View Full Version : The Philosophers, a new group.

Baralai Lotus
Dec 28th, 2006, 12:03:00 AM
Okay. . .seeing with the recent downfall of The Sith Order, I'm thinking about a few things.

Firstly, I know where we're going and everything, well, I don't think Baralai is going to be hip to that whole idea, and well, I'm sort of taking him in a different direction. I'm gonna take him travelling over the universe looking for a Sith Holocron containing the records of a famed Sith Alchemist. From there, he's going to go and find a way to recreate the Tarenteks, possibly, and I prolly misspelled that. Afterwards comes the hard quest of hunting down the works of Palpatine on Sith Alchemy. Lastly, is the search for the Valley of the Jedi, possibly.

Now then, seeing as how Baralai is sort of turning from The Sith Order, he will still claim allegiance to it. However, he can't go searching for these items all on his lonesome. So, I'm proposing an idea.

*cue up the dramatic music*

WELCOME! Inside of The Philosophers, you will learn the distinct and powerful art of Sith Alchemy, a field being pioneered by Baralai Lotus. You'll get a chance to see the Universe, and the chance to travel with a group of all kinds of individuals. Right now, I've got Ezra and Ramoth if they claim to be part of the group. However, being part of this group doesn't mean you are no longer a part of The Sith Order, it simply means that you are part of a smaller sect, a secret society that is quickly growing.

Joining The Philosophers means you have an interest in the dark magicks of the Sith and the Force. You'll be learning from Baralai, and will progress at your own level of Sith Alchemy within The Philosophers. Also, since it is a field that is being pioneered, I would like to ask the mods permission to write a book on how Sith Alchemy works. If I do that, then it will help to lay basic rules of Sith Alchemy in just exactly how it works. Until the book is written however, Baralai could teach through word of mouth. But after being written, students would be allowed to progress into thier own little areas of Sith Alchemy and explore for themselves.

Now then, this is just an idea I had, but I really like it.

Questions? Comments? Adjustments? Requests to join? ^_^

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 28th, 2006, 04:52:45 PM
Wait, what happened to TSO? Is the group done for? I thought they were just writing a story arc where they got rooted out of Korriban. :huh

Baralai Lotus
Dec 29th, 2006, 12:25:19 AM
We are. But supposedly, we're going to join the Empire, and a few other things. Basically become thier lap dogs, and I know Baralai isn't going to be too hip to that idea.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 29th, 2006, 11:08:38 AM
Wow. This is news to me.

Miranda Tarkin
Dec 29th, 2006, 11:22:21 AM
:confused: No kidding

Karl Valten
Dec 29th, 2006, 12:09:00 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Jorshal and I had played around with the idea that the TSO and INQ (Karl's part anywho?) would sign a sort of armistice (via blackmail, etc.) and the two groups would grudgingly work with each other.

It would only be a temporary arrangement until the whole coup of the empire fiasco runs it's course. After that the INQ would stab the Sith in the back and we'd be back to normal.

However this was several months ago and things have evolved. I didn't realize that we were still following through with this. I need to speak with the TSO leaders about this before we come to a final arrangement.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 29th, 2006, 06:05:59 PM
Anyway, if you want to start a new group, that's fine. If you want to be officially recognized as a group you have to have five distinct roleplayers as members (not five alts).

If you want to train people, however, your character will have to be Knight level. Apprentices/alocytes/padawans cannot train other people if you want to go up in rank and have your rank recognized by the board.

Sith Alchemy 1 Wookieepedia (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Sith_Alchemy)

Sith Alchemy 2 Sw-Fans Force Database (our RPing rules) (http://swf-agglomeration.net/forcepowers9.html)

http://swfans.pbwiki.com/the-Force SW-Fans wiki where I've copied most of our Force powers guidelines over.

What do you mean "write a book" about Sith Alchemy?

Zereth Lancer
Dec 30th, 2006, 12:07:58 AM
We are. But supposedly, we're going to join the Empire, and a few other things. Basically become thier lap dogs, and I know Baralai isn't going to be too hip to that idea.

Wow. This is news to me.

:confused: No kidding

The whole TSO joining the Empire thing has not been common news, as it is still, more or less, in the planning process. I am really unclear as to what the real idea was, as the planning between the groups was, for the most part, being done by Jorshal, not me. *shrug*

Baralai Lotus
Jan 2nd, 2007, 04:24:30 PM
I started doing a book thing on Sith Alchemy, where Baralai was writing it, because a lot about Sith Alchemy is really unclear. It's sort of hard to just start using. But yea, the group was just a suggestion.

The whole idea with the TSO and the Empire joining is what I've been hearing, and I was simply going off what I've been told. If I'm in the wrong, I apologize. But yea. . .the group thing is just an idea I'm fooling with. As for Knight status, Baralai is a Sith Knight. And thanks for the help LD as well as everyone else. It is very appreciated.