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View Full Version : WoD anyone?

Ezra Khaine
Apr 20th, 2007, 04:42:10 PM
I have the sudden urge to dust off my WoD characters (Ezra and Alexei) and do something with them. WoD as a whole seems to have died down, save for the End Game thread. I realize that all our planned out roleplays died before they got off the ground, so would anyone be interested in planning out something new? I'm up for anything. A well constructed storyline, a run in between characters, a fight, anything. I don't like watching my characters sink into inactivity.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 20th, 2007, 11:26:48 PM
I still have Niccoli and Alexei's sister in an RP sitting in the wings somewhere. I keep meaning to advance that storyline so if you're interested...?

Ezra Khaine
Apr 21st, 2007, 12:44:28 PM
I'm more than interested, although I don't see how my character's can really get into this storyline, at least at this time. Ezra and Alexei have no ties to what's happening with Niccoli and Sonya other then both Ezra and Niccoli are Lasombra and Sabbat, and Sonya is Alexei's sister.

But I'm up for anything.