View Full Version : Oh hey, have a good christmas!

Jaime Tomahawk
Dec 23rd, 2006, 07:49:30 PM
Me? I decided to give the finger to the crassness, the carols, the other AGGGGGGGHHH STRESS!!!!!! that seems to go hand in hand with this time of year and just..... chilled out. I'm having a relaxing time - no shopping, no bothering about relatives, not bothering with anything.

What I would say tho is that it's more important to know what the season truly means. Our gifts are nothing compared to the gift He gave us and that is the reason why we have this time of year.

God bless ya socks off!

Marcus, Razor, Ginger and Stig, plus the crew of Alliance Motorsport

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 23rd, 2006, 07:57:27 PM
I don't believe in Jesus, but I will happily ape his birthday as an excuse to eat/drink too much and get time off from work/university. Hooray!

Hope you all have a happy Hogswatchnight ;)

Zereth Lancer
Dec 23rd, 2006, 08:40:35 PM
Happy Christmas/Hogswatch Everyone! I've already discovered the true meaning of Christmas: Panic. I'd ask for my two front teeth, but I've already got those.

Dec 23rd, 2006, 10:28:18 PM
Merry Christmas to all. Hope you've all been good boys and girls this year and get lots of prezzies. :)

And spare a thought for a little baby in a manger that brought joy to the world 2000 years ago. :angel

(I've actually already received my Christmas gift - new blinds for my windows! Yay!)

Byl Laprovik
Dec 24th, 2006, 12:59:51 AM
My friend just emailed everybody a copy of the christmas carol we wrote together two years ago. The story goes, we were in orlando after a day of disney world, looking to make a liquor run but having a hard time locating stores that were open. The song really doesn't have anything to do with Christmas, but it is sung to the tune of "Little Drummer Boy"

So, my gift to you - The Rum Song

My friends are taking me out for rum rum rum rum
They bought a fifth of Bacardi rum rum rum rum
They poured a glass for me of rum rum rum rum
I had no chaser for my rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
Now it's bottoms up for rum rum rum rum
In my tum

My tummy's burning from the rum rum rum rum
I'm seeing double from the rum rum rum rum
I hope I don't throw up the rum rum rum rum
My teeth are floating in the rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
I should've cut myself off of rum rum rum rum
My face is numb

The chick on the couch is drinking rum rum rum rum
She's looking better since the rum rum rum rum
I've got a chance thanks to the rum rum rum rum
I'm getting lucky due to rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
Did I just kiss moustache wet with rum rum rum rum
I need some gum

Her morning breath smells like the rum rum rum rum
My head is splitting from the rum rum rum rum
What did I do last night on rum rum rum rum
I'll never touch another drop of rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
rum rum rum rum
She looks like Tommy Chong without rum rum rum rum
Man that was dumb