O.W. Outcast
Apr 2nd, 2007, 10:34:08 AM
The State of RP Address.
A three foot tall Duro in a business suit steps up to the podium. Then Glances back at an Intern with an evil glare. She proply runs out witha stool for the midget to stand on so he can be seen and heard.
Hello Fellow SWfanners out there, I am OW outcast. Some of you may or may not know me or may know me by another name. No I don't mean the name sexy little muffin man however that does have a nice ring to it.
For those of you who don't know what this thread is for it for a healthy talk on the current topic of how are rp world is going here. Mainly I am doing this cause I have no life and there are few things I would like to say.
To start off I would like to start with the Star wars roleplaying aspect of this board. It is the part that has kept this board running for along time now. Since well if you haven't guess The SW in fans stands for Star wars. If you don't know what star wars is may god have mercy on your soul.
As I see I see four major groups forming with in the star wars galaxy as it stands The Imps, The rebs, The jedi, and The independants. The sith are virtually non existant even though we have two groups that claim to be sith or are sith like. Them Being TSO and KA. I do miss the days when sith ruled the boards but some change is good I guess I still don't like seeing them almost non existent though. That does sadden me.
Now KA I understand was meant to start off a more introverted group dealing with internal struggles then expand outword from there. So it still has a chance to make an impact on the galaxy but has yet to be seen. I would personally like to see this a new sith group rise and be active through out the board. So I hope they keep up with it and expand.
TSO the old dominating sith group before the reset. Well i really don't know how dominanting they where but they sure where alllot more active and there board wasn't so dead back then. They where meant to be the primary sith group but as I see have failed in that task. I'm not sure why nor will I make an accusations I can not back up.
Independant Sith like the one I play Blade Ice. Independant sith have been around on occasion in the past. I personally don't care for it although I love playing a sith and the start of the reset and if now it is the only way blade can fit in the galaxy and still be semi active in the whole galaxy. I however find story material hard to come by because well the Jedi are scattered so we don't have them to fight. The Inquiserate is to busy hunting Jedi to notice the sith. The rebs well they just plan don't care about sith as long as they stay out of there business. Other Imps have the belief it is the iquiserates job to deal with them not theres. So Indepedents have a tuff job of trying to make a mark on the galaxy.
Jumping to the jedi now. They are still scattered but a few groups are forming here and there. Finding out that they are not all allone in the galaxy and they may have an army to fight back with after all. Yet the problem I for see with this is one I see with most of the independant groups (even sith ones).
Both the independant and jedi groups that have formed or are forming seem to be primarily introverted. Meaning after they get so many people they don't real go outside those people. They don't go out to try and find others of like mind. They don't try to build a community that welcomes others of like mind eather. A few indepedant groups including the Jedi could dominate this board if they would just figure out a way to hook up.
The Imps and Rebs are the to main rising factions. This good to see for back in the day they both seemed to be the Introverted groups only fighting amongst each other. But now they dominate which is a good thing but not nessarily every rpers cup of tea.
Now unto Cloud city. I was actually over joyed when I heard this place was being created. It would be a nuetral ground for everyone I thought. I thought oh joy there will be some great bar scenes of Fans past but with newer rpers or characters. I thought i would see reb flyboys and girls and Imp flyboy and girls getting into bar fights over who was the better pilot or faction. I thought I would see jedi ariving there to find there nemsis the sith still existed. Smugglers smuggling, Assasins backstabing, and Masterminds plotting there next big thing. I thought I would see all of that with this great Idea. Yet I was mistaken I don't see any of that. Which to me is travesty. Cloud city is nuetral ground play it up break stuff and leave the place a mess for the management of the city to clean up. I want to see lots of action there it is the only bar that is active on fans. It could be like the Yog's bar from GJO's past or Rama's if your old enough to remember when TSE was a group at fans. I miss the bar scene's the most if you haven't noticed.
Last SW group The Blacksun. Great Idea to get bounty hunters, smugglers, assasins, and other scum of the earth to come together. However it just hasn't pushed off as well as I thought it would. Maybe it's because the fight each other or because if they fight another faction it is ussually an NPCed faction like the Hutts. Not really sure. I mean they could go out and make deals with the imps and rebs. Make eather faction mad because of a dirty deal or because they play bothsides of the game. They just don't for what ever reason. or maybe it has nothing to do withem at all maybe it's cause the rebs or imps want no involvement with them witch would be a shame.
Sate of the sith - Dieing breed
State of the Jedi - Okay
State of the Imps - Alive
State of the Rebs - Alive
State of BS - Dieing Breed
State of Independants - Very Much Alive.
state of Cloud city - Not used enough.
What can i say it is an Idea that started off with a bang then faded and is still fading. The major problem that has been pointed out is the fact that there are two major storylines going on at once in totally different parts of the world. If you are not in one of the two areas your pretty much SoL. Trying to get into these bigger rps is just as hard cause well you will be more then liekly ignored for even trying. The story's seem to be more a few characters driven then a whole bunch of characters driving the story. If youare not one of the few you are just a side show atraction on the way to the end of the story.
Also it seems anything outside of being a Vampire is not very well incorperated to the stories. Mages, Immortals, Hunters, changlings, werewolves, wraiths(ghosts), gypsies, mortals, and Kindred of the east just don't seem that welcome even though they are meant to play there part as a whole in WoD. It isn't just about vampires cause if it was well it would be a very 2D rp and not the whole picture of the world. It isn't called VoD it's supose to be about the world and it's darksides.
State of WoD - Slowly dieing
It just seems well that it was started on a whim and then was left behind. Living those who where truelly interested in it stranded with no place to go. However this was not nessarily my case with the RP my character never even got started but that was due to his main story driving point which got cut short due to the person who was helping me get started going on a LoA of sorts from the whole board. But I have read a few of the x-men threads that still linger and well it just seems like allot of the people that started just up and left living those that where not starters of the idea going I want to play but I got nothing to do. I personally think it had to due with the fact that those who started seem to be the same groupd that try's to keep every rp going here at fans. That they maybe wearing them selves thin.
State of X-men - Dieing breed
As whole the community seems to be doing fine in small groups of people they just need to get out of those groups a little more and go explore. Find new people to communicate with and torment.
Thank you all for listening discuss, berate me, or do what you must this has been the unnoffical state of the rp adress. It is now open for debate.
A three foot tall Duro in a business suit steps up to the podium. Then Glances back at an Intern with an evil glare. She proply runs out witha stool for the midget to stand on so he can be seen and heard.
Hello Fellow SWfanners out there, I am OW outcast. Some of you may or may not know me or may know me by another name. No I don't mean the name sexy little muffin man however that does have a nice ring to it.
For those of you who don't know what this thread is for it for a healthy talk on the current topic of how are rp world is going here. Mainly I am doing this cause I have no life and there are few things I would like to say.
To start off I would like to start with the Star wars roleplaying aspect of this board. It is the part that has kept this board running for along time now. Since well if you haven't guess The SW in fans stands for Star wars. If you don't know what star wars is may god have mercy on your soul.
As I see I see four major groups forming with in the star wars galaxy as it stands The Imps, The rebs, The jedi, and The independants. The sith are virtually non existant even though we have two groups that claim to be sith or are sith like. Them Being TSO and KA. I do miss the days when sith ruled the boards but some change is good I guess I still don't like seeing them almost non existent though. That does sadden me.
Now KA I understand was meant to start off a more introverted group dealing with internal struggles then expand outword from there. So it still has a chance to make an impact on the galaxy but has yet to be seen. I would personally like to see this a new sith group rise and be active through out the board. So I hope they keep up with it and expand.
TSO the old dominating sith group before the reset. Well i really don't know how dominanting they where but they sure where alllot more active and there board wasn't so dead back then. They where meant to be the primary sith group but as I see have failed in that task. I'm not sure why nor will I make an accusations I can not back up.
Independant Sith like the one I play Blade Ice. Independant sith have been around on occasion in the past. I personally don't care for it although I love playing a sith and the start of the reset and if now it is the only way blade can fit in the galaxy and still be semi active in the whole galaxy. I however find story material hard to come by because well the Jedi are scattered so we don't have them to fight. The Inquiserate is to busy hunting Jedi to notice the sith. The rebs well they just plan don't care about sith as long as they stay out of there business. Other Imps have the belief it is the iquiserates job to deal with them not theres. So Indepedents have a tuff job of trying to make a mark on the galaxy.
Jumping to the jedi now. They are still scattered but a few groups are forming here and there. Finding out that they are not all allone in the galaxy and they may have an army to fight back with after all. Yet the problem I for see with this is one I see with most of the independant groups (even sith ones).
Both the independant and jedi groups that have formed or are forming seem to be primarily introverted. Meaning after they get so many people they don't real go outside those people. They don't go out to try and find others of like mind. They don't try to build a community that welcomes others of like mind eather. A few indepedant groups including the Jedi could dominate this board if they would just figure out a way to hook up.
The Imps and Rebs are the to main rising factions. This good to see for back in the day they both seemed to be the Introverted groups only fighting amongst each other. But now they dominate which is a good thing but not nessarily every rpers cup of tea.
Now unto Cloud city. I was actually over joyed when I heard this place was being created. It would be a nuetral ground for everyone I thought. I thought oh joy there will be some great bar scenes of Fans past but with newer rpers or characters. I thought i would see reb flyboys and girls and Imp flyboy and girls getting into bar fights over who was the better pilot or faction. I thought I would see jedi ariving there to find there nemsis the sith still existed. Smugglers smuggling, Assasins backstabing, and Masterminds plotting there next big thing. I thought I would see all of that with this great Idea. Yet I was mistaken I don't see any of that. Which to me is travesty. Cloud city is nuetral ground play it up break stuff and leave the place a mess for the management of the city to clean up. I want to see lots of action there it is the only bar that is active on fans. It could be like the Yog's bar from GJO's past or Rama's if your old enough to remember when TSE was a group at fans. I miss the bar scene's the most if you haven't noticed.
Last SW group The Blacksun. Great Idea to get bounty hunters, smugglers, assasins, and other scum of the earth to come together. However it just hasn't pushed off as well as I thought it would. Maybe it's because the fight each other or because if they fight another faction it is ussually an NPCed faction like the Hutts. Not really sure. I mean they could go out and make deals with the imps and rebs. Make eather faction mad because of a dirty deal or because they play bothsides of the game. They just don't for what ever reason. or maybe it has nothing to do withem at all maybe it's cause the rebs or imps want no involvement with them witch would be a shame.
Sate of the sith - Dieing breed
State of the Jedi - Okay
State of the Imps - Alive
State of the Rebs - Alive
State of BS - Dieing Breed
State of Independants - Very Much Alive.
state of Cloud city - Not used enough.
What can i say it is an Idea that started off with a bang then faded and is still fading. The major problem that has been pointed out is the fact that there are two major storylines going on at once in totally different parts of the world. If you are not in one of the two areas your pretty much SoL. Trying to get into these bigger rps is just as hard cause well you will be more then liekly ignored for even trying. The story's seem to be more a few characters driven then a whole bunch of characters driving the story. If youare not one of the few you are just a side show atraction on the way to the end of the story.
Also it seems anything outside of being a Vampire is not very well incorperated to the stories. Mages, Immortals, Hunters, changlings, werewolves, wraiths(ghosts), gypsies, mortals, and Kindred of the east just don't seem that welcome even though they are meant to play there part as a whole in WoD. It isn't just about vampires cause if it was well it would be a very 2D rp and not the whole picture of the world. It isn't called VoD it's supose to be about the world and it's darksides.
State of WoD - Slowly dieing
It just seems well that it was started on a whim and then was left behind. Living those who where truelly interested in it stranded with no place to go. However this was not nessarily my case with the RP my character never even got started but that was due to his main story driving point which got cut short due to the person who was helping me get started going on a LoA of sorts from the whole board. But I have read a few of the x-men threads that still linger and well it just seems like allot of the people that started just up and left living those that where not starters of the idea going I want to play but I got nothing to do. I personally think it had to due with the fact that those who started seem to be the same groupd that try's to keep every rp going here at fans. That they maybe wearing them selves thin.
State of X-men - Dieing breed
As whole the community seems to be doing fine in small groups of people they just need to get out of those groups a little more and go explore. Find new people to communicate with and torment.
Thank you all for listening discuss, berate me, or do what you must this has been the unnoffical state of the rp adress. It is now open for debate.