Feb 3rd, 2007, 01:31:57 AM
Well, my weekend got off to a lousy start...I ended up having my older cat put to sleep a little while ago. She was at least 17 years old and had started having some health problems last year. She was fine when I went to work this morning, but this evening she was becoming sick and just wasn't herself. I took her to the emergency pet clinic up the road, and after some lab tests and some serious discussion with the vet, we all decided that any possible treatment would be very expensive, had no guarantee of success, and would only delay the inevitable. This is the first time I've ever gone through euthanizing a pet, and as difficult as it was, it was also very peaceful and gentle.
My other cat just seems really confused right now and seems to be wondering where her partner went. It's going to take her some time to get used to the change as well, I'm sure.
My other cat just seems really confused right now and seems to be wondering where her partner went. It's going to take her some time to get used to the change as well, I'm sure.