View Full Version : Tabletop Gaming

Karl Valten
Apr 20th, 2007, 03:45:28 PM
Well, I played my first game of Battlefleet Gothic on Wednesday and got completely thrashed. I'm embarrassed to call me self a fleeter almost.

For those of you who don't know what BFG is, it is a tabletop space strategy game based on the Gothic War in Warhammer 40k; only instead of soldiers and vehicles, you're dealing with ships and ordnance(fighters, bombers, assault craft, torpedoes, etc)

Twas a simple cruiser clash game, my opponent and I each got to use 4 cruisers of up to 250 points each. And darn it, by luck I was assigned a Chaos fleet.

I figured consistency was a decent plan so I opted for two broadside wagons and two lance wagons (forgot the class names). I figured that I'd be able to quickly get into position to fire my insanely powerful broadsides and have my lances snipe through the downed shields at a distance......the plan failed miserable.

I ended up with a floating hulk, a crippled ship, and ran like a coward with the rest. And for all it was worth, I only managed to cripple one enemy ship and put a few dents in another.

My bigges mistakes:

1. Not using my speed advantage to its best use.
2. Hitting freaking Imperial cruisers in the front armor.
3. Getting into torpedo range of the Imperial ships.
4. Getting into close range of Imperial broadsides.
5. Firing lances before batteries

Chaos ships are a good deal faster than Imp ships, but have lighter armor, and less focused firepower. (Imperial ships literally have ALL their guns on their broadsides). I figured that I'd have an advantage getting into close range quickly and blasting them before they could hit me, unfortunately it is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get through the front armor of an Imperial ship.

Next time I think I'll try keeping at long range and circle around to the sides and hit their weaker armor. Hopefully the guns will be able to drop the shields and let the lances boats chew through the hull.........

Anywho, anyone else here play BFG or other tabletop games? I also have a 2250 point Khemri army for Warhammer Fantasy.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 20th, 2007, 04:07:22 PM
I remember when BFG came out- I was terribly excited. It rather died a death though. I've never found anyone to play it with other than my brother.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 20th, 2007, 04:35:51 PM
Come on over. I'll play with you :)

Karl Valten
Apr 20th, 2007, 04:36:56 PM
There are a few people that play around where I live. Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy are the big ones around here.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 20th, 2007, 05:08:23 PM
Every once in a while Charley will break out Zombies! and try to get me to play. I decline every time because I always somehow end up winning ^_^;

Apr 20th, 2007, 07:56:59 PM
now this is my game. along with many many other table top games. I find myself spending most of my money on these distractions. don not under estimate the chaos ships. and go for one of the slower heavier classes. Also try a Styx BC. fighters can be your friend and a good tool against torps.

Try the new star wars fleet game its a bit easier then BFG the starter pack comes with an ssd and a mon cal viscount. its just based on boosters which kinda sucks. BFG you can just buy what you want for your fleet.

We will have to get a game going sometime.

I dont do WH fantasy but I do 40,000 and epic a bunch. but like everyone else very few people around to play.

Karl Valten
Apr 20th, 2007, 09:01:03 PM
I don't actually own a fleet, I was borrowing a friend's. I kinda like the look of the tyranids, I played around with army builder and got together a 1500 point list (2 hive ships, 2 cruisers, 12 escort drones, 8 vanguard drones, 4 kracken). I've got a good idea on how to convert them cheaply. :cool:

Don't think I'll scrape the funds together for 40k yet. I'd rather learn Fantasy as well as I can. Tomb Kings are my first complete army. I have the last bits on order now (Liche priests and tomb guard command).

Khendon Sevon
Apr 21st, 2007, 08:47:35 AM
Dear God this sounds amazing!
I only wish I had free time...

Evil college.

Karl Valten
Apr 21st, 2007, 09:23:12 AM
I really enjoy the warhammer miniature games....expesive as hell, but enjoyable. Battlefleet Gothic is a bit different, IMO, in that unit choice doesn't really matter, tactics is where it's at. If done correctly any fleet can pull off a victory.

Tyranids are interesting in that they need battlecruisers (Hive ships) to be able to take other ships instead of the other way around. Their ships are slow moving and have short ranged weapons (longest range is a Hive ships prow pyro-acid attack at 45 cm.) But they chew through the enemy at close range with bio-plasma and physical attacks (claws, feeder-tendrils, ramming, boarding); and they're really damn good at it.--If any ship is boarded by Tyranids, the crew has the option of self destructing instead of being slaughtered by the bugs. :p

Not to mention there is no other fleet, except maybe the Tau, who can match them in sheer numbers of fighters/bombers.

Park Kraken
Apr 21st, 2007, 11:26:11 AM
The only tabletop gaming I've done is at a local club of mostly older men who liked to, oh, what was it called? It's a naval simulator of sorts, I think the rules that it went by was called NavSim, Krieg, something....

Ah, I looked it up.



Had a WW2 scenario, the Germans versus the British. Three British players deployed the Battleship King George V, the Heavy Cruiser Doretshire, and a pair of destroyers. Three German players deployed the Pocket Battleships Admiral Scheer and Lutzow, plus the Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen.

The goal of the Germans was to get from one end of the long table to the other, or rather, break out into the Atlantic. The British goal was to stop them. If even one German ship made it out, it would be counted as a German victory.

I commanded the Prinz Eugen in this scenario, and we opted to run all three ships in column formation on the far right side of the table. For a while, fog rolls aided us, but the British players ended up splitting their ships, sending KGV down the middle, Doretshire down the right, and the two destroyers near us.

On a bad fog roll, the fog lifted, and one destroyer captain found himself facing us at 15,000 yards. We all fired our broadsides and blew the destroyer right out of the water. However he fired torpedoes, and I have to pull out of line to avoid being hit.

I then tried to sacrafice my cruiser to allow the other two to escape. However, I had to leave at this point because I fell ill (damn fever). At the next meeting I learned that the fog had lifted completley and that KGV blasted all three of the raiders before they could reach the map. But both destroyers and Doretshire were sunk in exchange. They said it was a close call.

In a previous game, I commanded the Doretshire, and got my ship sunk as well. But it was funny in that scenario to see KGV (captained by a new player) get in a 5,000 yard slugest with the Prinz Eugen. But a high damage roll meant that the Eugen's magazines caught on fire, and this result in a kaboom a few turns later.

But that was a couple of years ago (amazed I still remember it all). But that was great fun.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 21st, 2007, 03:38:28 PM
How much money does this stuff all cost?

Park Kraken
Apr 22nd, 2007, 10:00:23 AM
The latest SeeKreig rules costs about 70.00$, and for that you'll get:

Contents: 118-page rulebook and 90 pages of data tables covering weather, torpedo, radar and aircraft data for the entire 1880-1945 era (Foreword by Bill Jurens and Nathan Okun), 40 pages of game charts printed in color on heavy card stock, 30-page Damage Effects book for truly realistic combat results, a sheet of color game markers (uncut), a sheet of movement and turn rulers (uncut), CD-ROM containing ship logs and other game aids in Adobe Acrobat PDF format, 14 different historical and hypothetical scenarios covering from Yalu (1894) to Komandorski Islands (1943) and containing Order of Battle sheets, maps and over 450 individual Ship Logs, over 600 different Ship Logs for merchant vessels, Air Operations Log forms for air and carrier operations, Flag Command Log forms for 26 different countries, movement rulers, markers and other game aids (re-printable as needed).

And that's everything you'll need besides the minituares, a ruler, dice, and so on. The minituares can cost, depending on quality, generally between 5-15$ apiece. Also depending on what brand you decide to buy.

Karl Valten
Apr 22nd, 2007, 10:39:57 AM
Warhammer is reallllly ugly. The rule book I just bum off of a friend (I've got what I need to know memorized). Dice, rules, and markers are pretty cheap or you can make your own markers at home.

But the minis themselves are evil. Let's see my fantasy army has 50 skeletons, 20 tombguard, 3 tomb guard command, 4 liche priests, 1 king, 16 heavy horsemen, 3 chariots, 3 carrion, and 1 scorpion. Al that, plus the army book cost me around $280. Best places to look are for discount online stores or ebay.

I think Warhammer 40k is a might cheaper, but you'd have to ask Reshmar.....or Telan, I think Telan plays an Imperial Guard army. BFG is much cheapers as well, around the same as Kraken's siegekrieg thing.

Apr 23rd, 2007, 10:17:28 AM
I spend way too much on this stuff. But to get into Battle fleet gothic its a matter of getting the starter set for about $45 to $50 You get 4 Imperial Cruisers and 4 Chaos cruisers. Then you buy what you want to fill out the fleet. anything from Battleships to frigates and destroyer escorts. If your serious about it I would order 2 of the starter sets so you can have a few differant types of cruisers to chose from. Then get about 6 frigates and 6 Destroyers for escort duty. Then get yeah a battleships and mabey 3 light cruisers to fill in the holes and you have a good fleet. so for all that you are looking at $180 to $200

Warhammer 40 k is a completely differant story. I have a Cadian Army, A catachan Army, A Deamon Hunter Army, A swordwind army, A space marine Army, An Ulthwe Army, and A tyranid army. So basiclly I could have bought a used car. But if you want to get into it I sugest the Battle for Macragge Set. You get a rule book the templets and dice and all you need plus 10 Space marines, 10 Tyranid Termagants, and 8 Gene Stealers. Plus some nifty terran. and that runs about $40 then its all about how much money you have. But a good army of 1500 points can get close to $500 or more depending on what you want in it.

for instance you get a Space marine army. Good army to use. you get 2 squads of 10 marines $35 each, an assault squad of 5 Marines $30, A devestator squad of 5 marines $40 A terminator Squad of 5 Terminators $50 The a command Squad $35
so about 225 for a nice army. But one you get to adding vehicles and special stuff it gets exspensive.

My Deamon Hunter Army was by far the most exspensive of the armys I have. A inquisitor Lord and his Retinue(2 Apostles, 1 Lexmachanic,1 Seer, 1 Priest, 2 Gun Servitors, and 1 Herophant) $70, A Brother Captain and Grey Knight Terminator Body Guard $65, A Grey Knight Terminator Squad of 6 Terminators $65, 2 Inquisitorial Stormtrooper Squads with Meltas $45 Each, 2 Gery Knight Marine Squads of 6 Marines, $35 Each, 1 Grey Knight Teleport Squad of 6 Marines $35, 1 Grey Knight Purgation Squad $50, and a monstorious Grey Knight Dreadnaught with Psy Cannon and Force Blade which I had to special order was around $100, Then I have 2 Rhinos $ 30 each for the Storm troopers and a Chimera $35 For My Inquisitor lord and his retinue so with the book and paint its close to $700

Yeah Im crazy

Dasquian Belargic
Apr 23rd, 2007, 11:03:15 AM
The people who come up with this stuff must make a fortune!

Karl Valten
Apr 23rd, 2007, 02:44:21 PM
Daemonhunters is understandble, though, almost everything in that army is pewter. I can somewhat understand the price, the models are built to last (even skellies:cool: ) and the are freaking detailed beyond belief.

Here are a few snapshots of my units: (Tomb guard, carion, chariot, scorpion, and horseman musician)








Khendon Sevon
Apr 24th, 2007, 07:39:35 AM
*looks up*

Reshmar posted?

Reshmar posted!


Apr 24th, 2007, 10:58:56 AM
Yes I am Alive. I have been finilizing my plan to take over the world.

Fiona Devlin
Apr 24th, 2007, 01:05:01 PM
The people who come up with this stuff must make a fortune!

Oh you betcha! It's pretty scary, actually. I remember when Magic: The Gathering players would bid over cards like they were playing the frelling stock market. $200 for a frelling card!!! It was pretty scary.