View Full Version : Which words?

Tiberius Anar
May 3rd, 2007, 12:53:45 PM
For my Constitution of the Empire project:


I obviously wish to include the Emperor's declaration of the New Order, but there is a snaggette. There are three versions see:

I already know I do not want to use the one from the film because it is not the full thing, merely part of it because we are told "The Chancellor has been elaborating on a plot by the Jedi." The question is, therefore, which version of the text ought I to use?

Y'roth Helghast
May 3rd, 2007, 04:23:49 PM
Could you pm me links to or simply the actual text of these three versions please? Or direct me to where I might be able to see all three?

Tiberius Anar
May 4th, 2007, 03:17:28 AM
Frell- I thought I had put the link in. Try again:



Karl Valten
May 4th, 2007, 07:08:13 AM
I like elements from both #1 and #2, feeding the masses that whole bit about safety, justice, and peace from #2 is brilliant(though starting the chant is a bit corny.)

Y'roth Helghast
May 6th, 2007, 01:53:12 PM
Yeah, the 1st one of course, but there are a few elements you could pull from the second one, its hard to tell you exactly which ones though, :lol. If you want to make your draft of the declaration, we could probably go from there. :)