View Full Version : How's it going?

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 5th, 2007, 01:14:34 PM
What's going on? What have everyone's characters been up to? :)

Zereth Lancer
Jan 5th, 2007, 03:17:26 PM
Well... Zereth Lancer is trying his best to keep the remnants of the Sith Order together, Alexia Sturkov and Zanon O'Hara are setting up home on Korriban, Kyle Krogen is doing nothing because his padawans are absent, Tony Maxwell is God knows where, last seen rescuing Quay'Na Rakai, but the thread died and now he's stranded in the middle of no where, and Jecht Tar is examining a dead hand in one thread and attempting to cover up his dark past in another.

I think that covers most of my active character, and more recently active characters. Fun fun fun.

Miranda Tarkin
Jan 5th, 2007, 04:32:16 PM
Well let's see...

Grace Van-Derveld is breaking in new recruits and doing flashbacks with her partner, Dasq! He was always getting into trouble in the past :rolleyes

Lianna Mal Pannis is escaping Coruscant, along with Adia, with Rebel help. They are being pursued by Imperials since they think she is Miranda Tarkin! :eek

Adraudia Basillie is dealing with pirates! They are stealing her much needed supplies for her people! She is sending Razielle and Salem to the Hapan Consortium to make a deal for protection. A certain Captain is keeping her ... entertained.

Miranda Tarkin just squashed a revolution on Doldur after newly being appointed Moff. She has found a Force Sensitive amongst her staff and is working alongside the Inquisitors to find the location of Blade Ice.

WoD -

Michele is still learning the ropes of being an Immortal. Brigid is probably going to give her a heart attack with her antics. There is also a new Immortal in Chicago ... head taking time?

Nara is still looking for Weresharks :p

X-Men -

Ethan is around o_o and things are in the works!

Hawkins Grime
Jan 6th, 2007, 12:47:23 AM
Now that I'm back from my holiday and back to... work...

Hawkins Grime is massing his posse with revenge in mind and assisting LD in furthering her goals.

Y'roth Helghast is hounding some adepts and investigating some internal issues within the Empire.

Grym Kandle was in the middle of assisting(?) Vice escape.

Wil Mienstrire is chilling out in the background at the moment.

Rufus Delauvay is on Coruscant, stranded for a bit while he tries to determine a way to work himself and his crew into the Rebel Alliance.

Nyloh Heat is a mercenary for the Empire, in charge of a task force of lifeless robots and seekers that are marked for a few select adepts. Unfortunately, he is very alone and is soon to be made very aware of this fact.


Cyrill Nineman is still reliving the first days of his Immortality. He will eventually be in Chicago.


Blaine Hayter is soon to launch with the Gammas to assess the situation of rogue mutants trying to release a very deadly mutant from captivity.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 6th, 2007, 01:07:28 AM
Lilaena De'Ville is enjoying being the new Mandalore (enjoying? well, maybe not precisely) and is leading an attack on some Imperial scientists who will soon be dead dead dead, unlike Chancellor Anar, whom she left alive. ;)

Arya Ravenwing picked up a passenger on Dantooine because she's broke because the Empire captured her and then sent her to try to track down the only other one of her species (they say), Loklorien s'Ilancy. Unfortunately she's being tracked by Vega Van Derveld, who seems to have stowed away on her ship, unbeknownst to our hero!

James Prent is healing up from a near burning-at-the-stake incident, and wrestling with her apparent Force abilities. She's having repeating nightmares, and a new aquaintance (Byl Laprovik) seems to be in them.

Serena Laran is battling ancient battle droids to give Morgan, Rhianna, Wyl and Daria time to get clear so they can leave the planet they're on and actually spend some time talking.

Ecks is stuck underneath Hoth with s'Ilancy and chasing another mark with a very ill woman in his ship at the same time. This defies reason and gravity, I'm fairly certain.


Sansa is saving Elizabeth's life while Gabriel and a bunch of Kindred are under attack by the Baali. Later she'll look back on this moment and wish she hadn't.

Katarina Gordislava is trying to seal a breach into hell before the world ends.

Thaddeus Post is off being awesome. :D


Vigilante is meeting with her laywer, and is about to lay some very volatile and confidential information on him.

Byl Laprovik
Jan 6th, 2007, 01:21:36 AM
Byl Laprovik is fleeing the scene from an assassination attempt on Chancellor Anar, wrapping up a Jedi extraction on Coruscant, and trusting absolutely nobody in the Rebellion as word of a mole in the fleet reaches him. He's also taking a passing interest in James Prent, who is in turn connected to Sanis, and s'Ilancy.

Sanis Prent is about to stage an insane shootout heist against an Imperial excavation party on Dantooine.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta is taking antacids and praying he doesn't die.

Colonel Karrnage is currently being denied his Sith Urn prize by s'Ilancy.

Callomas Savoc is about to unleash a bag of hell on the crew of the Layla.

Zem Vymes is trying to find s'Ilancy and get her to safety.

Dan the Man is preparing to meet with Rebel command about an upcoming strike planned by the fleet. He's also tipped off Byl Laprovik about the possibility of a mole.

As for the X-Men...

Neutron is still in his cell, dammit!

Veritas is being spikey and, well, French.

Batdude can't sleep and has the wicked munchies.

Kaast Dulli
Jan 6th, 2007, 01:27:25 AM
Star wars

Kaast Dulli: he is chillin, flying around and stuff. still smarting after his tounge lashing by Arya Ravenwing.

Finor Ztnnova: he is also chilling at a bar tring to come up with a plan to refind his mark while shaking another hunter.


Anatoly Antropov: just plotted the murder of a former russian general. busy putting together his mutant manifesto and plotting the deaths of more people who are aganist his cause. writing crazy letter to newspapers editors.

Bernard Bass: new guy........

Tipp Gray
Jan 6th, 2007, 01:43:52 AM
Tipp Gray: He is breaking into an Imperial supply depot to steal some things for the Rebel base on Odos. He is also trying to get off of Tatooine alive after his contact ratted him out.

Jan 6th, 2007, 04:30:03 PM
Nilk has openly defied Jawa weapon possesion laws. This act led him on a series of events including the violent elimination of several stormtroopers and the robbery of an Imperial speeder-bike. A new recruit to the Rebel Alliance, he is on a mission to save a contact stranded at Pii IV, which is inconviently in the middle of an Imperial blockade. He has cargo important to the Rebellion: they are to retrieve it and, supposedly, him as well.