View Full Version : CIA agent confessing assassination plot of JFK on his deathbed

May 2nd, 2007, 10:23:50 AM
I read about this in a Norwegian newspaper recently. Strangely, this is not reported on any of the major news networks like CNN, MSNBC and Fox.

Everette Howard Hunt, a former CIA agent died this year january 2007. In connection to this, an audio tape was recently released where he confess he was asked to participate in a plot to assassinate John F. Kennedy.


Some more background on E. Howard Hunt <a href=http://www.guardian.co.uk/obituaries/story/0,,1997920,00.html>here</a>.

Also an article about this at Rolling Stone:

Lilaena De'Ville
May 2nd, 2007, 03:18:48 PM
That is crazy! I can't believe this isn't getting any press time. LBJ masterminding the assassination of John F. Kennedy?

May 2nd, 2007, 03:28:16 PM
Personally, I take the part about LBJ with several pinches of salt. If it's true though.. holy crap. Would make Watergate look like a trivial matter :whaa

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 2nd, 2007, 03:40:39 PM
Eh, the first red flag for me is the mention of Coast to Coast.

May 2nd, 2007, 04:22:54 PM
Eh, the first red flag for me is the mention of Coast to Coast.

Aye, from what I read, Coast to Coast is a ludicrous non credible radio show which frequently have conspiracy theorists and UFO fanatics as guests. And I do not consider prisonplanet.com website credible either, since it's owned by Alex Jones who is an absolute nutcase.

The audio recording in question as nothing to do with neither of those though, since it was recorded in 2004 and was to be released after Howard Hunt's death. I suspect the choice of broadcasting venue is related to how it was run nationwide on the air. There are so many conspiracy theorists out there about JFK and whatnot, you would have a limited options of radio shows where you could broadcast this without getting laughed at right from the bat. I mean, the accusations and implications of all this is pretty explosive stuff.

Edit: I would also add, there is a third red flag, and it's a very big one. I checked out <a href=http://www.saintjohnhunt.com/>John Hunt's website</a> (Hunt's son), and he is apparently involved in various projects trying to make money of this story, selling DVD's and whatnot. Also, I read at SA, that his sister accused him for pushing this story just for the money.

Saint John Hunt is to appear on an upcoming episode of CBS 60 Minutes, and there is an (older) article in LA Times:

Hunt's widow and her two children, 27-year-old Austin and 23-year-old Hollis, dismiss the brothers' story, saying it is the result of coaching an old man whose lucidity waxed and waned in his final months.

Kevan bitterly accuses her brothers of "elder abuse," saying they pressured their father for dramatic scenarios for their own financial gain. Hunt's longtime lawyer, Bill Snyder, says: "Howard was just speculating. He had no hard evidence."

Callomas Savoc
May 2nd, 2007, 05:35:42 PM
Prison Planet is a hilarious website.

Lilaena De'Ville
May 2nd, 2007, 05:42:29 PM
Well that explains why there isn't any 'serious' coverage of the story.

May 2nd, 2007, 07:25:53 PM
Honestly, I was just about to discard this story after reading the LA Times article, where the brothers David and Saint Howard Hunt are being discredited, most notably by their sister Kevan. But then I found a blog article where David is actually commenting on this and several other aspects:

here is how the la times did a job on us. On March 20, the Los Angeles Times ran a story titled “Watergate plotter may have last tale”. I wasn’t surprised because I had initiated the interview and had been waiting for three weeks from the original print date. I hand picked journalist Carol J. Williams because her piece on my fathers’ life and death was impartial and fair. She flew to Eureka for a 5 hour interview with my brother St. John and then 2 hours with me in L.A. What surprised and angered me was the absence of critical information and the presence of disinformation meant to discredit myself and my brother. The following are excerpts taken from the article followed by factual accounting and how it was twisted..

Then follows a series of quotes from LA Times which are being adressed and corrected (sound like that reporter did a mock up job). I won't quote them all, just a few here:

About coaching an old man:

Hunt's widow and her two children, 27-year-old Austin and 23-year-old Hollis, dismiss the brothers' story, saying it is the result of coaching an old man whose lucidity waxed and waned in his final months.

Spin: Unfortunately neither Austin nor Hollis were present during the interviews. This was a condition set by my father who kept his second family isolated from his previous life. It was an opportunity for a second chance. He had gotten out of jail, married an innocent civilian and spent his remaining 27 years trying to live a normal life. Hollis and Austin had a very secure environment and a father that was easily accessible. I believe he saw the damage his previous lifestyle imposed on his first set of children and he was determined not to repeat it. Neither my brother nor I were allowed to mention anything from my fathers past when they were present. He had told me many times that if Laura, his second wife, thought he had anything to do with JFK that she would leave him. My brother and I have a huge amount of respect for what our step mother had to put up with caring for my father in his last years. She is nothing short of a saint, unselfish and a completely devoted wife.

About their sister Kevan:

Kevan bitterly accuses her brothers of "elder abuse," saying they pressured their father for dramatic scenarios for their own financial gain. Hunt's longtime lawyer, Bill Snyder, says: "Howard was just speculating. He had no hard evidence."

Spin: Kevan had little involvement with our father after Watergate and the death of our mother. She had no knowledge or interest in our fathers well being. She remained bitter to the end and didn’t even attend our fathers’ funeral. This statement is particularly damaging to St.John who makes his living assisting the elderly. Anyone who truly knows my brother including the people he currently cares for would tell you he is honest, kind and devoted to their well being and comfort.

About trying to profit on the story:

For me the upcoming book is business. We have a valuable legitimate story to share with people who are interested. People write books for money it is as simple as that. For my brother St. John it is more personal. It was during his generation that these events took place. I believe for Eric it is the quest for the truth. If more people that were even remotely involved came forward with what they know we would finally be able to put the subject to rest. But this is a dangerous subject. As of the date the LA Times article came out my brother has been run off the road and his house ran sacked.:whaa


There are more layers to the story than meets the eye, it seems. The jury is still out whether there is any credence to all this. I am eagerly awaiting the 60 minutes spot. I would suggest ignoring the prisonplanet website, except for the MP3 audio clip and just read the Rolling Stone article:


Kaast Dulli
May 2nd, 2007, 09:08:45 PM
Eh, the first red flag for me is the mention of Coast to Coast.

coast to coast is a great radio show. it deals with fringe science and ufos and stuff, but it's a great show.

Jedi Master Carr
May 2nd, 2007, 10:52:27 PM
This is crap, IMO. Probably the family just trying to make money. I personally never believed the conspiracy theories. Although, I wouldn't have put it past the Mafia to have done since that was when they were most powerful in this country.

Callomas Savoc
May 2nd, 2007, 10:58:31 PM
Most people who namedrop the mafia try to hang their hat on Jack Ruby, and there's really not much on that angle to make stick.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 3rd, 2007, 04:31:12 PM
coast to coast is a great radio show. it deals with fringe science and ufos and stuff, but it's a great show.

Oh don't get me wrong; I enjoy C2C a lot and it's very entertaining, but I take everything that's said on it with a grain of salt about the size of Nebraska :)