View Full Version : What comes next

Telan Desaria
Apr 12th, 2007, 10:06:14 AM
I was assigned a rather boring post yesterday and thus had plenty of time to devote to rp-planning. As such, I have thought out the next four threads involving Desaria and the Empire. Read on to find out more.

Note -the headlines are working titles only.

Return on This Shield, Or Upon it
Grand Admiral Desaria returns to Coruscant after the Aluscami revolt; he has with him the 47th Squadron of the Line which he will make into his personal guard and primary campaigning formation. On arriving, he crosses paths with Commodore Lingh, who was an instructor at the Academy when Desaria was in attendance. There ferrying Moff Tyvant of the Emori Sector, Desaria is shocked to hear tales of corruption and negligence not only in the Kommissariat Politik but also in the military, Corruption by politicians Desaria expects, but the military is inexcusable. He heads to the sector under the guise of a training exercise. Review of units and investigation reveal all too clearly that the Moff has been skimming more than the usual amount off the top. He is arrested and rather than be simply executed he is banished to the Imperial Penal colony of Axtus Minor for his life.

Pursuit of Justice
Grand Admiral Desaria commands a campaign in the Folsom Sector where a suspected Rebel base has ben reported by Intelligence. the 47th and several other detachments fan out and hunt. The GA is off patrolling when one of his Destroyers, the Red Winter, is reported as being under assault. He returns to drive off a wave of Rebel fighters which are then followed by TIE pickets to the base's location. Leaving a Lancer Frigate to Guard the wounded battleship, he calls in Commodore Pickman to aide the stricken ship while he executes his mission. Desaria finds the base, slags it, but is unable to give chase to the fighter rebel capital ships as they flee. He returns to the Red Winter to find only a debris field and the Lancer Frigate heavily damaged. Initially, Desaria believes Pickman and his three cruisers were destroyed as well, but examination reveals that only the wreckage of a Destroyer is present. Pickman is located en route to a nearby system to loot the Grand Bank of Fresblin IV, using the considerable hauling capacity of his ships and forged orders for his troopers. Furious, Desaria arrests Pickman and several of his officers who were in on the scheme that comes to light after the flag captain is interrogated by an Inquisitor. Pickman is executed and several others imprisoned for life. The Politicians quickly realize they hate Desaria for his ruthless is endangering their private fortunes while his status among the common soldiers and sailors skyrockets.

A Family Affair
Vice Admiral Leonidev, emboldened by the success of Imperials arms of late, launches a three pronged raid into the Dervish Sector to drive out Rebel activity reported there. He commands the center with his brother on the right and his son commanding the left. The raids are engaged by Rebel Rear Admiral Tarlaan, a Corellian Officer who had spent his life prior to defection as a line officer in the Corporate Sector Fleet. With only a force of some gunships and a barely operable heavy cruiser, Tarlaan lures each prong into an ambush and defeats each one in detail. Both relatives are killed and Leonidev is captured, forced to sign a humiliating treaty promising he will not order anti-rebel activity again in his career. When he arrives at his command post, he finds it smashed to pieces, having been raided by the force he went to hunt and left undefended by the forces doing the hunting. he commits suicide in what is considered the worst three weeks since Endor.

A Time for Opportunists

Given pause to think by recent Impeirla defeats and wily Rebel successes, Kuat Drive Yards' Board of Directors decides to become an independent agent, selling arms and ships to any concerned party and increasing its profit margins to hitherto unheard of levels. A force of a dozen Destroyers being built for the Empire are seized and made the Kuati Defense Force, each Destroyer a prototype for large scale automation. Arakyd Industries has supplied said automation and has a vested interest in Kuati's success. The Empire obviously is not happy and sends several small forces to reclaim Kuat, each of which is too small to do the job effectively and is defeated piecemeal. Chancellor Anar steps in and sends Grand Admiral Desaria to quell the little problem; Desaria attacks in several places at onces not allowing the mostly-droid manned battleships to converge on any one attack. They are defeated piecemeal and the entire system is quickly overrun. While touring the system, Desaria comes across a near-complete Super Star Destroyer which the BOD had intended to seel at a substantially reduced rate to the Alliance. With him is the Yard's Financial Director who had played both sides against the middle and informs the Imperials of all the BOD's wonderful plans. The Board is executed for treason though clemency is granted to most of those who did their bidding. The Financial Director is installed as Director General, Kuat gets its own Moff and is named a priority system - the yards are nationalized, as are Arakyd Industries. Imperial production, for a while declining, now is expanding to new heights. However, in the brief period KDY was independent, a great many ships went to the alliance. A new war emerges....

What think you all????

Karl Valten
Apr 12th, 2007, 10:55:26 PM
Sounds interesting after a quick scan. I'll leave a more detailed review possibly on sunday. I'm pretty pressed for time the next few days, heck weeks even. AP testing is coming up shortly and Graduation is soon after that. :p

Karl Valten
Apr 26th, 2007, 09:31:56 PM
Hmmm, I've looked at everything here and I look forward to seeing this play out. Excellent work as always, Telan.

However the bit about the Kuati Shipyards Board of Directors going independent doesn't bode very well with me. Kuat has has always been a staunch Imperial world, even with the chaos in the galaxy, they wouldn't make the decision lightly. Perhaps if it were an extremist faction or splinter cell of rebel-influenced agents with a few board members, that I can understand, but not the enitire board.

Kuat is also home to one of the High Inquisitors so I don't see that level of heresy being able to manifest without the Inquisitoriate finding out and subsequently purging the traitors. It is already considered a priority world (especially with the heavy blow to the fleet at Endor) and would be under heavy scrutiny.

My two cents on that. Maybe we can work this into a joint Navy/INQ operation. (as disturbing as that seems)

Park Kraken
Apr 28th, 2007, 02:35:56 PM
Ok so who all will be joining us in our little meeting thread? I'm interested in working out a little OOC manifest of the commanders and their agendas, rather than doing the thread purely on "it goes as it goes" alone.

On that note, one of my planned little threads will be a raid down the Corellian trade spine. Doing a little distant commerce protection duty, responding to a few distress calls, raiding a couple of hideouts, visiting a few planets to offer re-assurances, etc., and expanding my taskforce while doing so.

I'll post more detailed specifics soon.

Telan Desaria
May 19th, 2007, 02:01:46 PM
Splinter cell is exactly what I was thinking for that one - -with the board acting supposedly independently but with the rebellion pulling the strings as it goes.

Apologies for my absence - again - I was moving to delaware

Karl Valten
May 19th, 2007, 11:20:23 PM
Ah, excellent then. Your move went well, I gather?

Telan Desaria
May 21st, 2007, 03:10:21 AM
It did - - I am now a resident of Delaware

Tiberius Anar
May 21st, 2007, 02:16:46 PM
That would generally be taken as a successful move. Nice to see you again old sock.

Telan Desaria
May 23rd, 2007, 12:55:47 PM
Yes, a successful mood indeed.

So, Tiberius, are you willing to participate directly or shall I NPC you?

Tiberius Anar
May 28th, 2007, 08:31:35 AM
In what pray?

Telan Desaria
May 28th, 2007, 09:23:39 AM
Just a short meeting between us before I go roll heads throughout the Empire, eliminating some corruption

Telan Desaria
May 28th, 2007, 09:26:17 AM
My God Tiberius! I just read your reply to my thread - - how dare you? Insult me in an IC forum OOC and in front of the entire constituency?

Unrealistic? Desaria is one of the remaining Grand Admirals, the masters of the Imperial Military outranking Moffs and dignitaries of all kinds and answering directly to the de facto ruler(s) of the Empire itself. There is nowhere Desaria could not go.

I am truly offended

Tiberius Anar
May 28th, 2007, 01:31:18 PM
I was not being insulting (my apologies for giving that impression if I did)- I was offering what I feel was valid criticism.

I do not think that Anar's security would let Desaria get that close in such a temper- they'd either stop Desaria (which would be embarrassing and lead to all sorts of nasty consequences) or hurry Anar away from a perceived threat. Either way it would not happen as you suggest- entertaining though I found the idea I could not find a way in which I could respond that would make the situation you created with your post work. Now let us find a way to make it work- I so enjoy the Anar-Desaria discussion we create.

Telan Desaria
May 29th, 2007, 05:36:34 PM
I have a better idea

Tiberius Anar
May 30th, 2007, 11:57:02 AM
Intrigued. Do tell?

Telan Desaria
May 30th, 2007, 12:23:40 PM
Ive edited accordingly. Please read

Tiberius Anar
May 31st, 2007, 02:42:52 AM
I've read it- that's why I'm intrigued. A vendetta you say- over being given an appointment. How odd and, yet, how intriguing.

Telan Desaria
May 31st, 2007, 10:25:27 AM
You just snubbed the Supreme Commander of the Imperial Navy - -what did you expect?

Tiberius Anar
May 31st, 2007, 05:25:04 PM
It wasn't that much of a snub- he did not answer a preremptory summons but gave him an appointment. This isn't the Imperial Sovereignty in which Anar was at Desaria's beck and call. I was trying to show that Anar is his own man albeit through a petty action. From an IC observer perspective I would have thought that the fact that Anar is a busy man would matter- he's hardly be in a position to drop everything even if he wanted to.

As to expectations. In all honesty I was expecting some quiet/loud grousing by the good admiral and a tension filled conversation with a deliociously wicked sub-text on both sides perhaps resolving to an uneasy understanding of each other. Perhaps I should have communicated that expectation.

Telan Desaria
Jun 5th, 2007, 12:46:11 PM
Indeed. Well now, there is pretext for an apology on the Chancellor's part. And then some sort of mutual understanding to come.

Tiberius Anar
Jun 5th, 2007, 03:52:22 PM
Certainly, in the course of a civilised meeting I would imagine that Anar would apologise for having kept Desaria waiting. But I have an idea that might suit the current situation. The two men, complete with entourages meet in the Palace hallways. A few cool words, a little verbal cut and thurst set to a suitable backdrop. May I post accordingly?

Telan Desaria
Jun 5th, 2007, 06:09:15 PM
you may certainly