View Full Version : Application - Toran Gast

Toran Gast
Jan 26th, 2007, 07:33:11 PM
Name: Toran Gast
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 5'8"
Age: 24

Quite a resourceful chap and someone who wants to make a name for himself. Rather two-faced but you wouldn't know it until it was too late. He is a smart dresser and is rarely seen out of uniform mainly because he loves to work. He is always looking for promotion and the main way to do that is to put in the work and show those that it matters too just what he is capable of. Though there is the chance he will stab you in the back, it's probably because you have crossed him some way or that you deserve it. You earn his trust and he will give you his undying loyalty.

A citizen of Coruscant and loyal supporter of the Empire. Lived all of his childhood in Coruscant right up to his graduation from the Navy Academy. Since then he has been on various Imperial Star Destroyers and travelling the galaxy and is rarely seen on any planet's surface let alone Coruscant. Was promoted to Lieutenant for keeping his head and doing his part in the Battle of Endor and the subsequent retreat once the Death Star had been destroyed. Currently waiting for himself to be comissioned to another Star Destroyer. As said by one of his teachers at the academy, "That young officer may become an Admiral someday, I just hope I'm not in his way when he tries to get there."
- - -

Who are you?
Toran Gast.

Do you play any other characters on swfans.net who are affiliated with other groups? If so, please list them.
Aragnos Starstriker (Force user, unknown side or alliance to faction).

Any special skills we should know about?
Very resourceful and able to keep his head in hectic circumstances. His tactical skills are quite impressive also

Were your parents killed by rebels?
No, parents living alive and well in Coruscant.

If so, do you seek to avenge their deaths?

Do you possess good spelling and grammatical skills?
Of course.

There's a battle going on. Is your role in this battle
3/4) the guy on the bridge of a star destroyer giving orders, thinking what it would be like sitting on the throne cackling madly.

Why do you want to be an Imperial?
Simply because the Rebellion is nothing more than a group of badly trained thugs that are rather lucky and want to bring an end to a civilised and organised structure

Being an Imperial means that you may have to follow an order which could result in the deaths of millions. Do you have any objection to this?
It is an order, thus must be followed. The only exceptions would be if my commanding officer had taken leave of his senses or a more practical and benefical solution could also be easily obtained.

You observe a loved one doing something or planning to do something which could be construed as anti-Imperial. What do you do?
Report them to the authorities immediately. There is no excuses for such behaviour.

Do you swear allegiance to the Empire, and to abide by the guiding principles that the Emperor put down, and do you further swear to combat the rebellion and all other enemies of the empire?
Upon my life I swear!

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 26th, 2007, 08:15:55 PM
You survived Endor huh ...

:: glares ::

Teleran Balades
Jan 26th, 2007, 09:48:00 PM
Welcome, welcome. Miranda, leave the cannon fod.....recruits alone. I survived Endor as well, I'll have you know.

Good to see a new found interest in fleeting here in the Empire, it's been a while since we've any decent world-threatening battles. As always, be forewarned that there are no hardcore Rebel fleeters active at the moment, so there will be quite a bit of NPCing until we can get things rolling again.

I guess you've already answered the question of what branch in the Navy you want to be a part of, so I guess it may be worth while to figure out what your tactical preferences out and the possible ship configuration for a task force (not right away of course.)

Here are a few fleet related threads to check out, feel free to PM me about questions and thread ideas. Might want to direct them to my Karl Valten account, I usually don't log onto on this one as a default.


Miranda Tarkin
Jan 26th, 2007, 09:53:42 PM
Yes, but you've proven your loyalty. he hasn't so he remains on my 'I don't like you' list :D

Toran Gast
Jan 27th, 2007, 04:50:14 AM
Ideally to begin with I was looking at tagging along with a superior officer as one of their lieutenants so I could easily come up with a NPC for that and get myself up the ranks a little before my character has his own vessel. I just got something else to do now....
Gets his little notepad out and jots down 'make friends with the Moff.....' :D

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 27th, 2007, 09:44:09 AM
Hey hey, I'm the one you need to be making friends with, not some crazy lady like Miranda :p

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2007, 09:49:30 AM
I am not crazy. I've just having gotten out of the grieving stage and take out my anger on everyone else :p

Unless they bring me cookies. Then we're friends.

Toran Gast
Jan 27th, 2007, 09:54:43 AM
Stay away from crazy people

Note to self: Buy a bigger notepad :p

Inyos Aamoran
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:08:29 PM
What kind of cookies, though? Do we get bonus points if they're covered in chocolate, or have chocolate chips in? What kind of chocolate? Do you kill us if we bring cookies that you don't like?

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:09:21 PM
I guess you'll have to figure it out by trial and error. of course, you only get one chance >D

Vega Van-Derveld
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:12:14 PM
What kind of cookies, though? Do we get bonus points if they're covered in chocolate, or have chocolate chips in? What kind of chocolate? Do you kill us if we bring cookies that you don't like?

If she doesn't like the cookies, I make you into cookies.

Bette Davis
Jan 27th, 2007, 12:12:33 PM
New guy, huh?

Wanna go out for a drink or twenty?

Toran Gast
Jan 27th, 2007, 02:09:56 PM
Ahhh, so many friendly and disturbingly crazy :P people!

Think I will need those twenty drinks to get through this.....