View Full Version : A Proposition of Progress

Y'roth Helghast
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:01:08 PM
Morning, Afternoon, and Good Evening.

I was not present for the first discussions of the direction of the Empire but I have been fairly active for some time and my efforts to keep the Empire up and going as much as one person can, not that I'm doing it alone as I'm enjoying myself quite a bit interacting with others within the Empire ;), but my point to this was that I've got a proposition in which I'm more than willing to help move along and so on.

I'd like to propose that in our IC world of the Empire, Miranda Tarkin is made Empress of the Empire.

I know that Khendon Sevon had originally intended to throw a coup of sorts and make himself Emperor, but I've already spoken to him OOC and he doesn't have an issue with it as his activity on the boards is very limited for the time being. He also understands, as do I, that working towards something like this gives the Empire an amount of progress and more direction for us all story wise, ooc and ic.

I believe that Miranda Tarkin is ideal for it IC as her character has the lineage, the position that will allow her to become as much without so much controversy, and the character traits strong enough to make a powerful Empress. OOC, she is fairly active and very considerate of other writers and has the background experience of being here for long enough, and is a good friend, well, to most of us ;).

Anyway, I know the struggle to accomplish this, in the face of Khendon's coup even as it hasn't been dissolved or anything IC yet, will be strenous. But I've been preparing slowly for this to some degree. The INQ has a case of evidence being built against Khendon Sevon, not to mention the recent events that turn Miranda Tarkin against his coup idea and what Chancellor Anar has also discovered in his interesting past times and speeches. Of course, the INQ wants an Emperor devoid of corruption and all that and Khendon Sevon is no longer ideal, or won't be if the INQ releases all the evidence they have gathered. Not to mention they will receive the datapad given to Tarkin and use that to root out the coup from the inside out. The resistance to Tarkin becoming the Empress won't be drawn out because before it even happens, those that might turn against it will have already been removed.

The INQ is being reinforced to its loyalties from within and Helghast will propose this idea to Valten, then Helghast will take it to Miranda. We bring together the other power players of the Empire and make the announcement, she'll have the full support of the INQ, and hopefully Chancellor Anar and any other author we can get to before we hold that IC meeting :D This is just the initial summary, we've already got a lot in motion that I've mentioned but there will still be much more to do.

Also note that I think its best if the Empire stays as unified as possible. Not that there has been any mention of it, but I'm not a fan of splitting the Empire into smaller groups fighting for control of the Empire and hope to maintain a solution from such an issue.

Please review this and give me your opinions. :D

Bette Davis
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:08:12 PM
I'm in favor of this new direction. It should be interesting, plus who knows who will try to make Miranda into a figurehead and get behind her to pull the strings. ;)

The key word there is "try"

Inyos Aamoran
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:15:54 PM
I can see that working. If the coup d'etat is discovered, and Khendon is discredited, someone who is so well-known by the populace would be an ideal person to replace him. The Tarkin name puts Miranda in a similar position to Senator Palpatine: she's known well enough to be the sort of name that stands out on the list. And as mentioned, she's an ideal choice to be a political puppet in theory, although her personality might ultimately make that difficult!

I think however, it might be better if the coup d'etat does take place, at least to a certain degree. As I understand it, the plan was for Khendon to remove individuals who represented obstacles to his gaining complete power. The same purging of political figures might force the Empire to look further down the list for a potential candidate for ruler: after all, Miranda Tarkin is only a Moff - logic would suggest that there might be a number of Grand Moffs who feel they're better suited to the task? Or are they the ones pulling the strings, who think they can control Tarkin if she ever does get power?

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:17:59 PM
Sounds like a great idea, though I'm curious as to what Miranda would do with Vega, since I assume she would 'inherit' him from Khendon.

Inyos Aamoran
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:21:19 PM
Sounds like a great idea, though I'm curious as to what Miranda would do with Vega, since I assume she would 'inherit' him from Khendon.

Dress him in a pink tutu, and hire him out for parties?

Bette Davis
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:21:43 PM
Er, would Khendon still retain his Executor status or would he be...demoted?

Inyos Aamoran
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:30:14 PM
That's a good point. If the INQ is going to find out about his intended coup d'etat, and use that as a tool to insert Miranda into power, then I'd assume that Khendon would be ousted. But I suppose it depends on how public the whole affair is. If its all a big hush-hush cover-up, then Miranda could just be keeping the seat warm to make sure there's a body in the way of Khendon getting it - he can't claim control of the Empire if there's already a legitimately appointed Empress.

Another thought, as well. Possibly a noob question, but Miranda's sister is Force Sensitive. Is Miranda as well? Any plans to bring that into the equation at any point - make her a little more like Palpatine, help her to bend those beneath her to her will, etc?

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:36:34 PM
Bette - I'll have Helghast explain what he and Khendon talked about with his position.

Inyos - Of course Miranda is Force sensitive :) Lianna (Navaria) and Miranda are identical twins. It will come up in the future and the Inquisitor Mages will be training Miranda in the ways of the Force.

Y'roth Helghast
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:37:37 PM
The Inquisitoriate is more than capable of determining the loyalty of the subjects of the Empire :D The Inquisitoriate, once given the datapad containing all the information that Khendon had, including the names of those he intended to remove. The Inquisitoriate and its internal services can sort that out from there.

OOC, that will have to be taken up with Sevon for sure. IC, he is still a military power, with influence, and so on. I was thinking a compromise to a Military Arm and Advisor for Miranda when she is Empress. Isn't that pretty much what an Executor is? But of course, he's not in favor of Miranda and the INQ does not think he's pure in intent although still an efficient citizen of the Empire. I don't know if it'll happen in a thread but it will be discussed with him more as to the future. I would think to keep things on a low enough level, it would be met in private, and threatened to go public, and then resulting in something of a probation upon Sevon from the Inquisitoriate.

And uhhhh Vega... uhhh? :p

Ah, and the Mages, under the Inquisitoriate will be coming to the forefront soon enough. I've got an NPC who is the leader/representative of the Mages in the making and soon to start appearing left and right for interaction with other characters :)

Inyos Aamoran
Jan 27th, 2007, 01:47:29 PM
The Executor is kind of the "Military Commander", as far as I know. Sort of the Admiral of the Fleet / General of the Armies type role. I think that's what Vader was, although he was a bit speshul, being Palpatine's protége et al. So yeah, he doesn't actually hold any political power.

Based on the Vader example, it looks like the Executor is less senior than the Moffs (or at least Grand Moffs) anyway - Tarkin certainly seemed to be able to boss him around without too much difficulty. That would seem to indicate that Vader would have at least got into trouble for killing Tarkin: I can't see him letting a subordinate boss him around like that. Although, Tarkin was close to Palpatine; might have been a respect thing based off that. *shrug*

Khendon Sevon
Jan 28th, 2007, 10:26:21 AM
Executor - An independent entity only answering to the Emperor. She has the ability to take command of military and civilian assets at any moment to fufill her orders as she best sees fit.

Never the less.

I've already discussed this over AIM.

Khendon would never stand for Miranda taking power and the INQ threatening him. He would simply tap his assets (which include almost the full military power of the Empire) and purge the INQ by coutering their intel with false intel painting them as traitors. Khendon is a military hero, after all.

After that he would probably take Vega and kill... well, almost everyone. He'd use his Stormguardsmen to ensure no one manages to get away and wield his lightsaber like the insanely evil person he is.

Now, there's a problem with all that. I don't have the time/ability to RP anymore :(

So, I think it's best that, instead, Khendon takes his two Star Destroyers, his loyal crews, Stormguardsmen, research, spy assets, etc. far, far away. Specifically, Wild Space.

It's still out of character. He has a mountain of power IC and would use every ounce of flesh owed to him to seize what he believes is rightly his. But, it's closer to character than doing nothing. Additionally, it leaves it open for future anger and whatnot if, by some miracle, my work load stops and I take a break from my other writing.

There ya' go.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2007, 10:29:26 AM
Course if you could RP more, this would go a lot differently and most of this wouldn't be happening :(

But, on a happy note, leaves room for you to come back at any time :D

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 28th, 2007, 10:33:09 AM
Hey, at least it will make for an interesting storyline... and Miranda will always have the threat of Khendon returning hanging over her head. :D

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 28th, 2007, 10:40:44 AM
Exactly :D

Inyos Aamoran
Jan 28th, 2007, 11:52:54 AM
We could always create some IC motivation for Khendon going to Wild Space. Maybe there's something out there that he's after: some new source of power that would make him the undisputed power in the galaxy, or something. Maybe there's a "lost" Super Star Destroyer, or something equivalent to the Katana Fleet, a lost Clone or Droid Army...you get the idea.

While he probably does have the power to overthrow the Empire, it'd be messy, and there are bound to be casulties on both sides. While Khendon might not mind his troops dying, he has to admit that it'd be much easier if he could waltz through the Empire as if there was no resistance at all: the Empire might even give in without much of a fight, if he's powerful enough.

That essentially creates a hypothetical "third faction" (if/when he returns), which could prompt cooperation between the Rebels and the Imperials like there was against Zsinj in the EU, for example, or at Bakura against the Ssi-Rruk (or however the heck you spell it).


Y'roth Helghast
Jan 28th, 2007, 01:51:19 PM
Well, we have our solution concerning Khendon, which we appreciate :D And we can handle his return and the details of that when he's more able and more to when it can happen.

Any other details to work out before I kick this into third gear?

Karl Valten
Jan 28th, 2007, 03:17:28 PM
Sorry to step in late here. But I've spoken with Y'roth enough to be on the ball. I liked this idea when he first contacted me about it, the story fits in with several of the threads that have already been completed or are underway, and it opens a lot of new avenues for roleplaying for each of us.

I agree whole-heartedly with Helghast in that I don't want the faction split again (as much as I did enjoy the FED/SOV fights back in the day). I'd like to avoid an INQ-Office of the Executor war at all costs, but if we must keep things in character, we must.

I have no major qualms to be worked out at the moment. Y'roth's and I have been pretty psyched about proposing this idea. Can't say that I helped that much, the man's been doing almost all the work. :lol

I'll start up a different thread regarding the INQ's in the near future(hopefully). I should be back up to full activity within a month or so.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 28th, 2007, 06:15:47 PM
Well I should sign in as Bette, but I'm feeling lazy. ^_^; Miranda's confession regarding Sevon - does that change what is planned for LD?

Y'roth Helghast
Jan 28th, 2007, 06:44:31 PM
Not essentially. But the capture of LD will occur after Doldur. We've got a general confirmation on everything, LD has more specific details where certain matters are concerned ;).

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 29th, 2007, 05:58:26 PM
If she gives them up :shakefist

...which she will.

Karl Valten
Jan 29th, 2007, 06:27:12 PM
Silly force witch, [insertstereotypicaljibe].

Telan Desaria
Apr 6th, 2007, 09:41:12 AM
An Empress is acceptable to me as long as we have someone in near-absolute power.

Khendon could simply go off on his own on some sort of crusade that the Military opposes but is loathe to stop since he is such a renowned man. So it is simply said that he goes and is written off - - until sometime in the future when Khendon returns.

Miranda Tarkin
Apr 6th, 2007, 10:48:00 AM
omg telan!

Telan Desaria
Apr 6th, 2007, 11:56:31 PM
Yes, that is I

Lamar Starworth
Apr 7th, 2007, 12:43:18 AM
Also, I'm in a bind right now with Y'roth disappearing/gone for a month. I was in a middle of a thread that was sort of pivotal for the progress for my character, is there anyway that the INQ can step in or a conclusion can be set for my thread so I can jump ahead?

The thread is Fall in, soldier (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15994)

Karl Valten
Apr 8th, 2007, 09:21:41 PM
I've seen posts by several of Y'roth's alts as well as on AIM, so he's working himself back in (I think). I don't really know where you were going with the thread, but maybe I can drop something in. Could you PM me the details/plans for the thread?