Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2007, 09:38:31 AM
In times past, I had been nagged by more than one person to get a tablet; "s'Il get a tablet", "s'Il you need a tablet", "s'Il if you don't get a tablet I'm going to show up at your house and stomp on your porch/beat you up/etc". Well, this Christmas Charley got me a tablet. A 9x12 Intuos3 to be exact <img src=http://s93860457.onlinehome.us/misc/emot-dance.gif>
On Monday I set about installing the drivers, ecstatic to be able to use this fanciful new toy. Oh the hours spent sketching, the hours spent coloring without having to use a mouse, you get the idea.
But wait! What's this?! It's not working?! The blue indicator light is on, yet doesn't turn green when I use the stylus. Everything is installed, the tablet is plugged in, and yet I get nothing??
It works just fine on Charley's computer, and yet mine refuses to acknowledge a supported tablet. I've tried all six of my USB slots, and none work. The only difference that is keeping me from sweet, sweet tablet usage is the fact that I'm running 2000 Pro and Charley uses XP. I checked around online, and discovered that the tablet won't work with NT4. All of the requirements check out for my tablet to work, but it just refuses to be used, and the only reason I can think of is the OS, which it says is built on NT tech. If I'm wrong in that assessment, feel free to laugh at me for being dumb. Either way the tablet won't work until I do some upgrading.
On Monday I set about installing the drivers, ecstatic to be able to use this fanciful new toy. Oh the hours spent sketching, the hours spent coloring without having to use a mouse, you get the idea.
But wait! What's this?! It's not working?! The blue indicator light is on, yet doesn't turn green when I use the stylus. Everything is installed, the tablet is plugged in, and yet I get nothing??
It works just fine on Charley's computer, and yet mine refuses to acknowledge a supported tablet. I've tried all six of my USB slots, and none work. The only difference that is keeping me from sweet, sweet tablet usage is the fact that I'm running 2000 Pro and Charley uses XP. I checked around online, and discovered that the tablet won't work with NT4. All of the requirements check out for my tablet to work, but it just refuses to be used, and the only reason I can think of is the OS, which it says is built on NT tech. If I'm wrong in that assessment, feel free to laugh at me for being dumb. Either way the tablet won't work until I do some upgrading.