View Full Version : Rebel Fleet

Tristan Tahmores
Jan 18th, 2007, 09:45:18 AM
In a conversation I was having regarding my Imperial Fleeter character, they mentioned that there aren't that many Rebel Fleeter's around the place.

Is anyone overseeing the Rebel Fleet at the moment who I can direct my questions at? Is there a list of Rebel ships and specs around that I can look at? I'm pondering creating a Rebel Fleeter at some point; who do I need to talk to? Imperial and Rebel fleeting comes with a different set of tactics, and if it provides the Impies someone to RP against... *shrug*

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 12th, 2007, 07:31:25 AM
I think Valten has created a character for Rebel fleeting. If he can't answer your questions, I don't know who can ^_^; I am practically clueless on all things fleeting.

Grace Van-Derveld
Feb 12th, 2007, 10:03:24 AM
Don't look at me. I'm the sneaky one. Commanding a fleet isn't sneaky :p

Demek Jast
Jun 15th, 2007, 08:47:45 PM
It's time we get the ball rolling concerning the Alliance Fleet, and it's Fleeters.

As it is now, there is not a large enough force to even begin to oppose the Empire's military might. The Imperial swines could, at anytime, form a large fleet and crush any and all of our strongholds and we would be nearly powerless to stop them.

As the only group of peoples united in a cause to stand against the Empire we must take up arms. We must create a military force capable of combating the Empire in the domains they dominate if we are to move forward and overthrow the oppressors of the Galaxy.

I ask that any soul who can command a vessel do so and take the war to the Empire. We may be few, but together we are strong.