View Full Version : Lucas: "Empire was the worst of the films".
Feb 11th, 2007, 08:23:18 PM
"'Sid is the reason why The Empire Strikes Back is always written about as the best of the films, when it actually was the worst one.'"Read the full article here (
Miranda Tarkin
Feb 11th, 2007, 08:36:24 PM
This proves just how clueless he is about his fans.
Feb 12th, 2007, 07:41:59 AM
Either he really is completely clueless, or else that was a joke that fell very, very flat.
EDIT: I read through the comments, and here's another link that shows that perhaps this blogger took the comment out of context...clearly this was more along the lines of a roast, so what Lucas said was apparently a joke:
Darth McBain
Feb 12th, 2007, 12:00:22 PM
I think Lucas needs to work on his humor a bit, but yes - this was a joke...
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 12th, 2007, 06:35:01 PM
Yeah this was a joke but it shows that Lucas isn't really funny because its a very bad joke.
Ryan Pode
Feb 18th, 2007, 11:29:52 PM
Yeah this was a joke but it shows that Lucas isn't really funny because its a very bad joke.
We knew he wasn't funny. Look at Jar Jar Binks.
Feb 24th, 2007, 08:58:34 PM
I think I'm the only person on Earth over the age of 8 who liked Jar Jar Binks...:rolleyes
Doc Milo
Feb 24th, 2007, 09:10:04 PM
I might get hung for this, but I liked Jar Jar, too.
Jedi Master Carr
Feb 24th, 2007, 09:32:09 PM
My nephew liked Jar Jar, of course I think he appeals way more to kids.
Doc Milo
Feb 26th, 2007, 01:36:48 PM
Well, maybe he appeals to the kid in me :)
Since I am 38 years old.
But I like him because he, to me, sets up the humor motif that now exists throughout the entire saga.
He, more than any other character, shows the "innocence" of the galaxy when we are first introduced to it in Episode I. The humor of the saga follows the innocence of the galaxy as a whole. In episode I, with Jar Jar's antics taking center of the humor stage, we have child-like humor and it shows a galaxy that is young, untouched by war (We learn later that there hasn't been a full scale war since the Republic's formation), reletively innocent. A few isolated incidents (Naboo, now, being one of them.) The Menace is hidden (a phantom.) Similarly, Anakin is a young, innocent boy (but he is part of another motiff, not the humor motiff.)
In Episode II, Jar Jar's antics are toned down. The humor has become a bit more on the jaded, cynical side as the darkness of the galaxy threatens the very foundation of the Republic. (The exchange between Anakin and Obi-Wan, being a for instance: "We got your message Master, and retransmitted it. Then we decided to come and Rescue you." "Nice job.") Some of the comic relief is now being done by the droids assuming their old roles in 4-6. The innocent humor of Jar Jar is toned down. His role has already been played. The galaxy has entered dark times.
In Episode III, we barely have any humor at all. What humor we do have is from the droids and are short, one-line snippets. The galaxy is engulfed in darkness.
In Episode IV, the humor is extremely jaded and cynical ("will someone get this big walking carpet out of my way.) There is more of this type of humor and humor from the droids in this episode than in Episode III. Why? The galaxy is still engulfed in darkness, but there is a New Hope on the horizon.
In Episode V, more of the same kind of humor as in IV, but we also see a return to the slapstick, child-like humor in the character of Yoda. But this is short-lived as Yoda reveals who he is. The galaxy still in darkness, the hope starts to slip a little as the Empire has its day.
Then in Episode VI, the slapstick child-like humor is back full force in the characters of the Ewoks. It is still not as childish as Jar Jar, for the war only ends at the end of the film, the galaxy still has a lot to do before it returns to the innocent state, if it ever will, but the humor mirrors the state of a sort of innocence being returned to the galaxy.
That's why I like the Jar Jar character. I was able to look past the initial annoyance and understand his role as it relates so the various metaphors and tone and motiffs of the story....
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