View Full Version : Not the Usual Instigator
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 8th, 2007, 12:40:27 PM
After a week and a half of negotiations, the treaty between Onderon and Captain Victer Dejan was a reality. Everything had been decided upon before hand, but what took the longest battle was actually drawing up the paperwork. Minister Marlas was determined to ensure that there would be no loopholes found within the document that Dejan could exploit. It was tedious and tiresome, but a process the Queen had to endure to appease the Minster. Marlas had been a loyal subject to Onderon for decades, a solid appendage of her father. War had colored his perceptions but he was still good at what he did. She could not afford to loose him as Onderon's place in the galaxy began to shift into new possibilities.
However, she could not dismiss the fact his bigoted behavior could impede that progress. But if things could progress at a pace within comfortable limits, Adraudia was certain she could sway his mind. And in turn, the rest of Onderon would set aside their xenophobia.
Also, the Mandalorians ate up a lot of her time. She was in constant closed sessions with her cabinet and Mandalore about her people. Updates came in every fortnight on how her people were tolerating their new presence within Iziz. Squabbles broke out every so often but thanks to her peoples dedication, they did not physically provoke the Mandalorians, who did likewise.
The Queen had little time to herself, except when sleep was required and often her thoughts drifted to Victer. She hadn't a scant second to speak with him since their last personal meeting, unless it was in session. Perhaps it was rude of her to do so, but she had several of her Agents keep tabs on him to ensure his safety, or so she convinced herself. Everyone in the Palace knew better and oh how the rumors ran amuck throughout the castle! The news of their kiss broke like wildfire after Adraudia and Victer had retired that day. The Queen noticed the sideways glances, the hushed whispers of gossip and the disapproving stares of her Court. She had thought they would have been elated to have finally found interest in someone ... Utter rubbish.
Victer Dejan
Apr 8th, 2007, 07:11:18 PM
Marlas had been an astounding headache. Not because he was failing to do his job, but because he was extremely detail obsessed. The finished document was not a thirty page outline, but rather a tome (600 pages) that seemed to cover every possible outcome. Victer was always extremely careful regarding signing any kind of contract. It was a fair document, despite the hundreds of thousands of lines of text, and despite some of Marlas's attempts to undermine fairness. On the second day, Victer was so incensed that he left the room shortly before the miday meal. He had marked the proposal from Marlas furiously, left the datapad on the table (in close reach of his aides) and informed them firmly that he would be taking a somewhat longer lunch.
Upon arriving back, Marlas apologized. Victer said “I accept.” From then on out, Marlas's hyper-detail was the main barrier to progress. The main reason it had taken a week and a half was so Victer could read it over for two days.
That was 3 days ago. Victer now spent most of his time drawing up plans and examining property for purchase or lease. The Queen had him tailed. Not surprising, really. He was one of Onderon's first unexpected visitors in a long, long time. On the second day he frustrated her security services by leaving them a holo of him pointing out what they were doing wrong, politely.
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 8th, 2007, 09:06:55 PM
It was early evening on Onderon. The time when the market just outside the Palace walls began to shut down. The Queen stood out on the courtyard balcony, as was customary when time permitted, to watch her people break down their booths and pack up their belongings. To see her watching over them was comforting and she smiled each time one of her subjects raised their head to gaze up at her.
Quietly, one of her aides stepped outside and bowed. "Your Majesty?"
Adraudia never took her eyes off of the market when she spoke. "Yes?"
"Your men have returned and I was informed to give you this." He stepped forward alongside her Majesty and placed two objects in her hand. One a small holoprojector and another a datachip, which caused a brow to raise.
"Apparently while they were tailing the Captain, he left them ..." He tapped a finger against his lips, trying to find the right words. "... a message."
"What sort of message?" She asked.
"Ah... They asked for you to see it in private. It seems that they weren't very ... " He held up two fingers on either hand for emphasis. "Sneaky. So to speak."
She beamed with a smile. "Sounds very like him. I want you to contact him."
The Aide blinked. "Pardon your Majesty?"
"Contact him and invite our good Captain for dinner tonight. More then likely, he'll be on his ship. Inform the kitchen of my plans as well."
He stood there absorbing what just happened. If he didn't know any better, the Queen just insisted on having Dejan over for a personal dinner. A non-business dinner. Together. Alone! "Um, yes your Majesty. Right away."
After dismissing him, Adraudia placed the holoprojector on the stone ledge and hit play. Victer appeared straight away and immediately went into a polite dissertation of how to tail someone effectively and made the Queen giggle.
Victer Dejan
Apr 15th, 2007, 10:30:56 PM
Victer was surprised when one of the Queen's runners left him a message that was stamped with her personal seal. To get a letter from the Throne of Onderon was not that surprising, especially with the trade negotiations.
He opened the letter, and it said, succinctly, that he was invited for dinner with the Queen. Victer blinked. Perhaps she was fed up with the rumors and no longer cared. She wanted to see him. There was no mention of any agenda beyond having dinner. This was somewhat puzzling.
No it wasn't. After a week of Marlas, he was over analyzing everything. The Queen wished to have dinner with him. She enjoyed his company. The more adventurous people of Onderon would say that she fancied him, the off-worlder. Off-worlder had a negative connotation all it's own. It would not be adventurous to say that the Captain fancied the Queen.
Victer put the letter down and set about grooming himself. He had an hour and a half to appear presentable. He picked a suit that he had tailored for him by one of the locals. The people of Onderon took pride in their work. The cut was not the latest, but the craftsmanship was excellent and it had much less ego behind it than many Coruscanti tailors.
The guards at the gate were expecting him. Neither shot him a dirty look. He was an outsider, yes, but one that the Palace Guard recognized as someone who had taken risk to protect the throne. The court seemed to see things different. Some stared openly, while others gossiped moments later.
He knew where to meet the Adraudia: a small, private dining room that she mentioned she used instead of the main hall. It was quieter and wouldn't run anyone ragged. Victer was a minute early. On a hunch, he cut it close, and smiled when she came in the other entrance.
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 18th, 2007, 09:39:09 PM
The two guards opened the entrance for her and instantly the Queen's face lit up with cheer upon seeing Captain Dejan. She wasn't wearing her formal attire that he was accustomed too for the last few weeks. Adraudia's posture was laxed but her hair was styled up, pinned together by several silk pins that matched her dress, a warm shade of yellow. It was off the shoulder, hugged tightly around her chest and waist to accentuate the beautiful curvature of her body. Finally aware of her feelings towards the Captain, she was willing to go that extra step and be seductive in her choice of clothing.
"Good evening, Victer." She purposefully used his first name, affirming this was indeed a private dinner between the two of them. "I'm glad you were free this evening."
Victer Dejan
Apr 20th, 2007, 08:49:59 PM
Victer made sure his brain was still on after a quick glance, even though his eyes never left her face. He smiled automatically.
Check 1, check check, check 2.
“I'm honored, thank you for inviting me, my Queen.” He winked, and she smiled a little. She led them over to the corner of the table, where only two places were set. He pulled her seat out from under the table, an old colloquialism for him, but it was one he learned was practiced on Onderon sometimes.
“It has been a while since we last had the chance to talk. How are you?” A basic question, but one he was very interested in.
Adraudia Basillie
Apr 29th, 2007, 02:27:04 PM
Her smile grew just a tad wider as Victer was gracious enough to pull out her chair. "Thank you, Captain and I am doing well now that our political necessities are finally settled."
She sighed inwardly, thinking of Marlas and his detailed paranoia. The Queen had almost questioned her Minister as to what his motivations were regarding the treaty. Adraudia has simply assumed that things were settled at their first face to face meeting. But then the news, or more accurately the rumors, began to wisp throughout the palace halls, she wondered if he was giving Victer due to disapproval. Marlas and her father were very close and he was an Uncle to her. It would not have been too surprising if he were being overprotective in her father's steed.
Victer Dejan
Apr 30th, 2007, 07:23:23 PM
“Mercifully, yes.” Victer showed visible relief at that statement. Dinner rolls arrived just as he was about to speak again. It was a darker brown bread that had a touch of molasses. The young woman serving the rolls blushed slightly, and set down the two bottles of wine she carried in the other hand.
“My Queen” She said, and placed them on the table before flitting back out of the room. Just before she left, she turned and winked at the Queen. Victer barley caught it out of his eye.
“I think we finally found someone who isn't arrayed against us.” Adraudia smiled a little.
“White or red?” Victer popped the cork on the bottle, and smelled the fragrant contents.
“Red.” Victer poured each of them a glass.
“To enjoyable evenings without political necessity.” He said, smirking slightly.
Adraudia Basillie
May 5th, 2007, 10:02:32 AM
"Cheers to that Captain Dejen." She raised the crystal glass with an endearing smile and a contented sparkle in her eye. Already the necessities of the throne were beginning to be boxed and locked away in order to enjoy this evening.
She clinked her glass against Victer's and took a small sip and savored the flavor. It was the right blend of sweet that would compliment the steaks prepared for the evening meal. "As for your earlier comment, it seems most of the serving staff seems to approve. The Ministers and the Court are another thing all together ..."
Victer Dejan
May 8th, 2007, 06:18:36 PM
“I'm an unknown quantity to them, and an outsider. It's not entirely irrational, but it's not helpful either.” Victer said, but shrugged. It bothered him some, but people had their prejudices. The only thing that would overcome that was time and consistent truth. Some would be fearful straight into their graves, but most would at least behave soon.
“Most of them will probably come around when trade becomes more common. But...” He added, with a smile, “...I'm glad that someone besides yourself and Razielle appreciate my presence.”
Adraudia Basillie
May 11th, 2007, 08:08:26 PM
"Oh yes. You are quite the hit with the staff." Her eyes danced with knowing mischief. A trait not often seen save for Razielle. "Apparently you have been since arriving here. Especially at the Ball."
The Queen raised her wine glass so it was not quite touching her lips. "I think you've broken a few hearts with my staff."
Victer Dejan
May 12th, 2007, 12:49:43 PM
Victer sighed.
"I can't make everyone happy." He said with a wink and a smile. He shifted in his seat, and accidentally bumped feet with the Queen.
Adraudia Basillie
May 12th, 2007, 01:02:37 PM
The Queen returned the smile. "You make me happy."
And then she jolted up in her chair, surprised at the accidental bump of the feet. Her heart began to thump faster with embarrassment for having such a childish reaction.
Victer Dejan
May 12th, 2007, 02:50:31 PM
Victer withdrew, but instead of saying anything, Adraudia just added color to her face. Eventually, she smiled sheepishly. The accident had caused an unexpected reaction, but Adraudia settled down just as the food arrived. It smelled fantastic. The meat nearly fell apart in his mouth. It's good to be the Queen's friend
He watched her eat some, with drilled precision. Victer made a point not to shovel the food in, but did not have her grace. It was erotic.
Adraudia Basillie
May 14th, 2007, 08:32:33 PM
The kitchen had prepared the meal exceptionally well knowing who her special guest was tonight. The staff were in league with the Queen and promised to create a meal that surpassed anything they had served before, Royal Ball and all! Memne and Jaqua, two of the finest chefs the Palace had witnessed, had known Adraudia since she were born. They were determined to appease the Captain's palate with find cuisine.
It was up to their grown up Adraudia to do the rest.
But with how Victer eyed her throughout dinner, the Queen did not have to do much of anything to entice her date.
She dabbed the sides of her mouth with a napkin. Apparently some of the juice decided to get away from her. Adraudia took the time to glance across the table to see if Victer were enjoying his meal. A bit of everything was touched. "Are you enjoying the menu that I picked out?"
Victer Dejan
May 15th, 2007, 07:03:14 PM
"It's the best meal I've ever had." Victer said, completely sincere. She had caught him between bites. He frequently had to force himself to not wolf the food down.
Victer motioned at a vegetable with his fork.
"This is a perfect counterpoint to... whatever local tuber that is." He continued on about each portion, expanding on how it either counterpointed or complimented the rest of the meal in greater detail about aftertastes.
"I can only hope dessert is half as good."
Adraudia Basillie
May 15th, 2007, 07:35:48 PM
"Dessert is not quite ready yet." Adraudia canted her head to the side with a smile. "I decided to leave it open for you to chose what you would like since I was unsure."
Victer Dejan
May 15th, 2007, 07:46:36 PM
"Oh?" Victer asked. He leaned in some.
"Well, what are my options?"
Adraudia Basillie
May 15th, 2007, 07:50:25 PM
"Well," she leaned in a bit closer, not wishing to mimic Victer but it just happened. Adraudia almost felt like this were some sort of secret, "Anything. It's up to you. My staff are well prepared."
Victer Dejan
May 15th, 2007, 08:26:46 PM
Victer did not need to think about it at all, because he had been contemplating it for half of the meal.
"Melted dark chocolate, freshly whipped cream, and fresh fruit."
Adraudia Basillie
May 15th, 2007, 08:33:19 PM
Her nose scrunched up every so slightly. "Is that all?"
His request was so simple, but perhaps Victer wasn't used to the elegant pastries, tarts and cakes that the Queen was accustomed too.
Victer Dejan
May 15th, 2007, 08:39:39 PM
"Well..." Victer smiled a little "I think you will like it."
Adraudia Basillie
May 15th, 2007, 08:44:00 PM
Victer was her guest and she would accommodate happily. She wanted this night to be special. "Sara?"
A maid who was waiting outside the doors came inside and curtsied. "Yes your Majesty?"
"Please tell the kitchen to bring out some fresh fruit, fresh whipped cream and melted dark chocolate." She didn't need to add the best, it was implied.
Sara smiled and shot a glance at Victer. "Right away your Majesty."
Victer Dejan
May 16th, 2007, 09:41:23 PM
Adraudia wasn't sold on Victer's choice of dessert yet. She was used to more elaborate dishes Victer smiled slyly as the ingredients arrived.
"It's very simple." Victer selected a sweet, red fruit that would contrast well against the chocolate. It was damp, having just been washed. He dipped the lower half in chocolate, and then in the cold whipped cream, which somewhat prevented the chocolate from dripping. Victer brought it up for Adraudia, inches from her lips.
Adraudia Basillie
May 18th, 2007, 08:20:06 PM
Her eyes looked up from the simple dessert and into Victer's eyes. Roguish eyes flashed with mischief and his smile inviting.
As she opened her mouth, her eyes never strayed from his until the first juicy bite of fruit hit her tongue. She sighed and licked her lips of cream and chocolate, relishing in the simple pleasure of flavor that danced around in her mouth.
Victer Dejan
May 18th, 2007, 08:38:26 PM
Victer readied another fruit as Adraudia finished chewing. He repeated the process, but slowly drew it away as the Queen leaned in to eat. She found her face inches from his before he conceeded. It earned him a mirthful but playful glance.
Adraudia Basillie
May 18th, 2007, 08:51:47 PM
She fell right into his trap. How silly of her. But this was the kind of trap that Adraudia was happy to be caught in.
Unlike their first kiss that was quick, tentative and awkward, the Queen closed her eyes and leaned forward to kiss him softly. It had been weeks since they were able to be this close and kissing the Captain again was a thought that hadn't left her mind since the day at the fountain.
Victer Dejan
May 18th, 2007, 09:03:59 PM
Her mouth tasted sweet with hints of chocolate. The first kiss had been quick and awkward. This one was savoured. A minute later, she pushed him back with a single finger. Victer raised an eyebrow.
Adraudia Basillie
May 18th, 2007, 09:12:41 PM
The kiss was a delicious mixture of dessert and Victer. Adraudia enjoyed how his lips felt against hers, the softness of his skin as her fingertips brushed across his cheek, or how they explored one another's mouth; cautiously at first but it things began to heat up.
She pushed him away slowly with a smile and her eyes told him to follow. Just behind the sturdy wood doors of the dining room lay snooping eyes.
"Perhaps we should take dessert to go?" she said softly with a grin. "Where we can have more privacy?"
Victer Dejan
May 18th, 2007, 09:58:34 PM
Victer smiled and nodded. The food was all in easy to move vessels, and there wasn't a tremendous amount of it. He grabbed the whipped cream and chocolate, and she picked up the fresh fruit. Adraudia led them out of the small dining room and into the corridor. She threw a glance over her shoulder and a grin at Victer before continuing down the hall.
Adraudia Basillie
May 26th, 2007, 10:05:32 AM
She led him down the West hallway amidst glances of surprise and raised brows, mainly from her Guards. They were still left alone and without question for the Queen could do whatever she pleased in her own Palace.
That didn't mean much rumor would begin this night and continue until dawn ...
Adraudia stopped before a double oaken door. It was finely polished and arranged vines were carved by hand. Two guards stopped on either side as she lifted the handle with her free hand and opened the door.
Inside was a comfortable, cozy little room that was her study. Her father's study was used for formal negotiations and information from her cabinet. This was her personal one that belong to her mother before her passing. There was no intimidating desk, flags of Onderon, nor the seal of Basillie. It was just a quaint little room with comfortable chairs, a couch, bookcases and a fireplace where Adraudia could enjoy her solitude.
She set the plate of fruit onto one of the end tables and began starting a fire.
Victer Dejan
May 28th, 2007, 10:50:31 AM
"This is much, much better." The room was downright cozy. It felt more like a well appointed cottage than part of a palace. Victer re-arranged the coffee table to better accommodate the food while Adraudia started a fire.
Moments later, flames began to lick the logs of local wood, illuminating her features warmly.
Adraudia Basillie
May 28th, 2007, 04:31:13 PM
The fire shimmered off of Adraudia's dress, bathing her in a deeper shade of yellow and orange. She caught the Captain staring at her longer then he an intended and offered a smile in question. "What is it?"
Victer Dejan
May 28th, 2007, 09:03:30 PM
Victer stood and put a finger to her lips. He answered her with a gentle kiss.
Adraudia Basillie
Jun 2nd, 2007, 06:17:54 PM
Adraudia looked vexed at Victer's actions. No one had ever put a finger to her lips so they could silence her. Perhaps she should have been offended, but his kiss was soft and divine. The Queen relaxed and closed her eyes and gave into the kiss.
Victer Dejan
Jun 21st, 2007, 07:20:05 PM
Victer ran his hands up her forearms and up her sides. He moved a little closer to her, and she leaned into him. They kissed for a minute before both needed a moment to come up for air.
He smiled at her, as that was the answer to her question.
Adraudia Basillie
Jul 15th, 2007, 10:42:46 AM
Adraudia returned the smile, though a nagging thought wanted to turn this moment sour. The Queen wondered if things were happening too quickly. It was not the disapproval of the Court that cause this concern. Frankly, after all the years of being disappointed with suitors chosen for her, why was it that a roguish Captain was able to touch her heart?
Victer Dejan
Jul 31st, 2007, 09:41:50 PM
One hand slipped down Adraudia's back, and Victer was about to kiss her again, but hesitated. She was nervous about something, and that hand moved to her hip instead.
"Something the matter?"
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