View Full Version : In the service of the Empire

Park Kraken
Feb 24th, 2007, 02:53:04 PM
Coming awake to the sound of the incessant buzzing, the man lying in the cot tapped the offending alarm, silencing it with the flick of a finger. Shaking his head to clear away the lingering cob-webs, Alexei awoke fully, and looked around the solitary room that he had been asleep in. His eyes came to settle on the alarm holo by his bed, and when he saw what time it was, a low groan escaped from his lips.

'Hmmm, so I overslept again. Either this alarm is malfunctioning, or I keep hitting the snooze button by mistake.' thought Alexei with a grimace.

Getting up, he proceeded to the refresher, taking a quick but hot shower, and freshening up. Having toweled himself dry, Alexei proceeded to the closet, taking out his uniform. First he donned the undergarments, then followed the black shirt and pants. Securing those in place with a belt, he pulled on the black leather gloves, he finished dressing by adding his hat and his rank bars and comlink. Looking himself over in the mirror, he smirked at himself. If he wasn't so modest, he'd probably keel over at what such a handsome figure stood before the mirror!

Leaving his room, the comissioned officer known as Alexei Kraken headed through the barracks towards the mess hall. He was famished, and couldn't wait to see what was being served today.

Park Kraken
Feb 28th, 2007, 12:10:07 PM
The smell of scrambled Vor eggs assailed his nostrils, mixing in with the sweet scent of honey dew coated bantha ribs. Probably not the most exotic meal to be served, but more than adequate for the officer's club on board an Imperial starship.

When he arrived into the mess hall, he let his gaze drift across the various diners seated at their tables. He saw several familiar faces, and a few people that he did not know. He had only recently been stationed on board the destroyer, but there are several people who appeared as if they did not belong.

His first stop was the lunch line, where he appropriated his soon to be consumed goods. Taking in another sniff of the delicious aroma, Alexei headed out to find someplace to sit and eat.

Stopping at one of the tables with an unfamiliar place, he took a seat. But rather than beginning to eat, he took a curious interest in the new officer. Letting his eyes graze over their figure ever so slightly, Alexei's interest was piqued enough to engage in a conversation with this fellow.

"Well, it seems as if today is starting out like any other, is it not?" he idly hazarded. 'Best to start out the conversation on totally neutral ground, until their personality is determined' he thought to himself.