View Full Version : Operative: Nilk

Jan 5th, 2007, 01:43:13 PM
Name: Nilk
Homeworld: Tatooine
Species: Jawa
Age: 29 standard years
Height: Approx. 1 m
Weight: Approx. 39 kg

Description: Nilk's physical attributes are mostly unknown. His brown robes, hood, and black shroud of cloth obscure or even prevent description of him. It can only be said that he is at average height for a Jawa and walks with a slight hunch, head down. He is dressed in the common gear of his people, with robes and hood and shroud. His robes have very deep pockets, but only on the inside, hidden from pick-pockets. He wears a belt and a sash, both brown to match his robes, and both with many sealed pouches. His belt also has a holster for his blaster pistol. In addition to his blaster pistol, Nilk keeps a Jawa ionization blaster (a gun cobbled together from junk that paralyzes unsuspecting droids or vehicles) with him at all times. In his pockets and pouches, he keeps an assortment of food, cantines of water, and various droid parts (or simply junk) to trade or sell. His small translation droid that he built himself is usuallly in his pocket. When he is speaking to someone, he leaves it on his shoulder. When he is incapable of speaking in Basic, the droid will translate his Jawaese for whomever he speaks with.

History: Nilk was born to a typical Jawa clan, roaming the desert in a sandcrawler, picking up scraps and old droids or whatever they found. Unfortunately, when Nilk was 13, Tusken Raiders ambushed the sandcrawler during the night and stormed it, slaughtering Jawas and taking whatever appealed to them. The only survivor, Nilk still bears a scar on his arm from where one of the sand-people shot him. He took everything he could carry, mostly in food and water and the mysterious solution that Jawas dip their clothes in to retain moisture. Thinking of the event as a new beginning, Nilk made his way to Mos Elsey. There, he began to do various oddjobs. He assembled (or dissembled) droids, and sold them, picked up whatever he could find whenever he could and lived off a scavenger's wares. Scavenging for jobs, for bits of junk, for anything that would help him survive.

When he reached 29 standard years of age, Nilk grew to hate the Imperial hold over all he did. He hated the fear that his people lived in of the Empire, of Jabba the Hutt, of Tusken Raiders, even of the local moisture farmers. Vowing to live in fear no more, Nilk bought himself a blaster pistol, defying the laws of Jawa weapon possesion, which all in all enforced the notion of Jawas carrying no weaponry at all. When a Stormtrooper attempted to arrest him, he shot the man dead. After hiding for three days, he stole a speeder bike and found his way to a Rebel Alliance outpost in the desert: quite by accident. He joined as soon as the oppurtunity reared it's head.