View Full Version : Another day in the Life
Henry McDonnaught
Feb 7th, 2007, 10:03:32 AM
McDonnaught liked to push himself hard, get the blood flowing, the sweat pouring. But this was gonna kill him.
The rise of the hill just kept going. Donut could see the top of it, had been able to for the last ten minutes, but it wasn't getting any closer. Dust and dirt kicked up with every leaden thud of his shoes, clouding into his open mouth and filling it with grit.
The morning was a warm one, but not killer heat like you'd find in the Tattooine desserts. Sunny, with a few scattered clouds as the weather guy would say. But in the heat, this cross-country run seemed endless. Of course, if he'd had the sense of, well, a donut, last night and stopped at the one beer, this wouldn't have been such a challenge. But sense is overrated right? 'Sides, Joker and Kelly were buyin.
His meeting with his new commanding officer Milivikal k'Vik had been a bust - the senior officer called off base early on some secret CO business, or something. Instead this bull of a sergeant had clapped ahold of him and here he was - on a ten mile a.m. jog to wake the limbs. Sheesh.
Henry stopped and bent over, head to his knees and wheezed his misery as other, more fit men,more sensible men, blew by him calling him a variety of odd pansy-boy names. Hank would get 'em back on the down slope. If he made it to the down slope.
A sudden longing for the transport runs of Delta washed over him, and this alone was a shock enough to his psyche to kickstart him again. He didn't actually need the Sergeant to come down and rain abuse on his head. But he was a millisecond too slow in moving and down came the rain.
Forcing one foot in front of the other, Donut got rollin' again.
"Without all the gruntin' Donut, you sack of dren" sweet guy, the Sergeant. "Just what girlscout outfit do you think you joined, McDonnaught"
Henry's exhiliration at cresting the rise was extremely shortlived. There were plenty more hills to go.
Henry McDonnaught
Feb 24th, 2007, 03:57:28 PM
There were plenty more hills. And plenty more days of plenty more hills. One day passed much like another. Runs in the morning. Drills in the afternoon. Tech review in the evenings. Or for a switch, some FlightSim time - but even that was a sad substitute for doing something that felt useful. McDonnaught had been here two weeks but it felt atleast two months.
Take today, flight craft check, re-check. Maitainence review, report, re-review.
The small droid beeped and chirped a response as Henry polished the belly of his starfighter until his face, distorted in a tear-drop shape, reflected clearly in its shining underpanel.
"Its a word" he tossed back defensively. "Means mind-numbing daily retinue designed to crush the human spirit"
More whirings and beepings.
"Yeah, I know" Henry commiserated back, "may as well be back on transport duty.."
"Got something to say, Donut?"
Frell. Where'd the Sarg come from? Henry took to polishing more vigorously and flashed a thousand-cred smile "Not, me Sir. I love this life!"
Sarg got that frowning look, which Henry was starting to recognize as bad.
"I dont like the look of you Donut. And I dont like the smell of you. And I sure as shirts dont like the sound of you. So its beyond me McDonnaugh"t" why brass wants a prissy little pea-shoot like you in this outfit, but here you are. So - shut the frack up and quit fawning at yourself in the mirror. You're wanted in HQ. Why are you still here Donut?"
The Black Man
Mar 18th, 2007, 01:25:27 AM
There was an officer waiting for Donut when he arrived at the briefing room. The man was black and had the stripes of a Captain.
In McDonnaught's mind he wondered if all officers yelled, but this one's voice was deep enough to scare anyone.
"McDonnaught," the captain stated, his arms crossed over his tan uniform, "You may sit."
The captain stared at the sergeant who had followed Henry into the room, "You are dismissed Sergeant."
A nod and the two were left alone.
The strange captain didn't sit, instead preferred to stand with is back against the wall.
"I have a mission for you, Flight Officer McDonnaught. A chance for you to break up the...monotony, of your job."
The face didn't smile, "If you're ready, of course."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 18th, 2007, 09:14:10 PM
McDonnaught's knees bent and his rear-end navigated itself into the seat by its own volition - Henry's attention was entirely on the officer infront of him. The Sarg had even been eclipsed from thought by the man's presence.
"Who me? Yessir, Flight Officer Rogue Three, McDonnaught, at your service, sir"
Belatedly, he added a snappy salute.
The Black Man
Mar 18th, 2007, 09:27:20 PM
"Can the soldier attitude, son," the captain replied, "This is an 'off-the-books' mission. You'll have to be yourself."
The Black Captain let the last comment hold itself in the air for just a minute.
He then produced a holo-projector clicker and the room darkened. A moment later and the holoprojecter started up.
"You'll travel to Cloud City on Bespin, where you will deliver a package to a man who is awaiting you in 'Cloud Nine'. He will direct you where to go next."
He set a manilla envelope on the table.
"Any questions?"
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 19th, 2007, 06:23:57 PM
Hank stared at the holo-projector. The mission sounded simple enough. But as a lotta guys'll tell ya, if its simple now, it probably means 'complicated' somewhere down the road.
Henry'd had enough <i>complications</i> in his short career for his liking.
He turned questioning eyes to the Captain.
"Thats it? I been promoted to delivery boy?"
The Black Man twitched Henry an unconvincing smile.
"When do I leave?"
What else could he say?
The Black Man
Mar 19th, 2007, 07:03:18 PM
The eyes of the captain narrowed for a moment as he shot at glare at the Rogue Squadron member.
"McDonnaught," his voice carried a dark tone.
"I want you to give me 20 right now soldier!"
The pilot looked at him then realized he had no choice.
As 'Donut' was completing his 20 pushups, the captain kneeled down next to him, "You say it again and you'll be lusting for a being a 'delivery boy' for the next four months."
The Black Captain's voice raised, "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR, FLIGHT OFFICER!!"
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 20th, 2007, 06:26:32 PM
"Yes Sir. Clear, Sir"
McDonnaught managed to reply steadier than he felt, not easy to do given the circumstances.
Henry stood back up, at attention,, expcting the Captain to dismiss him, or tell him more. He wasn't sure why he had been selected, and he didn't really care.
He was going on a mission, by god.
"Will that be all, Sir?"
The Black Man
Mar 20th, 2007, 06:50:02 PM
"Almost, Flight Officer," the captain replied, "You will need to use something other than your X-wing. There is a MC18 light freighter ( named Destiny's Smoke in the hangar bay. Use that to get to Cloud City."
The holo-projector shut down as the mysterious Rebel pressed a button, "As far as anyone is concerned (and this includes you, McDonnaught) you're simply a cargo pilot/messenger.
"Oh...your contact may be a little...odd. Don't let that throw you off. Do you job and come home."
He gave a sharp salute to the pilot, "I've cleared everything with your commander. Good luck. And may the Force be with you."
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 21st, 2007, 08:36:28 PM
"Yes, Sir"
McDonnaught returned the salute and, picking up the envelope, turned crisply on his heel and exited the room.
Finally, a day to set the others apart, Henry mused cheerily to himself as he sauntered down the corridor. Off to rendevous with an "odd" fellow on Bespin.
Yep, Donut loved this life.
Mar 22nd, 2007, 03:19:24 PM
((OOC: Mistake post, please delete.))
Henry McDonnaught
Mar 23rd, 2007, 09:15:58 PM
OOC - Nilk, this thread has already moved on to the next phase in the Cloud City forum, sorry.:o PM me and we'll try to hash out something new to fit our chars, if you like.
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