View Full Version : Fleet RPer's

Apr 18th, 2007, 06:22:43 PM
In the hopes of my RL allowing me to stay close to a keyboard I guess I'll see to protecting the good members of the alliance from the big hunks of junk the Imps seem to be flying around in. I know a few of the Imps have Alliance fleeters also so here is the place to sound off. If you plan on using your Alliance character in fleet Rp's lets see about gettin them a ship or two to do so with.
First off where is the boss man? Has anyone seen Lion?
Next. We have very few ships.
I will assume command of the Independance upon returning to calamari in my Casima lost story which I have actually been working on in the small amount of spare time I have had.
The Casima will be a loss and the Hope will be in dock for some time. that leaves 3 MC 80's which will be stationed at Calamari for a bit as defense. So we are looking at Assault Frigates as our mainstay line ship for a bit. We can dig up a MCl 45 or two and mabey an old Dauntless Heavy Cruiser. Any other ships
everyone sound in.

Karl Valten
Apr 18th, 2007, 07:48:32 PM
I RP Captain Yumina Sokai. Her flagship is an MC-40 that survived Endor. She's got a ragtag group armada together and has been harrassing Imperial supplies and shipping along the Corellina Trade Spine.

Haven't seen much of Lion either, don't know what's going on in that department.

Once again, welcome back, we missed you. :) "Sokai's Phantoms" are at your service.

Apr 18th, 2007, 08:57:47 PM
sounds good.
I want to use a couple of old Battlehorn Bulk cruisers as make shift carriers untill we gwt more suitable ships. Use the Gunship Squadron attached to my fleet as heavy support for three fighter squadrons and do a few small raids. An alliance won't run with out food, meds, or ammunitions.

I figure we can bring in the MC 80 b's soon since we will need to rebuild anyway. Untill then Assault Frigates and the mc-40 of yours and the one in my group will be good.

Any MC 80's we have we need for defense.

Quick question. As far as I am aware Calamari is the only safe port for the fleet. Has this changed? and if so where are we hiding at? I have yet to read around the site and catch up. I hope to do so in the next week or so.

I plan of posting more in the casima thread sunday and try to get Reshmar to calamari.
Try and steal some parts and food stuffs and perhapes meds. in the process of raiding the imp fleets. Our main goal now is to rebuild and hide.
Good hunting

Karl Valten
Apr 18th, 2007, 09:05:21 PM
Hmmm, not quite sure about the hideouts. Dasq is the one to ask about that. I've been using Quasar-Fire bulk cruisiers as my main fighter carriers and am planning on having Sokai and her crew using Starforge Station as a repair/resupply post.

Apr 20th, 2007, 08:01:55 PM
sounds good. I will be operating from Calamari for now. and I am playing around in the roche asteriods.

Telan Desaria
Apr 26th, 2007, 06:33:49 AM
Me - I am a Fleeter

Apr 29th, 2007, 11:28:31 AM
yes yes we know.