I am just the student your life comes before mine."

Blade didn't skip a beat in the sith rule of two. Master always comes before apprentice until the day the apprentice becomes the master. As of yet blade was not willing to take that step. He didn't want to be the master and he couldn't kill aria if he wanted to. He loved her to much to let her go for the code.

"The survival of the sith is what I am looking out for now. My life I have given to the force as you have given your life."

Blade had been reading people through the force as he talked to Aria. His Orange tinted eye's settled on Setzer. Blade saw talent in the young man, yet blade was aware the man had no idea of that talent.

"That man at the bar do you see him? He is the one we are here for."

Blade was sure Aria knew exactly where his eye's where pointing. Blade then called on the force and made a cold chill run up Setzer spine to get him to turn in there direction.

Setzer Dayne
Jul 14th, 2007, 07:28:26 AM
Setzer cast a glance towards the doors as the opened, a man and a woman walking. Newcomers, by the looks of it. Setzer didn't recognise them, but something struck him. There was something about them...something...

He turned back to watch the show continue, sipping as his drink before his spine shivered. Setzer straightened up, flicking his eyes from side to side before turning again. A pair of hard, orange eyes stared straight at the pirate. Just who was he?

Whoever the man was, Setzer didn't like it. It could spell trouble for him. Better stay cool, stay close to the bar. Niamh wasn't far off. Setzer shifted in his seat a little, diverting his eyes to the stage once more.

Aria Sihin
Aug 24th, 2007, 09:14:49 AM
The Dark Side loomed over the man but its presence wasn't fully felt. He had talent that had not been exploited yet.

Her eyes narrowed in suspicion at the stranger and then at Lucid. "Why him?"

She did not trust this situation at all. They were to find a pilot, but that pilot had the gift and Abilus did not appreciate where this was heading. If Lucid thought to train, or for she to train this being, he was sorely mistaken.

Expanding the Sith was had always been a point of contention between the two. She followed the rule of two by Bane's law, and will do so until her last breath.

Blade Bacquin
Aug 24th, 2007, 09:28:02 AM
"Because he is a pilot and because he has the potential to be one of us."

Blade knew his words where boarding on treason with Aria. However his intentions where not to break the rule of two as he knew she was thinking. He didn't want the young pilot to be trained, not yet anyway.

"My intentions are not break the faith Aria. Just like the one's before us my intetions are to mantain the balance. The Faith states there can only be two and there must be two."

He knew she probably didn't get what he was getting at. He was insuring the faith would remain if he was lost. He was choosing his replacement incase he didn't make it back to her.

"He is to take my place if I don't come back Aria that is all he is for. If I do make it back he will be dealt with and none of the faith will change."

Blade then proceeded to walk to where the man was sitting only hoping Aria would understand. He walked up to Setzer and tapped the man on the shoulder.

"We need a pilot?"

Setzer Dayne
Aug 27th, 2007, 05:36:48 AM
Setzer span around on his seat, turning to face the man. It was the same guy that was staring at him from across the bar.

"We need a pilot?"

"A pilot you say?"

Setzer looked over the orange-eyed man, taking another sip of his drink.

"Where to? And what's that cargo?" he asked. He was never one to pass up extra credits. There was certainly something different about the customer, but Setzer was no stranger to taking requests from oddball clients.

Blade Bacquin
Sep 11th, 2007, 09:04:17 AM
"Well the Cargo that’s the easy part it's her."

With Blade's thumb he pointed back at Aria and turned slightly just to make sure she was still there. But his orange eye's turned quickly back to Setzer and almost pierced right through him.

"The place well Mr. Dayne?"

Blade left an awkward silence hang for just a second because the man had never actually given Blade his name. Blade had caught it while reading his surface thoughts. Blade then just smiled and continued.

"The place doesn't exist at least not to the common spacer. I will tell you more only if you take the Job. You alone no crew of course I would like to keep the place she needs to go as secret as possible."

Setzer Dayne
Sep 11th, 2007, 11:17:33 AM
Mr Dayne? Just how the hell did he know that? Something stank.

"A place that doesn't exist, eh?" Setzer replied, before taking another sip of his drink. He stood, and moved closer to the orange-eyed stranger. Setzer was considerably shorter, looking up to meet the man's gaze.

"Just who the hell are you working for?" he asked, his voice hushed but laced with aggression. "It's those bastard merchants that sail around near Corellia isn't it? I've told them twice already, they'll get their money. What's the deal? Cart me off to some cold, dark reach of the galaxy and knock me off quietly?"

Setzer broke eye contact with the stranger, turning and returning to his seat.

"There's no reason we can't be civilised about this" he continued, his voice returning to normal. "I'll give you the fee they offered plus 5,000 if you'll walk away now."

That was sure to send off any assassin. Every man had his price. If this guy really was working for someone, the deal offered would surely put Dayne to safety. For now, anyway.

Blade Bacquin
Sep 15th, 2007, 08:56:03 AM
Blade just smiled at Dayne but didn't move almost as if he was thinking about what the man had said. Blade then just chuckled a bit.

"If I where here to kill you little man I would not waste my time by talking to you. You would have been dead the moment I entered that door."

Then Blade did his next creepy thing he spoke in Setzer's mind. It was to show him if he was an assassin he was no common one.

"I work for myself, no organization could afford my expertise. As for the place I assure you it exists it's no one has been there for a very long. It is a very well hidden place not even the Empire knows it exists. I will not however tell you the location until you accept."

Setzer Dayne
Sep 16th, 2007, 06:00:49 AM
Setzer's eyes widened as the voice rang in his head. Who was this guy? His proposal was sounding more promising. A place hidden from the Empire would be handy indeed.

Perhaps he was being rash. Perhaps he ought to think about it some more.

"You mat have yourself a pilot" he replied, finishing his drink and standing again. "Come on, I'll show you my ship. We can talk more privately there."

Beckoning the orange-eyed stranger with a wave of the hand, Setzer started moving across the room towards the exit, his eyes wandering over the woman that supposedly was his next cargo.

Blade Bacquin
Sep 18th, 2007, 11:32:25 AM
Blade started to follow the pilot figuring Aria was angry with him because she hadn't said a word. Then again what was new she was always angry with him about something, Blade new it was because it helped her hide her true emotion.

"So what kind of ship do you have? Names Blade by the way sorry for not introducing myself earlier."

Bladed nodded for Aria to follow not sure if she was just think about backstabbing him right then and there. Blade always seemed to have women troubles especially when these stupid force dreams came into the mix.

"The Beautiful woman behind me is Aria. Don't mind here she just like meeting new people." Blade said joking smiling back at Aria.

Setzer Dayne
Sep 20th, 2007, 01:51:04 PM
"Setzer" he replied, giving his first. "Mind you, I suppose you know that already" the pirate continued. "My ship's a YT-2400. She's not pretty or anything, but she's easy to keep low profile and she gets the job done."

He stopped just short of the doorway, turning around to look upon the pair again.

"Did you have a price in mind?" he asked.

Aria Sihin
Jan 6th, 2008, 02:30:41 PM
Abilus touched Lucid's mind, I'm not sure if he's worthy.

Her eyes narrowed, mirroring her dislike. I will kill him and take his ship when least expected.