View Full Version : Grave

Mar 7th, 2007, 09:10:16 PM
The establishment was aphotic but could hardly be listed as drab. Alexander Mirit, the proprietor, would not allow it to be slandered so. The furniture, in place of the usual table and chairs, was top of the line; plush, deep in hue, and varying in an array of style and placement. The caliginous cocktail lounges were set aside at the western and eastern walls, making way for the running, incurvate stage complete with whisps of smoke from the posh patrons, gathered on either side of the run way, and twinkling lights. The over all mood was nothing short of mesmeric.

The softest hint of music stirred their idle lot, the whispered fanfar note caressed the comatose clients from their inertia and drew their attention to the shift of curtain. More notes, capricious instruments ensued but never above the dynamic of piano.

Then, voice. An instrument of its own. The soprano coaxed the rapt minds with her docile notes of introduction and the tale of tune known by choice few.

Il dolce suono. Mi colpi di sua voce! ...Ah, quella voce. M'e qui nel cor discesa! ..... Edgardo! Lo ti son resa, Edgardo! Ah! Edgardo mio..! ..... Si, ti son resa! Fuggita io son da' tuoi nemici... Nemici!

A pause. The angelic timbre decrescendoed into nothingness that did not go unmissed. For now, the musician allowed her thoughts to wander. It had not been so long ago, not but hours, that her benevolent employer had commissioned her for a different task. Naturally, it had already been taken care of.


"It has come to my apt attention that a damsel is indeed in distress. Her name is Trish Volivette, the daughter of my abrasive acquaintance, Ondul Volivette. Normally, I would not interfere. However, I can see much gain from her rescue and his demise. See that it is done before the night is out, yes, my sweet?"

He had left then, not bothering to wait for an answer. He didn't need one. She had been under his wing long enough to know that his will was not to be questioned. And thus, since she didn't have anything to do at that point in time, she had set off for the abode of Alec's dear friend, Ondul.

Mar 7th, 2007, 09:41:20 PM
A sudden wind of something enveloped Trish. It was as if the music and words vibrated the air within and without her into an emotional plane of existence. Euphoria merged into hunger, which in turn merged into blissful sadness, which in turn merged into ecstasy. Her arms hugged herself as she swayed with her eyes closed to both the music and the feelings engulfing her. For possibly the first time in her life she was lost to where she was. Free to experience beyond what her eyes and ears told her was her existence.

As the music paused she felt herself holding breath in the perfect moment. Hovering with ecstasy and sorrow under each arm, and apathy pulling her in closer. Her eyes opened and as they adjusted they focused on the owner of the song as if they were commanded to do so from some unseen force.

<o:p>Trish allowed the smallest hint of a smile to lift one side of her mouth as she watched Satya. The pause was building the feelings and emotions within her, and she could feel the feelings starting to claw her insides as if trying to find their own escape. To keep from marching into insanity Trish moved her mind to something more substantial.</o:p>
Her eyes never left Satya’s features as her mind wandered over the day’s group of images.</o:p></o:p>
Hands turned into sledge hammers. Anger moves from the usual vocalization of her own ineptitude to the usual action of smashing her into both submission and admittance. Her fathers face once again taking on that manic, monster look. The wall. The floor. Smears of blood. Surrender. Self loathing.</o:p></o:p></o:p>
A new face, promises, promises.....</o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p>
<o:p><o:p><o:p><o:p><o:p><o:p><o:p><o:p>The taste of blood, not hers. A new set of feelings to contend with.</o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p></o:p>