View Full Version : Check this out plz

Y'roth Helghast
Apr 30th, 2007, 11:48:25 PM
Its being used a smidge at the moment but I want to flesh it out a bit more here and see what more perspectives think of it before going further. I already had it just looked over by an appreciated opinion and it seems to be able to roll so far. Thanks for bothering to listen.

I've got Zedrich Rommelisch, a character who's current age and ability level requires some backtracking and posting to do, and as he would currently be considered the head of this group, making sure the story all fits is important.


The above link gives the basis upon which the group I'm using, the Imperial Mages, is based upon. Much like how the Inquisitoriate is, the Imperial Mages wouldn't follow exactly to the line of the original version.

This group would be founded by Darth Millennial on Dromund Kaas but it would deviate that he not only founded the group on the belief of "Rule by the Strong," but also in an altered form of understanding what the Force was and how they use it.

The Imperial Mages by this point would view the Force in more of a wizard's perspective rather than the general Sith religion view. They rarely use lightsabers or look at combat in that sort of fashion, if someone used a melee weapon, it wouldn't be taught as an overall necessity by the elders. Just another thing that puts them more to the wizard's perspective of it.

They still have a big thing on prophesizing, trying to foretell events and whatnot, alchemy and using the dark side in genetic engineering. Their force training is more to practical application rather than self enhancing themselves for agility or strength or something like berserk rage. Practical application is a bit choosy I suppose as well, involving destruction and telekinesis. There would be divination, and I would think some into the empathic abilities but not a major focus on the overall of scope of them. More like dominating others, enhanced intuitive abilities of what others might do, and not much beyond that. Of course this is all in dark side terms.

The Mages would still have their HQ on Dromund Kaas at the current timeline. They were later found by Palpatine before the founding of the Empire and became one of Palpatine's adept functions, in the group with the Emperor's Hand and members of the Inquisitoriate, when he established himself as Emperor and the Jedi were done away with.

With the death of the Empire, the group was swallowed by the Inquisitoriate, and was fine with that as they didn't feel like being hindered anymore than they already were. The leader of the Mages, the Magister Zedrich Rommelisch 'reports' to the Grand Inquisitor and beyond that they are more or less free to continue their research and operations.

With the death of the Emperor, the prophesizing bit of the Mages has been a little downsized in necessity as well with the change of leadership, Rommelisch is old old for a human but only gained the mantle of Magister maybe ten years before the first death star was destroyed. Their numbers wouldn't be too great as a group; I'm not sure what a good ballpark number would be for them either. So far the only two writers involved with members within them are myself, while I'm working to establish the background of Zedrich Rommelisch, and his current protege, Ivan Fortinbras III, written by one of my friends in his spare time.

I'm not looking to make an official group out of them as they would be under the Empire really without any complaints and subordinate to the Inquisitoriate.

I'd like to see how just this much does and what you think of it, and how I could improve upon it. Thanks.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
May 2nd, 2007, 07:40:20 AM
I like what you've written out so far here. There's a lot of room for you to be creative and explore what seems to me to be a kind of 'Merlin-esque' approach with these guys.

Keep up the good work I say :thumbup

Miranda Tarkin
May 11th, 2007, 08:38:03 PM

This is a great idea :) I look forward to being kinda a part of it as um, the Inquisitors find out that um Miranda is a wee Force Sensitive o_o